Online Job Search System Report Documentation
Online Job Search System Report Documentation
Online Job Search System Report Documentation
“Online Job Search System”
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We would like to express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to our institution” Indira
College of Commerce and Science” which provided us with excellent opportunity to achieve our
most cherished goal in life to become bachelor’s degree in BBA-CA.
We are extremely grateful to our respected Vice Principal and HOD Prof, Shivendu
Bhushan for providing excellent academic environment which has made this endeavor possible.
We take this opportunity to express our deep sense of gratitude to our guide prof. for their
resplendent idea and constant encouragement in making this project unmitigated success. Their
thoughtfulness and understanding were vast and thoroughly helpful in successful completion of
project. Our sincere thanks to all our faculties and non-teaching staff for them at most co-
Finally, we proudly thank our parents and friends for their constant support and priceless
guidance in throughout this endeavor.
2 Introduction 2-8
2.1 Motivation 2
2.2 Problem statement 3
2.3 Purpose/Objectives/goals 3
2.4 Literature survey 4
2.5 Project Scope and Limitations 8
3 System Analysis 8-13
3.1 Existing System 8
3.2 Scope and Limitation of existing system 8
3.3 Project perspective, features, stakeholders 9
3.4 Requirement Analysis 9
3.4.1 Functional Analysis 10
3.4.2 Performance Analysis 11
3.4.3 Security Analysis 13
4 System Design 14-20
4.1 Design constraints 14-15
4.2 System Model 16
4.2.1 Data Flow Diagram 17-18
4.2.2 Data Model 19-22
4.3 User Interface 23-29
5 Implementation Details 29
5.1 Software and hardware specifications 29
6 Output and Report Testing 30-35
6.1 Test Plan 30
6.2 Black Box Testing/Data validations Test cases 31
6.3 White Box Testing/functional validations Test 32-35
cases and results
7 Conclusion and Recommendation 35
8 Future Scope 35
9 Bibliography and References 36
Job portal service was developed for creating an interactive job vacancy form for
candidates. This web application manage updates both from the job seekers as well as the
companies. It’s unique development methodology helps in acquiring the client and candidate
information and separating them according to the job requirements and vacancies. The online
access to it provides details of the job. An employer being registered in the web site has the
facility to use the services. Being an authorized user he can publish vacancy details and can
search no of Employees on portal and also he can search candidates on basis of the key skill
which employee provides on registration. In this competitive era, the education among the
people is so increasing that the jobs for them are now decreasing. The companies even want the
people who are best in their fields. At that time, it becomes difficult to find the people who are
intelligent enough to be hired. The work for the companies also increases to find the people who
can fulfill their requirements. Thinking about these problems, one can think about the process
which can handle this process and make the work less complex. This project is about the
recruitment process which is done online. The recruitment process here is handled by the system.
This project will allow the person to apply for a job in the company for the interested vacancy
which would be available at the company. The person will be having the account after
registration and will be then called the applied user. If he would be qualified, he would be
interacting with the system for the updates. The project is created for fulfilling the requests of the
company managers so that the recruitment module can be placed in the company’s website and
the users who visit the website can view the vacancies in the company and will be able to apply
directly from remote place even. The vacancies will be posted by the administrator on the basis
of needs of the manpower in the company. The admin will have all rights of handling this
process except the evaluation process as it is the company specific and so the steps of the
evaluation process cannot be predicted. It also includes the layers at the admin side so the
privileges will have great impact on the functionalities given to the different levels of admin. The
privileges will be user specific, so different admin even at same level will have different
privileges and so different functionalities. The higher level admin will handle whole system by
himself. Although the lower level admin is given such privileges that he can send any kind of
request to the higher level admin. The higher level admin can approve or disapprove the request.
2) Introduction:
This project is aimed at developing an online search Portal for the Placement Details for job
seekers. The system is an online application that can be accessed throughout the organization and
outside as well with proper login provided. This system can be used as an Online Job Portal for
job seekers. Job Seekers logging should be able to upload their information in the form of a CV.
Visitors/Company representatives logging in may also access/search any information put up by
Job aspirants. Job portal is an application which connects employer and job seekers where
employers are the source of the resources and the job seeker can find and apply for their targeted
job. This document provides details about the entire software requirement specification for the
online job portal. Portals have different applications or services to solve various problems. One
of the main purposes of web portals is to allow information sharing over the Internet. This need
can be addressed through a knowledge portal which must contain sufficient data and information
about the requirements of the Job Seekers. Today, the internet has changed many aspects of our
life, such as the way we look for jobs. If one person wants to find a new job, he/she can submit a
resume using word processing software like Microsoft Office Word, open a web browser to send
the resume and receive an e-mail. Online recruitment has become the standard method for
employers and Job Seekers to meet their respective objectives. Considering the aforementioned
arguments, the information flow in the online labour market is far from optimal. A large number
of Online Job Portals have sprung up, dividing the online labour market into information islands
and making it close to impossible for a job seeker to get an overview of all relevant open
positions. Their strong market position, as the prime starting point for job seekers, allows job
portals to charge employers high fees for publishing open positions. Due to these costs
employers publish their job postings only on a small number of portals, which prevents the offers
from reaching all qualified applicants. Employers often receive a large number of applications
for an open position, due to the strained situation of the labour market. The costs of manually
preselecting potential candidates have risen and employers are searching for means to automate
the pre-selection of candidates.
2.1) Motivation:
When you've been on the job hunt for a while, every rejection letter can feel a bit soul-crushing.
Hearing nothing at all can create just as much job-search frustration, especially when you've gone to
great lengths to tailor your applications to each position.
But while it's only natural to feel job-search frustration when things aren't going as planned,
maintaining a positive outlook can help you become more resilient, which means you'll be better able
to bounce back from negative events and regulate our emotions.
Of course, a positive attitude isn't something you can just turn on, but there are some things that can
help. Here are a few tips for staying positive and maintaining job-search motivation as your search
When you've been on the job hunt for a while, every rejection letter can feel a bit soul-crushing.
Hearing nothing at all can create just as much job-search frustration, especially when you've gone to
great lengths to tailor your applications to each position.But while it's only natural to feel job-search
frustration when things aren't going as planned, maintaining a positive outlook can help you become
more resilient, which means you'll be better able to bounce back from negative events and regulate our
emotions.Of course, a positive attitude isn't something you can just turn on, but there are some things
that can help. Here are a few tips for staying positive and maintaining job-search motivation as your
search progresses.
2.3 Purpose/Objectives/Goals:
To provide a platform to the Job Seekers which will help them to get job as per their
skills and requirements.
To provide a better way to the Recruiters in order to hire employees with skills company
To identify the needs of the Recruiters and Job Seekers with the help of numerous filters.
To avoid duplication of Job Posts by any Recruiter.
To help Recruiters to manage their profile, and keep a track of all the Job Seekers who
are applying to their companies.
To generate an automated mailing system keeping the Recruiters and Job Seekers
updated about their current status on the Job Portal.
A Job Procurement: Old and New Ways Job looking for more often than not includes
distinctive approaches to search for jobs, for example, through close to home contacts, direct
phone calls to businesses, job organization office, filtering on the web job postings, and so on
.Prior to the Internet, turned out to be generally utilizes as a strategy for looking for jobs;
jobseekers invested a heap of energy utilizing different strategies to search for job
openings. Today, jobseekers utilize online techniques, which are extremely advantageous and
spare a great deal of time. Galanaki records the accompanying strategiesto be the conventional
(old) routes for recruitment:
•Job fairs
•Management Consultants
These old jobs looking for techniques are excessively moderate, distressing,
testing and furthermore need quality .What's more, the candidates need to consider the
expense and the measure of time to get the data they need, and different arrangements
they need to make. Securing all accessible position opening is a principle venture at in the job-
chasing process. The Internet is presently an incredible asset that jobseekers can utilize.
Today, numerous locales publicize job positions to be filled by individuals with specific skills
in different fields. The Internet assumes an essential job in the region of human asset
arranging and advancement. Most arranging and advancement organizations are currently
utilizing PC innovation and the Internet for staff recruitment. It ought to be noticed that
despite the fact that the Internet has encouraged the procedure of job chasing, it has not
supplanted the conventional techniques, totally.
This website provides an overview of online job search management. All Scope Of Online Job
Portal pages are listed here with their site stats and other details. You can check Scope Of Online
Job Portal links with our verified badge to select the right page. We also did antivirus check of
Scope of online job portal page to keep you safe.We have also listed Scope Of Online Job Portal
page stats, site age, rank to make it easy for you. Now you can visit the official Scope Of Online
Job Portal page and use your username and password to login. If you are new user or forget your
password for Scope Of Online Job Portal, try creating a new account or reset password option.
3)System Analysis:
Existing systems are user-friendly and have a good GUI, but in existing systems there are no
Mechanisms or Modules that can help Job Seekers to understand Companies that they need. The
existing systems are not self-sufficient to provide the platform that helps Recruiters to convey to
the Job Seekers about their needs. The existing system is intended to show as many as possible
Job Opportunities as they can, but, not those Job opportunities which Job Seeker really wants.
This results with many Job Seekers not finding any job, or ending up with a job which is not of
their choice.The existing systems enables jobseekers to search through print media like poster
advertisements, newspapers and visual media like television or company websites for
employment opportunities. This is a tedious task as it takes a lot of time and energy to search for
the right job position, learn about the position and about the company. Job search for proper
match of skill set and salary is challenging. Job seekers can also find jobs through job fairs where
they must first make it possible to attend the fairs which might be sometimes impossible with
their schedules and if they visit the fairs they must hand over paper printed resumes. The more
the number of candidates the more the number of papers for the company which is a lot of
manual effort. Again, jobseekers might get job offers through placement cells in respective
colleges but getting hold of the right opportunity at the right time is always challenging. On the
other hand, the same goes for employers who are looking for candidates who are best fitted for
their job positions. They must constantly advertise, go to a lot of job fairs which still doesn’t
guarantee the best way to select from a large pool of candidates. Such conventional and outdated
systems are replaced by several well featured national job search portals like Monster,,
Glassdoor, Indeed etc. All these job search and advertisement portals aims at e-recruitment by
providing several simple and useful features to jobseekers and employers making job search and
candidate selection a much time saving and easier process.
3.2) Scope and Limitations of Existing System:
The Scope for the system can be as follows: Maintain Job Seeker and Employer records
Maintain uploaded Resumes Provide Customized Job Postings Maintain Job Posting details and
generate various reports. The scope of the online job portal includes :The Online job Portal
System that is to be developed provides the members with jobs information, online applying for
jobs and many other facilities. The basic scope of the project is given as under:
2]Agency's Area
3]Administrator's panel
online job portals are that they allow candidates to easily search for jobs and submit their
resumes electronically. They also allow employers to post job openings and review resumes
Only attract job seekers and not actual difference makers. The best candidates
aren’t looking for a job they’re happy doing what they’re doing.
The barrier to entry is too low and anybody can apply to your job.
3.3) Project perspective, features, stakeholders:
1]Job Seekers
Resume upload
User profile with data largely extrapolated from resume
Job postings free to the job seeker
Ability to apply to postings smoothly, elegantly, efficiently
Tracking of multiple resumes, cover letters, and applications sent
Alike other web portals, a job portal should also have unique and striking web layout. It is very
important because until users find connect with the landing page of the portal or other internal
pages, he won't browse it anymore. You should ensure that your job portal contains improved
and highly user information friendly web layout. A cluttered and tedious page disinterest people
to visit your site next time. A precise portal must include striking features such as:
Advanced and user friendly features
4]Video Resume Upload
If you offer a facility to allow job seekers add their video resumes, it will help them to explain
their credentials in the most specific manner possible. If you are planning a job portal, giving
subscribers an opportunity to upload their video resumes won't be a bad idea indeed.
5] Social Connect
Social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn has been growing as a vast platform to share
thoughts and subscribe information. LinkedIn is probably the biggest professional network that
the let professionals intensify the job search at one place. Whether you are using .Net
development or open source technologies, make sure you give enough importance to social
signals and integrate Facebook and LinkedIn.
The key stakeholders in workforce development are job seekers, employers, and educational
institutions: the main providers of workforce education and training; government also plays a
role, assisting job seekers through public employment and social services. A stakeholder
is anyone who has an interest in the outcome of the recruitment. They might be impacted by the
choice of candidate, or have an influence on the future of the organization. The primary
stakeholders will likely be the Line Manager, the Recruiter, and the Candidate. Secondary
stakeholders may include senior management or directors, senior team members, HR, key client
or customer contacts, or anyone who needs to be considered or consulted with before offering a
3.4)Proposed System:
With the advancement of technology job seekers are relying greatly on Online Job Search
Portals. Taking motivation from the conventional systems and their drawbacks and inspiration
from the existing job search portals, I decided to develop “Dreams Job”. In the proposed system
we are trying to develop an online job search web application that reduces challenges for job
seekers to find a desired and suitable job according to their qualification. We aim at reducing the
challenges by providing advanced search features that gives the candidate ample scope to select
jobs that matches their skill set and requirements and gives them back the exact jobs that are
available. This in turn is less time taking as the candidate gets all details in one place and do not
have to go to company website to learn about the positions. In the proposed system job seekers
can upload their resumes in the required file format, see all the available jobs and search for
desired jobs and then apply for those jobs. On the other hand, this system enables employers to
post their jobs and get a list of all applications which they can screen online and that reduces the
huge amount of manual effort and time. Online recruitment or e-recruitment is turning out to be
both the job seekers and the employers’ favorite activity as offer and demand are well met at one
place and both must spend less time to get hold of the right roles or candidates. The company can
post jobs, see applications and check resumes in the proposed system.
Proposed Job Portal system consists of 3 modules: Job Seeker, Employer and
Online Job Portal will provide the fast operation and low cost expense than old system.
Easy job search, which is a job seeker need.
The proposed system is a web based application which allows applicants and employers
to register their details.
A job portal is a website dedicated for online information about recruiters as well as job
A job portal helps both the job seekers and recruiters finding the right organization for
the employees.
In the software development life cycle (SDLC), Requirement analysis is the first step of major
importance. The entire concentration is on gathering the functional and the nonfunctional
requirements for the product to be developed and estimating the feasibility of those attributes.
Through requirement gathering we ensure that we are setting project goals and objectives much
earlier. Complete understanding of the requirements leads to the successful development of the
software. If we don’t do this step, then however hard we work we will never arrive at the desired
final product. This is most crucial as without knowing the exact requirements the final output can
never be achieved as desired. For this project, I did a major research on the existing system and
discussed the functionality that I wanted to develop with my major professor and finally
concluded on a concrete set of requirements that I wanted to see as an outcome of my project.
Requirements Analysis is the process of defining the users’ expectations for an application to be
built or modified. Requirements analysis involves all the tasks that are conducted to identify the
needs of different stakeholders. Therefore, requirements analysis means analyzing, documenting,
validating, and managing software or system requirements. As the software system requirements
were predictable, wallowing the classical system development life cycle method is decided. This
process demands a systematic, sequential approach to software development that begins at the
system level and progress through analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance. The steps
that applies to all software engineering paradigms. The program is followed by SDLC (Software
Development Life Cycle).
Functional analysis: a method for conceptualizing systems [with an application to the ATC
system] Functional analysis is a method for examining a system's purpose and performance
requirements and translating them into distinct activities or tasks that the system must do. The
proposed system has the following functionalities:
➢ Job seeker can view all applied jobs.
Job analysis is the process of studying a job to determine which activities and responsibilities it
includes, its relative importance to other jobs, the qualifications necessary for performance of the
job and the conditions under which the work is performed. An important concept in job analysis
is that the job, not the person doing the job, is assessed, even though human resources (HR) may
collect some job analysis data from incumbents.
Job analysis is often confused with job evaluation, but the two activities are quite different. Job
evaluation is the process of comparing a job to other jobs within the organization to determine
the appropriate pay rate and is not addressed in this toolkit. A job portal is a website dedicated
for online information about recruiters as well as ... system performance to improve the
3.4.3) Security Analysis:
In the existing system, storage of all these records should be arranged and security should be
provided for the records. In the proposed system, separate security arrangement is not needed
since the software provides security and maintenance is simply and hardly needs one or two
person to operate the system. A job portal is a website dedicated for online information about
recruiters as well as job .The system after careful analysis has been. A yearlong study on the
privacy practices of online job sites has identified several serious problems, including rampant
sharing and sale of job-seeker data .
4) System Design:
4.2) System Model:
4.2.1) Data Flow Diagram:
2nd level DFD:
4.2.2) Data Model:
A) Class Diagram:
B) Object Diagram:
C) Use Case Diagram:
D) Activity Diagram:
E) Deployment Diagram:
F) Collaboration Diagram:
G) State Chart Diagram:
H) Component Diagram:
I)Sequence Diagram:
4.3) User Interface
1]Home page:
2]Admin Page:
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<div id="loginerrormessage"></div>
<div class="login-box">
<div class="form-group has-feedback">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-8">
<div class="col-xs-4">
<div class="modal-footer">
5) Implementation Details:
Software Requirement
Operating System Microsoft windows
Software Technology: -
Front –End Software WAMP Server, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Back-End Software PHP, MySQL
Hardware Requirement
Processer: Intel core i5 2GHZ
RAM: 4GB or more
Monitor: LCD monitor
Keyboard: Normal keyboard
Mouse: Compatible mouse
6) Output and Report Testing:
A) Objective: The really major objective behind testing this software basically is to for the most
part make it generally more flexible for users to operate, which for the most part is fairly
significant. And to essentially avoid really technical faults in the particularly particular program
in a subtle way. However, the software really is web based and here we for all intents and
purposes consider the software as an internet based and the testing will find out proper working
condition of software, demonstrating that objective: The actually major objective behind testing
this software kind of is to basically make it sort of more flexible for users to use, which literally
is fairly significant. The online job Portal System that is to be developed provides the members
with jobs information, online applying for jobs and many other facilities. This system provides
service to the job applicants to search for working opportunities. Job Portal will allow job
provider to establish one to one relationships with candidates. This Portal will primarily focus on
the posting and management of job vacancies. This system is designed such that ultimately all
vacancies will be posted online and would offer employers the facilities to post their vacancies
online. It helps to review and manage the resulting applications efficiently through the web.
Employer can also find the resume according to key skill in very less amount of time.
B) Project Overview:
Now a day, we know that searching of jobs is so difficult in proficient areas the portal developed
for the providing the simple and good job searching. With the help of this portal easily the job
seeker can submit their resume and get the lot of opportunity of the job related to their profile.
And by this website the companies or employer can also find the good and well profiled resume.
The online job portal system is a platform between job seeker(student) and job
provider(company). The Student or Job seeker can easily find and apply for job by login into
system. The Employer or company can easily get expert employee from our job portal site by
posting a job. This project is aimed at developing an online search Portal for the Placement
Details for job seekers. The system is an online application that can be accessed throughout the
organization and outside as well with proper login provided. This system can be used as an
Online Job Portal for job seekers. Job Seekers logging should be able to upload their information
in the form of a CV. Visitors/Company representatives logging in may also access/search any
information put up by Job aspirants.
XXIV. D)Test Plan:
XXXIII. • The users know the
English language, as the
interface will be
XXXIV. provided in English
XXXV. The user should have
sufficient knowledge
about computers.
XXXVI. • The computer should
have internet connection
and Internet server
XXXVII. capabilities.
XXXVIII. • The users know the
English language, as the
interface will be
XXXIX. provided in English.
XL. The user should have
sufficient knowledge
about computers.
XLI. • The computer should
have internet connection
and Internet server
XLII. capabilities.
XLIII. • The users know the
English language, as the
interface will be
provided in English.
The user should have sufficient knowledge about computers.
XLVI. D) Test Execution
Testing of this particular software is divided into two parts:
Black Box Testing is a software testing method in which the functionalities of software
applications are tested without having knowledge of internal code structure, implementation
details and internal paths. Black Box Testing mainly focuses on input and output of software
applications and it is entirely based on software requirements and specifications. It is also known
as Behavioral Testing. The black box is a powerful technique to check the application under test
from the user’s perspective. Black box testing is used to test the system against external factors
responsible for software failures. This testing approach focuses on the input that goes into the
software, and the output that is produced. The testing team does not cover the inside details such
as code, server logic, and development method.Black box testing is based on the requirements
and checks the system to validate against predefined requirements.
A TEST CASE is a set of actions executed to verify a particular feature or functionality of your
software application. A Test Case contains test steps, test data, precondition, postcondition
developed for specific test scenario to verify any requirement. The test case includes specific
variables or conditions, using which a testing engineer can compare expected and actual results
to determine whether a software product is functioning as per the requirements of the customer.
6.1.2) White Box Testing/Functional Validity Test Cases and Results:
The White Box Testing is a type of testing technique that mainly examines program structure
and derives test data on the basis of program logic or code. It also referred to names like clear
box testing, open box testing, logic-driven testing or path driven testing or structural testing.
White Box Testing is software testing technique in which internal structure, design and coding of
software are tested to verify flow of input-output and to improve design, usability and security.
In white box testing, code is visible to testers so it is also called Clear box testing, Open box
testing, Transparent box testing, Code-based testing and Glass box testing.
It is one of two parts of the Box Testing approach to software testing. Its counterpart, Blackbox
testing, involves testing from an external or end-user type perspective. On the other hand, White
box testing in software engineering is based on the inner workings of an application and revolves
around internal testing. The term “WhiteBox” was used because of the see-through box concept.
The clear box or WhiteBox name symbolizes the ability to see through the software’s outer shell
(or “box”) into its inner workings.
It requires internal knowledge to do testing that's why it helps in maximum coverage
of the code.
Efficient in finding errors and problems
Required knowledge of internals of the software under test is beneficial for thorough
Allows finding hidden errors
Programmers introspection
Helps optimizing the code.
Due to required internal knowledge of the software, maximum coverage is obtained.
7) Conclusion And Recommendations:
E-recruitment is one of the major advancements of the job industry today. Overcoming
traditional methods of recruitment, e -recruitment has bought a revolutionary change in the world
of interviews and recruitment. While this application aims in giving a user-friendly experience to
the users with a simple but logical frontend it has achieved so at its completion. This application
also achieves certain functional capabilities with the latest technology stack used in the industries
today. The testing results shows that the application is scalable and can handle decent load. Also,
this application does not have any geographical constraints as anyone from any part of the world
can get registered to the application and search for jobs or post jobs. Developing this project with
a primary goal of learning new technologies, I have got immense exposure in understanding
technologies like NodeJS not only at the implementation level but also in understanding the
background of such technologies. Similarly, I have also learnt AngularJS and have witnessed
how powerful front-end tool can be to make your life a lot easier with front end developments.
Some of the major challenges faced was in understanding the callback/promise concepts and
implementing them in the application. To debug, test and run the application I have encountered
many cutting-edge technologies and learnt about them. This invariably have enhanced my
handson knowledge with a broad spectrum of technologies which would come handy once I start
facing the industry after my graduation. n perspective of the prior discoveries, the invalid
speculation expressing that there is no huge contrast in the respondents' assessment on the
viability of the created Online Job Recruitment System regarding execution, dependability,
security, and cost-adequacy was acknowledged. It is inferred that the created programming
was successful in choosing qualified candidates inside a shorter timeframe. Subsequently,
it would turn into a noteworthy supporter of the value contract. It is additionally
inferred that Performance, Reliability, Security, and Cost-adequacy could be used
as criteria in assessing web recruitment programming.
8)Future Scope:
There is ample scope of enhancement and adding functionalities to this application. This
application can be extended to send automated interview scheduling through
acceptance/rejection of Resume. Companies can delete jobs once the job availably period is over
automatically. The application can have a job recommendation system based on the frequent
search results of different users. The portal can also send email notifications to candidates about
certain job availabilities. There can be a feedback or review section for the application. Also
unlike the current job description page, user can view job description in a separate page with one
click on the job description. The User functionality can be extended to give the user options to
save the job and later apply, to upload multiple documents. The application can be more scalable
by extending the search functionality based on country, city or area. While this application meets
the basic requirements of a job portal eliminating few of the traditional challenges faced like
time, money and effort, it can be extended to make the application more dynamic and robust.
The User Interface can be made more attractive and user friendly. We can dig through more
AngularJS magic capabilities to add additional features to the UI. It has been a great pleasure for
me to work on this exciting and challenging project. This project proved good for me as it
provided practical knowledge of not only programming in ASP.NET web based application and
no some extent Windows Application and SQL Server, but also about all handling procedure
related with online job portal. It also provides knowledge about the latest technology used in
developing web enabled application and client server technology that will be great demand in
future. This will provide better opportunities and guidance in future in developing projects
9) Bibliography and References:
Literature review on online job portal