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There are many sectors 

affected by the Corona Virus spread, since the end of the

year 2019 including the educations sector. There are many renewals in education
development such in learning and teaching also how the process been held. Schools in
Malaysia are being physically closed for almost 40 weeks. This situation brings a bit harsh to
our children. It brings a lot of challenges not for the children, teachers, and also our
education system. Almost all institutions have adopted a new norm, different from what it
used to be. The teaching process was transformed from face-to-face to an online teaching
environment that heavily relied on technology. The teachers face many challenges to keep
the learning and teaching well.

First, teachers have to find the needs, audience, resources, and digital

infrastructure to support their delivery. On the other side, the recipients should have well-
equipped to receive the teaching. The teachers who lack the knowledge and skills in using
online tools will affect the teacher’s performance in the teaching process. The teachers’
performance should have a great impact on the students during the online learning process.
If the teachers have excellent performance, they will impact students’
achievement. Teachers have to improve and mastering themselves by learning the latest
technology information also in using online tools. This will help them to deliver the lesson
smoothly and more confidence to teach in the new learning method. To get through a new
norm in teaching during this pandemic, teachers must have a high level of efficacy in using
technology tools to conduct online teaching. It means, the teachers should have the belief
they can use the ICT tools to make the online lesson more creative and successful. 

Second, Other than working harder to adapt the new norms in teaching, teachers
also have to face a problem with students’ complaints about the absence of devices. Not all
students have the devices or the proper internet service. They had insufficient access to the
internet and internet line problem, especially in the rural areas.  This major problem
contributes to the attendance of the students became declining. There was a case where
they have to climb a hill or sit under a tree, far from their house just to get the best internet
line while they are having the PDPR. Not everyone can afford to have a computer or
a smartphone. Some of the students are poor and not affordable to have their mobile phones
and some of them have to share one device for one family. Imagine how they went through
the online lesson. They will not comfortable and sure it is an unconducive learning session
for them. Some students may need to work part-time to gain extra money to pay bills
and by proper devices to support their online learning The teachers have to deal with the
students that come from the family with financial problems or the students who do not get
internet access well. Some teachers take a few alternatives to sure all their students take
part and get the lesson for that day.  They are willing to walk house to house, go through the
jungle, and across the river just to deliver the handouts or the teaching items for their

Third, the communication between the teachers and students are in limited situation.
This is because the online class is different compared to real class. In real class students are
easily to ask by raise their hand anytime they want. But in online class they have to wait till
the opportunity while the point of the topic of discussion is far ahead. Some students scared
to ask openly in the online class. The reason is, they too scared or shy to talk on live. They
prefer to keep silent even they are not understand the questions. For this issue teacher have
to encourage them to talk or ask the questions confidently every time the class is in

Next, physiological and emotional behaviours are strong challenges for teachers and
the students to adapt especially in this pandemic season. Students of all age groups have
suffered negative impacts on their social skills. For students who struggled to attend online
learning, have been unable to keep in touch with friends and instead kept mostly to
themselves. The students who have missed the ability for peer contact have experienced
psychological problems such as stress, anger, frustration, anxiety, sadness, loneliness, and
mental health due to online learning. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the unprecedented
transition to online learning has raised questions about cybersecurity, cyber-bullying, online
abuse, and exploitation by the challenges and complexities of online learning. This reason
may bring their incitement down and not interested to stay in the online class. This problem
will decline the attendance and cause the students dropouts in learning.

For the next point, an unconducive environment learning would be influenced the
student’s focus and understanding about the learning topic. A conducive learning
environment able to give the best result for teachers while doing the teaching process. The
learning conducive surroundings, should in calm, comfortable, and conducive where the
lesson would be conducted smoothly and the recipient able to understand the lesson easily.
Many teachers are caught in challenging situations that need striking a balance between
work, household chores, and care work, as well as enabling and supervising their confined
children’s learning at home. Maybe all the disturbing factors look distracting but the fact is,
the teachers have to perform their responsibility by preparing and conducting online teaching
even from home. Besides being in a good condition while teaching, the teachers need to
give some good words to encourage the students to join the online lesson and participate in
all activities.

There are some of the students are also struggling to create and find a pleasant
place to study. The disturbing from their own family members sometimes brings a bad
impact to them. Interruption such as the noise from their siblings, or non-understand parents
who ask doing the house chores while PDPR a little bit bring the student’s focus lost and
they hard to pay the attention while online class. As a student they are juggling with the daily
task and exercises from teacher’s given in a same time. These interruptions will influence
the way the students receive the lesson. They will not focus, stress, and lack interest to carry
on the lesson that day.

Lastly, there are some subjects are not relevant to be taught in online method
because the electronic medium does not let the best method on instruction. For example,
how do you teach welding online and to what extent are you sure the students will get the
hands-on competence to do it after the online instruction? What about automotive,
chemistry, electrical wiring, or even fashion design classes. It is hard to teach them in online
method and not face to face. These subjects need a physical guidance from teachers or
tutor to do the practical works. Hybrid courses may represent a temporary solution to this
problem, thus making that part of the course more accessible to a greater number of people
who would otherwise have difficulty getting to campus or school. However, solutions of that
sort still underline the fact that online teaching cannot satisfy all educational needs and
goals. Just because it is a technologically possible to simulate a physical learning
experience, this does not necessarily mean that it is the best way to teach it.

Through this issues I can see all these problems can be solved by understand their
role. This pandemic happened around the world. Many countries would have the same
challenging and problems in teaching during the MCO. Through the problems we can find
the solution and just do a little work to make each of the problems pass well. Pray for this
pandemic will over soon and the education system turn back to normal again. t
This survey indicates that not all students have the suitable electronic devices to participate
in Online Teaching and Learning process. Thus, Lecturers should think of the way for students to
participate in the Online Teaching and Learning process. But the biggest issue and challenge are the
students do not have both - Internet access and the suitable electronic devices. Lecturers need to
identify these students and send them (via mail post, or courier services) the materials such as
lecture notes, assignments, etc

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