RET Practical No13
RET Practical No13
RET Practical No13
I PracticalSignificance
Battery testing is an important part of electrical system service. It helps a technician
tounderstand the state of charge of battery, and the also the energy that can be stored
inbattery. Battery testing enables us to decide if the battery can be put into use in
vehicleor not. Battery tests help us to locate weak cells and faults in battery. Visual
inspectionis important aspect of battery testing. Slow engine cranking and dim
II RelevantProgram Outcomes(POs)
PO1-Basicknowledge:Apply knowledge
Engineering problems.
tosolve broad-basedMechanicalEngineeringproblems.
III CompetencyandSkills
One of the main competency that a mechanical engineering student should posses
is‘Perform the job of Mechanical supervisor in Automobile Industry’ . To
inculcatethis competency following skills are developed in the student after conducting
thepracticalof this laboratorymanual
1. Inspectgiven component/assemblyofthegivenvehicle
2. Testgiven battery ofan automobile.
IV RelevantCourseOutcome(s)
V Practical Outcome
VII MinimumTheoreticalBackground
the following ways:
1. Specificgravitytest
2. VisualInspectionofbatterywithabuilt-inhydrometerand
3. Opencircuitvoltagetest.
1. SpecificGravityTest:Onunsealedbatteries,thespecificgravityoftheelectrolyte in
each cell can be measured to give a fairly good indication of thebattery’s state of
charge.A hydrometer consists of a glass tube or barrel, rubberbulb, rubber tube,
and a glass float or hydrometer with a scale built into its upperstem. The glass tube
encases the float and forms a reservoir for the test
Whenfilledwithtestelectrolyte,thesealedhydrometerfloatbobsintheelectrolyte. The
depth to which the glass float sinks in the test electrolyte indicatesits relative
weight compared to water. The reading is taken off the scale by
sightingalongthelevelofthe electrolyte.
The electrolyte of a fully charged battery is usually about 64 % water and 36
%sulfuric acid, which corresponds to a specific gravity of 1.270. Specific gravity
isthe weight of an equal volume of water. Pure water has a specific gravity of
1.000,while battery electrolyte should have a specific gravity of 1.260 to 1.280 at
The specific gravity of the electrolyte decreases as the battery discharges. This
iswhy measuring the specific gravity of the electrolyte with a hydrometer can be
agoodindicator of how much chargeabatteryhaslost.
VIII Experimentalsetup
SpecificGravity PercentageofCharge
1.265 100 %
1.225 75 %
1.190 50 %
1.155 25 %
1.120orlower Discharged
IX ResourcesRequired
X PrecautionstobeFollowed
1. DuringSpecificGravityTest,followingprecautionsshouldbetaken:Wearsuitable eye
protection goggle. Use hand gloves to protect from sulfuric acid.
Thehydrometershouldbewashed withcleanwaterafteruseandstoredsafely.
2. During Open Voltage test, following precautions should be taken. The
(computer controls, clock, and accessories that always draw a small
that have just been recharged, apply a heavy load for 15 seconds
stabilized, use a voltmeter to measure the battery voltage to the nearest one-tenthof
a volt. Be sure toremove the surface charge completely.
XI Procedure
SpecificGravity Testprocedure:
spositive terminal.
OpenCircuitVoltageTest Procedure:
Remove the surface charge from battery, if any. Refer precautions section for
thesteps to remove surface charge. If vehicle is not available, certain load may
Notedownthe voltmeterreading ofa 12-Vbattery.
Use the following table-2 to interpret the results. Minor changes in the
batteryopencircuitvoltagecanindicatemajorchangesin the stateofcharge.
XII ResourcesUsed
XIV PrecautionsFollowed
1. During Specific Gravity Test, following precautions should be taken: Wear
suitable eye protection goggle. Use hand gloves to protect from sulfuric acid. The
hydrometer should be washed with clean water after use and stored safely.
2. During Open Voltage test, following precautions should be taken. The battery’s
temperature should be between15.5ºC and 37.7 º C.The voltages must be allowed
to stabilize for at least 10minutes with no load applied. On vehicles with high drain
(computer controls, clock, and accessories that always draw a small amount of
XV Observations Table
Specific Gravity Test
Sr.No. Cell No. Cell Specific Gravity Percentage Charge
1 1 1.220-1.230 100%
2 2 1.200-1.210 75%
3 3 1.175-1.185 50%
4 4 1.150-1.160 25%
5 5 1.125-1.135 20%
6 6 1.100-1.110 FULLY
XVI Results
When specific gravity of electrolyte decreases as battery discharge.
XVIII Conclusions
Signs Your Car Battery is Failing
1) Dim headlights. If your car battery is failing, it's not going to be able to fully power your
vehicle's electrical components – including your headlights. ...
2) Clicking sound when you turn the key. ...
3) Slow crank. ...
3) Needing to press on the gas pedal to start. ...
4) Backfiring.
Ans01- Specific gravity is used to check the state of charge of a battery, essentially it's the ratio of
the weight of a solution to the weight of an equal volume of water. Testing the specific gravity of a
cell is done using a hydrometer, the best of these automatically compensate for temperature. As the
ratio of water to sulphuric acid inside the battery changes with activity the density of the electrolyte
also changes, this is what the hydrometer measures
Specific Gravity Test
I. Do not add water at this time.
II. Fill and drain the hydrometer 2 to 4 times before pulling out a sample.
III. There should be enough sample electrolyte in the hydrometer to completely
support the float.
IV. Take a reading, record it, and return the electrolyte back to the cell.
V. To check another cell, repeat the 3 steps above.
VI. Check all cells in the battery.
VII. Replace the vent caps and wipe off any electrolyte that might have been
VIII. Correct the readings to 80° F
Precautions :
2.) Bulbs of thermometers should be wiped out properly so as to make it dust / dirt free.
1. The soil sample to be tested for specific gravity must be completely free from lumps. ...
2. Two main reasons for error in the calculation are weighing inaccuracies and the presence of
entrapped air. ...
3. The soil sample taken for testing have to be completely oven dried.
XX References/SuggestionsforFurtherReading
2. Specific gravity test
XXI AssessmentScheme