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Related Literature Review

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Education is often defined as the one key which can help an individual deal with any issue or
problem that one could face throughout his or her life. However, in the last couple of years, it has been
observed that there has been a tremendous increase in terms of getting high-quality higher education.
This has led to the popularity of other systems of education or learning. One such system of learning is
online education or online classroom. It is an undeniable fact that there are many benefits which
students can get by opting for online education or online classroom. However, there are also different
challenges which are faced by students while trying to study in an online classroom.
Online education is defined as a form of distance education that uses computers and the Internet as the
delivery mechanism, with at least 80% of the course content delivered online (Allen & Seaman, 2008;
Shelton & Saltsman, 2005). Online learning is not a new phenomenon.  It already existed in the United
States on the mid 90’s.  Universities and colleges began experimenting in online courses in the early to
mid-1990s. However, the rapid growth of online education in traditional nonprofit institutions did not
start until 1998 (Arenson, 1998).
On the other hand, it was also found out that even though most of the respondents live in
metropolitan areas, there are still more basic education institutions that are not equipped with the
facility and skills to provide remote learning education during tough circumstances. Teachers should be
prepared with knowledge and abilities in distant learning education to stay current with distance
learning education trends (Rhini, 2018). Audio-visual resources are thought to be extremely helpful in
improving academic achievement (Tang & Intai, 2017; and Lapada, 2017). Institutions may accomplish
this by offering a variety of training and workshops; schools, on the other hand, should spend more in
remote learning facilities and technology. It is always changing, and it is necessary to keep it up to date
to meet the needs of a changing learning environment (Bozkurt, 2019).
In learning we must consider these factors because it matters a lot on how students adopt and
perceive things that they learned. Study area have a lot of factors when the student’s study, some
students encountered challenges in their study area, lack of motivation among students whose love of
learning has been drilled right out of them, pressures from testing, and more. We can't control all these
factors problems that students are facing right now. We can't control all these factors specially in these
times that we are experiencing a different kind of situation where in computer, phones and laptops are
the only way to communicate and continue the educational systems because of the problems that
brings by pandemic. 
Based on the study of Removing Barriers to Online Learning Through a Teaching and Learning
Lens by ABLE Research Consultants, one of the problems that are being faced by the students is the
Access to materials. The influence of socioeconomic status on digital participation includes such factors
as lack of internet access in remote and rural places and barriers to the acquisition of the technologies
and related software needed to access the materials for online learning, which negatively impact
motivation and participation.  Another thing that the student might having a problem is digital literacy
Students in general are “poor at deploying their digital skills in support of learning” (Beetham et al.
2010). Digital literacy remains a barrier for online learning environments in terms of students’
technological skills and how they navigate media (Olesova, Yang and Richardson 2011). Even when
instructors provide access to computers and software, the complexity of the online learning
environment makes it difficult to use the technology (Warschauer and Matuchniak 2010). Those things
are just some of the challenges that are being encountered by the students today in online class

Teachers who have taught for several years have more experience coping with tough situations
such as pandemics or natural catastrophes, which influences their preparation for distant learning
education (Kini & Podolsky, 2016). Teachers with more years of experience, on the other hand, are more
likely to be in the older age group and hence less computer savvy. This set of instructors requires greater
assistance in delivering their courses utilizing online resources. Teachers' specialty may influence their
preparation for remote learning education, since some specializations in the Technical Vocational
Livelihood (TVL) strand have more familiarity with technology teaching resources (Yunus et al., 2017).
Furthermore, the geographical location of the professors may have an impact on distant education
(Rivza & Bogdan, 2017).
Teachers must rethink an intervention to deliver their teachings rather than face-to face meetings
in these difficult times. The school is crucial in this journey since it is they who give training and seminars
for instructors to provide them with the necessary skills and expertise in distant learning education
(Darling-Hammond et al., 2019). Learners may be able to have access to college education through
distance learning. Distance learning education, on the other hand, may be difficult to implement in
laboratory classes, but it can help to increase technology usage (Mahlangu, 2018). Finally, to ensure the
success of a school activity or program such as distant learning education, schools must know how to
design, administer, and assess it.

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