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Rapsar Act

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- - -
. - t - ,. Regd. No. RJ. 2777P3
&ihh Exrraorninary
-mfmm Published by- Authority --
&lTU 17, m,?I&1921-9f 7 , 1999
Vaisakha 17, Friday, &ka 1921-Moy 7, 1999
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-4 (a) -rr;irt.m m-m, rif 7, 1999 37 t 11)
- . . .
competent authority under this Act and different
37 (10) . IFTW mi-%,Sf 7.1999 W 4 (*) authorities may be specified for different purposes
Law (Legislative Drafting ) Department with respect to different districts, different depart-
ments or different institutions;
(ii) 'daily wage employee' means any person who is
Jaipur, May 7,1999 employed in any public service on the basis of
F 2 (3) Vidhii2199.-h pursuance of clause (3)of Article payment of daily wages and includes a person .
348 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased to employed, on the basis of nominal muster roll or
authorise the publication in the Rajasthan Gazette of the follow- consolidated pay either on full time or part time or
ing translation in the English language of the Rajasthan (Lok piece rate basis, or as a workcharged employee, and
Sewaon Mein Niyuktion Ka Viniyaman Aur Staff ka Suvya also includes any other similar category of employ- -
vashtikaran) Act, 1999 (1999 Ka Adhiniyam Sankhya 6):- ees, by whatever designation called, other than,
(Authorised English Translation) those who are selected and appointed on a
THE RAJASTHAN (REGULATION OF APPOINTMENTS sanctioned post in accordance with the relevant rules
STAFF) ACT, 1999 (iii) 'Government Company' means'any company incor-
(Act No. 6 of 1999) porated under thecompanies Act, 1956 (Centrat Act
No. 1 of 1956) in which not less than fifty one percent
(Received the assent of the Governor on the 05th day of of the paid up share capiial is held by the State
May, 1999) . ~overnmentand includes a company which is sub-
> An sidiary of such a Govenunent Company;
Act (iv) 'local authority' means,-
to regulate appointments and prohibit irregular appointments in (a) a Panchayati Raj institution established under
offices and establishments under the control of the State Govern- the Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Act No.
ment, local authorities, public corporations and Universities etc. 13 of 1994);
and matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.
(b) a municipality,constituted under the Rajasthan
Be it enacted by the Rajasthan State Legislature in the Municipalities Act, 1959 (Act No. 38 of 1959);
Fiftieth Year of t h e ~ e ~ u b lofi cIndia as follows:- and
1. Short title, extent and commencement.-41) This Act (c) any other local bodies, corporations and
may be called the Rajasthan (Regulation of Appointments to Universities etc. established or declared as
Public Services and Rationalisation of Staff) Act, 1999. local bodies under any Rajasthan law for the
(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Rajasthan. time being in force;
(3) It shall come into force at once. (v) 'public service' means services in any office or
2. Definitions.-In this Act, unless there is any thing establishment of,-
repugnant in the subject or context,- (a) the State Government;
(i) 'Competent authority' means the officer or authority (b) a local authority;
specified by the State Government by notification to
exercise the powers and perform the functions of a
Wl4(;fi) VXWR m-m. .rj7.1999 37 ( 1 3 )
6. Prohibition of revision of pay, allowances, perqui-
c ) a Government Company or undertaking wholly ; sites, honorarium, compensatory allowances etc.--No revision
owned or controlled by the State Government; j of pay, allowances, percluisites, honorarium, conlpensatory
(d) a body established under any l a b made by the allowances etc. in respect of any employcv or electe~ior
Legislature of theState whether inmrporatedor nominated member, chairperson or any office bearer etc. of the
not, including a University; and establishments or offices mentioned under section 3 of this Act,
shall be made without the approval of competent authority.
( ) any other body establishdby theStateGovem-
ment or a society registered under any law 7. Regulation of recruitment.- No recruitment or
relating to the registration of societies for the y .
appointment other than those referred to in sub-seaion (2) of
hmebeing in force and receiving funds from the section 4, in any public service to any post in any class, category
State Government either fully or partly for its 7 or grade shall be made except,-
maintenance,or any educational institution (a) from the panel of candidates selected and recom-
whether registered ornotbut receivingaid from mended for appointment by the Rajasthan Public
the State Government. Service Commission where the post is within the
Explanation.- For the purpose of this clause engagement of purview of the said Commission; or
persons on muster rolls in respect of works for -(b) from a panel prepared by a Selection Committee
- reliefs against natural calamities shall not be constituted for the purpose in accordance with the
deemed to be 'public service'. relevant rules or orders issued in that behalf; or
3. Application.-The provisions of this Act shall apply to (c) where recruitment or appointment otherwise than in
all public services. accordance with clauses (a) and (b) is permissible,
4. Prohibition of daily wage appointments and regula- from the candidates having the requisite qualifica-
tion of temporary appointments.- (1) The appointment of any tions and in accordance with the relevant rules and/
person in any public service to any post, in any class, category or or orders.
grade as a daily wage employee shall be prohibited. Explanation.- For the removal of doubk it is hereby declared
(2) No urgent temporary appointment shall be made in that nothing in this section shall apply to
any public service to any post, in any class, category or grade compassionate appointments made in'favow of
without the prior permission of the competent authorityand such
appointments shall also be consistent with such conditions I son/daughter/spouse of any person employed
in public service who dies in harness in
may be imposed by the competent authority. accordance with the relevant rules and/or
' 5. Prohibition of creation of posts.- (1)No post shall be
orders issued from time to time.
created in any officeor establishment relating to a public service 8. Bills not to be passed.-The Treasury Officer/sub
without the previous sanction of the competent authority. Treasury Officer or Accounts Officer or any other officer or
(2)Any appointment made to any ~ o screated
t in violation authority who is charged with the responsibility of passing the
of sub-section (I)shall be invalid and the provisions of sedions 8, salary bill shall not pass such first bill of any person appointed to
9 and 15 shall mutatis nrutandis apply to such appointments. public service unless a certificate issued by the Appointing
Authority to the effect that the appointment has been made in
accordance with the provisions of section 7 or sub-sectlon (2) of
section 4 is attached to the salarv bill of the appointee concerned
37 ( 1 4 ) ? l ~ w WW-PX,
i S: 7.1999 Srm 4 (XI
9, Bar to regularisation of services.- No person who is a
daily wage employee and no person tivhois appointed on an . md(*) awwi m-m, 7,1999 37 ( 15)

urgent temporary basis and is continuing as such at the com- all daily wage employees and persons wpointed on an urgeqt
mencement of this Act sl~ailhave or shall be deemed ever to have temporary basis, shall stand abated and accordingly,-
a right to claim for regularisation of services on any ground (a) no suit or other proceeding shall be instituted or
whatsoever and the services of such person shall be liable to be maintained in any civil court, tribunal or other
terminated at any time with due notice: autho;ity by thedaily wageor temporary appointees
Rovided that in the case oi workmen falling within the against theStateGovernment or any other employer
m)peof section 25-F of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (Central of public services specified under sub-clause (b) to
Act No. 14 of 1947), retrenchment compensation as may be (e) of dause (v) of section 2 for the regularisation of
pavable under the said Act shall be paid in case ot terminalion of the services;
services by way ot retrenchment: (b) no civil a3urtshall enforce any decree or order direct-
Provided further that nothing in this section shall apply to ing the reguld;isation of the services of such persons;
the workmen governed by Chapter V-B of the Industrial Disputes and'
Act, 1947 (Central Act No. 14 of 19471. (c) a11 suits or other proceedings pending in any civil
Explanation.-For the removal of doubts i t is hereby declared court, or tribuhal claiming the regularisation of
that the termination of services under this section services shall abate.
shall not be deenled to be dismissal or ren~oval 12. Review Committees.- (1) After the date of
from wrviw but shall only amount to retrench- commencementof this Act, the State Governmen t may constitute
ment or termination simpliciter, not amounting a Review committee with an officer not below the rank of a
to any punishment. Secretary to the Government as the Chairperson and such
10. Power to give directions.-For the purpose of enforc- number of members of such rank as it may deem fit to review,-
ing the provisions of this Act, it shall be competent for Lhe State (a) the existing staff pattern in any office or establis
Government, the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, the hment employing persons belonging to any public
Director of Inspection, the Director of Local Fund Audit Depart- service keeping in view the workload of such office
ment, the concerned Chief Account Officer, Financial Adv~sor/ or establishment; and
Senior Accounts Officer etc. or Head of the Department of the -(b) the pay scales, allowances, exgratia payments,
government, or local authority to issue such directions as may be bonus, pension, gratuity and other terminal benefits
deemed fit to their subordinates and the subordinates shall and perquisites applicable to the post belonging to
comply with such directions and where any subordinate any public service of such office or establishment
functionary is guilty of non-compliance with such directions, it keeping in view the qualifications and p b require
shall be deemed that such functionary is guilty of misconduct and ments of each such post.
shall be liable to be proceeded against under the disciplinary
(2) After undertaking review under sub-section (I), the
rules applicable to him. Review Committee shall submit a report alongwith its
11. Abatement of claims.- Notwithstanding anything recommendations30 theStategovenunent for such actionas may
contained in any judgement, decree or order of any civil court, be prescribed by rules made in this behalf.
tribunal or other authority, the claims for regular appoinment of
(3) The Review Committee shall regulate its own
procedure for discharging the functions under this section.
Ttld ( T ) rn7m-la, d7 , l W 37 ( 1 7 )
. - -..
15. Penalties.-(1) Where any holqer of an elective office
(4)~ lorders
l and decisions of the review Committee shall.. or any officer or functionary or ~ t h e r ' a u t h o r i tmakes
~ any
-- authenticated by the chairperson or a member authorised by appointment In contravention of the provisions of this Act,-
him in this behalf. (a) in the case of the holder of an elective office, it shall
Explamtien.-- For the purpOse of this section, Secretary to the be deemed that he has abused his position or power
government includes a Principal Secretary or and accordingly, the competent authority, shall
Special Secretary to the government. initiate proceedings for his removal, and
13. Review committee to exercise the powers of a civil (b) in the case of an officer or functionary or other
court in certain matters.- (1)The Review committee constituted authority, it shall be deemed that he is guilty of
under section 12 shall, while discharging the duties under this ~i~isconduct and the competent authority shall
Act, have all the powers of a civil court while trying a suit under initiate action under the disciplinary rules
the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Central Act No. V of 1908) in applicable to him.
respect of the following matters, namely- (2) All appointments made in public service in contra
(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any ventlon of the provisions of this Act shall be unauthorised and
person and examining him on oath; any payments made as a consequenceof such appointments out
(b) requiring the discovery and production of any of the funds of the State Government or of the concerned local
document; authority or of other bodies or institutions as specified under
(c) receiving evidence on affidavits; sub-clauses (c) to (elof clause (v) of section 2, as the case may be,
shall be deemed to be unauthorised, and the same shall be
(d) requisitioningany public record or copy thereof fmm recoverable in the manner as may be prescribed, from the officer
any court or office; and or functionary or other appointing authority who makes such
(e) issuing Commis$ons for the examination of appointments, and where the recovery is not possible in the
witnesses or documents. prescribed manner, the same shall be recoverable as arrears of
(2) For the purpose of discharging its duties, the Review land revenue.
committee shall have the right to inspect or cause to be inspected 16. Penalty for abettom- Whoever abets any offence
any office or establishment referred to in sub-section (1) of punishable under this Act shall be punished with the punishment
section 12. provided for in this Act for such offence.
14. Offences and punishments.--(1) Any person or 17. Offences by companies.-(1) Where an offence
authority who contravenes the provisions of this Act shall, apart punishable under the provisions cf this Act is committed by a
from the penalities otherwise provided for, on conviction by a company, every person, who at the time of committing the
competent court having jurisdiction be punishable with imp offence was incharge of, and was responsible to the company for
risonment for a term which shall no: lc i e a than six months and the conduct shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall
which may extend upto two years and also with fine which shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly:
not be less than five thousand rupees but which may extend upto Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall
ten thousand rupees. render any such ~ersonliable to any punishment, if heproves that
(2) No court shall take cognizance of offence punishable the offence was committed without his knowledge or that he had
under this section except on a complaint filed by a competent ..
authority with the previous sanction of the State Government.
37 (19f
' W l 4 (8) w-~,'sf 7,1999

exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of such Society specified under sub-clayses (b) to (e) of clause (v) of
offence. ..
section 2, or in any judgement, decree or order of any court,
tribunal or other a;korib. .
. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section
(I), where any offence against the provisions of this Act has been 20.Powertomake~es.-(1) TheStateGovernment may,
committed by a company and it is proved that the offence has by notification in theofficialGazette, make rules for carrying out
been committed with the consent or connivance of, or is attrib all or any of the provisions of this Act.
utable to any neglect on the part of, any Dirctor, Manager, (2) All rules made under this Act, shall be laid, as soon as
Secretary or other officer of the company, such functionary shall may be after they are so made, before the House of the State
bC1 liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly. L-slature, while it is in session, for a period of not less than
Explanation.-For the purpose of this section,- fourteen days which may be comprised in one session or in huo
successivesessions &d if before the expiry of thesession in which
(a) "Compay" means a company as defined in the they are so laid or in the session immediately following, the
Companies Act, 1956 (Central Act No. 1 of 1956)and House of the State Legislature makes any modification in any of
includes a University, a firm, a society or other such rules or resolves that any such rules should not be made,
association of individuals; and such rules shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form
(b) "Director" means,- or be of no effect, as the case may be, however that any such
(i) in relation to a University established by law modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the
for the time being in force; or validity of anything p'erviously done thereunder.
(ii) in relation to a society or other association of
individuals or bodies, registered, formed, T!y. %. Td,
constituted or established, as the case may be, Secretary to the government.
under any law for the time being in force; or
(iii) in relation to any other institution;
the person who, by whatever name designated, is empowered or
entrusted with the powers to make appointments under the
concerning lawfo'r the timebeing in forceor otherwise, as the case
may be.
18. Protection of action taken in goad faith.- No suit,
/ Government Central Press, Iaipwr.
prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against any
person for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be 1
done in persuance of this Act or the rules made thereunder.
19. A d to of this Act
shall have effect notwithstanding anything contained in any
other law for the time being in forceor in any rule, regulation, bye
law, standing order made or resolution passed by any local
authority, Government Company/Undertaking, other body or

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