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U.S.-India Energy Monitor

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A Quarterly Snapshot from

The Observer Research
Foundation America

No. 2, January 2022

Compiled by
Ammar Nainar and Shayak Sengupta

Higher Global Energy Prices India made headlines by announcing a net-

The global energy crisis is persisting, driven zero greenhouse gas emissions target by
by the confluence of economic recovery and 2070, one of five commitments announced
ensuing energy demand increases, more by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This
extreme weather, increased heating and announcement is significant because India
cooling needs, and a limited supply of gas was one of the last major economies to set
and coal. As a result, consumers face rising a target to end greenhouse gas emissions.4
gas and electricity prices.1 In turn, energy Arguing India has emitted per capita and
transitions have come under increasing cumulatively less than wealthy, developed
scrutiny as prices and volatility increase, economies, India emphasized near-term
with views diverging on whether energy
transitions need to be accelerated to reduce
reliance on fossil fuels or whether fossil
fuel production needs to increase to reduce
volatility and ensure affordability.

In November, the United States, India, the

United Kingdom, China, Japan, and South
Korea agreed to release strategic petroleum
reserves to dampen the damages caused by
skyrocketing energy prices, the highest in
seven years. The United States and India will
release 50 million and five million barrels of
strategic reserves, respectively.2

COP 26
The U.N. Climate Change Conference - COP
26 - was held in Glasgow from October 31
to November 12, 2021. The conference saw
participation from nearly 200 countries,
resulting in the Glasgow Climate Pact. The
pact includes commitments to strengthen
resilience against climate change, limit
greenhouse gas emissions, and provide the
required climate finance to achieve these
targets.3 The United States and India charted
their own stories at COP 26 and, in doing so,
have highlighted further areas for bilateral


potent than carbon dioxide and the primary
component of natural gas. The U.S. launched
the First Movers Coalition, a coalition of 25
India announced five significant
of the world’s largest companies will focus
commitments at COP 26: on hard-to-abate industrial sectors like steel
and aviation.9 Other U.S. commitments
1. Increase non-fossil fuel energy focused on fossil fuel infrastructure, including
capacity to 500 GW by 2030. announcements to end fossil fuel projects
abroad starting in 202210 and working with
South Africa to reduce its reliance on coal.11
2. Meet 50% of energy requirements Lastly, the U.S. entered commitments on
through renewable energy by 2030. climate adaptation, to better equip countries to
face a warmer world. These include President’s
3. Reduce total emissions by one Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience
(PREPARE) to support developing countries,12
billion metric tons by 2030.
the Global Forest Finance Pledge for forest-
related finance,13 and Agriculture Innovation
4. Reduce carbon intensity of the Mission for Climate to support climate-smart
economy by more than 45% by agriculture and food systems.14
Domestic Developments
India temporarily averted the coal crisis
5. Achieve net-zero emissions by that was gripping the country in October
2070. 2021.15 Increasing energy demand, seasonal
demand peaks, and severe coal shortages
led to widespread blackouts, especially in
North India.16 The Government of India has
supported coal production increases. State-
owned enterprises like Coal India have boosted
production to secure a coal stock of 70 million
tangible actions to reduce emissions instead of tons, expected to last until March 2022.17
far-off targets.5 The 2070 target is ambitious
and provides a platform for further investment In the United States, President Biden signed
and cooperation between India and the U.S. the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal (BID) into
law with eight key pillars, including public
The United States announced several initiatives transit, electric vehicle infrastructure, clean
at COP 26 in support of its 2050 net-zero energy transmission, and legacy pollution.
greenhouse emissions target and commitment With climate change in mind, BID aims to
to reduce emissions by 50% of 2005 levels improve resilience, slash consumer costs, and
by 2030.6 The U.S. and China, the world’s increase U.S. competitiveness.18 The House of
largest emitters, released a joint statement to Representatives passed the Build Back Better
reaffirm commitments to implement the Paris framework to create a 21st-century clean energy
Climate Accords.7 Multilaterally, joint U.S. economy.19 The framework is unlikely to pass
efforts include the Global Methane Pledge, the Senate as Senator Joseph Manchin (D-
which will reduce methane emissions by 30% WV) has expressed his reservations due to the
by 2030.8 Methane is a greenhouse gas more framework’s potential impact on inflation.20



While high-income countries have been able

to exploit carbon to drive growth, emerging
The amount of sunlight that strikes the and developing countries face growth and
earth’s surface in an hour and a half is development prospects in a decarbonizing
enough to handle the entire world’s energy world. Cumulative emissions are highly
consumption for a full year.21 skewed between countries, as a small group of
countries have spent a disproportionate share
of the carbon budget over time. For example,
Effective climate change mitigation will the United States and China account for the
require drastic reductions in greenhouse gas greatest cumulative emissions since 1850
emissions and enhanced climate sinks such (Figure 1).24
as forests and oceans.22 As of 2020, we have
collectively emitted an estimated 2,500 billion Contributions to greenhouse gas emissions
tons of carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary today continue to be highly skewed, with a
greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. This is small group of countries accounting for the
86% of our “carbon budget,” the cumulative greatest annual emissions. The four countries
amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to with the highest emissions include China, the
stay below an average 1.5 °C of global warming, United States, India, and Russia.25 However,
a target of global climate agreements.23 on a per-capita basis, the United States

Figure 1

Countries with largest Cumulative Emissions between 1850-2021

South Africa
France Land-Use
Canada Fossil Fuels
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Source: Evans, S. Analysis: Which countries are historically responsible for climate change? https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-which-countries-are-
outpaces all other countries. Per capita, CO2 Lower emission alternatives must be deployed,
emissions are 15 times higher in the United and India’s energy future will shape the global
States than in India (Figure 2). fight against climate change. Renewable energy
sources present an alternative to significantly
Consequently, India occupies a unique reduce emissions. This monitor focuses on the
position among developing countries and solar opportunities for India and the United
high emitting countries: how to meet growing States, a promising area of growth.
energy demand and lift hundreds of millions
out of poverty in a climate-constrained world.

“ ”
Emerging and developing countries
face growth and development
prospects in a decarbonizing world.

Figure 2

CO2 Emissions Per-Capita, 1960-2018 (Metric Tons)



United States


Russian Federation



1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Source: World Bank. CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita). https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.ATM.CO2E.PC?locations=US-CN-IN-RU

Despite meeting 80% of Figure 3

its current energy demand
Primary Energy Consumption (exajoules)
with coal, oil, and solid
biomass, India is looking 35
to solar to meet growing
energy demand (Figure 33
3), which may increase
by 25-30% by 2030 due to
population growth, rising 29
incomes, urbanization, and
India is establishing itself
as a global leader in solar. 23
In 2015, India and France
launched the International
Solar Alliance (ISA), a 19
member-driven platform

2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Source: Primary energy consumption in India from 1998 to 2020.
5 https://www.statista.com/statistics/265582/primary-energy-consumption-in-india/
whose mission is to deploy solar as a means which is solar.28 India’s total renewable energy
of increasing energy access, energy security, capacity in 2019 stood at 96 GW (96,000 MW).29
and energy transitions.27 Today, more than Today, the installed capacity for solar stands
100 countries are signatory to the ISA at 50.3 GW (50,300 MW)30, with the highest
Framework Agreement, and 80 countries, capacity additions in 2021 (Figure 4).31 Overall,
including the United States are members. India ranks fifth in the world in installed solar
capacity, following China, the United States,
India set a 175 GW renewable capacity target Japan, and Germany.32 Solar forms about 4%
by 2022 in 2015, 100 GW (100,000 MW) of of total electricity generation in India.33 While
the country is on track to miss its 2022 solar

Figure 4

Installed PV Capacity (GW) in India









2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Source: B.P., Statistical Review of World Energy 2021, p. 58.

target, solar will nonetheless form a substantial States in India leading deployment include
portion of its 2030 500 GW renewable energy Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat, Rajasthan,
target.34 As a federal country like the United Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya
States, states in India guide much of the Pradesh, Telangana, Punjab, and Kerala
deployment of solar capacity. (Figure 5).35

Figure 5

Installed Solar Capacity by State in India

Himachal Pradesh
42.73 MW
Jammu & Kashmir 0 MW
20.73 MW
Punjab 42.99 MW
959.5 MW Uttar Pradesh
1,712.5 MW

Haryana Bihar
407.83 MW 159.51 MW Arunachal Pradesh
5.61 MW
Delhi 252.48 MW
192.97 MW

5,732.58 MW
1 MW
4,430.82 MW

6.36 MW
Daman and Diu
40.55 MW
0.07 MW Mizoram
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
1.53 MW
5.46 MW

Madhya Pradesh
2,463.22 MW Tripura
West Bengal 9.41 MW
149.84 MW

Goa Meghalaya
7.44 MW 0.12 MW
Maharashtra 3,953.12 MW
2,289.97 MW Odisha
401.72 MW

Karnataka 257 MW Andaman and Nicobar
7,355.17 MW Islands
29.22 MW
Tamil Nadu Andhra Pradesh
4,475.21 MW 4,203 MW

Source: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India. https://mnre.gov.in/solar/current-status/


India has a solar potential of 748 GW.36 The growth of the solar industry in India
Consequently, there is ample opportunity from is an opportunity for domestic job creation.
current levels to grow solar in India’s energy The cumulative workforce in the wind and
mix, as the costs for setting up solar photovoltaic solar energy sectors is 111,400 as noted by the
panels in India have dropped by 80% between Council on Energy, Environment, and Water
2010 to 2018.37 In addition to decreasing costs, (CEEW), with solar accounting for around
solar offers India opportunities for greater 86,000 workers. With burgeoning solar
job creation and energy security. However, ambitions, India could create an additional
challenges in diversifying solar supply chains three million jobs in the solar industry over
and deployment of rooftop solar remain. the next ten years.38

Solar also provides an opportunity for India to

increase energy security by reducing its high
dependence on energy imports. For example,

India imports approximately three-quarters of
its oil now. When coupled with electrification,
domestic solar energy could displace these
imports in the future.39

However, a key challenge is to diversify solar

Lower emission supply chains. India imports 86% of its solar
photovoltaic modules from China, with the
alternatives must be remaining coming from other parts of Asia.40
To support solar manufacturing development,
rapidly deployed, and in April 2021, the Government announced
Production-Linked Incentive schemes (PLIs)
India’s energy future for solar photovoltaic components. These
financial incentives combine tax rebates, tariff
will shape the global reductions and easier land acquisition policies
to encourage domestic solar manufacturing.
fight against climate The Government of India also announced that
it will introduce a custom duty on imported
solar cells and modules of 40% and 25%,
change. respectively in April 2022.41

Lackluster deployment of rooftop solar
means India will miss its 2022 100 GW solar
target. Lack of financing, disincentives for
consumer adoption, disinterest by electricity
distribution companies, and policies to favor
domestic sourcing of solar systems have been
impediments for growth in this sector.42


Solar capacity in the United States has increased rise over the last decade (Figure 6).44 Estimates
from just 0.34 GW in 2008 to 97.2 GW today suggest power generated from solar could
and generates 3% of electricity.43 The United increase to 5% in 2022, and by 2030, 20% of
States ranks second in the world after China in electricity in the United States under current
installed solar capacity, and it has been on the policies.45 The Biden-Harris administration

Figure 6

Installed PV Capacity (GW) in the U.S.









2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Source: B.P., Statistical Review of World Energy 2021, p. 58.

estimates the United States will need 1000 GW lead the country’s capacity.47 In 2021, Texas
of solar power by 2035 to meet goals for a 95% and California led the installation of additional
emission-free U.S. electricity grid.46 solar capacity. Texas added 1.5 GW of capacity,
followed by California with 0.6 GW.48
Solar capacity varies substantially by state,
with some states taking the lead. California,
Texas, North Carolina, Florida, and Arizona


Despite losing solar market share, the United

States has seen cost declines in solar, and
solar provides the country opportunities to
create jobs. However, challenges from supply
chain, trade, and deployment remain.

The U.S. dominated 95% of the solar market

in the late 1970s, though its market share
dropped to around 55% by the mid-1980s due
to heavy competition from Japanese, Chinese,
and South Korean firms.49 In fact, since 2004,
the U.S. proportion of globally manufactured
photovoltaic cells declined from 13% to less
than one percent.50 However, in the last ten
years the average cost of setting up solar P.V.
panels dropped by 70%.51 The decline in costs
has driven growth in the industry. The average
cost for a residential solar system declined
from around $40,000 in 2010 to $20,000 in
2021.52 Similarly, the utility cost of solar is
now competitive with other forms of energy.53

In addition, the U.S. solar industry employs

more than 250,000 people.54 In addition,
the Solar Futures Study report released by
the Department of Energy shows that solar
can power 40% of the U.S. electricity needs
by 2035 and employ as many as 1.5 million

To reduce imports from China and spur

domestic manufacturing, successive U.S.
administrations have imposed tariffs on solar
cells and modules. The Obama administration
imposed tariffs on imports from China in
2012 and 2015.56 The Trump administration
followed with similar tariffs on China at
30% in 2018.57 Imports of components have
shifted away from China to countries such as
Malaysia, South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand,
and Mexico.58

Other efforts to support the solar industry
in the U.S. include investment tax credits
(ITCs), which provide tax rebates to
companies for qualified investments. The
credit for solar was 30% in 2019, 26% in
2020, and 22% in 2021.59 Beginning in
2022, solar energy will have a permanent
10% ITC.60

Solar in the United States nonetheless faces

challenges including rising material costs
from supply chain disruptions and rising
costs from trade barriers. In 2022, the U.S.
solar industry is projected to grow less than
25% than previously projected.61 These
recent challenges are addition to ongoing
challenges from deployment such as barriers
in permitting and financing.62

Solar provides similar opportunities and

challenges to both the United States and
India. With solar’s potential for job creation,
clean energy transitions, and energy security,
the United States and India recognize how
both can learn from each other’s stories
and work together to enhance clean energy
transition in their own countries and around
the world. This is already happening as the
U.S. has become the 101st member to join
the India-led International Solar Alliance.63
The U.S. Development Finance Corporation
(DFC) announced that it would be lending
$500 million for a solar panel manufacturing
plant in India. This may support efforts to
create more solar manufacturing capacity
outside of China, which dominates the


Table 2: India Energy Consumption by Source, 2020

Fossil Fuels — 76%

Petroleum 25% Natural Gas 6%

Coal 45%

Non-Fossil Fuels — 24%

Nuclear 1%

Solar + Wind 1%

Biomass 20%

Hydro 2%

Source: International Energy Agency. https://www.iea.org/countries/india


Table 1: U.S. Energy Consumption by Source, 2020

Fossil Fuels — 81%

Petroleum 35% Natural Gas 35%

Coal 11%

Non-Fossil Fuels — 19%

Nuclear 11%

Solar + Wind 3%

Biomass 5%

Hydro 1%

Source: International Energy Agency. https://www.iea.org/countries/united-states


Table 3: By Exporting Country 2021 (value in USD Millions)

Source United States India

Fossil Fuels 12,227 3,476

Renewables 267 566
Battery Supply Chain 232 136
Thermal Power 87 158
Electricity Infrastructure 46 129
Civil Nuclear 0.40 –
Total 12,861 4,465

Source: U.S. Energy Trade Dashboard. U.S. International Trade Administration. https://www.trade.gov/data-visualization/us-energy-trade-dashboard


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2021-un-climate-change-conference/ 2021. https://www.iea.org/reports/india-energy-outlook-2021
10.  Joselow, M. (2021). U.S. among 21 countries to end overseas 27.  International Solar Alliance. (2021). About ISA. https://isolar-
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11.  see 6. sions/INDC/Published%20Documents/India/1/INDIA%20
12.  The White House (2021). President’s Emergency Plan for INDC%20TO%20UNFCCC.pdf
Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE). https://www.white- 29.  International Renewable Energy Agency. (2021). Country
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13.  The Global Forest Finance Pledge. (2021). UN Climate 30.  Ministry of Power, Government of India. (2022). Power
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16.  Radhakrishnan, V. (2021). October Saw Highest Power Short- 32.  see 29.
age in over 5 Years. The Hindu. https://www.thehindu.com/ 33.  see 26.

34.  Gulia, J., Thayillam, A., and Garg, V. (2022). Rooftop Solar Council. https://irecusa.org/programs/solar-jobs-census/
Lagging: Why India Will Miss Its 2022 Solar Target. Institute 55.  see 46.
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org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Rooftop-Solar-Lagging_ Questions. Congressional Research Service. https://crsre-
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35.  International Energy Agency and NITI Aayog. (2021). Re- 57.  see 56.
newables Integration in India. https://www.iea.org/reports/ 58.  see 56.
renewables-integration-in-india 59.  see 56.
36.  Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of 60.  see 56
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in/solar/current-status/. than expected during 2022 thanks to supply chain issues
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38.  Tyagi, A. et al. (2022). India’s Expanding Clean Energy 63.  Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change,
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Natural Resources Defense Council, and Skill Council for becomes the 101st member country of the International Solar
Green Jobs. https://www.ceew.in/publications/indias-expand- Alliance. Press Information Bureau. https://pib.gov.in/Press-
ing-clean-energy-workforce ReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1770688
39.  see 26. 64.  Woo, S. and Dvorak, P. (2021). U.S. Strikes India Deal in Bid
40.  Livmint (2021). India’s Solar Cells, Modules Imports Down to to Loosen China’s Grip on Solar Panels. Wall Street Journal.
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industry/energy/indias-solar-cells-modules-imports-down- to-loosen-chinas-grip-on-solar-panels-11638883800
41.  U.S. International Trade Administration. (2021). India’s Solar
Power Sector. U.S. Department of Commerce. https://www.
42.  see 34.
43.  see 21.
44.  see 29.
45.  Francis, M. and Sukunta, M. (2021). Solar generation was 3%
of U.S. electricity in 2020, but we project it will be 20% by
2050. U.S. Energy Information Administration. https://www.
46.  Solar Energy Technlologies Office. (2021). Solar Futures
Study. U.S. Department of Energy. https://www.energy.gov/
47.  Chester, M. (2021). These 10 States Are Leading Solar Energy
Installation in 2021. EcoWatch. https://www.ecowatch.com/
48.  see 47.
49.  Jerneck, M. (2017). Financialization impedes climate change
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50.  Feldman, D., Wu, K., and Margolis,R. (2021). H1 2021 Solar
Industry Update. National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
51.  Solar Energy Industries Association. Solar Industry Re-
search Data. (2021). https://www.seia.org/solar-industry-re-
52.  see 51.
53.  see 51.
54.  Solar Jobs Census 2020. (2021). Interstate Renewable Energy

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