SGC Web Sockets
SGC Web Sockets
SGC Web Sockets
February 2022
Introduction.htm ................................................................................................ 14
Overview .............................................................................................................. 18
Editions.................................................................................................................................. 18
Installation ............................................................................................................................ 20
Install.................................................................................................................... 23
QuickStart............................................................................................................ 36
Overview ............................................................................................................................... 36
QuickStart WebSockets ....................................................................................................... 38
QuickStart HTTP ................................................................................................................... 40
Threading Flow ..................................................................................................................... 42
Build....................................................................................................................................... 44
Build OSX Application .......................................................................................................... 45
Build Android Application ................................................................................................... 47
Build iOS Application ........................................................................................................... 48
Fast Performance Server..................................................................................................... 50
Memory Manager................................................................................................................. 52
OpenSSL ................................................................................................................................ 55
OpenSSL Windows ............................................................................................................... 57
OpenSSL OSX ........................................................................................................................ 58
OpenSSL Android ................................................................................................................. 60
OpenSSL iOS ......................................................................................................................... 61
Indy ........................................................................................................................................ 63
Topics ................................................................................................................... 64
Logs........................................................................................................................................ 77
HTTP....................................................................................................................................... 78
Broadcast and Channels ..................................................................................................... 79
Bindings................................................................................................................................. 80
Post Big Files ......................................................................................................................... 81
Compression......................................................................................................................... 83
Flash....................................................................................................................................... 84
Custom Objects .................................................................................................................... 85
IOCP ....................................................................................................................................... 86
ALPN ...................................................................................................................................... 87
Forward HTTP Requests ...................................................................................................... 88
Quality Of Service................................................................................................................. 89
Queues .................................................................................................................................. 91
Transactions ......................................................................................................................... 93
TCP Connections .................................................................................................................. 94
SubProtocol .......................................................................................................................... 95
Throttle .................................................................................................................................. 96
Server-Sent Events ............................................................................................................... 97
LoadBalancing ...................................................................................................................... 99
TsgcWebSocketClient.htm................................................................................................. 103
Connect WebSocket Server............................................................................................... 109
Client Open Connection .................................................................................................... 110
Client Close Connection .................................................................................................... 112
Client Keep Connection Open .......................................................................................... 113
Dropped Disconnections................................................................................................... 114
Connect TCP Server ........................................................................................................... 115
TsgcWSPClient_STOMP_RabbitMQ................................................................................... 234
TsgcWSPClient_STOMP_ActiveMQ ................................................................................... 236
Protocol AppRTC ................................................................................................................ 239
TsgcWSPServer_AppRTC.................................................................................................... 240
Protocol WebRTC ............................................................................................................... 241
TsgcWSPServer_WebRTC................................................................................................... 242
Protocol WebRTC Javascript.............................................................................................. 243
Protocol WAMP................................................................................................................... 244
TsgcWSPServer_WAMP...................................................................................................... 245
TsgcWSPClient_WAMP ....................................................................................................... 247
Protocol WAMP Javascript ................................................................................................. 249
Subscribers ......................................................................................................................... 252
Publishers............................................................................................................................ 253
Simple RPC .......................................................................................................................... 254
RPC Progress Results ......................................................................................................... 255
Protocol WAMP2 ................................................................................................................ 257
TsgcWSPClient_WAMP2 ..................................................................................................... 258
Protocol Default ................................................................................................................. 263
TsgcWSPServer_sgc............................................................................................................ 265
TsgcWSPClient_sgc ............................................................................................................. 267
TsgcIWWSPClient_sgc ........................................................................................................ 269
Protocol Default Javascript................................................................................................ 270
Protocol Dataset................................................................................................................. 274
TsgcWSPServer_Dataset .................................................................................................... 275
TsgcWSPClient_Dataset ..................................................................................................... 277
TsgcIWWSPClient_Dataset................................................................................................. 279
Protocol Dataset Javascript ............................................................................................... 280
Protocol Dataset Replicate Table ..................................................................................... 283
Protocol Dataset Notify Updates...................................................................................... 284
Protocol Files ...................................................................................................................... 285
TsgcWSPServer_Files.......................................................................................................... 286
TsgcWSPClient_Files........................................................................................................... 288
TsgcWSMessageFile ........................................................................................................... 290
How Send Files To Server.................................................................................................. 291
How Send Files To Clients ................................................................................................. 292
How Send Big Files ............................................................................................................. 293
Protocol Presence .............................................................................................................. 294
TsgcWSPServer_Presence ................................................................................................. 295
TsgcWSPresenceMessage ................................................................................................. 298
TsgcWSPClient_Presence................................................................................................... 299
Protocol Presence Javascript ............................................................................................ 302
APIs ...................................................................................................................................... 305
API_Binance.htm ................................................................................................................ 307
TsgcHTTP2ResponseProperty........................................................................................... 494
Apple Push Notifications ................................................................................................... 495
Register your APP with APNs ............................................................................................ 496
Generate a Remote Notification APNs ............................................................................ 497
Sending Notification Requests to APNs........................................................................... 498
Token-Based Connection to APNs ................................................................................... 499
Certificate-Based Connection to APNs ............................................................................ 500
HTTP1 .................................................................................................................................. 502
OAuth2 ................................................................................................................................ 504
TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Client .................................................................................................. 505
TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Server ................................................................................................. 511
OAuth2 Server Example .................................................................................................... 514
Third-parties...................................................................................................... 619
Coturn.................................................................................................................................. 619
Reference........................................................................................................... 621
WebSockets......................................................................................................................... 621
HTTP/2 ................................................................................................................................. 622
JSON ..................................................................................................................................... 623
JSON-RPC 2.0....................................................................................................................... 624
WAMP .................................................................................................................................. 625
WebRTC ............................................................................................................................... 626
MQTT ................................................................................................................................... 627
Server-Sent Events ............................................................................................................. 628
OAuth2 ................................................................................................................................ 629
JWT ....................................................................................................................................... 630
STUN .................................................................................................................................... 631
AMQP................................................................................................................................... 632
TURN.................................................................................................................................... 633
License................................................................................................................................. 634
Index................................................................................................................... 636
WebSockets represent a long-awaited evolution in client/server web technology. They allow a long-held single TCP
socket connection to be established between the client and server which allows for bi-directional, full duplex, mes
sages to be instantly distributed with little overhead resulting in a very low latency connection.
Both the WebSocket API and the well as native WebSocket support in browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox,
Opera and a prototype Silverlight to JavaScript bridge implementation for Internet Explorer, there are now Web
Socket library implementations in Objective-C, .NET, Ruby, Java, node.js, ActionScript and many other languages.
The Internet wasn’t built to be all that dynamic. It was conceived to be a collection of HyperText Markup Language
(HTML) pages linking to one another to form a conceptual web of information. Over time the static resources in
creased in number and richer items, such as images, began to be part of the web fabric. Server technologies ad
vanced allowing for dynamic server pages - pages whose content was generated based on a query.
Soon the requirement to have more dynamic web pages lead to the availability of Dynamic HyperText Markup Lan
guage (DHTML) all thanks to JavaScript (let’s pretend VBScript never existed). Over the following years, we saw
cross frame communication in an attempt to avoid page reloads followed by HTTP Polling within frames. Things
started to get interesting with the introduction of LiveConnect, then the forever frame technique, and finally, thanks
to Microsoft, we ended up with the XMLHttpRequest object and therefore Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
(AJAX). In turn, AJAX made XHR Long-Polling and XHR Streaming possible. But none of these solutions offered a
truly standardised cross-browser solution to real-time bi-directional communication between a server and a client.
Finally, WebSockets represent a standard for bi-directional real-time communication between servers and clients.
Firstly in web browsers, but ultimately between any server and any client. The standards first approach means that
as developers we can finally create functionality that works consistently across multiple platforms. Connection limi
tations are no longer a problem since WebSockets represent a single TCP socket connection. Cross-domain com
munication has been considered from day one and is dealt with within the connection handshake. This means that
services such as Pusher can easily use them when offering a massively scalable real-time platform that can be
used by any website, web, desktop or mobile application.
WebSockets don’t make AJAX obsolete but they do supersede Comet (HTTP Long-polling/HTTP Streaming) as the
solution of choice for true real-time functionality. AJAX should still be used for making short-lived web service calls,
and if we eventually see a good uptake in CORS supporting web services, it will get even more useful. WebSockets
should now be the go-to standard for real-time functionality since they offer low latency bi-directional communica
tion over a single connection. Even if a web browser doesn’t natively support the WebSocket object there are poly
fill fallback options which all but guarantee any web browser can actually establish a WebSocket connection.
sgcWebSockets is a complete package providing access to WebSockets protocol, allowing to create WebSockets
Servers, Intraweb Clients or WebSocket Clients in VCL, Firemonkey, Linux and FreePascal applications.
• Fully functional multithreaded WebSocket server according to RFC 6455.
• Supports Firemonkey (Windows and MacOS).
• Supports NEXTGEN Compiler (IOS and Android Support).
• Supports LINUX Compiler.
• Supports Lazarus / FreePascal.
• Supports CBuilder.
• Supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer (including iPhone, iPad and iPod)
• Supports Microsoft HTTP Server API and IOCP for high-performance Windows Servers. HTTP/2 protocol
is supported.
• Multiple Threads Support. Indy Servers support IOCP or default Indy one thread per connection model.
• Supports Message Compression using PerMessage_Deflate extension RFC 7692.
• Supports Text and Binary Messages.
• Supports Server and Client Authentication. OAuth2 is fully supported.
• Server component providing WebSocket and HTTP/2 connections through the same port.
• Proxy Server component allowing to Web Browsers to connect to any TCP server.
• WebBroker Server which supports DataSnap, HTTP/2 and WebSocket connections using the same port.
• Load Balancing Server.
• Client WebSocket based on WinHTTP API.
• Client WebSocket supports connections through Socket.IO Servers.
• HTTP/2 protocol is fully supported (client and Server components).
• STUN and TURN protocols are fully supported (client and Server components).
• Supports Server-Sent Events (Push Notifications) over HTTP Protocol.
• WatchDog and HeartBeat built-in support.
• Client WebSocket supports connections through HTTP Proxy Servers and SOCKS Proxy Servers.
• Events Available: OnConnect, OnDisconnect, OnMessage, OnError, OnHandshake
• Built-in sub-protocols: JSON-RPC 2.0, Dataset, Presence, WebRTC, MQTT (3.1.1 and 5.0), STOMP,
AMQP and WAMP (1.0 and 2.0)
• Client Built-in API: Blockchain, Bitfinex, Pusher, SignalR Core, Huobi, CEX, Bitmex and Bittrex.
• Support for JSON parsers: Delphi JSON and XSuperObject.
• Built-in Javascript libraries to support browser clients.
• Easy to setup
• Javascript Events for full control
• Async Events using Ajax
• SSL/TLS Support for Server / Client Components (OpenSSL libraries required). OpenSSL 1.1.1 and 3.0.0 li
braries are supported. Client supports SChannel for Windows.
Find below a list of the components included in sgcWebSockets Library.
1 sgcWebSockets
◦ TsgcWebSocketClient: WebSocket Client based on Indy Library.
◦ TsgcWebSocketServer: WebSocket Server based on Indy Library
◦ TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer: WebSocket + HTTP Server based on Indy Library.
◦ TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI: Fast Performance WebSocket + HTTP Server based on
◦ TsgcWebSocketClient_WinHTTP: WebSocket Client based on WinHTTP Library.
2 sgcWebSocket APIs
◦ TsgcWSAPI_Binance: Binance Spot Client, supports WebSocket + REST APIs.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_Binance_Futures: Binance Futures Client, supports WebSocket + REST APIs.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_SocketIO: Socket.IO Client.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_Coinbase:Coinbase Pro Client, supports WebSocket + REST APIs.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_Bitmex: Bitmex Client, supports WebSocket + REST APIs.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_SignalR: SignalR WebSocket Client.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_SignalRCore: SignalRCore WebSocket Client.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_Pusher: Pusher WebSocket Client.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_Kraken: Kraken Client API, supports WebSocket and REST Api.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_Kraken_Futures: Kraken Futures Client API, supports WebSocket and REST Api.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_Bitstamp: Bitstamp WebSocket Client.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_Bittrex: Bittrex WebSocket Client.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_Cex: Cex WebSocket Client.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_FTX: FTX WebSocket Client.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_FXCM: FXCM WebSocket Client.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_Huobi: Huobi WebSocket Client.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_ThreeCommas: ThreeCommas Client API.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_Bitfinex: Bitfinex WebSocket API.
◦ TsgcWSAPI_Discord: Discord WebSocket Client.
3 sgcWebSocket Libs
◦ TsgcTDLib_Telegram: Telegram API Client.
◦ TsgcHTTP_Cryptohopper: Cryptohopper Client API.
◦ TsgcLib_RCON: RCON Client.
4 sgcWebSocket Protocols
◦ TsgcWSPClient_MQTT: MQTT (3.1.1 and 5.0) Client. Supports WebSocket and Plain TCP Connec
◦ TsgcWSPClient_AMQP: AMQP 0.9.1 Client. Supports RabbitMQ Brokers.
◦ TsgcWSPClient_STOMP: STOMP Client, supports WebSocket and Plain TCP Connections.
▪ TsgcWSPClient_STOMP_ActiveMQ: STOMP Client for ActiveMQ Broker.
▪ TsgcWSPClient_STOMP_RabbitMQ: STOMP Client for RabbitMQ Broker.
◦ TsgcWSPClient_WAMP: WAMP 1.0 Client Protocol.
◦ TsgcWSPServer_WAMP: WAMP 1.0 Server Protocol.
◦ TsgcWSPClient_WAMP2: WAMP 2.0 Client Protocol.
◦ TsgcWSPServer_AppRTC: WebRTC Server based on AppRTC Google Project.
◦ TsgcWSPServer_WebRTC: WebRTC Server Protocol.
◦ TsgcWSPClient_sgc: WebSocket Client SGC Protocol based on JSON RPC.
◦ TsgcWSPServer_sgc: WebSocket Server SGC Protocol based on JSON RPC.
◦ TsgcWSPClient_Files: WebSocket File Transfer Client Protocol.
◦ TsgcWSPServer_Files: WebSocket File Transfer Server Protocol.
◦ TsgcWSPClient_Dataset: WebSocket Client Dataset Synchronization Protocol.
◦ TsgcWSPServer_Dataset: WebSocket Server Dataset Synchronization Protocol.
◦ TsgcWSPClient_Presence: WebSocket Client Presence Protocol.
◦ TsgcWSPServer_Presence: WebSocket Server Presence Protocol.
5 sgcWebSockets HTTP
◦ TsgcHTTP1Client:HTTP 1.0 Client based on Indy TIdHTTP.
◦ TsgcHTTP2Client: HTTP 2.0 Client.
◦ TsgcHTTP_JWT_Client: JWT (JSON WEB TOKEN) Client.
◦ TsgcHTTP_JWT_Server: JWT (JSON WEB TOKEN) Server.
◦ TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Client: OAuth 2.0 Client.
◦ TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Server: OAuth 2.0 Server.
◦ TsgcHTTPAWS_SQS_Client: Amazon AWS SQS Client.
◦ TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_PubSub_Client: Google Cloud Pub/Sub Client.
◦ TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_Calendar_Client: Google Calendar Client.
6 sgcWebSockets IoT
◦ TsgcIoTAmazon_MQTT_Client: Amazon MQTT IoT Core Client.
◦ TsgcIoTAzure_MQTT_Client: Azure IoT MQTT Client.
7 sgcWebSockets P2P
8 sgcWebSockets DataSnap
◦ TsgcWSHTTPWebBrokerBridgeServer: DataSnap Server Replacement with HTTP + WebSockets
◦ TsgcWSHTTP2WebBrokerBridgeServer: DataSnap Server Replacement with HTTP + HTTP/2 +
WebSockets Support.
◦ TsgcWSServer_HTTPAPI_WebBrokerBridge: DataSnap Server Replacement based on HTTP.SYS
Microsoft Server.
Versions Support
Delphi supported IDE
• Delphi 7 (* only supported if upgraded to Indy 10, Intraweb is not supported)
• Delphi 2007
• Delphi 2009
• Delphi 2010
• Delphi XE
• Delphi XE2
• Delphi XE3
• Delphi XE4
• Delphi XE5
• Delphi XE6
• Delphi XE7
• Delphi XE8
• Delphi 10 Seattle
• Delphi 10.1 Berlin
• Delphi 10.2 Tokyo
• Delphi 10.3 Rio
• Delphi 10.4 Sydney
• Delphi 11 Alexandria
Trial Version
Compiled *.dcu files provided with free version are using default Indy and Intraweb version. If you have upgraded
any of these packets, probably it won't work or you need to buy full source code version.
Indy Package
Some components use Indy as TCP/IP library (like TsgcWebSocketClient or TsgcWebSocketServer), this means
that Indy is needed in order to install sgcWebSockets Package. By default, sgcWebSockets uses Indy library built-
in with Rad Studio, but we provide a custom indy version which has more features than Indy: support for OpenSSL
API 1.1, ALPN protocol...
Delphi / CBuilder / Lazarus
1. Unzip the files included into a directory {$DIR}
2. From Delphi\CBuilder:
Add the directory where the files are unzipped {$DIR} to the Delphi\CBuilder library path under Tools, Envi
ronment options, Directories
All Delphi\CBuilder Versions
Add the directory {$DIR}\source to the library path
For specific Delphi version
Delphi 7 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD7 to the library path
Delphi 2007 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD2007 to the library path
Delphi 2009 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD2009 to the library path
Delphi 2010 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD2010 to the library path
Delphi XE : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE to the library path
Delphi XE2 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE2\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi XE3 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE3\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi XE4 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE4\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi XE5 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE5\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi XE6 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE6\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi XE7 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE7\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi XE8 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE8\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi 10 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi 10.1 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10_1\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi 10.2 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10_2\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi 10.3 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10_3\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi 10.4 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10_4\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi 11 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD11\$(Platform) to the library path
For specific CBuilder version
C++ Builder 2010 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD2010 to the library path
C++ Builder XE : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE to the library path
C++ Builder XE2 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE2\$(Platform) to the library path
C++ Builder XE3 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE3\$(Platform) to the library path
C++ Builder XE4 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE4\$(Platform) to the library path
C++ Builder XE5 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE5\$(Platform) to the library path
C++ Builder XE6 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE6\$(Platform) to the library path
C++ Builder XE7 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE7\$(Platform) to the library path
C++ Builder XE8 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE8\$(Platform) to the library path
C++ Builder 10 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10\$(Platform) to the library path
C++ Builder 10.1 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10_1\$(Platform) to the library path
C++ Builder 10.2 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10_2\$(Platform) to the library path
C++ Builder 10.3 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10_3\$(Platform) to the library path
C++ Builder 10.4 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10_4\$(Platform) to the library path
C++ Builder 11 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD11\$(Platform) to the library path
For all CBuilder versions, Add dcp\$(Platform) to the library path (contains .bpi files)
3. From Delphi
File, Open and browse for the correct Packages\sgcWebSockets.groupproj (First compile
sgcWebSocketsX.dpk and then install dclsgcWebSocketsX.dpk)
packages files for Delphi
sgcWebSocketsD7.groupproj : Delphi 7
sgcWebSocketsD2007.groupproj : Delphi 2007
sgcWebSocketsD2009.groupproj : Delphi 2009
sgcWebSocketsD2010.groupproj : Delphi 2010
sgcWebSocketsDXE.groupproj : Delphi XE
sgcWebSocketsDXE2.groupproj : Delphi XE2
sgcWebSocketsDXE3.groupproj : Delphi XE3
sgcWebSocketsDXE4.groupproj : Delphi XE4
sgcWebSocketsDXE5.groupproj : Delphi XE5
sgcWebSocketsDXE6.groupproj : Delphi XE6
sgcWebSocketsDXE7.groupproj : Delphi XE7
sgcWebSocketsDXE8.groupproj : Delphi XE8
sgcWebSocketsD10.groupproj : Delphi 10
sgcWebSocketsD10_1.groupproj : Delphi 10.1
sgcWebSocketsD10_2.groupproj : Delphi 10.2
sgcWebSocketsD10_3.groupproj : Delphi 10.3
sgcWebSocketsD10_4.groupproj : Delphi 10.4
sgcWebSocketsD11.groupproj : Delphi 11
4. From CBuilder
File, Open and browse for the correct Packages\sgcWebSockets.groupproj (First compile
sgcWebSocketsX.dpk and then install dclsgcWebSocketsX.dpk)
packages files for CBuilder
sgcWebSocketsC2010.groupproj : C++ Builder 2010
sgcWebSocketsCXE.groupproj : C++ Builder XE
sgcWebSocketsCXE2.groupproj : C++ Builder XE2
sgcWebSocketsCXE3.groupproj : C++ Builder XE3
sgcWebSocketsCXE4.groupproj : C++ Builder XE4
sgcWebSocketsCXE5.groupproj : C++ Builder XE5
sgcWebSocketsCXE6.groupproj : C++ Builder XE6
sgcWebSocketsCXE7.groupproj : C++ Builder XE7
sgcWebSocketsCXE8.groupproj : C++ Builder XE8
sgcWebSocketsC10.groupproj : C++ Builder 10
sgcWebSocketsC10_1.groupproj : C++ Builder 10.1
sgcWebSocketsC10_2.groupproj : C++ Builder 10.2
sgcWebSocketsC10_3.groupproj : C++ Builder 10.3
sgcWebSocketsC10_4.groupproj : C++ Builder 10.4
sgcWebSocketsC11.groupproj : C++ Builder 11
5. From Lazarus
Choose : File, Open and browse Packages\sgcWebSocketsLazarus.lpk (First compile and then install)
Compiled files are located on Lazarus Directory, inside this, there is a Indy directory with latest Indy source
Tested with Lazarus 2.0.6 and Indy
6. Demos
All demos are available in subdirectory Demos. Just open the project and run it. Intraweb demos may need
to modify some units due to different Intraweb Versions.
Install Package
Follow next steps to install sgcWebSockets package, screenshots use Delphi 10.3 version.
1. Open sgcWebSocketsD10_3 group project.
2. Now we must compile first runtime packages (name starts with sgcWebSockets). There is one package for
every target platform and this depends of Delphi version, so select target platform one by one and build every
3. Select win64 as Target platform and build package.
4. Select Android as Target Platform and build package.
5. Select iOS Device 32 as Target Platform and build package.
6. Select iOS Device 64 as Target Platform and build package.
7. Select iOS Device Simulator as Target Platform and build package.
8. Select MacOS 32 as Target Platform and build package.
9. Select Win32 as Target Platform and build package.
10. Once all runtime packages are compiled, select design time package (name starts with dcl) and first build and
then install (design time packages only have Win32 as target platform).
11. If installation is successful you will see a message with all components installed.
12. Then, you only must to add the Directory where are the compiled files to your Rad Studio Library Path. You
must add this for every Target Platform (win32, win64, osx64...)
* If you are using the Datasnap servers, these are NOT included in sgcWebSockets package because cannot be
installed, are only runtime components. In this case, you must add to your library path the Source folder too.
Install Errors
Sometimes you may get some errors installing components.
Configure Install
In the source folder, there is a file called which includes all compiler defines for all Delphi, CBuilder and
Lazarus IDEs.
Here you can customize your configuration for Intraweb, Indy... usually there is no need to do any changes, un
less you want enable/disable some features.
Change carefully the compiler defines and contact us if you require assistance.
For every Delphi version, there is a section where you can configure all compiler defines, an example for Delphi
{$IFDEF VER340} { Delphi 10.4 }
{$DEFINE D2006}
{$DEFINE D2007}
{$DEFINE D2009}
{$DEFINE D2010}
{$DEFINE D10_1}
{$DEFINE D10_2}
{$DEFINE D10_3}
{$DEFINE D10_4}
{$DEFINE INDY10_5_5}
{$DEFINE INDY10_5_7}
{$DEFINE INDY10_5_8}
{$DEFINE INDY10_5_9}
{$DEFINE INDY10_6_0_5122}
{$DEFINE INDY10_6_0_5169}
{$DEFINE INDY10_6_2_5263}
{$DEFINE INDY10_6_2_5366}
{$DEFINE INDY10_6_2_D10_4}
There are some compiler defines for Indy library. This depends on Indy version installed, by default is configured for
Indy package included with Delphi. Indy version is gsIdVersion parameter of Indy file.
If Intraweb is not installed, just comment compiler defines for Intraweb (those who starts with IW...)
WebSockets Components
Creating a new WebSocket Server or WebSocket client is very simple, just create a new instance of the class, con
figure the Host / Port and set the property Active = true to start the process.
QuickStart WebSockets
HTTP Components
The HTTP/2 protocol allows to create much faster HTTP Servers / Clients than using HTTP/1 protocol. The HTTP/2
Server is included in the WebSocket server while the HTTP/2 client is a dedicated components which implements
the HTTP/2 protocol.
QuickStart HTTP
Threading Flow
sgcWebSockets components are threaded, which means that connections runs in secondary threads. By de
fault, the main events are dispatched on the main thread, this is useful when the number of events to dispatch is
low, but for better performance you can configure the components where the events are dispatched in the con
text of connection thread. Read the following article which explains how configure threading flow:
How Configure NotifyEvents
Memory Manager
Choose an adequate memory manager can improve the performance of your application, check the following article
which shows a comparison between some memory managers
Memory Manager
When your application requires secure connections, usually openSSL libraries are required to encrypt communi
cations, follow the next steps to configure successfully your application with openSSL libraries.
Configure OpenSSL
The Indy library is used as a base in some sgcWebSockets components, sgcWebSockets Enterprise edition in
cludes a custom indy version which allows to use openSSL 1.1.1 and openSSL 3.0.0, ALPN...
Linux (Lazarus)
If you compile a Lazarus project for Linux and you get this message:
Semaphore init failed (possibly too many concurrent threads)
Just add cthreads unit to your project file.
QuickStart | WebSockets
Let's start with a basic example where we need to create a Server WebSocket and 2 client WebSocket types: Ap
plication Client and Web Browser Client.
WebSocket Server
1. Create a new Window Forms Application
2. Drop a TsgcWebSocketServer onto a Form.
3. On Events Tab, Double click OnMessage Event, and type following code:
4. Drop a Button onto the Form, Double Click and type this code:
TsgcWebSocketServer1.Active := True;
WebSocket Client
1. Create a new Window Forms Application
2. Drop a TsgcWebSocketClient onto a Form and configure Host and Port Properties to connect to Server.
3. Drop a TButton in a Form, Double Click and type this code:
TsgcWebSocketClient1.Active := True;
4. Drop a Button onto the Form, Double Click and type this code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://host:port/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<a href="javascript:var socket = new sgcWebSocket('ws://host:port');">Open</a>
<a href="javascript:socket.send('Hello Server From Web Browser');">Send</a>
You need to replace host and port in this file for your custom Host and Port!!
3. Save File and that's all, you have configured a basic WebSocket Web Browser Client.
How To Use
1. Start Server Application and press button to start WebSocket Server to listen new connections.
2. Start Client Application and press button1 to connect to server and press button2 to send a message. On Server
Side, you will see a message with text sent by Client.
3. Open then HTML file with your Web Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer 10+), press Open to
open a connection and press send, to send a message to the server. On Server Side, you will see a message with
a text sent by Web Browser Client.
Linux Compiler
Simple Server example (listening on port 5000).
program sgcWebSockets_linux;
{$R *.res}
System.SysUtils, sgcWebSocket;
oServer: TsgcWebSocketServer;
oServer := TsgcWebSocketServer.Create(nil);
oServer.Port := 5000;
oServer.Active := True;
while oServer.Active do
on E: Exception do
Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);
Linux (Lazarus)
If you compile a Lazarus project for Linux and you get this message:
Semaphore init failed (possibly too many concurrent threads)
Just add cthreads unit to your project file.
QuickStart | HTTP
Let's start with a basic example where we need to create a HTTP/2 Server and a HTTP/2 client.
HTTP/2 Server
1. Create a new Window Forms Application
2. Drop a TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer onto a Form.
3. On Events Tab, Double click OnCommandGet Event, and type following code:
4. By default, the server only enables HTTP/1 connections, so enable HTTP/2 options in the property
HTTP2Options.Enabled = true, and then configure the SSL Options. Secure connections require OpenSSL li
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer1.Port := t443;
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer1.SSL := true;
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer1.SSLOptions.CertFile := 'server cert file';
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer1.SSLOptions.KeyFile := 'server private key file';
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer1.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := 'server root cert file';
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer1.SSLOptions.OpenSSL_Options.APIVersion := oslAPI_1_1;
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer1.SSLOptions.Port := 443;
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer1.SSLOptions.Version := tls1_3;
5. Drop a Button onto the Form, Double Click and type this code:
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer1.Active := True;
HTTP/1 Client
1. Create a new Window Forms Application
2. Drop a TButton in a Form, Double Click and type this code:
oHTTP1: TsgcHTTP1Client;
oHTTP1 := TsgcHTTP1Client.Create(nil);
HTTP/2 Client
1. Create a new Window Forms Application
2. Drop a TButton in a Form, Double Click and type this code:
oHTTP2: TsgcHTTP2Client;
oHTTP2 := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
QuickStart | Build
Build an application with sgcWebSockets library is very easy, only keep in mind if your components require
openSSL libraries or not. If your applications require secure connections, openSSL libraries must be deployed (ex
cept if you use SChannel for windows on Client Components).
For windows applications, is enough to deploy the openSSL libraries in the same folder where application is lo
For other personalities check the following articles:
• Build OSX Application
• Build Android Application
• Build iOS Application
If your project requires some libraries, don't forget to include in the menu Project / Deployment. Set Remote Path
to "Contents\MacOS\"
These libraries will be automatically signed when the application is notarized, you can check if the library has been
signed using the following command:
Read more about How Configure openSSL Android.
If your project requires some static libraries, copy these libraries in the Embarcadero lib/iosDevice64 folder:
• C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\<IDE Version>\lib\iosDevice64\debug
• C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\<IDE Version>\lib\iosDevice64\release
Read more about How Configure openSSL iOS
Finally, check in the menu Project / Options / Deployment, if the certificate has been successfully loaded.
Win Differ
Clients FMM4 FMM5
dows ence
1 Win32 4135 4214 1,91%
Win64 4052 4520 11,55%
10 Win32 4214 1729 -58,97%
Win64 4104 1875 -54,31%
100 Win32 3958 1604 -59,47%
Win64 3958 1614 -59,22%
500 Win32 4098 1723 -57,96%
Win64 5333 1791 -66,42%
1000 Win32 5927 2208 -62,75%
Win64 8166 2229 -72,70%
Memory Manager
Recently a new version of FastMM, developed by Pierre le Riche, has been released, the new version is
called FastMM5 and has been rewritten to improve the performance on multi threaded applications, can be config
ured for better speed or less memory usage and more.
FastMM5 is dual licensed, so there are 2 licenses: GPL and Commercial. So if you want use in commercial
projects, you must purchase a license. More details here
FastMM4 has a new fork, called FastMM4-AVX, developed by Maxim Masiutin, which adds very interesting fea
tures like: more efficient synchronization, AVX instructions for faster memory copy, speed improvements and more.
FastMM4-AVX is dual licensed: MPL and GPL. More details here:
In order to test the performance with our components, a new windows console application has been created, sgcBenchmark
which will be used to measure the performance of every memory manager using our sgcWebSockets components.
The test is very simple, a client (or more than one client) connects to a server, sends a message to server and
server replies with the same message to client. This is repeated 100.000 times. The tests are repeated changing
the number of concurrent clients, first 1, then 10, 100... the measured time is the time elapsed between the first
message sent by client and the last message received from server (so the time used to connect to server is not
The benchmark will compare the performance using the Default Memory Manager that comes with Delphi 10.4.1,
FastMM5 and FastMM4-AVX
The values are measured in milliseconds, so for example, the first test that is done with 1 client in Windows32 plat
forms, using the default memory manager takes 4135 milliseconds, using FastMM5 takes 4214 milliseconds and
using FastMM4-AVX takes 4823 milliseconds. The percentage calculated is against the reference value, in this
case against the Default memory manager that comes with delphi, as much lower is the percentage, better perfor
mance has.
The Benchmark has been done 3 times and the values showed are the sum of the benchmarks / 3.
The Delphi version used was Delphi 10.4.1, and the latest FastMM5 and FastMM4-AVX versions from github
The values are measured in milliseconds, so for example, the first test that is done with 1 client in Windows32 plat
forms, using the default memory manager takes 5364 milliseconds, using FastMM5 takes 5182 milliseconds and
using FastMM4-AVX takes 5838 milliseconds. The percentage calculated is against the reference value, in this
case against the Default memory manager that comes with Delphi, as much lower is the percentage, better perfor
mance has.
The Benchmark has been done 3 times and the values showed are the sum of the benchmarks / 3.
The Delphi version used was Delphi 10.4.1, and the latest FastMM5 and FastMM4-AVX versions from github
• Using in single threaded application, there are no big differences in performance between FastMM4, Fast
MM5 and FasMM4-AVX.
• FastMM5 and FastMM4-AVX work much better in multithreaded applications.
• The differences between FastMM5 and FastMM4AVX are small, at least doing these benchmarks.
• Windows 32 benchmarks performs better than Windows 64 tests. Using FastMM5 or FastMM4AVX in a
Windows 64 applications improves performance more than in Windows 32.
The final decision to choose one memory manager or another depends of the project, I think there is no single
memory manager that works as the best in all conditions, so before choose one or another, test, test and test again
to see which performance better for your needs
OpenSSL is a software library for applications that secure communications over computer networks against eaves
dropping or need to identify the party at the other end. It is widely used by Internet servers, including the majority of
HTTPS websites.
This library is required by components based on Indy Library when a secure connection is needed. If your applica
tion requires OpenSSL, you must have necessary files in your file system before deploying your application:
Currently, sgcWebSockets supports: 1.0.2, 1.1 and 3.0 openSSL versions.
Platform API 1.0 API 1.1 API 3.0
Windows (32- libcrypto-1_1.dll and libcrypto-3.dll and
and Dynamic
bit and 64-bit) libssl-1_1.dll libssl-3.dll
libcrypto.dylib, libcrypto.1.1.dylib, libcrypto.3.dylib,
OSX Dynamic
libssl.dylib libssl.1.1.dylib libssl.3.dylib
iOS Device
libcrypto.a libcrypto.a and
(32-bit and libcrypto.a and libssl.a Static
and libssl.a libssl.a
libcrypto.dylib, libcrypto.1.1.dylib, libcrypto.3.dylib,
iOS Simulator Dynamic
libssl.dylib libssl.1.1.dylib libssl.3.dylib
Android De,,, Dynamic
Find below how configure openSSL libraries for every Personality:
• Windows
• Android
• iOS
openSSL Configurations
sgcWebSockets Indy based components allows to configure some openSSL properties. Access to the following
• Server Components: SSLOptions.OpenSSL_Options.
• Client Components: TLSOptions.OpenSSL_Options.
API Version
Standard Indy library only allow to load 1.0.2 openSSL libraries, these libraries have been deprecated and latest
openSSL releases use 1.1.1 API.
sgcWebSockets Enterprise allows to load 1.1.1 openSSL libraries, you can configure in this property which
openSSL API version will be loaded. Only one API version can be loaded by process (so you can't mix openSSL
1.0.2 and 1.1.1 libraries in the same application).
This property allows to set the location of openSSL libraries. This is useful for Android or OSX projects, where the
location of the openSSL libraries must be set.
Self-Signed Certificates
You can use self-signed certificates for testing purposes, you only need to execute the following command to create
a self-signed certificate
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem
It will create 2 files: cert.pem (certificate) and key.pem (private key). You can combine both files in a single one.
Just create a new file and copy the content of both files on the new file. So you will have an structure like this:
Common Errors
OpenSSL | Windows
There is one version for 32 bits and another for 64 bits. You must copy these libraries in the same folder where is
your application or in your system path.
If your Operating System is Windows 32 bits, just copy in System32 folder.
If your Operating System is Windows 64 bits, copy 64 bits version in System32 folder and 32 bits version in Sys
Wow64 folder.
API 1.0
API 1.1
API 3.0
Newer versions of OSX doesn't include openssl libraries or are too old, so you must deploy with your application.
Deploy these libraries using following steps:
• Open Project/Deployment in your project.
• Add required libraries.
• Set RemotePath = 'Contents\Macos\'.
• Configure the openSSL LibPath to default folder:
• Client.TLSOptions.OpenSSL_Options.LibPath = oslpDefaultFolder.
• Server.SSLOptions.OpenSSL_Options.LibPath = oslpDefaultFolder.
API 1.0
API 1.1
API 3.0
Check the following video which shows how Build a MacOSX64 Application with openSSL libraries
Clients should not load the unversioned libcrypto dylib as it does not have a stable ABI.
On MacOS Monterey+, you can get this error trying to load the openSSL libraries, the error happens when tries to
load first the openSSL libraries without version (libcrypto.dylib for example).
To fix this error set in the property OpenSSL_Options.UnixSymLinks the value oslsSymLinksDontLoad. This
avoids the loading of the openSSL libraries without version.
OpenSSL | Android
Newer versions of Android doesn't include openssl libraries or are too old, so you must deploy with your applica
tion. Deploy these libraries using following steps:
• Open Project/Deployment in your project.
• Add required libraries.
• Set RemotePath = '.\assets\internal'.
• Configure the openSSL LibPath to default folder:
• Client.TLSOptions.OpenSSL_Options.LibPath = oslpDefaultFolder.
• Server.SSLOptions.OpenSSL_Options.LibPath = oslpDefaultFolder.
API 1.0
API 1.1
API 3.0
OpenSSL | iOS
To install OpenSSL in a 64-bit iOS device, you must copy the libcrypto.a and libssl.a SSL library files to your sys
tem. Download the .zip iOS OpenSSL, extract it and find the .a files in the \lib directory. You must copy the
libcrypto.a and libssl.a SSL library files to these directories:
• C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\<IDE Version>\lib\iosDevice64\debug
• C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\<IDE Version>\lib\iosDevice64\release
Add sgcIdSSLOpenSSLHeaders_static (or IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders if your sgcWebSockets edition is not Enter
prise) unit to your uses clause.
If you need to deploy any file, you can set RemotePath = StartUp\Documents and to load the file use (requires add
System.IOUtils to uses clause):
TPath.GetDocumentsPath + PathDelim + <your filename>
The openSSL libraries must not be deployed using the menu Project/Deployment under iOS.
API 1.1
API 3.0
You can download libraries from your account.
Indylibrary is an open source client/server communications library that supports TCP/UDP/RAW sockets, as well as
over 100 higher level protocols including SMTP, POP3, IMAP, NNTP, HTTP, FTP, and many more. Indy is written in
Delphi but is also available for C++Builder and FreePascal. sgcWebSockets uses Indy as a base for some compo
nents and the different sgcWebSockets Editions make a different use of the Indy library.
sgcWebSockets supports protocols like HTTP/2 which require the use of ALPN, can use TLS 1.3 using openSSL
1.1.1 or openSSL 3.0.0... all these features are not supported by standard Indy library, so sgcWebSockets Enter
prise edition includes a custom Indy library which supports this features. To avoid uninstall the standard Indy library
from the IDE, the required Indy files are renamed adding the prefix "sgc", so for example: the unit "IdGlobal" is re
named to "sgcIdGlobal". This way, both versions can coexist without problems.
Find below which Indy version is used by every sgcWebSockets Edition:
sgcWebSockets Edition Indy Version
Customers with a "Registered" licenses, are old licenses before the sgcWebSockets package was splitted, will find
the following sgcWebSockets package versions:
sgcWebSockets Edition Indy Version
sgcWebSockets Standard
sgcWebSockets min Standard
sgcWebSockets min Indy* Custom
*The sgcWebSockets_min_indy is the same that sgcWebSockets Enterprise edition.
The use of the custom indy version, is defined in the file "" located in the source folder. There is a compil
er define called "SGC_CUSTOM_INDY" which enables or disables the use of this indy version. If you have a Enter
prise Edition and want to disable the use of the custom indy, just delete the following compiler define:
Of course, if you enable SGC_CUSTOM_INDY but you don't have in the source folder the required custom indy
version units, this compiler define won't work.
sgcIndy package
The use of the custom indy version is not limited to the sgcWebSockets components. Some customers want to
make use of the new features of this custom indy version, in standard Indy components like SMTP for example, so
they use TLS 1.3 when sending emails, using FTP servers... The sgcWebSockets Enterprise edition, provides an
additional full Indy package with all these features. This package, called "sgcIndy package", includes the full Indy li
brary with support for openSSL 1.1.1 and openSSL 3.0.0. So you first must uninstall your current Indy library in
stalled in your IDE and then install this version, the process to install the sgcIndy package it's exactly the same that
any Indy library (here the units are not renamed).
When you want to use openSSL libraries, just set the global variable OPENSSL_API_VERSION to the desired
opensSSL API Version before loading openSSL libraries. This global variable is in the unit IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders.
Example: to use the openSSL 1.1.1 libraries
WebSocket Events
WebSocket connections have the following events:
The event raised when a new connection is established.
The event raised when a connection is closed.
The event raised when a connection has any error.
The event raised when a new text message is received.
The event raised when a new binary message is received.
By default, sgcWebSockets uses an asynchronous mechanism to raise these events, when any of these events is
raised internally, it queues this message and is dispatched by the operating system when is allowed. This behav
iour can be modified using a property called NotifyEvents, by default neAsynchronous is selected, if neNoSync
is checked then events will be raised without synchronizing with the main thread (if you need to update any VCL
control or access to shared resources, then you will need to implement your own synchronizing method).
neNoSync is recommended when:
1. You need to handle a lot of messages on a very short period of time.
2. Your project is built for command line (if you don't set neNoSync, you won't get any event).
3. Your project is a library.
If no, then you can set default property to neAsynchronous.
Using Javascript, you can pass parameters using connection url, example:
WebBrowser Test
TsgcWebSocketServer implements a built-in Web page where you can test WebSocket Server connection with your
favourite Web Browser.
To access to this Test Page, you need to type this URL:
Example: if you have configured your WebSocket Server on IP and uses port 80, then you need to type:
In this page, you can test the following WebSocket methods:
To disable WebBrowser HTML Test pages, just set in TsgcWebSocketServer.Options.HTMLFiles = false;
Custom Sub-Protocols
A client can request that the server use a specific subprotocol by including the subprotocol name in its handshake.
If it is specified, the server needs to include one of the selected subprotocol values in its response for the connec
tion to be established.
In order to create your own subprotocol, you must inherit from TsgcWSProtocol_Client_Base and
TsgcWSProtocol_Server_Base in order to create your custom subprotocols.
// Server Example Code
unit sgcWebSocket_Protocol_Example_Server;
sgcWebSocket_Protocol_Base_Server, Classes, sgcWebSocket_Classes;
TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Server = class(TsgcWSProtocol_Server_Base)
{ from TsgcWSComponent }
procedure DoEventConnect(aConnection: TsgcWSConnection); override;
procedure DoEventMessage(aConnection: TsgcWSConnection; const Text: string);
procedure DoEventDisconnect(aConnection: TsgcWSConnection; Code: Integer);
{ from TsgcWSComponent }
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override;
constructor TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Server.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
// ... here add your protocol name
FProtocol := 'MyProtocol';
procedure TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Server.DoEventConnect(aConnection:
// ... add your own code when a client connects to server
procedure TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Server.DoEventDisconnect(aConnection:
TsgcWSConnection; Code: Integer);
// ... add your own code when a client disconnects from server
procedure TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Server.DoEventMessage(aConnection:
TsgcWSConnection; const Text: string);
// ... process messages received from clients
// ... you can answer to client using WriteData(aConnection.Guid, 'your message') method
// ... you can send a message to all clients using BroadCast('your message') method
// Once your custom subprotocol is implemented, then you only need to assign to your Client or Server websocket componen
procedure InitalizeClient;
oClient: TsgcWebSocketClient;
oProtocol: TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Client;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oProtocol := TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Client.Create(nil);
oProtocol.Client := oClient;
procedure InitalizeServer;
oServer: TsgcWebSocketServer;
oProtocol: TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Server;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketServer.Create(nil);
oProtocol := TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Server.Create(nil);
oProtocol.Server := oServer;
Supported by
Java script (*only URL Authentication is supported)
WebSockets Specification doesn't have any authentication method and Web Browsers implementation don't allow
to send custom headers on new WebSocket connections.
To enable this feature you need to access to the following property:
Authentication/ Enabled
sgcWebSockets implements 3 different types of WebSocket authentication:
Session: client needs to do an HTTP GET passing username and password, and if authenticated, server re
sponse a Session ID. With this Session ID, client open WebSocket connection passing as a parameter. You
can use a normal HTTP request to get a session id using and passing user and password as parameters
example: (user=admin, password=1234) --> http://localhost/sgc/req/auth/session/admin/1234
This returns a token that is used to connect to server using WebSocket connections:
URL: client open WebSocket connection passing username and password as a parameter.
example: (user=admin, password=1234) --> http://localhost/sgc/auth/url/admin/1234
Basic: implements Basic Access Authentication, only applies to VCL Websockets (Server and Client) and
HTTP Requests (client Web Browsers don't implement this type of authentication). When a client tries to
connect, it sends a header using AUTH BASIC specification.
You can define a list of Authenticated users, using Authentication/ AuthUsers property. You need to define every
item following this schema: user=password. Example:
There is an event called OnAuthentication where you can handle authentication if the user is not in AuthUsers list,
client doesn't send an authorization request... You can check User and Password params and if correct, then set
Authenticated variable to True. example:
Authenticated := True;
Secure Connections
Supported by
Web Browsers
SSL support is based on Indy implementation, so you need to deploy openssl libraries in order to use this feature.
TsgcWebSocketClient supports Microsoft SChannel, so there is no need to deploy openssl libraries for windows 32
and 64 bits if SChannel option is selected in WebSocket Client.
Server Side
To enable this feature, you need to enable the following property:
SSL/ Enable
There are other properties that you need to define:
SSLOptions/ CertFile/ KeyFile/ RootCertFile: you need a certificate in .PEM format in order to encrypt
websocket communications.
SSLOptions/ Password: this is optional and only needed if the certificate has a password.
SSLOptions/ Port: port used on SSL connections.
Client Side
To enable this feature, you need to enable the following property:
TLS/ Enable
By default, client and server components based on Indy make use of openSSL libraries when connect to secure
websocket servers.
Indy only supports 1.0.2 openssl API so API 1.1 is not supported. If you compile sgcWebSockets with our custom
Indy library you can make use of API 1.1 and select TLS 1.3 version. Just select in OpenSSL_Options properties
which openSSL API would you use:
• oslAPI_1_0: it's default indy API, you can use standard Indy package with openssl 1.0.2 libraries.
• oslAPI_1_1: only select if you are compiling sgcWebSockets with our custom Indy library (Enterprise Edi
tion). Will use openssl 1.1.1 libraries.
• oslAPI_3_0: only select if you are compiling sgcWebSockets with our custom Indy library (Enterprise Edi
tion). Will use openssl 3.0.0 libraries.
• ECDHE: allows to enable ECDHE for TLS 1.2 (more secure connections).
There are 2 events which can be used to customize your SSL settings:
This event is raised before SSL handler is created, you can create here your own SSL Handler (needs to be inherit
ed from TIdServerIOHandlerSSLBase or TIdIOHandlerSSLBase) and set the properties needed
If no custom SSL object has been created, it creates by default using OpenSSL handler. You can access to SSL
Handler properties and modify if needed
Microsoft SChannel
From sgcWebSockets 4.2.6 you can use SChannel instead of openssl (only for windows from Windows 7+). This
means there is no need to deploy openssl libraries. TLS 1.0 is supported from windows 7 but if you need more
modern implementations like TLS 1.2 in Windows 7 you must enable TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 in Windows Registry.
Requires Delphi 2010 Professional Edition (or Enterprise Edition for Delphi 7, 2007 and 2009).
Supported by
On Server components, automatically sends a ping to all active WebSocket connections every x seconds.
On Client components, automatically sends a ping to the server every x seconds.
HeartBeat has the following properties:
• Enabled: if true, sends a ping
• Interval: is the value in seconds when a ping will be sent. Example: if value is 10, a ping will be sent every
10 seconds
• Timeout: is the time will wait a response from server. Example: if value is 30, means will wait 30 seconds to
receive a response before close connection.
Customize HeartBeat
Client and server components allow customize HeartBeat to send custom pings and control that connection is still
alive. The event OnBeforeHeatBeat is built exactly for that, allows to send a custom message and/or not send stan
dard ping.
Example: send a message text as a ping every 30 seconds.
Supported by
On Server components, automatically restart server after unexpected shutdown. To check if server is active every
60 seconds, just set the following properties:
WatchDog.Enabled = true;
WatchDog.Interval = 60;
WatchDog.Attempts = 0;
WatchDog.Monitor allows to verify if new clients can connect to server, this is done by an internal client that tries to
open a WebSocket connection to server, if fails, it restart the server. To monitor if clients can connect to server with
a Time Out of 10 seconds, set the following properties:
WatchDog.Enabled = true;
WatchDog.Interval = 60;
WatchDog.Attempts = 0;
WatchDog.Monitor.Enabled = true;
WatchDog.Monitor.TimeOut = 10;
On Client components, automatically reconnect to server after unexpected disconnection. To reconnect after a dis
connection every 10 seconds, just set the following properties:
WatchDog.Enabled = true;
WatchDog.Interval = 10;
WatchDog.Attempts = 0;
Supported by
This is a useful feature that allows debugging WebSocket connections, to enable this, you need to access to the
following property:
LogFile/ Enabled
Once enabled, every time a new connection is established it will be logged in a text file. On Server component, if
the file it's not created it will be created but with you can't access until the server is closed, if you want to open log
file while the server is active, log file needs to be created before start server.
WebSocket Messages
WebSocket frames can be masked, which means that the message logged can not be read.
When the property LogFile.UnMaskFrames = True (by default it's true)
• Messages sent by WebSocket Client are saved as unmasked.
• Messages received by WebSocket Server are saved masked and unmasked (the reason is that when the
socket reads the buffer, it doesn't know if the protocol of the message, so it saves both).
Supported by
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer is a component that allows handling WebSocket and HTTP connections using the
SAME port. Is very useful when you need to set up a server where only HTTP port is enabled (usually 80 port). This
component supports all TsgcWeBSocketServer features and allows to serve HTML pages.
You can serve HTML pages statically, using DocumentRoot property, example: if you save test.html in directory
"C:\inetpub\wwwroot", and you set DocumentRoot to "C:\inetpub\wwwroot". If a client tries to access to test.html, it
will be served automatically, example:
Or you can serve HTML or other resources dynamically by code, to do this, there is an event called OnCom
mandGet that is fired every time a client requests a new HTML page, image, javascript file... Basically, you need to
check which document is requesting client (using ARequestInfo.Document) and send a response to client (using
AResponseInfo.ContentText where you send response content, AResponse.ContentType which is the type of re
sponse and a AResponseInfo.ResponseNo with a number of response code, usually is 200), example:
First cast Connection to TsgcWSConnectionServer to access subscription methods and if fits your filter, will be sub
scribed to desktop channel. Subscription to a channel can be done in any event, example, you can ask to client to
tell you if it's mobile or not and send a message from client to server with info about client. Then you can only
broadcast to desktop connections:
If you have 100 connections and 30 are mobile, message will be only sent to other 70.
Supported by
Usually, Servers have more than one IP, if you enable a WebSocket Server and set listening port to 80, when the
server starts, tries to listen port 80 of ALL IP, so if you have 3 IP, it will block port 80 of each IP's.
Bindings allow defining which exact IP and Port are used by the Server. Example, if you need to listen on port 80
for IP (internal address) and (public address), you can do this before the server is activated:
With WSServer.Bindings.Add do
Port := 80;
IP := '';
With WSServer.Bindings.Add do
Port := 80;
IP := '';
oServer := TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer.Create(nil);
oServer.Port := 5555;
oServer.HTTPUploadFiles.StreamType := pstFileStream;
oServer.Active := True;
There are 2 events which can be used to customize the upload file flow (requires the property
HTTPUploadFiles.RemoveBoundaries is enabled)
This event is fired BEFORE the file is saved and allows to customize the name of the file received.
This event is fired AFTER the file is saved and allows to know the name of the file saved.
Supported by
Web Browsers like Chrome
This is a feature that works very well when you need to send a lot of data, usually using a binary message, be
cause it compresses WebSocket message using protocol "PerMessage_Deflate" which is supported by some
browsers like Chrome.
To enable this feature, you need to activate the following property:
Extensions/ PerMessage_Deflate / Enabled
When a client tries to connect to a WebSocket Server and this property is enabled, it sends a header with this prop
erty enabled, if Server has activated this feature, it sends a response to the client with this protocol activated and all
messages will be compressed, if Server doesn't have this feature, then all messages will be sent without compres
On Web Browsers, you don't need to do anything, if this extension is supported it will be used automatically, if not,
then messages will be sent without compression.
If WebSocket messages are small, is better don't enable this property because it consumes cpu cycle to compress/
decompress messages, but if you are using a big amount of data, you will notify and increase on messages ex
change speed.
Supported by
WebSockets are supported natively by a wide range of web browsers (please check,
but there are some old versions that don't implement WebSockets (like Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8 or 9). You can en
able Flash Fallback for all these browsers that don't implement WebSockets.
Almost all other or older browser support Flash installing Adobe Flash Player. To Support Flash connection, you
need to open port 843 on your server because Flash uses this port for security reasons to check for cross-domain-
access. If port 843 is not reachable, waits 3 seconds and tries to connect to Server default port.
Flash is only applied if the Browser doesn't support WebSockets natively. So, if you enable Flash Fallback on the
server side, and Web Browser supports WebSockets natively, it will still use WebSockets as transport.
To enable Flash Fallback, you need to access to FallBack / Flash property on the server and enable it. There are
2 properties more:
1. Domain: if you need to restrict flash connections to a single/multiple domains (by default all domains are al
lowed). Example: This will allow access to domain
2. Ports: if you need to restrict flash connections to a single/multiple ports (by default all ports are allowed). Exam
ple: This will allow access to ports 123, 456, 457, and 458
Flash connections only support Text messages, binary messages are not supported.
Custom Objects
Supported by
Every time a new WebSocket connection is established, sgcWebSockets creates a TsgcWSConnection class
where you can access to some properties like identifier, bytes received/sent, client IP... and there is a property
called Data where you can store objects in memory like database access, session objects...
//You can create a new class called MyClass and create some properties, example:
TMyClass = class
FRegistered: Boolean;
FUser: String;
property Registered: Boolean read FRegistered write FRegistered;
property User: String read FUser write FUser;
// Then, when a new client connects, OnConnect Event, create a new TMyClass and Assign to Data:
procedure WSServerConnect(Connection: TsgcWSConnection);
Connection.Data := TMyClass.Create;
// Every time a new message is received by the server, you can access your custom object
// using Connection.Data property.
procedure WSServerMessage(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const Text: string);
if TMyClass(Connection.Data).Registered then
// When a connection is closed, you may free your object:
procedure TfrmServerChat.WSServerDisconnect(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; Code: Integer);
oMyClass: TMyClass;
oMyClass := TMyClass(Connection.Data);
if Assigned(oMyClass) then
Connection.Data := nil;
Supported by
*Requires custom Indy version.
IOCP for Windows is an API which allows handles thousands of connections using a limited pool of threads instead
of using a thread for connection like Indy by default does.
To enable IOCP for Indy Servers, Go to IOHandlerOptions property and select iohIOCP as IOHandler Type.
Server.IOHandlerOptions.IOHandlerType := iohIOCP;
Server.IOHandlerOptions.IOCP.IOCPThreads := 8;
Server.IOHandlerOptions.IOCP.WorkOpThreads := 32;
IOCPThreads are the threads used for IOCP asynchronous requests (overlapped operations) and WorkOpThreads
are threads used to process these asynchronous requests (read and write bytes).
Maximum value of WorkOpThreads is 64, but you must adjust this value accordingly to your number of physical
processors * 2, so if you have a cpu with 16 processors, set a WorkOpThreads value of 32.
Enabling IOCP for windows servers is recommended when you need handle thousands of connections, if your
server is only handling 100 concurrent connections at maximum you can stay with default Indy Thread model.
OnDisconnect event not fired
IOCP works differently from default indy IOHandler. With default indy IOHandler, every connection runs in a thread
and these thread are running all the time and checking if connection is active, so if there is a disconnection, it's noti
fied in a short period of time.
IOCP works differently, there is a thread pool which handles all connections, instead of 1 thread = 1 connection like
indy does by default. For IOCP, the only way to detect if a connection is still alive is trying to write in socket, if there
is any error means that connection is closed. There are 2 options to detect disconnections:
1. If you use TsgcWebSocketClient, you can enable it in Options property, CleanDisconnect := True (by default
is disabled). If it's enabled, before the client disconnects it sends a message informing the server about disconnec
tion, so the server will receive this message and the OnDisconnect event will be raised.
2. You can enable heartbeat on the server side, for example every 60 seconds, so it will try to send a ping to all
clients connected and if there is any client disconnected, OnDisconnect will be called.
Supported by
*Requires custom Indy version.
Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) is a Transport Layer Security (TLS) extension for application-layer
protocol negotiation. ALPN allows the application layer to negotiate which protocol should be performed over a se
cure connection in a manner that avoids additional round trips and which is independent of the application-layer
protocols. It is needed by secure HTTP/2 connections, which improves the compresslion of web pages and reduces
their latency compared to HTTP/1.x.
You can configure in TLSOptions.ALPNProtocols, which protocols are supported by client. When client connects to
server, these protocols are sent on the initial TLS handshake 'Client Hello', and it lists the protocols that the client
supports, and server select which protocol will be used, if any.
You can get which protocol has been selected by server accessing to ALPNProtocol property of TsgcWSConnec
When there is a new TLS connection, OnSSLALPNSelect event is called, here you can access to a list of protocols which are supported by client
and server can select which of them is supported.
If there is no support for any protocol, aProtocol can be left empty.
// Client
procedure OnClientConnect(Connection: TsgcWSConnection);
vProtocol: string;
vProtocol := TsgcWSConnectionClient(Connection).ALPNProtocol;
// Server
procedure OnSSLALPNSelect(Sender: TObject; aProtocols: TStringList; var aProtocol: string);
i: integer;
for i := 0 to aProtocols.count - 1 do
if aProtocols[i] = 'h2' then
aProtocol := 'h2';
Other Options
When you want forward an HTTP request, you have the additional options:
1. By default, the request if forwarded using the original document. Example: if you forward the request http://local
host:8080/internal to the internal server http://localhost:5555, the forwarded URL will be http://localhost:5555/inter
nal. But you can modify the Document, using the Document property of Forward object (by default will use the
same of the original request).
aForward.Document = "/NewInternal"
2. If you forward a secure HTTP connection (HTTPs), you can customize the SSL/TLS options, in TLSOptions
property of Forward object. Example: set the TLS version
aForward.TLSOptions.Version = tls1_2
Quality Of Service
Supported by
Java script
SGC Default Protocol and MQTT implements a QoS (Quality of Service) for message delivery, there are 3 different
Level 0: "At most once", where messages are delivered according to the best efforts of the underlying TCP/
IP network. Message loss or duplication can occur. This level could be used, for example, with ambient sen
sor data where it does not matter if an individual reading is lost as the next one will be published soon after.
Level 1: "At least once", where messages are assured to arrive but duplicates may occur.
Level 2: "Exactly once", where message are assured to arrive exactly once. This level could be used, for ex
ample, with billing systems where duplicate or lost messages could lead to incorrect charges being applied.
Level 0
The message is delivered according to the best efforts of the underlying TCP/IP network. A response is not
expected and no retry semantics are defined in the protocol. The message arrives at the server either once
or not at all.
The table below shows the QoS level 0 protocol flow.
Client Message and direction Server
QoS = 0 Action: Publish a message to subscribers
Level 1
QoS = 1 • Store message
Message ID = x • Publish a message to sub
Action: Store message scribers
• Delete message
Action: Discard message
If the client does not receive an ACKNOWLEDGMENT message (either within a time period defined in the
application, or if a failure is detected and the communications session is restarted), the client may resend the
PUBLISH message.
Level 2
Additional protocol flows above QoS level 1 ensure that duplicate messages are not delivered to the receiv
ing application. This is the highest level of delivery, for use when duplicate messages are not acceptable.
There is an increase in network traffic, but it is usually acceptable because of the importance of the message
A message with QoS level 2 has a Message ID in the message.
The table below shows the QoS level 2 protocol flow. There are two semantics available for how a PUBLISH
flow should be handled by the recipient.
Client Message and direction Server
QoS = 2
Message ID = x Action: Store message
Action: Store message
Message ID = x
PUBREL • Publish a message to
Message ID = x
----------> subscribers
• Delete message
Action: Discard message Message ID = x
If a failure is detected, or after a defined time period, the protocol flow is retried from the last unacknowl
edged protocol message. The additional protocol flows to ensure that the message is delivered to sub
scribers once only.
Supported by
Java script
SGC Default Protocol implements Queues to add persistence to published messages (it's only available for Pub
lished messages)
Level 0: Messages are not queued on Server
Level 1: only last message is queued on Server, and is sent every time a client subscribes to a new channel
or connects to the server.
Level 2: All messages are queued on Server, and are sent every time a client subscribes to a new channel
or connects to the server.
Level 0
Queue = 0 Action: Publish a message to subscribers
Level 1
A message with Queue level 1 is stored on the server and if there are other messages stored for this chan
nel, are deleted.
The table below shows the Queue level 1 protocol flow.
Client Message and direction Server
Queue = 1 • Deletes All messages of this channel
• Store last message by Channel
Level 2
Queue = 2 Action: Store message
Supported by
Java script
sgcWebSockets SGC Protocol supports transactional messaging, when a client commits a transaction, all mes
sages sent by the client are processed on the server side. There are 3 methods called by the client:
Creates a New Transaction on the server side and all messages that are sent from the client to the server after
this method, are queued on Server side, until the client calls to Commit or Rollback
Message and di
Client Server
Action: Creates a new Queue to store all Mes
Channel = X TION
sages of the specified channel
Channel = X Action: Message is stored on Server Side.
Action: Client get ACKNOWLEDGE
Action: Server returns an Acknowledgement to
confirmation of MENT
the client because message is stored.
message sent <----------
Channel = X Action: Delete all messages queued by Transaction
TCP Connections
Supported by
By default, sgcWebSocket use WebSocket as protocol, but you can use plain TCP protocol in client and server
Client Component
Disable WebSocket protocol.
Client.Specifications.RFC6455 := False;
Server Component
Handle event OnUnknownProtocol and set Transport as trpTCP and Accept the connection.
Then when a client connects to the server, this connection will be defined as TCP and will use plain TCP protocol
instead of WebSockets. Plain TCP connections don't know if the message is text or binary, so all messages re
ceived are handle OnBinary event.
End of Message
If messages are big, sometimes can be received fragmented. There is a method to try to find end of message set
ting which bytes find. Example: STOMP protocol, all messages ends with byte 0 and 10
Supported by
WebSocket provides a simple subprotocol negotiation, basically adds a header with protocols name supported by
request, these protocols are received and if the receiver supports one of them, sends a response with subprotocol
sgcWebSockets supports several SubProtocols: MQTT, WAMP... and more. You can implement your own subpro
tocols using a very easy method, just call RegisterProtocol and send SubProtocol Name as an argument.
Example: you need to connect to a server which implements subprotocol "Test 1.0"
Client := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
Client.Host := 'server host';
Client.Port := server.port;
Client.RegisterProtocol('Test 1.0');
Client.Active := True;
Supported by
Bandwidth Throttling is supported by Server and Client components, if enabled, can limit the number of bits per
second sent/received by the socket. Indy uses a blocking method, so if a client is limiting its reading, unread data
will be inside the client socket and the server will be blocked from writing new data to the client. As much slower is
client reading data, much slower is server writing new data.
When updates are pushed from the server, the onmessage handler fires and new data is available in its
property. If the connection is closed, the browser will automatically reconnect to the source after ~3 seconds (this is
a default retry interval, you can change on the server side).
The following field names are defined by the specification:
The event's type. If this is specified, an event will be dispatched on the browser to the listener for the specified
event name; the web site would use addEventListener() to listen for named events. the onmessage handler is
called if no event name is specified for a message.
The data field for the message. When the EventSource receives multiple consecutive lines that begin with data:, it
will concatenate them, inserting a newline character between each one. Trailing newlines are removed.
The event ID to set the EventSource object's last event ID value to.
The reconnection time to use when attempting to send the event. This must be an integer, specifying the reconnec
tion time in milliseconds. If a non-integer value is specified, the field is ignored.
All other field names are ignored.
For multi-line strings use #10 as line feed.
Examples of use:
If you need to send a message to a client, just use WriteData method.
javascript code to listen "notifications" channel:
sse.addEventListener('notifications', function(e) {
console.log('notifications:' +;
}, false);
Supported by
Load Balancing allows distributing work between several back-end servers, every time a new client requests a con
nection, it connects to a load balancer server (which is connected to back-end servers) and returns a connection
string with information about the host, port... which is used by the client to connect to a server. If you have for ex
ample 4 servers, with this method all servers will have, more or less, the same number of connections, and work
load will be similar.
If a client wants to send a message to all clients of all servers, just use broadcast method, and this message will be
broadcast to all servers connected to Load Balancer Server.
To enable this feature:
1. Drop a TsgcWebSocketLoadBalancerServer component, set a listening port and set active to True.
2. Server and Client components, have a property called LoadBalancer, where you need to set host and port
of Load Balancer Server, and enabled True.
Supported by
This protocol allows sending files from client to server and from server to client in an easy way. You can send from
really small files to big files using a low memory usage. You can set:
1. Packet size in bytes.
2. Use custom channels to send files to only subscribed clients.
3. The progress of file send and received.
4. Authorization of files received.
5. Acknowledgement of packets sent.
Supported by
Client WebSocket components support WebSocket connections through HTTP proxies, to enable proxy connection
you need to activate the following properties:
Proxy / Enabled
Once set to True, you can set up:
Host: Proxy server address
Port: Proxy server port
UserName/Password: Authentication to connect to proxy, only if required.
You can configure SOCKS proxies accessing to SOCKS property and set Enable to True.
Fragmented Messages
Supported by
By default, when a stream is sent using sgcWebSockets library, it sends all data in a single packet or buffers all
packets and when the latest packet is received, OnBinary message event is called.
This behaviour can be customized by Options.FragmentedMessages property, which accepts following values:
1. frgOnlyBuffer: this is the default value, means that packet messages will be buffered and only when all stream is
received, OnBinary message will be called.
2. frgOnlyFragmented: this means that OnFragmented event only will be called for every packet received.
3. frgAll: this means that OnFragmented event will be called for every packet received and when the full stream is
OnFragmented event is useful when you must send big streams and receiver must show progress of the transfer.
Example: the client must send a stream of size 1.000.000 bytes to server and server wants show progress for
every 1000 bytes received
The client will send a stream using writedata method with a size for a packet of 1000
Client.WriteData(stream, 1000);
The server will set in Options.FragmentedMessages := frgAll and will handle OnFragmented event to receive
progress of streams
TsgcWebSocketClient implements Client WebSocket Component and can connect to a WebSocket Server. Follow
the next steps to configure this component:
1. Drop a TsgcWebSocketClient component onto the form
2. Set Host and Port (default is 80) to connect to an available WebSocket Server. You can set URL property and
Host, Port, Parameters... will be updated from URL. Example: wss:// will result:
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 80;
oClient.TLS := True;
oClient.Options.Parameters := '/ws/';
3. You can select if you require TLS (secure connection) or not, by default is not Activated.
4. You can connect through an HTTP Proxy Server, you need to define proxy properties:
Host: hostname of the proxy server.
Port: port number of the proxy server.
Username: user to authenticate, blank if anonymous.
Password: password to authenticate, blank if anonymous.
5. If the server supports compression, you can enable compression to compress messages sent.
6. Set Specifications allowed, by default all specifications are allowed.
RFC6455: is standard and recommended WebSocket specification.
HIxie76: always is false
7. If you want, you can handle events
OnConnect: when a WebSocket connection is established, this event is fired
OnDisconnect: when a WebSocket connection is dropped, this event is fired
OnError: every time there is a WebSocket error (like mal-formed handshake), this event is fired
OnMessage: every time the server sends a text message, this event is fired
OnBinary: every time the server sends a binary message, this event is fired
OnFragmented: when receives a fragment from a message (only fired when Options.FragmentedMessages =
frgAll or frgOnlyFragmented).
OnHandhake: this event is fired when handshake is evaluated on the client side.
OnException: every time an exception occurs, this event is fired.
OnSSLVerifyPeer: if verify certificate is enabled, in this event you can verify if server certificate is valid and ac
cept or not.
OnBeforeHeartBeat: if HeartBeat is enabled, allows to implement a custom HeartBeat setting Handled parame
ter to True (this means, standard websocket ping won't be sent).
OnBeforeConnect: before the client tries to connect to server, this event is called.
OnBeforeWatchDog: if WatchDog is enabled, allows to implement a custom WatchDog setting Handled para
meter to True (this means, won't try to connect to server). You can change the Server Connection properties too
before try to reconnect, example: connect to a fallback server if first fails.
8. Set property Active = true to start a new websocket connection
WriteData: sends a message to a WebSocket Server. Could be a String or MemoryStream. If "size" is set, the
packet will be split if the size of the message is greater of size.
Ping: sends a ping to a Server. If a time-out is specified, it waits for a response until a time-out is exceeded, if no
response, then closes the connection.
Start: uses a secondary thread to connect to the server, this prevents your application freezes while trying to
Stop: uses a secondary thread to disconnect from the server, this prevents your application freezes while trying
to disconnect.
Connect: try to connect to the server and wait till the connection is successful or there is an error.
Disconnect: try to disconnect from the server and wait till disconnection is successful or there is an error.
Authentication: if enabled, WebSocket connection will try to authenticate passing a username and password.
Implements 4 types of WebSocket Authentication
Session: client needs to do a HTTP GET passing username and password, and if authenticated, server re
sponse a Session ID. With this Session ID, client open WebSocket connection passing as a parameter.
URL: client open WebSocket connection passing username and password as a parameter.
Basic: uses basic authentication where user and password as sent as HTTP Header.
Token: sends a token as HTTP Header. Usually used for bearer tokens where token must be set in AuthTo
ken property.
• OAuth: if a OAuth2 component is attached, before client connects to server, it requests a new Access
Token to Authorization server. OAuth2 Component.
Host: IP or DNS name of the server.
HeartBeat: if enabled try to keeps alive WebSocket connection sending a ping every x seconds.
Interval: number of seconds between each ping.
Timeout: max number of seconds between a ping and pong.
TCPKeepAlive: if enabled, uses keep-alive at TCP socket level, in Windows will enable
SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS if supported and if not will use keepalive. By default is disabled. Read about Dropped Dis
Time: if after X time socket doesn't sends anything, it will send a packet to keep-alive connection (value in
Interval: after sends a keep-alive packet, if not received a response after interval, it will send another packet
(value in milliseconds).
ConnectTimeout: max time in milliseconds before a connection is ready.
LoadBalancer: it's a client which connects to Load Balancer Server to broadcast messages and get information
about servers.
Enabled: if enabled, it will connect to Load Balancer Server.
Host: Load Balancer Server Host.
Port: Load Balancer Server Port.
Servers: here you can set manual WebSocket Servers to connect (if you don't make use of Load Balancer
Server get server connection methods), example:
Connected: returns true if the connection is active. Use this property carefully, because uses internal "connect
ed" Indy method, and this method may lock the thread and/or increment the use of cpu. If you want to know if the
client is connected, just use the Active property, which is safer.
ReadTimeout: max time in milliseconds to read messages.
WriteTimeOut: max time in milliseconds sending data to other peer, 0 by default (only works under Windows
BoundPortMin: minimum local port used by client, by default zero (means there aren't limits).
BoundPortMax: max local port used by client, by default zero (means there aren't limits).
Port: Port used to connect to the host.
LogFile: if enabled save socket messages to a specified log file, useful for debugging. The access to log file is
not thread safe if it's accessed from several threads.
Enabled: if enabled every time a message is received and sent by socket it will be saved on a file.
FileName: full path to the filename.
UnMaskFrames: by default True, means that saves the websocket messages sent unmasked.
NotifyEvents: defines which mode to notify WebSocket events.
neAsynchronous: this is the default mode, notify threaded events on asynchronous mode, adds events to a
queue that are synchronized with the main thread asynchronously.
neSynchronous: if this mode is selected, notify threaded events on synchronous mode, needs to synchro
nize with the main thread to notify these events.
neNoSync: there is no synchronization with the main thread, if you need to access to controls that are not
thread-safe, you need to implement your own synchronization methods.
Options: allows customizing headers sent on the handshake.
FragmentedMessages: allows handling Fragmented Messages
frgOnlyBuffer: the message is buffered until all data is received, it raises OnBinary or OnMessage
event (option by default)
frgOnlyFragmented: every time a new fragment is received, it raises OnFragmented Event.
frgAll: every time a new fragment is received, it raises OnFragmented Event with All data received
from the first packet. When all data is received, it raises OnBinary or OnMessage event.
Parameters: define parameters used on GET.
Origin: customize connection origin.
RaiseDisconnectExceptions: enabled by default, raises an exception every time there is a disconnection
by protocol error.
ValidateUTF8: if enabled, validates if the message contains UTF8 valid characters, by default is disabled.
CleanDisconnect: if enabled, every time client disconnects from server, first sends a message to inform
server connection will be closed.
QueueOptions: this property allows to queue the messages in an internal queue (instead of send directly) and
send the messages in the context of the connection thread, this prevents locks when several threads try to send a
message. For every message type: Text, Binary or Ping a queue can be configured, by default the value set is qm
None which means the messages are not queued. The other types, means different queue levels and the differ
ence between them are just the order where are processed (first are processed qmLevel1, then qmLevel2 and fi
nally qmLevel3).
Example: if Text and Binary messages have the property set to qmLevel2 and Ping to qmLevel1. The client will
process first the Ping messages (so the ping message is sent first than Text or Binary if they are queued at the
same time), and then process the Text and Binary messages in the same queue.
Extensions: you can enable compression on messages sent.
Protocol: if exists, shows the current protocol used
Proxy: here you can define if you want to connect through a Proxy Server, you can connect to the following
proxy servers:
pxyHTTP: HTTP Proxy Server.
pxySocks4: SOCKS4 Proxy Server.
pxySocks4A: SOCKS4A Proxy Server.
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.URL := 'wss://';
oClient.Active := true;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 443;
oClient.TLS := true;
oClient.Active := true;
TsgcWebSocketClient | Client Open Connec
Once your client is configured to connect to server, there are 3 different options to call Open a new connection.
Active Property
The most easy way to open a new connection is Set Active property to true. This will try to connect to server using
component configuration.
If you set Active property to false, will close connection if active.
This method is executed in the same thread that caller. So if you call in the Main Thread, method will be executed
in Main Thread of application.
Open Connection
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Active := true;
When you call Active = true, you can't still send any data to server because client maybe is still connecting, you
must first wait to OnConnect event is fired and then you can start to send messages to server.
Close Connection
oClient.Active := false;
When you call Active = false, you cannot be sure that connection is already closed just after this code, so you
must wait to OnDisconnect event is fired.
Start/Stop methods
When you call Start() or Stop() to connect/disconnect from server, is executed in a secondary thread, so it doesn't
blocks the thread where is called. Use this method if you want connect to a server and let your code below contin
Open Connection
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
When you call Start(), you can't still send any data to server because client maybe is still connecting, you must
first wait to OnConnect event is fired and then you can start to send messages to server.
Close Connection
When you call Stop(), you cannot be sure that connection is already closed just after this code, so you must
wait to OnDisconnect event is fired.
Connect/Disconnect methods
When you call Connect() or Disconnect() to open/close connection from server, this is executed in the same thread
where is called, but it waits till process is finished. You must set a Timeout to set the maximum time to wait till
process is finished (by default 10 seconds)
Example: connect to server and wait till 5 seconds
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
if oClient.Connect(5000) then
oClient.WriteData('Hello from client')
If after calling Connect() method, the result is successful, you can already send a message to server because con
nection is alive.
Example: connect to server and wait till 10 seconds
if oClient.Disconnect(10000) then
ShowMessage('Not Disconnected');
If after calling Disconnect() event the result is successful, this means that connection is already closed.
OnBeforeConnect event can be used to customize the server connection properties before the client tries to con
nect to it.
TsgcWebSocketClient | Client Close Con
Connection can be closed using Active property, Stop or Disconnect methods, read more from Client Open Con
When connection is closed, you can notify other peer that connection is closed sending a message about close
connection, to enable this feature, Set Options.CleanDisconnect property to true.
If this property is enabled, before connection is closed, a Close message will be sent to server to notify that client is
closing connection.
TsgcWSConnection has a method called Disconnect(), that allows to disconnect connection at socket level. If you
call this method, socket will be disconnected directly without waiting any response from server. You can send a
Close Code with this method.
TsgcWSConnection has a method called Close(), which allows to send a message to server requesting to close
connection, if server receives this message, must close the connection and client will receive a notification that con
nection is closed. You can send a Close Code with this method.
TsgcWebSocketClient |Client Keep Connec
tion Open
Once your client has connected to server, sometimes connection can be closed due to poor signal, connection er
rors... there are 2 properties which helps to keep connection active.
HeartBeat property allows to send a Ping every X seconds to maintain connection alive. Some servers, close
TCP connections if there is no data exchanged between peers. HeartBeat solves this problem, sending a ping
every a specific interval. Usually this is enough to maintain a connection active, but you can set a TimeOut interval
if you want to close connection if a response from server is not received after X seconds.
Example: send a ping every 30 seconds
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.HeartBeat.Interval := 30;
oClient.HeartBeat.Timeout := 0;
oClient.HeartBeat.Enabled := true;
oClient.Active := true;
There is an event called OnBeforeHeartBeat which allows to customize HeartBeat behaviour. By default, if Heart
Beat is enabled, client will send a websocket ping every X seconds set by HeartBeat.Interval property.
OnBeforeHeartBeat has a parameter called Handled, by default is false, which means the flow is controlled by Ts
gcWebSocketClient component. If you set the value to True, then ping won't be sent, and you can send your cus
tom message using Connection class.
If WatchDog is enabled, when client detects a disconnection, WatchDog try to reconnect again every X seconds
until connection is active again.
Example: reconnect every 10 seconds after a disconnection with unlimited attempts.
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.WatchDog.Interval := 10;
oClient.WatchDog.Attempts := 0;
oClient.WatchDog.Enabled := true;
oClient.Active := true;
You can use OnBeforeWatchDog event to change the Server where the client will try to connect. Example: after 3
retries, if the client cannot connect to a server, will try to connect to a secondary server.
The Handled property, if set to True, means that the client won't try to reconnect.
TsgcWebSocketClient | Dropped Disconnec
Once the connection has been established, if no peer sends any data, then no packets are sent over the net. TCP
is an idle protocol, so it assumes that the connection is active.
Disconnection reasons
• Application closes: when a process is finished, usually sends a FIN packet which acknowledges the other
peer that connection has been closed. But if a process crashes there is no guarantee that this packet will be
sent to other peer.
• Device Closes: if devices closes, most probably there won't be any notification about this.
• Network cable unplugged: if network cable is unplugged it's the same that a router closes, there is no data
being transferred so connection is not closed.
• Loss signal from router: if application loses signal from router, connection will still be alive.
Second Connection
You can try to open a second connection and try to connect but this has some disadvantages, like you are consum
ing more resources, create new threads... and if other peer has rebooted, second connection will work but first
If you try to send a ping or whatever message with a half-open connection, you will see that you don't get any error.
A TCP keep-alive packet is simply an ACK with the sequence number set to one less than the current sequence
number for the connection. A host receiving one of these ACKs responds with an ACK for the current sequence
number. Keep-alives can be used to verify that the computer at the remote end of a connection is still available.
TCP keep-alives can be sent once every TCPKeepAlive.Time (defaults to 7,200,000 milliseconds or two hours) if
no other data or higher-level keep-alives have been carried over the TCP connection. If there is no response to a
keep-alive, it is repeated once every TCPKeepAlive.Interval seconds. KeepAliveInterval defaults to 1000 millisec
You can enable per-connection KeepAlive and allow that TCP protocol check if connection is active or not. This is
the preferred method if you want to detect dropped disconnections (for example: when you unplug a network ca
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.TCPKeepAlive.Enabled := True;
oClient.TCPKeepAlive.Time := 5000;
oClient.TCPKeepAlive.Interval := 1000;
URL Property
The most easy way to connect to a WebSocket server is use URL property and call Active = true.
Example: connect to port 5555
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.URL := 'tcp://';
oClient.Active := true;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Specifications.RFC6455 := false;
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 5555;
oClient.Active := true;
TsgcWebSocketClient | Connections
When a client initiates a disconnection from server, there is an exchange between client and server to inform about
the state of disconnection. When the process is finished, the client socket connection states as TIME_WAIT during
a variable time. This is a normal behavior, in windows operating systems, this time defaults to about 4 minutes.
You can reduce or eliminate this behaviour, do with careful, using the following alternatives.
You can reduce the TIME_WAIT value using the Windows Regedit
1. Open Regedit and access to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\
Services\TCPIP\Parameters registry subkeys.
2. Create a new REG_DWORD value named TcpTimedWaitDelay
3. Set the value in Seconds. Example: if you set a value of 5, means that TIME_WAIT will waits as max as 5 sec
4. Save and restart the system.
Another option to avoid TIME_WAIT state, is use the socket option SO_LINGER, if enabled, instead of closing the
connection gracefully, the client resets the connection so the TIME_WAIT state is avoided.
You can enable this option using LingerState property, by default has a value of -1. If you set a value of zero, the
connection will be reset when disconnecting from socket without Timeout.
This options is probably the less recommended and only use as a last option.
TsgcWebSocketClient | WebSocket Redirec
When the client connects to a WebSocket server, the server can return an HTTP Response Code 30x. If the Re
sponse code it's a 301, means that the location has been moved permanently, and the new url is informed in the
Location HTTP Header.
The WebSocket client, handle redirections automatically, so if detects the Server Response contains a redirection,
it will disconnect the actual connection and try to connect with then new Location URL.
1. Client first tries to connect to url ws://
2. Server returns a Response Code of 301 and contains a Header Location with the value ws://
3. Client reads the Response from server, detects that it's a redirection and reads the Location
1. First Disconnects the actual connection.
2. Update the URL property with the value of Location Header (ws://
3. Connects to the new server.
You can configure a secure connection, using URL property or Host / Port properties, see Connect to WebSocket
In TLSOptions property there are the properties to customize a secure connection. The most important property
is version, which specifies the version of TLS protocol. Usually setting TLS property to true and
TLSOptions.Version to tlsUndefined is enough for the wide majority of WebSocket Servers.
TLSOptions.Version allows to set the TLS version used to connect to server or let the client negotiate the TLS ver
sion from all available (this is the default when value is tlsUndefined).
If you get an error trying to connect to a server about TLS protocol, most probably this server requires a TLS
version newer than you set.
If TLSOptions.IOHandler is set to iohOpenSSL, you need to deploy OpenSSL libraries (which are the libraries
that handle all TLS stuff), check the following article about OpenSSL.
If TLSOptions.IOHandler is set to iohSChannel, then there is no need to deploy any library (only windows is
TsgcWebSocketClient | Certificates
When the server requires that client connects using a SSL Certificate, use the TLSOptions property of TsgcWeb
SocketClient to set the certificate files. The certificate must be in PEM format, so if the certificate has a different for
mat, first must be converted to PEM.
Connection through OpenSSL libraries requires that TLSOptions.IOHandler = iohOpenSSL.
Configure the following properties:
• CertFile: is the path to the certificate in PEM format.
• KeyFile: is the path to the private key of the certificate.
• RootCertFile: is the path to the root of the certificate.
• Password: if certificate is protected by a password, set here the secret.
TsgcWebSocketClient | Certificates SChan
When the server requires that client connects using a SSL Certificate, use the TLSOptions property of TsgcWeb
SocketClient to set the certificate files.
Connection through SChannel requires that TLSOptions.IOHandler = iohSChannel.
SChannel support 2 types of certificate authentication:
1. Using a PFX certificate
2. Setting the Hash Certificate of an already installed certificate in the windows system.
PFX Certificate
PFX Certificate is a file that contains the certificate and private key, sometimes you have a certificate in PEM for
mat, so before use it, you must convert to PFX.
Use the following openssl command to converte a PEM certificate to PFX
Once the certificate has PFX format, you only need to deploy the certificate and set in the TLSOptions.Certificate
property the path to it.
TLSOptions.IOHandler = iohSChannel
TLSOptions.CertFile = <certificate path>
TLSOptions.Password = <certificate optional password>
Hash Certificate
If the certificate is already installed in the windows certificate store, you only need to know the certificate thumbprint
and set in the TLSOptions.SChannel_Options property.
Finding the hash of a certificate is as easy in powershell as running a dir command on the certificates container.
dir cert:\localmachine\my
Directory: Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Certificate::localmachine\my
Thumbprint Subject
---------- -------
C12A8FC8AE668F866B48F23E753C93D357E9BE10 CN=*
Once you have the Thumbprint value, you must to set in the TLSOptions.SChannel_Options property the hash
and where is located the certificate.
TLSOptions.IOHandler = iohSChannel
TLSOptions.SChannel_Options.CertHash = <certificate thumbprint>
TLSOptions.SChannel_Options.CertStoreName = <certificate store name>
TsgcWebSocketClient | SChannel Get Con
nection Info
Once the client has connected to the secure server, you can request info about which Version is using (TLS 1.2,
TLS 1.3...), the cipher used, strength... and more.
Call the function GetInfo of the SChannel Handler to access this info. You can access to the SSL Handler, using
the method OnSSLAfterCreateHandler, which is called after the SChannel Handler is created. After the client con
nects to server and if the SSL Handler is assigned, call the function GetInfo and if successful, will return the con
nection data.
SSL: TsgcIdSSLIOHandlerSocketSChannel;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.URL := 'wss://';
oClient.TLSOptions.Version := tls1_2;
oClient.TLSOptions.IOHandler := iohSChannel;
oClient.OnSSLAfterCreateHandler := OnSSLAfterCreateHandlerEvent;
oClient.OnConnect := OnConnectEvent;
oClient.Active := True;
If QueueOptions.Text has a different value from qmNone, instead of be processed on the same thread that is
called, it will be processed on a secondary thread. By default this option is disabled.
oStream := TMemoryStream.Create(nil);
If QueueOptions.Binary has a different value from qmNone, instead of be processed on the same thread that is
called, it will be processed on a secondary thread. By default this option is disabled.
sgcWSStreamWrite('00001', oStream);
When binary message is received, call method to decode stream.
sgcWSStreamRead(oStream, vID);
The only limitation is that text used to identify binary message, has a maximum length of 10 characters (this can be
modified if you have access to source code).
TsgcWebSocketClient | Receive Text Mes
When client receives a Text Message, OnMessage event is fired, just read Text parameter to know the string of
message received.
By default, client uses neAsynchronous method to dispatch OnMessage event, this means that this event is exe
cuted on the context of Main Thread, so it's thread-safe to update any control of a form for example.
If your client receives lots of messages or you need to control the synchronization with other threads, set Noti
fyEvents property to neNoSync, this means that OnMessage event will be executed on the context of connec
tion thread, so if you require to update any control of a form or access shared objects, you must implement your
own synchronization methods.
TsgcWebSocketClient | Receive Binary Mes
When client receives a Binary Message, OnBinary event is fired, just read Data parameter to know the binary mes
sage received.
By default, client uses neAsynchronous method to dispatch OnMessage event, this means that this event is exe
cuted on the context of Main Thread, so it's thread-safe to update any control of a form for example.
If your client receives lots of messages or you need to control the synchronization with other threads, set
NotifyEvents property to neNoSync, this means that OnMessage event will be executed on the context of connec
tion thread, so if you require to update any control of a form or access shared objects, you must implement
your own synchronization methods.
Authorization Basic
Is a simple authorization method where user and password are encoded and passes as an HTTP Header. Just set
User and Password and enable only Basic Authorization type to use this method.
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Authorization.Enabled := true;
oClient.Authorization.Basic.Enabled := true;
oClient.Authorization.User := 'your user';
oClient.Authorization.Password := 'your password';
oClient.Authorization.Token.Enabled := false;
oClient.Authorization.URL.Enabled := false;
oClient.Authorization.Session.Enabled := false;
oClient.Active := True;
Authorization Token
Allows to get Authorization using JWT, requires you obtain a Token using any external tool (example: using an
HTTP connection, OAuth2...).
If you Attach an OAuth2 component, you can obtain this token automatically. Read more about OAuth2.
Basically you must set your AuthToken and enable Token Authentication.
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Authorization.Enabled := true;
oClient.Authorization.Token.Enabled := true;
oClient.Authorization.Token.AuthToken := 'your token';
oClient.Authorization.Basic.Enabled := false;
oClient.Authorization.URL.Enabled := false;
oClient.Authorization.Session.Enabled := false;
oClient.Active := True;
Authorization Session
First client connects to server using an HTTP connection requesting a new Session, if successful, server returns a
SessionId and client sends this SessionId in GET HTTP Header of WebSockets HandShake.
Requires to set UserName and Password and set Session Authentication to True.
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Authorization.Enabled := true;
oClient.Authorization.Session.Enabled := true;
oClient.Authorization.User := 'your user';
oClient.Authorization.Password := 'your password';
oClient.Authorization.Basic.Enabled := false;
oClient.Authorization.URL.Enabled := false;
oClient.Authorization.Token.Enabled := false;
oClient.Active := True;
Authorization URL
This Authentication method, just passes username and password in GET HTTP Header of WebSockets Hand
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Authorization.Enabled := true;
oClient.Authorization.URL.Enabled := true;
oClient.Authorization.User := 'your user';
oClient.Authorization.Password := 'your password';
oClient.Authorization.Basic.Enabled := false;
oClient.Authorization.Session.Enabled := false;
oClient.Authorization.Token.Enabled := false;
oClient.Active := True;
This event is fired every time there is an error in WebSocket protocol, like invalid message type, invalid utf8 string...
This event is fired every time there is an exception like write a socket is not active, access to an object that not ex
By default, when connection is closed by server, an exception will be fired, if you don't want that these excep
tions are fired, just disable in Options.RaiseDisconnectExceptions.
TsgcWebSocketClient | WebSocket Hand
WebSocket protocol uses an HTTP HandShake to upgrade from HTTP Protocol to WebSocket protocol. This hand
shake is handled internally by TsgcWebSocket Client component, but you can add your custom HTTP headers if
server requires some custom HTTP Headers info.
You can check HandShake string before is sent to server using OnHandShake event too.
TsgcWebSocketClient | Client Register Pro
By default, TsgcWebSocketClient doesn't make use of any SubProtocol, basically websocket sub-protocol are built
on top of websocket protocol and defines a custom message protocol, example of websocket sub-protocols can be
WebSocket SubProtocol name is sent as an HTTP Header in WebSocket HandShake, this header is processed by
server and if server supports this subprotocol will accept connection, if is not supported, connection will be closed
Example: connect to a websocket server with SubProtocol name 'myprotocol'
Client := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
Client.Host := 'server host';
Client.Port := server.port;
Client.Active := True;
Client := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
Client.Proxy.Enabled := true;
Client.Proxy.Username := 'user';
Client.Proxy.Password := 'secret';
Client.Proxy.Host := '';
Client.Proxy.Port := 8080;
Client.Active := True;
TsgcWebSocketServer implements Server WebSocket Component and can handle multiple threaded client connec
tions. Follow the next steps to configure this component:
1. Drop a TsgcWebSocketServer component onto the form
2. Set Port (default is 80). If you are behind a firewall probably you will need to configure it.
3. Set Specifications allowed, by default all specifications are allowed.
RFC6455: is standard and recommended WebSocket specification.
Hixie76: it's a draft and it's only recommended to establish Hixie76 connections if you want to provide support to
old browsers like Safari 4.2
4. If you want, you can handle events:
OnConnect: every time a WebSocket connection is established, this event is fired.
OnDisconnect: every time a WebSocket connection is dropped, this event is fired.
OnError: every time there is a WebSocket error (like mal-formed handshake), this event is fired.
OnMessage: every time a client sends a text message and it's received by server, this event is fired.
OnBinary: every time a client sends a binary message and it's received by server, this event is fired.
OnHandhake: this event is fired after the handshake is evaluated on the server side.
OnException: every time an exception occurs, this event is fired.
OnAuthentication: if authentication is enabled, this event is fired. You can check user and password passed by
the client and enable/disable Authenticated Variable.
OnUnknownProtocol: if WebSocket protocol is not detected (because the client is using plain TCP protocol for
example), in this event connection can be accepted or rejected.
OnStartup: raised after the server has started.
OnShutdown: raised after the server has stopped.
OnTCPConnect: public event, is called AFTER the TCP connection and BEFORE Websocket handshake. Is
useful when your server accepts plain TCP connections (because OnConnect event is only fired after first message
sent by client).
OnBeforeHeartBeat: if HeartBeat is enabled, allows to implement a custom HeartBeat setting Handled parame
ter to True (this means, standard websocket ping won't be sent).
5. Create a procedure and set property Active = True.
Broadcast: sends a message to all connected clients.
Message / Stream: message or stream to send to all clients.
Channel: if you specify a channel, the message will be sent only to subscribers.
Protocol: if defined, the message will be sent only to a specific protocol.
Exclude: if defined, list of connection guid excluded (separated by comma).
Include: if defined, list of connection guid included (separated by comma).
WriteData: sends a message to a single or multiple clients. Every time a Client establishes a
WebSocket connection, this connection is identified by a Guid, you can use this Guid to send a mes
sage to a client.
Ping: sends a ping to all connected clients. If a time-out is specified, it waits a response until a
time-out is exceeded, if no response, then closes the connection.
DisconnectAll: disconnects all active connections.
Start: uses a secondary thread to connect to the server, this prevents your application freezes
while trying to connect.
Stop: uses a secondary thread to disconnect from the server, this prevents your application
freezes while trying to disconnect.
Authentication: if enabled, you can authenticate WebSocket connections against a username and password.
Authusers: is a list of authenticated users, following spec:
Implements 3 types of WebSocket Authentication
Session: client needs to do an HTTP GET passing username and password, and if authenticated, server re
sponse a Session ID. With this Session ID, client open WebSocket connection passing as a parameter.
URL: client open Websocket connection passing username and password as a parameter.
Basic: implements Basic Access Authentication, only applies to VCL Websockets (Server and Client) and
HTTP Requests (client web browsers don't implement this type of authentication).
Bindings: used to manage IP and Ports.
Connections: contains a list of all clients connections.
Count: Connections number count.
LogFile: if enabled save socket messages to a specified log file, useful for debugging.
Enabled: if enabled every time a message is received and sent by socket it will be saved on a file.
FileName: full path to the filename.
UnMaskFrames: by default True, means that saves the websocket messages received unmasked.
Extensions: you can enable compression on messages sent (if client don't support compression, messages will
be exchanged automatically without compression).
FallBack: if WebSockets protocol it's not supported natively by the browser, you can enable the following fall
Flash: if enabled, if the browser hasn't native WebSocket implementation and has flash enabled, it uses Flash
as a Transport.
ServerSentEvents: if enabled, allows to send push notifications from the server to browser clients.
Retry: interval in seconds to try to reconnect to server (3 by default).
HeartBeat: if enabled try to keeps alive Websocket client connections sending a ping every x seconds.
Interval: number of seconds between each ping.
Timeout: max number of seconds between a ping and pong.
TCPKeepAlive: if enabled, uses keep-alive at TCP socket level, in Windows will enable
SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS if supported and if not will use keepalive. By default is disabled.
Interval: in milliseconds.
Timeout: in milliseconds.
HTTP2Options: by default HTTP/2 protocol is not enabled, it uses HTTP 1.1 to handle HTTP requests. Enabled
this property if you want use HTTP/2 protocol if client supports it.
Enabled: if true, HTTP/2 protocol is supported. If client doesn't supports HTTP/2, HTTP 1.1 will be used as
Settings: Specifies the header values to send to the HTTP/2 server.
EnablePush: by default enabled, this setting can be used to avoid server push content to client.
HeaderTableSize: Allows the sender to inform the remote endpoint of the maximum size of the head
er compression table used to decode header blocks, in octets. The encoder can select any size equal
to or less than this value by using signaling specific to the header compression format inside a header
block. The initial value is 4,096 octets.
InitialWindowSize: Indicates the sender’s initial window size (in octets) for stream-level flow control.
The initial value is 65,535 octets. This setting affects the window size of all streams.
MaxConcurrentStreams: Indicates the maximum number of concurrent streams that the sender will
allow. This limit is directional: it applies to the number of streams that the sender permits the receiver
to create. Initially, there is no limit to this value.
MaxFrameSize: Indicates the size of the largest frame payload that the sender is willing to receive, in
octets. The initial value is 16,384 octets.
MaxHeaderListSize: This advisory setting informs a peer of the maximum size of header list that the
sender is prepared to accept, in octets. The value is based on the uncompressed size of header
fields, including the length of the name and value in octets plus an overhead of 32 octets for each
header field.
IOHandlerOptions: by default uses normal Indy Handler (every connection runs in his own thread)
iohDefault: default indy IOHandler, every new connection creates a new thread.
iohIOCP: only for windows and requires custom indy version, a thread pool handles all connections. Read
more about IOCP.
LoadBalancer: it's a client which connects to Load Balancer Server to broadcast messages and send informa
tion about the server.
AutoRegisterBindings: if enabled, sends automatically server bindings to load balancer server.
AutoRestart: time to wait in seconds after a load balancer server connection has been dropped and tries to re
connect; zero means no restart (by default);
Bindings: here you can set manual bindings to be sent to Load Balancer Server, example:
Enabled: if enabled, it will connect to Load Balancer Server.
Guid: used to identify server on Load Balancer Server side.
Host: Load Balancer Server Host.
Port: Load Balancer Server Port.
MaxConnections: max connections allowed (if zero there is no limit).
NotifyEvents: defines which mode to notify WebSocket events.
neAsynchronous: this is the default mode, notify threaded events on asynchronous mode, adds events to a
queue that are synchronized with the main thread asynchronously.
neSynchronous: if this mode is selected, notify threaded events on synchronous mode, needs to synchro
nize with the main thread to notify these events.
neNoSync: there is no synchronization with the main thread, if you need to access to controls that are not
thread-safe, you need to implement your own synchronization methods.
FragmentedMessages: allows handling Fragmented Messages
frgOnlyBuffer: the message is buffered until all data is received, it raises OnBinary or OnMessage
event (option by default)
frgOnlyFragmented: every time a new fragment is received, it raises OnFragmented Event.
frgAll: every time a new fragment is received, it raises OnFragmented Event with All data received
from the first packet. When all data is received, it raises OnBinary or OnMessage event.
HTMLFiles: if enabled, allows to request Web Browser tests, enabled by default.
JavascriptFiles: if enabled, allows to request Javascript Built-in libraries, enabled by default.
RaiseDisconnectExceptions: enabled by default, raises an exception every time there is a disconnection
by protocol error.
ReadTimeOut: time in milliseconds to check if there is data in socket connection, 10 by default.
WriteTimeOut: max time in milliseconds sending data to other peer, 0 by default (only works under Win
dows OS).
ValidateUTF8: if enabled, validates if the message contains UTF8 valid characters, by default is disabled.
QueueOptions: this property allows to queue the messages in an internal queue (instead of send directly) and
send the messages in the context of the connection thread (QueueOptions only works on Indy based servers
where every connection runs in his own thread), this prevents locks when several threads try to send a message
using the same connection. For every message type: Text, Binary or Ping a queue can be configured, by default
the value set is qmNone which means the messages are not queued. The other types, means different queue lev
els and the difference between them are just the order where are processed (first are processed qmLevel1, then
qmLevel2 and finally qmLevel3).
Example: if Text and Binary messages have the property set to qmLevel2 and Ping to qmLevel1. The server will
process first the Ping messages (so the ping message is sent first than Text or Binary if they are queued at the
same time), and then process the Text and Binary messages in the same queue. QueueOptions is not supported
when IOHandlerOptions = iohIOCP
ReadEmptySource: max number of times an HTTP Connection is read and there is no data received, 0 by de
fault (means no limit). If the limit is reached, the connection is closed.
OriginsAllowed: define here which origins are allowed (by default accepts connections from all origins), if
the origin is not in the list closes the connection. Examples:
• Allow all connections to IP and port 5555. OriginsAllowed = ""
• Allow all connections to IP and all ports. OriginsAllowed = "*"
• Allow all connections from any IP. OriginsAllowed = ""
SSL: enables secure connections.
SSLOptions: used to define SSL properties: certificates filenames, password...
ThreadPool: if enabled, when a thread is no longer needed this is put into a pool and marked as inactive (do
not consume CPU cycles), it's useful if there are a lot of short-lived connections.
MaxThreads: max number of threads to be created, by default is 0 meaning no limit. If max number is
reached then the connection is refused.
PoolSize: size of ThreadPool, by default is 32.
APIVersion: allows to define which OpenSSL API will be used.
oslAPI_1_0: uses API 1.0 OpenSSL, it's latest supported by Indy
oslAPI_1_1: uses API 1.1 OpenSSL, requires our custom Indy library and allows to use
OpenSSL 1.1.1 libraries (with TLS 1.3 support).
oslAPI_3_0: uses API 3.0 OpenSSL, requires our custom Indy library and allows to use
OpenSSL 3.0.0 libraries (with TLS 1.3 support).
LibPath: here you can configure where are located the openSSL libraries
oslpNone: this is the default, the openSSL libraries should be in the same folder where is the
binary or in a known path.
oslpDefaultFolder: sets automatically the openSSL path where the libraries should be located
for all IDE personalities.
oslpCustomFolder: if this is the option selected, define the full path in the property LibPath
LibPathCustom: when LibPath = oslpCustomFolder define here the full path where are located the
openSSL libraries.
UnixSymLinks: enable or disable the loading of SymLinks under Unix systems (by default is en
abled, except under OSX64):
oslsSymLinksDefault: by default are enabled except under OSX64 (after MacOS Monterey
fails trying to load the library without version.).
oslsSymLinksLoadFirst: Load SymLinks and do before trying to load the version libraries.
oslsSymLinksLoad: Load SymLinks after trying to load the version libraries.
oslsSymLinksDontLoad: don't load the SymLinks.
ECDHE: if enabled, uses ECDHE instead of RSA as key exchange. Recommended to enable ECD
HE if you use OpenSSL 1.0.2.
WatchDog: if enabled, restart the server after unexpected disconnection.
Interval: seconds before reconnects.
Attempts: max number of reconnects, if zero, then unlimited.
Throttle: used to limit the number of bits per second sent/received.
Active Property
If you set Active property to true, server will start to listening all incoming connection on port set.
oServer := TsgcWebSocketServer.Create(nil);
oServer.Port := 80;
oServer.Active := true;
If you set Active property to false, server will stop and close all active connections.
oServer.Active := false;
oServer := TsgcWebSocketServer.Create(nil);
oServer.Port := 80;
If you call Stop() method, server will stop and close all active connections.
You can use the method ReStart, to Stop and Start server in a secondary thread.
If you change the Port after closing a server, to start listening on a different port, call the method Bindings.Clear()
after closing the server to delete all previous bindings. Otherwise the server will try to bind to the previous bindings.
oServer := TsgcWebSocketServer.Create(nil);
With oServer.Bindings.Add do
IP := '';
Port := 5555;
With oServer.Bindings.Add do
IP := '';
Port := 5555;
oServer.Active := true;
If you change the Port after closing a server, to start listening on a different port, call the method Bindings.Clear()
after closing the server to delete all previous bindings. Otherwise the server will try to bind to the previous bindings.
This event is fired when server has started and can process new connections.
This event is fired after server has stopped and no more connections are accepted.
If WatchDog is enabled, when server detects a Shutdown, WatchDog try to restart again every X seconds until
server is active again.
Example: restart every 10 seconds after an unexpected stop with unlimited attempts.
oServer := TsgcWebSocketServer.Create(nil);
oServer.WatchDog.Interval := 10;
oServer.WatchDog.Attempts := 0;
oServer.WatchDog.Enabled := true;
oServer.Active := true;
oServer := TsgcWebSocketServer.Create(nil);
oServer.SSL := true;
oServer.SSLOptions.CertFile := 'c:\certificates\mycert.pem';
oServer.SSLOptions.KeyFile := 'c:\certificates\mycert.pem';
oServer.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := 'c:\certificates\mycert.pem';
oServer.SSLOptions.Port := 443;
oServer.Port := 443;
oServer.Active := true;
ing on different ports). You only need to bind to 2 different ports and configure port for ssl connections and port for
none ssl connections.
Example: configure server in IP, port 80 (none encrypted) and 443 (SSL)
oServer := TsgcWebSocketServer.Create(nil);
With oServer.Bindings.Add do
IP := '';
Port := 80;
With oServer.Bindings.Add do
IP := '';
Port := 443;
oServer.Port := 80;
oServer.SSL := true;
oServer.SSLOptions.CertFile := 'c:\certificates\mycert.pem';
oServer.SSLOptions.KeyFile := 'c:\certificates\mycert.pem';
oServer.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := 'c:\certificates\mycert.pem';
oServer.SSLOptions.Port := 443;
oServer.Active := true;
TsgcWebSocketServer | Server Keep Con
nections Alive
Once your client has connected to server, sometimes connection can be closed due to poor signal, connection er
rors... use Heartbeat to keep connection alive.
HeartBeat property allows to send a Ping every X seconds to maintain connection alive. Some servers, close
TCP connections if there is no data exchanged between peers. HeartBeat solves this problem, sending a ping
every a specific interval. Usually this is enough to maintain a connection active, but you can set a TimeOut interval
if you want to close connection if a response from client is not received after X seconds.
Example: send a ping to all connected clients every 30 seconds
oServer := TsgcWebSocketServer.Create(nil);
oServer.HeartBeat.Interval := 30;
oServer.HeartBeat.Timeout := 0;
oServer.HeartBeat.Enabled := true;
oServer.Active := true;
TsgcWebSocketServer | Server Plain TCP
WebSocket server accepts WebSocket, HTTP, SSE... protocols, but can work too with plain tcp connections. Read
more about TCP Connections.
There are 2 events, which can be used to handle TCP connections better.
This event is called after a client connects to server and before any handshake between client and server. OnCon
nect event is only fired after client sends a message (to allow server detect which is the protocol to be used).
This event allows to know that a new client is trying to connect to server and server can accept or not the connec
tion. By default, server always accept connection.
This event is called when server receives a first message from client but cannot detect if is any of known protocols.
In this event, server can accept or not protocol
This event is fired after a successful and complete connection, if connection is plain TCP, is fired after protocol is
accepted in OnUnknownProtocol event.
TsgcWebSocketServer | Server Close Con
A single Connection can be closed using Close or Disconnect methods.
TsgcWSConnection has a method called Disconnect(), that allows to disconnect connection at socket level. If you
call this method, socket will be disconnected directly without waiting any response from client. You can send a
Close Code with this method.
TsgcWSConnection has a method called Close(), which allows to send a message to server requesting to close
connection, if client receives this message, must close the connection and server will receive a notification that con
nection is closed. You can send a Close Code with this method.
Disconnects all active connections. This method is called automatically before server stops listening, but you can
call this method at any time.
TsgcWebSocketServer | Server Authentica
TsgcWebSocket server supports 3 types of Authentications:
• Basic: read an HTTP Header during WebSocket HandShake with User and Password encoded as Basic
• Session: first client request an HTTP session to server and if server returns a session this is passed in GET
HTTP Header of WebSocket HandShake. (* own authorization method for sgcWebSockets library).
• URL: read request authorization using GET HTTP Header of WebSocket HandShake. (* own authorization
method for sgcWebSockets library).
You can set a list of Authenticated users, using AuthUsers property, just set your users with the following format:
Every time server receives an Authentication Request from a client, this event is called to return if user is authenti
cated or not.
Use Authenticated parameter to accept or not the connection.
If Authentication is not supported by default, like JWT, still you can use this event to accept or not the connection.
Just read the parameters and accept or not the connection.
If QueueOptions.Text has a different value from qmNone, instead of be processed on the same thread that is
called, it will be processed on a secondary thread. By default this option is disabled.
QueueOptions doesn't work if the property IOHandlerOptions.IOHandlerType = iohIOCP (due to the IOCP architec
ture, this feature is not supported).
You can call to WriteData() method from TsgcWSConnection too, example: send a message to client when con
nects to server.
TsgcWebSocketServer1.WriteData('guid', TMemoryStream.Create);
If QueueOptions.Binary has a different value from qmNone, instead of be processed on the same thread that is
called, it will be processed on a secondary thread. By default this option is disabled.
QueueOptions doesn't work if the property IOHandlerOptions.IOHandlerType = iohIOCP (due to the IOCP architec
ture, this feature is not supported).
You can call to WriteData() method from TsgcWSConnection too, example: send a message to client when con
nects to server.
By default, server uses neAsynchronous method to dispatch OnMessage event, this means that this event is ex
ecuted on the context of Main Thread, so it's thread-safe to update any control of a form for example.
If your server receives lots of messages or you need to control the synchronization with other threads, set Noti
fyEvents property to neNoSync, this means that OnMessage event will be executed on the context of connec
tion thread, so if you require to update any control of a form or access shared objects, you must implement your
own synchronization methods.
TsgcWebSocketServer | Server Receive Bi
nary Message
When server receives a Binary Message, OnBinary event is fired, just read Data parameter to know the binary
message received.
By default, server uses neAsynchronous method to dispatch OnMessage event, this means that this event is ex
ecuted on the context of Main Thread, so it's thread-safe to update any control of a form for example.
If your server receives lots of messages or you need to control the synchronization with other threads, set Noti
fyEvents property to neNoSync, this means that OnMessage event will be executed on the context of connec
tion thread, so if you require to update any control of a form or access shared objects, you must implement your
own synchronization methods.
TsgcWebSocketServer | Server Read Head
ers from Client
When client connects to WebSocket server, sends a list of headers with information about client connection. In
order to read these client headers, you can OnHandshake event of Server component, which is called when server
receives the headers from client and before sends a response to client.
Client headers are stores in HeadersRequest property of TsgcWSConnectionServer.
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer implements Server WebSocket Component and can handle multiple threaded client
connections as TsgcWebSocketServer, and allows to server HTML pages using a built-in HTTP Server, sharing the
same port for WebSocket connections and HTTP requests.
Follow the next steps to configure this component:
1. Drop a TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer component in the form
2. Set Port (default is 80). If you are behind a firewall probably you will need to configure it.
3. Set Specifications allowed, by default all specifications are allowed.
RFC6455: is standard and recommended WebSocket specification.
Hixie76: it's a draft and it's only recommended to establish Hixie76 connections if you want to provide support to
old browsers like Safari 4.2
4. If you want, you can handle events:
OnConnect: every time a WebSocket connection is established, this event is fired.
OnDisconnect: every time a WebSocket connection is dropped, this event is fired.
OnError: every time there is a WebSocket error (like mal-formed handshake), this event is fired.
OnMessage: every time a client sends a text message and it's received by server, this event is fired.
OnBinary: every time a client sends a binary message and it's received by server, this event is fired.
OnHandhake: this event is fired after handshake is evaluated on the server side.
OnCommandGet: this event is fired when HTTP Server receives a GET, POST or HEAD command requesting a
HTML page, an image... Example:
AResponseInfo.ContentText := '<HTML><HEADER>TEST</HEAD><BODY>Hello!</BODY></
OnCommandOther: this event is fired when HTTP Server receives a command different of GET, POST or
OnCreateSession: this event is fired when HTTP Server creates a new session.
OnInvalidSession: this event is fired when an HTTP request is using an invalid/expiring session.
OnSessionStart: this event is fired when HTTP Server starts a new session.
OnCommandOther: this event is fired when HTTP Server closes a session.
OnException: this event is fired when HTTP Server throws an exception.
OnAuthentication: if authentication is enabled, this event if fired. You can check user and password passed by
the client and enable/disable Authenticated Variable.
OnUnknownProtocol: if WebSocket protocol is not detected (because the client is using plain TCP protocol for
example), in this event connection can be accepted or rejected.
OnBeforeHeartBeat: if HeartBeat is enabled, allows to implement a custom HeartBeat setting Handled parame
ter to True (this means, standard websocket ping won't be sent).
OnBeforeForwardHTTP: allows to forward a HTTP request to another HTTP server. Use forward property to en
able this and set the destination URL.
OnHTTPUploadBeforeSaveFile: the event is fired when a new file has been uploaded and before is saved to
disk file, allows to modify the filename where will be saved.
OnHTTPUploadAfterSaveFile: the event is fired after a new file has been uploaded and saved to disk file.
* In some cases, you may get a high consume of cpu due to unsolicited connections, in these cases, just return an
error 500 if it's a HTTP request or close connection for Unknown Protocol requests.
5. Create a procedure and set property Active = true.
Broadcast: sends a message to all connected clients.
Message / Stream: message or stream to send to all clients.
Channel: if you specify a channel, the message will be sent only to subscribers.
Protocol: if defined, the message will be sent only to a specific protocol.
Exclude: if defined, list of connection guid excluded (separated by comma).
Include: if defined, list of connection guid included (separated by comma).
WriteData: sends a message to a single or multiple clients. Every time a Client establishes a
WebSocket connection, this connection is identified by a Guid, you can use this Guid to send a mes
sage to a client.
Ping: sends a ping to all connected clients.
DisconnectAll: disconnects all active connections.
Connections: contains a list of all clients connections.
Bindings: used to manage IP and Ports.
DocumentRoot: here you can define a directory where you can put all html files (javascript, HTML, CSS...) if a
client sends a request, the server automatically will search this file on this directory, if it finds, it will be served.
Extensions: you can enable compression on messages sent (if client don't support compression, messages will
be exchanged automatically without compression).
MaxConnections: max connections allowed (if zero there is no limit).
Count: Connections number count.
AutoStartSession: if SessionState is active, when the server gets a new HTTP request, creates a new session.
SessionState: if active, enables HTTP sessions.
KeepAlive: if enabled, connection will stay alive after the response has been sent.
ReadStartSSL: max. number of times an HTTPS connection tries to start.
SessionList: read-only property used as a container for TIdHTTPSession instances created for the HTTP serv
SessionTimeOut: timeout of sessions.
HTTP2Options: by default HTTP/2 protocol is not enabled, it uses HTTP 1.1 to handle HTTP requests. Enabled
this property if you want use HTTP/2 protocol if client supports it.
Enabled: if true, HTTP/2 protocol is supported. If client doesn't supports HTTP/2, HTTP 1.1 will be used as
Settings: Specifies the header values to send to the HTTP/2 server.
EnablePush: by default enabled, this setting can be used to avoid server push content to client.
HeaderTableSize: Allows the sender to inform the remote endpoint of the maximum size of the head
er compression table used to decode header blocks, in octets. The encoder can select any size equal
to or less than this value by using signaling specific to the header compression format inside a header
block. The initial value is 4,096 octets.
InitialWindowSize: Indicates the sender’s initial window size (in octets) for stream-level flow control.
The initial value is 65,535 octets. This setting affects the window size of all streams.
MaxConcurrentStreams: Indicates the maximum number of concurrent streams that the sender will
allow. This limit is directional: it applies to the number of streams that the sender permits the receiver
to create. Initially, there is no limit to this value.
MaxFrameSize: Indicates the size of the largest frame payload that the sender is willing to receive, in
octets. The initial value is 16,384 octets.
MaxHeaderListSize: This advisory setting informs a peer of the maximum size of header list that the
sender is prepared to accept, in octets. The value is based on the uncompressed size of header
fields, including the length of the name and value in octets plus an overhead of 32 octets for each
header field.
Events: here you can configure if you want be notified when there is a new HTTP/2 connection or not.
OnConnect: if enabled when there is a new HTTP/2 connection, OnConnect event will be called (by
default is disabled).
OnDisconnect: if enabled when there is a new HTTP/2 disconnection, OnDisconnect event will be
called (by default is disabled).
HTTPUploadFiles: by default when a client sends a file using a POST stream, the file is saved in memory. If you
want to save these streams directly as files to avoid memory problems, you set the StreamType to pstFileStream
and the files will be saved in the hard disk. Read more about Post Big Files.
MinSize: Minimum size in bytes of the stream to be saved as a file stream. By default is zero, which means
all streams will be saved as FileStreams (if StreamType = pstFileStream).
RemoveBoundaries: the files uploaded using POST multipart/form-data, are encapsulated in boundaries, if
this property is enabled, the files will be extracted from boundaries and saved in the hard disk.
SaveDirectory: the folder where the files will be saved. If empty, will be saved in the same folder where is
the application.
StreamType: the type of the stream where the stream will be saved, by default memory.
pstMemoryStream: as memory stream.
pstFileStream: as file stream.
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer | HTTP Dis
patch Files
When a client request a file, OnCommandGet event is fired, but you can use DocumentRoot property to dispatch
automatically files.
Example: if you set DocumentRoot to c:/www/files. Every time a new file is requested, will search in this folder if
file exists and if exists, will be dispatched automatically.
The main problem of this approach is that first client must send a request to get the resource, example: index.html,
wait till server sends the response, the client reads the content and then make all other requests, example:
HTTP/2 server push tries to solve this problem, when the client requests a file, if server thinks that this file needs
another file/s, those files will be PUSHED to client automatically.
In the prior screenshot, first client request index.html, server reads this request and sends as a response 2 files:
index.html and styles.css, so it avoids a second request to get styles.css
server := TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer.Create(nil);
oLinks := TStringList.Create;
server.PushPromiseAddPreLoadLinks('/index.html', oLinks);
Using the chrome developer tool, you can view how the styles.css file is pushed to client.
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer | HTTP/2 Alter
nate Service
The Alt-Svc HTTP header is used to inform the clients that the same resource can be reached from another
service or protocol, this is useful if you want inform the HTTP clients that your server supports HTTP/2 for exam
Example: if your server is running on a local IP and is listening on 2 ports: 80 (non encrypted) and 443
(encrypted). You can inform the clients, that HTTP/2 is supported on port 443 using the following HTTP header
Alt-Svc: h2=":443"
When HTTP/2 is enabled, automatically adds this header if the connection is not running on HTTP/2 protocol.
You can enable or disable this feature using the property HTTP2Options.AltSvc.
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer | 404 Error with
out Response Body
By default, the Indy library adds some content body in HTTP responses if there is no ContentText or ContentStream
assigned, if you want to return an empty Response body, because of 404 error or similar, you can use the following
Create a new TStringStream without content and Assign to ContentStream property of HTTP Response, this way
the HTTP Response will be sent without the HTML Tags used by default.
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer | Sessions
HTTP is state-less protocol (at least till HTTP 1.1), so client request a file, server sends a response to client and
connection is closed (well, you can enable keep-alive and then connection is not closed immediately, but this is far
beyond the purpose of this article). The use of the sessions, allows to store some information about client, this can
be used during a client login for example. You can use whatever session unique ID, search in the list of sessions if
already exists and if not exists, create a new session. Session can be destroyed after some time without using it or
manually after client logout.
There are some properties in TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer which enables/disables sessions in server component.
Let's see the most important:
Property Description
This is the first property which has to be enabled in order to use Sessions. Without this proper
abled, sessions won't work
SessionTimeout Here you must set a value greater than zero (in milliseconds) for max time session will be acti
Sessions can be created automatically (AutoStartSession = true) or manually (AutoStartSessi
AutoStartSession false). If Sessions are created automatically, server will use RemoteIP as unique identifier to s
there is an active session stored.
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer1.SessionState := True;
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer1.SessionTimeout := 600000;
AutoStartSession := False;
Create Session
In order to create a new session, we must create a new session id which is unique, you can use whatever, exam
ple: if client is authenticating, you can use user + password + remoteip as session id.
Then, we search in Session list if already exists, if not exists, we create a new one.
When a new session is create OnSessionStart event is called and when session is closed, OnSessionEnd event
is raised.
The HTTP Server API enables applications to communicate over HTTP without using Microsoft Internet Information
Server (IIS). Applications can register to receive HTTP requests for particular URLs, receive WebSocket requests,
and send WebSocket responses. The HTTP Server API includes SSL support so that applications can exchange
data over secure HTTP connections without IIS. It is also designed to work with I/O completion ports.
The server supports the following protocols:
• WebSockets (Requires Windows 8 or later)
• HTTP 1.1
• HTTP/2 (Requires Windows 2016+ or Windows 10+).
By default, this component requires that your application run as Administrator mode, for URL registration.
If the URL have already be registered using an external tool like netsh, you can run without Admin rights,
disable the property BindingOptions.ConfigureSSLCertificate to allow start the application without admin
Set FastMM4/FastMM5 as the first unit of your project.
Follow the next steps to configure this component:
1. Drop a TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI component in the form
2. Define the listening address and port:
Server.Host := '';
Server.Port := 80;
3. Set Specifications allowed, by default all specifications are allowed.
RFC6455: is standard and recommended WebSocket specification.
Hixie76: it's a draft and it's only recommended to establish Hixie76 connections if you want to provide support to
old browsers like Safari 4.2
4. If you want, you can handle events:
OnConnect: every time a WebSocket connection is established, this event is fired.
OnDisconnect: every time a WebSocket connection is dropped, this event is fired.
OnError: every time there is a WebSocket error (like mal-formed handshake), this event is fired.
OnMessage: every time a client sends a text message and it's received by server, this event is fired.
OnBinary: every time a client sends a binary message and it's received by server, this event is fired.
OnHandhake: this event is fired after the handshake is evaluated on the server side.
OnException: this event is fired when HTTP Server throws an exception.
OnAuthentication: if authentication is enabled, this event is fired. You can check user and password passed by
the client and enable/disable Authenticated Variable.
OnUnknownProtocol: this event doesn't work at the moment of write this document.
OnBeforeHeartBeat: if HeartBeat is enabled, allows to implement a custom HeartBeat setting Handled parame
ter to True (this means, standard websocket ping won't be sent).
OnAsynchronous: every time an asynchronous event has been completed, this event is called.
OnBeforeForwardHTTP: allows to forward a HTTP request to another HTTP server. Use forward property to en
able this and set the destination URL.
OnAfterForwardHTTP: allows to know the result of the forwarded request.
5. Create a procedure and set property Active = true
URL Reservation
The HTTP.SYS server uses URL reservation to assign which URL endpoints will be used by the HTTP.SYS server.
Basic URL Reservation
This is the most easy simple mode to configure the Server, basically you only set the Host and Port that the
HTTP.SYS server will handle.
Example: if your server runs on the IP and Port 80, just set the following properties
Server.Host := '';
Server.Port := 80;
If the server runs in more than one IP and you want bind to multiple IPS, use the NewBinding Method. First clear
the Host and Bindings property and then use the NewBinding method to define all Server Bindings.
Server.Host := '';
Server.Bindings.NewBinding('', 80, '');
Server.Bindings.NewBinding('', 80, '');
If the server requires SSL connections, do the following to define the Host and Port which will be used to handle
SSL connections.
Server.Host := '';
Server.Port := 443;
Server.SSL := True;
Server.SSLOptions.Hash := 'CERTIFICATE_HASH';
If the server requires SSL connections with multiple IP Addresses, first clear the Host and Bindings property and
the register the new Bindings.
Server.Host := '';
Server.Bindings.NewBinding('', 443, '', true, 'CERTIFICATE_HASH1');
Server.Bindings.NewBinding('', 443, '', true, 'CERTIFICATE_HASH2');
• HTTP/2
• Disable HTTP/2
Host: if the property has a value, it will be used to register the URL. If you use the Bindings property to de
fine the server bindings, clear the value of this property.
Port: the default listening port, if the Host property has a value, the Host + Port will be used to register the
Timeouts: allows overriding default timeouts of HTTP API Server.
EntityBody: the time, in seconds, allowed for the request entity body to arrive.
DrainEntityBody: The time, in seconds, allowed for the HTTP Server API to drain the entity body on
a Keep-Alive connection.
RequestQueue: The time, in seconds, allowed for the request to remain in the request queue before
the application picks it up.
IdleConnection: The time, in seconds, allowed for an idle connection.
HeaderWait: The time, in seconds, allowed for the HTTP Server API to parse the request header.
MinSendRate: The minimum sends rate, in bytes-per-second, for the response. The default response
sends rate is 150 bytes-per-second.
MaxConnections: maximum number of connections (zero means unlimited, value by default).
MaxBandwidth: maximum allowed bandwidth rate in bytes per second (zero means unlimited, value by de
ThreadPoolSize: by default 32 (maximum allowed is 64), allows setting number of threads of HTTP API
ReadBufferSize: by default 16384, allows to modify the size of the buffer size when read socket data.
Asynchronous: by default is disabled, if enabled, messages sent don't wait till completed. You can check
when asynchronous is completed OnAsynchronous event.
SSLOptions: here you can customize ssl properties.
CertStoreName: allows to set the name of certificate store where is certificate.
Hash: this is the hexadecimal thumbprint value of certificate and is required by server to retrieve cer
tificate. You can find hash of certificate using powershell, running a "dir" comand on the certificates
store, example: dir cert:\localmachine\my.
Broadcast: sends a message to all connected clients.
Message / Stream: message or stream to send to all clients.
Channel: if you specify a channel, the message will be sent only to subscribers.
Protocol: if defined, the message will be sent only to a specific protocol.
Exclude: if defined, list of connection guid excluded (separated by comma).
Include: if defined, list of connection guid included (separated by comma).
WriteData: sends a message to a single or multiple clients. Every time a Client establishes a
WebSocket connection, this connection is identified by a Guid, you can use this Guid to send a mes
sage to a client.
Ping: sends a ping to all connected clients.
DisconnectAll: disconnects all active connections.
HTTPUploadFiles: by default when a client sends a file using a POST stream, the file is saved in memory. If you
want to save these streams directly as files to avoid memory problems, you set the StreamType to pstFileStream
and the files will be saved in the hard disk. Read more about Post Big Files.
MinSize: Minimum size in bytes of the stream to be saved as a file stream. By default is zero, which means
all streams will be saved as FileStreams (if StreamType = pstFileStream).
RemoveBoundaries: the files uploaded using POST multipart/form-data, are encapsulated in boundaries, if
this property is enabled, the files will be extracted from boundaries and saved in the hard disk.
SaveDirectory: the folder where the files will be saved. If empty, will be saved in the same folder where is
the application.
StreamType: the type of the stream where the stream will be saved, by default memory.
pstMemoryStream: as memory stream.
pstFileStream: as file stream.
TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI | HTTPAPI
Server SSL
Server can be configured to use SSL Certificates, in order to get a Production Server with a server certificate, you
must purchase a Certificate from a well known provider: Namecheap, godaddy, Thawte... For testing purposes
you can use a self-signed certificate (check out in Demos/Chat which uses a self-signed certificate). Read the fol
lowing article How Create a Self-signed certificate.
Once you have your certificate, you must configure in Server which certificate will use to encrypt connections.
Certificate Hash
First you need to know which is the Hash of your certificate. Finding the hash of a certificate is as easy in power
shell as running a dir command on the certificates container.
dir cert:\localmachine\my
Directory: Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Certificate::localmachine\my
Thumbprint Subject
---------- -------
C12A8FC8AE668F866B48F23E753C93D357E9BE10 CN=*
Once you have the Thumbprint value, just set in TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI.TLSOptions.Hash property.
Once you have set hash, just set TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI.SSL = true and your server is know ready to get
TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI | Self-
Signed Certificates
If you require some certificate for your own testings, you can create a self-signed certificate in your testing ma
chine, follow the next steps:
1. Run Powershell as Administrator.
2. Run the following command to create the certificate:
If successful, you will get a confirmation about new certificate created. Just copy Thumbprint and paste on
TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI.TLSOptions.Hash property.
3. Optional, you can add your self-signed certificate as a trusted certificate authority
TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI | Disable
HTTP/2 protocol is enabled by default in Server 2016+ and Windows 10+ OS. In some old browsers or HTTP
clients, you might encounter an error because protocol is not fully supported. You can prevent these errors by dis
abling HTTP/2 protocol.
How Disable HTTP/2
• Open the Window Registry Editor
• Go to the following registry key:
• Add the following DWORD values and set both values to zero.
• EnableHttp2Tls
• EnableHttp2Cleartext
• Reboot the computer.
TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI | Custom
You can customize the response of HTTP.SYS server using the CustomHeaders property of response object.
Just set the value of CustomHeaders with the Header Name + Header Value separated by NewLine Characters.
Example: if you want to add the following headers, find below a sample code
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Acces-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI | OnDis
connect not fired
First times working with HTTPAPI Server, it's very common that you will see that OnDisconnect event is not fired
just when client closes connection. The reason is that HTTPAPI Server works a bit differently than other servers like
Indy. In Indy server there is a thread for every connection and this thread is checking every x milliseconds if
connection is active. The HTTPAPI Server uses a thread-pool that handles all connections and it's not check
ing for every connection if it's active or not.
In order to get notified when client closes connection, do the following configuration:
1. If you use a TsgcWebSocketClient, set Options.CleanDisconnect := True. This means that before the connec
tion is closed, the client will try to send a notification to server that connection will be closed. If the server receives
this message, OnDisconnect event will be called.
2. For the others disconnections, the only solution is write something to the socket and if fails means the connec
tion is disconnected. Enable HeartBeat on HTTPAPI server, and send an interval of 60 seconds for example and a
timeout of 0. This configuration means that every 60 seconds all connections will be ping and if any is disconnect
ed, OnDisconnect event will be fired. You can put a lower value of HeartBeat.Interval, but don't put it too low (1
second for example it's too low) because the performance of the server will be affected.
TsgcWebSocketClient implements Client VCL WebSocket Component and can connect to a WebSocket Server, it's
based on WinHTTP API and requires Windows 8 or higher. Follow the next steps to configure this component:
1. Drop a TsgcWebSocketClient_WinHTTP component in the form
2. Set Host and Port (default is 80) to connect to an available WebSocket Server. You can set URL property and
Host, Port, Parameters... will be updated from URL. Example: wss:// will result:
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient_WinHTTP.Create(nil);
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 80;
oClient.TLS := True;
oClient.Options.Parameters := '/ws/';
3. You can select if you want TLS (secure connection) or not, by default is not Activated.
4. The following events can be used to customize the websocket client flow:
OnConnect: when a WebSocket connection is established, this event is fired
OnDisconnect: when a WebSocket connection is dropped, this event is fired
OnError: every time there is a WebSocket error (like mal-formed handshake), this event is fired
OnMessage: every time the server sends a text message, this event is fired
OnBinary: every time the server sends a binary message, this event is fired
OnFragmented: when receives a fragment from a message (only fired when Options.FragmentedMessages =
frgAll or frgOnlyFragmented).
OnException: every time an exception occurs, this event is fired.
OnBeforeConnect: before the client tries to connect to server, this event is called.
OnBeforeWatchDog: if WatchDog is enabled, allows to implement a custom WatchDog setting Handled para
meter to True (this means, won't try to connect to server). You can change the Server Connection properties too
before try to reconnect, example: connect to a fallback server if first fails.
8. Create a procedure and set property Active = True.
WriteData: sends a message to a WebSocket Server. Could be a String or TStream.
Start: uses a secondary thread to connect to the server, this prevents your application freezes while trying to
Stop: uses a secondary thread to disconnect from the server, this prevents your application freezes while trying
to disconnect.
Connect: try to connect to the server and wait till the connection is successful or there is an error.
Disconnect: try to disconnect from the server and wait till disconnection is successful or there is an error.
Authentication: if enabled, WebSocket connection will try to authenticate passing a username and password.
Implements 1 type of WebSocket Authentication
Basic: client open WebSocket connection passing username and password inside the header.
Asynchronous: by default, requests are synchronous, execution of your application stops when you make new
requests and resumes when you get a response. If you don't want that requests stop your application, enable this
Host: IP or DNS name of the server.
HeartBeat: if enabled try to keeps alive a WebSocket connection sending a ping every x seconds.
Interval: number of seconds between each ping.
Timeout: max number of seconds between a ping and pong.
ReadTimeout: max time in milliseconds to read messages.
Port: Port used to connect to the host.
NotifyEvents: defines which mode to notify websocket events.
neAsynchronous: this is the default mode, notify threaded events on asynchronous mode, adds events to a
queue that are synchronized with the main thread asynchronously.
neSynchronous: if this mode is selected, notify threaded events on synchronous mode, needs to synchro
nize with the main thread to notify these events.
neNoSync: there is no synchronization with the main thread, if you need to access to controls that are not
thread-safe, you need to implement your own synchronization methods.
Options: allows customizing headers sent on the handshake.
Parameters: define parameters used on GET.
Origin: customize connection origin.
FragmentedMessages: allows handling Fragmented Messages
frgOnlyBuffer: the message is buffered until all data is received, it raises OnBinary or OnMessage
event (option by default)
frgOnlyFragmented: every time a new fragment is received, it raises OnFragmented Event.
frgAll: every time a new fragment is received, it raises OnFragmented Event with All data received
from the first packet. When all data is received, it raises OnBinary or OnMessage event.
Protocol: if exists, shows the current protocol used
Proxy: here you can define if you want to connect through an HTTP Proxy Server.
WatchDog: if enabled, when an unexpected disconnection is detected, tries to reconnect to the server automati
Interval: seconds before reconnects.
Attempts: max number of reconnects, if zero, then unlimited.
TLS: enables a secure connection.
TsgcWebSocketLoadBalancerServer allows distributing messages across a group of servers and distributes clients
connections using a random sequence or fewer connections algorithm.
Load Balancer Server, inherits all methods and properties from TsgcWebSocketServer.
Follow the next steps to configure this component:
1. Drop a TsgcWebSocketLoadBalancerServer component in the form
2. Set Port (default is 80). If you are behind a firewall probably you will need to configure it.
3. Configure LoadBalancer properties:
3.1 lbRandom: every time a new client request a new connection, it will return a random server.
3.1 lbConnections: every time a new client request a new connection, it will return server with fewer clients
4. There are serveral events which are specific of LoadBalancerServer:
OnBeforeSendServerBinding: raised before binding is sent to a new client connection.
OnClientConnect: every time a client connection is stablished, this event is fired.
OnClientDisconnect: every time a client connection is dropped, this event is fired.
OnClientMessage: raised when a new text message is received from the server.
OnClientBinary: raised when a new binary message is received from the server.
OnClientFragmented: raised when a new fragmented message is received from the server.
OnServerConnect: raised when a new server connects to LoadBalancerServer.
OnServerDisconnect: raised when a server disconnects from LoadBalancerServer.
OnServerReady: raised when a server is ready to accept messages.
5. Configure "LoadBalancer" property of back-up servers, to connect to LoadBalancer Server.
6. Create a procedure and set property Active = true
TsgcWebSocketProxyServer implements a WebSocket Server Component which listens to client WebSocket con
nections and forwards data connections to a normal TCP/IP server. This is especially useful for browser connec
tions because allows a browser to virtually connect to any server.
TsgcIWWebSocketClient implements Intraweb WebSocket Component and can connect to a WebSocket Server.
Follow the next steps to configure this component:
1. Drop a TsgcIWWebSocketClient component in the form
2. Set Host and Port (default is 80) to connect to an available WebSocket Server. You can set URL property and
Host, Port, Parameters... will be updated from URL. Example: wss:// will result:
oClient := TsgcIWWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 80;
oClient.TLS := True;
oClient.Options.Parameters := '/ws/';
3. You can select if you want TLS (secure connection) or not, by default is not Activated.
4. Set Transports allowed.
WebSockets: it will use standard WebSocket implementation
Emulation: if browser doesn't support WebSockets, then it will use a loop AJAX callback connection
5. If you want, you can handle events
OnAsyncConnect: when a WebSocket connection is established, this event is fired
OnAsyncDisconnect: when a WebSocket connection is dropped, this event is fired
OnAsyncError: every time there is a WebSocket error (like mal-formed handshake), this event is fired
OnAsyncMessage: every time the server sends a message, this event is fired
OnAsyncEmulation: this event is fired on every loop of emulated connection
6. Create an Async Procedure and set property Active := True
Open: Opens a WebSocket Connection.
Close: Closes a WebSocket Connection.
WriteData: sends a message to WebSocket Server.
Connected: is a read-only variable and returns True if the connection is Active, otherwise returns False.
JSOpen: here you can include JavaScript Code on the client side when a connection is opened.
JSClose: here you can include JavaScript Code on the client side when a connection is closed.
JSMessage: here you can include JavaScript Code on the client side when clients receive a message from
the server. You can get Message String, using Javascript variable "text".
JSError: here you can include JavaScript Code on the client side when an error is raised. You can get
Message Error, using Javascript variable "text".
TsgcWSConnection is a wrapper of client WebSocket connections, you can access to this object on Server or
Client Events.
WriteData: sends a message to the client.
Close: sends a close message to other peer. A "CloseCode" can be specified optionally. By default, the value sent
is NORMAL close code. If you send a Negative Close code, the reason of closing won't be sent.
Disconnect: close client connection from the server side. A "CloseCode" can be specified optionally.
Ping: sends a ping to the client.
AddTCPEndOfFrame: if connection is plain TCP, allows to set which byte/s define the end of message. Message
is buffered till is received completely.
Subscribed: returns if the connection is subscribed to a custom channel.
Subscribe: subscribe this connection to a channel. Later you can Broadcast a message from server component
to all connections subscribed to this channel.
UnSubscribe: unsubscribe this from connection from a channel.
Protocol: returns sub-protocol used on this connection.
IP: returns Peer IP Address.
Port: returns Peer Port.
LocalIP: returns Host IP Address.
LocalPort: returns Host Port.
URL: returns URL requested by the client.
Guid: returns connection ID.
HeadersRequest: returns a list of Headers received on Request.
HeadersResponse: returns a list of Headers sent as Response.
RecBytes: number of bytes received.
SendBytes: number of bytes sent.
Transport: returns the transport type of connection:
trpRFC6455: a normal WebSocket connection.
trpHixie76: a WebSocket connection using draft WebSocket spec.
trpFlash: a WebSocket connection using Flash as FallBack.
trpSSE: a Server-Sent Events connection.
trpTCP: plain TCP connection.
TCPEndOfFrameScanBuffer: allows to define which method use to find end of message (if using trpTCP as tans
eofScanNone: every time a new packet arrive, OnBinary event is called.
eofScanLatestBytes: if latest bytes are equal to bytes added with AddTCPEndOfFrame method, OnBinary
message is called, otherwise this packet is buffered
eofScanAllBytes: search in all packet if find bytes equal to bytes added with AddTCPEndOfFrame method.
If true, OnBinary message is called, otherwise this packet is buffered
Data: user session data object, here you can pass an object and access this every time you need, for example:
you can pass a connection to a database, user session properties...
With WebSockets, you can implement Sub-protocols allowing to create customized communications, for example
you can implement a sub-protocol over WebSocket protocol to communicate a customized application using JSON
messages, and you can implement another sub-protocol using XML messages.
When a connection is open on the Server side, it will validate if sub-protocol sent by the client is supported by the
server, if not, then it will close the connection. A server can implement several sub-protocols, but only one can be
used on a single connection.
Sub-protocols are very useful to create customized applications and be sure that all clients support the same com
munication interface.
Although the protocol name is arbitrary, it's recommended to use unique names like ""
With sgcWebSockets package, you can build your own protocols and you can use built-in sub-protocols provided:
1. Protocol MQTT: MQTT is a Client Server publish/subscribe messaging transport protocol. It is lightweight, open,
simple, and designed so as to be easy to implement.
2. Protocol AppRTC: is a webrtc demo application developed by Google and Mozilla, it enables both browsers to
“talk” to each other using the WebRTC API.
3. Protocol WebRTC: open source project aiming to enable the web with Real-Time Communication (RTC) capa
4. Protocol Files: implemented using binary messages, provides support for send files: packet size, authorization,
QoS, message acknowledgement and more.
5. Protocol SGC: implemented using JSON-RPC 2.0 messages, provides the following patterns: RPC, PubSub,
Transactional Messages, Messages Acknowledgment and more.
6. Protocol Dataset: inherits from Default Protocol, can send dataset changes (new record, save record or delete
a record) from the server to clients.
7. Protocol Presence: allows to know who is subscribed to a channel, example: chat rooms, collaborators on a
document, people viewing the same web page, competitors in a game...
8. Protocol WAMP 1.0: open WebSocket subprotocol that provides two asynchronous messaging patterns: RPC
and PubSub.
9. Protocol WAMP 2.0: open WebSocket subprotocol that provides two asynchronous messaging patterns: RPC
and PubSub.
10. Protocol STOMP: STOMP is the Simple (or Streaming) Text Orientated Messaging Protocol. STOMP provides
an interoperable wire format so that STOMP clients can communicate with any STOMP message broker to provide
easy and widespread messaging interoperability among many languages, platforms and brokers.
10.1 STOMP for RabbitMQ: client for RabbitMQ Broker.
10.2 STOMP for ActiveMQ: client for ActiveMQ Broker.
11. Protocol AMQP: Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is created as an open standard protocol that
allows messaging interoperability between systems, regardless of message broker vendor or platform used.
If you need to use more than one protocol using a single connection (example: you may need to use default
protocol to handle Remote Procedure Calls and Dataset protocol to handle database connections) you can as
sign a "Broker" to each protocol component and all messages will be exchanged using this intermediary protocol
(you can check "Tickets Demo" to get a simple example of this).
Protocols can be registered at runtime, just call Method RegisterProtocol and pass protocol component as a pa
Javascript Reference
Here you can get more information about common javascript library used on sgcWebSockets.
Protocols Javascript
Default Javascript sgcWebSockets uses sgcWebSocket.js file.
Here you can find available methods, you need to replace {%host%} and {%port%} variables as needed, example:
if you have configured your sgcWebSocket server to listen port 80 on website you need to con
figure your access to sgcWebSocket.js file as:
<script src=""></script>
Open Connection
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcWebSocket('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
sgcWebSocket has 3 parameters, only first is required:
sgcWebSocket(url, protocol, transport)
• URL: WebSocket server location, you can use "ws:" for normal WebSocket connections and "wss:" for
secured WebSocket connections.
• Protocol: if the server accepts one or more protocol, you can define which is the protocol you want to
sgcWebSocket('ws://', '')
• Transport: by default, first tries to connect using WebSocket connection and if not implemented by
Browser, then tries Server Sent Events as Transport.
Use WebSocket if implemented, if not, then use Server Sent Events:
Only use WebSocket as transport:
sgcWebSocket('ws://', '', ['websocket'])
Only use Server Sent as transport:
sgcWebSocket('ws://', '', ['sse'])
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcWebSocket({"host":"ws://{%host%}:{%port%}","user":"admin","password":"1234"});
Send Message
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcWebSocket('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.send('Hello sgcWebSockets!');
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcWebSocket('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('message', function(event)
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcWebSocket('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('stream', function(event)
document.getElementById('image').src = URL.createObjectURL(; = "";
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcWebSocket('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('stream', function(event)
sgcWSStreamRead(, function(header, stream) {
document.getElementById('text').innerHTML = header;
document.getElementById('image').src = URL.createObjectURL(; = "";
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcWebSocket('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('open', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Open!');
socket.on('close', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Closed!');
socket.on('error', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Error: ' + event.message);
Close Connection
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
Protocol MQTT
MQTT is a Client-Server publish/subscribe messaging transport protocol. It is light weight, open, simple, and de
signed so as to be easy to implement. These characteristics make it ideal for use in many situations, including con
strained environments such as for communication in Machine to Machine (M2M) and the Internet of Things (IoT)
contexts where a small code footprint is required and/or network bandwidth is at a premium.
The protocol runs over TCP/IP, or over other network protocols that provide ordered, lossless, bi-directional con
nections. Its features include:
· Use of the publish/subscribe message pattern which provides one-to-many message distribution and decou
pling of applications.
· A messaging transport that is agnostic to the content of the payload.
· Three qualities of service for message delivery:
· "At most once", where messages are delivered according to the best efforts of the operating environ
ment. Message loss can occur. This level could be used, for example, with ambient sensor data where it
does not matter if an individual reading is lost as the next one will be published soon after.
· "At least once", where messages are assured to arrive but duplicates can occur.
· "Exactly once", where message are assured to arrive exactly once. This level could be used, for ex
ample, with billing systems where duplicate or lost messages could lead to incorrect charges being applied.
· A small transport overhead and protocol exchanges minimized to reduce network traffic.
· A mechanism to notify interested parties when an abnormal disconnection occurs.
• Supports 3.1.1 and 5.0 MQTT versions.
• Publish/subscribe message pattern to provide one-to-many message distribution and decoupling of appli
• Acknowledgment of messages sent.
• Implements QoS (Quality of Service) for message delivery (all levels: At most once, At least once and Exact
ly once)
• Last Will Testament.
• Secure connections.
• HeartBeat and Watchdog.
• Authentication to server.
TsgcWSPClient_MQTT: MQTT Client Component.
The MQTT component provides a lightweight, fully-featured MQTT client implementation with support for versions
3.1.1 and 5.0. The component supports plaintext and secure connections over both standard TCP and WebSock
Connection to a MQTT server is simple, you need to drop this component in the form and select a TsgcWebSocket
Client Component using Client Property. Set host and port in TsgcWebSocketClient and set Active := True to con
MQTT v5.0 is not backward compatible (like v3.1.1). Obviously too many new things are introduced so existing im
plementations have to be revisited.
According to the specification, MQTT v5.0 adds a significant number of new features to MQTT while keeping much
of the core in place.
• The Clean Session flag functionality is divided into 2 properties to allow for finer control over session state
data: the CleanStart parameter and the new SessionExpInterval.
• Server disconnect: Allow DISCONNECT to be sent by the Server to indicate the reason the connection is
CONNECT) now contain a reason code and reason string describing why operations succeeded or failed.
• Enhanced authentication: Provide a mechanism to enable challenge/response style authentication including
mutual authentication. This allows SASL style authentication to be used if supported by both Client and
Server, and includes the ability for a Client to re-authenticate within a connection.
• The Request / Response pattern is formalized by the addition of the ResponseTopic.
• Shared Subscriptions: Add shared subscription support allowing for load balanced consumers of a subscrip
• Topic Aliases can be sent by both client and server to refer to topic filters by shorter numerical identifiers in
order to save bandwidth.
• Servers can communicate what features it supports in ConnectionProperties.
• Server reference: Allow the Server to specify an alternate Server to use on CONNACK or DISCONNECT.
This can be used as a redirect or to do provisioning.
• More: message expiration, Receive Maximums and Maximum Packet Sizes, and a Will Delay interval are all
Connect: this method is called automatically after a successful WebSocket connection.
Ping: Sends a ping to the server, usually to keep the connection alive. If you enable HeartBeat property, ping will
be sent automatically by a defined interval.
Subscribe: subscribe client to a custom channel. If the client is subscribed, OnMQTTSubscribe event will be
SubscribeProperties: (New in MQTT 5.0)
• SubscriptionIdentifier: MQTT 5 allows clients to specify a numeric subscription identifier which will
be returned with messages delivered for that subscription. To verify that a server supports subscrip
tion identifiers, check the "SubscriptionIdentifiersAvailable"
• UserProperties: This property is intended to provide a means of transferring application layer name-
value tags whose meaning and interpretation are known only by the application programs responsible
for sending and receiving them.
oProperties := TsgcWSMQTTSubscribe_Properties.Create;
oProperties.SubscriptionIdentifier := 16385;
MQTT.Subscribe('myChannel', mtqsAtMostOnce, oProperties);
Unsubscribe: unsubscribe client to a custom channel. If the client is unsubscribed, OnMQTTUnsubscribe event
will be fired.
UnsubscribeProperties: (New in MQTT 5.0)
• UserProperties: This property is intended to provide a means of transferring application layer name-
value tags whose meaning and interpretation are known only by the application programs responsible
for sending and receiving them.
oProperties := TsgcWSMQTTUnsubscribe_Properties.Create;
MQTT.UnSubscribe('myChannel', mtqsAtMostOnce, oProperties);
Publish: sends a message to all subscribed clients. There are the following parameters:
Topic: is the channel where the message will be published.
Text: is the text of the message.
QoS: is the Quality Of Service of published message. There are 3 possibilities:
mtqsAtMostOnce: (by default) the message is delivered according to the best efforts of the underly
ing TCP/IP network. A response is not expected and no retry semantics are defined in the protocol.
The message arrives at the server either once or not at all.
mtqsAtLeastOnce: the receipt of a message by the server is acknowledged by an ACKNOWLEDG
MENT message. If there is an identified failure of either the communications link or the sending de
vice or the acknowledgement message is not received after a specified period of time, the sender re
sends the message. The message arrives at the server at least once. A message with QoS level 1
has an ID param in the message.
mtqsExactlyOnce: where message are assured to arrive exactly once. This level could be used, for
example, with billing systems where duplicate or lost messages could lead to incorrect charges being
applied. If there is an identified failure of either the communications link or the sending device, or the
acknowledgement message is not received after a specified period of time, the sender resends the
Retain: if True, Server MUST store the Application Message and its QoS, so that it can be delivered to fu
ture subscribers whose subscriptions match its topic name. By default is False.
PublishProperties: (New in MQTT 5.0)
• PayloadFormat: select payload format from: mqpfUnspecified (which is equivalent to not sending a
Payload Format Indicator) or mqpfUTF8 (Message s UTF-8 Encoded Character Data).
• MessageExpiryInterval: Length of time after which the server must stop delivery of the publish mes
sage to a subscriber if not yet processed.
• TopicAlias: is an integer value that is used to identify the Topic instead of using the Topic Name. This
reduces the size of the PUBLISH packet, and is useful when the Topic Names are long and the same
Topic Names are used repetitively within a Network Connection.
• ResponseTopic: is used as the Topic Name for a response message.
• CorrelationData: The Correlation Data is used by the sender of the Request Message to identify
which request the Response Message is for when it is received.
• UserProperties: This property is intended to provide a means of transferring application layer name-
value tags whose meaning and interpretation are known only by the application programs responsible
for sending and receiving them.
• SubscriptionIdentifier: A numeric subscription identifier included in SUBSCRIBE packet which will
be returned with messages delivered for that subscription.
• ContentType: String describing content of message to be sent to all subscribers receiving the mes
PublishAndWait: is the same method than Publish, but in this case, if QoS is [mtqsAtLeastOnce, mtqsExactly
Once] waits till server processes the message, this way, if you get a positive result, means that message has been
received by server. There is a timeout of 10 seconds by default, if after the timeout there is no response from serv
er, the response will be false.
Disconnect: disconnects from MQTT server.
ReasonCode: code identifies reason why disconnects.(New in MQTT 5.0)
DisconnectProperties (New in MQTT 5.0)
• SessionExpiryInterval: Session Expiry Interval in seconds.
• ReasonString: represents the reason associated with this response. This Reason String is a human
readable string designed for diagnostic.
• UserProperties: provide additional information to the Client including diagnostic information.
• ServerReference: can be used by the Client to identify another Server to use.
Auth: is sent from Client to Server or Server to Client as part of an extended authentication exchange, such as
challenge / response authentication. (New in MQTT 5.0)
ReAuthenticate: if True Initiate a re-authentication, otherwise continue the authentication with another step.
• AuthenticationMethod: contains the name of the authentication method.
• AuthenticationData: contains authentication data.
• ReasonString: represents the reason associated with this response. This Reason String is a human
readable string designed for diagnostic.
• UserProperties: provide additional information to the Client including diagnostic information.
OnMQTTBeforeConnect: this event is fired before a new connection is established. There are 2 parameters:
CleanSession: if True (by default), the server must discard any previous session and start a new session. If
false, the server must resume communication.
ClientIdentifier: every new connection needs a client identifier, this is set automatically by component, but
can be modified if needed.
OnMQTTConnect: this event is fired when the client is connected to MQTT server. There are 2 parameters:
1. If client sends a connection with CleanSession = True, then Server Must respond with Session =
2. If client sends a connection with CleanSession = False:
• If the Server has stored Session state, Session = True.
• If the Server does not have stored Session state, Session = False
ReasonCode: returns code with the result of connection.(New in MQTT 5.0)
ReasonName: text description of ReturnCode.(New in MQTT 5.0)
ConnectProperties: (New in MQTT 5.0)
• SessionExpiryInterval: Session Expiry Interval in seconds.
• ReceiveMaximum: number of QoS 1 and QoS 2 publish messages, the server will process concur
rently for the client.
• MaximumQoS: maximum accepted QoS of PUBLISH messages to be received by the server.
• RetainAvailable: indicates whether the client may send PUBLISH packets with Retain set to True.
• MaximumPacketSize: maximum packet size in bytes the server is willing to accept.
• AssignedClientIdentifier: the Client Identifier which was assigned by the Server when client didn't
send any.
• TopicAliasMaximum: indicates the hishest value that the server will accept as a Topic Alias sent by
the client.
• ReasonString: represents the reason associated with this response. This Reason String is a human
readable string designed for diagnostic.
• UserProperties: provide additional information to the Client including diagnostic information.
OnMQTTPubRec: this event is fired when receives the response to a Publish Packet with QoS 2. It is the second
packet of the QoS 2 protocol exchange. There are the following parameters:
PacketIdentifier: is packet identifier sent initially.
ReasonCode: returns code with the result of connection.(New in MQTT 5.0)
ReasonName: text description of ReturnCode.(New in MQTT 5.0)
PubRecProperties: (New in MQTT 5.0)
• ReasonString: represents the reason associated with this response. This Reason String is a human
readable string designed for diagnostic.
• UserProperties: provide additional information to the Client including diagnostic information.
OnMQTTSubscribe: this event is fired as a response to subscribe method. There are the following parameters:
PacketIdentifier: is packet identifier sent initially.
Codes: codes with the result of a subscription.
SubscribeProperties: (New in MQTT 5.0)
• ReasonString: represents the reason associated with this response. This Reason String is a human
readable string designed for diagnostic.
• UserProperties: provide additional information to the Client about subscription.
OnMQTTUnSubscribe: this event is fired as a response to subscribe method. There are the following parame
PacketIdentifier: is packet identifier sent initially.
Codes: codes with the result of a subscription.
UnsubscribeProperties: (New in MQTT 5.0)
• UserProperties: provide additional information to the Client about subscription.
OnMQTTAuth: this event is fired as a response to Äuth method. There is one parameter: (New in MQTT 5.0)
ReasonCode: returns code with the result of connection.
ReasonName: text description of ReturnCode.
• AuthenticationMethod: contains the name of the authentication method used for extended authenti
• AuthenticationData: data associated to authentication.
• ReasonString: represents the reason associated with this response. This Reason String is a human
readable string designed for diagnostic.
• UserProperties: provide additional information to the Client including diagnostic information.
Enhanced Authentication (New in MQTT 5.0)
To begin an enhanced authentication, the Client includes an Authentication Method in the ConnectProperties. This
specifies the authentication method to use. If the Server does not support the Authentication Method supplied by
the Client, it may send a Reason Code "Bad authentication method" or Not Authorized.
• Client to Server: CONNECT Authentication Method="SCRAM-SHA-1" Authentication Data=client-first-data
• Server to Client: AUTH ReasonCode="Continue authentication" Authentication Method="SCRAM-SHA-1"
Authentication Data=server-first-data
• Client to Server AUTH ReasonCode="Continue authentication" Authentication Method="SCRAMSHA1" Au
thentication Data=client-final-data
• Server to Client CONNACK ReasonCode=0 Authentication Method="SCRAM-SHA-1" Authentication
MQTTVersion: select which MQTT version (3.1.1 or 5.0) will use to connect to server.
Authentication: disabled by default, if True a UserName and Password are sent to the server to try user authen
HeartBeat: enabled by default, if True, send a ping every X seconds (set by Interval property) to keep alive con
nection. You can set a Timeout too, so if after X seconds, the client doesn't receive a response to a ping, the con
nection will be closed automatically.
LastWillTestament: if there is a disconnection and is enabled, a message is sent to all connected clients to in
form that connection has been closed.
• Enabled: enable if you want activate last will testament.
• Text: is the message that the server will publish in the event of an ungraceful disconnection.
• Topic: is the topic that the server will publish the message to in the event of an ungraceful disconnection. Is
mandatory if LastWillTestament is enabled.
• Retain: enable if server must retain message after publish it.
• WillProperties: (New in MQTT 5.0)
• WillDelayInterval: The Server delays publishing the Client’s Will Message until the Will Delay Interval
has passed or the Session ends, whichever happens first.
• PayloadFormat: select payload format from: mqpfUnspecified (which is equivalent to not sending a
Payload Format Indicator) or mqpfUTF8 (Message s UTF-8 Encoded Character Data).
• MessageExpiryInterval: Length of time after which the server must stop delivery of the will message
to a subscriber if not yet processed.
• ContentType: string describing content of will message.
• ResponseTopic: Used as a topic name for a response message.
• CorrelationData: binary string used by client to identify which request the response message is for
when received.
• UserProperties: can be used to send will related properties from the Client to the Server. The mean
ing of these properties is not defined by MQTT specification.
ConnectProperties: (New in MQTT 5.0) are connection properties sent with packet connect.
• Enabled: if True, connect properties will be sent to server.
• SessionExpiryInterval: if value is zero, session will end when network connection is closed.
• ReceiveMaximum: the Client uses this value to limit the number of QoS 1 and QoS 2 publications that it is
willing to process concurrently.
• MaximumPacketSize: the Client uses the Maximum Packet Size to inform the Server that it will not process
packets exceeding this limit.
• TopicAliasMaximum: the Client uses this value to limit the number of Topic Aliases that it is willing to hold
on this Connection.
• RequestResponseInformation: the Client uses this value to request the Server to return Response Infor
mation in the CONNACK. If False indicates that the Server MUST NOT return Response Information, If True
the Server MAY return Response Information in the CONNACK packet.
• RequestProblemInformation: the Client uses this value to indicate whether the Reason String or User
Properties are sent in the case of failures. If the value of Request Problem Information is False, the Server
MAY return a Reason String or User Properties on a CONNACK or DISCONNECT packet but MUST NOT
send a Reason String or User Properties on any packet other than PUBLISH, CONNACK, or DISCONNECT.
• UserProperties: can be used to send connection related properties from the Client to the Server. The
meaning of these properties is not defined by MQTT specification.
• AuthenticationMethod: contains the name of the authentication method used for extended authentication.
TsgcWSPClient_MQTT | Client MQTT Con
In order to connect to a MQTT Server, you must create first a TsgcWebSocketClient and a TsgcWSPClient_MQTT.
Then you must attach MQTT Component to WebSocket Client.
Basic Usage
Connect to Mosquitto MQTT server using websocket protocol. Subscribe to topic: "topic1" after connect.
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 8080;
oMQTT := TsgcWSPClient_MQTT.Create(nil);
oMQTT.Client := oClient;
oClient.Active := True;
procedure OnMQTTConnect(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const Session: Boolean; const ReasonCode: Integer;
const ReasonName: string; const ConnectProperties: TsgcWSMQTTCONNACKProperties);
Client Identifier
MQTT requires a Client Identifier to identify client connection. Component sets a random value automatically but
you can set your own Client Identifier if required, to do this, just handle OnBeforeConnect event and set your val
ue on aClientIdentifier parameter.
Somes servers require an user and password to authorize MQTT connections. Use Authentication property to
set the value for username and password before connect to server.
oMQTT := TsgcWSPClient_MQTT.Create(nil);
oMQTT.Authentication.Enabled := True;
oMQTT.Authentication.UserName := 'your user';
oMQTT.Authentication.Password := 'your password';
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 8080;
oMQTT := TsgcWSPClient_MQTT.Create(nil);
oMQTT.Client := oClient;
oClient.Active := True;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 8081;
oClient.TLS := True;
oClient.TLSOptions.Version := tls1_2;
oMQTT := TsgcWSPClient_MQTT.Create(nil);
oMQTT.Client := oClient;
oClient.Active := True;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 1883;
oClient.Specifications.RFC6455 := False;
oMQTT := TsgcWSPClient_MQTT.Create(nil);
oMQTT.Client := oClient;
oClient.Active := True;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 8083;
oClient.Specifications.RFC6455 := False;
oClient.TLS := True;
oClient.TLSOptions.Version := tls1_2;
oMQTT := TsgcWSPClient_MQTT.Create(nil);
oMQTT.Client := oClient;
oClient.Active := True;
TsgcWSPClient_MQTT | Client MQTT Ses
Clean Start
OnMQTTBeforeConnect event, there is a parameter called aCleanSession. If the value of this parameter is True,
means that client want start a new session, so if server has any session stored, it must discard it. So, when On
MQTTConnect event is fired, aSession parameter will be false. If the value of this parameter is False and there is a
session associated to this client identifier, the server must resume communications with the client on state with the
existing session.
So, if client has an unexpected disconnection, and you want to recover the session where was disconnected, in
OnMQTTBeforeConnect set aCleanSession = True and aClientIdentifier = Client ID of Session.
Once successful connection, check OnMQTTConnect event, the value of Session parameter.
Session = true, means session has been resumed.
Session = false, means it's a new session.
procedure TfrmWebSocketClient.MQTTMQTTBeforeConnect(Connection: TsgcWSConnection;
var aCleanSession: Boolean; var aClientIdentifier: string);
aCleanSession := false;
aClientIdentifier := 'previous client id';
procedure OnMQTTConnect(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const Session: Boolean;
const ReasonCode: Integer; const ReasonName: string; const ConnectProperties: TsgcWSMQTTCONNACKProperties);
if Session then
WriteLn('Session resumed')
WriteLn('New Session');
TsgcWSPClient_MQTT | Client MQTT Ver
Currently, MQTT Client supports the following specifications:
• MQTT 3.1.1:
• MQTT 5.0:
You can select which is the version which will use the MQTT Client component using MQTTVersion property.
MQTT 3.1.1: TsgcWSPClient_MQTT.Version = mqtt311
MQTT 5.0: sgcWSPClient_MQTT.Version = mqtt5
TsgcWSPClient_MQTT | MQTT Publish Sub
The publish/subscribe pattern (also known as pub/sub) provides an alternative to traditional client-server architec
ture. In the client-sever model, a client communicates directly with an endpoint.The pub/sub model decouples the
client that sends a message (the publisher) from the client or clients that receive the messages (the sub
scribers). The publishers and subscribers never contact each other directly. In fact, they are not even aware that
the other exists. The connection between them is handled by a third component (the broker). The job of the
broker is to filter all incoming messages and distribute them correctly to subscribers.
With TsgcWSPClient_MQTT you can Publish messages and Subscribe to Topics.
Subscribe Topic
Subscribe to Topic "topic1" after a successful connection.
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 8080;
oMQTT := TsgcWSPClient_MQTT.Create(nil);
oMQTT.Client := oClient;
oClient.Active := True;
procedure OnMQTTConnect(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const Session: Boolean; const ReasonCode: Integer;
const ReasonName: string; const ConnectProperties: TsgcWSMQTTCONNACKProperties);
Publish Message
Publish a message to all subscribers of "topic1"
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 8080;
oMQTT := TsgcWSPClient_MQTT.Create(nil);
oMQTT.Client := oClient;
oClient.Active := True;
procedure OnMQTTConnect(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const Session: Boolean; const ReasonCode: Integer;
const ReasonName: string; const ConnectProperties: TsgcWSMQTTCONNACKProperties);
oMQTT.Publish('topic1', 'Hello Subscribers topic1');
When a client subscribes to a topic, it can subscribe to the exact topic of a published message or it can use wild
cards to subscribe to multiple topics simultaneously. A wildcard can only be used to subscribe to topics, not to pub
lish a message. There are two different kinds of wildcards: _single-level and _multi-level.
Single Level: +
As the name suggests, a single-level wildcard replaces one topic level. The plus symbol represents a single-level
wildcard in a topic.
myHome / groundfloor / + / temperature
Any topic matches a topic with single-level wildcard if it contains an arbitrary string instead of the wildcard. For ex
ample a subscription to _myhome/groundfloor/+/temperature can produce the following results:
YES => myHome / groundfloor / livingroom / temperature
YES => myHome / groundfloor / kitchen / temperature
NO => myHome / groundfloor / livingroom / brightness
NO => myHome / firstfloor / livingroom / temperature
NO => myHome / groundfloor / kitchen / fridge / temperature
Multi Level: #
The multi-level wildcard covers many topic levels. The hash symbol represents the multi-level wild card in the topic.
For the broker to determine which topics match, the multi-level wildcard must be placed as the last character in the
topic and preceded by a forward slash.
myHome / groundfloor / #
YES => myHome / groundfloor / livingroom / temperature
YES => myHome / groundfloor / kitchen / temperature
YES => myHome / groundfloor / kitchen / brightness
NO => myHome / firstfloor / kitchen / temperature
When a client subscribes to a topic with a multi-level wildcard, it receives all messages of a topic that begins with
the pattern before the wildcard character, no matter how long or deep the topic is. If you specify only the multi-level
wildcard as a topic (_#), you receive all messages that are sent to the MQTT broker.
MQTT.Subscribe('topic1', mtqsAtLeastOnce);
oProperties := TsgcWSMQTTSubscribe_Properties.Create;
oProperties.SubscriptionIdentifier := 1234;
MQTT.Subscribe('topic1', mtqsAtMostOnce, oProperties);
TsgcWSPClient_MQTT | MQTT Publish Mes
You can publish messages to all subscribers of a Topic using Publish method, which has the following parameters:
Topic: is the name of the topic where the message will be published.
Text: is the text of the message.
QoS: one of the 3 QoS levels (not all brokers support all 3 levels). If not specificed uses mtqsAtMostOnce.
Read more about QoS Levels.
Retain: if true, this message will be retained. And every time a new client subscribes to this topic, this mes
sage will be sent to this client.
PublishProperties: if MQTT 5.0, these are the properties of the message.
TsgcWSPClient_MQTT | MQTT Receive Mes
Messages sent by server, are received OnMQTTPublish event. This event has the following parameters:
Topic: is the name of the topic associated to this message.
Text: is the text of the message.
PublishProperties: if MQTT 5.0, these are the properties of the published message.
TsgcWSPClient_MQTT | MQTT Clear Re
tained Messages
By default, every MQTT topic can have a retained message. The standard MQTT mechanism to clean up retained
messages is sending a retained message with an empty payload to a topic. This will remove the retained message.
Protocol AMQP
The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open standard application layer protocol for message-
oriented middleware. The defining features of AMQP are message orientation, queuing, routing (including point-to-
point and publish-and-subscribe), reliability and security.
AMQP is a binary, application layer protocol, designed to efficiently support a wide variety of messaging applica
tions and communication patterns. It provides flow controlled, message-oriented communication with message-de
livery guarantees such as at-most-once (where each message is delivered once or never), at-least-once (where
each message is certain to be delivered, but may do so multiple times) and exactly-once (where the message will
always certainly arrive and do so only once), and authentication and/or encryption based on SASL and/or TLS. It
assumes an underlying reliable transport layer protocol such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
AMQP can be used in any situation if there is a need for high-quality and secure message delivery between client
and broker.
AMQP provides the following features:
• Monitoring and sharing updates.
• Ensuring quick response of the server to requests and transmission of timeconsuming tasks for further pro
• Distribute messages to multiple recipients.
• Connection offline clients for further data retrieval.
• Increase the reliability and smooth operation of applications.
• Reliability of message delivery.
• High speed message delivery.
• Message Acceptance.
TsgcWSPClient_AMQP: it's the client component that implements AMQP 0.9.1 protocol.
The TsgcWSClient_AMQP client implements the full AMQP 0.9.6 protocol following the OASIS specification. The
client supports Plain TCP and WebSocket connections, TLS (secure) connections are supported too.
AMQP 0.9.6 protocols defines the concept of channels, which allows to share a single socket connection with sev
eral virtual channels, the client implements an internal thread which reads the bytes received and dispatch every
message to the correct channel (which already runs in his own thread), so, if you are running an AMQP connection
with 5 channels, the client will run 6 threads (5 threads which handle the data of every channel and 1 thread which
handles the data of the connection).
Before connect to an AMQP server, configure the following properties of the AMQP protocol
• AMQPOptions.Locale: it's the message locale to use, it's a negotiated value, so can change when com
pared with the supported locales supported by the server. The default value is "en_US".
• AMQPOptions.MaxChannels: it's the maximum number of channels which can be opened, it's a negotiated
value, so can change when compared with the server configuration. The default value is 65535.
• AMQPOptions.MaxFrameSize: it's the maximum size in bytes of the AMQP frame, it's a negotiated value,
so can change when compared with the server configuration. The default value is 2147483647.
• AMQPOptions.VirtualHost: it's the name of the virtual host. The default value is "/".
The AMQP HeartBeat can be configured too before connect to server, you can enable or disable the use of heart
• HeartBeat.Enabled: set to true if the client supports HeartBeats.
• HeartBeat.Interval: the desired interval in seconds.
Once the AMQP client has been configured, attach to a TsgcWebSocketClient and now you can configure the serv
er connection properties to connect to the AMQP Server.
Set the property value Specifications.RFC6455 to false if using Plain TCP connection instead of WebSocket con
oAMQP := TsgcWSPClient_AMQP.Create(nil);
oAMQP.AMQPOptions.Locale := 'en_US';
oAMQP.AMQPOptions.MaxChannels := 100;
oAMQP.AMQPOptions.MaxFrameSize := 16384;
oAMQP.AMQPOptions.VirtualHost := '/';
oAMQP.HeartBeat.Enabled := true;
oAMQP.HeartBeat.Interval := 60;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oAMQP.Client := oClient;
oClient.Specifications.RFC6455 := false;
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 5672;
oClient.Active := True;
Once the AMQP client has connected, it can open the first channel.
When a Channel is opened, the client can declare new exchanges, verify than exists... use the method DeclareEx
change to declare a new exchange.
oAMQP.DeclareExchange('channel_name', 'exchange_name');
When a Channel is opened, the client can declare new queues, verify than exists... use the method DeclareQueue
to declare a new Queue. The queues are not provided by default by the server (unlike the exchanges), so it's al
ways required to declare a new queue (unless a queue has been already created by another client).
oAMQP.DeclareQueue('channel_name', 'queue_name');
Binding Queues
Once the Exchanges and Queues are configured, you may need to bind queues to exchanges, this way the ex
changes can know which messages will be dispatched to the queues.
AMQP Servers automatically bind the queues to "direct" exchange using the queue name as routing key. This al
lows to send a message to a specific queue without the need to declare a binding (just calling PublishMessage
method and pasing the Exchange argument as empty value and the name of the queue in the RoutingKey argu
Send Messages
Call the method PublishMessage to publish a new AMQP message. The method allows to publish a String or
TStream message.
Receive Messages
AMQP allows to receive the messages in 2 modes:
• Request by Client: using the GetMessage method. If there aren't messages in the queue, the event On
AMQPBasicGetEmpty will be called.
• Pushed by Server: using the Consume method.
Request By Client
oAMQP.GetMessage('channel_name', 'queue_name');
procedure OnAMQPGetOk(Sender: TObject; const aChannel: string;
const aGetOk: TsgcAMQPFramePayload_Method_BasicGetOk; const aContent: TsgcAMQPMessageContent)
DoLog('#AMQP_basic_GetOk: ' + aChannel + ' ' + IntToStr(aGetOk.MessageCount) + ' ' + aContent.Body.AsString);
Pushed By Server
oAMQP.Consume('channel_name', 'queue_name');
procedure OnAMQPGetOk(Sender: TObject; const aChannel, aConsumerTag: string)
DoLog('#AMQP_basic_GetOk: ' + aChannel + ' ' + IntToStr(aGetOk.MessageCount) + ' ' + aContent.Body.AsString);
Basic Usage
Connect to AMQP server without authentication. Define the AMQPOptions property values, virtual host and then
set in the TsgcWebSocketClient the Host and Port of the server.
If you are using a TCP Plain connection, set the TsgcWebSocketClient property Specifications.RFC6455 to false.
oAMQP := TsgcWSPClient_AMQP.Create(nil);
oAMQP.AMQPOptions.Locale := 'en_US';
oAMQP.AMQPOptions.MaxChannels := 100;
oAMQP.AMQPOptions.MaxFrameSize := 16384;
oAMQP.AMQPOptions.VirtualHost := '/';
oAMQP.HeartBeat.Enabled := true;
oAMQP.HeartBeat.Interval := 60;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oAMQP.Client := oClient;
oClient.Specifications.RFC6455 := false;
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 5672;
oClient.Active := True;
If the server requires authentication, use the event OnAMQPAuthentication to select the Authentication mecha
nism (if required) and set the User / Password.
oAMQP := TsgcWSPClient_AMQP.Create(nil);
oAMQP.AMQPOptions.Locale := 'en_US';
oAMQP.AMQPOptions.MaxChannels := 100;
oAMQP.AMQPOptions.MaxFrameSize := 16384;
oAMQP.AMQPOptions.VirtualHost := '/';
oAMQP.HeartBeat.Enabled := true;
oAMQP.HeartBeat.Interval := 60;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oAMQP.Client := oClient;
oClient.Specifications.RFC6455 := false;
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 5672;
oClient.Active := True;
procedure OnAMQPAuthentication(Sender: TObject; aMechanisms: TsgcAMQPAuthentications; var Mechanism: TsgcAMQPAuthentication
var User, Password: string);
User := 'user_value';
Password := 'password_value';
Open Channel
To create a new channel just call the method OpenChannel and pass the channel name as argument. The event
OnAMQPChannelOpen is raised as a confirmation sent by the server that the channel has been opened.
procedure OnAMQPChannelOpen(Sender: TObject; const aChannel: string);
DoLog('#AMQP_channel_open: ' + aChannel);
A Synchronous call can be done too calling the method OpenChannelEx, this method returns true if the channel
has been opened and false if no confirmation from server has arrived.
if AMQP.OpenChannelEx('channel_name') then
DoLog('#AMQP_channel_open: channel_name');
Close Channel
To close an existing channel, call the method CloseChannel and pass the channel name as argument. The event
OnAMQPChannelClose will be called when the client receives a confirmation that the channel has been closed.
A Synchronous call can be done calling the method CloseChannelEx, this method returns true if the channel has
been closed and false if no confirmation from server has arrived.
Channel Flow
Flow control is an emergency procedure used to halt the flow of messages from a peer. It works in the same way
between client and server and is implemented by the EnableChannel / DisableChannel commands. Flow control
is the only mechanism that can stop an over-producing publisher.
To Disable the Flow of a channel, call the method DisableChannel, the event OnAMQPChannelFlow will be
called when the client receives a confirmation that the channel flow has been disabled.
The same applies when enabling the flow of a channel, call the method EnableChannel, the event On
AMQPChannelFlow will be called when the client receives a confirmation that the channel flow has been enabled.
Synchronous requests are available through the functions EnableChannelEx and DisableChannelEx.
Declare Exchange
This method creates a new exchanges or verifies that an Exchange already exists. The method has the following
• ChannelName: it's the name of the channel (must be open before call this method).
• ExchangeName: it's the name of the exchange, must be no longer of 255 characters and not begin with
"amq." (except if passive parameter is true).
• ExchangeType: it's the exchange type, all AMQP servers support "direct" and "fanout" exchanges. Check
the server documentation to know which exchanges types are supported.
• Passive: if passive is true, the server only verifies that the exchange is already declared. If passive is false,
and the exchange not exists, the server will create a new one.
• Durable: if true, the exchange will be recreated when the server starts. If false, the exchange will be delet
ed when the server stops.
• AutoDelete: if true, the exchange will be deleted when all queues have been unbound.
• Internal: always false.
• NoWait: if true, the server doesn't sends an acknowledgment to the client.
To Declare a new Exchange just call the method DeclareExchange and pass the channel name, exchange name
and exchange type as arguments. The event OnAMQPExchangeDeclare is raised as a confirmation sent by the
server that the exchange has been declared.
A Synchronous call can be done too calling the method DeclareExchangeEx, this method returns true if the Ex
change has been Declared and false if no confirmation from server has arrived.
Delete Exchange
This method is used to delete an existing Exchange. The method has the following arguments:
• ChannelName: it's the name of the channel (must be open before call this method).
• ExchangeName: it's the name of the exchange, must be no longer of 255 characters and not begin with
"amq." (except if passive parameter is true).
• IfUnused: the server only deletes the exchange if there aren't any queues bound to it.
Declare Queue
This method creates a new queue or verifies that a Queue already exists. The method has the following arguments:
• ChannelName: it's the name of the channel (must be open before call this method).
• QueueName: it's the name of the queue, must be no longer of 255 characters and not begin with
"amq." (except if passive parameter is true).
• Passive: if passive is true, the server only verifies that the queue is already declared. If passive is false, and
the queue not exists, the server will create a new one.
• Durable: if true, the queue will be re-created when the server starts. If false, the queue will be deleted when
the server stops.
• Exclusive: if true means the queue is only accessed by the current connection.
• AutoDelete: if true, the queue will be deleted when all consumers no longer use the queue.
• NoWait: if true, the server doesn't sends an acknowledgment to the client.
To Declare a new Queue just call the method DeclareQueue and pass the channel name and queue name as ar
guments. The event OnAMQPQueueDeclare is raised as a confirmation sent by the server that the exchange has
been declared.
AMQP.DeclareQueue('channel_name', 'queue_name');
procedure OnAMQPQueueDeclare(Sender: TObject; const aChannel, aQueue: string;
aMessageCount, aConsumerCount: Integer);
DoLog('#AMQP_queue_declare: [' + aChannel + '] ' + aQueue);
A Synchronous call can be done too calling the method DeclareQueueEx, this method returns true if the Queue
has been Declared and false if no confirmation from server has arrived.
Delete Queue
This method is used to delete an existing Queue. The method has the following arguments:
• ChannelName: it's the name of the channel (must be open before call this method).
• QueueName: it's the name of the queue, must be no longer of 255 characters and not begin with
"amq." (except if passive parameter is true).
• IfUnused: the server only deletes the queue if there aren't any consumers attachedt to it.
• IfEmpty: the server only deletes the queue if there are no messages.
• NoWait: if true, the server doesn't sends an acknowledgment to the client.
To Delete an existing Queue call the method DeleteQueue and pass the channel name and queue name as argu
ments. The event OnAMQPQueueDelete is raised as a confirmation sent by the server that the queue has been
A Synchronous call can be done too calling the method DeleteQueueEx, this method returns true if the Queue has
been Deleted and false if no confirmation from server has arrived.
Bind Queue
This method is used to bind a Queue to a Exchange. The Exchanges use the bindings to know which queues will
be used to route the messages.
All AMQP Servers bind automatically all the queues to the default exchange (it's a "direct" exchange without name)
using the Queue Name as the binding routing key. This allows to send a message to a specific queue without de
clare a binding. Just call the method PublishMessage, pass an empty value as Exchange Name and set the Rout
ingKey with the value of the Queue Name.
The method has the following arguments:
• ChannelName: it's the name of the channel (must be open before call this method).
• QueueName: it's the name of the queue, must be no longer of 255 characters and not begin with
"amq." (except if passive parameter is true).
• ExchangeName: it's the name of the exchange, must be no longer of 255 characters and not begin with
"amq." (except if passive parameter is true).
• RoutingKey: it's the binding's routing key.
• NoWait: if true, the server doesn't sends an acknowledgment to the client.
To Bind a Queue to a Exchange call the method BindQueue and pass the channel name, queue name, exchange
and routing key as arguments. The event OnAMQPQueueBind is raised as a confirmation sent by the server that
the queue has been bind.
A Synchronous call can be done too calling the method BindQueueEx, this method returns true if the Queue has
been Bind and false if no confirmation from server has arrived.
UnBind Queue
This method deletes an existing queue binding.
The method has the following arguments:
• ChannelName: it's the name of the channel (must be open before call this method).
• QueueName: it's the name of the queue, must be no longer of 255 characters and not begin with
"amq." (except if passive parameter is true).
• ExchangeName: it's the name of the exchange, must be no longer of 255 characters and not begin with
"amq." (except if passive parameter is true).
• RoutingKey: it's the binding's routing key.
To UnBind a Queue just call the method UnBindQueue and pass the channel name, queue name, exchange and
routing key as arguments. The event OnAMQPQueueUnBind is raised as a confirmation sent by the server that
the queue has been unbind.
A Synchronous call can be done too calling the method UnBindQueueEx, this method returns true if the Queue
has been UnBind and false if no confirmation from server has arrived.
Purge Queue
This method purges all messages of a queue. All the messages that have been sent but are awaiting acknowledg
ment are not affected.
The method has the following arguments:
• ChannelName: it's the name of the channel (must be open before call this method).
• QueueName: it's the name of the queue, must be no longer of 255 characters and not begin with
"amq." (except if passive parameter is true).
• NoWait: if true, the server doesn't sends an acknowledgment to the client.
To Purge a Queue just call the method PurgeQueue and pass the channel name and queue name as arguments.
The event OnAMQPQueuePurge is raised as a confirmation sent by the server that the queue has been Purged.
A Synchronous call can be done too calling the method PurgeQueueEx, this method returns true if the Queue has
been Purged and false if no confirmation from server has arrived.
The method Consume creates a new consumer in the queue, and every time there is a new message this will
be delivered automatically to the consumer client.
The method has the following arguments:
• ChannelName: it's the name of the channel (must be open before call this method).
• QueueName: it's the name of the queue, must be no longer of 255 characters and not begin with
"amq." (except if passive parameter is true).
• ConsumerTag: it's the name of the consumer and must be unique. If it's not set, then the server creates a
new one.
• NoLocal: if true means the consumer never consumes messages published on the same channel.
• NoAck: if true means the server doesn't expect an acknowledgment for every message delivered.
• Exclusive: if true prevents that other consumers consume messages from this queue.
• NoWait: if true, the server won't send an acknowledgment to the client.
The messages are delivered OnAMQPBasigGetOk event.
A Synchronous call can be done just calling the method ConsumeEx, this method returns true if the Consumer has
been created and false if no confirmation from server has arrived.
Cancel Consume
This method is used to Cancel an existing consumer queue.
The method has the following arguments:
• ChannelName: it's the name of the channel (must be open before call this method).
• ConsumerTag: it's the name of the consumer.
• NoWait: if true, the server won't send an acknowledgment to the client.
AMQP.CancelConsume('channel_name', 'consumer_tag');
procedure OnAMQPBasicCancelConsume(Sender: TObject; const aChannel: string; const aConsumerTag);
A Synchronous call can be done just calling the method CancelConsumeEx, this method returns true if the Con
sumer has been cancelled and false if no confirmation from server has arrived.
Get Message
The method GetMessage sends a request to the AMQP server asking if there are messages available in a
queue. If there are messages these will be dispatched OnAMQPBasicGetOk event and if the queue is empty,
the event OnAMQPBasicGetEmpty will be called.
The method has the following arguments:
• ChannelName: it's the name of the channel (must be open before call this method).
• QueueName: it's the name of the queue, must be no longer of 255 characters and not begin with
"amq." (except if passive parameter is true).
• NoWait: if true, the server won't send an acknowledgment to the client.
AMQP.GetMessage('channel_name', 'exchange_name');
procedure OnAMQPBasicGetOk(Sender: TObject; const aChannel: string;
const aGetOk: TsgcAMQPFramePayload_Method_BasicGetOk;
const aContent: TsgcAMQPMessageContent);
DoLog('#AMQP_basic_GetOk: ' + aChannel + ' ' + IntToStr(aGetOk.MessageCount) + ' ' + aContent.Body.AsString);
procedure OnAMQPBasicGetEmpty(Sender: TObject; const aChannel: string);
DoLog('#AMQP_basic_GetEmpty: ' + aChannel);
A Synchronous call can be done just calling the method GetMessageEx, this method returns true if the queue has
messages available, otherwise the result will be false.
Set QoS
The method SetQoS is used to limit the number messages the server sends to the AMQP client.
The method has the following arguments:
• ChannelName: it's the name of the channel (must be open before call this method).
• PrefetchSize: it's the windows size in bytes, the server doesn't send messages to the client if the total size
of all currently unacknowledged messages already sent plus the next message to be sent it's greater than
PrefetchSize argument. If the value is zero, means no limit.
• PrefetchCount: is the maximum number of unacknowledged messages already sent and not acknowl
edged, if the number is greater, the server stops sending messages to the client.
• Global: if true the QoS applies to all existing and new consumers of the connection. If false, the QoS applies
to all existing and new consumers of the channel.
The response from the server is received OnAMQPBasicQoS event.
A Synchronous call can be done just calling the method SetQoSEx, this method returns true if the request has
been processed, otherwise the result will be false.
Start Transaction
The method StartTransaction starts a new transaction in the server, the client uses this method at least once on a
channel before using the Commit or Rollback methods. The event OnAMQPTransactionOk is raised when the
server acknowledges the use of transactions.
procedure OnAMQPTransactionOk(Sender: TObject; const aChannel: string; aTransaction: TsgcAMQPTransaction);
case aTransaction of
DoLog('#AMQP_transaction_ok: [' + aChannel + '] select');
DoLog('#AMQP_transaction_ok: [' + aChannel + '] commit');
DoLog('#AMQP_transaction_ok: [' + aChannel + '] rollback');
A Synchronous call can be done just calling the method StartTransactionEx, this method returns true if the re
quest has been processed, otherwise the result will be false.
Commit Transaction
This method commits all message publications and acknowledgments performed in the current transaction. A new
transaction starts immediately after a commit. The event OnAMQPTransactionOk is raised when the server ac
knowledges the use of transactions.
A Synchronous call can be done just calling the method CommitTansactionEx, this method returns true if the re
quest has been processed, otherwise the result will be false.
Rollback Transaction
This method abandons all message publications and acknowledgments performed in the current transaction. A new
transaction starts immediately after a rollback. Note that unacked messages will not be automatically redelivered by
rollback; if that is required an explicit recover call should be issued. The event OnAMQPTransactionOk is raised
when the server acknowledges the use of transactions.
A Synchronous call can be done just calling the method RollbackTransactionEx, this method returns true if the re
quest has been processed, otherwise the result will be false.
Protocol STOMP
STOMP is the Simple (or Streaming) Text Orientated Messaging Protocol. STOMP provides an interoperable wire
format so that STOMP clients can communicate with any STOMP message broker to provide easy and widespread
messaging interoperability among many languages, platforms and brokers.
Our STOMP client components support following STOMP versions: 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2.
TsgcWSPClient_STOMP: generic STOMP Protocol client, allows to connect to any STOMP Server.
TsgcWSPClient_STOMP_RabbitMQ: STOMP client for RabbitMQ Broker.
TsgcWSPClient_STOMP_ActiveMQ: STOMP client for ActiveMQ Broker.
This is Client Protocol STOMP Component, you need to drop this component in the form and select a TsgcWeb
SocketClient Component using Client Property.
Send: The SEND frame sends a message to a destination in the messaging system.
Subscribe: The SUBSCRIBE frame is used to register to listen to a given destination.
UnSubscribe: The UNSUBSCRIBE frame is used to remove an existing subscription.
ACK: ACK is used to acknowledge the consumption of a message from a subscription.
NACK: NACK is the opposite of ACK. It is used to tell the server that the client did not consume the message.
BeginTransaction: is used to start a transaction. Transactions in this case apply to sending and acknowledging -
any messages sent or acknowledged during a transaction will be processed atomically based on the transaction.
CommitTransaction: is used to commit a transaction in progress.
AbortTransaction: is used to roll back a transaction in progress.
Disconnect: use to graceful shutdown connection, where the client is assured that all previous frames have been
received by the server.
OnSTOMPConnected: this event is fired after a new connection is established.
version : The version of the STOMP protocol the session will be using. See Protocol Negotiation for more
STOMP 1.2 servers MAY set the following headers:
heart-beat : The Heart-beating settings.
session : A session identifier that uniquely identifies the session.
server : A field that contains information about the STOMP server. The field MUST contain a server-name
field and MAY be followed by optional comment fields delimited by a space character.
OnSTOMPMessage: this event is fired when the client receives a message.
The MESSAGE frame MUST include a destination header indicating the destination the message was sent
to. If the message has been sent using STOMP, this destination header SHOULD be identical to the one
used in the corresponding SEND frame.
The MESSAGE frame MUST also contain a message-id header with a unique identifier for that message
and a subscription header matching the identifier of the subscription that is receiving the message.
If the message is received from a subscription that requires explicit acknowledgment (either client or client-
individual mode) then the MESSAGE frame MUST also contain an ack header with an arbitrary value. This
header will be used to relate the message to a subsequent ACK or NACK frame.
MESSAGE frames SHOULD include a content-length header and a content-type header if a body is present.
MESSAGE frames will also include all user-defined headers that were present when the message was sent
to the destination in addition to the server-specific headers that MAY get added to the frame.
OnSTOMPReceipt: this event is fired once a server has successfully processed a client frame that requests a re
A RECEIPT frame is an acknowledgment that the corresponding client frame has been processed by the
server. Since STOMP is stream based, the receipt is also a cumulative acknowledgment that all the previous
frames have been received by the server. However, these previous frames may not yet be fully processed. If
the client disconnects, previously received frames SHOULD continue to get processed by the server.
OnSTOMPError: this event is fired if something goes wrong.
The ERROR frame SHOULD contain a message header with a short description of the error, and the body
MAY contain more detailed information (or MAY be empty).
If the error is related to a specific frame sent from the client, the server SHOULD add additional headers to
help identify the original frame that caused the error. For example, if the frame included a receipt header, the
ERROR frame SHOULD set the receipt-id header to match the value of the receipt header of the frame
which the error is related to.
ERROR frames SHOULD include a content-length header and a content-type header if a body is present.
Authentication: disabled by default, if True a UserName and Password are sent to the server to try user authen
HeartBeat: Heart-beating can optionally be used to test the healthiness of the underlying TCP connection and to
make sure that the remote end is alive and kicking. In order to enable heart-beating, each party has to declare what
it can do and what it would like the other party to do. 0 means it cannot send/receive heart-beats, otherwise it is the
desired number of milliseconds between heart-beats.
Options: The name of a virtual host that the client wishes to connect to. It is recommended clients set this to the
host name that the socket was established against, or to any name of their choosing. If this header does not match
a known virtual host, servers supporting virtual hosting MAY select a default virtual host or reject the connection.
Versions: Set which STOMP versions are supported.
ConnectHeaders: Allows to send custom headers when CONNECT method is sent.
This is Client Protocol STOMP Component for RabbitMQ Broker, you need to drop this component in the form and
select a TsgcWebSocketClient Component using Client Property.
The STOMP specification does not prescribe what kinds of destinations a broker must support, instead the value of
the destination header in SEND and MESSAGE frames is broker-specific. The RabbitMQ STOMP adapter supports
a number of different destination types:
• Topic: SEND and SUBSCRIBE to transient and durable topics.
• Queue: SEND and SUBSCRIBE to queues managed by the STOMP gateway.
• QueueOutside: SEND and SUBSCRIBE to queues created outside the STOMP gateway.
• TemporaryQueue: create temporary queues (in reply-to headers only).
• Exchange: SEND to arbitrary routing keys and SUBSCRIBE to arbitrary binding patterns.
Publish: The SEND frame sends a message to a destination in the messaging system.
Subscribe: The SUBSCRIBE frame is used to register to listen to a given destination. Supports following sub
UnSubscribe: The UNSUBSCRIBE frame is used to remove an existing subscription. Supports following UnSub
ACK: ACK is used to acknowledge the consumption of a message from a subscription.
NACK: NACK is the opposite of ACK. It is used to tell the server that the client did not consume the message.
BeginTransaction: is used to start a transaction. Transactions in this case apply to sending and acknowledging -
any messages sent or acknowledged during a transaction will be processed atomically based on the transaction.
CommitTransaction: is used to commit a transaction in progress.
AbortTransaction: is used to roll back a transaction in progress.
Disconnect: use to graceful shutdown connection, where the client is assured that all previous frames have been
received by the server.
OnRabbitMQConnected: this event is fired after a new connection is established.
version : The version of the STOMP protocol the session will be using. See Protocol Negotiation for more
STOMP 1.2 servers MAY set the following headers:
heart-beat : The Heart-beating settings.
session : A session identifier that uniquely identifies the session.
server : A field that contains information about the STOMP server. The field MUST contain a server-name
field and MAY be followed by optional comment fields delimited by a space character.
OnRabbitMQMessage: this event is fired when the client receives a message.
The MESSAGE frame MUST include a destination header indicating the destination the message was sent
to. If the message has been sent using STOMP, this destination header SHOULD be identical to the one
used in the corresponding SEND frame.
The MESSAGE frame MUST also contain a message-id header with a unique identifier for that message
and a subscription header matching the identifier of the subscription that is receiving the message.
If the message is received from a subscription that requires explicit acknowledgment (either client or client-
individual mode) then the MESSAGE frame MUST also contain an ack header with an arbitrary value. This
header will be used to relate the message to a subsequent ACK or NACK frame.
MESSAGE frames SHOULD include a content-length header and a content-type header if a body is present.
MESSAGE frames will also include all user-defined headers that were present when the message was sent
to the destination in addition to the server-specific headers that MAY get added to the frame.
OnRabbitMQReceipt: this event is fired once a server has successfully processed a client frame that requests a
A RECEIPT frame is an acknowledgment that the corresponding client frame has been processed by the
server. Since STOMP is stream based, the receipt is also a cumulative acknowledgment that all the previous
frames have been received by the server. However, these previous frames may not yet be fully processed. If
the client disconnects, previously received frames SHOULD continue to get processed by the server.
OnRabbitMQError: this event is fired if something goes wrong.
The ERROR frame SHOULD contain a message header with a short description of the error, and the body
MAY contain more detailed information (or MAY be empty).
If the error is related to a specific frame sent from the client, the server SHOULD add additional headers to
help identify the original frame that caused the error. For example, if the frame included a receipt header, the
ERROR frame SHOULD set the receipt-id header to match the value of the receipt header of the frame
which the error is related to.
ERROR frames SHOULD include a content-length header and a content-type header if a body is present.
Authentication: disabled by default, if True a UserName and Password are sent to the server to try user authen
HeartBeat: Heart-beating can optionally be used to test the healthiness of the underlying TCP connection and to
make sure that the remote end is alive and kicking. In order to enable heart-beating, each party has to declare what
it can do and what it would like the other party to do. 0 means it cannot send/receive heart-beats, otherwise it is the
desired number of milliseconds between heart-beats.
Options: The name of a virtual host that the client wishes to connect to. It is recommended clients set this to the
host name that the socket was established against, or to any name of their choosing. If this header does not match
a known virtual host, servers supporting virtual hosting MAY select a default virtual host or reject the connection.
Versions: Set which STOMP versions are supported.
This is Client Protocol STOMP Component for ActiveMQ Broker, you need to drop this component in the form and
select a TsgcWebSocketClient Component using Client Property.
The STOMP specification does not prescribe what kinds of destinations a broker must support, instead the value of
the destination header in SEND and MESSAGE frames is broker-specific. The Active STOMP adapter supports a
number of different destination types:
• Topic: SEND and SUBSCRIBE to transient and durable topics.
• Queue: SEND and SUBSCRIBE to queues managed by the STOMP gateway.
Publish Options
Note that STOMP is designed to be as simple as possible - so any scripting language/platform can message any
other with minimal effort. STOMP allows pluggable headers on each request such as sending & receiving mes
sages. ActiveMQ has several extensions to the Stomp protocol, so that JMS semantics can be supported by Stomp
clients. An OpenWire JMS producer can send messages to a Stomp consumer, and a Stomp producer can send
messages to an OpenWire JMS consumer. And Stomp to Stomp configurations, can use the richer JMS message
STOMP supports the following standard JMS properties on SENT messages:
• CorrelationId: Good consumers will add this header to any responses they send.
• Expires: Expiration time of the message.
• JMSXGroupID: Specifies the Message Groups.
• JMSXGroupSeq: Optional header that specifies the sequence number in the Message Groups.
• Persistent: Whether or not the message is persistent.
• Priority: Priority on the message.
• ReplyTo: Destination you should send replies to.
• MsgType: Type of the message.
Publish: The SEND frame sends a message to a destination in the messaging system.
Subscribe: The SUBSCRIBE frame is used to register to listen to a given destination. Supports following sub
UnSubscribe: The UNSUBSCRIBE frame is used to remove an existing subscription. Supports following UnSub
ACK: ACK is used to acknowledge the consumption of a message from a subscription.
NACK: NACK is the opposite of ACK. It is used to tell the server that the client did not consume the message.
BeginTransaction: is used to start a transaction. Transactions in this case apply to sending and acknowledging -
any messages sent or acknowledged during a transaction will be processed atomically based on the transaction.
CommitTransaction: is used to commit a transaction in progress.
AbortTransaction: is used to roll back a transaction in progress.
Disconnect: use to graceful shutdown connection, where the client is assured that all previous frames have been
received by the server.
OnActiveMQConnected: this event is fired after a new connection is established.
version : The version of the STOMP protocol the session will be using. See Protocol Negotiation for more
STOMP 1.2 servers MAY set the following headers:
heart-beat : The Heart-beating settings.
session : A session identifier that uniquely identifies the session.
server : A field that contains information about the STOMP server. The field MUST contain a server-name
field and MAY be followed by optional comment fields delimited by a space character.
OnActiveMQMessage: this event is fired when the client receives a message.
The MESSAGE frame MUST include a destination header indicating the destination the message was sent
to. If the message has been sent using STOMP, this destination header SHOULD be identical to the one
used in the corresponding SEND frame.
The MESSAGE frame MUST also contain a message-id header with a unique identifier for that message
and a subscription header matching the identifier of the subscription that is receiving the message.
If the message is received from a subscription that requires explicit acknowledgment (either client or client-
individual mode) then the MESSAGE frame MUST also contain an ack header with an arbitrary value. This
header will be used to relate the message to a subsequent ACK or NACK frame.
MESSAGE frames SHOULD include a content-length header and a content-type header if a body is present.
MESSAGE frames will also include all user-defined headers that were present when the message was sent
to the destination in addition to the server-specific headers that MAY get added to the frame.
OnActiveMQReceipt: this event is fired once a server has successfully processed a client frame that requests a
A RECEIPT frame is an acknowledgment that the corresponding client frame has been processed by the
server. Since STOMP is stream based, the receipt is also a cumulative acknowledgment that all the previous
frames have been received by the server. However, these previous frames may not yet be fully processed. If
the client disconnects, previously received frames SHOULD continue to get processed by the server.
OnActiveMQError: this event is fired if something goes wrong.
The ERROR frame SHOULD contain a message header with a short description of the error, and the body
MAY contain more detailed information (or MAY be empty).
If the error is related to a specific frame sent from the client, the server SHOULD add additional headers to
help identify the original frame that caused the error. For example, if the frame included a receipt header, the
ERROR frame SHOULD set the receipt-id header to match the value of the receipt header of the frame
which the error is related to.
ERROR frames SHOULD include a content-length header and a content-type header if a body is present.
Authentication: disabled by default, if True a UserName and Password are sent to the server to try user authen
HeartBeat: Heart-beating can optionally be used to test the healthiness of the underlying TCP connection and to
make sure that the remote end is alive and kicking. In order to enable heart-beating, each party has to declare what
it can do and what it would like the other party to do. 0 means it cannot send/receive heart-beats, otherwise it is the
desired number of milliseconds between heart-beats.
Options: The name of a virtual host that the client wishes to connect to. It is recommended clients set this to the
host name that the socket was established against, or to any name of their choosing. If this header does not match
a known virtual host, servers supporting virtual hosting MAY select a default virtual host or reject the connection.
Versions: Set which STOMP versions are supported.
Protocol AppRTC
WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is an API definition being drafted by the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) to enable browser to browser applications for voice calling, video chat and P2P file sharing without plugins.
The RTC in WebRTC stands for Real-Time Communications, a technology that enables audio/video streaming and
data sharing between browser clients (peers). As a set of standards, WebRTC provides any browser with the ability
to share application data and perform teleconferencing peer to peer, without the need to install plug-ins or third-par
ty software.
WebRTC components are accessed with JavaScript APIs. Currently, in development are the Network Stream API,
which represents an audio or video data stream, and the PeerConnection API, which allows two or more users to
communicate browser-to-browser. Also under development is a DataChannel API that enables communication of
other types of data for real-time gaming, text chat, file transfer, and so forth. is a WebRTC demo application developed by Google and Mozilla, it enables both browsers to “talk” to each
other using the WebRTC API.
TsgcWSPServer_AppRTC: Server Protocol AppRTC VCL Component.
This is Server Protocol AppRTC Component, you need to drop this component in the form and select a TsgcWeb
SocketServer Component using Server Property.
• IceServers: here you can configure turn/stun servers for WebRTC connections.
• RoomLink: URL base to access room. Example:
• WebSocketURL: URL to WebSocket server. Example: wss://
WebRTC Protocol requires STUN/TURN server, demos use public STUN/TURN servers for testing purposes. In or
der to put in a production system, a dedicated STUN/TURN server is required.
Registered users can download compiled binaries of Coturn server for Windows. Read more about COTURN
IceServers Configuration
If you are running your STUN/TURN server in the following IP Address: and is listening port 3478. User
to connect is "apprtc" and credential is "secret". Configure the IceServers as follows:
"lifetimeDuration": "86400s",
"iceServers": [{
"urls": "stun:",
"username": "apprtc",
"credential": "secret"
}, {
"urls": "turn:",
"username": "apprtc",
"credential": "secret"
"blockStatus": "NOT_BLOCKED",
"iceTransportPolicy": "all"
Protocol WebRTC
WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is an API definition being drafted by the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) to enable the browser to browser applications for voice calling, video chat and P2P file sharing without plug
ins. The RTC in WebRTC stands for Real-Time Communications, a technology that enables audio/video streaming
and data sharing between browser clients (peers). As a set of standards, WebRTC provides any browser with the
ability to share application data and perform teleconferencing peer to peer, without the need to install plug-ins or
third-party software.
WebRTC components are accessed with JavaScript APIs. Currently, in development are the Network Stream API,
which represents an audio or video data stream, and the PeerConnection API, which allows two or more users to
communicate browser-to-browser. Also under development is a DataChannel API that enables communication of
other types of data for real-time gaming, text chat, file transfer, and so forth.
TsgcWSPServer_WebRTC: Server Protocol WebRTC VCL Component.
• IceServers: here you can configure turn/stun servers for WebRTC connections. By default uses the follow
ing public STUN servers
{"iceServers": [{"url": ""}]}
Browser Test
If you want to test this protocol with your favourite Web Browser, please type this url (you need to define your cus
tom host and port)
This is Server Protocol WebRTC Component, you need to drop this component in the form and select a TsgcWeb
SocketServer Component using Server Property.
WebRTC Protocol requires STUN/TURN server, demos use public STUN/TURN servers for testing purposes. In or
der to put in a production system, a dedicated STUN/TURN server is required.
Registered users can download compiled binaries of Coturn server for Windows. Read more about COTURN
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Open Connection
When a WebSocket connection is opened, browser request access to local camera and microphone,
you need to allow access.
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_webrtc('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_webrtc('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcmediastart', function(event)
socket.webrtc_connect('custom channel');
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
socket.webrtc_disconnect('custom channel');
Protocol WAMP
WAMP is an open WebSocket subprotocol that provides two asynchronous messaging patterns: RPC and PubSub.
Technically, WAMP is an officially registered WebSocket subprotocol (runs on top of WebSocket) that uses JSON
as message serialization format.
What is RPC?
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a messaging pattern involving peers to two roles: client and server.
A server provides methods or procedure to call under well-known endpoints.
A client calls remote methods or procedures by providing the method or procedure endpoint and any arguments for
the call.
The server will execute the method or procedure using the supplied arguments to the call and return the result of
the call to the client.
What is PubSub?
Publish & Subscribe (PubSub) is a messaging pattern involving peers of three roles: publisher, subscriber and bro
A publisher sends (publishes) an event by providing a topic (aka channel) as the abstract address, not a specific
A subscriber receives events by first providing topics (aka channels) he is interested. Subsequently, the subscriber
will receive any events publishes to that topic.
The broker sits between publishers and subscribers and mediates messages publishes to subscribers. A broker will
maintain lists of subscribers per topic so it can dispatch new published events to the appropriate subscribers.
A broker may also dispatch events on its own, for example when the broker also acts as an RPC server and a
method executed on the server should trigger a PubSub event.
In summary, PubSub decouples publishers and receivers via an intermediary, the broker.
TsgcWSPServer_WAMP: Server Protocol WAMP VCL Component.
TsgcWSPClient_WAMP: Client Protocol WAMP VCL Component.
Javascript Component: Client Javascript Reference.
Browser Test
If you want to test this protocol with your favourite Web Browser, please type this URL(you need to define your cus
tom host and port)
This is Server Protocol WAMP Component, you need to drop this component in the form and select a TsgcWeb
SocketServer Component using Server Property.
CallResult: When the execution of the remote procedure finishes successfully, the server responds by sending a
message with the result.
• CallId: this is the ID generated by client when request a call to a procedure
• Result: is the result, can be a number, a JSON object...
CallProgressResult: when rpc has multiple results, this method is called when still there are more results to
send. Example: if method has 20 results, from method 1 to 19, CallProgressResult must be called. And the final
method, number 20, must be called with CallResult to finish method.
• CallId: this is the ID generated by client when request a call to a procedure
• Result: is the result, can be a number, a JSON object...
CallError: When the remote procedure call could not be executed, an error or exception occurred during the exe
cution or the execution of the remote procedure finishes unsuccessfully for any other reason, the server responds
by sending a message with error details.
• CallId: this is the ID generated by the client when requesting a call to a procedure
• ErrorURI: identifies the error.
• ErrorDesc: error description.
• ErrorDetails: application error details, is optional.
Event: Subscribers receive PubSub events published by subscribers via the EVENT message.
• TopicURI: channel name where is subscribed.
• Event: message text.
OnCall: event fired when the server receives RPC called by the client
• CallId: this is the ID generated by the client when requesting a call to a procedure
• ProcUri: procedure identifier...
• Arguments: procedure params, can be a integer, a JSON object, a list...
OnBeforeCancelCall: event fired when the server receives a request to cancel a Call from client.
• CallId: this is the ID generated by the client when requesting a call to a procedure
• Cancel: by default is True, which means that Call will be cancelled. If server doesn't want cancel this
call, set this parameter to false.
OnPrefix: Procedures and Errors are identified using URIs or CURIEs, this event is fired when a client sends a
new prefix
• Prefix: compact URI expression.
• URI: full URI.
This is Client Protocol WAMP Component, you need to drop this component in the form and select a TsgcWeb
SocketClient Component using Client Property.
Prefix: Procedures and Errors are identified using URIs or CURIEs, the client uses this method to send a new
• aPrefix: compact URI expression.
• aURI: full URI.
Subscribe: A client requests access to a valid topicURI (or CURIE from Prefix) to receive events published to the
given topicURI. The request is asynchronous, the server will not return an acknowledgement of the subscription.
• aTopicURI: channel name.
UnSubscribe: Calling unsubscribe on a topicURI informs the server to stop delivering messages to the client pre
viously subscribed to that topicURI.
• aTopicURI: channel name.
Call: sent by the client when requests a Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
• aCallId: this is the UUID generated by client
• aProcURI: procedure identifier.
• aArguments: procedure params, can be a integer, a JSON object, a list...
CancelCall: method called when the client wants cancel an active Call.
• aCallId: this is the UUID generated by client
Publish: The client will send an event to all clients connected to the server who have subscribed to the topicURI.
• TopicURI: channel name.
• Event: message text.
OnWelcome: is the first server-to-client message sent by a WAMP server
• SessionId: is a string that is randomly generated by the server and unique to the specific WAMP ses
sion. The sessionId can be used for at least two situations: 1) specifying lists of excluded or eligible
clients when publishing event and 2) in the context of performing authentication or authorization.
• ProtocolVersion: is an integer that gives the WAMP protocol version the server speaks, currently it
MUST be 1.
• ServerIdent: is a string the server may use to disclose it's version, software, platform or identity.
OnCallError: event fired when the remote procedure call could not be executed, an error or exception occurred
during the execution or the execution of the remote procedure finishes unsuccessfully for any other reason, the
server responds by sending a message with error details
• CallId: this is the ID generated by the client when requesting a call to a procedure
• ErrorURI: identifies the error.
• ErrorDesc: error description.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Open Connection
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.prefix('sgc', '');
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');'', 'sgc:CallTest', '20')
Subscribe to a TopicURI
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
UnSubscribe to a TopicURI
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
Publish message
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.publish('sgc:channel', 'Test Message', [], []);
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcmessage', function(event)
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('wampcallresult', function(event)
alert('call result: ' + event.CallId + ' - ' + event.CallResult);
socket.on('wampcallprogressresult', function(event)
alert('call progress result: ' + event.CallId + ' - ' + event.CallResult);
socket.on('wampcallerror', function(event)
alert('call error: ' + event.CallId + ' - ' + event.ErrorURI + ' - ' + event.ErrorDesc +
' - ' + event.ErrorDetails);
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('wampevent', function(event)
alert('call result: ' + event.TopicURI + ' - ' + event.Event);
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('open', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Open!');
socket.on('close', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Closed!');
socket.on('error', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Error: ' + event.message);
Close Connection
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
WAMP | Subscribers
A subscriber receives events by first providing topics (aka channels) he is interested. Subsequently, the subscriber
will receive any events publishes to that topic.
To receive events from a topic, first has to subscribe to this topic.
WAMP Client
WAMP Server
WAMP | Publishers
A publisher sends (publishes) an event by providing a topic (aka channel) as the abstract address, not a specific
peer. Just call Publish method and pass as arguments the name of the topic and the message you want to send.
This message will be delivered to all subscribers of this topic. As a note, there is no need to subscribe to a topic to
publish messages on this topics.
There is no need to configure anything on server side, because messages are automatically broadcasted to clients
when a publish message is received.
WAMP Client
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 80;
oClientWAMP := TsgcWSPClient_WAMP.Create(nil);
oClientWAMP.Client := oClient.
oClientWAMP.OnMessage := OnMessageEvent;
oClient.Active := True;
// Publish a message to all subscribers
oClient.Publish('myTopic', 'Hello subscribers myTopic');
WAMP Client
oServer := TsgcWebSocketServer.Create(nil);
oServer.Port := 80;
oServerWAMP := TsgcWSPServer_WAMP.Create(nil);
oServerWAMP.OnCall := OnServerCallEvent;
oServerWAMP.Server := oServer;
oServer.Active := True;
WAMP Client
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 80;
oClientWAMP := TsgcWSPClient_WAMP.Create(nil);
oClientWAMP.OnCallResult := OnCallResultClient;
oClientWAMP.OnCallProgressResult := OnCallProgressResultClient;
oClientWAMP.OnCallError := OnCallErrorClient;
oClientWAMP.Client := oClient;
oClient.Active := True;
// After client has connected, request GetTime from server
Protocol WAMP 2
WAMP provides Unified Application Routing in an open WebSocket protocol that works with different languages.
Using WAMP you can build distributed systems out of application components which are loosely coupled and com
municate in (soft) real-time.
At its core, WAMP offers two communication patterns for application components to talk to each other:
• Publish & Subscribe (PubSub)
• Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
WAMP is easy to use, simple to implement and based on modern Web standards: WebSocket, JSON and URIs.
TsgcWSPClient_WAMP2: Client Protocol WAMP2 VCL Component.
This is Client Protocol WAMP Component, you need to drop this component in the form and select a TsgcWeb
SocketClient Component using Client Property.
Session Methods
• ABORT: Both the Router and the Client may abort the opening of a WAMP session by sending an
ABORT message.
Reason MUST be an URI.
Details MUST be a dictionary that allows to provide additional, optional closing information
(see below).
No response to an ABORT message is expected.
• GOODBYE: A WAMP session starts its lifetime with the Router sending a WELCOME message to the
Client and ends when the underlying transport disappears or when the WAMP session is closed ex
plicitly by a GOODBYE message sent by one Peer and a GOODBYE message sent from the other
Peer in response.
Reason MUST be a URI.
Details MUST be a dictionary that allows providing additional, optional closing information.
Publish/Subscribe Methods
• PUBLISH: When a Publisher requests to publish an event to some topic, it sends a PUBLISH mes
sage to a Broker:
Request is a random, ephemeral ID chosen by the Publisher and used to correlate the
Broker's response with the request.
Options is a dictionary that allows to provide additional publication request details in an exten
sible way. This is described further below.
Topic is the topic published to.
Arguments is a list of application-level event payload elements. The list may be of zero length.
ArgumentsKw is an optional dictionary containing application-level event payload, provided as
keyword arguments. The dictionary may be empty.
If the Broker is able to fulfil and allowing the publication, the Broker will send the event to all current
Subscribers of the topic of the published event.
By default, publications are unacknowledged, and the Broker will not respond, whether the publication
was successful indeed or not.
• SUBSCRIBE: A Subscriber communicates its interest in a topic to a Broker by sending a SUB
SCRIBE message:
Request MUST be a random, ephemeral ID chosen by the Subscriber and used to correlate
the Broker's response with the request.
Options MUST be a dictionary that allows providing additional subscription request details in
an extensible way.
Topic is the topic the Subscriber wants to subscribe to and MUST be a URI.
• UNSUBSCRIBE: When a Subscriber is no longer interested in receiving events for a subscription it
sends an UNSUBSCRIBE message
Request MUST be a random, ephemeral ID chosen by the Subscriber and used to correlate
the Broker's response with the request.
SUBSCRIBED.Subscription MUST be the ID for the subscription to unsubscribe from, origi
nally handed out by the Broker to the Subscriber.
RPC Methods
• CALL: When a Caller wishes to call a remote procedure, it sends a CALL message to a Dealer:
Request is a random, ephemeral ID chosen by the Caller and used to correlate the Dealer's
response with the request.
Options is a dictionary that allows to provide additional call request details in an extensible
way. This is described further below.
Procedure is the URI of the procedure to be called.
Arguments is a list of positional call arguments (each of arbitrary type). The list may be of zero
ArgumentsKw is a dictionary of keyword call arguments (each of arbitrary type). The dictio
nary may be empty.
• REGISTERCALL: A Callee announces the availability of an endpoint implementing a procedure with
a Dealer by sending a REGISTER message:
Request is a random, ephemeral ID chosen by the Callee and used to correlate the Dealer's
response with the request.
Options is a dictionary that allows providing additional registration request details in a extensi
ble way. This is described further below.
Procedure is the procedure the Callee wants to register
• UNREGISTERCALL: When a Callee is no longer willing to provide an implementation of the regis
tered procedure, it sends an UNREGISTER message to the Dealer:
Request is a random, ephemeral ID chosen by the Callee and used to correlate the Dealer's
response with the request.
REGISTERED.Registration is the ID for the registration to revoke, originally handed out by
the Dealer to the Callee.
• INVOCATION: If the Dealer is able to fulfil (mediate) the call and it allows the call, it sends a INVOCA
TION message to the respective Callee implementing the procedure:
Request is a random, ephemeral ID chosen by the Dealer and used to correlate the Callee's
response with the request.
REGISTERED.Registration is the registration ID under which the procedure was registered at
the Dealer.
Details is a dictionary that allows to provide additional invocation request details in an extensi
ble way. This is described further below.
CALL.Arguments is the original list of positional call arguments as provided by the Caller.
CALL.ArgumentsKw is the original dictionary of keyword call arguments as provided by the
• YIELD: If the Callee is able to successfully process and finish the execution of the call, it answers by
sending a YIELD message to the Dealer:
INVOCATION.Request is the ID from the original invocation request.
Options is a dictionary that allows providing additional options.
Arguments is a list of positional result elements (each of arbitrary type). The list may be of ze
ro length.
ArgumentsKw is a dictionary of keyword result elements (each of arbitrary type). The dictio
nary may be empty.
OnWAMPSession: After the underlying transport has been established, the opening of a WAMP session is initiat
ed by the Client sending a HELLO message to the Router
• Realm: is a string identifying the realm this session should attach to
• Details: is a dictionary that allows to provide additional opening information
OnWAMPWelcome: A Router completes the opening of a WAMP session by sending a WELCOME reply mes
sage to the Client.
• Session: MUST be a randomly generated ID specific to the WAMP session. This applies for the
lifetime of the session.
• Details: is a dictionary that allows to provide additional information regarding the open session.
OnWAMPChallenge: this event is raised when server requires client authenticate against server.
• Authmethod: this is the authentication method requested by server, example: ticket.
• Details: optional
• Secret: here client can set secret key which will be used to authenticate.
Example: Authentication using ticket method.
// First OnWAMPSession event will be called asking details about new session, set realm and authentication id
// which will be sent to serve
procedure OnWAMPSession(Connection: TsgcWSConnection;
var aRealm, aDetails: string);
aRealm := 'realm1';
aDetails := '{"authmethods": ["ticket"], "authid": "joe"}';
// If AuthId parameter is accepted by server, it will request an authentication through Challenge message,
// here you can set "secret key" of "authid" param.
procedure OnWAMPChallenge(Connection:
TsgcWSConnection; AuthMethod, Details: string; var Secret: string);
Secret := 'your secret key';
// If Authentication is successful, server will send a Welcome message
procedure OnWAMPWelcome(Connection: TsgcWSConnection;
SessionId: Int64; Details: string);
OnWAMPAbort: Both the Router and the Client may abort the opening of a WAMP session by sending an ABORT
• Reason: MUST be an URI.
• Details: MUST be a dictionary that allows providing additional, optional closing information.
OnWAMPGoodBye: A WAMP session starts its lifetime with the Router sending a WELCOME message to the Client
and ends when the underlying transport disappears or when the WAMP session is closed explicitly by a GOODBYE
message sent by one Peer and a GOODBYE message sent from the other Peer in response.
• Reason: MUST be an URI.
• Details: MUST be a dictionary that allows to provide additional, optional closing information.
OnWAMPSubscribed: If the Broker is able to fulfill and allow the subscription, it answers by sending a SUB
SCRIBED message to the Subscriber
• SUBSCRIBE.Request: MUST be the ID from the original request.
• Subscription: MUST be an ID chosen by the Broker for the subscription.
OnWAMPUnSubscribed: Upon successful unsubscription, the Broker sends an UNSUBSCRIBED message to the
• UNSUBSCRIBE.Request: MUST be the ID from the original request.
OnWAMPPublished: If the Broker is able to fulfill and allowing the publication, and
PUBLISH.Options.acknowledge == true, the Broker replies by sending a PUBLISHED message to the Publisher:
• PUBLISH.Request: is the ID from the original publication request.
• Publication: is a ID chosen by the Broker for the publication.
OnWAMPEvent: When a publication is successful and a Broker dispatches the event, it determines a list of re
ceivers for the event based on Subscribers for the topic published to and, possibly, other information in the event.
Note that the Publisher of an event will never receive the published event even if the Publisher is also a Subscriber
of the topic published to. The Advanced Profile provides options for more detailed control over publication. When a
Subscriber is deemed to be a receiver, the Broker sends the Subscriber an EVENT message.
• SUBSCRIBED.Subscription: is the ID for the subscription under which the Subscriber receives the
event - the ID for the subscription originally handed out by the Broker to the Subscribe*.
• PUBLISHED.Publication: is the ID of the publication of the published event.
• DETAILS: is a dictionary that allows the Broker to provide additional event details in a extensible way.
• PUBLISH.Arguments: is the application-level event payload that was provided with the original publi
cation request.
• PUBLISH.ArgumentKw: is the application-level event payload that was provided with the original
publication request.
OnWAMPError: When the request fails, the Broker sends an ERROR
• METHOD: is the ID of the Method.
• REQUEST.ID: is the ID of the Request.
• DETAILS: is a dictionary that allows the Broker to provide additional event details in a extensible way.
• ERROR: describes the message error.
• PUBLISH.Arguments: is the application-level event payload that was provided with the original publi
cation request.
• PUBLISH.ArgumentKw: is the application-level event payload that was provided with the original
publication request.
OnWAMPResult: The Dealer will then send a RESULT message to the original Caller:
• CALL.Request: is the ID from the original call request.
• DETAILS: is a dictionary of additional details.
• YIELD.Arguments: is the original list of positional result elements as returned by the Callee.
• YIELD.ArgumentsKw: is the original dictionary of keyword result elements as returned by the Callee.
OnWAMPRegistered: If the Dealer is able to fulfill and allowing the registration, it answers by sending a REGIS
TERED message to the Callee:
• REGISTER.Request: is the ID from the original request.
• Registration: is an ID chosen by the Dealer for the registration.
OnWAMPUnRegistered: When a Callee is no longer willing to provide an implementation of the registered proce
dure, it sends an UNREGISTER message to the Dealer:
• Request: is a random, ephemeral ID chosen by the Callee and used to correlate the Dealer's re
sponse with the request.
• REGISTERED.Registration: is the ID for the registration to revoke, originally handed out by the
Dealer to the Callee.
Protocol Default
This is default sub-protocol implemented using "JSONRPC 2.0" messages, every time you send a message using
this protocol, a JSON object is created with the following properties:
jsonrpc: A String specifying the version of the JSON-RPC protocol. MUST be exactly "2.0".
method: A String containing the name of the method to be invoked. Method names that begin with the word rpc fol
lowed by a period character (U+002E or ASCII 46) are reserved for rpc-internal methods and extensions and
MUST NOT be used for anything else.
params: A Structured value that holds the parameter values to be used during the invocation of the method. This
member MAY be omitted.
id: An identifier established by the Client that MUST contain a String, Number, or NULL value if included. If it is not
included it is assumed to be a notification. The value SHOULD normally not be Null [1] and Numbers SHOULD
NOT contain fractional parts [2]
JSON object example:
• Publish/subscribe message pattern to provide one-to-many message distribution and decou
pling of applications. Supports Wildcard characters, so you can subscribe to a hierarchy of
channels. Example: if you want to subscribe to all channels which start with 'news', then call
• A messaging transport that is agnostic to the content of the payload
• Acknowledgment of messages sent.
• Supports transactional messages through server local transactions. When the client com
mits the transaction, the server processes all messages queued. If client rollback the transac
tion, then all messages are deleted.
• Implements QoS (Quality of Service) for message delivery.
TsgcWSPClient_sgc: Server Protocol Default VCL Component.
TsgcWSPClient_sgc: Client Protocol Default VCL Component.
Javascript Component: Client Javascript Reference.
Browser Test
If you want to test this protocol with your favourite Web Browser, please type this URL (you need to define your
custom host and port)
This is Server Protocol Default Component, you need to drop this component in the form and select a TsgcWeb
SocketServer Component using Server Property.
Subscribe / UnSubscribe: subscribe/unsubscribe to a channel. Supports wildcard characters, so you can sub
scribe to a hierarchy of channels. Example: if you want to subscribe to all channels which start with 'news', then call
Publish: sends a message to all subscribed clients. Supports wildcard characters, so you can publish to a hierar
chy of channels. Example: if you want to send a message to all subscribers to channels which start with 'news',
then call Publish('news*').
RPCResult: if a call RPC from the client is successful, the server will respond with this method.
RPCError: if a call RPC from the client it has an error, the server will respond with this method.
Broadcast: sends a message to all connected clients, if you need to broadcast a message to selected channels,
use Channel argument.
WriteData: sends a message to single or multiple selected clients.
RPCAuthentication: if enabled, every time a client requests an RPC, method name needs to be authenticated
against a username and password.
Methods: is a list of allowed methods. Every time a client sends an RPC first it will search if this method is de
fined on this list, if it's not in this list, OnRPCAuthentication event will be fired.
Subscriptions: returns a list of active subscriptions.
UseMatchesMasks: if enabled, subscriptions and publish methods accepts wildcards, question marks... check
MatchesMask Delphi function to see all supported masks.
OnRPCAuthentication: if RPC Authentication is enabled, this event is fired to define if a client can call this
method or not.
OnRPC: fired when the server receives an RPC from a client.
OnNotification: fired every server receive a Notification from a client.
OnBeforeSubscription: fired every time before a client subscribes to a custom channel. Allows denying a sub
OnSubscription: fired every time a client subscribes to a custom channel.
OnUnSubscription: fired every time a client unsubscribes from a custom channel.
OnRawMessage: this event is fired before a message is processed by component.
This is Client Protocol Default Component, you need to drop this component in the form and select a TsgcWeb
SocketClient Component using Client Property.
Publish: sends a message to all subscribed clients.
RPC: Remote Procedure Call, client request a method and response will be handled OnRPCResult or OnRPCEr
ror events.
Notify: the client sends a notification to a server, this notification doesn't need a response.
Broadcast: sends a message to all connected clients, if you need to broadcast a message to selected channels,
use Channel argument.
WriteData: sends a message to a server. If you need to send a message to a custom
TsgcWSProtocol_Server_sgc, use "Guid" Argument. If you need to send a message to a single channel, use
"Channel" Argument.
Subscribe: subscribe client to a custom channel. If the client is subscribed, OnSubscription event will be fired.
Unsubscribe: unsubscribe client to a custom channel. If the client is unsubscribed, OnUnsubscription event will
be fired.
UnsubscribeAll: unsubscribe client from all subscribed channel. If the client is unsubscribed, OnUnsubscription
event will be fired for every channel.
GetSession: requests to server session id, data session is received OnSession Event.
StartTransaction: begins a new transaction.
Commit: server processes all messages queued in a transaction.
RollBack: server deletes all messages queued in a transaction.
OnEvent: this event is fired every time a client receives a message from a custom channel.
OnRPCResult: this event is fired when the client receives a successful response from the server after a RPC is
OnRPCError: this event is fired when the client receives a error response from the server after an RPC is sent.
OnAcknowledgment: this event is fired when the client receives error an acknowledgment from the server that
message has been received.
OnRawMessage: this event is fired before a message is processed by the component.
OnSession: this event is fired after a successful connection or after a GetSession request.
Queue: disabled by default, if True all text/binary messages are not processed and queued until queue is dis
QoS: Three "Quality of Service" provided:
Level 0: "At most once", the message is delivered according to the best efforts of the underlying TCP/IP net
work. A response is not expected and no retry semantics are defined in the protocol. The message arrives at
the server either once or not at all.
Level 1: "At least once", the receipt of a message by the server is acknowledged by an ACKNOWLEDG
MENT message. If there is an identified failure of either the communications link or the sending device, or
the acknowledgement message is not received after a specified period of time, the sender resends the mes
sage. The message arrives at the server at least once. A message with QoS level 1 has an ID param in the
Level 2: "Exactly once", where message are assured to arrive exactly once. This level could be used, for ex
ample, with billing systems where duplicate or lost messages could lead to incorrect charges being applied.
If there is an identified failure of either the communications link or the sending device, or the acknowledge
ment message is not received after a specified period of time, the sender resends the message.
Subscriptions: returns a list of active subscriptions.
This is Intraweb Client Protocol Default Component, you need to drop this component in the form and select a Tsg
cIWWebSocketClient Component using Client Property.
WriteData: sends a message to a server. If you need to send a message to a custom
TsgcWSProtocol_Server_sgc, use "Guid" Argument. If you need to send a message to a single channel, use
"Channel" Argument.
Subscribe: subscribe client to a custom channel. If the client is subscribed, OnSubscription event will be fired.
Unsubscribe: unsubscribe client to a custom channel. If client is unsubscribed, OnUnsubscription event will be
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Open Connection
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
Send Message
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.send('Hello sgcWebSockets!');
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcmessage', function(event)
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.publish('Hello sgcWebSockets!', 'test');
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcevent', function(event)
alert('channel:' + + '. message: ' + event.message);
Call RPC
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
var params = {param:10};
socket.rpc(GUID(), 'test', JSON.stringify(params));
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcrpcresult', function(event)
alert('result:' + event.result);
socket.on('sgcrpcerror', function(event)
alert('error:' + event.code + ' ' + event.message);
Call Notify
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
var params = {param:10};
socket.notify('test', JSON.stringify(params));
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.publish('Message1', 'sgc:test');
socket.publish('Message2', 'sgc:test');
socket.publish('Message3', 'sgc:test');
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcsubscribe', function(event)
alert('subscribed: ' +;
socket.on('sgcunsubscribe', function(event)
alert('unsubscribed: ' +;
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('open', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Open!');
socket.on('close', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Closed!');
socket.on('error', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Error: ' + event.message);
Get Session
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcsession', function(event)
Close Connection
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
Set QoS
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.publish('message', 'channel');
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.publish('message1', 'channel1');
socket.publish('message2', 'channel1');
Protocol Dataset
This protocol inherits from Protocol Default and it's useful if you want to broadcast dataset changes over clients
connected to this protocol. It can be used in 2 modes:
1. Replicate database: the database changes are replicated to all client databases, example: a server has a data
base with stock quotes and all connected clients receive quotes changes. There is a single database (in server)
and every client has his own database. Every time a quote is updated, this change is broadcasted to all connected
clients and every client update his own record database. Use UpdateMode: upWhereAll or upWhereChanged for
this mode type.
2. Database updates: here there is a single database shared by server and clients, and every time there is a client
that updates a record in a database, all other clients want to be notified about this update. Use UpdateMode: upRe
freshAll for this mode.
TsgcWSPServer_Dataset: Server Protocol Dataset VCL Component.
TsgcWSPClient_Dataset: Client Protocol Dataset VCL Component.
Javascript Component: Client Javascript Reference.
Browser Test
If you want to test this protocol with your favourite Web Browser, please type this URL (you need to define your
custom host and port)
This is Server Protocol Dataset Component, you need to drop this component in the form and select a TsgcWeb
SocketServer Component using Server Property and select a Dataset Component using Dataset Property.
This component inherits from TsgcWSProtocol_Server_sgc all methods and properties.
ApplyUpdates: if enabled, every time the server receives a dataset update from client, it will be saved on the
server side.
NotifyUpdates: if enabled, every time dataset server changes, server broadcasts this change to all connected
NotifyDeletes: if enabled, every time a record is deleted, server broadcasts this to all connected clients.
AutoEscapeText: if enabled (disabled by default), automatically escape/unescape characters inside field values
like "{", "["...
AutoSynchronize: if enabled, every time a client connects to the server, the server will send metadata and all
dataset records to client.
FormatSettings: allows to set the format of double and datetime fields (to avoid conflicts between diffferent for
mat settings of peers). This format must be the same for server and clients.
• DecimalSeparator: ","
• ThousandSeparator: "."
• DateSeparator: "/"
• TimeSeparator: ":"
• ShortDateFormat: "dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss:zzz"
• upWhereAll: (by default) all fields are broadcasted to clients,
• upWhereChanged: only Fields that have changed will be broadcasted to connected clients.
• upRefreshAll: dataset is refreshed to get the latest changes.
BroadcastRecord: sends dataset record values to all connected clients.
MetaData: sends metadata info to a client.
Synchronize: sends all dataset records to a client.
These events are specific on the dataset protocol.
OnAfterDeleteRecord: event fired after a record is deleted from Dataset.
OnAfterNewRecord: event fired after a record is created on Dataset.
OnAfterUpdateRecord: event fired after a record is updated on Dataset.
OnBeforeDeleteRecord: event fired before a record is deleted from Dataset. If Argument "Handled" is True,
means that the user handles this event and if won't be deleted (by default this argument is False)
OnBeforeNewRecord: event fired before a record is created on Dataset. If Argument "Handled" is True, means
that the user handles this event and if won't be inserted (by default this argument is False)
OnBeforeUpdateRecord: event fired before a record is updated on Dataset. If Argument "Handled" is True,
means that the user handles this event and if won't be updated (by default this argument is False)
OnBeforeDatasetUpdate: event fired before a dataset record is updated.
This is Client Protocol Dataset Component, you need to drop this component in the form and select a TsgcWeb
SocketClient Component using Client Property and select a Dataset Component using Dataset Property.
This component inherits from TsgcWSProtocol_Client_sgc all methods and properties.
Subscribe_all: subscribe to all available channels
new: fired on new dataset record.
update: fired on post dataset record.
delete: fired on delete dataset record.
Synchronize: requests all dataset records from the server
GetMetaData: requests all dataset fields from server
These events are specific on the dataset protocol.
OnAfterDeleteRecord: event fired after a record is deleted from Dataset.
OnAfterNewRecord: event fired after a record is created on Dataset.
OnAfterUpdateRecord: event fired after a record is updated on Dataset.
OnAfterSynchronize: event fired after synchronization has ended.
OnBeforeDeleteRecord: event fired before a record is deleted from Dataset. If Argument "Handled" is True,
means that the user handles this event and if won't be deleted (by default this argument is False)
OnBeforeNewRecord: event fired before a record is created on Dataset. If Argument "Handled" is True, means
that user the handles this event and if won't be inserted (by default this argument is False)
OnBeforeUpdateRecord: event fired before a record is updated on Dataset. If Argument "Handled" is True,
means that user the handles this event and if won't be updated (by default this argument is False)
OnBeforeSynchronization: event fired before a synchronization starts.
OnMetaData: event fired after a GetMetaData request. Example:
AutoSubscribe: enabled by default, if True, client subscribes to all available channels after successful connec
ApplyUpdates: if enabled, every time the client receives a dataset update from server, it will be saved on the
client side.
AutoEscapeText: if enabled (disabled by default), automatically escape/unescape characters inside field values
like "{", "["...
NotifyUpdates: if enabled, every time dataset client changes, it sends a message to server notifying this change.
FormatSettings: allows to set the format of double and datetime fields (to avoid conflicts between diffferent for
mat settings of peers). This format must be the same for server and clients.
• DecimalSeparator: ","
• ThousandSeparator: "."
• DateSeparator: "/"
• TimeSeparator: ":"
• ShortDateFormat: "dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss:zzz"
• upWhereAll: (by default) all fields are transmitted to the server,
• upWhereChanged: only Fields that have changed will be transmitted to the server.
• upRefreshAll: dataset is refreshed to get the latest changes.
This is Intraweb Client Protocol Dataset Component, you need to drop this component in the form and select a Tsg
cIWWebSocketClient Component using Client Property and select a Dataset Component using Dataset Property.
This component inherits from TsgcIWWSPClient_sgc all methods and properties.
Subscribe_New: fired on new dataset record
Subscribe_Update: fired on post dataset record
Subscribe_Delete: fired on delete dataset record
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Open Connection
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_dataset('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
Send Message
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_dataset('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.send('Hello sgcWebSockets!');
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcdataset', function(event)
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_dataset('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcmessage', function(event)
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_dataset('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcsubscribe', function(event)
alert('subscribed: ' +;
socket.on('sgcunsubscribe', function(event)
alert('unsubscribed: ' +;
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_dataset('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('open', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Open!');
socket.on('close', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Closed!');
socket.on('error', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Error: ' + event.message);
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_dataset('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcdataset', function(evt){
if (( == "sgc@dataset@new") || ( == "sgc@dataset@update")) {
... here you need to implement your own code insert/update records ...
else if ( == "sgc@dataset@delete") {
... here you need to implement your own code to delete records ...
Close Connection
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
oServer := TsgcWebSocketServer.Create(nil);
oProtocolDataset := TsgcWSPServer_Dataset.Create(nil);
oProtocolDataset.Server := oServer;
oProtocolDataset.Dataset := <...your dataset..>;
oProtocolDataset.ApplyUpdates := true;
oProtocolDataset.AutoSynchronize := true;
oProtocolDataset.NotifyUpdates := true;
oProtocolDataset.UpdateMode := upWhereAll;
oServer.Port := 80;
oServer.Active := true;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oProtocolDataset := TsgcWSPClient_Dataset.Create(nil);
oProtocolDataset.Client := oClient;
oProtocolDataset.Dataset := <...your dataset..>;
oProtocolDataset.ApplyUpdates := true;
oProtocolDataset.AutoSubscribe := true;
oProtocolDataset.NotifyUpdates := true;
oProtocolDataset.UpdateMode := upWhereAll;
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 80;
oClient.Active := true;
oServer := TsgcWebSocketServer.Create(nil);
oProtocolDataset := TsgcWSPServer_Dataset.Create(nil);
oProtocolDataset.Server := oServer;
oProtocolDataset.Dataset := <...your dataset..>;
oProtocolDataset.ApplyUpdates := true;
oProtocolDataset.AutoSynchronize := false;
oProtocolDataset.NotifyUpdates := true;
oProtocolDataset.UpdateMode := upRefreshAll;
>oServer.Port := 80;
oServer.Active := true;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oProtocolDataset := TsgcWSPClient_Dataset.Create(nil);
oProtocolDataset.Client := oClient;
oProtocolDataset.Dataset := <...your dataset..>;
oProtocolDataset.ApplyUpdates := true;
oProtocolDataset.AutoSubscribe := true;
oProtocolDataset.NotifyUpdates := true;
oProtocolDataset.UpdateMode := upRefreshAll;
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 80;
oClient.Active := true;
Protocol Files
This protocol allows sending files using binary WebSocket transport. It can handle big files with a low memory us
• Publish/subscribe message pattern to provide one-to-many message distribution and decou
pling of applications.
• Acknowledgment of messages sent.
• Implements QoS (Quality of Service) for file delivery.
• Optionally can request Authorization for files received.
• Low memory usage.
TsgcWSPServer_Files: Server Protocol Files VCL Component.
TsgcWSPClient_Files: Client Protocol Files VCL Component.
TsgcWSMessageFile: the object which encapsulates file packet information.
This is the Server Files Protocol Component, you need to drop this component in the form and select a TsgcWeb
SocketServer Component using Server Property.
SendFile: sends a file to a client, you can set the following parameters
aSize: size of every packet in bytes.
aData: user custom data, here you can write any text you think is useful for client.
aChannel: if you only want to send data to all clients subscribed to this channel.
aQoS: type of quality of service.
aFileId: if empty, will be set automatically.
BroadcastFile: sends a file to all connected clients. You can set several parameters:
aSize: size of every packet in bytes.
aData: user custom data, here you can write any text you think is useful for client.
aChannel: if you only want to send data to all clients subscribed to this channel.
aExclude: connection guids separated by a comma, which you don't want to send this file.
aInclude: connection guids separated by a comma, which you want to send this file.
aQoS: type of quality of service.
aFileId: if empty, will be set automatically.
Files: files properties.
BufferSize: default size of every packet sent, in bytes.
SaveDirectory: the directory where all files will be stored.
QoS: quality of service
Interval: interval to check if a qosLevel2 message has been sent.
Level: level of quality of service.
qosLevel0: the message is sent.
qosLevel1: the message is sent and you get an acknowledgment if the message has been
qosLevel2: the message is sent, you get an acknowledgment if the message has been processed
and packets are requested by the receiver.
Timeout: maximum wait time.
ClearReceivedStreamsOnDisconnect: if disabled, when reconnects, try to resume file download for qosLevel2,
by default is enabled.
ClearSentStreamsOnDisconnect: tif disabled, when reconnects, try to resume file upload for qosLevel2, by de
fault is enabled.
OnFileBeforeSent: fired before a file is sent. You can use this event to check file data before is sent.
OnFileReceived: fired when a file is successfully received.
OnFileReceivedAuthorization: fired to check if a file can be received.
OnFileReceivedError: fired when an error occurs receiving a file.
OnFileReceivedFragment: fired when a fragment file is received. Useful to show progress.
OnFileSent: fired when a file is successfully sent.
OnFileSentAcknowledgment: fired when a fragment is sent and the receiver has processed.
OnFileSentError: fired when an error occurs sending a file.
OnFileSentFragment: fired when a fragment file is sent. Useful to show progress.
This is the Server Files Protocol Component, you need to drop this component in the form and select a TsgcWeb
SocketClient Component using Client Property.
SendFile: sends a file to the server, you can set the following parameters
aSize: size of every packet in bytes.
aData: user custom data, here you can write any text you think is useful for the server.
aQoS: type of quality of service.
aFileId: if empty, will be set automatically.
Files: files properties
BufferSize: default size of every packet sent, in bytes.
SaveDirectory: the directory where all files will be stored.
QoS: quality of service
Interval: interval to check if a qosLevel2 message has been sent.
Level: level of quality of service.
qosLevel0: the message is sent.
qosLevel1: the message is sent and you get an acknowledgment if the message has been
qosLevel2: the message is sent, you get an acknowledgment if the message has been processed
and packets are requested by the receiver.
Timeout: maximum wait time.
ClearReceivedStreamsOnDisconnect: if disabled, when reconnects, try to resume file download for qosLevel2,
by default is enabled.
ClearSentStreamsOnDisconnect: tif disabled, when reconnects, try to resume file upload for qosLevel2, by de
fault is enabled.
OnFileBeforeSent: fired before a file is sent. You can use this event to check file data before is sent.
OnFileReceived: fired when a file is successfully received.
OnFileReceivedAuthorization: fired to check if a file can be received.
OnFileReceivedError: fired when an error occurs receiving a file.
OnFileReceivedFragment: fired when a fragment file is received. Useful to show progress.
OnFileSent: fired when a file is successfully sent.
OnFileSentAcknowledgment: fired when a fragment is sent and the receiver has processed.
OnFileSentError: fired when an error occurs sending a file.
OnFileSentFragment: fired when a fragment file is sent. Useful to show progress.
This object is passed as a parameter every time a file protocol event is raised.
• BufferSize: default size of the packet.
• Channel: if specified, this file only will be sent to clients subscribed to specific channel.
• Method: internal method.
• FileId: identifier of a file, is unique for all files received/sent.
• Data: user custom data. Here the user can set whatever text.
• FileName: name of the file.
• FilePosition: file position in bytes.
• FileSize: Total file size in bytes.
• Id: identifier of a packet, is unique for every packet.
• QoS: quality of service of the message.
• Streaming: for internal use.
• Text: for internal use.
// ... capture the guid of the client connection to send later the file
procedure OnConnectEvent(Connection: TsgcWSConnection);
FGuid := Connection.Guid;
Protocol Presence
Presence protocol allows to know who is subscribed to a channel, this makes more easy to create chat applications
and know who is online, example: game users, chat rooms, users viewing the same document...
• By default user is identified by a name, but this can be customized passing more data: email, company,
• Events to Authorize if a Channel can be created, if a member is allowed...
• Every time a new member joins a channel, all members are notified.
• Publish messages to all channel subscribers.
• Low memory usage.
TsgcWSPServer_Presence: Server Protocol Presence VCL Component.
TsgcWSPClient_Presence: Client Protocol Presence VCL Component.
TsgcWSPresenceMessage: the object which encapsulates presence packet information.
This is Server Presence Protocol Component, you need to drop this component in the form and select a TsgcWeb
SocketServer Component using Server Property.
All methods are handled internally by the server in response to client requests.
You must link this component to a Server or to a Broker if you are using more than one protocol.
EncodeBase64: by default is disabled, string values are encoded in base64 to avoid problems with JSON
Acknowledgment: if enabled, every time a server sends a message to client assign an ID to this message
and queues in a list. When the client receives a message, if detect it has an ID, it sends an Acknowledgment
to the server, which means the client has processed message and server can delete from the queue.
• Interval: interval in seconds where server checks if there are messages not processed by
• Timeout: maximum wait time before the server sends the message again.
There are several events to handle actions like: a new member request to join a channel, a new channel is
created by a member, a member unsubscribes from a channel...
New Member
// When a new client connects to a server, first sends member data to the server to request a new member.
// Following events can be called:
// OnBeforeNewMember:
// Server receives a request from the client to join and the server accepts or not this member.
// Use Accept parameter to allow or not this member.
// By default all members are accepted.
procedure OnBeforeNewMember(aConnection: TsgcWSConnection; const aMember: TsgcWSPresenceMember;
var Accept: Boolean);
if aMember.Name = 'Spam' then
Accept := False;
// OnNewMember:
// After a new member is accepted, then this event is called and means this member has join member list. You can use aMe
// Data property to store objects in memory like database access, session objects...
procedure OnNewMember(aConnection: TsgcWSConnection; const aMember: TsgcWSPresenceMember);
// When a client has joined as a member, can subscribe to new channels, if a channel not exists,
// the following events can be called:
// OnBeforeNewChannel:
// Server receives a subscription request from the client to join this channel but the channel doesn't exist,
// the server can accept or not to create this channel. Use Accept parameter to allow or not this channel.
// By default, all channels are accepted.
procedure OnBeforeNewChannelBeforeNewChannel(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const aChannel: TsgcWSPresenceChannel;
const aMember: TsgcWSPresenceMember; var Accept: Boolean)
if aChannel.Name = 'Spam' then
Accept := False;
// OnNewChannel: After a new channel is accepted, then this event is called and means a new channel has been created.
// Channel properties can be customized in this event.
procedure OnNewChannel(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; var aChannel: TsgcWSPresenceChannel);
// If the channel already exists or has been created, the server can accept or no new subscriptions.
// OnBeforeNewChannelMembers:
// Server receives a subscription request from a client to join this channel, the server can accept or not a member join
// Use Accept parameter to allow or not this member. By default, all members are accepted.
procedure OnBeforeNewChannelMember(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const aChannel: TsgcWSPresenceChannel; const
var Accept: Boolean)
if aMember.Name = 'John' then
Accept := True
else if aMember.Name = 'Spam' then
Accept := False;
// OnNewChannelMember:
// After a new member is accepted, then this event is called and means a new member has joined the channel.
// All subscribers to this channel, will be notified about new members.
procedure OnNewChannelMember(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const aChannel: TsgcWSPresenceChannel;
const aMember: TsgcWSPresenceMember);
// Every time a member unjoin a channel or disconnects, the server is notified by following events:
// OnRemoveChannelMember:
// Server receives a subscription request from a client to join this channel but the channel doesn't exist,
// the server can accept or not to create this channel. Use Accept parameter to allow or not this channel.
// By default all channels are accepted.
procedure OnRemoveChannelMember(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const aChannel: TsgcWSPresenceChannel;
const aMember: TsgcWSPresenceMember);
Log('Member: ' + aMember.Name + ' unjoin channel: ' + aChannel.Name);
// When a member disconnects, automatically server is notified:
// OnRemoveMember: when the client disconnects from protocol, this event is called and server is notified of
// which never has disconnected.
procedure OnRemoveMember(aConnection: TsgcWSConnection; aMember: TsgcWSPresenceMember);
Log('Member: ' + aMember.Name);
// Every time there is an error, these events are called, example: server has denied a member to subscribe
This object encapsulates all internal messages exchange by server and client presence protocol.
ID: internal identifier
Name: member name, provided by the client.
Info: member additional info, provided by the client.
Data: TObject which can be used for server purposes.
Member[i]: member of a list by index
Count: number of members of the list
Name: channel name, provided by the client.
Text: text message, provided by the client when call Publish method
Code: integer value identifying the error
Text: error description.
This is Server Presence Protocol Component, you need to drop this component in the form and select a TsgcWeb
SocketClient Component using Client Property.
EncodeBase64: by default is disabled, string values are encoded in base64 to avoid problems with JSON encod
Presence: member data
• Name: member name.
• Info: any additional info related to member (example: email, twitter, company...)
Acknowledgment: if enabled, every time a client sends a message to server assign an ID to this message and
queues in a list. When the server receives the message, if detect it has an ID, it sends an Acknowledgment to the
client, which means the server has processed message and the client can delete from the queue.
• Interval: interval in seconds where the client checks if there are messages not processed by serv
• Timeout: maximum wait time before the client sends the message again.
There are several methods to subscribe to a channel, get a list of members...
// When a client connects, the first event called is OnSession, the server sends a session ID to the client,
// which identifies this client in the server connection list.
// After OnSession event is called, automatically client sends a request to the server to join as a member,
// if successful, OnNewMember event is raised
procedure OnNewMember(aConnection: TsgcWSConnection; const aMember: TsgcWSPresenceMember);
// When a client wants subscribe to a channel, use method "Subscribe" and pass channel name as argument
// If the client is successfully subscribed, OnNewChannelMember event is called. All members of this channel
// will be notified using the same event.
procedure OnNewChannelMember(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const aChannel: TsgcWSPresenceChannel;
// When a client unsubscribe from a channel, use method "Unsubscribe" and pass channel name as argument
// If a client is successfully unsubscribed, OnRemoveChannelMember event is called. All members of this channel
// will be notified using the same event.
// All members of this channel will be notified using the same event.
procedure OnNewChannelMember(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const aChannel: TsgcWSPresenceChannel;
const aMember: TsgcWSPresenceMember);
Log('Unsubscribed: ' + aChannel.Name);
// if a client can't unsubscribe from a channel, example: because is not subscribed,
// OnErrorMemberChannel event is raised.
procedure OnErrorMemberChannel(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const aError: TsgcWSPresenceError;
const aChannel: TsgcWSPresenceChannel; const aMember: TsgcWSPresenceMember)
Log('Error: ' + aError.Text);
// When a client disconnects from the server, OnRemoveEvent is called.
procedure OnRemoveMember(aConnection: TsgcWSConnection; aMember: TsgcWSPresenceMember);
Log('#RemoveMember: ' + aMember.Name);
// When a client wants to send a message to all members or all subscribers of a channel, use "Publish" method
Client.Publish('Hello All Members');
Client.Publish('Hello All Members of this channel', 'MyChannel');
// If a message is successfully published, OnPublishMsg event is called. All members of this channel will be
// notified using the same event.
procedure OnPublishMsg(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const aMsg: TsgcWSPresenceMsg;
const aChannel: TsgcWSPresenceChannel; const aMember: TsgcWSPresenceMember);
Log('#PublishMsg: ' + aMsg.Text + ' ' + aMember.Name);
// if a message can't be published, OnErrorPublishMsg event is raised.
procedure OnErrorPublishMsg(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const aError: TsgcWSPresenceError;
const aMsg: TsgcWSPresenceMsg; const aChannel: TsgcWSPresenceChannel; const aMember: TsgcWSPresenceMember)
Log('#Error: ' + aError.Text);
// A client can request to the server a list of all members or all members subscribed to a channel. Use "GetMembers" met
// If a message is successfully processed by the server, OnGetMembers event is called
procedure OnGetMembers(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const aMembers: TsgcWSPresenceMemberList;
const aChannel: TsgcWSPresenceChannel);
i: Integer;
for i := 0 to aMembers.Count - 1 do
Log('#GetMembers: ' + aMembers.Member[i].ID + ' ' + aMembers.Member[i].Name);
// If there is an error because the member is not allowed or is not subscribed to channel,
// OnErrorMemberChannel event is raised
procedure OnErrorMemberChannel(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const aError: TsgcWSPresenceError;
const aChannel: TsgcWSPresenceChannel;
const aMember: TsgcWSPresenceMember);
Log('Error: ' + aError.Text);
// A client can invite to other member to subscribe to a channel.
Client.Invite('MyChannel', 'E54541D0F0E5R40F1E00FEEA');
// When the other member receives the invitation, OnChannelInvitation event is called and member
// can Accept or not the invitation.
procedure OnChannelInvitation(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const aMember: TsgcWSPresenceMember;
const aChannel: TsgcWSPresenceChannel; var Accept: Boolean);
if aChannel = 'MyChannel' then
Accept := True
Accept := False;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Open Connection
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_presence('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_presence('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcsession', function(event)
socket.newmember(, 'John', 'Additional Info');
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_presence('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.subscribe('Topic 1');
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_presence('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.unsubscribe('Topic 1');
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_presence('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.publish('Hello sgcWebSockets!', 'Topic 1');
Receive Message
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_presence('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcpublishmsg', function(event)
console.log('#publishmsg: ' + event.message.text);
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_presence('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcgetmembers', function(event)
for (var i in event.members) {
console.log(event.members[i].id + ' ' + event.members[i].name);
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_presence('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcnewmember', function(event)
alert('#new member: ' +;
socket.on('sgcremovemember', function(event)
alert('#removed member: ' +;
socket.on('sgcnewchannelmember', function(event)
alert('#new member: ' + + ' in channel: ' +;
socket.on('sgcremovechannelmember', function(event)
alert('#remove member: ' + + ' from channel: ' +;
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_presence('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('open', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Open!');
socket.on('close', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Closed!');
socket.on('sgcerrormemberchannel', function(event)
alert('#error member channel: ' + event.error.text);
socket.on('sgcerrorpublishmsg', function(event)
alert('#error publish: ' + event.error.text);
Close Connection
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/"></script>
WebSocket APIs
There are several implementations based on WebSockets: finance, message publishing, queues... sgcWebSockets
implements the most important APIs based on WebSocket protocol. In order to use an API, just attach API compo
nent to the client and all messages will be handled by API component (only one API component can be attached to
a client).
Client APIs
API Description
Binance is an international multi-language cryptocurrency exchange.
Binance Futures allows to connect to Binance Futures WebSocket / REST Market Streams.
FTX FTX it's a Cryptocurrency Derivatives Exchange. Support for WebSocket API and R
Coinbase pro is an US-based crypto exchange. Trade Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (E
Coinbase Pro GBP. Support for WebSocket API and REST API.
SignalR is a library for ASP.NET developers that makes developing real-time web functionali
SignalRCore ASP.NET Core SignalR is an open-source library that simplifies adding real-time we
is a JavaScript library for real-time web applications. It enables real-time, bi-direction
clients and servers.
Kraken is a US-based cryptocurrency exchange.
Kraken Futures allows to connect Kraken Futures WebSocket / REST Market data.
Pusher Pusher is an easy and reliable platform with flexible pub/sub messaging, live user lis
FXCM also known as Forex Capital Markets, is a retail broker for trading on the foreign exc
Bitfinex is one of the world's largest and most advanced cryptocurrency trading platf
Ethereum, Ripple, EOS, Bitcoin Cash, Iota, NEO, Litecoin, Ethereum Classic...
Bitstamp Bitstamp is one of the world's longest standing crypto exchange, supporting the bloc
Huobi is an international multi-language cryptocurrency exchange.
Cex is a cryptocurrency exchange and former Bitcoin cloud mining provider.
Bitmex is a cryptocurrency exchange and derivative trading platform.
Bittrex is a US-based cryptocurrency exchange.
3Commas it's a crypto trading bot.
Discord is one of the most popular communication tools for online gaming and streaming.
Blockchain Blockchain WebSocket API allows developers to receive Real-Time notifications abo
WebSocket APIs can be registered at runtime, just call Method RegisterAPI and pass API component as a para
Server APIs
API Description
RTCMultiConnection is a WebRTC JavaScript library for peer-to-peer applic
conferencing, file sharing, media streaming etc.)
API Binance
Binance is an international multi-language cryptocurrency exchange. It offers some APIs to access Binance data.
The following APIs are supported:
1. WebSocket streams: allows to subscribe to some methods and get data in real-time. Events are pushed to
clients by server to subscribers. Uses WebSocket as protocol.
2. UserData stream: subscribed clients get account details. Requires an API key to authenticate and uses
WebSocket as protocol.
3. REST API: clients can request to server market and account data. Requires an API Key and Secret to au
thenticate and uses HTTPs as protocol.
4. Futures: WebSocket Futures Market Data Streams are supported through the Binance Futures Client API.
The client supports too, the following APIs are supported:
1. WebSocket streams: allows to subscribe to some methods and get data in real-time. Events are pushed to
clients by server to subscribers. Uses WebSocket as protocol.
2. UserData stream: subscribed clients get account details. Requires an API key to authenticate and uses
WebSocket as protocol.
3. REST API: clients can request to server market and account data. Requires an API Key and Secret to au
thenticate and uses HTTPs as protocol.
Binance API has 2 types of methods: public and private. Public methods can be accessed without authentication,
example: get ticker prices. Only are only private and related to user data, those methods requires the use of Bi
nance API keys.
• ApiKey: you can request a new api key in your binance account, just copy the value to this property.
• ApiSecret: API secret is only required for REST_API, websocket api only requires ApiKey for some meth
• TestNet: if enabled it will connect to Binance Demo Account (by default false).
• HTTPLogOptions: stores in a text file a log of HTTP requests
• Enabled): if enabled, will store all HTTP requests of WebSocket API.
• FileName: full path of filename where logs will be stored
• REST: stores in a text file a log of REST API requests
• Enabled: if enabled, will store all HTTP Requests of REST API.
• FileName: full path of filename where logs will be stored.
• UserStream: if enabled the client will receive notifications on Account, Orders or Balance Updates (by de
fault true).
• BinanceUS: if enabled, will connect to Servers (instead of servers which is the de
• ListenKeyOnDisconnect: this property specifies what to do when the client disconnect from Binance
servers with an Active ListenKey.
◦ blkodDeleteListenKey: Delete the Active ListenKey doing an HTTP Request to Binance Servers
(this is the default).
◦ blkodClearListenKey: Doesn't deletes the ListenKey from Binance Servers and just clear the value
of the field.
◦ blkodDoNothing: does nothing, so the next time that connects to Binance will try to use the same
• UseCombinedStreams: if enabled, will combine streams as
follows: {"stream":"<streamName>","data":<rawPayload>} (by default disabled)
"result": null,
"id": 1
The base endpoint is: All endpoints return either a JSON object or array. Data is returned
in ascending order. Oldest first, newest last.
Public API EndPoints
These endpoints can be accessed without any authorization.
General EndPoints
Method Parameters Description
Ping Test connectivity to the Rest API.
Test connectivity to the Rest API and get the current server
Current exchange trading rules and symbol information
Market Data EndPoints
Method Parameters Description
GetOrderBook Symbol Get Order Book.
GetTrades Symbol Get recent trades
Symbol Get older trades.
Get compressed, aggregate trades. Trades that fill at the time,
Symbol from the same order, with the same price will have the quantity
Kline/candlestick bars for a symbol. Klines are uniquely identi
GetKLines Symbol, Interval
fied by their open time.
Symbol Current average price for a symbol.
24 hour rolling window price change statistics. Careful when ac
Get24hrTicker Symbol
cessing this with no symbol.
GetPriceTicker Symbol Latest price for a symbol or symbols.
GetBookTicker Symbol Best price/qty on the order book for a symbol or symbols.
Private API EndPoints
Requires an APIKey and APISecret to get authorized by server.
Account Data EndPoints
Method Parameters Description
NewOrder Symbol, Side, Type Send in a new order.
Side, Symbol, Quantity Places a New Market Order
Side, Symbol, Quantity, Limit
PlaceLimitOrder Places a New Limit Order
Side, Symbol, Quantity, Stop
PlaceStopOrder Places a New Stop Order
Price, LimitPrice
Test new order creation and signature/recvWindow long. Cre
TestNewOrder Symbol, Side, Type ates and validates a new order but does not send it into the
matching engine.
QueryOrder Symbol Check an order's status.
Cancel an active order. Cancel an active order. Either OrderId or
CancelOrder Symbol
OrigClientOrderId must be sent.
Symbol (optional)
Get all open orders on a symbol. Careful when accessing this
with no symbol.
GetAllOrders Symbol Get all account orders; active, canceled, or filled.
Symbol, Side, Quantity, Price,
NewOCO Send in a new OCO
CancelOCO Symbol Cancel an entire Order List
Retrieves a specific OCO based on provided optional parame
QueryOCO Symbol
GetAllOCO Retrieves all OCO based on provided optional parameters
GetOpenOCO Get All Open OCO.
Get current account information.
Symbol Get trades for a specific account and symbol.
Binance Messages are received in TsgcWebSocketClient component, you can use the following events:
After a successful connection to Binance server.
After a disconnection from Binance server
Messages sent by server to client are handled in this event.
If there is any error in protocol, this event will be called.
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oBinance := TsgcWSAPI_Binance.Create(nil);
oBinance.Client := oClient;
oClient.Active := True;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oBinance := TsgcWSAPI_Binance.Create(nil);
oBinance.Client := oClient;
oBinance := TsgcWSAPI_Binance.Create(nil);
oBinance := TsgcWSAPI_Binance.Create(nil);
oBinance.Binance.ApiKey := '<your api key>';
oBinance.Binance.ApiSecret := '<your api secret>';
First you must create an API Key in your binance account and add privileges to trading with Spot.
Once this is done, you can start spot trading.
First, set your ApiKey and your ApiSecret in the Binance Client Component, this will be used to sign the re
quests sent to Binance server.
Place an Order
To place a new order, just call to method REST_API.NewOrder of Binance Client Component.
Depending of the type of the order (market, limit...) the API requires more or less fields.
Mandatory Fields
• Symbol: the product id symbol, example: BNBBTC
• Side: BUY or SELL
• type: the order type
Additional Mandatory Fields based on Type
• LIMIT: timeInForce, quantity, price
• MARKET: quantity or quoteOrderQty
• STOP_LOSS / TAKE_PROFIT: quantity, stopPrice
• STOP_LOSS_LIMIT / TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT: timeInForce, quantity, price, stopPrice
• LIMIT_MAKER: quantity, price
When you send an order, there are 2 possibilities:
1. Successful: the function NewOrder returns the message sent by binance server.
2. Error: the exception is returned in the event OnBinanceHTTPException.
Place Market Order 1 BNBBTC
oBinance := TsgcWSAPI_Binance.Create(nil);
oBinance.Binance.ApiKey := '<api key>';
oBinance.Binance.ApiSecret := '<api secret>';
ShowMessage(oBinance.REST_API.NewOrder('BNBBTC', 'BUY', 'MARKET', '', 1));
Place Limit Order 1 BNBBTC at 0.009260
oBinance := TsgcWSAPI_Binance.Create(nil);
oBinance.Binance.ApiKey := '<api key>';
Futures Contracts
Binance API has 2 types of methods: public and private. Public methods can be accessed without authentication,
example: get ticker prices. Only are only private and related to user data, those methods requires the use of Bi
nance API keys.
• ApiKey: you can request a new api key in your binance account, just copy the value to this property.
• ApiSecret: API secret is only required for REST_API, websocket api only requires ApiKey for some meth
• TestNet: if enabled it will connect to Binance Demo Account (by default false).
• HTTPLogOptions: stores in a text file a log of HTTP requests
• Enabled): if enabled, will store all HTTP requests of WebSocket API.
• FileName: full path of filename where logs will be stored
• REST: stores in a text file a log of REST API requests
• Enabled: if enabled, will store all HTTP Requests of REST API.
• FileName: full path of filename where logs will be stored.
• UserStream: if enabled the client will receive notifications on Account, Orders or Balance Updates (by de
fault true).
• ListenKeyOnDisconnect: this property specifies what to do when the client disconnect from Binance
servers with an Active ListenKey.
◦ blkodDeleteListenKey: Delete the Active ListenKey doing an HTTP Request to Binance Servers
(this is the default).
◦ blkodClearListenKey: Doesn't deletes the ListenKey from Binance Servers and just clear the value
of the field.
◦ blkodDoNothing: does nothing, so the next time that connects to Binance will try to use the same
• UseCombinedStreams: if enabled, will combine streams as
follows: {"stream":"<streamName>","data":<rawPayload>} (by default disabled)
Client can connect to USDT or COIN Binance Futures, set which contract you want to trade using FuturesCon
tracts property:
• bfcUSDT: connects to USD-M Futures API.
• bfcCOIN: connects to COIN-M Futures API.
Client can connect to Production or Demo Binance accounts. If TestNet property is enabled, it will connect to Demo
account, otherwise will connect to production Binance Servers.
Symbol, Up Mark price and funding rate for a single symbol pushed every 3 seconds or
dateSpeed every second.
Update Mark price and funding rate for all symbols pushed every 3 seconds or every
Speed second.
Symbol, In The Kline/Candlestick Stream push updates to the current klines/candlestick
terval every 250 milliseconds (if existing).
24hr rolling window mini-ticker statistics for a single symbol. These are NOT
MiniTicker Symbol the statistics of the UTC day, but a 24hr rolling window from requestTime to
24hrs before.
24hr rolling window mini-ticker statistics for all symbols. These are NOT the
statistics of the UTC day, but a 24hr rolling window from requestTime to
24hrs before. Note that only tickers that have changed will be present in the
24hr rolling window ticker statistics for a single symbol. These are NOT the
Ticker Symbol statistics of the UTC day, but a 24hr rolling window from requestTime to
24hrs before.
24hr rolling window ticker statistics for all symbols. These are NOT the statis
AllMarketTickers tics of the UTC day, but a 24hr rolling window from requestTime to 24hrs be
fore. Note that only tickers that have changed will be present in the array.
Pushes any update to the best bid or ask's price or quantity in real-time for a
BookTicker Symbol
specified symbol.
Pushes any update to the best bid or ask's price or quantity in real-time for all
The Liquidation Order Streams push force liquidation order information for
LiquidationOrders Symbol
specific symbol
The All Liquidation Order Streams push force liquidation order information for
all symbols in the market.
PartialBookDepth Top bids and asks, Valid are 5, 10, or 20.
Bids and asks, pushed every 250 milliseconds, 500 milliseconds, 100 mil
DiffDepth Symbol
liseconds or in real time(if existing)
After a successful subcription / unsubscription, client receives a message about it, where id is the result of Sub
scribed / Unsubscribed method.
"result": null,
"id": 1
All endpoints return either a JSON object or array. Data is returned in ascending order. Oldest first, newest last.
Public API EndPoints
These endpoints can be accessed without any authorization.
General EndPoints
Method Parameters Description
Ping Test connectivity to the Rest API.
Test connectivity to the Rest API and get the current server
Current exchange trading rules and symbol information
Market Data EndPoints
Method Parameters Description
GetOrderBook Symbol Get Order Book.
GetTrades Symbol Get recent trades
Symbol Get older trades.
Get compressed, aggregate trades. Trades that fill at the time,
Symbol from the same order, with the same price will have the quantity
Kline/candlestick bars for a symbol. Klines are uniquely identi
GetKLines Symbol, Interval
fied by their open time.
24 hour rolling window price change statistics. Careful when ac
Get24hrTicker Symbol
cessing this with no symbol.
GetPriceTicker Symbol Latest price for a symbol or symbols.
GetBookTicker Symbol Best price/qty on the order book for a symbol or symbols.
GetMarkPrice Symbol Mark Price and Funding Rate
GetOpenInterest Symbol Get present open interest of a specific symbol.
Symbol, Period
Symbol, Period
Symbol, Period
Symbol, Period
LeverageBrack Symbol
Binance Futures Messages are received in TsgcWebSocketClient component, you can use the following events:
After a successful connection to Binance server.
After a disconnection from Binance server
Messages sent by server to client are handled in this event.
If there is any error in protocol, this event will be called.
If there is an unhandled exception, this event will be called.
Additionally, there is a specific event in Binance API Component, called OnBinanceHTTPException, which is
raised every time there is an error calling an HTTP Request (REST API or WebSocket User Stream).
First you must create an API Key in your binance account and add privileges to trading with Futures.
Once this is done, you can start to trading with futures.
First you must select if you want to trade with USDT or COIN futures, there is a property called FuturesContracts
where you can set which future contract you want to trade
Then, set your ApiKey and your ApiSecret in the Binance Futures Client Component, this will be used to sign the
requests sent to Binance server.
Place an Order
To place a new order, just call to method REST_API.NewOrder of Binance Futures Client Component.
Depending of the type of the order (market, limit...) the API requires more or less fields.
Mandatory Fields
• Symbol: the product id symbol, example: BTCUSD_210326
• Side: BUY or SELL
• type: the order type
Additional Mandatory Fields based on Type
• LIMIT: timeInForce, quantity, price
• MARKET: quantity
• STOP/TAKE_PROFIT: quantity, price, stopPrice
When you send an order, there are 2 possibilities:
1. Successful: the function NewOrder returns the message sent by binance server.
2. Error: the exception is returned in the event OnBinanceHTTPException.
API SocketIO
Socket.IO is a JavaScript library for real-time web applications. It enables real-time, bi-directional communication
between web clients and servers. It has two parts: a client-side library that runs in the browser, and a server-side li
brary for Node.js. Both components have a nearly identical API. Like Node.js, it is event-driven.
Messages Types
0: open (Sent from the server when a new transport is opened (recheck))
1: close (Request the close of this transport but does not shut down the connection itself.)
2: ping (Sent by the client. The server should answer with a pong packet containing the same data)
client sends: 2probe
server sends: 3probe
3: pong (Sent by the server to respond to ping packets.)
4: string message (actual message, client and server should call their callbacks with the data.)
4 is the message packet type in the protocol
2 is the EVENT type in the protocol
/chat is the data which is processed by will fire the “join” event
will pass "room: 1" data. It is possible to omit namespace only when it is /.
5: upgrade (Before switches a transport, it tests, if server and client can communicate over this trans
port. If this test succeeds, the client sends an upgrade packets which requests the server to flush its cache on the
old transport and switch to the new transport.)
6: noop (A noop packet. Used primarily to force a poll cycle when an incoming WebSocket connection is re
API: specifies SocketIO version:
ioAPI0: supports 0.* servers (selected by default)
ioAPI1: supports 1.* servers
ioAPI2: supports 2.* servers
ioAPI3: supports 3.* servers
ioAPI4: supports 4.* servers
Base64: if enabled, binary messages are received as base64.
HandShakeCustomURL: allows customizing URLl to get session.
HandShakeTimestamp: only enable if you want to send timestamp as a parameter when a new session is re
quested (enable this property if you try to access a gevent-socketio python server).
Namespace: allows setting a namespace when connects to the server.
Polling: disabling this property, client will connect directly to server using websocket as transport.
Parameters: allows to set connection parameters.
EncodeParameters: if enabled, parameters are encoded.
Use WriteData method to send messages to server (following Message Types sections)
1. call method add user and one parameter with John as user name
Before a new websocket connection is established, server requires client open a new HTTP connection to
get a new session id. In some cases, server requires authentication using HTTP headers, you can use
this event to add custom HTTP headers, like Basic authorization or Bearer token authentication.
This event is called after connection is successful and client can send messages to server. Here you can
subscribe to namespaces for example.
When a WebSocket server requires secure connections, you can get an error message like this when a client tries
to connect to server:
Error connecting with SSL. error:XXXXXXXX:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:tlsv1 alert protocol version
This error means that your client is trying to connect using a TLS version which is not supported by the server.
To resolve this error you must handle OnSSLAfterCreateHandler of WebSocket client component and set a newer
TLS version.
For example: here we are setting TLS 1.2 as a protocol version.
APIs supported
• WebSockets API: connect to a public websocket server and provides real-time market data updates.
• REST API: The REST API has endpoints for account and order management as well as public market data.
WebSockets API
The websocket feed provides real-time market data updates for orders and trades. The websocket feed is publicly
available, but connections to it are rate-limited to 1 per 4 seconds per IP.
The websocket feed uses a bidirectional protocol, which encodes all messages as JSON objects. All messages
have a type attribute that can be used to handle the message appropriately.
You can subscribe to the following channels:
Method Arguments Description
To receive heartbeat messages for specific products once a second
SubscribeHeart aProductId: id of the subscribe to the heartbeat channel. Heartbeats also include sequence
Beat product numbers and last trade ids that can be used to verify no messages
were missed.
The status channel will send all products and currencies on a preset
The ticker channel provides real-time price updates every time a
aProductId: id of the
SubscribeTicker match happens. It batches updates in case of cascading matches,
greatly reducing bandwidth requirements.
The easiest way to keep a snapshot of the order book is to use the
aProductId: id of the
SubscribeLevel2 level2 channel. It guarantees delivery of all updates, which reduce a
lot of the overhead required when consuming the full channel.
If you are only interested in match messages you can subscribe to the
SubscribeMatch aProductId: id of the
matches channel. This is useful when you're consuming the remain
es product
ing feed using the level 2 channel.
The full channel provides real-time updates on orders and trades.
aProductId: id of the These updates can be applied on to a level 3 order book snapshot to
product maintain an accurate and up-to-date copy of the exchange order
This channel is a version of the full channel that only contains mes
SubscribeUser sages that include the authenticated user. Consequently, you need to
be authenticated to receive any messages.
Some of this channels requires Authenticate against Coinbase Pro servers. So first request your API keys in your
Coinbase Pro Account and then set the values in the property Coinbase of the component:
• ApiKey
• ApiSecret
• Passphrase
Authentication will result in a couple of benefits:
1. Messages where you're one of the parties are expanded and have more useful fields
2. You will receive private messages, such as lifecycle information about stop orders you placed
Private Endpoints
Private endpoints are available for order management, and account management.
Before being able to sign any requests, you must create an API key via the Coinbase Pro website. The API key will
be scoped to a specific profile. Upon creating a key you will have 3 pieces of information which you must remem
• Key
• Secret
• Passphrase
The Key and Secret will be randomly generated and provided by Coinbase Pro; the Passphrase will be provided by
you to further secure your API access. Coinbase Pro stores the salted hash of your passphrase for verification, but
cannot recover the passphrase if you forget it.
You can restrict the functionality of API keys. Before creating the key, you must choose what permissions you
would like the key to have. The permissions are:
• View - Allows a key read permissions. This includes all GET endpoints.
• Transfer Allows a key to transfer currency on behalf of an account, including deposits and withdraws. En
able with caution - API key transfers WILL BYPASS two-factor authentication.
• Trade - Allows a key to enter orders, as well as retrieve trade data. This includes POST /orders and several
GET endpoints.
Method Arguments Description
Get a list of trading accounts from the profile of the
API key.
Information for a single account. Use this endpoint
GetAccount aAccountId: id of the account when you know the account_id. API key must belong
to the same profile as the account.
List account activity of the API key's profile. Account
GetAccountHistory aAccountId: id of the account activity either increases or decreases your account
List holds of an account that belong to the same pro
file as the API key. Holds are placed on an account
GetHolds aAccountId: id of the account for any active orders or pending withdraw requests.
As an order is filled, the hold amount is updated. If
an order is canceled, any remaining hold is re
aProductId: id of the product Get a list of recent fills of the API key's profile.
This request will return information on your payment
method transfer limits, as well as buy/sell limits per
aProfileId: id of the profile
Get a list of deposits from the profile of the API key,
ListDeposits aBefore: as DateTime aAfter: as
in descending order by created time.
DateTime aLimit: by default 100
GetDeposit aTransferId: id of the transfer Get information on a single deposit.
aAmount: The amount to deposit
DepositPayment aCurrency: the type of currency
Deposit funds from a payment method
Method aPaymentMethodId: ID of the pay
ment method
aAmount: The amount to deposit Deposit funds from a coinbase account. You can
aCurrency: the type of currency move funds between your Coinbase accounts and
aCoinbaseAccountId: ID of the your Coinbase Pro trading accounts within your dai
coinbase account ly limits.
You can generate an address for crypto deposits.
aProfileId: id of the profile
Get a list of withdrawals from the profile of the API
ListWithdrawals aBefore: as DateTime aAfter: as
key, in descending order by created time.
DateTime aLimit: by default 100
GetWithdrawal aTransferId: id of the transfer Get information on a single withdrawal.
aAmount: The amount to withdraw
WithdrawalPay al aCurrency: the type of currency
Withdraw funds to a payment method.
mentMethod aPaymentMethodId: ID of the pay
ment method
aAmount: The amount to deposit Withdraw funds to a coinbase account. You can
WithdrawalCoin aCurrency: the type of currency move funds between your Coinbase accounts and
base aCoinbaseAccountId: ID of the your Coinbase Pro trading accounts within your dai
coinbase account ly limits.
aAmount: The amount to deposit
aCurrency: the type of currency
WithdrawalCrypto Withdraws funds to a crypto address.
aCryptoAddress: a crypto address
of the recipient
aCurrency: the type of currency
GetWith Gets the network fee estimate when sending to the
aCryptoAddress: a crypto address
drawalFeeEstimate given address.
of the recipient
aFromCurrencyId: currency origin
aToCurrencyId: currency destina
CreateConversion Convert between currencies.
tion aAmount: amount of from to
convert to
Get a list of your payment methods.
Get a list of your coinbase accounts.
This request will return your current maker & taker
fee rates, as well as your 30-day trailing volume.
aStartDate: from Date aEndDate:
Reports provide batches of historic information
to Date aProductId: id of the prod
CreateReportFills about your profile in various human and machine
uct aFormat: pdf or csv aEmail:
readable forms.
optional e-mail
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oCoinbase := TsgcWSAPI_Coinbase.Create(nil);
oCoinbase.Client := oClient;
oClient.Active := True;
Coinbase Pro | Subscribe WebSocket Chan
Coinbase Pro offers a variety of channels where you can subscribe to get realtime updates of market data, or
ders... Find below a sample of how subscribe to a Ticker:
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oCoinbase := TsgcWSAPI_Coinbase.Create(nil);
oCoinbase.Client := oClient;
oCoinbase := TsgcWSAPI_Coinbase.Create(nil);
oCoinbase := TsgcWSAPI_Coinbase.Create(nil);
oCoinbase.Coinbase.ApiKey := '<your api key>';
oCoinbase.Coinbase.ApiSecret := '<your api secret>';
oCoinbase.Coinbase.ApiPassphrase := '<your passphrase>';
Market Order
oCoinbase := TsgcWSAPI_Coinbase.Create(nil);
oCoinbase.Coinbase.ApiKey := 'your api key';
oCoinbase.Coinbase.ApiSecret := 'your api secret';
oCoinbase.Coinbase.ApiPassphrase := 'your passphrase';
ShowMessage(oCoinbase.REST_API.PlaceMarketOrder(coisBuy, 'BTC-USD', 0.002));
Limit Order
Place a new Limit Order, buy 0.002 contracts of BTC-USD at price limit of 10000
oCoinbase := TsgcWSAPI_Coinbase.Create(nil);
oCoinbase.Coinbase.ApiKey := 'your api key';
oCoinbase.Coinbase.ApiSecret := 'your api secret';
oCoinbase.Coinbase.ApiPassphrase := 'your passphrase';
ShowMessage(oCoinbase.REST_API.PlaceLimitOrder(coisBuy, 'BTC-USD', 0.002, 10000));
oCoinbase := TsgcWSAPI_Coinbase.Create(nil);
oCoinbase.Coinbase.ApiKey := 'your api key';
oCoinbase.Coinbase.ApiSecret := 'your api secret';
oCoinbase.Coinbase.ApiPassphrase := 'your passphrase';
oCoinbase.Coinbase.SandBox := True;
API SignalRCore
ASP.NET Core SignalR is an open-source library that simplifies adding real-time web functionality to apps. Real-
time web functionality enables server-side code to push content to clients instantly.
Good candidates for SignalR:
• Apps that require high-frequency updates from the server. Examples are gaming, social networks, voting,
auction, maps, and GPS apps.
• Dashboards and monitoring apps. Examples include company dashboards, instant sales updates, or travel
• Collaborative apps. Whiteboard apps and team meeting software are examples of collaborative apps.
• Apps that require notifications. Social networks, email, chat, games, travel alerts, and many other apps use
SignalRCore sgcWebSockets component uses WebSocket as transport to connect to a SignalRCore server, if this
transport is not supported, an error will be raised.
SignalRCore uses hubs to communicate between clients and servers. SignalRCore provides 2 hub protocols: text
protocol based on JSON and binary protocol based on MessagePack. The sgcWebSockets component only imple
ments JSON text protocol to communicate with SignalRCore servers.
To configure which Hub client will use, just set in SignalRCore/Hub property the name of the Hub before the client
connects to the server.
When a client opens a new connection to the server, sends a request message which contains format protocol and
version. sgcWebSockets always sends format protocol as JSON. The server will reply with an error if the protocol is
not supported by the server, this error can be handled using OnSignalRCoreError event, and if the connection is
successful, OnSignalRCoreConnect event will be called.
When a client connects to a SignalRCore server, it can send a ConnectionId which identifies client between ses
sions, so if you get a disconnection client can reconnect to server passing same prior connection id. In order to get
a new connection id, just connect normally to the server and you can know ConnectionId using OnBeforeCon
nectEvent. If you want to reconnect to the server and pass a prior connection id, use ReConnect method and
pass ConnectionId as a parameter.
SignalRCore Protocol
The SignalR Protocol is a protocol for two-way RPC over any Message-based transport. Either party in the connec
tion may invoke procedures on the other party, and procedures can return zero or more results or an error. Exam
ple: the client can request a method from the server and server can request a method to the client. There are the
following messages exchanged between server and clients:
• HandshakeRequest: the client sends to the server to agree on the message format.
• HandshakeResponse: server replies to the client an acknowledgement of the previous HandshakeRequest
message. Contains an error if the handshake failed.
• Close: called by client or server when a connection is closed. Contains an error if the connection was closed
because of an error.
• Invocation: client or server sends a message to another peer to invoke a method with arguments or not.
• StreamInvocation: client or server sends a message to another peer to invoke a streaming method with ar
guments or not. The Response will be split into different items.
• StreamItem: is a response from a previous StreamInvocation.
• Completion: means a previous invocation or StreamInvocation has been completed. Can contain a result if
the process has been successful or an error if there is some error.
• CancelInvocation: cancel a previous StreamInvocation request.
• Ping: is a message to check if the connection is still alive.
Authentication can be enabled to associate a user with each connection and filter which users can access to re
sources. Authentication is implemented using Bearer Tokens, client provide an access token and server validates
this token and uses it to identify then user.
In standard Web APIs, bearer tokens are sent in an HTTP Header, but when using websockets, token is transmit
ted as a query string parameter.
The following methods are supported:
If Authentication is enabled, the flow is:
1. First tries to get a valid token from server. Opens an HTTP connection against
Authentication.RequestToken.URL and do a POST using User and Password data.
2. If previous is successful, a token is returned. If not, an error is returned.
3. If token is returned, then opens a new HTTP connection to negotiate a new connection. Here, token is passed as
an HTTP Header.
4. If previous is successful, opens a websocket connection and pass token as query string parameter.
• Authentication.Enabled: if active, authorization will be used before a websocket connection is established.
• Authentication.Username: the username provided to server to authenticate.
• Authentication.Password: the secret word provided to server to authenticate.
• Authentication.RequestToken.PostFieldUsername: name of field to transmit username (depends of con
figuration, check http javascript page to see which name is used).
• Authentication.RequestToken.PostFieldPassword: name of field to transmit password (depends of con
figuration, check http javascript page to see which name is used).
• Authentication.RequestToken.URL: url where token is requested.
• Authentication.RequestToken.QueryFieldToken: name of query string parameter using in websocket con
Here, you pass token directly to SignalRCore server (because token has been obtained from another server).
• Authentication.Enabled: if active, authorization will be used before a websocket connection is established.
• Authentication.SetToken.Token: token value obtained.
The Caller sends a message to the Callee and expects a message indicating that the invocation has been complet
ed and optionally a result of the invocation
Example: client invokes SendMessage method and passes as parameters user name and text message. Sends an
Invocation Id to
get a result message from the server.
Non-Blocking Invocations
The Caller sends a message to the Callee and does not expect any further messages for this invocation. Invoca
tions can be sent without an Invocation ID value. This indicates that the invocation is "non-blocking".
Example: client invokes SendMessage method and passes as parameters user name and text message. The
client doesn't expect any response from the server about the result of the invocation.
Streaming Invocations
The Caller sends a message to the Callee and expects one or more results returned by the Callee followed by a
message indicating the end of invocation.
Example: client invokes Counter method and requests 10 numbers with an interval of 500 milliseconds.
In order to perform a single invocation, the Caller follows the following basic flow:
procedure Invoke(const aTarget: String; const aArguments: Array of Const; const aInvocationId: String = '');
procedure InvokeStream(const aTarget: String; const aArguments: Array of Const; const aInvocationId: String);
Allocate a unique Invocation ID value (arbitrary string, chosen by the Caller) to represent the invocation. Call Invoke
or InvokeStream method containing the Target being invoked, Arguments and InvocationId (if you don't send Invo
cationId, you won't get completion result).
If the Invocation is marked as non-blocking (see "Non-Blocking Invocations" below), stop here and immediately
yield back to the application. Handle StreamItem or Completion message with a matching Invocation ID.
if StreamItem.InvocationId = 'id-000002' then
if Completion.Error '' then
ShowMessage('Something goes wrong.')
ShowMessage('Invocation Successful!');
function InvokeAndWait(const aTarget: String; aArguments: Array of Const; aInvocationId: String; out Completion: TSignalRCo
const aTimeout: Integer = 10000): Boolean;
function InvokeStreamAndWait(const aTarget: String; const aArguments: Array of Const; const aInvocationId: String
out Completion: TSignalRCore_Completion; const aTimeout: Integer = 10000): Boolean;
Allocate a unique Invocation ID value (arbitrary string, chosen by the Caller) to represent the invocation. Call In
vokeAndWait or InvokeStreamAndWait method containing the Target being invoked, Arguments and InvocationId.
The program will wait till completion event is called or Time out has been exceeded.
oCompletion: TSignalRCore_Completion;
if SignalRCore.InvokeStreamAndWait('Counter', [10, 500], 'id-000002', oCompletion) then
DoLog('#invoke stream ok: ' + oCompletion.Result)
DoLog('#invocke stream error: ' + oCompletion.Error);
procedure OnSignalRCoreStreamItem(Sender: TObject; StreamItem: TSignalRCore_StreamItem; var Cancel: Boolean);
if StreamItem.InvocationId = 'id-000002' then
DoLog('#stream item: ' + StreamItem.Item);
Cancel Invocation
If the client wants to stop receiving StreamItem messages before the Server sends a Completion message, the
client can send a CancelInvocation message with the same InvocationId used for the StreamInvocation message
that started the stream.
An Invocation is only considered completed when the Completion message is received. If the client receives an In
vocation from the server, OnSignalRCoreInvocation event will be called.
Close Connection
Sent by the client when a connection is closed. Contains an error reason if the connection was closed because of
an error.
SignalRCore.Close('Unexpected message').
// If the server close connection by any reason, OnSignalRCoreClose event will be called.
procedure OnSignalRCoreClose(Sender: TObject; Close: TSignalRCore_Close);
DoLog('#closed: ' + Close.Error);
The SignalR Hub protocol supports "Keep Alive" messages used to ensure that the underlying transport connection
remains active. These messages help ensure:
Proxies don't close the underlying connection during idle times (when few messages are being sent). If the underly
ing connection is dropped without being terminated gracefully, the application is informed as quickly as possible.
Keep alive behaviour is achieved calling Ping method or enabling HeartBeat on WebSocket client. If the server
sends a ping to the client, the client will send automatically a response and OnSignalRCoreKeepAlive event will be
API SignalR
SignalR component uses WebSocket as transport to connect to a SignalR server, if this transport is not supported,
an error will be raised.
SignalR client component has a property called SignalR where you can set following data:
• Hubs: contains a list of hubs the client is subscribing to.
• ProtocolVersion: the version of the protocol used by the client, supports protocol versions from 1.2 to 1.5
• UserAgent: user agent used to connect to SignalR server.
Hubs Messages
Hubs API makes it possible to invoke server methods from the client and client methods from the server. The proto
col used for persistent connection is not rich enough to allow expressing RPC (remote procedure call) semantics. It
does not mean however that the protocol used for hub connections is completely different from the protocol used
for persistent connections. Rather, the protocol used for hub connections is mostly an extension of the protocol for
persistent connections.
When a client invokes a server method it no longer sends a free-flow string as it was for persistent connections. In
stead, it sends a JSON string containing all necessary information needed to invoke the method. Here is a sample
message a client would send to invoke a server method:
The payload has the following properties:
I – invocation identifier – allows to match up responses with requests
H – the name of the hub
M – the name of the method
A – arguments (an array, can be empty if the method does not have any parameters)
The component has the following events:
When the client connects successfully to the server, this event is raised.
When the client is disconnected from the server, this event is raised.
When there is an error in WebSocket connection.
The protocol used for persistent connection is quite simple. Messages sent to the server are just raw strings. There
isn’t any specific format they have to be in. Messages sent to the client are more structured. The properties you can
find in the message are as follows:
C – message id, present for all non-KeepAlive messages
M – an array containing actual data.
When a server method is invoked the server returns a confirmation that the invocation has completed by sending
the invocation id to the client and – if the method returned a value – the return value, or – if invoking the method
failed – the error.
Here are sample results of a server method call:
A server void method whose invocation identifier was "0" completed successfully.
{"I":"0", "R":42}
A server method returning a number whose invocation identifier was "0" completed successfully and returned the
value 42.
This event is raised when a KeepAlive message is received from the server.
API Kraken
WebSockets API offers real-time market data updates. WebSockets is a bidirectional protocol offering fastest real-
time data, helping you build real-time applications. The public message types presented below do not require au
thentication. Private-data messages messages can be subscribed on a separate authenticated endpoint.
Kraken offers a REST API too with Public market data and Private user data (which requires an authentication).
Private API requires to get create an API from your Kraken account.
Kraken allows Test environment on WebSocket protocol, enable Beta property from Kraken Property to use this be
ta feature.
APIs supported
• WebSockets Public API: connects to a public WebSocket server.
• WebSockets Private API: connects to a private WebSocket server and requires an API Key and API Secret
to Authenticate against server.
• REST Public API: connects to a public REST server.
• REST Private API: connects to a public REST server and requires an API Key and API Secret to Authenti
cate against server.
Kraken Examples
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oKraken := TsgcWSAPI_Kraken.Create(nil);
oKraken.Client := oClient;
oClient.Active := True;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oKraken := TsgcWSAPI_Kraken.Create(nil);
oKraken.Kraken.ApiKey := 'your api key';
oKraken.Kraken.ApiSecret := 'your api secret';
oKraken.Client := oClient;
oClient.Active := True;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oKraken := TsgcWSAPI_Kraken.Create(nil);
oKraken.Client := oClient;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oKraken := TsgcWSAPI_Kraken.Create(nil);
oKraken.Kraken.ApiKey := 'your api key';
oKraken.Kraken.ApiSecret := 'your api secret';
oKraken.Client := oClient;
General Considerations
• All messages sent and received via WebSockets are encoded in JSON format
• All floating point fields (including timestamps) are quoted to preserve precision.
• Format of each tradeable pair is A/B, where A and B are ISO 4217-A3 for standardized assets and popular
unique symbol if not standardized.
• Timestamps should not be considered unique and not be considered as aliases for transaction ids. Also, the
granularity of timestamps is not representative of transaction rates.
Supported Pairs
Client can ping server to determine whether connection is alive, server responds with pong.
This is an application level ping as opposed to default ping in WebSockets standard which is server initiated
Ticker information includes best ask and best bid prices, 24hr volume, last trade price, volume weighted average
price, etc for a given currency pair. A ticker message is published every time a trade or a group of trade happens.
Subscribe to a ticker calling SubscribeTicker method:
If there is an error while trying to subscribe / unsubscribe, OnKrakenSubscriptionError event will be called.
"a": [
"b": [
"c": [
"v": [
"p": [
"t": [
"l": [
"h": [
"o": [
When subscribed for OHLC, a snapshot of the last valid candle (irrespective of the endtime) will be sent, followed
by updates to the running candle. For example, if a subscription is made to 1 min candle and there have been no
trades for 5 mins, a snapshot of the last 1 min candle from 5 mins ago will be published. The endtime can be used
to determine that it is an old candle.
Subscribe to a OHLC calling SubscribeOHLC method, you must pass pair and interval.
SubscribeOHLC(['XBT/USD'], kin1min);
UnSubscribeOHLC(['XBT/USD'], kin1min);
procedure OnKrakenUnSubscribed(Sender: TObject; ChannelId: Integer; Pair, Subscription: string;
ReqID: Integer);
DoLog('#unsubscribed: ' + Subscription + ' ' + Pair);
If there is an error while trying to subscribe / unsubscribe, OnKrakenSubscriptionError event will be called.
procedure OnKrakenSubscriptionError(Sender: TObject; ErrorMessage, Pair, Subscription: string;
ReqID: Integer);
DoLog('#subscription error: ' + ErrorMessage);
procedure OnKrakenSubscribed(Sender: TObject;ChannelId: Integer; Pair, Subscription, ChannelName:
string; ReqID:Integer);
DoLog('#subscribed: ' + Subscription + ' ' + Pair + ' ' + ChannelName);
procedure OnrakenUnSubscribed(Sender: TObject; ChannelId: Integer; Pair, Subscription: string;
ReqID: Integer);
DoLog('#unsubscribed: ' + Subscription + ' ' + Pair);
If there is an error while trying to subscribe / unsubscribe, OnKrakenSubscriptionError event will be called.
procedure OnKrakenSubscriptionError(Sender: TObject; ErrorMessage, Pair, Subscription: string;
ReqID: Integer);
DoLog('#subscription error: ' + ErrorMessage);
Order book levels. On subscription, a snapshot will be published at the specified depth, following the snapshot, lev
el updates will be published.
Subscribe to a Book calling SubscribeBook method, you must pass pair and depth.
SubscribeBook(['XBT/USD'], kde10);
procedure OnKrakenSubscribed(Sender: TObject;ChannelId: Integer; Pair, Subscription, ChannelName: string;
DoLog('#subscribed: ' + Subscription + ' ' + Pair + ' ' + ChannelName);
UnSubscribeBook(['XBT/USD'], kde10);
procedure OnKrakenUnSubscribed(Sender: TObject; ChannelId: Integer; Pair, Subscription: string;
ReqID: Integer);
DoLog('#unsubscribed: ' + Subscription + ' ' + Pair);
If there is an error while trying to subscribe / unsubscribe, OnKrakenSubscriptionError event will be called.
procedure OnKrakenSubscriptionError(Sender: TObject; ErrorMessage, Pair, Subscription: string; ReqID: Integer);
DoLog('#subscription error: ' + ErrorMessage);
"as": [
"bs": [
Spread feed to show best bid and ask price for subscribed asset pair. Bid volume and ask volume is part of the
message too.
Subscribe to Spread feed calling SubscribeSpread method.
procedure OnKrakenSubscribed(Sender: TObject;ChannelId: Integer; Pair, Subscription, ChannelName: string;
DoLog('#subscribed: ' + Subscription + ' ' + Pair + ' ' + ChannelName);
procedure OnrakenUnSubscribed(Sender: TObject; ChannelId: Integer; Pair, Subscription: string;
ReqID: Integer);
DoLog('#unsubscribed: ' + Subscription + ' ' + Pair);
If there is an error while trying to subscribe / unsubscribe, OnKrakenSubscriptionError event will be called.
procedure OnKrakenSubscriptionError(Sender: TObject; ErrorMessage, Pair, Subscription: string;
ReqID: Integer);
DoLog('#subscription error: ' + ErrorMessage);
Other Methods
OnConnect: when websocket client is connected to client.
OnKrakenConnect: called after successful websocket connection and when server send system status.
OnKrakenSystemStatus: called when system status changes.
OnKrakenSubscribed: called after a successful subscription to a channel.
OnKrakenUnSubscribed: called after a successful unsubscription from a channel.
OnKranSubscriptionError: called if there is an error trying to subscribe / unsubscribe.
OnKrakenData: called every time a channel subscription has an update.
The API client must request an authentication "token" via the following REST API endpoint "GetWebSocketsToken"
to connect to WebSockets Private endpoints. The token should be used within 15 minutes of creation. The token
does not expire once a connection to a WebSockets API private message (openOrders or ownTrades) is main
In order to get a Websockets Token, an API Key and API Secret must be set in Kraken Options Component, the api
key provided by Kraken in your account
Kraken.ApiKey := 'api key';
Kraken.ApiSecret := 'api secret';
Get a list of own trades, on first subscription, you get a list of latest 50 trades
"cost": "1000000.00000",
"fee": "600.00000",
"margin": "0.00000",
"ordertxid": "TDLH43-DVQXD-2KHVYY",
"ordertype": "limit",
"pair": "XBT/EUR",
"postxid": "OGTT3Y-C6I3P-XRI6HX",
"price": "100000.00000",
"time": "1560520332.914664",
"type": "buy",
"vol": "1000000000.00000000"
Open Orders
Feed to show all the open orders belonging to the user authenticated API key. Initial snapshot will provide list of all
open orders and then any updates to the open orders list will be sent. For status change updates, such as 'closed',
the fields orderid and status will be present in the payload
"cost": "0.00000",
"descr": {
"close": "",
"leverage": "0:1",
"order": "sell 0.00001000 XBT/EUR @ limit 9.00000 with 0:1 leverage",
"ordertype": "limit",
"pair": "XBT/EUR",
"price": "9.00000",
"price2": "0.00000",
"type": "sell"
"expiretm": "0.000000",
"fee": "0.00000",
"limitprice": "9.00000",
"misc": "",
"oflags": "fcib",
"opentm": "0.000000",
"price": "9.00000",
"refid": "OKIVMP-5GVZN-Z2D2UA",
"starttm": "0.000000",
"status": "open",
"stopprice": "0.000000",
"userref": 0,
"vol": "0.00001000",
"vol_exec": "0.00000000"
Add Order
oKrakenOrder := TsgcWSKrakenOrder.Create;
oKrakenOrder.Pair := 'XBT/USD';
oKrakenOrder._Type := kosBuy;
oKrakenOrder.OrderType := kotMarket;
oKrakenOrder.Volume := 1;
take-profit-limit (price = take profit trigger price, price2 = triggered limit price)
trailing-stop (price = trailing stop offset)
trailing-stop-limit (price = trailing stop offset, price2 = triggered limit offset)
stop-loss-and-limit (price = stop loss price, price2 = limit price)
price = price (optional. dependent upon ordertype)
price2 = secondary price (optional. dependent upon ordertype)
volume = order volume in lots
leverage = amount of leverage desired (optional. default = none)
oflags = comma delimited list of order flags (optional):
viqc = volume in quote currency (not available for leveraged orders)
fcib = prefer fee in base currency
fciq = prefer fee in quote currency
nompp = no market price protection
post = post only order (available when ordertype = limit)
starttm = scheduled start time (optional):
0 = now (default)
+<n> = schedule start time <n> seconds from now
<n> = unix timestamp of start time
expiretm = expiration time (optional):
0 = no expiration (default)
+<n> = expire <n> seconds from now
<n> = unix timestamp of expiration time
userref = user reference id. 32-bit signed number. (optional)
validate = validate inputs only. do not submit order (optional)
optional closing order to add to system when order gets filled:
close[ordertype] = order type
close[price] = price
close[price2] = secondary price
"descr": "buy 0.01770000 XBTUSD @ limit 4000",
"event": "addOrderStatus",
"status": "ok",
Cancel Order
Cancel order
CancelOrder('Order Id');
"event": "cancelOrderStatus",
"status": "ok"
The only configuration is enable or not a log for REST HTTP requests. Enable HTTPLogOptions if you want to save
in a text file log all HTTP Requests/Responses
OnKrakenHTTPException: this event is called if there is any exception doing an HTTP Request from REST Api.
This method is to aid in approximating the skew time between the server and client. Returns Time in Unix format.
REST Private API requires an API Key and API Secret, these values are provided by Kraken in your account.
Kraken.ApiKey := 'api key';
Kraken.ApiSecret := 'api secret';
Add Order
oKrakenOrder := TsgcWSKrakenOrder.Create;
oKrakenOrder.Pair := 'XBT/USD';
oKrakenOrder._Type := kosBuy;
oKrakenOrder.OrderType := kotMarket;
oKrakenOrder.Volume := 1;
The REST API allows to securely access the methods of your Kraken Futures account. Examples of REST API
• request current or historical price information
• check your account balance and PnL
• your margin parameters and estimated liquidation thresholds
• place or cancel orders (individually or in batch)
• see your open orders
• open positions or trade history
• request a digital asset withdrawal
These methods are called "endpoints" and are explained in REST API section.
The Websocket API allows to securely establish a communication channel to the Kraken Futures platform to re
ceive information in real time. This allows listening to updates instead of continuously sending requests. These
channels are called subscriptions.
Some of the endpoints allow performing sensitive tasks, such initiating a digital asset withdrawal. To access these
endpoints securely, the API uses encryption techniques developed by the National Security Agency.
In order to use the API, you need to generate a pair of unique API keys (if you want access to private APIs):
1. Sign in to your Kraken Futures account.
2. Click on your name on the upper-right corner.
3. Select "Settings" from the drop-down menu.
4. Select the "Create Key" tab in the API panel.
5. Press the "Create Key" button.
6. View your Public and Private keys and record them somewhere safe.
Copy the Public and Private Keys to the KrakenOptions property of the component.
APIs supported
• WebSockets Public API: connects to a public WebSocket server.
• WebSockets Private API: connects to a private WebSocket server and requires an API Key and API Secret
to Authenticate against server.
• REST Public API: connects to a public REST server.
• REST Private API: connects to a public REST server and requires an API Key and API Secret to Authenti
cate against server.
This endpoint returns current market data for all currently listed Futures contracts and indices. Authentication is not
Subscribe to a ticker calling SubscribeTicker method:
If there is an error while trying to subscribe / unsubscribe, OnKrakenFuturesError event will be called.
{ "result":"success",
"tag": "perpetual",
"symbol": "pi_xbtusd",
"bid": 9520,
"bidSize": 30950,
"askSize": 3779,
"vol24h": 68238712,
"open24h": 10137,
"last": 9521,
"lastSize": 1,
"fundingRate": 4.943012455e-9,
"tag": "quarter",
"symbol": "fi_xbtusd_200925",
"bid": 9659.5,
"bidSize": 6480,
"askSize": 17100,
"vol24h": 4562580,
"open24h": 10370.5,
"last": 9660,
"lastSize": 5000,
"symbol": "in_xbtusd",
"lastTime": "2020-06-03T08:14:49.000Z"
procedure OnKrakenFuturesSubscribed(Sender: TObject; Feed, ProductId: string);
DoLog('#subscribed: ' + Feed + ' ' + ProductId);
procedure OnrakenFuturesUnSubscribed(Sender: TObject; Feed, ProductId: string);
DoLog('#unsubscribed: ' + Feed + ' ' + ProductId);
If there is an error while trying to subscribe / unsubscribe, OnKrakenFuturesError event will be called.
procedure OnKrakenFuturesSubscriptionError(Sender: TObject; Error: string);
DoLog('#error: ' + Error);
{ "feed": "trade_snapshot",
"trades": [
"product_id": "PI_XBTUSD",
"type": "fill",
"time": 1612269657781,
"price": 34893
"product_id": "PI_XBTUSD",
"type": "fill",
"time": 1612269656839,
"price": 34891
procedure OnKrakenFuturesSubscribed(Sender: TObject; Feed, ProductId: string);
DoLog('#subscribed: ' + Feed + ' ' + ProductId);
procedure OnKrakenFuturesUnSubscribed(Sender: TObject; Feed, ProductId: string);
DoLog('#unsubscribed: ' + Feed + ' ' + ProductId);
If there is an error while trying to subscribe / unsubscribe, OnKrakenFuturesError event will be called.
procedure OnKrakenFuturesError(Sender: TObject; Error: string);
DoLog('#error: ' + Error);
"feed": "book_snapshot",
"timestamp": 1612269825817,
"tickSize": null,
"bids": [{
"qty": 6385
"price": 34892,
"asks": [{
"price": 34911.5,
"price": 34912,
"qty": 2300
Ticker Lite
The ticker lite feed returns ticker information about listed products.
Subscribe to Spread feed calling SubscribeTickerLite method.
procedure OnKrakenFuturesSubscribed(Sender: TObject; Feed, ProductId: string);
DoLog('#subscribed: ' + Feed + ' ' + ProductId);
procedure OnKrakenFuturesUnSubscribed(Sender: TObject; Feed, ProductId: string);
DoLog('#unsubscribed: ' + Feed + ' ' + ProductId);
If there is an error while trying to subscribe / unsubscribe, OnKrakenFuturesError event will be called.
procedure OnKrakenFuturesError(Sender: TObject; Error: string);
DoLog('#error: ' + Error);
{ "feed": "ticker_lite",
"bid": 34932,
"change": 3.3705205220015966,
"volume": 264126741,
"pair": "XBT:USD",
"maturityTime": 0
OnConnect: when websocket client is connected to client.
OnKrakenFuturesConnect: called after successful websocket connection and when server send system status.
OnKrakenFuturesSubscribed: called after a successful subscription to a channel.
OnKrakenFuturesUnSubscribed: called after a successful unsubscription from a channel.
OnKrakenFuturesError: called if there is any error while subscribing/unsubscribing.
OnKrakenData: called every time a channel subscription has an update.
The subscribe and unsubscribe requests to WebSocket private feeds require a signed challenge message with the
user api_secret.
The challenge is obtained as is shown in Section WebSocket API Public (using the api_key).
Authenticated requests must include both the original challenge message (original_challenge) and the signed
(signed_challenge) in JSON format.
In order to get a Websockets Challenge, an API Key and API Secret must be set in Kraken Options Component,
the api key provided by Kraken in your account
Kraken.ApiKey := 'api key';
Kraken.ApiSecret := 'api secret';
This subscription feed publishes information about user open orders. This feed adds extra information about all the
post-only orders that failed to cross the book.
{ 'feed':'open_orders_verbose_snapshot', 'account':'0f9c23b8-63e2-40e4-9592-6d5aa57c12
{ 'instrument':'PI_XBTUSD', 'time':1567428848005, 'last_updat
Open Positions
This subscription feed publishes the open positions of the user account.
"feed": "open_positions",
"account": "DemoUser",
"positions": [{
"instrument": "fi_xbtusd_180316",
"balance": 2000.0,
"entry_price": 11675.86541981,
"mark_price": 11090.0,
"index_price": 12290.550000000001,
"pnl": -0.00905299
Account Log
'feed': 'account_log_snapshot',
'logs': [{
'id': 1690,
'date': '2019-07-11T08:00:00.000Z',
'asset': 'bch',
'info': 'funding
rate change ','
booking_uid ':'
86 fdc252 - 1 b6e - 40 ec - ac1d - c7bd46ddeebf ','
margin_account ':'
f - bch: usd ','
old_balance ':0.01215667051,'
new_balance ':0.01215736653,'
old_average_entry_price ':0.0,'
new_average_entry_price ':0.0,'
trade_price ':0.0,'
mark_price ':0.0,'
realized_pnl ':0.0,'
fee ':0.0,'
execution ':'
collateral ':'
bch ','
funding_rate ':-8.7002552653e-08,'
realized_funding ':6.9602e-07}]
Open Orders
"feed": "open_orders_snapshot",
"account": "e258dba9-4dd4-4da5-bfef-75beb91c098e",
"orders": [
"instrument": "PI_XBTUSD",
"time": 1612275024153,
"last_update_time": 1612275024153,
"qty": 1000,
"filled": 0,
"limit_price": 34900,
"stop_price": 13789,
"type": "stop",
"order_id": "723ba95f-13b7-418b-8fcf-ab7ba6620555",
"direction": 1,
"reduce_only": false,
"triggerSignal": "last"
This subscription feed returns balance and margin information for the client's account.
"feed": "account_balances_and_margins",
"account": "DemoUser",
"margin_accounts": [
"name": "xbt",
"balance": 0,
"pnl": 0,
"funding": 0,
"pv": 0,
"am": 0,
"im": 0,
"mm": 0
"name": "f-xbt:usd",
"balance": 9.99730211055,
"pnl": -0.00006034858674327812,
"funding": 0,
"pv": 9.997241761963258,
"am": 9.99666885201038,
"im": 0.0005729099528781564,
"mm": 0.0002864549764390782
"seq": 14
The only configuration is enable or not a log for REST HTTP requests. Enable HTTPLogOptions if you want to save
in a text file log all HTTP Requests/Responses
OnKrakenHTTPException: this event is called if there is any exception doing an HTTP Request from REST Api.
Order Book
This endpoint returns the entire non-cumulative order book of currently listed Futures contracts.
This endpoint returns current market data for all currently listed Futures contracts and indices.
This endpoint returns specifications for all currently listed Futures contracts and indices.
This endpoint returns the last 100 trades from the specified lastTime value - if no value specified will return the last
100 trades. is endpoint only returns trade history for a maximum of 7 days from the time it is called or since
last .trading engine release (whichever is sooner).
REST Private API requires an API Key and API Secret, these values are provided by Kraken in your account.
Kraken.ApiKey := 'api key';
Kraken.ApiSecret := 'api secret';
This endpoint allows editing an existing order for a currently listed Futures contract.
aOrderId: ID of the order you wish to edit
aSize: The size associated with the order
aLimitPrice: The limit price associated with the order.
aStopPrice: The stop price associated with a stop order. Required if old Order Type is Stop.
KrakenFutures.REST_API.EditOrderByOrderId('Order_Id', 2, 1000);
This endpoint allows editing an existing order for a currently listed Futures contract.
aCliOrderId: The order identity that is specified from the user. It must be globally unique.
aSize: The size associated with the order
aLimitPrice: The limit price associated with the order.
aStopPrice: The stop price associated with a stop order. Required if Order Type is Stop.
KrakenFutures.REST_API.EditOrderByCliOrderId('Cli_Order_Id', 2, 1000);
This endpoint allows sending a limit, stop, take profit or immediate-or-cancel order for a currently listed Futures
OrderType: select one of the following kotfLMT, kotfPOST, kotfMKT, kotfSTP, kotfTAKE_PROFIT, kotfIOC
Symbol: The symbol of the futures
Side: The direction of the order (buy or sell).
Size: The size associated with the order.
StopPrice: The stop price associated with a stop order.
LimitPrice: The limit price associated with the order.
TriggerSignal: If placing a Stop or TakeProfit order, the signal used for trigger, select one of the following kots
Mark, kotsIndex, kotsLast
CliOrderId: The order identity that is specified from the user. It must be globally unique.
ReduceOnly: Set as true if you wish the order to only reduce an existing position. Any order which increases an
existing position will be rejected. Default false.
oOrder := TsgcHTTPKrakenFuturesOrder.Create;
oOrder.Side := kosfBuy;
oOrder.Symbol := 'PI_XBTUSD';
oOrder.OrderType := kotfMKT;
oOrder.Size := 1;
This endpoint returns information on filled orders for all futures contracts.
aLastFillDate: If not provided, returns the last 100 fills in any futures contract. If provided, returns the 100 entries
before lastFillTime.
This endpoint allows you to transfer funds between two margin accounts with the same collateral currency, or be
tween a margin account and your cash account.
aFromAcocunt: The name of the cash or margin account to move funds from.
aToAcocunt: The name of the cash or margin account to move funds to.
aUnit: The unit to transfer.
aAmount: The amount to transfer.
This endpoint returns the size and average entry price of all open positions in Futures contracts. This includes Fu
tures contracts that have matured but have not yet been settled.
This endpoint returns key information relating to all your Kraken Futures accounts which may either be cash ac
counts or margin accounts. This includes digital asset balances, instrument balances, margin requirements, margin
trigger estimates and auxiliary information such as available funds, PnL of open positions and portfolio value.
This endpoint provides a Dead Man's Switch mechanism to protect the client from network malfunctions. The client
can send a request with a timeout in seconds which will trigger a countdown timer that will cancel all client orders
when timeout expires.
aTimeout: The timeout specified in seconds.
This endpoint returns information on all open orders for all Futures contracts.
This endpoint allows submitting a request to withdraw digital assets from a Kraken Futures wallet to your Kraken
Spot wallet.
aCurrency: The digital asset that shall be withdrawn, e.g. xbt or xrp.
aAmount: The amount of currency that shall be withdrawn.
KrakenFutures.REST_API.WithdrawalToSpotWallet('xbt', 1000);
This endpoint allows clients to download a csv file of their account logs.
APIs supported
• WebSockets API: connect to a public websocket server and provides real-time market data updates.
• REST API: The REST API has endpoints for account and order management as well as public market data.
WebSockets API
The websocket feed provides real-time market data updates for orders and trades. The websocket feed has some
public channels like ticker, trades... and some private channels which require an API Key and API Secret like Fills
and Orders.
The websocket feed uses a bidirectional protocol, which encodes all messages as JSON objects. All messages
have a type attribute that can be used to handle the message appropriately.
You can subscribe to the following Public channels:
Method Description
aMarket: The ticker channel provides
name of the the latest best bid and offer
market market data.
The markets channel provides
information on the full set of
tradable markets and their
specifications. After subscrip
tion and whenever any market
lists, delsists, or changes, you
will receive a partial message
with information on all mar
aMarket: The trades channel provides
name of the data on all trades in the mar
market ket.
The orderbook channel pro
Sub aMarket:
vides data about the
scribeOrder name of the
orderbook's best 100 orders
books market
on either side.
Public Endpoints
Some of the REST Channels are public, so you don't need to configure the API Keys.
This section covers all types of markets on FTX: spot, perpetual futures, expiring futures, and MOVE contracts. Ex
amples for each type are BTC/USD, BTC-PERP, BTC-0626, and BTC-MOVE-1005.
Method Description
name of the
name of the
name of the
Historical prices of expired futures
GetHis aMarket:
can be retrieved with this end point
torical name of the
but make sure to specify start time
Prices market
and end time.
This section covers all types of futures on FTX: perpetual, expiring, and MOVE. Examples for each type are BTC-
PERP, BTC-0626, and BTC-MOVE-1005.
Method Description
GetFuture name of the
GetFutureStats name of the
Note that this only applies
to index futures, e.g. ALT/
GetIndexWeights name of the
GetExpiredFu Returns the list of all ex
tures pired futures.
name of the
Private Endpoints
Private endpoints are available for order management, and account management.
Before being able to sign any requests, you must create an API key via the FTX website. The API key will be
scoped to a specific profile. Upon creating a key you will have 2 pieces of information which you must remember:
• Key
• Secret
• SubAccount (optional)
Private endpoints require your local time is synchronized with FTX server time, if there is a difference too high,
you will get a 401 Unauthorized error
{"success":false:"error":"Not logged in"}
Method Arguments Description
ChangeAc aLeverage: desired
countLever accountwide lever
age age setting
Method Arguments Description
CreateSub aNickName: name of the subac
account count
ChangeSub aOldNickname: current nickname of
account subaccount aNewNickname: new
Name nickname of subaccount
DeleteSub aNickName: name of the subac
account count
aNickName: name of the subac
aCoin: example XRP aSize: size of
transfer aSource: name of the
source subaccount. "main" for the
main account. aDestination: name
of the destination subaccount.
"main" for the main account.
Method Arguments scrip
GetDeposi aCoin: USDT aMethod: optional, for coins available
tAddress on different blockchains, example: USDT
GetDe aStartTime: optional; minimum time of items to return,
positHisto in Unix time aEndTime: optional; maximum time of
ry items to return, in Unix time
GetWith aStartTime: optional; minimum time of items to return,
drawalHis in Unix time aEndTime: optional; maximum time of
tory items to return, in Unix time
aCoin: coin to withdraw. aSize: amount to withdraw.
aAddress: address to send to (example:
Request 0x83a127952d266A6eA306c40Ac62A4a70668FE3BE)
Withdrawal aTag: optional. aPassword: optional, withdrawal pass
word if it is required for your account aCode: optional;
2fa code if it is required for your account
aStartTime: optional; minimum time of items to return, vides
in Unix time aEndTime: optional; maximum time of you
items to return, in Unix time with
aCoin: coin id. aSize: amount. aAddress: address to
GetWith withdraw (example:
drawalFees 0x83a127952d266A6eA306c40Ac62A4a70668FE3BE)
aTag: optional.
SavedAd aCoin: optional, filters saved addresses by coin;
aCoin: coin id. aAddress: address to create (exam
Create ple:
SavedAd 0x83a127952d266A6eA306c40Ac62A4a70668FE3BE)
dresses aAddressName: string aIsPrimetrust: boolean aTag:
SavedAd aSavedAddressId: id of the saved address.
Method Arguments
aMarket: name
of the market
aMarket: name
of the market
aMarket: name
of the market
GetOpenTriggerOrders [fttotNone, fttot
aOrderId: num
GetTriggerOrderTriggers ber that identifi
cates the Order.
aMarket: name
of the market
Places a
new order.
aOrder: Ts Passes a Ts
Order instance Order object
as a para
aMarket: name
of the market Places a
PlaceMarketOrder aSide: buy or new Market
sell aSize: size order.
of the order
aMarket: name
of the market
aSide: buy or Places a
PlaceLimitOrder sell aSize: size new Limit
of the order Order
aPrice: price lim
it of the order
Places a
new trigger
aOrder: Ts order. Pass
gcHTTPFTXTrig es a Ts
gerOrder in gcHTTPFTX
stance TriggerOrder
object as a
aMarket: name
of the market
aSide: buy or
sell aSize: size
of the order
PlaceTriggerStopOrder trigger price
aOrderPrice: op
tional, order type
is limit if has val
ue greater than
zero, otherwise
aMarket: name
of the market
aSide: buy or
sell aSize: size
PlaceTriggerTrailingStopOrder of the order
negative for
"sell", positive for
aMarket: name
PlaceTriggerTakeProfitOrder of the market
aSide: buy or
GetOrderStatusByClientId string that identi
ficates the Order.
aOrderId: num
CancelOrder ber that identifi
cates the Order.
CancelOrderByClientId string that identi
ficates the Order.
aOrderId: num
CancelOpenTriggerOrder ber that identifi
cates the Order.
Method Arguments Description
aMarket: name of the
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oFTX := TsgcWSAPI_FTX.Create(nil);
oFTX.Client := oClient;
oClient.Active := True;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oFTX := TsgcWSAPI_FTX.Create(nil);
oFTX.Client := oClient;
oFTX := TsgcWSAPI_FTX.Create(nil);
oFTX := TsgcWSAPI_FTX.Create(nil);
oFTX.FTX.ApiKey := '<your api key>';
oFTX.FTX.ApiSecret := '<your api secret>';
Market Order
oFTX := TsgcWSAPI_FTX.Create(nil);
oFTX.FTX.ApiKey := 'your api key';
oFTX.FTX.ApiSecret := 'your api secret';
ShowMessage(oFTX.REST_API.PlaceMarketOrder('BTC-PERP', ftosBuy, 0.002));
Limit Order
Place a new Limit Order, buy 0.002 contracts of BTC-PERP at price limit of 10000
oFTX := TsgcWSAPI_FTX.Create(nil);
oFTX.FTX.ApiKey := 'your api key';
oFTX.FTX.ApiSecret := 'your api secret';
ShowMessage(oFTX.REST_API.PlaceLimitOrder('BTC-PERP', ftosBuy, 0.002, 10000));
API Pusher
Pusher it's an easy and reliable platform with nice features based on WebSocket protocol: flexible pub/sub messag
ing, live user lists (presence), authentication...
Pusher WebSocket API is 7.
Data is sent bi-directionally over a WebSocket as text data containing UTF8 encoded JSON (Binary WebSocket
frames are not supported).
You can call Ping method to test connection to the server. Essentially any messages received from the other party
are considered to mean that the connection is alive. In the absence of any messages, either party may check that
the other side is responding by sending a ping message, to which the other party should respond with a pong.
Before you connect, you must complete the following fields:
Pusher requires that websocket client connects to a URL using previous fields (key, cluster...), these fields are used
to build the url and this is done when you assign the client in pusher component. So, to be sure that URL is built
correctly, set the client after you have fill the pusher configuration fields. Find below pseudo-code:
// configure pusher fields
pusher.cluster = ...
pusher.key = ...
// set client
pusher.client = websocket client
// start connection
websocket client.Active = true;
After a successful connection, OnPusherConnect event is raised and you get following fields:
• Socket ID: A unique identifier for the connected client.
• Timeout: The number of seconds of server inactivity after which the client should initiate a ping message
(this is handled automatically by component).
In case of error, OnPusherError will be raised, and information about error provided. An error may be sent from
Pusher in response to invalid authentication, an invalid command, etc.
Indicates an error resulting in the connection being closed by Pusher, and that attempting to reconnect using
the same parameters will not succeed.
4000: Application only accepts SSL connections, reconnect using wss://
4001: Application does not exist
4003: Application disabled
4004: Application is over connection quota
4005: Path not found
4006: Invalid version string format
4007: Unsupported protocol version
Channels are a fundamental concept in Pusher. Each application has a number of channels, and each client can
choose which channels it subscribes to.
Channels provide:
• A way of filtering data. For example, in a chat application, there may be a channel for people who want to
discuss ‘dogs’
• A way of controlling access to different streams of information. For example, a project management applica
tion would want to authorise people to get updates about ‘projectX’
It's strongly recommended that channels are used to filter your data and that it is not achieved using events. This is
because all events published to a channel are sent to all subscribers, regardless of their event binding.
Channels don’t need to be explicitly created and are instantiated on client demand. This means that creating a
channel is easy. Just tell a client to subscribe to it.
There are 3 types of channels:
• Public channels can be subscribed to by anyone who knows their name
• Private channels introduce a mechanism which lets your server control access to the data you are broad
• Presence channels are an extension of private channels. They let you ‘register’ user information on sub
scription, and let other members of the channel know who’s online
Public Channels
Public channels should be used for publicly accessible data as they do not require any form authorisation in order
to be subscribed to.
You can subscribe and unsubscribe from channels at any time. There’s no need to wait for the Pusher to finish con
necting first.
Example: subscribe to channel "my-channel".
If you are subscribed successfully OnPusherSubscribe event will be raised, if there is an error you will get a mes
sage in OnPusherError event.
All messages from the subscribed channel will be received OnPusherEvent event.
When Publish method is called and the channel is Public, the component instead of use the WebSocket protocol,
uses the HTTP protocol and calls the method TriggerEvent (publishi is not allowed using websocket protocol).
Private Channels
APIPusher.Subscribe('my-private-channel', pscPrivateChannel);
If you are subscribed successfully OnPusherSubscribe event will be raised, if there is an error you will get a mes
sage in OnPusherError event.
All messages from the subscribed channel will be received OnPusherEvent event.
Presence Channels
APIPusher.Subscribe('my-presence-channel', pscPresenceChannel,
'{"user_id":"John_Smith","user_info":{"name":"John Smith"}}')
If you are subscribed successfully OnPusherSubscribe event will be raised, if there is an error you will get a mes
sage in OnPusherError event.
All messages from the subscribed channel will be received OnPusherEvent event.
Publish Messages
Not only you can receive messages from subscribed channels, but you can also send messages to other sub
scribed users.
Call method Publish to send a message to all subscribed users of channel.
Example: send an event to all subscribed users of "my-channel'
APIPusher.Publish('my-event', 'my-channel');
Publish no more than 10 messages per second per client (connection). Any events triggered above this rate limit
will be rejected by Pusher API. This is not a system issue, it is a client issue. 100 clients in a channel sending mes
sages at this rate would each also have to be processing 1,000 messages per second! Whilst some modern
browsers might be able to handle this it’s most probably not a good idea.
The API is hosted at , where CLUSTER is replaced with your own apps cluster (for
instance, eu).
HTTP status codes are used to indicate the success or otherwise of requests. The following status are common:
200 Successful request. Body will contain a JSON hash of response data
400 Error: details in response body
401 Authentication error: response body will contain an explanation
403 Forbidden: app disabled or over message quota
The following REST API functions have been implemented.
Function Description
triggers a new event on the specified
GetChannels provide a list of all channels active.
GetChannel provide information of a channel.
provide a list of all users connected to
a channel.
Custom Authentication
Pusher only allow subscribe to private or presence channels, if the connection provides an authentication token,
this allows to restrict the access.
You can build your own Authentication flow, using OnPusherAuthentication event, this event is called before the
subscription message is signed with the secret key provided by Pusher. This event has 2 parameters a request au
thentication with fields like SocketId, channel name... which can be used by your own authentication server to au
thenticate or not the request. Find below a screenshot which shows the pusher authentication flow
When a client connects to the pusher server, it sends the Key provided by pusher and the server returns an identifi
cation id (socket_id).
When a client subscribes to a private (or presence) channel, the sgcWebSockets client uses the Secret Key provid
ed by pusher to create a signature which is included in the subscription message. Using the OnPusherAutentication
event, you can capture the fields required to sign the message, implement your own authentication methods and if
successful, return the signature and this signature will be included in the subscription message and sent to the
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oPusher := TsgcWSAPI_Pusher.Create(nil);
oPusher.Client := oClient;
oPusher.Cluster := 'eu';
Pusher.Name := 'js';
Pusher.Version := '4.1';
Pusher.TLS := True;
Pusher.Key := '9c3b7ef25qe97a00116c';
Pusher.Secret := ''; // the secret key is not known by the client, only by the authentication module
oPusher.OnPusherAuthentication := OnPusherAuthenticationEvent;
procedure OnPusherAuthenticationEvent(Sender: TObject; AuthRequest: TsgcWSPusherRequestAuthentication;
AuthResponse: TsgcWSPusherResponseAuthentication);
// if the authentication request is succesful return the signature
if CustomAuthentication(AuthRequest.Channel, AuthRequest.SocketID) then
AuthResponse.Signature := GetCustomAuthenticationSignature;
API Bittrex
The Bittrex WebSocket API is implemented using SignalR. Latest supported API is V3.
Bittrex component has a property called Bittrex where you can fill API Keys provided by Bittrex to get access to
your account data.
In order to subscribe to private methods, first you must authenticate against Bittrex servers. Then Authentication re
quires first set your API Key and Secret in client component (this values can be obtained from your Bittrex ac
Once you have filled the API Keys, call the method Authenticate, if successful, then OnBittrexAuthenticate event
will be called.
You can check at any time, if you are authenticated. Call the method IsAuthenticate and you will get a true/false
response, this method awaits till server sends a response or time out has expired.
After authenticating, the client renews automatically the authentication, there is no need to manually authenticate
because the component it does automatically when receives a message that authentication is going to expire.
Private Methods
Public Methods
Sends an empty mes
sage on an interval
(currently 5 seconds).
If you stop getting a
heartbeat that means
your connection is
dead. If you are still
getting a heartbeat but
are not getting updates
on active markets then
that means your con
nection is alive but
something else is
Provides regular up
dates of the current
market summary data
for all markets. Market
summary data is differ
ent from candles in
that it is a rolling 24-
hour number as op
posed to data for a
fixed interval like can
Provides regular up
dates of the current
market summary data
for a given market.
Market summary data
Symbol is different from can
dles in that it is a
rolling 24-hour number
as opposed to data for
a fixed interval like
Sends a message
Sub when there are
scribeOrder changes to the order
Book book within the sub
scribed depth.
Sends a message with
the best bid price, best
ask price, and last
trade price for all mar
kets as there are
changes to the order
book or trades.
Sends a message with
the best bid and ask
SubscribeTick price for the given mar
er ket as well as the last
trade price whenever
there is a relevant
API Bitmex
Is a cryptocurrency exchange and derivative trading platform.
The following APIs are supported:
1. WebSocket streams: allows to subscribe to some methods and get data in real-time. Events are pushed to
clients by server to subscribers. Uses WebSocket as protocol.
2. REST API: clients can request to server market and account data. Requires an API Key and Secret to au
thenticate and uses HTTPs as protocol.
Bitmex API has 2 types of methods: public and private. Public methods can be accessed without authentication, ex
ample: get ticker prices. Only are only private and related to user data, those methods requires the use of Bitmex
API keys.
• ApiKey: you can request a new api key in your Bitmex account, just copy the value to this property.
• ApiSecret: it's the secret of the API, keep safe.
• TestNet: if enabled it will connect to Bitmex Demo Account (by default false).
• HTTPLogOptions: stores in a text file a log of HTTP requests
• Enabled: if enabled, will store all HTTP requests of WebSocket API.
• FileName: full path of filename where logs will be stored
WebSocket API
Subscribe / Unsubscribe
BitMEX allows subscribing to real-time data. This access is not rate-limited once connected and is the best
way to get the most up-to-date data to your programs. In some topics, you can pass a Symbol to filter events
by symbol, example: trades, quotes...
The following subscription topics are available without authentication:
• btmAnnouncement: Site Announcements
• btmChat: Trollbox chat
• btmConnected: Statistics of connected users/bots
• btmFunding: Updates of swap funding rates. Sent every funding interval (usually 8hrs)
• btmInstrument: Instrument updates including turnover and bid/ask
• btmInsurance: Daily Insurance Fund updates
• btmLiquidation: Liquidation orders as they're entered into the book
• btmOrderBookL2_25: Top 25 levels of level 2 order book
• btmOrderBookL2: Full level 2 order book
• btmOrderBook10: Top 10 levels using traditional full book push
If you wish to subscribe to user-locked streams, you must authenticate first. Note that invalid authentication
will close the connection.
BitMEX API usage requires an API Key.
Permanent API Keys can be locked to IP address ranges and revoked at will without compromising your
main credentials. They also do not require renewal.
To use API Key auth, you must generate an API Key in your account.
Cal method Authenticate before subscribe to any Authenticated Topic.
Method Description
This returns all raw transactions, which includes order opening and cancela
tion, and order status changes.
This returns more focused Transactions.
This returns all instruments and indices, including those that have settled or are
GetInstruments unlisted. Use this endpoint if you want to query for individual instruments or use
a complex filter.
GetOrders To get open orders only
PlaceOrder Place a raw order using TsgcHTTPBitmexOrder object.
PlaceMarketOrder Place a new MARKET order.
PlaceLimitOrder Place a new LIMIT order.
PlaceStopOrder Place a new STOP order.
PlaceStopLimitOrder Place a new STOPLIMIT order.
AmendOrder Modify an existing order.
CancelOrder Cancels an active Order.
CancelAllOrders Cancel All Active Orders.
CancelAllOrdersAfter Cancel All Orders after some time.
ClosePosition Close an open position.
GetOrderBook Get Current OrderBook in vertifcal format
GetPosition Get your positions.
SetPositionIsolate Enable isolated margin or cross-margin per position.
SetPositionLeverage Choose leverage per position.
SetPositionRiskLimit Update your risk limit.
Transfer equity in or out of a position.
GetQuotes Get Quotes
GetTrades Get Trades
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oBitmex := TsgcWSAPI_Bitmex.Create(nil);
oBitmex .Client := oClient;
oClient.Active := True;
Bitmex | Subscribe WebSocket Channel
Bitmex offers a variety of channels where you can subscribe to get real-time updates of market data, orders... Find
below a sample of how subscribe to a Trade Channel:
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oBitmex := TsgcWSAPI_Bitmex.Create(nil);
oBitmex.Client := oClient;
oBitmex.Subscribe(btmTrade, 'XBTUSD');
procedure OnBitmexMessage(Sender: TObject; const aTopic: TwsBitmexTopics; const aMessage: string);
// here you will receive the trade updates
Order Types
All orders require a symbol. All other fields are optional except when otherwise specified.
These are the valid ordTypes:
• Limit: The default order type. Specify an orderQty and price.
• Market: A traditional Market order. A Market order will execute until filled or your bankruptcy price is reached,
at which point it will cancel.
• Stop: A Stop Market order. Specify an orderQty and stopPx. When the stopPx is reached, the order will be
entered into the book.
◦ On sell orders, the order will trigger if the triggering price is lower than the stopPx. On buys, higher.
◦ Note: Stop orders do not consume margin until triggered. Be sure that the required margin is available
in your account so that it may trigger fully.
◦ Close Stops don't require an orderQty. See Execution Instructions below.
• StopLimit: Like a Stop Market, but enters a Limit order instead of a Market order. Specify
an orderQty, stopPx, and price.
• MarketIfTouched: Similar to a Stop, but triggers are done in the opposite direction. Useful for Take Profit or
• LimitIfTouched: As above; use for Take Profit Limit orders.
• Pegged: Pegged orders allow users to submit a limit price relative to the current market price. Specify
a pegPriceType, and pegOffsetValue.
◦ Pegged orders must have an execInst of Fixed. This means the limit price is set at the time the order
is accepted and does not change as the reference price changes.
◦ PrimaryPeg: Price is set relative to near touch price.
◦ MarketPeg: Price is set relative to far touch price.
◦ A pegPriceType submitted with no ordType is treated as a Pegged order.
Execution Instructions
◦ Note that a Close order without an orderQty requires a side, so that BitMEX knows if it should trigger
above or below the stopPx.
• LastWithinMark: Used by stop orders with LastPrice to allow stop triggers only when:
◦ For Sell Stop Market / Stop Limit Order
▪ Last Price <= Stop Price
▪ Last Price >= Mark Price × (1 - 5%)
◦ For Buy Stop Market / Stop Limit Order:
▪ Last Price >= Stop Price
▪ Last Price <= Mark Price × (1 + 5%)
• Fixed: Pegged orders must have an execInst of Fixed. This means the limit price is set at the time the order
is accepted and does not change as the reference price changes.
Pegged Orders
Pegged orders allow users to submit a limit price relative to the current market price. The limit price is set once
when the order is submitted and does not change with the reference price. This order type is not intended for spec
ulating on the far touch moving away after submission - we consider such behaviour abusive and monitor for it.
Pegged orders have an ordType of Pegged, and an execInst of Fixed.
A pegPriceType and pegOffsetValue must also be submitted:
• PrimaryPeg price is set relative to the near touch price
• MarketPeg price is set relative to the far touch price
Trailing Stops
If you want to keep track of order IDs yourself, set a unique clOrdID per order. This clOrdID will come back as a
property on the order and any related executions (including on the WebSocket), and can be used to get or cancel
the order. Max length is 36 characters.
API Bitfinex
Bitfinex is one of the world's largest and most advanced cryptocurrency trading platform. Users can exchange Bit
coin, Ethereum, Ripple, EOS, Bitcoin Cash, Iota, NEO, Litecoin, Ethereum Classic...
Bitfinex WebSocket API version is 2.0
Each message sent and received via the Bitfinex's WebSocket channel is encoded in JSON format
A symbol can be a trading pair or a margin currency:
• Trading pairs symbols are formed prepending a "t" before the pair (i.e tBTCUSD, tETHUSD).
• Margin currencies symbols are formed prepending an "f" before the currency (i.e fUSD, fBTC, ...)
After a successful connection, OnBitfinexConnect event is raised and you get Bitfinex API Version number as a
You can call Ping method to test connection to the server.
If the server sends any information, this can be handle using OnBitfinexInfoMessage event, where a Code and a
Message are parameters with information about the message sent by the server. Example codes:
20051 : Stop/Restart WebSocket Server (please reconnect)
20060 : Entering in Maintenance mode. Please pause any activity and resume after receiving the info mes
sage 20061 (it should take 120 seconds at most).
20061 : Maintenance ended. You can resume normal activity. It is advised to unsubscribe/subscribe again all
In case of error, OnBitfinexError will be raised, and information about error provided. Example error codes:
10000 : Unknown event
10001 : Unknown pair
In order to change the configuration, call Configuration method and pass as a parameter one of the following
CS_DEC_S = 8; // Enable all decimal as strings.
CS_TIME_S = 32; // Enable all times as date strings.
CS_SEQ_ALL = 65536; // Enable sequencing BETA FEATURE
CHECKSUM = 131072; // Enable checksum for every book iteration. Checks the top 25 entries for each side
of the book. The checksum is a signed int.
The ticker is a high level overview of the state of the market. It shows you the current best bid and ask, as well as
the last trade price. It also includes information such as daily volume and how much the price has moved over the
last day.
// Trading pairs
// Funding pairs
This channel sends a trade message whenever a trade occurs at Bitfinex. It includes all the pertinent details of the
trade, such as price, size and time.
The Order Books channel allows you to keep track of the state of the Bitfinex order book. It is provided on a price
aggregated basis, with customizable precision. After receiving the response, you will receive a snapshot of the
book, followed by updates upon any changes to the book.
These are the most granular books.
Provides a way to access charting candle info. Time Frames:
API Discord
Gateways are Discord's form of real-time communication over secure WebSockets. Clients will receive events and
data over the gateway they are connected to and send data over the REST API.
First you must generate a new Bot, and copy Bot Token which will be used to authenticate through API. Then set
this token in API Component.
TsgcWSAPI_Discord.DiscordOptions.BotOptions.Token := '... bot token here ...';
Maintaining a stateful application can be difficult when it comes to the amount of data you're expected to process,
especially at scale. Gateway Intents are a system to help you lower that computational burden.
When identifying to the gateway, you can specify an intents parameter which allows you to conditionally subscribe
to pre-defined "intents", groups of events defined by Discord. If you do not specify a certain intent, you will not re
ceive any of the gateway events that are batched into that group. The valid intents are (zero value means all events
are received):
GUILDS (1 << 0) = Integer (1)
GUILD_MEMBERS (1 << 1) = Integer (2)
GUILD_BANS (1 << 2) = Integer (4)
GUILD_EMOJIS (1 << 3) = Integer (8)
GUILD_INTEGRATIONS (1 << 4) = Integer (16)
GUILD_WEBHOOKS (1 << 5) = Integer (32)
GUILD_INVITES (1 << 6) = Integer (64)
GUILD_VOICE_STATES (1 << 7) = Integer (128)
GUILD_PRESENCES (1 << 8) = Integer (256)
GUILD_MESSAGES (1 << 9) = Integer (512)
GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS (1 << 10) = Integer (1024)
GUILD_MESSAGE_TYPING (1 << 11) = Integer (2048)
DIRECT_MESSAGES (1 << 12) = Integer (4096)
DIRECT_MESSAGE_REACTIONS (1 << 13) = Integer (8192)
DIRECT_MESSAGE_TYPING (1 << 14) = Integer (16384)
HeartBeats are automatically handle by component so you don't need to worry about it. When client connects to
server, server sends a HELLO response with heartbeat interval, component reads response and adjust automati
cally heartbeat so send a ping every x seconds. Sometimes server can send a ping to client, this is handled auto
matically by client too.
Connection Ready
When connection is ready, after a successful login and authorization by server, OnDiscordReady event is raised
and then you can start to receive updates from server.
Connection Resume
If connection closes unexpectedly, when client tries to reconnect, it calls OnDiscordBeforeReconnect event, com
ponent automatically saves all data needed to make a successful resume, but parameters can be changed if need
ed. If you don't want to reconnect and start a new clean session, just set Reconnect to False.
If session is resumed, OnDiscordResumed event is fired. If it's a new session, OnDiscordReady fill be fired.
Dispatch Events
Events are dispatched OnDiscordDispatch, so here you can read events sent by server to client.
procedure OnDiscordDispatch(Sender: TObject; const aEvent, RawData: string);
DoLog('#discord dispatch: ' + aEvent + ' ' + RawData);
result := GET_Request('/users/@me');
sample response from server:
"id": "637423922035480852",
"username": "test",
"avatar": null,
"discriminator": "5125",
"bot": true,
"email": null,
"verified": true,
"locale": "en-US",
"mfa_enabled": false,
"flags": 0
API Huobi
Huobi is an international multi-language cryptocurrency exchange.
K line data, including the opening price, closing price, highest price, lowest price, volume, turnover, number of
transactions, etc. per unit time interval $period Optional values: { 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, 4hour ,1day,
1mon, 1week, 1year }
"status": "ok",
"rep": "market.btcusdt.kline.1min",
"tick": [
"amount": 1.6206,
"count": 3,
"id": 1494465840,
"open": 9887.00,
"close": 9885.00,
"low": 9885.00,
"high": 9887.00,
"vol": 16021.632026
"amount": 2.2124,
"count": 6,
"id": 1494465900,
"open": 9885.00,
"close": 9880.00,
"low": 9880.00,
"high": 9885.00,
"vol": 21859.023500
Handbook depth, according to different step aggregation, buy one, buy two, buy three, and sell one, sell two, sell
three, etc. type Optional value: { step0, step1, step2, step3, step4, step5, percent10 } (combination depth 0-5);
when step0, no depth is merged
"ch": "market.btcusdt.depth.step0",
"ts": 1489474082831,
"tick": {
"bids": [
[9999.3900,0.0098], // [price, amount]
// more Market Depth data here
"asks": [
//more data here
Transaction record, including transaction price, volume, direction of transaction, etc.
"ch": "",
"ts": 1489474082831,
"tick": {
"id": 14650745135,
"ts": 1533265950234,
"data": [
"amount": 0.0099,
"ts": 1533265950234,
"id": 146507451359183894799,
"price": 401.74,
"direction": "buy"
// more Trade Detail data here
Last 24 hours of volume, turnover, opening price, closing price, highest price, lowest price, number of transac
tions, etc.
"rep": "market.btcusdt.detail",
"status": "ok",
"id": "id12",
"tick": {
"amount": 12224.2922,
"open": 9790.52,
"close": 10195.00,
"high": 10300.00,
"ts": 1494496390000,
"id": 1494496390,
"count": 15195,
"low": 9657.00,
"vol": 121906001.754751
Information on the daily K line, the last 24 hours of trading, etc.
OnHuobiSubscribed: event called after a successful subscription.
OnHuobiUnSubscribed: event called after a successful unsubscription.
OnHuobiUpdate: every time there is an update in data (kline, market depth...) this event is called.
OnHuobiError: if there is an error in Huobi API, this event will provide information about error.
WebSocket API allows getting real-time notifications without sending extra requests, making it a faster way to ob
tain data from the exchange
Cex component has a property called Cex where you can fill API Keys provided by Cex to get access to your ac
count data.
Message encoding
• All messages are encoded in JSON format.
• Prices are presented as strings to avoid rounding errors at JSON parsing on client side
• Compression of WebSocket frames is not supported by the server.
• Time is presented as integer UNIX timestamp in seconds.
To get access to CEX.IO WebSocket data, you should be authorized.
• Log in to CEX.IO account.
• Go to page.
• Select the type of required permissions.
• Click "Generate Key" button and save your secret key, as it will become inaccessible after activation.
• Activate your key.
• If a connected Socket is inactive for 15 seconds, CEX.IO server will send a PING message.
• Only server can be an Initiator of PING request.
• The server sends ping only to the authenticated user.
• The user has to respond with a PONG message. Otherwise, the WebSocket will be DISCONNECTED. This
is handled automatically by the library.
• For the authenticated user, in case there is no notification or ping from the server within 15 seconds, it would
be safer to send a request like 'ticker' or 'getbalance' and receive a response, in order to ensure connectivi
ty and authentication.
Public Channels
These channels don't require to Authenticate before. Responses from the server are received by OnCexMessage
• SubscribeTickers: Ticker feed with only price of transaction made on all pairs (deprecated)
"e": "tick",
"data": {
"symbol1": "BTC",
"symbol2": "USD",
"price": "428.0123"
• SubscribeChart: OHLCV chart feeds with Open, High, Low, Close, Volume numbers (deprecated)
'e': 'ohlcv24',
'pair': 'BTC:USD',
'data': [
• Subscribe Pair: Market Depth feed (deprecated)
'e': 'md_groupped',
'data': {
'pair': 'BTC:USD',
'id': 11296131,
'sell': {
'427.5000': 1000000,
'480.0000': 263544334,
'buy': {
'385.0000': 3630000,
'390.0000': 1452458642,
... 400+ pairs togather with 'sell' pairs
• Subscribe Pair: Order Book feed (deprecated)
'e': 'md',
'data': {
'pair': 'BTC:USD',
'buy_total': 63221099,
'sell_total': 112430315118,
'id': 11296131,
'sell': [
[426.45, 10000000],
[426.5, 66088429300],
[427, 1000000],
... 50 pairs overaall
'buy': [
[423.3, 4130702],
[423.2701, 10641168],
[423.2671, 1000000],
... 50 pairs overaall
Private Channels
To access these channels, first call Authenticate method. Responses from the server are received OnCexMessage
"e": "ticker",
"data": {
"timestamp": "1471427037",
"low": "290",
"high": "290",
"last": "290",
"volume": "0.02062068",
"volume30d": "14.38062068",
"bid": 240,
"ask": 290,
"pair": [
"oid": "1471427036908_1_ticker",
"ok": "ok"
"e": "get-balance",
"data": {
"balance": {
'LTC': '10.00000000',
'USD': '1024.00',
'RUB': '35087.98',
'EUR': '217.53',
'GHS': '10.00000000',
'BTC': '9.00000000'
"obalance": {
'BTC': '0.12000000',
'USD': "512.00",
"time": 1435927928597
"oid": "1435927928274_2_get-balance",
"ok": "ok"
"e": "order-book-subscibe",
"data": {
"timestamp": 1435927929,
"bids": [
"asks": [
"pair": "BTC:USD",
"id": 67809
"oid": "1435927928274_5_order-book-subscribe",
"ok": "ok"
"e": "order-book-unsubscribe",
"data": {
"pair": "BTC:USD"
"oid": "1435927928274_4_order-book-unsubscribe",
"ok": "ok"
"e": "open-orders",
"data": [
"id": "2477098",
"time": "1435927928618",
"type": "buy",
"price": "241.9477",
"amount": "0.02000000",
"pending": "0.02000000"
"id": "2477101",
"time": "1435927928634",
"type": "sell",
"price": "241.9493",
"amount": "0.02000000",
"pending": "0.02000000"
"oid": "1435927928274_9_open-orders",
"ok": "ok"
"e": "place-order",
"data": {
"complete": false,
"id": "2477098",
"time": 1435927928618,
"pending": "0.02000000",
"amount": "0.02000000",
"type": "buy",
"price": "241.9477"
"oid": "1435927928274_7_place-order",
"ok": "ok"
"e": "cancel-replace-order",
"data": {
"complete": false,
"id": "2689009",
"time": 1443464955904,
"pending": "0.04000000",
"amount": "0.04000000",
"type": "buy",
"price": "243.25"
"oid": "1443464955209_16_cancel-replace-order",
"ok": "ok"
In CEX.IO system, orders can be present in the trade engine or in an archive database. There can be time periods
(~2 seconds or more), when the order is done/cancelled, but still not moved to the archive database. That means
you cannot see it using calls: archived-orders/open-orders. This call allows getting order information in any case.
Responses can have different format depending on orders location.
"e": "get-order",
"data": {
"user": "XXX",
"type": "buy",
"symbol1": "BTC",
"symbol2": "USD",
"amount": "0.02000000",
"remains": "0.02000000",
"price": "50.75",
"time": 1450214742160,
"tradingFeeStrategy": "fixedFee",
"tradingFeeBuy": "5",
"tradingFeeSell": "5",
"tradingFeeUserVolumeAmount": "nil",
"a:USD:c": "1.08",
"a:USD:s": "1.08",
"a:USD:d": "0.00",
"status": "a",
"orderId": "5582060"
"oid": "1450214742135_10_get-order",
"ok": "ok"
"e": "cancel-order",
"data": {
"order_id": "2477098"
"time": 1443468122895
"oid": "1435927928274_12_cancel-order",
"ok": "ok"
"e": "archived-orders",
"data": [
"type": "buy",
"symbol1": "BTC",
"symbol2": "USD",
"amount": 0,
"amount2": 5000,
"remains": 0,
"time": "2015-04-17T10:46:27.971Z",
"tradingFeeBuy": "2",
"tradingFeeSell": "2",
"ta:USD": "49.00",
"fa:USD": "0.98",
"orderId": "2340298",
"status": "d",
"a:BTC:cds": "0.18151851",
"a:USD:cds": "50.00",
"f:USD:cds": "0.98"
"type": "buy",
"symbol1": "BTC",
"symbol2": "USD",
"amount": 0,
"amount2": 10000,
"remains": 0,
"time": "2015-04-08T15:46:04.651Z",
"tradingFeeBuy": "2.99",
"tradingFeeSell": "2.99",
"ta:USD": "97.08",
"fa:USD": "2.91",
"orderId": "2265315",
"status": "d",
"a:BTC:cds": "0.39869578",
"a:USD:cds": "100.00",
"f:USD:cds": "2.91"
"oid": "1435927928274 15_archived-orders",
"ok": "ok"
"e": "open-position",
"oid": "1435927928274_7_open-position",
"data": {
'amount': '1',
'symbol': 'BTC',
"pair": [
'leverage': '2',
'ptype': 'long',
'anySlippage': 'true',
'eoprice': '650.3232',
'stopLossPrice': '600.3232'
"e": "get_position",
"ok": "ok",
"data": {
"user": "ud100036721",
"pair": "BTC:USD",
"amount": "1.00000000",
"symbol": "BTC",
"msymbol": "USD",
"omamount": "1528.77",
"lsymbol": "USD",
"lamount": "3057.53",
"slamount": "3380.11",
"leverage": "3",
"stopLossPrice": "3380.1031",
"dfl": "3380.10310000",
"flPrice": "3057.53333333",
"otime": 1513002370342,
"psymbol": "BTC",
"ptype": "long",
"ofee": "10",
"pfee": "10",
"cfee": "10",
"tfeeAmount": "152.88",
"rinterval": "14400000",
"okind": "Manual",
"a:BTC:c": "1.00000000",
"a:BTC:s": "1.00000000",
"oorder": "89101551",
"pamount": "1.00000000",
"lremains": "3057.53",
"slremains": "3380.11",
"oprice": "4586.3000",
"status": "a",
"id": "125531",
"a:USD:cds": "4739.18"
'e': 'open_positions',
"oid": "1435927928256_7_open-positions",
'ok': 'ok',
'data': [
'user': 'ud100036721',
'id': '104102',
'otime': 1475602208467,
'symbol': 'BTC',
'amount': '1.00000000',
'leverage': '2',
'ptype': 'long',
'psymbol': 'BTC',
'msymbol': 'USD',
'lsymbol': 'USD',
'pair': 'BTC:USD',
'oprice': '607.5000'
'stopLossPrice': '520.3232',
'ofee': '1',
'pfee': '3',
'cfee': '4',
'tfeeAmount': '3.04',
'pamount': '1.00000000',
'omamount': '303.75',
'lamount': '303.75',
'oorder': '34106774',
'rinterval': '14400000',
'dfl': '520.32320000',
'slamount': '520.33',
'slremains': '520.33',
'lremains': '303.75',
'flPrice': '303.75000000',
'a:BTC:c': '1.00000000',
'a:BTC:s': '1.00000000',
'a:USD:cds': '610.54',
'e': 'close_position',
"oid": "1435927928364_7_close-position",
'ok': 'ok',
'data': {
'id': 104034,
'ctime': 1475484981063,
'ptype': 'long',
'msymbol': 'USD'
'pair': {
'symbol1': 'BTC',
'symbol2': 'USD'
'price': '607.1700',
'profit': '-12.48',
FXCM, also known as Forex Capital Markets, is a retail broker for trading on the foreign exchange market. FXCM
allows people to speculate on the foreign exchange market and provides trading in contract for difference (CFDs)
on major indices and commodities such as gold and crude oil. It is based in London.
FXCM offers a web-based REST API which can be used to establish secure connectivity with FXCM’s trading sys
tems for the purpose of receiving market data and trading.
FXCM sgcWebSockets component uses WebSocket ( and HTTP as transports to connect to a FXCM
To use the REST API, you will need:
• Access Token generated with Trading Station Web
• Demo: if enabled, it will connect to FXCM Demo server (by default false).
Once authenticated against server, FXCM uses websocket to receive unsolicited messages like price updates and
you can request data from server using HTTP methods.
• GetSymbols: Request a list of all available symbols.
• SubscribeMarketData: After subscribing, market price updates will be pushed to the client via the
• SubscribeTradingTables: Subscribes to the updates of the data models. Update will be pushed to
client via the socket. Type of update can be determined by "Model" Parameter.
• SnapshotTradingTables: In case continuous updates of the trading tables is not needed, it is possi
ble to request a one-time snapshot. Gets current content snapshot of the specified data models.
• Model choices:
• Offer
• OpenPosition
• ClosedPosition
• Order
• Summary
• LeverageProfile
• Account
• Properties
• UpdateSubscriptions: Offers table will show only symbols that we have subscribed to using
• TradingOrder: allows to send open orders, modify, close...
• GetHistoricalData: Allow user to retrieve candles for a given instrument at a given time frame. If time
range is specified, number of candles parameter is ignored, but still required. There is a limit on the
number of candles that can be returned in one request.
API 3Commas
APIs supported
• WebSockets API: connect to a public websocket server and provides real-time market data updates.
• REST API: The REST API has endpoints for account and order management as well as public market data.
WebSockets API
The websocket feed provides real-time market data updates for Trades and Deals
You can subscribe to the following Public channels:
Method Description
These channels requires Authenticate against 3Commas servers. So first request your API keys in your 3Commas
Account and then set the values in the property ThreeComas of the component:
• ApiKey
• ApiSecret
If the subscription is successful, the event OnThreeCommasConfirmSubscription will be called. If not, the event
OnThreeCommasRejectSubscription it's called, you can get the reason of the rejection using the aRawMessage
Test Connectivity
Method Description
Server Returns the server time
Supported Market
code of the All market pairs
GetCurren Currency rates and
code of the
cyRatesWith limits with leverage
market aPair:
LeverageData data
pair name
GetCurren code of the Currency rates and
cyRates market aPair: limits
pair name
aAccountId: if Load balances for
of the account specified exchange
Information about
GetAccount aAccountId: if all user balances
TableData of the accoun on specified ex
aAccountId: if
of the accoun Information about
aPair: pair account leverage
GetAccountIn aAccountId: if
Single Account Info
fo of the accoun
Smart Trades
aId: id of the Get a Smart Trade by
trade the Id of the Trade
aId: id of the Cancel a Smart Trade
trade by the Id of the Trade
MarketS aId: id of the
mart trade
When a new WebSocket connection is open
When a WebSocket connection is closed
When the client receives a Welcome message from 3Commas server, means the connection is ready.
Confirms a previously subscription sent by the client.
There is any error trying to subscribe to a 3Commas channel
Here the client receives the data sent by server related to the channels subscribed
Ping sent by server to the client.
If there is any error while calling HTTP REST methods, this event will be called.
API Blockchain
Blockchain WebSocket API allows developers to receive Real-Time notifications about new transactions and
Once WebSocket is open you can subscribe to a channel:
• SubscribeTransactions: Subscribe to notifications for all new bitcoin transactions.
• UnsubscribeTransactions: UnSubscribe to notifications for all new bitcoin transactions.
• SubscribeAddress: Receive new transactions for a specific bitcoin address.
• UnSubscribeAddress: Stop receiving new transactions for a specific bitcoin address.
Transactions are received OnNewTransaction Event:
"op": "utx",
"x": {
"lock_time": 0,
"ver": 1,
"size": 192,
"inputs": [
"sequence": 4294967295,
"prev_out": {
"spent": true,
"tx_index": 99005468,
"type": 0,
"addr": "1BwGf3z7n2fHk6NoVJNkV32qwyAYsMhkWf",
"value": 65574000,
"n": 0,
"script": "76a91477f4c9ee75e449a74c21a4decfb50519cbc245b388ac"
"script": "483045022100e4ff962c292705f051c2c2fc519fa775a4d8955bce1a3e29884b2785277999ed02200b537ebd22a9f25f
"time": 1440086763,
"tx_index": 99006637,
"vin_sz": 1,
"hash": "0857b9de1884eec314ecf67c040a2657b8e083e1f95e31d0b5ba3d328841fc7f",
"vout_sz": 1,
"relayed_by": "",
"out": [
"spent": false,
"tx_index": 99006637,
"type": 0,
"addr": "1A828tTnkVFJfSvLCqF42ohZ51ksS3jJgX",
"value": 65564000,
"n": 0,
"script": "76a914640cfdf7b79d94d1c980133e3587bd6053f091f388ac"
• SubscribeBlocks: Receive notifications when a new block is found. Note: if the chain splits you will receive
more than one notification for a specific block height.
• UnSubscribeBlocks: Stop receiving notifications when a new block is found. Note: if the chain splits you
will receive more than one notification for a specific block height.
Blocks are received OnNewBlock event:
"op": "block",
"x": {
"txIndexes": [
"nTx": 0,
"totalBTCSent": 0,
"estimatedBTCSent": 0,
"reward": 0,
"size": 0,
"blockIndex": 190460,
"prevBlockIndex": 190457,
"height": 170359,
"hash": "00000000000006436073c07dfa188a8fa54fefadf571fd774863cda1b884b90f",
"mrklRoot": "94e51495e0e8a0c3b78dac1220b2f35ceda8799b0a20cfa68601ed28126cfcc2",
"version": 1,
"time": 1331301261,
"bits": 436942092,
"nonce": 758889471
API Telegram
Telegram offers two kinds of APIs, one is Bot API which allows to create programs that use Bots and HTTPs as
protocol. Telegram API and TDLib allows to build customized Telegram clients and is much more powerful than
Bot API.
sgcWebSockets supports TDLib through tdjson library, which means that you can build your own telegram client.
TDLib takes care of all network implementation details, encryption and local data storage. TDLib supports all
Telegram features.
TDLib (Telegram Database Library) Advantages
• Cross-platform: can be used on Windows, Android, iOS, MacOS, Linux...
• Easy to use: uses json messages to communicate between application and telegram.
• High-performance: In the Telegram Bot API, each TDLib instance handles more than 24000 bots.
• Consistent: TDLib guarantees that all updates will be delivered in the right order.
• Reliable: TDLib remains stable on slow and unreliable internet connections.
• Secure: All local data is encrypted using a user-provided encryption key.
• Fully Asynchronous: Requests to TDLib don't block each other. Responses will be sent when they are
TDLib requires other third-parties libraries: OpenSSL and ZLib. These libraries must be deployed with tdjson library.
* Windows versions requires VCRuntime which can be download from microsoft:
Copy the following libraries in the same directory where is your application:
Windows 32 Windows 64
tdjson.dll tdjson.dll
libssl-1_1.dll libssl-1_1-x64.dll
zlib1.dll zlib1.dll
Deploy the library libtdjson.dylib to your device and you can set where is the library using SetTDJsonPath, exam
if you deploy to "Contents\MacOS\", you must set the path in System.SysUtils.GetCurrentDir folder.
Deploy the library to your device and set the library path calling the method SetTDJsonPath.
Deploy the library to your device. Example: if you deploy an Android64 library, set RemotePath
in Project/Deployment to "library\lib\arm64-v8a\". If is Android32, set RemotePath to "library\lib\armeabi-v7a\"
Copy the library libtdjson.a to these directories:
• C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\<IDE Version>\lib\iosDevice64\debug
• C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\<IDE Version>\lib\iosDevice64\release
oTelegram := TsgcTDLib_Telegram.Create(nil);
oTelegram.Telegram.API.ApiHash := 'your api hash';
oTelegram.Telegram.API.ApiId := 'your api id';
oTelegram.PhoneNumber := 'your phone number';
oTelegram.ApplicationVersion := '1.0';
oTelegram.DeviceModel := 'Desktop';
oTelegram.LanguageCode := 'en';
oTelegram.SystemVersion := 'Windows';
oTelegram.Active := true;
There are two events which can be called by library in order to get an Authentication Code (delivered in Telegram
Application, not SMS) or to provide a password.
This event is called when Telegram sends an Authorization Code to Telegram Application and user must copy this
code and set in Code argument of this event.
In Android, inputbox doesn't locks the thread, so instead of return the value introduced by user in Code parameter,
use the method SetAuthenticationCode to set the code value.
This event is called when Telegram requires that user set a password.
Authorization Status
Once authorization has started, you can check the status of authorization OnAuthorizationStatus event, this event
is called every time there is a change in status of authorization. Some values of Status are:
• authorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters
• authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey
• authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber
• authorizationStateWaitCode
• authorizationStateLoggingOut
• authorizationStateClosed
• authorizationStateReady
Connection Status
Once connection has started, you can check the status of connection OnConnectionStatus event, this event is
called every time there is a change in status of connection. Some values of Status are:
• connectionStateConnecting
• connectionStateUpdating
• connectionStateReady
TsgcTDLib_Telegram API Component support the most following methods.
Method Parameters Description
aChatId: Id of Chat
which message will be
sent aText: Text of Mes Sends a Text Message
sage. aInlineKeyboard: to a Chat
Optional Buttons (only
members. Members
will not be added until
the chat state has
been synchronized
with the server.
Returns information
GetChat aChatId: Chat Identifier.
about a single mem
Member aUserId: User Identifier.
ber of a chat.
GetBasic Returns full informa
aGroupId: Basic Group
Group tion about a basic
FullInfo group by its identifier.
aSuperGroupId: Identi
fier of the supergroup or
channel. aSupergroup
MembersFilter: The Returns information
type of users to return. about members or
By default null aOffset: banned users in a su
Number of users to skip. pergroup or channel.
aLimit: The maximum
number of users be re
turned; up to 200.
Uses an invite link to
add the current user to
the chat if possible.
aLink: Invite link to im The new member will
port; not be added until the
chat state has been
synchronized with the
aUserId: Identifier of Creates a new secret
the user. chat.
aUserIds: Identifiers of
the users to be added to Creates a new basic
the chat. aTitle: Title of group
the new basic group
aTitle: Title of the new
SuperGroup aIsChan
nel: True, if a channel Creates a new super
chat should be created. group or channel.
aDescription: Chat De
aUserId: Identifier of
the user. aForce: If true,
the chat will be created
Returns an existing
CreatePri without network request.
chat corresponding to
vateChat In this case all informa
a given user
tion about the chat ex
cept its type, title and
photo can be incorrect
aOffsetOrder: Chat or Returns an ordered list
der to return chats from of chats. Chats are
aOffsetChatId: Chat sorted by the pair (or
identifier to return chats der, chat_id) in de
oTelegram := TsgcTDLib_Telegram.Create(nil);
oTelegram.Telegram.API.ApiHash := 'your api hash';
oTelegram.Telegram.API.ApiId := 'your api id';
oTelegram.PhoneNumber := 'your phone number';
oTelegram.Active := true;
oTelegram.SendTextMessage('1234', 'My First Message from sgcWebSockets');
oTelegram := TsgcTDLib_Telegram.Create(nil);
oTelegram.Telegram.API.ApiHash := 'your api hash';
oTelegram.Telegram.API.ApiId := 'your api id';
oTelegram.PhoneNumber := 'your phone number';
oTelegram.Active := true;
oTelegram.TDLibSend('{"@type": "joinChat", "chat_id": "1234"}');
Check the following url to know all JSON methods: Telegram JSON API.
This event is called when JSON message is received by Telegram API component and is still not processed. Set
Handled property to True if you process this event manually or don't want that event is processed by component.
You can use this event to log all messages too.
This event is called when a New Message Text has been received, read MessageText parameter to access to mes
sage text properties.
• ChatId: Chat Identifier.
• MessageId: Message Identifier.
• SenderUserId: Sender Identifier.
• Text: Text of message.
This event is called when a New Document Message is received. Access to MessageDocument to get access to
Document properties.
• ChatId: Chat Identifier.
• MessageId: Message Identifier.
• SenderUserId: Sender Identifier.
• FileName: Name of Document.
• DocumentId: Document Identifier.
• LocalPath: full path to local file if exists.
• MimeType: Mime-type of document.
• Size: Size of Document.
• RemoteDocumentId: Remote Document Identifier.
This event is called when a New Photo Message is received. Access to MessagePhoto to get access to Photo
• ChatId: Chat Identifier.
• MessageId: Message Identifier.
• SenderUserId: Sender Identifier.
• PhotoId: Photo Identifier.
• LocalPath: full path to local file if exists.
• Size: Size of Photo.
• RemotePhotoId: Remote Photo Identifier.
This event is called when a New Video Message is received. Access to MessageVideo to get access to Video prop
• ChatId: Chat Identifier.
• MessageId: Message Identifier.
• SenderUserId: Sender Identifier.
• VideoId: Photo Identifier.
• LocalPath: full path to local file if exists.
• Width: width of video.
• Height: height of video.
• Duration: duration in seconds of video.
• Size: Size of Video.
• RemoteVideoId: Remote Photo Identifier.
This event is called when a new chat is received.
• ChatId: Chat Identifier.
• ChatType: Chat Type (chatTypeSupergroup, chatTypePrivate...)
• Title: Chat name.
• SuperGroupId: Group Id if is a SuperGroup.
• IsChannel: returns if is channel or not.
This event is called when a new incoming callback query is received; for bots only.
• Id: Unique query identifier.
• SenderUserId: Identifier of the user who sent the query.
• ChatId: Identifier of the chat, in which que query was sent.
• MessageId: Identifier of the message, from which the query originated.
• ChatInstance: Identifier that uniquely corresponds to the chat to which the message was sent.
• PayloadData: the payload from a general callback button.
• Data: Data that was attached to the callback button.
This event is called when a new Event is received by API Component. Can be used to process some events not
implemented by API Component.
• Event: Event name (events like: updateOption, updateUser...)
MyId: returns the User Identifier of current user.
oTelegram := TsgcTDLib_Telegram.Create(nil);
oTelegram.Telegram.API.ApiHash := 'your api hash';
oTelegram.Telegram.API.ApiId := 'your api id';
oTelegram.PhoneNumber := 'your phone number';
oTelegram.ApplicationVersion := '1.0';
oTelegram.DeviceModel := 'Desktop';
oTelegram.LanguageCode := 'en';
oTelegram.SystemVersion := 'Windows';
oTelegram.Active := true;
procedure OnAuthenticationCode(Sender: TObject; var Code: string);
Code := InputBox('Telegram Code', 'Introduce code', '');
procedure OnMessageText(Sender: TObject; MessageText: TsgcTelegramMessageText);
Log('Message Received: ' + MessageText.Text);
procedure OnConnectionStatus(Sender: TObject; const Status: string);
if Status = 'connectionStateReady' then
oTelegram.SendTextMessage('1234', 'Hello Telegram!');
Telegram | Send Telegram Message With In
line Buttons
Telegram API allows to send messages with inline buttons to select options as an answer (this option is only avail
able for bots).
Before you send a message create an instance of the class TsgcTelegramReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard and call
the method AddButtonTypeCallback or AddButtonTypeUrl for every button you want to create.
Create a new message asking the user if likes or not the message and a link to answer a poll. Process the re
sponse using OnNewCallbackQuery event.
oReplyMarkup := TsgcTelegramReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard.Create;
oReplyMarkup.AddButtonTypeCallback('Yes', 'I like it');
oReplyMarkup.AddButtonTypeCallback('No', 'I hate it');
oReplyMarkup.AddButtonTypeUrl('Poll', '');
sgcTelegram.SendTextMessage('123456', 'Do you like the message?', oReplyMarkup);
oReplyMarkup := TsgcTelegramReplyMarkupShowKeyboard.Create;
oReplyMarkup.AddButtonTypeRequestPhoneNumber('Give me your phone');
sgcTelegram.SendTextMessage('123456', 'Please provide the information below', nil, oReplyMarkup);
Markdown Syntax
• Bold [ * ]
**This is Bold**
• Italic [ _ ]
__This is Italic__
• Strike [ - ]
--This is Strike--
• Underline [ ~ ]
~~This is Underline~~
• Code [ # ]
##This is Monospace##
Add Proxy
In order to configure a HTTP Proxy, first you must add the proxy to telegram configuration, to do this, just call Ad
dProxyHTTP and if successful, a message will be returned with the new proxy added. Once the proxy has been
added to the list, just call EnableProxy and pass the ID of the proxy received on the confirmation message.
Remove Proxy
Call RemoveProxy method and pass the ID of the proxy you want remove.
oTelegram := TsgcTDLib_Telegram.Create(nil);
oTelegram.Telegram.API.ApiHash := 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMN';
oTelegram.Telegram.API.ApiId := '1234';
oTelegram.PhoneNumber := '008745744155';
oTelegram.Active := true;
The Source RCON Protocol is a TCP/IP-based communication protocol used by Source Dedicated Server, which
allows console commands to be issued to the server via a "remote console", or RCON. The most common use of
RCON is to allow server owners to control their game servers without direct access to the machine the server is
running on.
The RCON_Options allows to configure the following properties:
• Host: server remote address.
• Port: server listening port.
• Password: is the secret string used to authenticate against the server
Use the property Active to Connect / Disconnect from server.
When Active is set to True, the client tries to connect to the server, if can connect, it will try to authenticate using the
provided password.
The server will send a response to a Authentication request, the event OnAuthenticate will be called and you can
read if authentication is successful or not using the Authenticate parameter.
Send Commands
Use the method ExecCommand to send commands to the server. The responses will be available OnResponse
oRCON := TsgcLib_RCON.Create(nil);
oRCON.RCON_Options.Host := '';
oRCON.RCON_Options.Port := 25575;
oRCON.RCON_Options.Password := 'test';
oRCON.Active := True;
CryptoHopper it's an automated crypto trading bot that allows to automate trading and portfolio management for
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and more.
Requires a Developer Account and once you have been approved you can start to create a new App. The API us
es OAuth2 to authenticate, so you can retrieve the client_id and client_secret from your App.
oCryptoHopper := TsgcHTTP_Cryptohopper.Create(nil);
oCryptoHopper.CryptoHopperOptions.OAuth2.ClientId := 'client_id';
oCryptoHopper.CryptoHopperOptions.OAuth2.ClientSecret := 'client_secret';
oCryptoHopper.CryptoHopperOptions.OAuth2.LocalIP := '';
oCryptoHopper.CryptoHopperOptions.OAuth2.LocalPort := 8080;
oCryptoHopper.CryptoHopperOptions.OAuth2.Scope.Text := "read,notifications,manage,trade";
CryptoHopper uses HTTPs as the protocol to send Requests to the API. Some methods requires authentication
(place orders, retrieve user data...) and some others are public (get exchange data for example).
The functions returns the CryptoHopper response and if there is any error an exception will be raised.
Manage Basic Hopper Operations.
Method Description
Get Hoppers of users.
Create configura
Create a new Hopper.
Hopper tion json
GetHop aId: hopper
Retrieve Hopper
per id
Delete aId: hopper
Delete Hopper
Hopper id
aId: hopper
id aBody:
configura Update Hopper
tion json
Manage the Orders of your Hopper.
Method Description
aId: hopper Retrieve all of the open or
id ders of the hopper.
aId: hopper
id aOrder:
Create new buy or sell or
Create instance of
der. For sell, rather use the
NewOrder Ts
sell endpoint.
aId: hopper
id aOrder
cthosBuy or
PlaceMarke cthosSell.
Place a Market Order.
tOrder aCoin: coin
name, ex
ample: EOS
order size.
aId: hopper
id aOrder
cthosBuy or
PlaceLimi aCoin: coin Place a Limit Order
tOrder name, ex
ample: EOS
order size.
aPrice: limit
aId: hopper
id Deletes order for selected
aOrderId: hopper.
order id
DeleteAl aId: hopper Deletes all open order for
lOrders id selected hopper.
aId: hopper
id Get open order in hopper by
aOrderId: id.
order id
aId: hopper
CancelOrder Cancel an open order.
order id
Manage the Positions of your Hopper.
Method Description
types sepa
ted by com
DeleteWeb aURL: web
Delete an existing Webhook.
hook hook url
Send Signals to CryptoHopper API.
Method Description
aSignal: is
the class
with all the
SendSignal fields re Sends a Signal
quired to
send a sig
aSignal: is
the class
with all the
fields re Sends a Test Signal
quired to
send a sig
id of the
signal. aEx
Retrieve some of the signal sta
GetSignalStats change:
name of the
/* OAuth2 */
cryptohopper.CryptohopperOptions.OAuth2.ClientId = 'client_id';
cryptohopper.CryptohopperOptions.OAuth2.ClientSecret := 'client_secret';
cryptohopper.CryptohopperOptions.OAuth2.LocalIP := '';
cryptohopper.CryptohopperOptions.OAuth2.LocalPort := 8080;
/* Webhook */
cryptohopper.CryptohopperOptions.Webhook.Enabled := True;
cryptohopper.CryptohopperOptions.Webhook.Host := '';
cryptohopper.CryptohopperOptions.Webhook.Port := 443;
cryptohopper.CryptohopperOptions.Webhook.ValidationCode := '1234';
cryptohopper.CryptohopperOptions.Webhook.SSLOptions.CertFile := 'sgc.pem';
cryptohopper.CryptohopperOptions.Webhook.SSLOptions.KeyFile := 'sgc.pem';
cryptohopper.CryptohopperOptions.Webhook.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := 'sgc.pem';
cryptohopper.CryptohopperOptions.Webhook.SSLOptions.Password := '';
RTCMultiConnection is a WebRTC JavaScript library for peer-to-peer applications (screen sharing, audio/video
conferencing, file sharing, media streaming etc.)
The RTCMultiConnection requires a WebSocket server for Signaling, so link the server property of RTCMultiCon
nection to a WebSocket Server (like TsgcWebSocketHTTTPServer). Find below the properties you must configure.
Host: is the public IP address or DNS name of WebSocket server.
Port: is the listening port of WebSocket Server.
Is the configuration of the ICE servers (STUN/TURN) to allow communicate between peers. Example:
"urls": ""},
"urls": "",
"username": "user",
"credential": "secret"
Here you can configure the Video Resolution of Video Conferences, as higher is the resolution, more bandwidth is
required by the connection.
Configure for every Application which is the name of the HTML page that servers this content.
Example: if the server is running on website on port 8443 and the
HTMLDocuments.VideoConferencing = /RTCMultiConnection-VideoConferencing.html, the url to access the Video
Conferencing will be
WebRTC requires a secure connection (HTTPs) so requires the use of certificates, read more Server SSL.
Name Description
Multi-user (many-to-many) video chat using
mesh networking model.
Screen Multi-user (one-to-many) screen sharing using
Sharing star topology.
Multi-user (one-to-many) video broadcasting
using star topology.
WebSocket protocol is designed to be extended. WebSocket Clients may request extensions and WebSocket
Servers may accept some or all extensions requested by clients.
Extensions supported:
1. Deflate-Frame: compress WebSocket frames.
2. PerMessage-Deflate: compress WebSocket messages.
Extensions | PerMessage-Deflate
PerMessage is a WebSocket protocol extension, if the extension is supported by Server and Client, both can com
press transmitted messages:
• Uses Deflate as the compression method.
• Compression only applies to Application data (control frames and headers are not affected).
• Server and client can select which messages will be compressed.
This value is not negotiated between Server and Client. when set to 1, it uses the least memory, but slows down
the compression algorithm and reduces the compression ratio; when set to 9, it uses the most memory and delivers
the best performance. By default is set to 1.
* Indy version provided with Rad Studio XE2 raises an exception because of zlib version mismatch with initialization
functions, to fix this, just update your Indy version to latest.
Extensions | Deflate-Frame
Is a WebSocket protocol extension which allows the compression of frames sent using WebSocket protocol, sup
ported by WebKit browsers like chrome or safari. This extension is supported on Server and Client Components.
This extension has been deprecated.
* Indy version provided with Rad Studio XE2 raises an exception because or zlib version mismatch with initializa
tion functions, to fix this, just update your Indy version to latest.
The Internet of things (IoT) refers to the concept of extending Internet connectivity beyond conventional computing
platforms such as personal computers and mobile devices, and into any range of traditionally "dumb" or non-inter
net-enabled physical devices and everyday objects. Embedded with electronics, Internet connectivity, and other
forms of hardware (such as sensors), these devices can communicate and interact with others over the Internet,
and they can be remotely monitored and controlled.
sgcWebSockets package implements the following IoT clients:
1. Amazon AWS IoT: AWS IoT provides secure, bi-directional communication between Internet-connected devices
such as sensors, actuators, embedded micro-controllers, or smart appliances and the AWS Cloud. This enables
you to collect telemetry data from multiple devices, and store and analyze the data. You can also create applica
tions that enable your users to control these devices from their phones or tablets.
2. Azure IoT Hub: IoT Hub is a managed service, hosted in the cloud, that acts as a central message hub for bi-di
rectional communication between your IoT application and the devices it manages. You can use Azure IoT Hub to
build IoT solutions with reliable and secure communications between millions of IoT devices and a cloud-hosted so
lution backend.
Message broker
Provides a secure mechanism for devices and AWS IoT applications to publish and receive messages from each
other. You can use either the MQTT protocol directly or MQTT over WebSocket to publish and subscribe.
The AWS IoT message broker is a publish/subscribe broker service that enables the sending and receiving of mes
sages to and from AWS IoT. When communicating with AWS IoT, a client sends a message addressed to a topic
like Sensor/temp/room1.
The message broker, in turn, sends the message to all clients that have registered to receive messages for that
topic. The act of sending the message is referred to as publishing. The act of registering to receive messages for a
topic filter is referred to as subscribing.
The topic namespace is isolated for each AWS account and region pair. For example, the Sensor/temp/room1 topic
for an AWS account is independent from the Sensor/temp/room1 topic for another AWS account. This is true of re
gions, too. The Sensor/temp/room1 topic in the same AWS account in us-east-1 is independent from the same top
ic in us-east-2. AWS IoT does not support sending and receiving messages across AWS accounts and regions.
The message broker maintains a list of all client sessions and the subscriptions for each session. When a message
is published on a topic, the broker checks for sessions with subscriptions that map to the topic. The broker then for
wards the publish message to all sessions that have a currently connected client.
MQTT Client
TsgcIoTAmazon_MQTT_Client is the component used for connect to AWS IoT, one client can connect to only one
device. Client connects using plain MQTT protocol and authenticates using a X.509 Client Certificate.
In order to connect to AWS IoT, client needs the following properties:
Amazon.ClientId: identification of client, optional.
Amazon.Endpoint: server name where MQTT client will connect.
Amazon.Port: by default uses port 8883. If port is 443, uses ALPN automatically to connect (Requires cus
tom Indy version).
AWS IoT Core supports devices and clients that use the MQTT and the MQTT over WebSocket Secure (WSS) pro
tocols to publish and subscribe to messages. The following table lists the protocols that the AWS IoT device end
points support and the authentication methods and ports they use.
Protocol Port Protocol
MQTT over Signature
WebSocket Version 4
MQTT over Custom Au
WebSocket thentication
Certificates Authentication
Requires to create certificates in your Amazon AWS console and set the path were are stored.
Using OpenSSL as IOHandler you must set the certificate in the following paths
Certificate.Enabled: set to True if you want use certificates.
Certificate.CertFile: path to X.509 client certificate.
Certificate.KeyFile: path to X.509 client key file.
Using SChannel as IOHandler, first convert the PEM Certificate + Key to a PFX certificate, requires openssl bina
Then set the following paths (there is no need to set the keyfile because is already included in the certificate).
Certificate.Enabled: set to True if you want use certificates.
Certificate.CertFile: path to PFX certificate
SignatureV4 Authentication
Requires create an user in your Amazon AWS console and save the Access and Secret key which will be used to
Sign the WebSocket request.
SignatureV4.Enabled: set to True if you want use this type of Authentication.
SignatureV4.Region: the region were is located your device (example: us-east-1).
SignatureV4.AccessKey: the access key created in your amazon console or get as temporary credential
SignatureV4.SecretKey: the secret key created in your amazon console or get as temporary credential
SignatureV4.SessionToken: (conditional) if you are using Temporary Security Credentials, set here the se
curity token.
OpenSSL_Options: configuration of the openSSL libraries.
APIVersion: allows to define which OpenSSL API will be used.
oslAPI_1_0: uses API 1.0 OpenSSL, it's latest supported by Indy
oslAPI_1_1: uses API 1.1 OpenSSL, requires our custom Indy library and allows to use
OpenSSL 1.1.1 libraries (with TLS 1.3 support).
oslAPI_3_0: uses API 3.0 OpenSSL, requires our custom Indy library and allows to use
OpenSSL 3.0.0 libraries (with TLS 1.3 support).
LibPath: here you can configure where are located the openSSL libraries
oslpNone: this is the default, the openSSL libraries should be in the same folder where is the
binary or in a known path.
oslpDefaultFolder: sets automatically the openSSL path where the libraries should be located
for all IDE personalities.
oslpCustomFolder: if this is the option selected, define the full path in the property LibPath
LibPathCustom: when LibPath = oslpCustomFolder define here the full path where are located the
openSSL libraries.
UnixSymLinks: enable or disable the loading of SymLinks under Unix systems (by default is en
abled, except under OSX64):
oslsSymLinksDefault: by default are enabled except under OSX64 (after MacOS Monterey
fails trying to load the library without version.).
oslsSymLinksLoadFirst: Load SymLinks and do before trying to load the version libraries.
oslsSymLinksLoad: Load SymLinks after trying to load the version libraries.
oslsSymLinksDontLoad: don't load the SymLinks.
*SignatureV4 requires Indy 10.5.7+
Custom Authentication
Custom authentication enables you to define how to authenticate and authorize clients by using authorizer re
sources. The device passes credentials in either the request’s header fields or query parameters (for MQTT over
WebSockets protocols) or in the user name and password field of the MQTT CONNECT message (for the MQTT
and MQTT over WebSockets protocols).
CustomAuthentication.Enabled: set to True if you want to use this type of Authentication.
CustomAuthentication.Parameters: set here the query parameters which will be passed to the server (by
default is /mqtt)
CustomAuthentication.Headers: here you can put the custom header fields.
CustomAuthentication.WebSockets: if set to true, the connection will work over WebSocket protocol, oth
erwise will work over plain TCP.
MQTTAuthentication.Enabled: if you need to pass the username/password in the mqtt connection, enable
this property
MQTTAuthentication.Username: username of the mqtt connection
MQTTAuthentication.Password: secret of the mqtt connection.
Client can send optionally a ClientId to identifiy client connection, then others clients can subscribe to receive a no
tification every time this client has connected, subscribed, disconnected...
If you can't connect using port 8883 and use TCP as transport (which is the default), amazon takes "AWS IoT Core
policy" to provide or not authorization to clients and subscriptions. Most probably you must authorize your client id.
Enter in your Amazon AWS console, go to IoT Core and access the menu "Secure/Policies", there select the policy
attached to your IoT Thing and check at the end how connection is configured. Example:
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
This configuration means that only clients with ID: sdk-java, basicPubSub and sdk-nodejs-* will be allowed to con
nect. Change accordingly and try again.
If it still doesn't work, enable log and check in cloudwatch the reason why you can't connect.
Other properties
MQTTHeartBeat: if enabled try to keeps alive MQTT connection sending a ping every x seconds.
Interval: number of seconds between each ping.
Amazon MQTT implementation is based on MQTT version 3.1.1 but it deviates from the specification as follows:
• In AWS IoT, subscribing to a topic with Quality of Service (QoS) 0 means a message is delivered zero or
more times. A message might be delivered more than once. Messages delivered more than once might be
sent with a different packet ID. In these cases, the DUP flag is not set.
• AWS IoT does not support publishing and subscribing with QoS 2. The AWS IoT message broker does not
send a PUBACK or SUBACK when QoS 2 is requested.
• When responding to a connection request, the message broker sends a CONNACK message. This mes
sage contains a flag to indicate if the connection is resuming a previous session. The value of this flag might
be incorrect if two MQTT clients connect with the same client ID simultaneously.
• When a client subscribes to a topic, there might be a delay between the time the message broker sends a
SUBACK and the time the client starts receiving new matching messages.
• The MQTT specification provides a provision for the publisher to request that the broker retain the last mes
sage sent to a topic and send it to all future topic subscribers. AWS IoT does not support retained mes
sages. If a request is made to retain messages, the connection is disconnected.
• The message broker uses the client ID to identify each client. The client ID is passed in from the client to the
message broker as part of the MQTT payload. Two clients with the same client ID are not allowed to be con
nected concurrently to the message broker. When a client connects to the message broker using a client ID
that another client is using, a CONNACK message is sent to both clients and the currently connected client
is disconnected.
• On rare occasions, the message broker might resend the same logical PUBLISH message with a different
packet ID.
• The message broker does not guarantee the order in which messages and ACK are received.
oClient := TsgcIoTAmazon_MQTT_Client.Create(nil);
oClient.Amazon.Endpoint := '';
oClient.Amazon.ClientId := 'sgcWebSockets';
oClient.Certificate.CertFile := 'amazon-certificate.pem.crt';
oClient.Certificate.KeyFile := 'amazon-private.pem.key';
oClient.OnMQTTConnect := OnMQTTConnectEvent;
oClient.Active := True;
procedure OnMQTTConnect(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const Session: Boolean; const ReturnCode: TmqttConnReturnCode)
ShowMessage('Connected to AWS');
The message broker uses topics to route messages from publishing clients to subscribing clients. The forward
slash (/) is used to separate topic hierarchy. The following table lists the wildcards that can be used in the topic filter
when you subscribe. # Must be the last character in the topic to which you are subscribing. Works as a wildcard by
matching the current tree and all subtrees.
For example, a subscription to Sensor/# receives messages published to Sensor/, Sensor/temp, Sensor/temp/
room1, but not the messages published to Sensor.
+ Matches exactly one item in the topic hierarchy. For example, a subscription to Sensor/+/room1 receives mes
sages published to Sensor/temp/room1, Sensor/moisture/room1, and so on.
oClient := TsgcIoTAmazon_MQTT_Client.Create(nil);
oClient.OnSubscribe := OnSubscribeEvent;
vPacketIdentifier := oClient.Subscribe('Sensor/moisture/room1');
procedure OnMQTTSubscribe(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; aPacketIdentifier: Word; aCodes: TsgcWSSUBACKS);
if vPacketIdentifier = aPacketIdentifier then
ShowMessage('Subscribed to topic Sensor/moisture/room1');
// Client, can send a message using Publish method.
oClient.Publish('Sensor/moisture/room1', '{"temp"=10}');
// Messages received from server, are dispatched OnMQTTPublishEvent.
procedure OnMQTTPublish(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; aTopic, aText: string);
DoLog('Received Message: ' + aTopic + ' ' + aText);
Reserved Topics
Following methods are used to subscribe / publish to reserved topics.
Subscribe_ClientConnected(const aClientId: String): AWS IoT publishes to this topic when an MQTT client
with the specified client ID connects to AWS IoT
Subscribe_ClientDisconnected(const aClientId: String): AWS IoT publishes to this topic when an MQTT
client with the specified client ID disconnects to AWS IoT
Subscribe_ClientSubscribed(const aClientId: String): AWS IoT publishes to this topic when an MQTT client
with the specified client ID subscribes to an MQTT topic
Subscribe_ClientUnSubscribed(const aClientId: String): AWS IoT publishes to this topic when an MQTT
client with the specified client ID unsubscribes to an MQTT topic
Publish_Rule(const aRuleName, aText: String): A device or an application publishes to this topic to trigger
rules directly
Publish_DeleteShadow(const aThingName, aText: String): A device or an application publishes to this topic
to delete a shadow
Subscribe_DeleteShadow(const aThingName: String): A device or an application subscribe to this topic to
delete a shadow
Subscribe_ShadowDeleted(const aThingName: String): The Device Shadow service sends messages to this
topic when a shadow is deleted
Subscribe_ShadowRejected(const aThingName: String): The Device Shadow service sends messages to
this topic when a request to delete a shadow is rejected
Publish_ShadowGet(const aThingName, aText: String): An application or a thing publishes an empty mes
sage to this topic to get a shadow
Subscribe_ShadowGet(const aThingName: String): An application or a thing subscribe to this topic to get a
Subscribe_ShadowGetAccepted(const aThingName: String): The Device Shadow service sends messages
to this topic when a request for a shadow is made successfully
Subscribe_ShadowGetRejected(const aThingName: String): The Device Shadow service sends messages
to this topic when a request for a shadow is rejected
Publish_ShadowUpdate(const aThingName, aText: String): A thing or application publishes to this topic to
update a shadow
Persistent Sessions
A persistent session represents an ongoing connection to an MQTT message broker. When a client connects to the
AWS IoT message broker using a persistent session, the message broker saves all subscriptions the client makes
during the connection. When the client disconnects, the message broker stores unacknowledged QoS 1 messages
and new QoS 1 messages published to topics to which the client is subscribed. When the client reconnects to the
persistent session, all subscriptions are reinstated and all stored messages are sent to the client at a maximum rate
of 10 messages per second.
You create an MQTT persistent session setting the cleanSession parameter to False OnMQTTBeforeConnect
event. If no session exists for the client, a new persistent session is created. If a session already exists for the
client, it is resumed.
Devices need to look at the Session attribute in the OnMQTTConnect event to determine if a persistent session is
present. If Session is True, a persistent session is present and stored messages are delivered to the client. If Ses
sion is False, no persistent session is present and the client must re-subscribe to its topic filters.
Persistent sessions have a default expiry period of 1 hour. The expiry period begins when the message broker de
tects that a client disconnects (MQTT disconnect or timeout). The persistent session expiry period can be in
creased through the standard limit increase process. If a client has not resumed its session within the expiry period,
the session is terminated and any associated stored messages are discarded. The expiry period is approximate,
sessions might be persisted for up to 30 minutes longer (but not less) than the configured duration.
Temporary Credentials
AWS IoT Core can work with Temporary Credentials obtained through Identity Pools, there are 2 types of Identities:
• UnAuthenticated: only requires to set the policy type in the IAM
• Authenticated: requires to set the policy type in IAM and AWS IoT Core policies
If you are using Unauthenticated credentials, just attach the policy in the UnAuthenticated Role automatically creat
ed in the IAM menu. Then configure the client setting the Access, Secret Key and Token returned by Cognito ser
Find below a code in .NET to get unauthenticated credentials
Authenticated credentials, requires to attache de policy in the Authenticated Role automatically created in the IAM
menu and attach the policy of the user in AWS IoT Core policies.
So create a new policy in the IoT Core policies menu and every time a new user authenticates, attach this policy to
this user.
You can use the following command of AWS to attach a policy or create a lambda function.
aws iot attach-policy --policy-name PolicyName --target us-east-1:XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-
Message broker
IoT Hub gives you a secure communication channel for your devices to send data. IoT Hub and the device SDKs
support the following protocols for connecting devices:
• MQTT over WebSockets
Multiple authentication types support a variety of device capabilities:
• SAS token-based authentication to quickly get started with your IoT solution.
• Individual X.509 certificate authentication for secure, standards-based authentication.
MQTT Client
TsgcIoTAzure_MQTT_Client is the component used for connect to Azure IoT, one client can connect to only one
device. Client connects using plain MQTT protocol and authenticates using SAS / X.509 Client Certificate.
In order to connect to Azure IoT Hub, client needs the following properties:
Azure.IoTHub: server name where MQTT client will connect.
Azure.DeviceId: name of device in azure IoT Hub.
Azure allows multiple authentication types, by default uses SAS tokens.
SAS Authentication
SAS.Enabled: enable if authentication uses SAS.
SAS.SecretKey: here SAS Token from your Azure IoT Account.
SAS.Expiry: set the number of minutes before SAS Token expires. Default value is 1440 (24 hours).
X509 Certificates
Using OpenSSL as IOHandler
Certificate.Enabled: enable if authentication uses certificates.
Certificate.CertFile: path to X.509 client certificate.
Certificate.KeyFile: path to X.509 client key file.
Certificate.Password: if certificate has a password set here.
oClient := TsgcIoTAzure_MQTT_Client.Create(nil);
oClient.Azure.IoTHub := '';
oClient.Azure.DeviceId := 'YourDeviceId';
oClient.SAS.Enabled := True;
oClient.SAS.SecretKey := 'YourSecretKey';
oClient.OnMQTTConnect := OnMQTTConnectEvent;
oClient.Active := True;
procedure OnMQTTConnect(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const Session: Boolean; const
ReturnCode: TmqttConnReturnCode);
ShowMessage('Connected to Azure IoT Hub');
Device To Cloud
When sending information from the device app to the solution back end, IoT Hub exposes following options:
oClient.Send_DeviceToCloud('{"temp"=10}', azuIoTQoS1);
You can send key-value properties using a TStringList, just fill the TStringList with the desired message properties
and pass these as argument.
oProperties := TStringList.Create;
oProperties.AddPair('prop_name1', 'prop_value1');
oProperties.AddPair('prop_name2', 'prop_value2');
oClient.Send_DeviceToCloud('{"temp"=10}', oProperties, azuIoTQoS1);
If you need to set the ContentType and ContentEncoding of the message, you must add the these values to the
Properties List, the name of these properties are defined by Azure.
Name Value
$.ct application/json
$.ce utf-8
oProperties := TStringList.Create;
oProperties.AddPair('$.ct', 'application/json');
oProperties.AddPair('$.ce', 'utf-8');
oClient.Send_DeviceToCloud('{"temp"=10}', oProperties, azuIoTQoS1);
2. Device twin's reported properties for reporting device state information such as available capabilities, condi
tions, or the state of long-running workflows. For example, configuration and software updates.
oClient.Set_DeviceTwinsProperties('1', '{"sgc":1}');
Cloud To Device
IoT Hub provides three options for device apps to expose functionality to a back-end app:
1. Direct methods for communications that require immediate confirmation of the result. Direct methods are often
used for interactive control of devices such as turning on a fan.
2. Twin's desired properties for long-running commands intended to put the device into a certain desired state.
For example, set the telemetry send interval to 30 minutes. You can get Properties using following method.
3. Cloud-to-device messages for one-way notifications to the device app. To get messages, first you must sub
HTTP protocol allows to fetch resources from servers like images, html's a slicent-server protocol
which means that client request to server which resources need.
When a client wants connect to a server, follows next steps:
1. Open a new TCP connection
2. Sends a message to server with data requested
GET / HTTP/1.1
Accept-Language: en-us
3. Read response sent by server
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache
Content-Length: 120
Content-Type: text/html
• HTTP/2: HTTP/2 (or h2) is a binary protocol that brings push, multiplexing streams and frame control to the
• HTTP/1 Client: non-visual component that inherits from TIdHTTP client component.
• OAuth2: OAuth2 allows third-party applications to receive a limited access to an HTTP service
• JWT: JWT allows creating data with optional signature and/or encryption whose Payloads holds JSON that
asserts some number of claims.
• Amazon SQS: is a fully managed message queues for microservices, distributed systems, and serverless
• Google Cloud Pub/Sub: provides messaging between applications and is designed to provide reliable,
many-to-many, asynchronous messaging between applications.
• Google Calendar: allows to use Google Calendar API V3: get Calendars, events, synchronize with your
own calendar...
HTTP/2 is an evolution of the HTTP 1.1 protocol, basically tries to be more efficient using networks. The semantics
are the same, so it's designed to be compatible with old protocols.
Main features
• HTTP/2 is a binary protocol (remember that HTTP 1.1 is a text protocol).
• HTTTP/2 works over TLS and ALPN.
• It's multiplexed (allows to send more than one request over a single TCP Conenction).
• Server can push responses to clients.
• Reduces Round Trip Times, so clients can load faster.
HTTP/2 introduces other improvements, more details: RFC7540.
HTTP/2 requires our custom Indy version because requires ALPN protocol.
• TsgcHTTP2Client: client component that fully supports HTTP/2 protocol (sgcWebSockets 100% Pascal
code, without external libraries).
• TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer: server component that fully supports HTTP/2 protocol (sgcWebSockets
100% Pascal code, without external libraries). By default HTTP/2 is disabled, you can enable using
HTTPOptions property and set Enable = true.
• TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI: server component that supports HTTP/2 protocol (Microsoft implemen
tation and Requires Windows 2016+ or Windows 10+).
• DataSnap Servers: datasnap server can support HTTP/2 protocol too.
• Apple Push Notifications: push user-facing notifications to the user's device from a server provider.
TsgcHTTP2Client implements Client HTTP/2 Component and can connect to a HTTP/2 Servers. Follow the next
steps to configure this component:
1. Create a new instance of TsgcHTTP2Client component.
2. Send the request to server and process the response using OnHTTP2Response event. example:
oClient := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
oClient.OnHTTP2Response := OnHTTP2ResponseEvent;
procedure OnHTTP2ResponseEvent(Sender: TObject; const
Connection: TsgcHTTP2ConnectionClient; const Request:
TsgcHTTP2RequestProperty; const Response: TsgcHTTP2ResponseProperty);
The following HTTP methods are supported:
GET: The GET method requests a representation of the specified resource. Requests using GET should
only retrieve data.
HEAD: The HEAD method asks for a response identical to that of a GET request, but without the re
sponse body.
POST: The POST method is used to submit an entity to the specified resource, often causing a change in
state or side effects on the server.
PUT: The PUT method replaces all current representations of the target resource with the request pay
DELETE: The HEAD method asks for a response identical to that of a GET request, but without the re
sponse body.
CONNECT: The CONNECT method establishes a tunnel to the server identified by the target resource.
OPTIONS: The OPTIONS method is used to describe the communication options for the target resource.
TRACE: The TRACE method performs a message loop-back test along the path to the target resource.
PATCH: The PATCH method is used to apply partial modifications to a resource.
HTTP/2 client component also implement the following methods:
Ping: sends a ping to a Server.
Close: sends a message to server about connection will be closed.
Disconnect: disconnects the socket connection.
Authentication: allows to authenticate against OAuth2 before send an HTTP/2 request.
OAuth: assign here a TsgcHTTP_OAuth_Client component to get OAuth2 credentials. Read more
about OAuth2.
JWT: assign here a TsgcHTTP_JWT_Client component to get JWT credentials. Read more about
Request: Specifies the header values to send to the HTTP/2 server.
Settings: Specifies the header values to send to the HTTP/2 server.
EnablePush: by default enabled, this setting can be used to avoid server push content to client.
HeaderTableSize: Allows the sender to inform the remote endpoint of the maximum size of the header com
pression table used to decode header blocks, in octets. The encoder can select any size equal to or less
than this value by using signaling specific to the header compression format inside a header block. The ini
tial value is 4,096 octets.
InitialWindowSize: Indicates the sender’s initial window size (in octets) for stream-level flow control. The
initial value is 65,535 octets. This setting affects the window size of all streams.
MaxConcurrentStreams: Indicates the maximum number of concurrent streams that the sender will allow.
This limit is directional: it applies to the number of streams that the sender permits the receiver to create. Ini
tially, there is no limit to this value.
MaxFrameSize: Indicates the size of the largest frame payload that the sender is willing to receive, in
octets. The initial value is 16,384 octets.
MaxHeaderListSize: This advisory setting informs a peer of the maximum size of header list that the sender
is prepared to accept, in octets. The value is based on the uncompressed size of header fields, including the
length of the name and value in octets plus an overhead of 32 octets for each header field.
Host: IP or DNS name of the server.
HeartBeat: if enabled try to keeps alive HTTP/2 connection sending a ping every x seconds.
iohOpenSSL: uses OpenSSL library and is the default for Indy components. Requires to deploy
openssl libraries for win32/win64.
iohSChannel: uses Secure Channel which is a security protocol implemented by Microsoft for Win
dows, doesn't require to deploy openssl libraries. Only works in Windows 32/64 bits.
OpenSSL_Options: configuration of the openSSL libraries.
APIVersion: allows to define which OpenSSL API will be used.
oslAPI_1_0: uses API 1.0 OpenSSL, it's latest supported by Indy
oslAPI_1_1: uses API 1.1 OpenSSL, requires our custom Indy library and allows to use
OpenSSL 1.1.1 libraries (with TLS 1.3 support).
oslAPI_3_0: uses API 3.0 OpenSSL, requires our custom Indy library and allows to use
OpenSSL 3.0.0 libraries (with TLS 1.3 support).
LibPath: here you can configure where are located the openSSL libraries
oslpNone: this is the default, the openSSL libraries should be in the same folder where is the
binary or in a known path.
oslpDefaultFolder: sets automatically the openSSL path where the libraries should be located
for all IDE personalities.
oslpCustomFolder: if this is the option selected, define the full path in the property LibPath
LibPathCustom: when LibPath = oslpCustomFolder define here the full path where are located the
openSSL libraries.
UnixSymLinks: enable or disable the loading of SymLinks under Unix systems (by default is en
abled, except under OSX64):
oslsSymLinksDefault: by default are enabled except under OSX64 (after MacOS Monterey
fails trying to load the library without version.).
oslsSymLinksLoadFirst: Load SymLinks and do before trying to load the version libraries.
oslsSymLinksLoad: Load SymLinks after trying to load the version libraries.
oslsSymLinksDontLoad: don't load the SymLinks.
SChannel_Options: allows to use a certificate from Windows Certificate Store.
CertHash: is the certificate Hash. You can find the certificate Hash running a dir command in power
CipherList: here you can set which Ciphers will be used (separated by ":"). Example:
CertStoreName: the store name where is stored the certificate. Select one of below:
scsnMY (the default)
CertStorePath: the store path where is stored the certificate. Select one of below:
scspStoreCurrentUser (the default)
This event is called when client receives a Response from Server. Access to Response object to get full informa
tion about Server Response.
Response.Headers: HTTP/2 headers
Response.Data: Raw body response.
Response.DataString: body response as string.
Response.DataUTF8: body response as UTF-8 string.
This event is called when client receives a fragment response from Server, so means that this stream will receive
more updates.
In this event you can set the UserName and Password when Authentication is Basic, or the Token for OAuth2
This event is called before client sends Headers Request to server. You can add or modify the headers before
are sent to HTTP/2 server.
This event is called just after client connects successfully to server.
This event is called when connection is closed.
If there is any exception while client is connected to server, here you can catch the Exception.
This event is raised when client receives a GoAway message from server.
After a disconnection, if there are pending requests to be sent or received, here you can set if you want recon
nect and/or clear pending requests.
When server sends a PushPromise to client, client can accept or not the PushPromise packets.
When server resets a stream, this event is called.
Asynchronous Mode
Get the following url: and be notified when client receives the full response. After you call
GETASYNC method, the process continues and OnHTTP2Response event is called when response is received.
oClient := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
oClient.OnHTTP2Response := OnHTTP2ResponseEvent;
procedure OnHTTP2ResponseEvent(Sender: TObject; const Connection: TsgcHTTP2ConnectionClient;
const Request: TsgcHTTP2RequestProperty; const Response: TsgcHTTP2ResponseProperty);
ShowMessage(Response.Headers.Text + #13#10 + Response.DataString);
Blocking Mode
Get the following url: and wait till client receives the full response. After you call GET
method, the process waits till response is received or time out is reached.
You can access to the Raw Response data, using Response property of HTTP/2 client. Here you can access to
Raw Headers, Status response code, Charset and more.
oClient := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
vResponse := oClient.Get('');
if oClient.Response.Status = 200 then
ShowMessage('Response from server: ' + vResponse)
ShowMessage('Response Code: ' + IntToStr(oClient.Response.Status));
Every time server sends to client a PushPromise message, OnHTTP2PushPromise event is called. When client re
ceives a PushPromise, means that server will send in the next packets this resource, so client can accepts or not
oClient := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
oClient.OnHTTP2PushPromise := OnHTTP2PushPromiseEvent;
procedure OnHTTP2PushPromiseEvent(Sender: TObject; const Connection: TsgcHTTP2ConnectionClient;
const PushPromise: TsgcHTTP2_Frame_PushPromise; var Cancel: Boolean);
if PushPromise.URL = '/serverpush/static/godocs.js' then
Cancel := True
Cancel := False;
oClient := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
oClient.OnHTTP2Response := OnHTTP2ResponseEvent;
procedure OnHTTP2ResponseEventEvent(Sender: TObject; const Connection: TsgcHTTP2ConnectionClient;
const Request: TsgcHTTP2RequestProperty; const Response: TsgcHTTP2ResponseProperty)
oStream := TFileStream.Create('file', fmOpenWrite or fmCreate);
oStream.CopyFrom(Response.Data, Response.Data.Size);
TsgcHTTP2Client | HTTP/2 Partial Respons
Usually when you send an HTTP Request, server sends a response with the file requested, sometimes, instead of
send a single response, server can send multiple response like a stream, in these cases you can use
OnHTTP2ResponseFragment event to capture these responses and show to user.
Example: send a request to and server will send a stream response every
oClient := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
oClient.OnHTTP2ResponseFragment := OnHTTP2ResponseFragmentEvent;
procedure OnHTTP2ResponseFragmentEvent(Sender: TObject; const Connection: TsgcHTTP2ConnectionClient;
const Request: TsgcHTTP2RequestProperty; const Fragment: TsgcHTTP2ResponseFragmentProperty);
Active property
When connection is active and you set Active := False, the connection will be closed inmediately without sending
any message to server about the disconnection.
You can use Disconnect method (from TsgcHTTP2Client or TsgcHTTP2ConnectionClient) to disconnect the socket.
This method, sends a message to server informing that connection will be closed and you can send optionally
some info about the reason of the disconnection. Is a clean mode of close a HTTP/2 connection.
Close method can be called from TsgcHTTP2Client or TsgcHTTP2ConnectionClient objects.
The following errors reasons can be send:
• no error
• protocol error
• internal error
• flow control error
• settings timeout
• stream closed
• frame size error
• refused stream
• cancel
• compression error
• connect error
• enhance your calm
• inadequate security
• required
HeartBeat property allows to send a Ping every X seconds to maintain connection alive. Some servers, close
TCP connections if there is no data exchanged between peers. HeartBeat solves this problem, sending a ping
every a specific interval. Usually this is enough to maintain a connection active.
Example: send a ping every 30 seconds
oClient := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
oClient.HeartBeat.Interval := 30;
oClient.HeartBeat.Enabled := true;
oClient.Active := true;
If WatchDog is enabled, when client detects a disconnection, WatchDog try to reconnect again every X seconds
until connection is active again.
Example: reconnect every 10 seconds after a disconnection with unlimited attempts.
oClient := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
oClient.WatchDog.Interval := 10;
oClient.WatchDog.Attempts := 0;
oClient.WatchDog.Enabled := true;
oClient.Active := true;
TsgcHTTP2Client | HTTP/2 Reason Discon
HTTP/2 Server can disconnect a client for several reasons, when server wants inform to client the reason why is
disconnecting, it sends a GoAway message to client with information about disconnection.
Use OnHTTP2GoAway event to catch the reason why server has disconnected (if client wants to close a connec
tion, can use the method close to send the reason why is closing the connection).
TsgcHTTP2GoAwayProperty Object contains the information about disconnection
• LastStreamId: is the last stream processed by server.
• ErrorCode: integer which identifies the error code.
• ErrorDescription: description of the error, one of the following:
• no error
• protocol error
• internal error
• flow control error
• settings timeout
• stream closed
• frame size error
• refused stream
• cancel
• compression error
• connect error
• enhance your calm
• inadequate security
• required
• AdditionalDebugData: optional string which offers more information about disconnection.
Basic Authentication
If server returns a header requesting Basic Authentication, set OnHTTP2Auithorization the username and pass
oClient := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
oClient.OnHTTP2Authorization := OnHTTP2AuthorizationEvent;
procedure OnHTTP2AuthorizationEvent(Sender: TObject; const Connection: TsgcHTTP2ConnectionClient; const AuthType, AuthData:
if AuthType = 'Basic' then
UserName := 'user';
Password := 'secret';
Bearer Token
If server returns a header requesting Bearer Token Authentication, set OnHTTP2Authorization the token.
oClient := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
oClient.OnHTTP2Authorization := OnHTTP2AuthorizationEvent;
procedure OnHTTP2AuthorizationEvent(Sender: TObject; const Connection: TsgcHTTP2ConnectionClient; const AuthType, AuthData:
if AuthType = 'Bearer' then
aToken := 'bearer token';
= true
Read the following article if you want to use our OAuth2 component with HTTP/2 client.
TsgcHTTP_OAuth1.AuthorizationServerOptions.AuthURL := '';
TsgcHTTP_OAuth1.AuthorizationServerOptions.TokenURL := '';
TsgcHTTP_OAuth1.LocalServerOptions.IP := '';
TsgcHTTP_OAuth1.LocalServerOptions.Port := 8080;
After fill the OAuth2 client component, create a new instance of TsgcHTTP2Client and Assign the OAuth2 compo
nent to the HTTP/2 client.
TsgcHTTP2Client1.Authentication.Token.OAuth := TsgcHTTP_OAuth1;
Finally, do a request to get a list of messages of account
oStream := TStringStream.Create('');
TsgcHTTP2Client1.Get('', oStream);
TsgcHTTP2ConnectionClient is a wrapper of client HTTP/2 connections, you can access to this object on Client
• Ping: sends a ping to server to maintain connection alive.
• Close: sends a message to server with information about why is disconnecting.
• Disconnect: closes the connection without sending any informational message to then server.
• HTTP/2 Methods:
GET: The GET method requests a representation of the specified resource. Requests using GET should
only retrieve data.
HEAD: The HEAD method asks for a response identical to that of a GET request, but without the re
sponse body.
POST: The POST method is used to submit an entity to the specified resource, often causing a change in
state or side effects on the server.
PUT: The PUT method replaces all current representations of the target resource with the request pay
DELETE: The HEAD method asks for a response identical to that of a GET request, but without the re
sponse body.
CONNECT: The CONNECT method establishes a tunnel to the server identified by the target resource.
OPTIONS: The OPTIONS method is used to describe the communication options for the target resource.
TRACE: The TRACE method performs a message loop-back test along the path to the target resource.
PATCH: The PATCH method is used to apply partial modifications to a resource.
This object is received as an argument OnHTTP2Response event, it allows to know the original request of the re
sponse send by the server.
• Method: identifies the HTTP/2 method (GET, POST...)
• URL: is the URL requested.
• Request: contains the fields of the request.
This object is received as an argument OnHTTP2Response event, it allows to know the response sent by the serv
er to the client.
• Headers: contains a list of raw headers received from server.
• Data: contains the raw body sent by the server as response to request.
• DataString: is the conversion to string of Data.
• DataUTF8: is the conversion to UTF8 string of Data.
• PushPromise: if assigned, contains the PushPromise object sent by the server to client (means that this re
sponse object has not been requested by client).
oPushService: TPushService;
oPushConnection: TPushServiceConnection;
oPushService := TPushServiceManager.Instance.GetServiceByName(TPushService.TServiceNames.APS)
oPushConnection := TPushServiceConnection.Create(oPushService);
oPushConnection.Active := True;
oPushConnection.OnChange := OnChangeEvent;
oPushConnection.OnReceiveNotification := OnReceiveNotificationEvent;
vDeviceId := oPushService.DeviceIDValue[TPushService.TDeviceIDNames.DeviceID];
vDeviceToken := oPushService.DeviceTokenValue[TPushService.TDeviceTokenNames.DeviceToken];
The prior code basically creates a new connection with Apple Servers, when connection is fully established, returns
a device token that is the value used by sgcWebSockets service provider to send notifications to this user's de
"alert":"Alert from sgcWebSockets!"
"aps" : {
"alert" : {
"title" : "Game Request",
"subtitle" : "Five Card Draw"
"body" : "Bob wants to play poker",
"category" : "GAME_INVITATION"
"gameID" : "12345678"
APN | Sending Notification Requests to AP
Send your remote notification payload and device token information to Apple Push Notification service (APNs).
Sample Code
Create a new instance of TsgcHTTP2Client and call the method POST to send a notification to APNs.
oHTTP := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
// ... requires authorization code
oStream := TStringStream.Create('{"aps":{"alert":"Alert from sgcWebSockets!"}}',
oHTTP.Post('', oStream);
if oHTTP.Response.Status = 200 then
ShowMessage('Notification Sent Successfully')
ShowMessage('Notification error');
To send notifications, you must establish either token-based or certificate-based trust with APNs using HTTP/2
protocol and TLS 1.2 or later.
• Token-Based Connection to APNs
• Certificate-Based Connection to APNs
oHTTP := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
oHTTP.TLSOptions.IOHandler := iohOpenSSL;
oJWT := TsgcHTTP_JWT_Client.Create(nil);
oHTTP.Authentication.Token.JWT := oJWT;
oJWT.JWTOptions.Header.alg := jwtES256;
oJWT.JWTOptions.Header.kid := 'apple key id';
oJWT.JWTOptions.Payload.iss := 'issuer';
oJWT.JWTOptions.Payload.iat := StrToInt64(GetDateTimeUnix(Now, False));
oJWT.JWTOptions.RefreshTokenAfter := 60*40;
oHTTP.Request.CustomHeaders.Add('apns-topic: com.example.application');
First enter in your developer account and create a new certificate for Apple Push Notification service
Once you have downloaded your certificate, the sgcWebSockets HTTP/2 client allows to use 2 security IOHandlers
(only for windows, for other personalities only openSSL is supported).
• OpenSSL
• SChannel (only for windows)
If you use openSSL, you must deploy the openSSL libraries with your application. Before set the certificate with the
TsgcHTTP2Client, first this certificate must be converted to PEM format because openSSL doesn't allow to import
P12 certificates directly.
Use the following commands to convert a single P12 certificate to a certificate in PEM format and a private key file
create PEM certificate file
Once you have your certificate and private key in PEM format, you can configure the TsgcHTTP2Client as follows.
oHTTP := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
oHTTP.TLSOptions.IOHandler := iohOpenSSL;
oHTTP.TLSOptions.CertFile := 'certificate_file.pem';
oHTTP.TLSOptions.KeyFile := 'private_key.pem';
oHTTP.TLSOptions.Password := 'certificate password';
oHTTP.TLSOptions.Version := tls1_2;
If you use SChannel there is no need to deploy any libraries and the certificate downloaded from Apple can be di
rectly imported without the need of a previous conversion to PEM format.
oHTTP := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
oHTTP.TLSOptions.IOHandler := iohSChannel;
oHTTP.TLSOptions.CertFile := 'certificate_file.p12';
oHTTP.TLSOptions.Password := 'certificate password';
oHTTP.TLSOptions.Version := tls1_2;
If you get the error "missing topic" most probably you are using an universal certificate (certificates that can be
used for push notifications, voip...) which requires to set the topic name with the value of your app's bundle ID/app
id (example: com.example.application). Just set the apns-topic header with the correct value in the Request proper
ty of the HTTP/2 client.
oHTTP.Request.CustomHeaders.Add('apns-topic: com.example.application');
TsgcHTTP1Client is a non-visual component that inherits from TIdHTTP indy component and adds some new
This component is located in sgcHTTP unit.
Allows to configure how connect to secure SSL/TLS servers using HTTP/1 protocol
ALPNProtocols: list of the ALPN protocols which will be sent to server.
RootCertFile: path to root certificate file.
CertFile: path to certificate file.
KeyFile: path to certificate key file.
Password: if certificate is secured with a password, set here.
VerifyCertificate: if certificate must be verified, enable this property.
VerifyDepth: is an Integer property that represents the maximum number of links permitted when verifica
tion is performed for the X.509 certificate.
Version: by default uses TLS 1.0, if server requires a higher TLS version, here can be selected.
IOHandler: select which library you will use to connection using TLS.
iohOpenSSL: uses OpenSSL library and is the default for Indy components. Requires to deploy
openssl libraries for win32/win64.
iohSChannel: uses Secure Channel which is a security protocol implemented by Microsoft for Win
dows, doesn't require to deploy openssl libraries. Only works in Windows 32/64 bits.
OpenSSL_Options: configuration of the openSSL libraries.
APIVersion: allows to define which OpenSSL API will be used.
oslAPI_1_0: uses API 1.0 OpenSSL, it's latest supported by Indy
oslAPI_1_1: uses API 1.1 OpenSSL, requires our custom Indy library and allows to use
OpenSSL 1.1.1 libraries (with TLS 1.3 support).
oslAPI_3_0: uses API 3.0 OpenSSL, requires our custom Indy library and allows to use
OpenSSL 3.0.0 libraries (with TLS 1.3 support).
LibPath: here you can configure where are located the openSSL libraries
oslpNone: this is the default, the openSSL libraries should be in the same folder where is the
binary or in a known path.
oslpDefaultFolder: sets automatically the openSSL path where the libraries should be located
for all IDE personalities.
oslpCustomFolder: if this is the option selected, define the full path in the property LibPath
LibPathCustom: when LibPath = oslpCustomFolder define here the full path where are located the
openSSL libraries.
UnixSymLinks: enable or disable the loading of SymLinks under Unix systems (by default is en
abled, except under OSX64):
oslsSymLinksDefault: by default are enabled except under OSX64 (after MacOS Monterey
fails trying to load the library without version.).
oslsSymLinksLoadFirst: Load SymLinks and do before trying to load the version libraries.
oslsSymLinksLoad: Load SymLinks after trying to load the version libraries.
oslsSymLinksDontLoad: don't load the SymLinks.
SChannel_Options: allows to use a certificate from Windows Certificate Store.
CertHash: is the certificate Hash. You can find the certificate Hash running a dir command in power
CipherList: here you can set which Ciphers will be used (separated by ":"). Example:
CertStoreName: the store name where is stored the certificate. Select one of below:
scsnMY (the default)
CertStorePath: the store path where is stored the certificate. Select one of below:
scspStoreCurrentUser (the default)
If Log property is enabled it saves socket messages to a specified log file, useful for debugging.
LogOptions.FileName: full path to the filename.
Allows to Authenticate using OAuth2 or JWT.
Request a GET method to HTTPs server and using TLS 1.2
oHTTP := TsgcHTTP1Client.Create(nil);
oHTTP.TLSOptions.Version := tls1_2;
Request a GET method to HTTPs server using openSSL 1.1 and TLS 1.3
oHTTP := TsgcHTTP1Client.Create(nil);
oHTTP.TLSOptions.OpenSSL_Options.APIVersion := oslAPI_1_1;
oHTTP.TLSOptions.Version := tls1_3;
oHTTP := TsgcHTTP1Client.Create(nil);
oHTTP.TLSOptions.IOHandler := iohSChannel;
oHTTP.TLSOptions.Version := tls1_2;
HTTP | OAuth2
OAuth2 allows third-party applications to receive a limited access to an HTTP service which is either on behalf of a
resource owner or by allowing a third-party application obtain access on its own behalf. Thanks to OAuth2, service
providers and consumer applications can interact with each other in a secure way.
In OAuth2, there are 4 roles:
• Resource Owner: the user.
• Resource Server: the server that hosts the protected resources and provides access to it based on the ac
cess token.
• Client: the external application that seeks permission.
• Authorization Server: issues the access token after having authenticated the user.
• TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Client: is a client with support for OAuth2, so it can connect to OAuth2 servers to re
quest an authentication like Google, Facebook...
• TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Server: is the server implementation of OAuth2 protocol.
OAuth2 | TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Client
This component allows to handle flow between client and the other roles, basically, when you set Active := True,
opens a new Web Browser and requests user grant authorization, if successful, authorization server sends a token
to application which is processed and with this token, client can connect to resource server. This component, starts
a simple HTTP server which handles authorization server responses and uses an HTTP client to request Access
Client supports 2 types of Authorization:
auth2Code: It's used to perform authentication and authorization in the majority of application types, including sin
gle page applications, web applications, and natively installed applications. The flow enables apps to securely ac
quire access_tokens that can be used to access resources secured, as well as refresh tokens to get additional
access_tokens, and ID tokens for the signed in user.
auth2ClientCredentials: This type of grant is commonly used for server-to-server interactions that must run in the
background, without immediate interaction with a user. These types of applications are often referred to as dae
mons or service accounts.
When a client needs a new Access Token, automatically starts an HTTP server to process response from Autho
rization server. This server is transparent for user and usually works in localhost. By default uses port 8080 but you
can change if needed.
• IP: IP server listening, example:
• Port: by default 8080
• RedirectURL: (optional) allows to customized redirect url, example: http://localhost:8080/oauth/.
• SSL: enable this property if local server runs on a secure port (*only supported by Professional and Enter
prise Editions).
• SSLOptions: allows to customize the SSL properties of server (*only supported by Professional and Enter
prise Editions).
Here you must set URL for Authorization and Acces Token, usually these are provided in API specification. Scope
is a list of all scopes requested by client. Example:
• AuthURL:
• TokenURL:
• Scope:
• EncodeScope: if true, encodes the scope string as PathEncode (by default true).
ClientId is a mandatory field which informs server which is the identification of client. Check your API specification
to know how get a ClientId. The same applies for client secret.
Sometimes, server requires a user and password to connect using Basic Authentication, if this is the case, you can
setup this in Username/Password fields. Example:
• ClientId:
• ClientSecret: _by1iYYrvVHxC2Z8TbtNEYJN
• Username:
• Password:
Here you can customize the Client Options when connects to HTTP Server to request a new token.
TLSOptions: if TLS enabled, here you can customize some TLS properties.
ALPNProtocols: list of the ALPN protocols which will be sent to server.
RootCertFile: path to root certificate file.
CertFile: path to certificate file.
KeyFile: path to certificate key file.
Password: if certificate is secured with a password, set here.
VerifyCertificate: if certificate must be verified, enable this property.
VerifyDepth: is an Integer property that represents the maximum number of links permitted when verifica
tion is performed for the X.509 certificate.
Version: by default uses TLS 1.0, if server requires a higher TLS version, here can be selected.
IOHandler: select which library you will use to connection using TLS.
iohOpenSSL: uses OpenSSL library and is the default for Indy components. Requires to deploy
openssl libraries for win32/win64.
iohSChannel: uses Secure Channel which is a security protocol implemented by Microsoft for Win
dows, doesn't require to deploy openssl libraries. Only works in Windows 32/64 bits.
OpenSSL_Options: allows to define which OpenSSL API will be used.
APIVersion: allows to define which OpenSSL API will be used.
oslAPI_1_0: uses API 1.0 OpenSSL, it's latest supported by Indy
oslAPI_1_1: uses API 1.1 OpenSSL, requires our custom Indy library and allows to use
OpenSSL 1.1.1 libraries (with TLS 1.3 support).
oslAPI_3_0: uses API 3.0 OpenSSL, requires our custom Indy library and allows to use
OpenSSL 3.0.0 libraries (with TLS 1.3 support).
LibPath: here you can configure where are located the openSSL libraries
oslpNone: this is the default, the openSSL libraries should be in the same folder where is the
binary or in a known path.
oslpDefaultFolder: sets automatically the openSSL path where the libraries should be located
for all IDE personalities.
oslpCustomFolder: if this is the option selected, define the full path in the property LibPath
LibPathCustom: when LibPath = oslpCustomFolder define here the full path where are located the
openSSL libraries.
UnixSymLinks: enable or disable the loading of SymLinks under Unix systems (by default is en
abled, except under OSX64):
oslsSymLinksDefault: by default are enabled except under OSX64 (after MacOS Monterey
fails trying to load the library without version.).
oslsSymLinksLoadFirst: Load SymLinks and do before trying to load the version libraries.
oslsSymLinksLoad: Load SymLinks after trying to load the version libraries.
oslsSymLinksDontLoad: don't load the SymLinks.
SChannel_Options: allows to use a certificate from Windows Certificate Store.
CertHash: is the certificate Hash. You can find the certificate Hash running a dir command in power
CertStoreName: the store name where is stored the certificate. Select one of below:
scsnMY (the default)
CertStorePath: the store path where is stored the certificate. Select one of below:
scspStoreCurrentUser (the default)
LogOptions: if a filename is set, it will save a log of HTTP requests/responses.
This is the first event, it's called before client opens a new Web Browser session. URL parameter can be modified if
needed (usually not necessary).
After a successful Authorization, server redirects the response to internal HTTP server, this response informs to
client about Authorization code (which will be use later to get Access Token), state, scope...
If there is an error, this event will be raised with information about error.
After get an Authorization Code, client connects to Authorization Server to request a new Access Token. Before
client connects, this event is called where you can modify URL and parameters (usually not needed).
If server accepts client requests, it releases a new Access Token which will be used by client to get access to re
sources server.
If there is an error, this event will be raised with information about error.
Access token expire after some certain time. If Authorization server releases a refresh token plus access token,
client can connect after token has expires with a refresh token to request a new access token without the need of
user Authenticates again with own credentials. This event is called before client requests a new access token.
procedure ONOAuth2BeforeRefreshToken(Sender: TObject; var URL, Parameters: string; var Handled: Boolean);
DoLog('BeforeRefreshToken: ' + URL + ' ' + Parameters);
If server accepts client requests, it releases a new Access Token which will be used by client to get access to re
sources server.
If there is an error, this event will be raised with information about error.
This event is called before HTTP response is sent after a successful Access Token.
procedure OnOAuth2HTTPResponse(Sender: TObject; var Code: Integer; var Text: string; var Handled: Boolean);
Code := 200;
Text := 'Successful Authorization';
oAuth2 := TsgcHTTP2_OAuth2.Create(nil);
oAuth2.LocalServerOptions.Host := '';
oAuth2.LocalServerOptions.Port := 8080;
oAuth2.AuthorizationServerOptions.AuthURL := '';
oAuth2.AuthorizationServerOptions.TokenURL := '';
oAuth2.OAuth2Options.ClientId := '';
oAuth2.OAuth2Options.ClientSecret := '_by0iYYrvVHxC2Z8TbtNEYQN';
procedure OnOAuth2AfterAccessToken(Sender: TObject; const Access_Token, Token_Type, Expires_In,
Refresh_Token, Scope, RawParams: string; var Handled: Boolean);
oAuth2.OnAfterAccessToken := OnOAuth2AfterAccessToken;
OAuth2 | TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Server
This component provides the OAuth2 protocol implementation in Server Side Components.
The server components have a property called Authorization.OAuth.OAuth2 where you can assign an instance of
TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Server, so if Authentication is enabled and OAuh2 property is attached to OAuth2 Server Com
ponent, the WebSocket and HTTP Requests require a Bearer Token to be processed, if not the connection will be
closed automatically.
OAuth2 := TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Server.Create(nil);
Server.Authentication.Enabled := True;
Server.Authentication.OAuth.OAuth2 := OAuth2;
By default, the component is configured with the following endpoints to handle Authorization and Token request
Authorization: /sgc/oauth2/auth
Token: /sgc/oauth2/token
So if server is listening on port 443 and domain is, the EndPoints will be:
The endpoints can be configured in OAuth2Options property.
Before you can begin the OAuth2 process, you must register which Apps will be available, this is done using Apps
property of OAuth2 server component.
Register App
Use Apps.AddApp to add a new Application to OAuth2 server, you must set the following parameters:
• App Name: is the name of the Application. Example: MyApp
• RedirectURI: is where the responses will be redirected. Example:
• ClientId: is public information and is the ID of the client.
• ClientSecret: must be kept confidential.
Optionally you can set the following parameters:
• ExpiresIn: by default is 3600 seconds, so the token will expire in 1 hour, you can set a greater value if you
• RefreshToken: by default refresh tokens are supported, if not, set this parameter to false.
Delete App
If the server has been restarted while there were some token issued, you can recover these tokens using the
method AddToken before starting the OAuth2 Server and after registering the Apps
• AppName: the name of the application.
• Token: access token.
• Expires: when the token expires.
• RefreshToken: refresh token.
While OAuth2 is enabled on Server-side, if a websocket client tries to connect without providing a valid Token, the
connection will be closed automatically. The same applies to HTTP requests.
TsgcWebSocketClient can be configured to request a OAuth2 token and sent when connects to server. You have 2
options in order to send a Bearer Token:
1. Use Authentication.Token property, this is usefull when you have a valid token obtained from an external third-
party and you only want to pass as a connection header to get Access to server.
Authorization.Enabled := True;
Authorization.Token.Enabled := True;
Authorization.Token.AuthName := 'Bearer';
Authorization.Token.AuthToken := 'your token here';
2. Attach a TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Client and let the client request an Access Token and send it automatically when
websocket client connects to server.
Some events are provided to handle the OAuth2 Flow Control.
This event is called when a new HTTP connection is established with server and before checks if the connection
request is trying to do an Authorization or request a new token. If you don't need that this request is processed by
OAuth2 server, set Cancel parameter to true.
The event is called too when checks if the Token is valid.
The event is called before the Authorization web-page is showed to user, allows to customize the HTML code
shown to user.
When a client request Authorization, server shows a page were user can allow connection and requires to login to
server. This is the event where you can read the User/Password set by user and accept or not the connection.
After the server process successfully the Access Token, this event is called. Useful for log purposes.
After the server process successfully the Refresh Token, this event is called. Useful for log purposes.
When a client do a request with a Token, this token is processed by server to check if it's valid or not, if the token is
valid and not expired, this event is called. Useful for log purposes.
oServer := TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer.Create(nil);
oServer.Port := 80;
oServer.SSLOptions.Port := 443;
oServer.SSLOptions.CertFile := 'sgc.pem';
oServer.SSLOptions.KeyFile := 'sgc.pem';
oServer.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := 'sgc.pem';
oServer.SSL := True;
Then create a new instance of TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Server and assign to previously created server.
Register a new Application with the following values:
Name: MyApp
ClientId: client-id
ClientSecret: client-secret
OAuth2 := TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Server.Create(nil);
OAuth2.Apps.AddApp('MyApp', '', 'client-id', 'client-secret');
oServer.Authentication.Enabled := True;
oServer.Authentication.OAuth.OAuth2 := OAuth2;
Then handle OnOAuth2Authentication event of OAuth2 server component and implement your own method to login
users. I will use the pair "user/secret" to accept a login.
Finally start the server and use a OAuth2 client to login, example you can use the TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Client in
cluded with sgcWebSockets library.
Request a New Access Token, a new Web Browser session will be shown and user must Allow connection and
then login.
If login is successful a new Token will be returned to the client. Then all the requests must include this bearer token
in the HTTP Headers.
If you customize your HTML with a completely new HTML code, at least you must maintain the form where the
Username and password are sent:
<form action="">
<input type="hidden" name="request_type" value="sign-in" />
<input type="username" name="username" placeholder="Username" />
<input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="" />
<button>Sign In</button>
The id parameter, which is hidden, must maintain the same value of the original form to allow server identify the re
OAuth2 := TsgcHTTP_OAuth2_Server.Create(nil);
OAuth2.Apps.AddApp('MyApp', '', 'client-id', 'client-secret');
OAuth2.AddToken('MyApp', '12146ce12b0e4813987f2794f768905cefc39da6fbd54f6d9b38387489280608', EncodeDate(2022,1,1),
oServer.Authentication.Enabled := True;
oServer.Authentication.OAuth.OAuth2 := OAuth2;
If the user Allows the access, a login form will be shown where the user must set the Username and Password.
This data will be received OnOAuth2Authentication event, so you must validate than the user/password is correct
and if it is, then set Authenticated parameter to true.
JWT (JSON Web Token) typically consists of a header + payload + signature.
Contains the metadata information about JWT
• alg: is the algorithm used to sign the token
• typ: is the type of the token, always JWT
"alg": "HS256",
"typ": "JWT"
You can find more headers but the previous will be always there.
The payload contains the claims of the JWT. The standard headers are the following:
• iss: is the issuer, the entity who generates and issue the JWT.
• sub: is the subject, the entity identified by this token.
• aud: is the audience, the target audience for this JWT.
• exp: is the expiry, is the timestamp in UNIX format after the token should not be accepted.
• iat: is issued at, specifies the date when the token has been issued.
"sub": "1234567890",
"name": "John Doe",
"iat": 1516239022
The signature is created using the Encoded Header, Encoded Payload, a Secret and a Cryptographic Algorithm.
Algorithms supported
The following algorithms are supported by both Client and Server JWT components.
• HS256
• HS384
• HS512
• RS256
• RS384
• RS512
• ES256
• ES384
• ES512
• TsgcHTTP_JWT_Client: JWT client which allows to encode and sign JWT and send as an Authorization
Header in HTTP and WebSocket protocols.
• TsgcHTTP_JWT_Server: JWT server which allows to decode and validate JWT received as an Authoriza
tion Header in HTTP and WebSocket protocols.
* JWT Components require at least Indy version or sgcWebSockets Enterprise Edition.
JWT | TsgcHTTP_JWT_Client
The TsgcHTTP_JWT_Client component allows to encode and sign JWT Tokens, attached to a WebSocket Client or
HTTP/2 client, the token will be sent automatically as an Authorization Bearer Token Header.
You can configure the JWT values in the JWTOptions properties, there are 2 main properties: Header and Pay
load, just set the values for every required property.
If the Signature is encrypted using a Private Key (RS and ES algorithms), set the value in the PrivateKey property
of the Algorithm.
If the Signature is encrypted using a Secret (HS algorithms), set the value in the Secret property of the Algorithm.
OpenSSL Options
Configure which openSSL libraries you will use when using JWT client.
OpenSSL_Options: configuration of the openSSL libraries.
APIVersion: allows to define which OpenSSL API will be used.
oslAPI_1_0: uses API 1.0 OpenSSL, it's latest supported by Indy
oslAPI_1_1: uses API 1.1 OpenSSL, requires our custom Indy library and allows to use
OpenSSL 1.1.1 libraries (with TLS 1.3 support).
oslAPI_3_0: uses API 3.0 OpenSSL, requires our custom Indy library and allows to use
OpenSSL 3.0.0 libraries (with TLS 1.3 support).
LibPath: here you can configure where are located the openSSL libraries
oslpNone: this is the default, the openSSL libraries should be in the same folder where is the
binary or in a known path.
oslpDefaultFolder: sets automatically the openSSL path where the libraries should be located
for all IDE personalities.
oslpCustomFolder: if this is the option selected, define the full path in the property LibPath
LibPathCustom: when LibPath = oslpCustomFolder define here the full path where are located the
openSSL libraries.
UnixSymLinks: enable or disable the loading of SymLinks under Unix systems (by default is en
abled, except under OSX64):
oslsSymLinksDefault: by default are enabled except under OSX64 (after MacOS Monterey
fails trying to load the library without version.).
oslsSymLinksLoadFirst: Load SymLinks and do before trying to load the version libraries.
oslsSymLinksLoad: Load SymLinks after trying to load the version libraries.
oslsSymLinksDontLoad: don't load the SymLinks.
Custom Headers
The Header and Payload properties contains the most common headers used to generate a JWT, but you can add
more headers calling the method AddKeyValue and passing the Key and Value as parameters.
Example: if you want add a new record in the JWT Header with your name, use the following method
After configuring the properties, to generate the JWT, just call the method Sign and will return the value of the JWT.
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oClient.URL := 'ws://';
oJWT := TsgcHTTP_JWT_Client.Create(nil);
oJWT.JWTOptions.Header.alg := jwtRS256;
oJWT.JWTOptions.Payload.sub := '1234567890';
oJWT.JWTOptions.Payload.iat := 1516239022;
oClient.Authentication.Enabled := True;
oClient.Authentication.URL.Enabled := False;
oClient.Authentication.Token.Enabled := True;
oClient.Authentication.Token.JWT := oJWT;
oClient.Active := True;
oHTTP := TsgcHTTP2Client.Create(nil);
oJWT := TsgcHTTP_JWT_Client.Create(nil);
oJWT.JWTOptions.Header.alg := jwtRS256;
oJWT.JWTOptions.Payload.sub := '1234567890';
oJWT.JWTOptions.Payload.iat := 1516239022;
oHTTP.Authentication.Token.JWT := oHTTP;
The Authorization Token can be re-created every time you send an HTTP request using an HTTP client or can be
reused several times till it expires.
Example: calling Apple APNs using Tokens, requires that the token is reused at least during 20 minutes and at a
maximum of 1 hour. Use the Property RefreshTokenAfter to set the seconds when the token will expire, for exam
ple after 30 minutes.
RefreshTokenAfter = 60 * 40.
In order to obtain the JWT Signature, just create a new instance of the JWT Client and fill the properties manually,
when all properties are set, call the method Sign and it will return the JWT Token.
oJWT := TsgcHTTP_JWT_Client.Create(nil);
// ... header
oJWT.JWTOptions.Header.alg := jwtHS256;
oJWT.JWTOptions.Algorithms.HS.Secret := '79F66F1E-E998-436B-8A0A-3E5DEFA4FD9E';
// ... payload
oJWT.JWTOptions.Payload.jti := '9B66FB94-B761-42B1-A1AF-3C44233DBE87';
oJWT.JWTOptions.Payload.iat := 1630925658;
oJWT.JWTOptions.Payload.iss := '2886EC7547B7BA6A9009';
oJWT.JWTOptions.Payload.exp := 1630933158;
// ... custom payload values
oJWT.JWTOptions.Payload.AddKeyValue('origin', '');
oJWT.JWTOptions.Payload.AddKeyValue('ip', '');
// ... get JWT Token
JWT | TsgcHTTP_JWT_Server
The TsgcHTTP_JWT_Server component allows to decode and validate JWT tokens received in WebSocket
Handshake when using WebSocket protocol or as HTTP Header when using HTTP protocol.
You can configure the following properties in the JWTOptions property of the component:
If the Signature is validated using a Public Key (RS and ES algorithms), set the value in the PublicKey property of
the Algorithm.
If the Signature is validated using a Secret (HS algorithms), set the value in the Secret property of the Algorithm.
To validate JWT tokens, just attach a TsgcHTTP_JWT_Server instance to Authentication.JWT.JWT property of
the WebSocket/HTTP Server.
oServer := TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer.Create(nil);
oServer.Port := 80;
oJWT := TsgcHTTP_JWT_Server.Create(nil);
oJWT.JWTOptions.Algorithms.RS.PublicKey.Text := 'public key here';
oServer.Authorization.Enabled := True;
oServer.Authorization.JWT.JWT := oJWT;
oServer.Active := True;
Checks property allows to enable some checks in the Payload of JWT, by default checks if the issued dates are
Use the following events to control the flow of JWT Validating Token.
The event is called when a new HTTP / WebSocket connection is detected and before any validation is done.
This connection can contain or not a JWT Token.
If you don't want to process this Connection using JWT Validation, just set the Cancel parameter to True (means
that this connection will bypass JWT validations).
By default, all connections continue the process of JWT validation.
The event is called when the connection contains an Authorization token and before is validated.
If you don't want to validate this token, just set the Cancel parameter to True (means that this connection will by
pass JWT validations).
By default, all connections continue the process of JWT validation.
This event is called after the token has been decoded, so using Header and Payload parameters you have ac
cess to the content of JWT and before the signature is validated.
The parameter Secret is the secret that will be used to validate the signature and uses the PublicKey or Secret of
the JWTOptions property. If this Token must be validated with another secret, the new value can be set to Secret
By default, all signatures are validated
The event is called after the signature has been validated, the parameter Valid shows if the signature is correct or
not. If it's not correct the connection will be closed, otherwise the connection will continue.
You can access to the content of Header and Payload of JWT using the arguments provided.
If there is any error validating the JWT, will be informed in the Error argument.
If there is any exception while processing the JWT Decoding and Validation, this event will be called with the con
tent of error.
Eliminate administrative overhead
With SQS, there is no upfront cost, no need to acquire, install, and configure messaging software, and no
time-consuming build-out and maintenance of supporting infrastructure.
Reliably deliver messages
SQS lets you decouple application components so that they run and fail independently, increasing the over
all fault tolerance of the system.
Keep sensitive data secure
You can use Amazon SQS to exchange sensitive data between applications using server-side encryption
(SSE) to encrypt each message body.
Scale elastically and cost-effectively
SQS scales elastically with your application so you don’t have to worry about capacity planning and pre-pro
The following scenario describes the lifecycle of an Amazon SQS message in a queue, from creation to deletion.
Step 3: Receive and Delete Your Message
After you send a message into a queue, you can consume it (retrieve it from the queue). When you request a mes
sage from a queue, you can't specify which message to get. Instead, you specify the maximum number of mes
sages (up to 10) that you want to get.
Step 4: Delete Your Queue
If you don't use an Amazon SQS queue (and don't foresee using it in the near future), it is a best practice to delete
it from Amazon SQS.
SQS Client
for i := 0 to oAttributes.Count - 1 do
DoLog('#Attribute: ' + TsgcSQSAttribute(oAttributes.Item[i])
.AttributeName + ' ' + TsgcSQSAttribute(oAttributes.Item[i])
DoLog('#GetQueueAttributes: error');
// GetQueueUrl
// Returns the URL of an existing Amazon SQS queue.
// ListDeadLetterSourceQueues
// Returns a list of your queues that have the RedrivePolicy queue attribute configured with a dead-letter queue.
// ListQueueTags
// List all cost allocation tags added to the specified Amazon SQS queue.
// PurgeQueue
// Deletes the messages in a queue specified by the QueueName parameter.
if SQS.PurgueQueue('sqs_queue') then
DoLog('#PurgueQueue: ok')
DoLog('#PurgueQueue: error');
// ReceiveMessage
// Retrieves one or more messages (up to 10), from the specified queue.
oResponses := TsgcSQSReceiveMessageResponses.Create;
if SQS.ReceiveMessage('sqs_test', oResponses) then
for i := 0 to oResponses.Count - 1 do
DoLog('#ReceiveMessage: ' + TsgcSQSReceiveMessageResponse(oResponses.Item[i]).Body);
FReceiptHandle := TsgcSQSReceiveMessageResponse(oResponses.Item[i]).ReceiptHandle;
// RemovePermission
// Revokes any permissions in the queue policy that matches the specified Label parameter.
// SendMessage
// Delivers a message to the specified queue.
if SQS.SendMessage('sqs_queue', 'My First Message') then
DoLog('#SendMessage: ok')
DoLog('#SendMessage: error');
// SendMessageBatch
// Delivers up to ten messages to the specified queue. This is a batch version of SendMessage.
// SetQueueAttributes
// Sets the value of one or more queue attributes. When you change a queue's attributes, the change can take up to 60 se
// for most of the attributes to propagate throughout the Amazon SQS system.
oAttributes := TsgcSQSAttributes.Create;
oAttributes.AddSQSAttribute(sqsatVisibilityTimeout, '45');
if SQS.SetQueueAttributes('sqs_queue', oAttributes) then
DoLog('#SetQueueAttributes: ok')
DoLog('#SetQueueAttributes: error');
// TagQueue
// Add cost allocation tags to the specified Amazon SQS queue.
// UntagQueue
// Remove cost allocation tags from the specified Amazon SQS queue.
This event is called before sqs component does an HTTP request. You can get access to URL parameter and if
Handled parameter is set to True, means component won't do an HTTP request.
If there is any error when component do a request, this event will be called with Error Code and Error Description.
This event is called after an HTTP request with raw response from server.
Select your application type and set a description name
If successful, you will get your Client Id and Client Secret
Don't share your OAuth2 data with anyone!
Now copy to the sgcWebSockets PubSub sample, and add the Project Id (NOT the project name)
This is how will must be configured in sgcWebSocket PubSub sample
Then you can try to create a new topic for example, the first time, you must authorize the OAuth2 connection, so a
new web-browser will be shown to request an authorization to access your account with the OAuth2 credentials
provided by google
Allow the connection, and if successful you can start to work with this API
Select CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT and a new page will be shown where you must set the service account
name and description
Then select at least one Role, I select PubSub Admin to allow the client publish and subscribe topics, but you can
select other role with less privileges
Press CONTINUE and finally you can grant access to other users
Press DONE when you finish and a new record will be shown
The next step is create a new Key, so select the option Create Key in actions column. Select JSON to download the
configuration in JSON format and a new Key will be created
Finally you only need to fill the data provided by google in the sgcWebSockets PubSub client. You can use Load
SettingsFromFile to load the configuration JSON file.
Atleastonce de
livery Synchro Exactlyonce pro
Open Open APIs
nous, cross-zone cessing Cloud
and client libraries
message replica Dataflow supports
in seven languages
tion and permes reliable, expressive,
support cross-cloud
sage receipt track exactlyonce pro
and hybrid deploy
ing ensures at- cessing of Cloud
least-once delivery Pub/Sub streams.
at any scale.
Global by default No provisioning, Compliance and
Publish from any auto-everything security Cloud Pub/
where in the world Cloud Pub/Sub Sub is a HIPAA-
and consume from does not have compliant service,
anywhere, with shards or partitions. offering fine-grained
consistent latency. Just set your quota, access controls and
No replication nec publish, and con endtoend encryp
essary. sume. tion.
Integrated Take
Seek and replay
advantage of inte
Rewind your back
grations with multi
log to any point in
ple services, such
time or a snapshot,
as Cloud Storage
giving the ability to
and Gmail update
reprocess the mes
events and Cloud
sages. Fast forward
Functions for
to discard outdated
serverless event-
driven computing.
Publisher-subscriber relationships
A publisher application creates and sends messages to a topic. Subscriber applications create a subscription to a
topic to receive messages from it. Communication can be one-to-many (fan-out), many-to-one (fan-in), and many-
Google Pub/Sub component client can login to Google Servers using the following methods:
• gcaOAuth2: OAuth2 protocol
• gcaJWT: JWT tokens.
The login is done using a webbrowser where the user logins with his own user and authorizes the PubSub re
• GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientId: is the ClientID provided by Google to Authenticate through OAuth2
• GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientSecret: is the Client Secret string provided by Google to Authenticate
through OAuth2 protocol.
• GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.Scope: is the scope of OAuth2, usually there is no need to modify the de
fault value unless you need to get more access than default.
• GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.LocalIP: OAuth2 protocol requires a server listening answer from Authenti
cation server, this is the IP or DNS. By default is
• GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.LocalPort: Local server listening port.
• GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.RedirectURL: if you need to set a redirect url different from LocalPort + Lo
calIP, you can set in this property (example:
Service Accounts
The login is done signing the requests using a private key provided by google, these method is recommended for
automated services or applications without user interaction.
• GoogleCloudOptions.JWT.ClientEmail: is the Client Email name provided creating the new service ac
count. "client_email" node in the JSON configuration file.
• GoogleCloudOptions.JWT.PrivateKeyId: is the Private Key Id provided by google. "private_key_id" node
in the JSON configuration file.
• GoogleCloudOptions.JWT.PrivateKey: is the Private Key certificate provided by google. "private_key"
node in the JSON configuration file.
When a new service account is created, you can download a JSON file with all configurations. This file can be
processed by the PubSub component, just call the method LoadSettingsFromFile and pass the JSON filename as
oPubSub := TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_PubSub_Client.Create(nil);
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.Authorization := gcaOAuth2;
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientId := '... your google client id...';
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientSecret := '... your google client secret...';
Service Accounts
Service Accounts requires to build a JWT and pass as an Authorization Token
oPubSub := TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_PubSub_Client.Create(nil);
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.Authorization := gcaJWT;
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.JWT.ClientEmail := ' email...';
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.JWT.PrivateKeyId := '...private key id...';
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.JWT.PrivateKey.Lines.Text := '...private key certificate...';
This is required in order to get an Authorization Token Key from Google which will be used for all Rest API calls.
All methods return a response, which may be successful or return an error.
Method Description Example
Creates a snapshot
from the requested
subscription. Snap
shots are used in
project, operations, which al
snap low you to manage
CreateS CreateSnapshot('pubsub-270909',
shot, message acknowl
napshot 'snapshot-1', 'subscription-1')
sub edgments in bulk.
scription That is, you can set
the acknowledgment
state of messages in
an existing subscrip
tion to the state cap
tured by a snapshot.
DeleteS Removes an existing DeleteSnapshot('pubsub-270909',
napshot snapshot 'snapshot-1')
Lists the existing
Snap project ListSnapshots('pubsub-270909')
Method Description Example
Creates a subscrip
tion to a given topic.
If the subscription
project, already exists, re
subscrip turns CreateSubscription('pubsub-270909',
tion, top ALREADY_EXISTS. 'subscription-1', 'topic-1')
ic If the corresponding
topic doesn't exist,
Deletes an existing
Delete project,
subscription. All DeleteSubscription('pubsub-270909',
Sub subscrip
messages retained 'subscription-1')
scripton tion
in the subscription
are immediately
project, Gets the configura
GetSub GetSubscription('pubsub-270909',
subscrip tion details of a sub
scription 'subscription-1')
tion scription.
Lists matching sub ListSubscriptions('pubsub-270909',
scrip project
scriptions. 'subscription-1')
Modifies the ack
deadline for a spe
cific message. This
method is useful to
indicate that more
time is needed to
process a message
project, by the subscriber, or
subscrip to make the mes
tion, Ack sage available for
Ids redelivery if the pro
cessing was inter
rupted. Note that
this does not modify
the subscriptionlev
el ackDeadlineSec
onds used for sub
sequent messages.
Modifies the Push
Config for a speci
may be used to
change a push sub
scription to a pull
one (signified by an
empty PushConfig)
Push project,
or vice versa, or
Config subscrip
change the end
Sub tion
point URL and other
attributes of a push
subscription. Mes
sages will accumu
late for delivery con
tinuously through
the call regardless
of changes to the
Pulls messages
from the server. The
project, server may return
pull('pubsub-270909', 'subscrip-
Pull subscrip UNAVAILABLE if
tion there are too many
concurrent pull re
quests pending for
the given subscrip
Seeks an existing
subscription to a
point in time or to a
given snapshot,
whichever is provid
ed in the request.
Snapshots are used
operations, which
project, allow you to man
subscrip age message ac
Seek tion, knowledgments in
timeUTC, bulk. That is, you
snapshot can set the ac
knowledgment state
of messages in an
existing subscription
to the state cap
tured by a snap
shot. Note that both
the subscription and
the snapshot must
be on the same top
Method Description Example
Create project, Creates the given top CreateTopic('pubsub-270909',
Topic topic ic with the given name 'topic-1')
Deletes the topic with
the given name. Re
turns NOT_FOUND if
the topic does not ex
ist. After a topic is
Delete project, deleted, a new topic DeleteTopic('pubsub-270909',
Topic topic may be created with 'topic-1')
the same name; this
is an entirely new top
ic with none of the old
configuration or sub
project, Gets the configuration GetTopic('pubsub-270909',
topic of a topic. 'topic-1')
project Lists matching topics. ListTopics('pubsub-270909')
Method scrip Example
Lists the
names of
project, the sub ListTopicSubscriptions('pubsub-270909',
topic scriptions 'topic-1')
on this
oPubSub := TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_PubSub_Client.Create(nil);
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientId := '... your google client id...';
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientSecret := '... your google client secret...';
oPubSub.CreateTopic('pubsub-270909', 'topic-1');
"name": "projects/pubsub-270909/topics/topic-1"
Publish a message
Publish a new message in new topic created
oPubSub := TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_PubSub_Client.Create(nil);
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientId := '... your google client id...';
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientSecret := '... your google client secret...';
oPubSub.Publish('pubsub-270909', 'topic-1', 'My First Message from sgcWebSockets.'));
"messageIds": [
oPubSub := TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_PubSub_Client.Create(nil);
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientId := '... your google client id...';
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientSecret := '... your google client secret...';
oAttributes := TStringList.Create;
oAttributes.CommaText := 'origin=gcloud-sample,username=gcp';
oPubSub.Publish('pubsub-270909', 'topic-1', 'My First Message from sgcWebSockets.', oAttributes, 'username'));
oPubSub := TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_PubSub_Client.Create(nil);
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientId := '... your google client id...';
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientSecret := '... your google client secret...';
oPubSub.CreateSubscription('pubsub-270909', 'subscription-1', 'topic-1');
"name": "projects/pubsub-270909/subscriptions/subscription-1",
"topic": "projects/pubsub-270909/topics/topic-1",
"pushConfig": {},
"ackDeadlineSeconds": 10,
"messageRetentionDuration": "604800s",
"expirationPolicy": {
"ttl": "2678400s"
oPubSub := TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_PubSub_Client.Create(nil);
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientId := '... your google client id...';
oPubSub.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientSecret := '... your google client secret...';
oPubSub.pubsub.Pull('pubsub-270909', 'subscription-1');
"receivedMessages": [
"message": {
"data": "TXkgRmlyc3QgTWVzc2FnZSBmcm9tIHNnY1dlYlNvY2tldHMu",
"messageId": "1050732082561505",
"publishTime": "2020-03-14T15:25:31.505Z"
Message is received Encode in Base64, so you must decode first to read contents.
API Resources
Google Calendar uses the following resources:
• Event: An event on a calendar containing information such as the title, start and end times, and attendees.
Events can be either single events or recurring events. An event is represented by an Event resource. The
Events collection for a given calendar contains all event resources for that calendar.
• Calendar: A calendar is a collection of events. Each calendar has associated metadata, such as calendar
description or default calendar time zone. The metadata for a single calendar is represented by a Calendar
resource. The Calendars collection contains Calendar resources for all existing calendars.
• CalendarList: A list of all calendars on a user's calendar list in the Calendar UI. The metadata for a single
calendar that appears on the calendar list is represented by a CalendarListEntry resource. This metadata in
cludes userspecific properties of the calendar, such as its color or notifications for new events. The Calen
darList collection contains all CalendarListEntry resources for a given user. For a further explanation of the
difference betweeen the Calendars and CalendarList collections, see Calendar and Calendar List
• Setting: A user preference from the Calendar UI, such as the user's time zone. A single user preference is
represented by a Setting Resource. The Settings collection contains all Setting resources for a given user.
• ACL: An access control rule granting a user (or a group of users) a specified level of access to a calendar. A
single access control rule is represented by an ACL resource. The ACL collection for a given calendar con
tains all ACL resources that grant access to that calendar.
• Color: A color presented in the Calendar UI. The Colors resource represents the set of all colors available in
the Calendar UI, in two groups: colors available for events and colors available for calendars.
• Free/busy: A time when a calendar has events scheduled is considered "busy", a time when a calendar has
no events is considered "free". The Freebusy resource allows querying for the set of busy times for a given
calendar or set of calendars.
Main Features
• Fully Featured Google Calendar Client API V3.
• All Methods supported by API can be called using client API.
• Client requests using HTTP/2 protocol (*only Enterprise Edition).
• Automatic Handling of partial responses using PageNextToken.
• Easy access to Calendar and Event data properties.
Google Calendar component client has the following properties:
• GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientId: is the ClientID provided by Google to Authenticate through OAuth2
• GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientSecret: is the Client Secret string provided by Google to Authenticate
through OAuth2 protocol.
• GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.Scope: is the scope of OAuth2, usually there is no need to modify the de
fault value unless you need to get more access than default.
• GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.LocalIP: OAuth2 protocol requires a server listening answer from Authenti
cation server, this is the IP or DNS. By default is
• GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.LocalPort: Local server listening port.
• GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.RedirectURL: if you need to set a redirect url different from LocalPort + Lo
calIP, you can set in this property (example:
You can modify the Scopes of your client API using Scopes property, just select which scopes are supported by
your client.
Synchronize Calendars
TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_Calendar_Client component allows to synchronize the calendars using direct Google API
calls or using our easy Calendars methods to synchronize the calendars.
Method Parameters Description
aSummary: the
NewCalen Creates a new Calen
title of the cal
dar dar
DeleteCalen aId: identifier of Deletes an existing Cal
dar the calendar. endar.
UpdateCal Updates an existing
object with the
endar Calendar.
calendar data.
Loads all calendars and
Calendars property is
filled with this data.
Loads all changes in
LoadCalen last token used
your calendars from To
darsChanged to update your
ken set.
Calendar Client has a property called Calendars, where you can access to Calendar Data after calling any of previ
ous methods, this property is synchronized automatically.
Synchronize Events
TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_Calendar_Client component allows to synchronize the events using direct Google API
calls or using our easy Event methods to synchronize the Events.
Method Parameters Description
aCalendarId: id
of the calendar.
NewEvent aResource: Creates a new Event.
object with the
event data.
aCalendarId: id
of the calendar. Deletes an existing
aId: identifier of Event.
the event.
aCalendarId: id
of the calendar.
Updates an existing
UpdateEvent aResource:
object with the
event data.
aCalendarId: id Loads all events of
of the calendar. the calendar.
aCalendarId: id
of the calendar.
Loads all events of
LoadE aSyncToken:
the calendar from To
ventsChanged last token used
ken set.
to update your
You can access to events data, using the property Calendars, select any of the existing calendars of the list and
accessing to Events property.
Method Description
Deletes an access con
trol rule.
Returns an access con
trol rule.
Creates an access con
trol rule.
Returns the rules in the
ACL_List access control list for
the calendar.
Updates an access con
trol rule. This method
supports patch seman
Updates an access con
trol rule.
Watch for changes to
ACL resources.
Method Description
Removes a cal
endar from the
user's calendar
Returns a cal
endar from the
user's calendar
Inserts an exist
ing calendar in
to the user's cal
endar list.
Returns the cal
endars on the
user's calendar
Updates an ex
isting calendar
on the user's
CalendarList_Patch calendar list.
This method
supports patch
Updates an ex
isting calendar
on the user's
calendar list.
Watch for
changes to Cal
endarList re
Method Description
Clears a primary
calendar. This oper
ation deletes all
Calendar_Clear events associated
with the primary
calendar of an ac
Deletes a sec
ondary calendar.
Use calendars.clear
for clearing all
events on primary
Returns metadata
for a calendar.
Creates a sec
ondary calendar.
Updates metadata
for a calendar. This
method supports
patch semantics.
Updates metadata
for a calendar.
Method Description
Stop watching re
Channel_Stop sources through this
Method Description
Returns the color defini
Color_Get tions for calendars and
Method Description
Event_Delete Deletes an event.
Event_Get Returns an event.
Imports an event.
This operation is
used to add a pri
vate copy of an ex
isting event to a cal
Event_Insert Creates an event.
Returns instances of
Event_Instances the specified recur
ring event.
Returns events on
Event_List the specified calen
Moves an event to
another calendar,
i.e. changes an
event's organizer.
Updates an event.
This method sup
ports patch seman
tics. The field values
you specify replace
the existing values.
Fields that you don’t
Event_Patch specify in the re
quest remain un
changed. Array
fields, if specified,
overwrite the exist
ing arrays; this dis
cards any previous
array elements.
Creates an event
Event_QuickAdd based on a simple
text string.
Event_Update Updates an event.
Watch for changes
to Events resources.
Method Description
Returns free/busy
Freebusy_Query information for a set
of calendars.
Method Description
Returns a single user
Returns all user set
Settings_List tings for the authenti
cated user.
Watch for changes to
Settings resources.
oGoogleCalendar := TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_Calendar_Client.Create(nil);
// ... configure OAuth2 options
oGoogleCalendar.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientId := 'google ClientId';
oGoogleCalendar.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientSecret := 'google ClientSecret';
// ... request calendars
if oGoogleCalendar.LoadCalendars then
// ... get calendars data
for i := 0 to oGoogleCalendar.Calendars.Count - 1 do
vCalendarTitle := oGoogleCalendar.Calendars.Calendar[i].Summary;
raise Exception.Create('Error Calendar Sync');
oGoogleCalendar := TsgcHTTPGoogleCloud_Calendar_Client.Create(nil);
// ... configure OAuth2 options
oGoogleCalendar.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientId := 'google ClientId';
oGoogleCalendar.GoogleCloudOptions.OAuth2.ClientSecret := 'google ClientSecret';
// ... request calendars first
// ... request events from first calendar
oCalendar := TsgcGoogleCalendarItem(oGoogleCalendar.Calendars.Calendar[0]);
if oGoogleCalendar.LoadEvents(oCalendar.ID) then
// ... get events data
for i := 0 to oCalendar.Events.Count - 1 do
vEventTitle := oCalendar.Events[i].Summary;
raise Exception.Create('Error Event Sync');
Using RefreshToken
The first time you Authenticate, use OnAuthToken event to save the RefreshToken if exists, you can save in an IN
IFile for example:
Then when you start your application again, if there is a RefreshToken, call the method RefreshToken and pass the
token as argument (previously you must set the Google Calendar API keys). If successful, you will login to google
servers without re-authenticate again.
TsgcUDPClient implements the UDP Client based on Indy library.
UDP it's a connection less protocol where there is no assurance that message sent arrive to the destination but op
posite to TCP protocol, it's much faster.
1. Drop a TsgcUDPClient component onto the form
2. Set Host and Port (default is 80) to connect to an available UDP Server.
oClient := TsgcUDPClient.Create(nil);
oClient.Host := '';
oClient.Port := 80;
3. You can connect through an HTTP Proxy Server, you need to define proxy properties:
Host: hostname of the proxy server.
Port: port number of the proxy server.
Username: user to authenticate, blank if anonymous.
Password: password to authenticate, blank if anonymous.
4. If you want, you can handle the events
OnUDPRead: called when a new message is received from the server. The message is in Bytes format.
OnUDPException: called when there is any exception in the UDP protocol.
5. Call WriteData method to send any message to the UDP server.
Host: IP or DNS name of the server.
Port: Port used to connect to the host.
LogFile: if enabled save socket messages to a specified log file, useful for debugging. The access to log file is
not thread safe if it's accessed from several threads.
Enabled: if enabled every time a message is received and sent by socket it will be saved on a file.
FileName: full path to the filename.
UnMaskFrames: by default True, means that saves the websocket messages sent unmasked.
NotifyEvents: defines which mode to notify WebSocket events.
neAsynchronous: this is the default mode, notify threaded events on asynchronous mode, adds events to a
queue that are synchronized with the main thread asynchronously.
neSynchronous: if this mode is selected, notify threaded events on synchronous mode, needs to synchro
nize with the main thread to notify these events.
neNoSync: there is no synchronization with the main thread, if you need to access to controls that are not
thread-safe, you need to implement your own synchronization methods.
Proxy: here you can define if you want to connect through a Proxy Server, you can connect to the following
proxy servers:
TsgcUDPServer implements the UDP Serverbased on Indy library.
UDP it's a connection less protocol where there is no assurance that message sent arrive to the destination but op
posite to TCP protocol, it's much faster.
1. Drop a TsgcUDPServer component onto the form
2. Set the listening Port.
oClient := TsgcUDPServer.Create(nil);
oClient.Port := 80;
Bindings: used to manage IP and Ports.
LogFile: if enabled save socket messages to a specified log file, useful for debugging.
Enabled: if enabled every time a message is received and sent by socket it will be saved on a file.
FileName: full path to the filename.
NotifyEvents: defines which mode to notify WebSocket events.
neAsynchronous: this is the default mode, notify threaded events on asynchronous mode, adds events to a
queue that are synchronized with the main thread asynchronously.
neSynchronous: if this mode is selected, notify threaded events on synchronous mode, needs to synchro
nize with the main thread to notify these events.
neNoSync: there is no synchronization with the main thread, if you need to access to controls that are not
thread-safe, you need to implement your own synchronization methods.
WatchDog: if enabled, restart the server after unexpected disconnection.
Interval: seconds before reconnects.
Attempts: max number of reconnects, if zero, then unlimited.
STUN (Session Traversal Utilitiies for NAT) it's an IETF protocol used for real-time audio video in IP networks.
STUN is a server-client protocol, a STUN server usually operates on both UPD and TCP and listens on port 3478.
The main purpose of the STUN protocol is to enable a device running behind a NAT discover its public IP and what
type of NAT is.
STUN provides a mechanism to communicate between peers behind a NAT. The peers send a request to a STUN
server to know which is the public IP address and Port. The binding requests sent from client to server are used to
determine the IP and ports bindings allocated by NAT's. The STUN client sends a Binding request to the STUN
server, the server examines the source IP and Port used by client, and returns this information to the client.
The STUN server basically sends 2 types of responses: successful or error, every response has a list of attributes
which contains information about binding IP address, error code, reason of error...
• TsgcSTUNClient: it's the client component that implements the STUN protocol and allows to send binding
requests to STUN servers.
• TsgcSTUNServer: it's the server component that implements the STUN protocol.
STUN | TsgcSTUNClient
TsgcSTUNClient is the client that implements the STUN protocol and allows to send binding requests to STUN
The components allows to use UDP and TCP as transport, and when used UDP as transport implements a Re
transmission mechanism to re-send requests if the response not arrived after a small time.
Basic usage
Usually stun servers runs on UDP port 3478 and don't require authentication, so in order to send a STUN request
binding, fill the server properties to allow the client know where connect and Handle the events where the compo
nent will receive the response from server.
Configure the server
• Host: the IP or DNS name of the server, example:
• Port: the listening Server port, example: 3478
Call the method SendRequest, to send a request binding to STUN server.
Handle the events
• If the server returns a successful response, the event OnSTUNResponseSuccess will be called and you
can access to the Binding information reading the aBinding object.
• If the server returns an error, the event OnSTUNResponseError will be called and you can access the Error
Code and Reason reading the aError object.
oSTUN := TsgcSTUNClient.Create(nil);
oSTUN.Host := '';
oSTUN.Port := 3478;
There is a single method called SendRequest, which sends a request to STUN Server, requesting binding informa
Host: it's the IP Address or DNS name of STUN server where the client will send a binding request.
Port: it's the listening port of STUN server, by default 3478.
IPVersion: it's the Family Address, by default IPv4.
Transport: it's the transport used to connect to STUN server, by default UDP.
STUNOptions: here are defined the specific STUN options of client component
Fingerprint: if enabled, the message includes a fingerprint that aids to identify STUN messages from pack
ets of other protocols when the two are multiplexed on the same transport address.
Software: if enabled, sends an attribute with the name of the software being used by the client.
Authentication: some STUN servers requires that requests are authenticated.
• Credentials: there are 2 types of Authentication: LongTermCredentials and ShortTermCredentials.
By default the requests are not authenticated
• Username: the string that identifies the user.
• Password: the secret string.
RetransmissionOptions: when messages are sent using UDP as transport, UDP doesn't includes a mechanism
to know if a message has arrived or not to other peer. This property allows to configure a mechanism to re-send
UDP messages if not arrived after a small time.
Enabled: if enabled, the message will be re-send until receives a confirmation or the maximum number of
retries has been reached.
RTO: retransmission time in milliseconds, by default 500ms. For example, assuming an RTO of 500 ms, re
quests would be sent at times 0 ms, 500 ms, 1500 ms, 3500 ms, 7500 ms, 15500 ms, and 31500 ms.
MaxRetries: Max number of retries, by default 7.
LogFile: if enabled save stun messages to a specified log file, useful for debugging. The access to log file is not
thread safe if it's accessed from several threads.
Enabled: if enabled every time a message is received and sent by client it will be saved on a file.
FileName: full path to the filename.
NotifyEvents: defines which mode to notify WebSocket events.
neAsynchronous: this is the default mode, notify threaded events on asynchronous mode, adds events to a
queue that are synchronized with the main thread asynchronously.
neSynchronous: if this mode is selected, notify threaded events on synchronous mode, needs to synchro
nize with the main thread to notify these events.
neNoSync: there is no synchronization with the main thread, if you need to access to controls that are not
thread-safe, you need to implement your own synchronization methods.
This event is called before the stun client sends a message to the server. You can access to the message
properties through the aMessage parameter and modify if required.
When the server processes successfully a request binding, it sends a message with the binding properties
(IP Address, Port and family) and other attributes, this event is called when the client receives this success
ful response.
When there is any error in the response sent by server, this event is called with the error details.
This event is called when there is any exception processing the STUN protocol messages.
oSTUN := TsgcSTUNClient.Create(nil);
oSTUN.Host := '';
oSTUN.Port := 3478;
oSTUN.RetransmissionOptions.Enabled := true;
oSTUN.RetransmissionOptions.RTO := 500;
oSTUN.RetransmissionOptions.MaxRetries := 7;
oSTUN := TsgcSTUNClient.Create(nil);
oSTUN.Host := '';
oSTUN.Port := 3478;
oSTUN.STUNOptions.Authentication.Credentials := stauLongTermCredential;
oSTUN.STUNOptions.Authentication.Username := 'user_name';
oSTUN.STUNOptions.Authentication.Password := 'secret';
If server requires long-term credentials and the credentials sent by the client are wrong, the will receive a 401
Unauthorized error as a response in the OnSTUNResponseError event.
STUN | TsgcSTUNServer
TsgcSTUNServer is the server that implements the STUN protocol and allows to process binding requests from
STUN clients.
The STUN server can be configured with or without Authentication, can verify Fingerprint Attribute, send an alter
nate server and more.
Basic usage
Usually stun servers runs on UDP port 3478 and don't require authentication, so in order to configure a STUN serv
er, set the listening port (by default 3478) and start the server.
Configure the server
• Port: the listening Server port, example: 3478
Set the property Active = True to start the STUN server.
oSTUN := TsgcSTUNServer.Create(nil);
oSTUN.Port := 3478;
oSTUN.Active := True;
Active: set the property to True to Start the STUN server and set to False to Stop the Server.
Host: it's the IP Address or DNS name of STUN server.
Port: it's the listening port of STUN server, by default 3478.
IPVersion: it's the Family Address, by default IPv4.
STUNOptions: here are defined the specific STUN options of server component
Fingerprint: if enabled, the message includes a fingerprint that aids to identify STUN messages from pack
ets of other protocols when the two are multiplexed on the same transport address.
Software: if enabled, sends an attribute with the name of the software being used by the server.
Authentication: here you can configure if the server requires Authentication requests to send binding re
• Enabled: set to True if the server requires Authentication requests, by default false.
• LongTermCredentials: Enable if the server supports Long-Term credentials. The long-term creden
tial mechanism relies on a long-term credential, in the form of a username and password that are
shared between client and server.
This event is called when a binding request is received and requires authentication.
When the server processes successfully a request binding, it sends a message with the binding properties
(IP Address, Port and family) and other attributes, this event is called before the message is sent to client.
When there is any error in the response sent by server, , this event is called before the message is sent to
This event is called when there is any exception processing the STUN protocol messages.
oSTUN := TsgcSTUNServer.Create(nil);
oSTUN.Port := 3478;
oSTUN.STUNOptions.Authentication.Enabled := True;
oSTUN.STUNOptions.Authentication.LongTermCredentials.Enabled := True;
oSTUN.STUNOptions.Authentication.LongTermCredentials.Realm := 'sgcWebSockets';
oSTUN.STUNOptions.Authentication.LongTermCredentials.StaleNonce := 600;
oSTUN.Active := True;
oSTUN := TsgcSTUNServer.Create(nil);
oSTUN.Port := 3478;
oSTUN.STUNOptions.BindingAttributes.AlternateServer.Enabled := True;
oSTUN.STUNOptions.BindingAttributes.AlternateServer.IPAddress := '';
oSTUN.STUNOptions.BindingAttributes.AlternateServer.Port := 3478;
oSTUN.Active := True;
When the client receives the Alternate Server response attribute, it will try to send a request binding to the new
Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) protocol enables a server to relay data packets between devices.
If the public IP address of both the caller and callee is not discovered, TURN provides a fallback technique to relay
the call between endpoints.
Connecting a WebRTC session is an orchestrated effort done with the assistance of multiple WebRTC servers. The
NAT traversal servers in WebRTC are in charge of making sure the media gets properly connected. These servers
are STUN and TURN.
• TsgcTURNClient: it's the client component that implements the TURN protocol and allows to Allocate, cre
ate permissions, Send Indications... to TURN Server.
• TsgcTURNServer: it's the server component that implements the TURN protocol.
TURN | TsgcTURNClient
TsgcTURNClient is the client that implements the TURN protocol and allows to send allocation requests to TURN
servers. The client inherits from STUN Client, so all methods supported by STUN client are already supported by
TURN Client.
Basic usage
Usually TURN servers runs on UDP port 3478 and don't require authentication, so in order to send a TURN re
quest, fill the server properties to allow the client know where connect and Handle the events where the component
will receive the response from server.
Configure the server
• Host: the IP or DNS name of the server, example:
• Port: the listening Server port, example: 3478
Call the method Allocate, to send a request to allocate an IP Address and a Port to the TURN server.
Handle the events
• If the server returns a successful response, the event OnTURNAllocateSuccess will be called and you can
access to the Allocation information reading the aAllocation object.
• If the server returns an error, the event OnSTUNResponseError will be called and you can access the Error
Code and Reason reading the aError object.
oTURN := TsgcTURNClient.Create(nil);
oTURN.Host := '';
oTURN.Port := 3478;
procedure OnTURNAllocate(Sender: TObject; const aSocket: TsgcSocketConnection;
const aMessage: TsgcSTUN_Message; const aAllocation: TsgcTURN_ResponseAllocation);
DoLog('Relayed IP: ' + aAllocation.RelayedIP + '. Relayed Port: ' + IntToStr(aAllocation.RelayedPort));
procedure OnSTUNResponseError(Sender: TObject; const aMessage: TsgcSTUN_Message;
const aError: TsgcSTUN_ResponseError);
DoLog('Error: ' + IntToStr(aError.Code) + ' ' + aError.Reason);
1. Send Indications, which encapsulates the data in a STUN packet. Use the method SendIndication to send an
indication to other peer.
2. Use Channel Data, it's a more efficient way to send data between peers because the packet size is smaller than
indications. Use SendChannelData method to send a channel data to other peer.
When a TURN server receives a packet in a Relayed IP Address from an IP Address with an active permission, if
there is channel data bound to the peer IP Address, the TURN client will receive the data in the event OnTURN
ChannelData. But if there is no channel, the TURN client will receive the data in the event OnTURNData.
This method sends a request to the server to allocate an IP Address and a Port which will be used to relay date be
tween the peers.
If the server can allocate successfully an IP Address and a Port, the event OnTURNAllocate event will be called. If
not, the OnSTUNRequestError event will be called.
The client saves in the Allocation property of the client, the data returned by server about the allocated IP Ad
If there is an active allocation, the client can refresh it sending a Refresh request.
This method has a parameter called Lifetime, if the value is zero, the allocation will expire immediately. If the value
is greater of zero, it means the number of seconds to expiry.
If the result is successful, the event OnTURNRefresh will be called.
This method creates a new permission fo the IP Address set as an argument of the CreatePermission method. If
the permission already exists for this IP, it will be refreshed by the server.
If the result is successful, the event OnCreatePermission will be called.
This method sends a data to the peer identified as PeerIP and PeerPort. This method requires there is an active
permission for this IP in the TURN server.
This method sends a request to the server to create a new channel to communicate with the peer identified as
PeerIP and PeerPort.
if the result is successful, the event OnChannelBind will be called. You can access to the channel-id assigned,
reading the parameter aChannelBind of the event.
This method sends data to a peer using a ChannelId. This method requires the channel exists and is active.
Host: it's the IP Address or DNS name of TURN server where the client will send a binding request.
Port: it's the listening port of TURN server, by default 3478.
IPVersion: it's the Family Address, by default IPv4.
Transport: it's the transport used to connect to TURN server, by default UDP.
STUNOptions: here are defined the specific STUN options of client component
Fingerprint: if enabled, the message includes a fingerprint that aids to identify STUN messages from pack
ets of other protocols when the two are multiplexed on the same transport address.
Software: if enabled, sends an attribute with the name of the software being used by the client.
Authentication: some STUN servers requires that requests are authenticated.
• Credentials: there are 2 types of Authentication: LongTermCredentials and ShortTermCredentials.
By default the requests are not authenticated
• Username: the string that identifies the user.
• Password: the secret string.
TURNOptions: here are defined the specific TURN options of client component
Allocation: here are defined the Allocation properties
• Lifetime: default lifetime in seconds, by default 600 seconds.
Authentication: usually TURN servers are user protected.
• Credentials: by default Long-Term credentials is enabled
• Username: the string that identifies the user.
• Password: the secret string.
AutoRefresh: when a new allocation is created, requires to be refreshed in order to be used by the peers.
Here you can define which methods are automatically refreshed by the TURN Client Component.
• Allocations
• Channels
• Permissions
Fingerprint: if enabled, the message includes a fingerprint that aids to identify STUN messages from pack
ets of other protocols when the two are multiplexed on the same transport address.
Software: if enabled, sends an attribute with the name of the software being used by the client.
RetransmissionOptions: when messages are sent using UDP as transport, UDP doesn't includes a mechanism
to know if a message has arrived or not to other peer. This property allows to configure a mechanism to re-send
UDP messages if not arrived after a small time.
Enabled: if enabled, the message will be re-send until receives a confirmation or the maximum number of
retries has been reached.
RTO: retransmission time in milliseconds, by default 500ms. For example, assuming an RTO of 500 ms, re
quests would be sent at times 0 ms, 500 ms, 1500 ms, 3500 ms, 7500 ms, 15500 ms, and 31500 ms.
MaxRetries: Max number of retries, by default 7.
LogFile: if enabled save stun messages to a specified log file, useful for debugging. The access to log file is not
thread safe if it's accessed from several threads.
Enabled: if enabled every time a message is received and sent by client it will be saved on a file.
FileName: full path to the filename.
NotifyEvents: defines which mode to notify WebSocket events.
neAsynchronous: this is the default mode, notify threaded events on asynchronous mode, adds events to a
queue that are synchronized with the main thread asynchronously.
neSynchronous: if this mode is selected, notify threaded events on synchronous mode, needs to synchro
nize with the main thread to notify these events.
neNoSync: there is no synchronization with the main thread, if you need to access to controls that are not
thread-safe, you need to implement your own synchronization methods.
The TURN client inherits from STUN Client the events: OnSTUNResponseSuccess, OnSTUNResponseError, On
STUNException and OnSTUNBeforeSend.
Additionally, includes the following events to handle all TURN messages.
This event is called after a successful IP Address allocation in the TURN server.
This event is called after creating a new permission in the TURN server.
This event is called after receiving a successful refresh response from the TURN Server.
The event is called when the client receives a DATA Indication from other peer.
This event is called when the server creates a new channel. Returns the new channel-id created.
The event is called when the client receives new Data from a Channel previously created.
oTURN := TsgcTURNClient.Create(nil);
oTURN.Host := '';
oTURN.Port := 3478;
procedure OnSTUNResponseError(Sender: TObject; const aMessage: TsgcSTUN_Message;
const aError: TsgcSTUN_ResponseError);
DoLog('Error: ' + IntToStr(aError.Code) + ' ' + aError.Reason);
The lifetime can be updated to avoid expiration using the method Refresh. The Lifetime is the number of seconds
to expire. If the value is zero the Allocation will be deleted.
oTURN.ChannelBind('', 5000);
A channel binding lasts for 10 minutes unless refreshed. To refresh a channel just call ChannelBind method again.
When the TURN client receives a new ChannelMessage, the event OnTURNChannelData is called.
TURN | TsgcTURNServer
TsgcTURNServer is the server that implements the TURN protocol and allows to process requests from TURN
clients. The component inherits from TsgcSTUNServer, so all methods and properties are available on Tsgc
TURN Server supports Long-Term Authentication, Allocation, Permissions, Channel Data and more.
Basic usage
Usually TURN servers runs on UDP port 3478 and require Long-Term credentials, so in order to configure a TURN
server, set the listening port (by default 3478) and start the server.
Configure the server
• Port: the listening Server port, example: 3478
• Define the Long-Term Credentials properties in TURNOptions.Authentication.LongTermCredentials
• Handle the OnSTUNRequestAuthorization to set the password when a TURN client sends a request to
TURN Server.
Set the property Active = True to start the STUN server.
oTURN := TsgcTURNServer.Create(nil);
oTURN.Port := 3478;
oTURN.TURNOptions.Authentication.Enabled := True;
oTURN.TURNOptions.Authentication.LongTermCredentials.Enabled := True;
oTURN.TURNOptions.Authentication.LongTermCredentials.Realm := '';
oTURN.Active := True;
Active: set the property to True to Start the TURN server and set to False to Stop the Server.
Host: it's the IP Address or DNS name of TURN server.
Port: it's the listening port of TURN server, by default 3478.
IPVersion: it's the Family Address, by default IPv4.
STUNOptions: here are defined the specific options for STUN Requests
Fingerprint: if enabled, the message includes a fingerprint that aids to identify STUN messages from pack
ets of other protocols when the two are multiplexed on the same transport address.
Software: if enabled, sends an attribute with the name of the software being used by the server.
Authentication: here you can configure if the server requires Authentication requests to send binding re
• Enabled: set to True if the server requires Authentication requests, by default false.
• LongTermCredentials: Enable if the server supports Long-Term credentials. The long-term creden
tial mechanism relies on a long-term credential, in the form of a username and password that are
shared between client and server.
• Enabled: set to True if the server requires Long-Term credentials.
• Realm: the string of the realm sent to client.
• StaleNonce: time in seconds after the nonce is no longer valid.
BindingAttributes: when the server sends a successful response after a binding request, here you can cus
tomize which attributes will be sent to the client.
• OtherAddress: if enabled and the server binds to more than one address, this attribute will be
sent with all other addresses except the default one.
• ResponseOrigin: is the Local IP of the server to send the response.
• SourceAddress: is the Local IP of the server to send the response.
TURNOptions: here are defined the specific options for TURN Requests
Fingerprint: if enabled, the message includes a fingerprint that aids to identify TURN messages from pack
ets of other protocols when the two are multiplexed on the same transport address.
Software: if enabled, sends an attribute with the name of the software being used by the server.
Allocation: when a new allocation is created, the server takes from this property the default values.
• DefaultLifeTime: value in seconds of default LifeTime.
• MaxLifeTime: max value of LifeTime, if a TURN client requests a value greater of this value, the val
ue returned will be the MaxLifeTime.
• MaxUserAllocations: max number of allocations.
• MinPort: Minimum range port of allocations.
• MaxPort: Maximum range port of allocations.
• RelayIP: if defined, this will be the Relayed IP Address.
Authentication: usually TURN servers require Long-Term Credentials authentication.
• Enabled: set to True if the server requires Authentication requests, by default false.
• LongTermCredentials: Enable if the server supports Long-Term credentials. The long-term creden
tial mechanism relies on a long-term credential, in the form of a username and password that are
shared between client and server.
• Enabled: set to True if the server requires Long-Term credentials.
• Realm: the string of the realm sent to client.
• StaleNonce: time in seconds after the nonce is no longer valid.
LogFile: if enabled save stun messages to a specified log file, useful for debugging.
Enabled: if enabled every time a message is received and sent by server it will be saved on a file.
FileName: full path to the filename.
NotifyEvents: defines which mode to notify the events.
neAsynchronous: this is the default mode, notify threaded events on asynchronous mode, adds events to a
queue that are synchronized with the main thread asynchronously.
neSynchronous: if this mode is selected, notify threaded events on synchronous mode, needs to synchro
nize with the main thread to notify these events.
neNoSync: there is no synchronization with the main thread, if you need to access to controls that are not
thread-safe, you need to implement your own synchronization methods.
The TURN server inherits from STUN Server the events: OnSTUNRequestAuthorization, OnSTUNRequestSuc
cess, OnSTUNRequestError and OnSTUNException.
Additionally, includes the following events to handle all TURN messages.
The event is called before create a new Allocation. It provides the IP Address and Port used to Relay Data,
you can reject if don't want to accept the Allocation.
The event is called after creating successfully an Allocation.
The event is called after remove an already created Allocation.
The event is called when a message received by server is discarded.
The event is called when a Channel Data message is discarded.
oTURN := TsgcTURNServer.Create(nil);
oTURN.Port := 3478;
oTURN.STUNOptions.Authentication.Enabled := False;
oTURN.TURNOptions.Authentication.Enabled := True;
oTURN.TURNOptions.Authentication.LongTermCredentials.Enabled := True;
oTURN.TURNOptions.Authentication.LongTermCredentials.Realm := 'sgcWebSockets';
oTURN.TURNOptions.Authentication.LongTermCredentials.StaleNonce := 600;
oTURN.Active := True;
If the process continues, the server creates a new allocation and the event OnTURNCreateAllocation is called.
This event provides information about the Allocation through the class TsgcTURNAllocationItem.
When the Allocation expires or is deleted receiving a Refresh Request from client with a lifetime of zero, the event
OnTURNDeleteAllocation event is fired.
By default, DataSnap uses TIdHttpWebBrokerBridge as server to handle HTTP requests. But you can expand the
possibilities of your DataSnap application replacing this server for other with support for more protocols and with
much better performance, taking advantage of latest protocols like HTTP/2 which improves the server performance,
IOCP which allows to handle much more connections and more....
Server Description
Based on In
Web dy library,
Socket supports
Protocol WebSocket
HTTP 1.* and HTTP
Protocol protocols on
XHR Pro the same
tocol port. IOCP
IOCP can be en
abled too.
Web Based on In
Socket dy library,
Protocol supports
HTTP 1.* WebSocket
Protocol and HTTP/2
HTTP/2 protocols on
Protocol the same
XHR Pro port. IOCP
tocol can be en
IOCP abled too.
Based on
HTTP 1.*
and HTTP/2
TsgcWSServer_HTTPAPI_WebBrokerBridge protocols on
the same
port. IOCP is
used by de
fault. Recom
mended for
best perfor
TsgcWSHTTPWebBrokerBridgeServer make use of TIdHttpWebBrokerBridge as server base and is useful if
you want to use a single server for DataSnap, HTTP and WebSocket connections.
TsgcWSHTTPWebBrokerBridgeServer inherits from TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer, so you can refer to this serv
Follow next steps to replace TIdHttpWebBrokerBridge for TsgcWSHTTPWebBrokerBridgeServer :
1. Create a new instance of TsgcWSHTTPWebBrokerBridgeServer.
2. Replace all calls to TIdHttpWebBrokerBridge for TsgcWSHTTPWebBrokerBridgeServer.
3. To Handle WebSocket connections just refer to TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer.
The Datasnap components are only located in Source folder, you won't find in the compiled folders because
these objects are not included in sgcWebSockets package, so you must create in runtime.
Just add the required files to your project or set your path to the Source folder of sgcWebSockets package. Files re
• sgcWebSocket_Server_WebBrokerBridge
FServer := TsgcWSHTTPWebBrokerBridgeServer.Create(Self);
FServer.OnCommandRequest := OnCommandRequestEvent;
FServer.OnCommandGet := OnCommandGetevent;
procedure OnCommandRequestEvent(AThread: TIdContext; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo;
AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo; var aHandled: Boolean);
if ARequestInfo.Document = '/test.html' then
aHandled := True;
procedure OnCommandGetevent(AContext: TIdContext; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo;
AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo);
if ARequestInfo.Document = '/test.html' then
AResponseInfo.ResponseNo := 200;
AResponseInfo.ContentText := 'hello all';
TsgcWSHTTP2WebBrokerBridgeServer use TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer with HTTP/2 protocol enabled as
server base and is useful if you want to use a single server for DataSnap, HTTP/2 and WebSocket connections.
TsgcWSHTTP2WebBrokerBridgeServer inherits from TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer, so you can refer to this
Follow next steps to replace TIdHttpWebBrokerBridge for TsgcWSHTTP2WebBrokerBridgeServer :
1. Create a new instance of TsgcWSHTTP2WebBrokerBridgeServer.
2. Replace all calls to TIdHttpWebBrokerBridge for TsgcWSHTTP2WebBrokerBridgeServer.
3. To Handle WebSocket connections just refer to TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer.
The Datasnap components are only located in Source folder, you won't find in the compiled folders because
these objects are not included in sgcWebSockets package, so you must create in runtime.
Just add the required files to your project or set your path to the Source folder of sgcWebSockets package. Files re
• sgcWebSocket_Server_Base_WebBrokerBridge
• sgcWebSocket_Server_WebBrokerBridge_HTTP2
FServer := TsgcWSHTTP2WebBrokerBridgeServer.Create(Self);
FServer.OnCommandRequest := OnCommandRequestEvent;
FServer.OnCommandGet := OnCommandGetevent;
procedure OnCommandRequestEvent(AThread: TIdContext; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo;
AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo; var aHandled: Boolean);
if ARequestInfo.Document = '/test.html' then
aHandled := True;
procedure OnCommandGetevent(AContext: TIdContext; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo;
AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo);
if ARequestInfo.Document = '/test.html' then
AResponseInfo.ResponseNo := 200;
AResponseInfo.ContentText := 'hello all';
TsgcWSServer_HTTPAPI_WebBrokerBridge use TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI with HTTP/2 protocol en
abled as server base and is useful if you want to use a single server for DataSnap, HTTP/2 and WebSocket con
TsgcWSServer_HTTPAPI_WebBrokerBridge inherits from TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI, so you can refer
to this server.
Follow next steps to replace TIdHttpWebBrokerBridge for TsgcWSServer_HTTPAPI_WebBrokerBridge:
1. Create a new instance of TsgcWSServer_HTTPAPI_WebBrokerBridge.
2. Replace all calls to TIdHttpWebBrokerBridge for TsgcWSServer_HTTPAPI_WebBrokerBridge.
3. To Handle WebSocket connections just refer to TsgcWSServer_HTTPAPI_WebBrokerBridge.
The Datasnap components are only located in Source folder, you won't find in the compiled folders because
these objects are not included in sgcWebSockets package, so you must create in runtime.
Just add the required files to your project or set your path to the Source folder of sgcWebSockets package. Files re
• sgcWebSocket_Server_Base_WebBrokerBridge
• sgcWebSocket_Server_HTTPAPI_WebBrokerBridge
FServer := TsgcWSServer_HTTPAPI_WebBrokerBridge.Create(Self);
FServer.OnCommandRequest := OnCommandRequestEvent;
FServer.OnMessage := OnWebSocketMessage;
procedure OnCommandRequestEvent(aConnection : TsgcWSConnection_HTTPAPI;
const aRequestInfo: THttpServerRequest; var aResponseInfo: THttpServerResponse; var aHandled: Boolean);
if ARequestInfo.Document = '/test.html' then
AResponseInfo.ResponseNo := 200;
AResponseInfo.ContentText := '... body ...
aHandled := True;
procedure OnWebSocketMessage(aConnection: TsgcWSConnection; const aText: string);
Start Server
Before start the server, you must configure it to set the listening port, if use a secure connection or not...
• First I create a new instance of TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer.
• If Server will use secure connections, it needs a PEM certificate, just set where is located this certificate and
the listening port for SSL You can configure the TLS version and the OpenSSL API (if needed)
WSServer.HTTP2Options.Enabled := chkHTTP2.Checked;
if WSServer.HTTP2Options.Enabled then
WSServer.SSLOptions.OpenSSL_Options.APIVersion := oslAPI_1_1;
WSServer.SSLOptions.Version := tls1_3;
case cboOpenSSLAPI.ItemIndex of
0: WSServer.SSLOptions.OpenSSL_Options.APIVersion := oslAPI_1_0;
1: WSServer.SSLOptions.OpenSSL_Options.APIVersion := oslAPI_1_1;
case cboTLSVersion.ItemIndex of
0: WSServer.SSLOptions.Version := tlsUndefined;
1: WSServer.SSLOptions.Version := tls1_0;
2: WSServer.SSLOptions.Version := tls1_1;
3: WSServer.SSLOptions.Version := tls1_2;
4: WSServer.SSLOptions.Version := tls1_3;
• By default, if you start the server, it will listening on ALL IPs of listening port, so it's recommended use the
binding property to only listen on 1 specific IP.
With WSServer.Bindings.Add do
Port := StrToInt(txtDefaultPort.Text);
IP := txtHost.Text;
• Once configured all options, call Server.Active = true to start the server.
Events Configuration
• Use OnConnect and OnDisconnect events to know when a client connects to server.
• Messages sent from client to server are received OnMessage event, so use this event handler to broad
cast the message received to all clients
Client Chat
This demo shows how build a client chat, using TsgcWebSocketClient, which connects to a WebSocket Server,
sends a message and this message is received by all connected clients.
Connect to Server
• First create a new instance of TsgcWebSocketClient.
• Then configure the server Host and Port.
• If client uses a secure connection, configure the TLSOptions property of the component.
• Once all options can be configured, set Client.Active = true to connect to server.
Demos | Client
This demo shows how build a websocket client, using TsgcWebSocketClient.
Connect to Server
• First create a new instance of TsgcWebSocketClient.
• Then configure the server Host and Port.
• By default the client will connect using WebSocket protocol. But you can configure the client to connect us
ing plain TCP protocol. Just set Specifications.RFC6455 = false, and the client will use plain TCP protocol
instead of WebSocket protocol. You can read more about TCP Connections.
WSClient.Host := txtHost.Text;
WSClient.Port := StrToInt(txtPort.Text);
WSClient.Options.Parameters := txtParameters.Text;
WSClient.TLS := chkTLS.Checked;
WSClient.Specifications.RFC6455 := chkOverWebSocket.Checked;
WSClient.Proxy.Enabled := chkProxy.Checked;
WSClient.Proxy.Username := txtProxyUsername.Text;
WSClient.Proxy.Password := txtProxyPassword.Text;
WSClient.Proxy.Host := txtProxyHost.Text;
if txtProxyPort.Text '' then
WSClient.Proxy.Port := StrToInt(txtProxyPort.Text);
WSClient.Extensions.PerMessage_Deflate.Enabled := chkCompressed.Checked;
// ... active
WSClient.Active := True;
Client Events
Use the following events to control the client flow: when connects, disconnects, receives a message, an error is de
• First create a new TsgcWebSocketClient instance, check the Client Demo.
• Then, create a new instance of TsgcWSPClient_MQTT.
• After that, you must assign the MQTT Protocol to WebSocket client and configure the connection options in
WebSocket client.
MQTT.Client := WSClient;
txtParameters.Text := '/';
chkTLS.Checked := False;
MQTT.Authentication.Enabled := False;
MQTT.Authentication.Username := '';
MQTT.Authentication.Password := '';
MQTT.MQTTVersion := mqtt311;
case aItemIndex of
0: //
txtHost.Text := '';
txtPort.Text := '15675';
txtParameters.Text := '/ws';
MQTT.Authentication.Enabled := True;
MQTT.Authentication.Username := 'sgc';
MQTT.Authentication.Password := 'sgc';
1: //
txtHost.Text := '';
txtPort.Text := '1883';
chkTLS.Checked := False;
chkOverWebSocket.Checked := False;
2: //
txtHost.Text := '';
txtPort.Text := '1883';
chkTLS.Checked := False;
chkOverWebSocket.Checked := False;
MQTT.MQTTVersion := mqtt5;
3: //
txtHost.Text := '';
txtPort.Text := '8000';
txtParameters.Text := '/mqtt';
chkTLS.Checked := False;
chkOverWebSocket.Checked := True;
MQTT.MQTTVersion := mqtt5;
MQTT Events
The connection flow is controlled by MQTT Client component, so you must handle the MQTT events to know when
it's connected to broker, when a new message is published, when is disconnected...
FMQTTSubscribeTopic := '';
• First create a new TsgcWebSocketClient instance, check the Client Demo.
• Then, create a new instance of TsgcWSAPI_SocketIO.
• After that, you must assign the Socket.IO API to WebSocket client and configure the connection options in
WebSocket client.
SOCKETIO.Client := WSClient;
WSClient.Host := '';
WSClient.Port := 443;
WSClient.Options.Parameters := '/';
WSClient.Specifications.RFC6455 := True;
WSClient.TLS := True;
Send Messages
Socket.IO uses TsgcWebSocketClient to send messages to server, so just call WriteData and pass as a parame
ter the JSON message to server
Receive Messages
The messages received as the flow of connection is handled by TsgcWebSocketClient, so use this component to
read the messages sent from server and to know if connection is active or not.
• First create a new TsgcWebSocketServer instance, check the Server Chat Demo.
• Then Create a new Timer and every 500 milliseconds update the values of: memory, network or cpu. Send
the update to all clients connected.
• In Javascript client, read the message sent by server and update the value of the gauge.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Server Monitor Demo</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
#status {
padding: 5px;
color: #fff;
background: #ccc;
} {
background: #c00;
#status.offline {
background: #c00;
} {
background: #0c0;
<script type='text/javascript'>
var vMemory;
var vCpu;
var vNetwork;
var chart;
var data;
var options;
var ws;
google.load('visualization', '1', {packages:['gauge']});
function drawChart() {
data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Label', 'Value'],
['Memory', vMemory],
['CPU', vCpu],
['Network', vNetwork]
options = {
width: 400, height: 120,
redFrom: 90, redTo: 100,
yellowFrom:75, yellowTo: 90,
minorTicks: 5
chart = new google.visualization.Gauge(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
chart.draw(data, options);
function updateChart() {
data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Label', 'Value'],
['Memory', vMemory],
['CPU', vCpu],
['Network', vNetwork]
chart.draw(data, options);
function subscribe(Channel)
if (document.getElementById(Channel).checked) {
} else {
function wsmonitor()
if ("WebSocket" in window)
ws = new sgcws("ws://");
ws.on('open', function(evt){
document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = "Socket Open";
document.getElementById('status').className = "online";
ws.on('close', function(evt){
document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = "Socket Closed";
document.getElementById('status').className = "offline";
ws.on('sgcevent', function(evt){
if ( == "memory") {
vMemory = parseInt(evt.message);
} else if ( == "cpu") {
vCpu = parseInt(evt.message);
} else if ( == "network") {
vNetwork = parseInt(evt.message);
ws.on('error', function(evt){
document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = "Socket Error";
document.getElementById('status').className = "fail";
<div data-role="page" id="wsdemo_monitor">
<div data-role="header" data-theme="b">
<h1>Server Monitor</h1>
<a href="#home" data-icon="home" data-iconpos="notext" data-direction="reverse" class="ui-btn-left jqm-home
</div><!-- /header -->
<div data-role="content">
<h2>Press Start to Get Monitor Data</h2>
<p id="status" classname="success"></p>
<h4>Select which data you want to receive: Memory - CPU - Network</h4>
<a href="javascript:wsmonitor()" data-role="button" data-inline="true">Start</a>
<div id='chart_div'></div>
<div data-role="fieldcontain">
<fieldset data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal">
<input type="checkbox" name="memory" id="memory" class="custom" checked="True" onclick
<label for="memory">Memory</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="cpu" id="cpu" class="custom" checked="True" onclick=
<label for="cpu">CPU</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="network" id="network" class="custom" checked="True"
<label for="network">Network</label>
</div><!-- /content -->
<div data-role="footer" class="footer-docs" data-theme="c">
<p>© 2020</p>
</div><!-- /page -->
• First create a new TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer instance, check the Server Chat Demo.
• Enable compression to send less bytes when message is transmitted to clients
Server.Extensions.PerMessage_Deflate.Enabled = true
• Then every 5 seconds the server broadcast an image stream to all connected clients
procedure TfrmServerSnapshots.DoBroadcastStream;
oBitmap: TBitmap;
oStream: TMemoryStream;
oBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
if WSServer.Active then
oStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
oStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
Connect to Server
• First create a new instance of TsgcWebSocketClient.
• Then configure the server Host and Port.
• Enable compression to receive less bytes when message is transmitted from server.
Client.Extensions.PerMessage_Deflate.Enabled = true
• The image sent by server arrives as a stream, so use OnBinary event to read images.
• First create a new TsgcWebSocketServer instance, check the Server Chat Demo.
• The file will arrive to server as a binary stream, so you must handle OnBinary event to read the file.
• If you want to know the name of the file, you can send a text message before the file is sent with the name of
the file
<script type='text/javascript'>
var ws;
function DoOpen()
if ("WebSocket" in window)
ws = new sgcWebSocket("ws://");
ws.on('open', function(evt){
ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer";
document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = "Socket Open";
document.getElementById('status').className = "online";
ws.on('close', function(evt){
document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = "Socket Closed";
document.getElementById('status').className = "offline";
ws.on('error', function(evt){
document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = "Socket Error";
document.getElementById('status').className = "fail";
function DoClose()
function DoUploadFile() {
var file = document.getElementById('filename').files[0];
reader.loadend = function() {
reader.onload = function(e) {
ws.send("uploadfile:" +;
rawData =;
document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = "File Uploaded";
document.getElementById('status').className = "online";
• First create a new instance of TsgcWebSocketServer. Enable Authentication property,
server.Authentication.Enabled = true;
• Then, check in OnAuthentication event handler if the username and password are correct. If they are cor
rect, set the Authenticated property to true, otherwise set to false.
Demos | KendoUI_Grid
This demo show how KendoUI Grid works using WebSockets as protocol and a Web Browser as a client. Basically
is a javascript grid that is updated when any of the clients makes any change, these changes are updated using
websocket protocol to all connected clients, so all clients can see in real-time the same data, including all changes
made by clients.
• First create a new TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer instance, check the Server Chat Demo.
• Then you must handle OnCommandGet to send the required files requested by web browser clients.
WebSockets Updates
When a client updates a grid record, this change is transmitted to all connected clients using websocket protocol.
Use OnMessage event to get notified about grid changes. The messages are in JSON format so you only must
read the JSON text, decode it and send a response to the other peer.
With oArray.JSONObject.AddObject(IntToStr(i)).JSONObject do
AddPair('ContactID', i);
AddPair('ContactName', ContactName[i]);
AddPair('ContactTitle', ContactTitle[i]);
AddPair('CompanyName', CompanyName[i]);
AddPair('Country', Country[i]);
// ... update
else if oJSON.Node['type'].Value = 'update' then
WSServer.Broadcast(StringReplace(Text, '"type":"update"', '"type":"push-update"', []), '', '',
// ... destroy
else if oJSON.Node['type'].Value = 'destroy' then
WSServer.Broadcast(StringReplace(Text, '"type":"destroy"', '"type":"push-destroy"', []), '', '',
// ... create
else if oJSON.Node['type'].Value = 'create' then
vText := StringReplace(Text, 'null', formatDateTime('yyyymmddhhnnsszzz', Now), []);
WSServer.Broadcast(StringReplace(vText, '"type":"create"', '"type":"push-create"', []), '', '',
Demos | ServerSentEvents
This demo show how Server Sent Events works in WebSocket Server. sgcWebSockets allows that the server can
handle more than one protocol on the same listening port.
You can read more about Server Sent Events.
This demo shows how the Server will send every second the time to all connected clients using Server Sent
Once the server is started, broadcasts to all connected clients a message with the Server Time, so every time the
client receives this message, it shows to user.
• First create a new TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer instance, check the Server Chat Demo.
• Then, create a new instance of TsgcWSPServer_WebRTC.
• After that, you must assign the WebRTC Protocol to WebSocket Server and configure the server host and
WSServer.Port := StrToInt(txtDefaultPort.Text);
// ... bindings
With WSServer.Bindings.Add do
Port := StrToInt(txtDefaultPort.Text);
IP := txtHost.Text;
// ... active
WSServer.Active := True;
The demo requires an index HTML page which is used to dispatch the WebRTC front page, this page is provided
with the demo.
Run in WebBrowser
Once configured the server, start it and select one of the web-browsers available. It will open a new Web-Browser
session asking to start a new session. If successful you will see your video and if you open the same url in another
web-browser, you will see both peers connected.
The demo runs by default without SSL, this is only valid for localhost connections. For production sites, use SSL
connections. Check Server Chat Demo to configure SSL in server side.
• First create a new TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer instance, check the Server Chat Demo.
• Then, create a new instance of TsgcWSPServer_AppRTC.
• After that, you must assign the AppRTC Protocol to WebSocket Server and configure the server host and
port. WebRTC requires secure connections, so you will need to use a PEM certificate and configure the SS
LOptions property of the component.
WSServer.Port := StrToInt(txtDefaultPort.Text);
// ... bindings
With WSServer.Bindings.Add do
Port := StrToInt(txtDefaultPort.Text);
IP := txtHost.Text;
// ... properties
WSPAppRTC.AppRTC.RoomLink := 'https://' + txtHost.Text + ':' + txtDefaultPort.Text + '/r/';
WSPAppRTC.AppRTC.WebSocketURL := 'wss://' + txtHost.Text + ':' + txtDefaultPort.Text;
// ... active
WSServer.Active := True;
• AppRTC.RommLink is the url where the web-browser will be redirected to login to a room
• AppRTC.WebSocketURL is the url of the websocket connection
• The IceServers can be configured in the AppRTC Server protocol.
The demo requires an index HTML page which is used to dispatch the AppRTC front page, this page is provided
with the demo.
Run in WebBrowser
Once configured the server, start it and select one of the web-browsers available. It will open a new Web-Browser
session asking to join a new room. Join this room and if successful you will see a link which must be used from an
other web-browser to start a new video-conference.
• First create a new instance of TsgcTDLib_Telegram.
• Then, before you try to connect to telegram, you must pass some parameters to client component like API
Hash, API Id... Once you must set all required parameters, set property Active = true to start a connection.
sgcTelegram.Telegram.API.ApiHash := txtApiHash.Text;
sgcTelegram.Telegram.API.ApiId := txtApiId.Text;
sgcTelegram.Telegram.PhoneNumber := '';
sgcTelegram.Telegram.BotToken := '';
if chkLoginBot.Checked then
sgcTelegram.Telegram.BotToken := txtBotToken.Text
sgcTelegram.Telegram.PhoneNumber := txtPhoneNumber.Text;
sgcTelegram.Active := True;
• When client tries to connect to Telegram, usually a code is required, so you must handle OnTelegramAu
thenticationCode and return the Code parameter with the value provided by your Telegram account.
From sgcWebSockets 4.5.2 ENTERPRISE Edition, you can build your own STUN/TURN server using Delphi/
It's a free open source implementation of TURN and STUN Servers.
The TURN Server is a VoIP media traffic NAT traversal server and gateway. It can be used as a general-purpose
network traffic TURN server and gateway, too.
The supported project target platforms are:
• Linux
• Mac OS X
• Windows (Cygwin): compiled binaries are available for registered users.
Windows Configuration
First you must download compiled binaries from your account, there are 2 available versions: win32 and win64. Se
lect the desired platform and uncompress binaries in a folder. The following files will be created:
1. Some cygwin libraries required to run application, you must deploy these libraries with coturn server.
2. Some console applications:
2.1 turnserver.exe: is the main console application to run a TURN/STUN server
2.2 Other applications: are used to configure or testing purposes.
3. Turnserver.conf: is the configuration file for coturn server.
This is the configuration file for coturn server, if you open you will se a default configuration.
Simple Configuration
Your server has the following public IP and listens on port 80. The credentials for connecting are:
username = demo, password = secret
Set the following configuration:
Configuration with TLS enabled
Server has the following public IP and listens on port 80 and 443 (TLS connections). The credentials
for connecting are: username = demo, password = secret. Your certificate name (must be in PEM format) is
certificate.crt and private key is private.key.
Set the following configuration:
There are more configurations available, just open turnserver.conf and read the documented sections.
Run coturn
Once configured, you can run server just executing turnserver.exe, a new console application will be opened and a
log file will be created. You can increase the verbose of console application (get more detailed messages) if you en
able "verbose" in turnserver.conf file.
WebSocket is a web technology providing for bi-directional, full-duplex communications channels, over a single
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) socket.
The WebSocket API is being standardized by the W3C, and the WebSocket protocol has been standardized by the
IETF as RFC 6455.
WebSocket is designed to be implemented in web browsers and web servers, but it can be used by any client or
server application. The WebSocket protocol makes possible more interaction between a browser and a web site,
facilitating live content and the creation of real-time games. This is made possible by providing a standardized way
for the server to send content to the browser without being solicited by the client, and allowing for messages to be
passed back and forth while keeping the connection open. In this way a two-way (bi-direction) ongoing conversa
tion can take place between a browser and the server. A similar effect has been done in non-standardized ways us
ing stop-gap technologies such as comet.
In addition, the communications are done over the regular TCP port number 80, which is of benefit for those envi
ronments which block non-standard Internet connections using a firewall. WebSocket protocol is currently support
ed in several browsers including Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Safari. WebSocket also requires
web applications on the server to be able to support it.
More Information
Browser Support
HTTP/2 will make our applications faster, simpler, and more robust — a rare combination — by allowing us to undo
many of the HTTP/1.1 workarounds previously done within our applications and address these concerns within
the transport layer itself. Even better, it also opens up a number of entirely new opportunities to optimize our ap
plications and improve performance!
The primary goals for HTTP/2 are to reduce latency by enabling full request and response multiplexing, minimize
protocol overhead via efficient compression of HTTP header fields, and add support for request prioritization and
server push. To implement these requirements, there is a large supporting cast of other protocol enhancements,
such as new flow control, error handling, and upgrade mechanisms, but these are the most important features
that every web developer should understand and leverage in their applications.
HTTP/2 does not modify the application semantics of HTTP in any way. All the core concepts, such as HTTP
methods, status codes, URIs, and header fields, remain in place. Instead, HTTP/2 modifies how the data is format
ted (framed) and transported between the client and server, both of which manage the entire process, and hides
all the complexity from our applications within the new framing layer. As a result, all existing applications can be
delivered without modification.
More information
JSON or JavaScript Object Notation, is a text-based open standard designed for human-readable data inter
change. It is derived from the JavaScript scripting language for representing simple data structures and associative
arrays, called objects. Despite its relationship to JavaScript, it is language-independent, with parsers available for
many languages.
The JSON format is often used for serializing and transmitting structured data over a network connection. It is used
primarily to transmit data between a server and web application, serving as an alternative to XML.
More Information
JSON-RPC is a stateless, light-weight remote procedure call (RPC) protocol. Primarily this specification defines
several data structures and the rules around their processing. It is transport agnostic in that the concepts can be
used within the same process, over sockets, over http, or in many various message passing environments. It uses
JSON (RFC 4627) as data format.
Example: client call method subtract with 2 params (42 and 23). Server sends a result of 19.
Client To Server --> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subtract", "params": [42, 23], "id": 1}
Server To Client<-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 19, "id": 1}
sgcWebSockets provides a built-in JSON component, but you can use your own JSON parser. Just implement fol
lowing interfaces located at sgcJSON.pas:
There are 3 implementations of theses interfaces
• sgcJSON.pas: default JSON parser provided.
• sgcJSON_System.pas: uses JSON parser provided with latest versions of delphi.
• sgcJSON_XSuperObject.pas: uses JSON library written by Onur YILDIZ, you can download sources
To use your own JSON parser or use some of the JSON parsers provided, just call SetJSONClass in your initial
ization method. For example: if you want use XSuperObject JSON parser, just call:
If you don't call this method, sgcJSON will be used by default.
More information
The WebSocket Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) is an open WebSocket subprotocol that provides two
asynchronous messaging patterns: RPC and PubSub.
The WebSocket Protocol is already built into modern browsers and provides bidirectional, low-latency message-
based communication. However, as such, WebSocket it is quite low-level and only provides raw messaging.
Modern Web applications often have a need for higher level messaging patterns such as Publish & Subscribe and
Remote Procedure Calls.
This is where The WebSocket Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) enters. WAMP adds the higher level mes
saging patterns of RPC and PubSub to WebSocket - within one protocol.
Technically, WAMP is an officially registered WebSocket subprotocol (runs on top of WebSocket) that uses JSON
as message serialization format.
More Information
WebRTC is a free, open project that enables web browsers with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via
simple Javascript APIs. The WebRTC components have been optimized to best serve this purpose. The WebRTC
initiative is a project supported by Google, Mozilla and Opera.
WebRTC offers web application developers the ability to write rich, real-time multimedia applications (think video
chat) on the web, without requiring plugins, downloads or installs. Its purpose is to help build a strong RTC platform
that works across multiple web browsers, across multiple platforms.
More Information
MQTT (MQ Telemetry Transport or Message Queue Telemetry Transport) is an ISO standard (ISO/IEC PRF 20922)
publish-subscribe-based "lightweight" messaging protocol for use on top of the TCP/IP protocol. It is designed for
connections with remote locations where a "small code footprint" is required or the network bandwidth is limited.
The publish-subscribe messaging pattern requires a message broker. The broker is responsible for distributing
messages to interested clients based on the topic of a message. Andy Stanford-Clark and Arlen Nipper of Cirrus
Link Solutions authored the first version of the protocol in 1999.
The specification does not specify the meaning of "small code footprint" or the meaning of "limited network band
width". Thus, the protocol's availability for use depends on the context. In 2013, IBM submitted MQTT v3.1 to the
OASIS specification body with a charter that ensured only minor changes to the specification could be
accepted.MQTT-SN is a variation of the main protocol aimed at embedded devices on non-TCP/IP networks, such
as ZigBee.
Historically, the "MQ" in "MQTT" came from IBM's MQ Series message queuing product line. However, queuing it
self is not required to be supported as a standard feature in all situations.
More Info
Server-Sent Events
Server-sent events (SSE) is a technology for where a browser gets automatic updates from a server via HTTP con
nection. The Server-Sent Events EventSource API is standardized as part of HTML5 by the W3C.
A server-sent event is when a web page automatically gets updates from a server. This was also possible before,
but the web page would have to ask if any updates were available. With server-sent events, the updates come au
Examples: Facebook/Twitter updates, stock price updates, news feeds, sport results, etc.
More information
Browser Support
OAuth 2 is an authorization framework that enables applications to obtain limited access to user accounts on an
HTTP service, such as Facebook, and GitHub. It works by delegating user authentication to the service that hosts
the user account, and authorizing third-party applications to access the user account. OAuth 2 provides authoriza
tion flows for web and desktop applications, and mobile devices.
Read more
JSON Web Token is an Internet proposed standard for creating data with optional signature and/or optional encryp
tion whose payload holds JSON that asserts some number of claims. The tokens are signed either using a private
secret or a public/private key. For example, a server could generate a token that has the claim "logged in as admin"
and provide that to a client. The client could then use that token to prove that it is logged in as admin.
The tokens can be signed by one party's private key (usually the server's) so that party can subsequently verify the
token is legitimate. If the other party, by some suitable and trustworthy means, is in possession of the correspond
ing public key, they too are able to verify the token's legitimacy. The tokens are designed to be compact, URL-safe,
and usable especially in a web-browser single-sign-on (SSO) context. JWT claims can typically be used to pass
identity of authenticated users between an identity provider and a service provider, or any other type of claims as
required by business processes.
Read more
Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) is a standardized set of methods, including a network protocol, for tra
versal of network address translator (NAT) gateways in applications of real-time voice, video, messaging, and other
interactive communications.
STUN is a tool used by other protocols, such as Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE), the Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP), and WebRTC. It provides a tool for hosts to discover the presence of a network address translator,
and to discover the mapped, usually public, Internet Protocol (IP) address and port number that the NAT has allo
cated for the application's User Datagram Protocol (UDP) flows to remote hosts. The protocol requires assistance
from a third-party network server (STUN server) located on the opposing (public) side of the NAT, usually the public
Read more
The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open standard application layer protocol for message-ori
ented middleware. The defining features of AMQP are message orientation, queuing, routing (including point-to-
point and publish-and-subscribe), reliability and security.
AMQP mandates the behavior of the messaging provider and client to the extent that implementations from differ
ent vendors are interoperable, in the same way as SMTP, HTTP, FTP, etc. have created interoperable systems.
Previous standardizations of middleware have happened at the API level (e.g. JMS) and were focused on stan
dardizing programmer interaction with different middleware implementations, rather than on providing interoperabili
ty between multiple implementations. Unlike JMS, which defines an API and a set of behaviors that a messaging
implementation must provide, AMQP is a wire-level protocol. A wire-level protocol is a description of the format of
the data that is sent across the network as a stream of bytes. Consequently, any tool that can create and interpret
messages that conform to this data format can interoperate with any other compliant tool irrespective of implemen
tation language.
AMQP is a binary, application layer protocol, designed to efficiently support a wide variety of messaging applica
tions and communication patterns. It provides flow controlled, message-oriented communication with message-de
livery guarantees such as at-most-once (where each message is delivered once or never), at-least-once (where
each message is certain to be delivered, but may do so multiple times) and exactly-once (where the message will
always certainly arrive and do so only once), and authentication and/or encryption based on SASL and/or TLS. It
assumes an underlying reliable transport layer protocol such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
The AMQP specification is defined in several layers: (i) a type system, (ii) a symmetric, asynchronous protocol for
the transfer of messages from one process to another, (iii) a standard, extensible message format and (iv) a set of
standardised but extensible 'messaging capabilities.'
More Info
Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) is a protocol that assists in traversal of network address translators
(NAT) or firewalls for multimedia applications. It may be used with the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and
User Datagram Protocol (UDP). It is most useful for clients on networks masqueraded by symmetric NAT devices.
TURN does not aid in running servers on well known ports in the private network through a NAT; it supports the
connection of a user behind a NAT to only a single peer, as in telephony, for example.
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eSeGeCe Components End-User License Agreement
eSeGeCe Components ("eSeGeCe") End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (ei
ther an individual or a single entity) and the Author of eSeGeCe for all the eSeGeCe components which may in
clude associated software components, media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation ("eS
eGeCe components"). By installing, copying, or otherwise using the eSeGeCe components, you agree to be bound
by the terms of this EULA. This license agreement represents the entire agreement concerning the program be
tween you and the Author of eSeGeCe, (referred to as "LICENSER"), and it supersedes any prior proposal, repre
sentation, or understanding between the parties. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, do not install or use
the eSeGeCe components.
The eSeGeCe components are protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other in
tellectual property laws and treaties. The eSeGeCe components are licensed, not sold.
If you want SOURCE CODE you need to pay the registration fee. You must NOT give the license keys and/or the
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The eSeGeCe components are licensed as follows:
(a) Installation and Use.
LICENSER grants you the right to install and use copies of the eSeGeCe components on your computer running a
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2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10].
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You may create commercial applications based on the eSeGeCe components and distribute them with your exe
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You may not distribute registered copies of the eSeGeCe components to third parties. Evaluation editions available
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You must NOT distribute or publish the SOURCE CODE, or any modification, enhancement, derivative works and/
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eSeGeCe is licensed to be used by only one developer at a time. And the technical support will be provided to only
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All title, including but not limited to copyrights, in and to the eSeGeCe components and any copies thereof are
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LICENSER expressly disclaims any warranty for the eSeGeCe components. The eSeGeCe components are pro
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In no event shall LICENSER be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, lost profits, business interrup
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Add Telegram Proxy 449 Certificate-Based Connection 500
ALPN 87 Token-Based Connection 499
Amazon SQS 531 APP 496
AMQP 632 Apple Push Notifications 495
AMQP Channels 217 Authentication 71, 128, 149
AMQP Consume Messages 225 Binance Connect 312
AMQP Exchanges 219 Binance Get Market Data 314
AMQP Get Messages 227 Binance Private Requests Time 318
AMQP Publish Messages 224 Binance Private REST API 315
AMQP Queues 221 Binance Subscribe 313
API 3Commas 430 Binance Trade Spot 316
API Binance 324 Binary Message 125
API Binance Futures 324 Bindings 80, 141
API Binance Futures Trade 324 Bot 447
API Bitfinex 411 Broadcast 79
API Bitmex 404 Build 44, 45, 47, 48
API Bittrex 401 Build Android Application 47
API Blockchain 433 Build iOS Application 48
API Cex 421 Build OSX Application 45
API Coinbase 327 Certificate-Based Connection 500
API Coinbase Pro 327 APNs 500
API Discord 415 Certificates OpenSSL 119
API FTX 382 Certificates SChannel 120
API Huobi 418 Channels 79, 217, 313, 333, 391, 586
API Kraken 346, 348, 354, 357, 359, 362, 363, Client 110, 112, 113, 123, 124, 125, 128, 130,
369, 375, 377 131, 132, 133, 154, 200, 202, 203, 215, 216,
API Kraken Futures 362, 363, 369, 375, 377 292, 486, 487, 489, 490, 571, 572, 573, 583,
API Kraken Futures REST Private 377 584, 585, 586, 598, 599, 600, 602, 607, 617
API Kraken Futures REST Public 375 Client AMQP Connect 215
API Kraken REST Private 359 Client AMQP Disconnect 216
API Kraken REST Public 357 Client Authentication 128, 490
API Pusher 395 Client Chat 598
API SignalR 344 Client Close Connection 112, 486
API SignalRCore 339 Client Exceptions 130
API SocketIO 325 Client Keep Connection Active 487
API Telegram 435 Client Keep Connection Open 113
APIs 305, 312, 315, 324, 325, 327, 332, 335, Client MQTT Connect 200
339, 344, 346, 348, 354, 357, 359, 362, 363, Client MQTT Sessions 202
369, 375, 377, 382, 390, 393, 395, 401, 404, Client MQTT Version 203
411, 415, 418, 421, 430, 433, 435 Client Open Connection 110
APNs 496, 498, 499, 500 Client Pending Requests 489
MQTT 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, Protocols Javascript 189
208, 209, 210, 470, 600, 627 Proxy 101, 133, 449
MQTT Clear Retained Messages 210 Quality 89
MQTT Publish 204, 207, 209 Service 89
MQTT Publish Message 207 Quality Of Service 89
MQTT Publish Subscribe 204 Queues 91, 221
MQTT Receive Messages 208 QuickStart HTTP 40
MQTT Subscribe 206 QuickStart WebSockets 38
MQTT Topics 205 RCON 451
Notification Requests 498 Receive Binary Messages 127, 153
Sending 498 Receive Text Messages 126, 152
OAuth2 491, 504, 514, 518, 519, 520, 521, Register 450, 496
522, 523, 536, 629 Register Telegram User 450
OAuth2 Customize Sign 518 Remote Notification APNs 497
OAuth2 None Authenticate URLs 523 Generate 497
OAuth2 Recover Access Tokens 521 Request HTTP 481
OAuth2 Register Apps 520 Response Body 165
OpenSSL 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 119 RTCMultiConnection 457
OpenSSL Android 60 SChannel Get Connection Info 122
OpenSSL iOS 61 Secure Connections 73
OpenSSL OSX 58 Self-Signed Certificates 173
OpenSSL Windows 57 Send Big Files 293
Overview 36 Send Files 291, 292
PerMessage-Deflate 460 Clients 292
Post Big Files 81 Server 291
Protocol AMQP 211 Send Files To Clients 292
Protocol AppRTC 239 Send Files To Server 291
Protocol Dataset 274, 280, 283, 284 Send Telegram Message Bold 446
Protocol Dataset Javascript 280 Send Telegram Message With Buttons 444,
Protocol Dataset Notify Updates 284 445
Protocol Dataset Replicate Table 283 Send Telegram Message With Inline Buttons
Protocol Default 263, 270 444
Protocol Default Javascript 270 Sending 498
Protocol Files 285 Notification Requests 498
Protocol MQTT 192 Server 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 148,
Protocol Presence 294, 302 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 159, 161, 166,
Protocol Presence Javascript 302 172, 201, 291, 482, 514, 519, 522, 576, 577,
Protocol STOMP 231 590, 591, 596, 603, 606, 610, 614, 615
Protocol WAMP 244, 249 Send Files 291
Protocol WAMP Javascript 249 Server AppRTC 615
Protocol WAMP2 257 Server Authentication 149, 522, 610
Protocol WebRTC 241, 243 Server Bindings 141
Protocol WebRTC Javascript 243 Server Chat 596
Protocols 68, 132, 187, 189, 192, 211, 231, Server Close Connection 148
239, 241, 243, 244, 249, 257, 263, 270, 274, Server Endpoints 519
280, 283, 284, 285, 294, 302 Server Example 514
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