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Java Card™ Platform: Runtime Environment Specification, Classic Edition

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Java Card™ Platform

Runtime Environment Specification, Classic Edition

Version 3.1

February 2021
Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, Classic Edition Version 3.1

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Page 2 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

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Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 3

Page 4 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

Preface .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Who Should Use This Specification......................................................................................................... 14
Before You Read This Specification......................................................................................................... 14
Shell Prompts .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Typographic Conventions ....................................................................................................................... 15
Related Documentation .......................................................................................................................... 15
Third-Party Web Sites ............................................................................................................................. 15
Documentation Accessibility................................................................................................................... 16
Access to Oracle Support ........................................................................................................................ 16
Oracle Welcomes Your Comments ......................................................................................................... 16

1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 17
2 Lifetime of the Java Card Virtual Machine ................................................................................ 19
2.1 Initialization....................................................................................................................................... 19

3 Java Card Applet Lifetime.......................................................................................................... 21

3.1 install Method ............................................................................................................................ 21
3.2 select Method .............................................................................................................................. 22
3.3 process Method ............................................................................................................................ 22
3.4 deselect Method(s) ..................................................................................................................... 23
3.5 uninstall Method ....................................................................................................................... 23
3.6 Power Loss and Reset ....................................................................................................................... 23
3.6.1 Concurrent Operations Over Multiple Interfaces ...................................................................... 24

4 Logical Channels and Applet Selection ..................................................................................... 27

4.1 Logical Channels Overview ............................................................................................................... 27
4.2 Default Applets ................................................................................................................................. 30
4.2.1 Card Reset Behavior ................................................................................................................... 30
4.2.2 Proximity Card (PICC) Activation Behavior ................................................................................ 31
4.2.3 Default Applet Selection Behavior on Opening a New Channel ................................................ 31
4.3 Multiselectable Applets .................................................................................................................... 32

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 5

4.4 Forwarding APDU Commands To a Logical Channel ......................................................................... 34
4.5 Opening and Closing Logical Channels.............................................................................................. 36
4.5.1 MANAGE CHANNEL Command Processing ................................................................................ 36
4.6 Applet Selection ................................................................................................................................ 37
4.6.1 Applet Selection with MANAGE CHANNEL OPEN ...................................................................... 37
4.6.2 Applet Selection with SELECT FILE ............................................................................................. 39
4.7 Applet Deselection ............................................................................................................................ 41
4.7.1 MANAGE CHANNEL CLOSE Command ........................................................................................... 42
4.8 Other Command Processing ............................................................................................................. 42

5 Memory Model ......................................................................................................................... 45

5.1 Transient Objects .............................................................................................................................. 46
5.1.1 Transient Objects Characteristics .............................................................................................. 46
5.1.2 Events That Clear Transient Objects .......................................................................................... 46
5.2 Temporary Objects............................................................................................................................ 47
5.3 Array views ........................................................................................................................................ 48
5.3.1 Characteristics of an Array View ................................................................................................ 48
5.3.2 Creating and Using an Array View ............................................................................................. 49

6 Applet Isolation and Object Sharing ......................................................................................... 51

6.1 Applet Firewall .................................................................................................................................. 51
6.1.1 Firewall Protection ..................................................................................................................... 51
6.1.2 Contexts and Context Switching ................................................................................................ 51 Active Contexts in the VM .................................................................................................. 52 Context Switching in the VM............................................................................................... 53
6.1.3 Object Ownership ...................................................................................................................... 53
6.1.4 Object Access ............................................................................................................................. 54
6.1.5 Transient Objects and Contexts ................................................................................................. 55
6.1.6 Static Fields and Methods .......................................................................................................... 56 Optional Static Access Checks ............................................................................................. 56
6.2 Object Access Across Contexts ......................................................................................................... 56
6.2.1 Java Card RE Entry Point Objects ............................................................................................... 56
6.2.2 Sharing Arrays ............................................................................................................................ 57

Page 6 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Sharing using Global Arrays ................................................................................................ 58 Sharing using Array Views ................................................................................................... 58
6.2.3 Java Card RE Privileges ............................................................................................................... 58
6.2.4 Shareable Interfaces .................................................................................................................. 59 Server Applet A Builds a Shareable Interface Object .......................................................... 59 Client Applet B Obtains the Shareable Interface Object..................................................... 60 Client Applet B Requests Services from Applet A ............................................................... 60
6.2.5 Determining the Previous Context............................................................................................. 61 Java Card RE Context........................................................................................................... 61
6.2.6 Shareable Interface Details ........................................................................................................ 61 Java Card API Shareable Interface ...................................................................................... 61
6.2.7 Obtaining Shareable Interface Objects ...................................................................................... 62 Applet.getShareableInterfaceObject(AID, byte) Method ................... 62 JCSystem.getAppletShareableInterfaceObject Method .......................... 62
6.2.8 Class and Object Access Behavior .............................................................................................. 63 Accessing Static Class Fields ................................................................................................ 63 Accessing Array Objects ...................................................................................................... 64 Accessing Class Instance Object Fields ............................................................................... 64 Accessing Class Instance Object Methods .......................................................................... 64 Accessing Standard Interface Methods .............................................................................. 65 Accessing Shareable Interface Methods ............................................................................. 65 Throwing Exception Objects ............................................................................................... 65 Accessing Classes ................................................................................................................ 65 Accessing Standard Interfaces ............................................................................................ 66 Accessing Shareable Interfaces ......................................................................................... 66 Accessing Array Object Methods ...................................................................................... 66

7 Transactions and Atomicity....................................................................................................... 67

7.1 Atomicity ........................................................................................................................................... 67
7.2 Transactions ...................................................................................................................................... 67
7.3 Transaction Duration ........................................................................................................................ 68
7.4 Nested Transactions.......................................................................................................................... 68

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 7

7.5 Tear or Reset Transaction Failure ..................................................................................................... 68
7.6 Aborting a Transaction ...................................................................................................................... 68
7.6.1 Programmatic Abortion ............................................................................................................. 69
7.6.2 Abortion by the Java Card RE ..................................................................................................... 69
7.6.3 Cleanup Responsibilities of the Java Card RE............................................................................. 69
7.7 Transient Objects and Global Arrays................................................................................................. 69
7.8 Commit Capacity ............................................................................................................................... 69
7.9 Context Switching ............................................................................................................................. 70

8 Remote Method Invocation ...................................................................................................... 71

8.1 Java Card Platform RMI ..................................................................................................................... 71
8.1.1 Remote Objects.......................................................................................................................... 71 Parameters and Return Values ........................................................................................... 71 Exceptions ........................................................................................................................... 72 Functional Limitations ......................................................................................................... 72
8.2 RMI Messages ................................................................................................................................... 72
8.2.1 Applet Selection ......................................................................................................................... 73
8.2.2 Method Invocation..................................................................................................................... 73
8.3 Data Formats..................................................................................................................................... 73
8.3.1 Remote Object Identifier ........................................................................................................... 74
8.3.2 Remote Object Reference Descriptor ........................................................................................ 74
8.3.3 Method Identifier....................................................................................................................... 76
8.3.4 Parameter Encoding ................................................................................................................... 76 Primitive Data Type Parameter Encoding ........................................................................... 77 Array Parameter Encoding .................................................................................................. 77
8.3.5 Return Value Encoding ............................................................................................................... 78 Normal Response Encoding ................................................................................................ 78 Exception Response Encoding ............................................................................................ 79 Error Response Encoding .................................................................................................... 80
8.4 APDU Command Formats ................................................................................................................. 80
8.4.1 SELECT FILE Command ............................................................................................................... 80
8.4.2 INVOKE Command ..................................................................................................................... 82

Page 8 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

8.5 RMIServiceClass ................................................................................................................................ 83
8.5.1 setInvokeInstructionByte Method ............................................................................................. 83
8.5.2 processCommand Method......................................................................................................... 84 Allocation of Incoming Objects ........................................................................................... 85

9 API Topics .................................................................................................................................. 87

9.1 Resource Use Within the API ............................................................................................................ 87
9.2 Exceptions Thrown by API Classes .................................................................................................... 87
9.3 Transactions Within the API.............................................................................................................. 87
9.4 APDU Class ........................................................................................................................................ 87
9.4.1 T=0 Specifics for Outgoing Data Transfers ................................................................................. 87 Constrained Transfers With No Chaining ............................................................................ 88 Notation ....................................................................................................................... 88 ISO 7816-4 CASE 2 ........................................................................................................ 88 ISO 7816-4 CASE 4 ........................................................................................................ 89 Regular Output Transfers .................................................................................................... 89 Additional T=0 Requirements ............................................................................................. 89
9.4.2 T=1 Specifics for Outgoing Data Transfers ................................................................................. 90 Constrained Transfers With No Chaining ............................................................................ 90 Notation ....................................................................................................................... 90 Regular Output Transfers .................................................................................................... 91 Chain Abortion by the CAD .......................................................................................... 91
9.4.3 T=1 Specifics for Incoming Data Transfers ................................................................................. 91 Incoming Transfers Using Chaining ..................................................................................... 91 Chain Abortion by the CAD .......................................................................................... 91
9.4.4 Extended Length APDU Specifics ............................................................................................... 92 Extended Length API Semantics.......................................................................................... 92 Applet.process(APDU) Method .................................................................................... 92 APDU.setIncomingAndReceive() Method .................................................................... 93 APDU.receiveBytes(short) Method .............................................................................. 93 APDU.setOutgoing() Method ....................................................................................... 93 APDU.setOutgoingLength(short) Method ................................................................... 93

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 9 APDU.sendBytes(short, short), APDU.sendBytesLong(byte[],short, short) Methods . 93
9.4.5 Checking APDU consistency ....................................................................................................... 94
9.5 Security and Crypto Packages ........................................................................................................... 95
9.6 JCSystem Class .................................................................................................................................. 96
9.7 SensitiveResult Class ......................................................................................................................... 96
9.8 Optional Extension Packages ............................................................................................................ 96

10 Virtual Machine Topics ............................................................................................................. 99

10.1 Resource Failures ............................................................................................................................ 99
10.2 Security Violations .......................................................................................................................... 99

11 Applet Installation and Deletion ............................................................................................ 101

11.1 The Installer .................................................................................................................................. 101
11.1.1 Installer Implementation ....................................................................................................... 102
11.1.2 Installer AID ............................................................................................................................ 102
11.1.3 Installer APDUs....................................................................................................................... 102
11.1.4 CAP File Versions .................................................................................................................... 103
11.1.5 Installer Behavior ................................................................................................................... 103
11.1.6 Installer Privileges .................................................................................................................. 104
11.2 The Newly Installed Applet ........................................................................................................... 104
11.2.1 Installation Parameters .......................................................................................................... 105
11.3 The Applet Deletion Manager....................................................................................................... 105
11.3.1 Applet Deletion Manager Implementation............................................................................ 106
11.3.2 Applet Deletion Manager AID ................................................................................................ 106
11.3.3 Applet Deletion Manager APDUs ........................................................................................... 106
11.3.4 Applet Deletion Manager Behavior ....................................................................................... 107 Invocation of the Method javacard.framework.AppletEvent.uninstall ......................... 107 Applet Instance Deletion ................................................................................................ 108 Multiple Applet Instance Deletion ........................................................................... 108 Applet/Library CAP file Deletion ................................................................................. 109 Applet CAP file and Contained Instances Deletion ..................................................... 110
11.3.5 Applet Deletion Manager Privileges ...................................................................................... 111

Glossary ....................................................................................................................................... 113

Page 10 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

Annex A - Oracle Technology Network Developer License Terms ............................................. 129

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 11


Figure 4-1: Logical Channels for Distinct Applets ....................................................................................... 29

Figure 4-2: Different Applet Instances in Same Context............................................................................. 33
Figure 4-3: Same Applet Instance Selected on Multiple Logical Channels ................................................. 33
Figure 5-1 Example of an Array View .......................................................................................................... 48
Figure 6-1: Contexts Within the Java Card Platform's Object System ........................................................ 52
Figure 6-2: Context Switching and Object Access ....................................................................................... 54

Page 12 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1


Table 4-1: Notation for Following Tables .................................................................................................... 34

Table 4-2: ISO 7816-4:2013 Specification Interindustry CLA Semantics ..................................................... 35
Table 4-3: Java Card Technology Proprietary CLA Semantics ..................................................................... 35
Table 8-1: Select File Command.................................................................................................................. 81
Table 8-2: Invoke Command Format .......................................................................................................... 82
Table 9-1: APDU Buffer Format for Extended Length ................................................................................. 93

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 13

Java Card technology combines a subset of the Java programming language with a runtime environment
optimized for secure elements, such as smart cards and other tamper-resistant security chips. Java Card
technology offers a secure and interoperable execution platform that can store and update multiple
applications on a single resource-constrained device, while retaining the highest certification levels and
compatibility with standards. Java Card developers can build, test, and deploy applications and services
rapidly and securely. This accelerated process reduces development costs, increases product
differentiation, and enhances value to customers.

The Classic Edition of the Java Card Platform is defined by three specifications:
• Virtual Machine Specification, Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition,
• Runtime Environment Specification, Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition,
• Application Programming Interface, Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition.

This document is a specification of the Classic Edition of the Java Card Platform, Version 3.1,
Runtime Environment (Java Card RE).

In this book, Java Card Platform refers to version 3.1 to distinguish it from all earlier versions. A vendor
of a Java Card technology-enabled device provides an implementation of the Java Card RE. A Java Card
RE implementation within the context of this specification refers to a vendor's implementation of the
Java Card Virtual Machine (or Java Card VM), the Java Card Application Programming Interface (API), or
other component, based on the Java Card technology specifications. A "reference implementation" is an
implementation produced by Oracle. Application software written for the Java Card platform is referred
to as a Java Card technology-based applet (Java Card applet or card applet).

Who Should Use This Specification

This specification is intended to assist implementers of the Java Card RE in creating an implementation,
developing a specification to extend the Java Card technology specifications, or in creating an extension
to the runtime environment for the Java Card platform. This specification is also intended for Java Card
applet developers who want a greater understanding of the Java Card technology specifications.

Before You Read This Specification

Before reading this guide, you should be familiar with the Java programming language, the other Java
Card technology specifications, and smart card technology. A good resource for becoming familiar with
Java technology and Java Card technology located at:

Shell Prompts
Shell Prompt
C shell machine-name%
C shell superuser machine-name#
Bourne shell and Korn shell $
Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser #

Page 14 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

Typographic Conventions
The settings on your browser might differ from these settings.

Typeface Meaning Examples

AaBbCc123 The names of commands, Edit your .login file.
files, and directories; on- Use ls -a to list all files.
screen computer output % You have mail.
AaBbCc123 What you type, when %su
contrasted with on- Password:
screen computer output
AaBbCc123 Book titles, new words or Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide.
terms, words to be These are called class options.
emphasized. Replace You must be superuser to do this.
command-line variables To delete a file, type rm filename.
with real names or

Related Documentation
References to various documents or products are made in this guide, so you might want to have them
• Application Programming Interface, Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition
• Virtual Machine Specification, Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition
• The Java Language Specification (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/)
• ISO 7816 Specification Parts 1-6. (https://www.iso.org)

Third-Party Web Sites

Oracle is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this document. Oracle
does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other
materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Oracle will not be responsible or liable
for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any
such content, goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 15

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program
website at:


Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle
Support. For information, visit:


Or, if you are hearing impaired, visit:


Oracle Welcomes Your Comments

Oracle is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions.

Please include the title of your document with your feedback:

Runtime Environment Specification, Java Card Platform, v3.1, Classic Edition

Page 16 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

1 Introduction

The runtime environment (RE) for the Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, comprises the Java Card Virtual
Machine (VM), the Java Card Application Programming Interface (API) classes (and industry-specific
extensions), and support services.

This document specifies the Java Card RE functionality required by the Classic Edition of the Java Card

• The lifecycle of the Virtual Machine

• The application model, associated lifecycle, and how applications are triggered
• The memory model and persistency, the atomicity and transaction mechanisms
• The application isolation with firewall and sharing mechanism
• The Remote Method Invocation mechanism
• The application management with installation and deletion of CAP files

Any implementation of Java Card technology shall provide this necessary behavior and environment.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 17

Page 18 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1
2 Lifetime of the Java Card Virtual Machine

In a PC or workstation, the Java virtual machine1 runs as an operating system process. When the OS
process is terminated, the Java programming language applications and their objects are automatically

In Java Card technology, the execution lifetime of the virtual machine (VM) is the lifetime of the secure
element. Most of the information stored on a secure element shall be preserved even when power is
turned off. Persistent memory technology (such as EEPROM) enables a secure element or smart card to
store information when power is removed. Because the VM and the objects created on the card are
used to represent application information that is persistent, the Java Card VM appears to run forever.
When power is removed, the VM only stops temporarily. When the secure element is next reset, the VM
starts again and recovers its previous object heap from persistent storage.

Aside from its persistent nature, the Java Card virtual machine is just like the Java virtual machine.

2.1 Initialization
The secure element initialization time is the time after masking, and prior to the time of secure element
personalization and issuance. At the time of secure element initialization, the Java Card RE is initialized.
The framework objects created by the Java Card RE exist for the lifetime of the virtual machine. Because
the execution lifetime of the virtual machine and the Java Card RE framework span power sessions of
the secure elements, the lifetimes of objects created by applets also span power sessions. Objects that
have this property are called persistent objects. Power sessions are those periods when the secure
element is powered-up, is exchanging streams of commands and ends when powered-down.

The Java Card RE implementer shall make an object persistent when:

• The Applet.register method is called. The Java Card RE stores a reference to the instance
of the applet object. The Java Card RE implementer shall ensure that instances of class applet
are persistent.
• A reference to an object is stored in a field of any other persistent object or in a class's static
field. This requirement stems from the need to preserve the integrity of the Java Card RE's
internal data structures.

The terms "Java Virtual Machine" and "JVM" mean a Virtual Machine for the Java platform.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 19

Page 20 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1
3 Java Card Applet Lifetime

For the purposes of this specification, applet refers to an applet written for the Java Card platform. An
applet instance's lifetime begins when it is successfully registered with the Java Card RE via the
Applet.register method. Applets registered with the Applet.register method exist until
deleted by the Applet Deletion Manager (Section 11.3 The Applet Deletion Manager). The Java Card RE
initiates interactions with the applet via the applet's public methods install, select, deselect,
and process. An applet shall implement the static install(byte[], short, byte) method. If the
install(byte[], short, byte) method is not implemented, the applet's objects cannot be
created or initialized. A Java Card RE implementation shall call an applet's install, select,
deselect, and process methods as described below.

When the applet is installed on the smart card, the static install(byte[],short,
byte)method is called once by the Java Card RE for each applet instance created. The Java Card RE
shall not call the applet's constructor directly.

3.1 install Method

When the install(byte[],short,byte) method is called, the applet instance does not yet
exist. The main task of the install method within the applet is to create an instance of the Applet
subclass using its constructor, and to register the instance. All other objects that the applet needs during
its lifetime can be created as is feasible. Any other preparations necessary for the applet to be selected
and accessed by a CAD also can be done as is feasible. The install method obtains initialization
parameters from the contents of the incoming byte array parameter.

Typically, an applet creates various objects, initializes them with predefined values, sets some internal
state variables, and calls either the Applet.register() method or the
Applet.register(byte[], short, byte) method to specify the AID (applet IDentifier as
defined in ISO 7816-5) to be used to select it. This installation is considered successful when the call to
the Applet.register method completes without an exception. The installation is deemed
unsuccessful if the install method does not call the Applet.register method, or if an exception
is thrown from within the install method prior to the Applet.register method being called, or
if the Applet.register method throws an exception. If the installation is unsuccessful, the Java
Card RE shall perform all cleanup when it regains control. That is, all conditional updates to persistent
storage shall be returned to the state they had prior to calling the install method. If the installation
is successful, the Java Card RE can mark the applet as available for selection.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 21

Only one applet instance can be successfully registered each time the Java Card RE calls the
Applet.install method.

3.2 select Method

Applets remain in a suspended state until they are explicitly selected. Selection occurs when the Java
Card RE receives a SELECT FILE APDU command in which the name data matches the AID of the applet.
Applet selection can also occur on a MANAGE CHANNEL OPEN command. Selection causes an applet to
become the currently selected applet. For more details, see Section 4.6 Applet Selection.

Prior to calling select, the Java Card RE shall deselect the previously selected applet. The Java Card RE
indicates this to the applet by invoking the applet's deselect method or, if concurrently selected on
more than one logical channel, its MultiSelectable.deselect method (for more details, see
Section 4.3 Multiselectable Applets).

The Java Card RE informs the applet of selection by invoking its select method or, if being
concurrently selected on more than one logical channel, its MultiSelectable.select method
(for more details, see Section 4.3 Multiselectable Applets).

The applet may decline to be selected by returning false from the call to the select method or by
throwing an exception. If the applet returns true, the actual SELECT FILE APDU command is supplied to
the applet in the subsequent call to its process method, so that the applet can examine the APDU
contents. The applet can process the SELECT FILE APDU command exactly like it processes any other
APDU command. It can respond to the SELECT FILE APDU with data (see Section 3.3 process Method
for details), or it can flag errors by throwing an ISOException with the appropriate returned status
word. The status word and optional response data are returned to the CAD.

The Applet.selectingApplet method shall return true when called during the select
method. The Applet.selectingApplet method continues to return true during the
subsequent process method, which is called to process the SELECT FILE APDU command.

If the applet declines to be selected, the Java Card RE returns an APDU response status word of
ISO7816.SW_APPLET_SELECT_FAILED to the CAD. Upon selection failure, the Java Card RE state
is set to indicate that no applet is selected. See Section 4.6 Applet Selection for more details.

After successful selection, all subsequent APDUs directed to the assigned logical channel are delivered
to the currently selected applet via the process method.

3.3 process Method

All APDUs are received by the Java Card RE and preprocessed. All commands, except for the MANAGE
CHANNEL command result in an instance of the APDU class containing the command being passed to
the process(APDU) method of the currently selected applet.

Page 22 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

Note: A SELECT FILE APDU command might cause a change in the currently selected applet prior
to the call to the process method. The actual change occurs before the call to the select

On normal return, the Java Card RE automatically appends 0x9000 as the completion response status
word to any data already sent by the applet.

On normal return, when an applet initiated transaction is in progress, the Java Card RE aborts the
transactions and returns the status word ISO7816.SW_UNKNOWN to the CAD. See Section 7.6.2
Abortion by the Java Card RE.

At any time during process, the applet may throw an ISOException with an appropriate status word,
in which case the Java Card RE catches the exception and returns the status word to the CAD.

If any other exception is thrown during process, the Java Card RE catches the exception and returns the
status word ISO7816.SW_UNKNOWN to the CAD.

3.4 deselect Method(s)

When the Java Card RE receives a SELECT FILE APDU command in which the name matches the AID
of an applet, the Java Card RE calls the Applet.deselect method of the currently selected applet
or, if concurrently selected on more than one logical channel, its MultiSelectable.deselect
method. For more details see Section 4.3 Multiselectable Applets. Applet deselection may also be
requested by the MANAGE CHANNEL CLOSE command. For more details, see Section 4.7 Applet

The deselect method allows the applet to perform any cleanup operations that may be required to
allow some other applet to execute.

The Applet.selectingApplet method shall return false when called during the deselect
method. Exceptions thrown by the deselect method are caught by the Java Card RE, but the applet is

3.5 uninstall Method

This method is defined in the javacard.framework.AppletEvent interface. When the Java Card
RE is preparing to delete the applet instance, the Java Card RE calls this method, if implemented by the
applet, to inform it of the deletion request. Upon return from this method, the Java Card RE checks for
reference dependencies before deleting the applet instance.

This method may be called multiple times, once for each applet deletion attempt.

3.6 Power Loss and Reset

Power loss occurs under one of the following conditions:

• The card is withdrawn from the CAD.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 23

• When operating in contactless-only mode, the card loses carrier energy from the radio
frequency (RF) field and enters the POWER OFF state as defined in the ISO 14443 Specification
Parts 1-4.
• When operating in contactless-only mode, the card receives a Supervisory block (S-block)
DESELECT command and enters the HALT state as defined in the ISO 14443 Specification Parts 1-
• When operating in contactless-only mode, a card whose contactless interface is accessed
through a contactless front-end using the European Telecommunications Standards Institute
(ETSI) defined single wire protocol (SWP) standard (ETSI TS 102 613), is reset by SWP
deactivation/activation and by an HCI event field on/off condition.
• A mechanical or electrical failure occurs on the card.

When power is reapplied to the card and on card reset (warm or cold) the Java Card RE shall ensure

• Transient data is reset to the default value.

• The transaction in progress, if any, when power was lost (or reset occurred) is aborted.
• All applet instances that were active when power was lost (or reset occurred) become implicitly
deselected. In this case the deselect method is not called.
• If the Java Card RE implements default applet selection (see Section 4.2 Default Applets), the
default applet is selected as the active applet instance for the basic logical channel (channel 0),
and the default applet's select method is called. Otherwise, the Java Card RE sets its state to
indicate that no applet is active on the basic logical channel.

3.6.1 Concurrent Operations Over Multiple Interfaces

On cards that have independent contacted and contactless I/O interfaces and can sustain
communication with or without power from the other interface, the ISO7816-2 defined reset signal
input (RST) contact resets only the contacted I/O interface.

Note: On cards on which contacted and contactless interfaces are not independent, the ISO7816-2
defined reset signal input (RST) contact resets the card and the Java Card RE must handle this event
as defined in Section 3.6 Power Loss and Reset.

A Java Card technology compliant proximity contactless card operates in the ACTIVE state and processes
commands defined in the ISO 14443 Specification Parts 1-4 or using the commands defined by the SWP
interface standard (ETSI TS 102 613).

The following conditions are deemed as a reset of the contactless I/O interface:

• The ISO 14443 Supervisory block (S-block) DESELECT command results in the proximity card
entering the HALT state.
• A loss of RF field results in the proximity card entering the POWER OFF state.
• A contactless interface which is accessed using the SWP interface is logically reset.

Page 24 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

The Java Card RE must ensure the following when the contactless I/O interface of a card concurrently
operating over both the contacted as well as the contactless I/O interfaces, is reset:

• The transaction in progress in the currently selected applet instance executing on a logical
channel on the contactless I/O interface, if any, must be aborted.
• Each applet instance that was active on a logical channel over the contactless I/O interface,
must be deselected.
If the contactless interface, using the SWP interface standard, is being logically reset, the applet
instances are explicitly deselected by calling the applicable deselect method. Otherwise, the
instances are implicitly deselected and the deselect method is not called.
• All the logical channels open on the contactless I/O interface are implicitly closed.
• Transient data of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT objects associated with each applet instance that was
active on a logical channel over the contactless I/O interface and that does not have an applet
instance from the same context active on any logical channel over the contacted I/O interface, is
reset to the default value.

Note: To establish a card session over both contacted and contactless interfaces concurrently, on
cards on which the ISO7816-2 defined reset signal input (RST) contact resets the card, the CAD must
initiate the contacted session first. A power loss or card reset on the contacted interface results in a
card tear and card reset event even if a contactless session is in progress. An RF signal loss, or logical
reset, on the contactless interface must not affect an ongoing contacted session.

On some cards, the ISO7816-2 defined reset signal input (RST) is used to reset only the contacted I/O
interface. On some other cards, the contacted I/O interface may be a universal serial bus interface (USB)
or some other physical interconnect which logically transports ISO 7816-4 APDU commands and
responses. When the contacted I/O interface of such a card concurrently operating over both the
contacted as well as the contactless I/O interfaces, with full operational power, is reset, the Java Card RE
must ensure the following:

• The ongoing contactless session must not be affected.

• The transaction in progress in the currently selected applet instance executing on a logical
channel on the contacted I/O interface, if any, when the contacted I/O interface reset occurs, is
• Each applet instance that was active on a logical channel over the contacted I/O interface when
the contacted I/O interface was reset, must be explicitly deselected and the applicable
deselect method is called.
• Transient data of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT objects associated with each applet instance that
was active on a logical channel over the contacted I/O interface and that does not have an
applet instance from the same context active on any logical channel over the contactless I/O
interface, is reset to the default value.
• If the Java Card RE implements default applet selection (see Section 4.2 Default Applets), the
default applet is selected as the active applet instance for the basic logical channel (channel 0)
on the contacted I/O interface, and the default applet's select method is called. Otherwise, the

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 25

Java Card RE sets its state to indicate that no applet is active on the basic logical channel on the
contacted I/O interface.

Page 26 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

4 Logical Channels and Applet Selection
The Java Card Platform provides support for logical channels: The ability to allow a terminal to open up
to twenty sessions into the smart card over any I/O interface, one session per logical channel. Logical
channels functionality is described in detail in the ISO 7816-4:2013 Specification.

4.1 Logical Channels Overview

Cards receive requests for service from the CAD in the form of APDUs. The SELECT FILE APDU and
MANAGE CHANNEL OPEN APDU are used by the Java Card RE to designate the active applet instance for
a logical channel session. Once selected, an applet instance receives all subsequent APDUs dispatched to
that logical channel, until the applet instance becomes deselected.

Java Card platforms support the following I/O interface configurations:

• A single contacted I/O interface conforming to ISO 7816 parts 1-4 specifications
• A single contacted I/O interface based on ISO 7816-4 standards over the USB interface specified
in the ISO 7816-12 specification and/or the European Telecommunications Standards Institute
(ETSI) TS 102 600 specification
• A single contactless I/O interface based on the ISO 14443 specifications or the ETSI defined
single wire protocol (SWP) TS 102 613 specification
• Dual I/O interfaces - one contacted and one contactless interface based on the standards
described above

Logical channel sessions as described in this chapter may be supported over any of these interfaces. In
addition, a dual interface card may be able to sustain logical channel sessions over both the contacted
and the contactless interface simultaneously.

An implementation may support between 1 and 20 logical channels over the contacted I/O interface.
Similarly, an implementation may support between 1 and 20 logical channels over the contactless I/O
interface. When both I/O interfaces are concurrently active, the number of logical channels supported
on each of the two interfaces is also implementation specific.

Note: To establish a card session over both contacted and contactless interfaces concurrently,
on cards on which the ISO7816-2 defined reset signal input (RST) contact resets the card, the
CAD must initiate the contacted session first. A power loss or card reset on the contacted
interface results in a card tear and card reset event even if a contactless session is in progress.
An RF signal loss, or logical reset, on the contactless interface must not affect an ongoing
contacted session.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 27

The Java Card RE processes APDUs sequentially whether received over the same I/O interface or over
two different I/O interfaces. The I/O subsystem must present concurrently received APDUs to the Java
Card RE command dispatcher sequentially. The arbitration required to make concurrently received
APDU commands sequential, as well as the mechanisms used to ensure proper synchronization with the
CAD (for contact) and with the proximity coupling device, PCD (for contactless), are not specified in this
specification. The I/O subsystem must ensure that APDU commands received over the contactless I/O
interface are given higher priority, but without causing a timeout on any concurrently received APDU
command over the contacted I/O interface. The algorithm used for this purpose is not specified in this

An applet written for the Java Card Platform, Classic Edition, can be designed to take advantage of
logical channel support. Such an applet can take advantage of multi-session functionality, can be
concurrently selected alongside another applet on a different logical channel, and even be selected
multiple times simultaneously on different logical channels. As shown in Figure 4-1: Logical Channels for
Distinct Applets, an implementation may support from one to twenty logical channels on each I/O
interface, each with its own distinct CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient memory segment2.

Only one logical channel, logical channel number 0 (the basic logical channel) becomes active on the
contacted I/O interface following a card reset. Similarly, only one logical channel, logical 0 (the basic
logical channel) becomes active on the contactless I/O interface following a PICC activation sequence. A
MANAGE CHANNEL APDU command may be issued on this logical channel to instruct the card to open a
new logical channel. Applet instances can be selected on different logical channels using the SELECT FILE
APDU command, just as they would in a single logical channel environment. The MANAGE CHANNEL
APDU command is also used for closing a logical channel. Note that the basic logical channel is
permanent and can never be closed as long as the I/O interface remains activated.

On a card that is able to sustain logical channel sessions over both interfaces simultaneously, there are
two sets of twenty logical channels possible. A logical channel number 0 on the contacted I/O interface
is not the same as the logical channel number 0 on the contactless I/O interface. An applet instance
selected on a logical channel on the contacted I/O interface would normally receive APDUs only from
the contacted I/O interface. However, it can receive APDUs from the contactless I/O interface also, only
if the applet instance is concurrently selected on a logical channel on the contactless I/O interface. Rules
of multiselection apply as described in Section 4.3 Multiselectable Applets.

Legacy applets written for version 2.1 of the Java Card Platform running on the Java Card Platform,
Classic Edition, need not be aware of logical channel support to work correctly. The Java Card RE must

The term "CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient memory segment" is used to denote a logical partition of volatile
memory which contains the data associated with CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient arrays of an active application.
The word "segment" is intended to suggest that the implementation may overlay the same physical area of volatile
memory being used for the transient memory segment of an active application with that of another application
when its context is no longer active. For example, if only one logical channel is supported, only one such physical
memory area in volatile memory is sufficient.

Page 28 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

guarantee that an applet that was not designed to be aware of multiple sessions is not selected more
than once or concurrently with another applet from the same context.

Figure 4-1: Logical Channels for Distinct Applets

Support for multiple logical channels (with multiple selected applet instances) requires a change to the
Java Card platform version 2.1.* concept of selected applet. Because more than one applet instance can
be selected at the same time, and one applet instance can be selected on different logical channels
simultaneously, it is necessary to differentiate the state of the applet instances in more detail.

An applet instance is considered an active applet instance if it is currently selected in at least one logical
channel, up to a maximum of forty. Each active applet instance from a distinct context executes with a
distinct CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient memory segment (see Figure 4-1: Logical Channels for
Distinct Applets). An applet instance is the currently selected applet instance only if it is processing the
current command. There can only be one currently selected applet instance at a given time.

Applets with the capability of being selected on multiple logical channels at the same time, or accepting
other applets belonging to the same context being selected simultaneously, are referred to as
multiselectable applets. (Refer to Figure 4-2: Different Applet Instances in Same Context.)

No applet is active on the new (or only) logical channel when one of the following occurs:

• The card is reset and no applet is designated as the default applet instance for the basic channel
on the contacted I/O interface, or the default applet instance for the basic channel on the
contacted I/O interface rejects selection.
• The card successfully completes its PICC activation sequence and no applet is designated as the
default applet instance for the basic channel on the contactless I/O interface, or the default
applet instance for the basic channel on the contactless I/O interface rejects selection.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 29

• A MANAGE CHANNEL OPEN command on the basic channel opens a new channel, and no applet
is designated as the default applet instance for that logical channel.
• A new logical channel is opened when a MANAGE CHANNEL OPEN command is issued on a
logical channel other than the basic channel, on which there is no active applet.
• A SELECT FILE command fails when attempting to select an applet instance.

4.2 Default Applets

Normally, applet instances become selected only via a successful SELECT FILE command. However, some
smart card CAD applications require a default card applet instance to become implicitly selected after
every card reset. In addition, some CAD applications may also require a default applet selection when a
new logical channel is opened.

In a similar manner, some smart card proximity coupling device (PCD) applications require a default card
applet instance to become implicitly selected after the proximity card (PICC) activation sequence
successfully completes. In addition, default applet selection may also be required on each new logical
channel opened during the contactless session.

The Java Card platform allows the card implementer to designate a default applet instance for each of
the logical channels supported by the card. For any logical channel, the card implementation may
designate an applet instance as the default applet instance for that logical channel. Alternatively, for any
logical channel, the implementation may choose to designate no default applet instance at all. Logical
channels may share the same applet instance as the default applet instance for more than one channel.

Upon card reset on the contacted interface and upon the completion of the PICC activation sequence on
the contactless interface, only the basic logical channel (channel 0) is automatically opened. The default
card applet instance for the contacted interface, if any, is therefore the default applet instance for
logical channel 0 on the contacted interface. Similarly, the default card applet instance for the
contactless interface, if any, is therefore the default applet instance for logical channel 0 on the
contactless interface. A card that supports both I/O interfaces could designate the same applet instance
or a different applet instance as the default card applet instance for each interface.

4.2.1 Card Reset Behavior

The following describes card reset behavior:

1. After card reset (or power on, which is a form of reset) on the contacted I/O interface, the Java
Card RE performs its initialization and checks to see if its internal state indicates that a particular
applet instance is the default applet instance for the basic logical channel. If so, the Java Card RE
makes this applet instance the currently selected applet instance on the basic logical channel,
and the applet's select method is called. If this method throws an exception or returns
false, or returns true when an applet-initiated transaction is in progress, the Java Card RE
sets its state to indicate that no applet is active on the basic logical channel.

Page 30 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

When a default card applet instance becomes active upon card reset, it shall not require its
process method to be called. The applet instance's process method is not called during
default applet selection because there is no SELECT FILE APDU.

2. The Java Card RE ensures that the Answer to Reset (ATR) was sent and the card is now ready to
accept APDU commands.

4.2.2 Proximity Card (PICC) Activation Behavior

The following describes the PICC activation behavior:

1. After the successful completion of the PICC activation sequence on the contactless interface, the
Java Card RE performs its initialization, if the contacted interface is not already active, and then
checks to see if its internal state indicates that a particular applet instance is the default applet
instance for the basic logical channel on the contactless I/O interface. If the default applet is not
a multiselectable applet (see Section 4.3 Multiselectable Applets) and either an instance of the
default applet is already active on the contacted interface, or another applet instance from the
same context is active on the contacted interface, the Java Card RE sets its state to indicate that
no applet is active on the basic logical channel. Otherwise, the Java Card RE makes this applet
instance the currently selected applet instance on the basic logical channel on the contactless
I/O interface, and informs the applet instance of its selection - if the applet's context is active on
the contacted interface, calls the MultiSelectable.select method with the
appInstAlreadyActive set to indicate if the same applet instance is already active, and
otherwise, if the applet's context is not active on the contacted interface, calls the
Applet.select method. If multiselection is required for selecting the default applet but the
default applet does not implement the MultiSelectable interface, or if the select
method throws an exception or returns false, or returns true when an applet-initiated
transaction is in progress, the Java Card RE sets its state to indicate that no applet is active on
the basic logical channel on the contactless I/O interface.

When a default card applet instance becomes active after the successful completion of the PICC
activation sequence on the contactless interface, it shall not require its process method to be
called. The applet instance's process method is not called during default applet selection
because there is no SELECT FILE APDU.

2. The Java Card RE ensures that the Answer to Select (ATS), if applicable, was sent and the card is
now ready to accept APDU commands.

4.2.3 Default Applet Selection Behavior on Opening a New Channel

The following default applet selection behavior occurs on opening a new logical channel.

When a MANAGE CHANNEL command is issued on the basic logical channel and a new logical channel is
opened, the Java Card RE checks if there is a designated default applet instance for the newly opened
logical channel. If so, the Java Card RE makes this applet instance the currently selected applet instance

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 31

on the new logical channel, and the applet's select method (MultiSelectable.select method
if required) is called. If this method throws an exception or returns false, or returns true when an
applet-initiated transaction is in progress, then the Java Card RE closes the new logical channel. (The
applet instance's process method is not called during default applet selection, because there is no
SELECT FILE APDU). A default applet instance shall not require its process method to be called.

If a default applet instance is successfully selected, then APDU commands can be sent directly to the
applet instance on that logical channel. If no applet is active, then only SELECT FILE commands for applet
selection or MANAGE CHANNEL commands can be processed on that logical channel.

A MANAGE CHANNEL command issued over an I/O interface shall open a new logical channel only on
the same I/O interface. Similarly a SELECT FILE command issued over an I/O interface to open a new
logical channel shall open a new logical channel only on the same I/O interface.

The mechanism for specifying the default applet instance for a logical channel is not defined in the Java
Card API. It is a Java Card RE implementation detail and is left to the individual implementers.

4.3 Multiselectable Applets

Applets having the capability of being selected on multiple logical channels at the same time, or
accepting other applets belonging to the same context being selected simultaneously, are referred to as
multiselectable applets.

Note: All applets within a CAP file shall be multiselectable or none shall be.

An applet's context is active when either an instance of the applet is already active, or when another
applet instance from the same context is active. For more information about contexts see Section 6.1.2
Contexts and Context Switching. An attempt to select an applet instance when the applet's context is
active, is referred to as a multiselection attempt. If successful, multiselection occurs, and the applet
instance becomes multiselected.

Multiselectable applets shall implement the javacard.framework.MultiSelectable

interface. In case of multiselection, the applet instance is informed by invoking its methods
MultiSelectable.select and MultiSelectable.deselect during selection and
deselection respectively.

When an applet instance not currently active is the first one selected in its context, its
Applet.select method is called. Subsequent multiselections to this applet instance or selection of
other applet instances in the same context shall result in a call to MultiSelectable.select
method. This method is defined in the MultiSelectable interface. Its only purpose is to inform the
applet instance that it will be multiselected. The applet instance may accept or reject a multiselection

If a multiselection attempt is made on an applet which does not implement the MultiSelectable
interface, the selection shall be rejected by the Java Card RE.

Page 32 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

When a multiselected applet instance is deselected from one of the logical channels, the method
MultiSelectable.deselect is called. Only when the multiselected applet instance is the last
active applet instance in the applet's context, is its regular method Applet.deselect called.

The following list describes the two cases of multiselection:

1. When two distinct applet instances from within the same context are multiselected, each applet
instance shares the same CLEAR_ON_DESELECT memory transient segment. The applet
instances share objects within the context firewall as well as their transient data. The Java Card
RE shall not reset this CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient objects until all applet instances within
the context are deselected, see Figure 4-2: Different Applet Instances in Same Context.
2. When the same applet instance is multiselected on two different logical channels
simultaneously, it shares the CLEAR_ON_DESELECT memory segment space across logical
channels. The Java Card RE shall not reset the CLEAR_ON_ DESELECT transient objects until all
applet instances within the context are deselected, see Figure 4-3: Same Applet Instance
Selected on Multiple Logical Channels.

Figure 4-2: Different Applet Instances in Same Context

Figure 4-3: Same Applet Instance Selected on Multiple Logical Channels

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 33

In both cases of multiselection, the applets must implement the MultiSelectable interface. If the
applets do not support this feature, the selection must be rejected by the Java Card RE.

4.4 Forwarding APDU Commands To a Logical Channel

According to Section 5.4 of the ISO 7816-4:2013 Specification, the interindustry values of the CLA byte
equal to 0x0X and 0x1X in the APDU command encode channel numbers in the range 0-3, whereas
interindustry values of the CLA byte equal to 0x4Y, 0x5Y, 0x6Y and 0x7Y in the APDU command encode
channel numbers in the range 4-19.

In addition, cards compliant with the Java Card Platform specification must also support proprietary
class values of the CLA byte equal to 0x8X, 0x9X, 0xAx and 0xBX for channel numbers in the range 0-3
and proprietary class values of the CLA byte equal to 0xCY, 0xDY, 0xEY and 0xFY for channel numbers 4-
19 (using 0 origin notation). The bit encoding of the proprietary class values of the CLA byte mirror that
of the ISO 7816-4:2013 Specification defined interindustry values with the most significant bit b8 set to
1. Table 4-2 and Table 4-3 show the supported encodings of the CLA byte.

The two least significant bits (b2,b1*) of the X nibble encodes the logical channels numbers 0-3, whereas
the Y nibble (b4-b1*) encodes logical channel numbers in the range 4-19 (using 0 origin notation). When
an APDU command is received, the Java Card RE shall process it and determine whether or not the
command has logical channel information. If logical channel information is encoded, the card dispatches
the APDU command to the appropriate logical channel on that I/O interface. All other APDU commands
are forwarded to the basic logical channel (logical channel 0) on that I/O interface.

Table 4-1: Notation for Following Tables

Notation Description
u undefined
y Secure Messaging (SM) indicator See ISO 7816-4:2013
Specification Section 6 for further information.
z Logical channel indicator Type 4 supports logical channels
[0..3] Type 16 supports logical channels [4..19]

Page 34 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

Table 4-2: ISO 7816-4:2013 Specification Interindustry CLA Semantics

CLA byte encoding Semantic details

%b0000 00zz (Type 4) last or only command in chain, no SM
%b0001 00zz (Type 4) not last command in chain, no SM
%b0000 yyzz (Type 4) last or only command in chain, with SM
%b0001 yyzz (Type 4) not last command in chain, with SM
%b0010 uuuu RFU
%b0011 uuuu RFU
%b0100 zzzz (Type 16) last or only command in chain, no SM
%b0101 zzzz (Type 16) not last command in chain, no SM
%b01y0 zzzz (Type 16) last or only command in chain, with SM
%b01y1 zzzz (Type 16) not last command in chain, with SM

Table 4-3: Java Card Technology Proprietary CLA Semantics

CLA byte encoding Semantic details

%b1000 00zz (Type 4) last or only command in chain, no SM
%b1001 00zz (Type 4) not last command in chain, no SM
%b1000 yyzz (Type 4) last or only command in chain, with SM
%b1001 yyzz (Type 4) not last command in chain, with SM
%b1010 00zz (Type 4) last or only command in chain, no
%b1011 00zz (Type 4) not last command in chain, no SM
%b1010 yyzz (Type 4) last or only command in chain, with SM
%b1011 yyzz (Type 4) not last command in chain, with SM
%b1100 zzzz (Type 16) last or only command in chain. no SM
%b1101 zzzz (Type 16) not last command in chain, no SM
%b11y0 zzzz (Type 16) last or only command in chain, with SM
%b11y1 zzzz (Type 16) not last command in chain, with SM

Note: CLA byte 0xFX cannot encode logical channel 19 because CLA = 0xFF is a reserved
value for Protocol Type Selection. In compliance with ISO 7816-4:2013 Specification, logical
channel number 19 is not available when using this CLA byte.

The Java Card RE always forwards the command "as is" to the appropriate applet instance. In particular,
the Java Card RE does not clear the logical channel encoding bits of the CLA byte.

To avoid the complexity of the transport information encoded in the CLA byte of the APDU command
header, the application programmer is advised not to parse the CLA byte directly. The following
methods in the javacard.framework.APDU class may be used to extract application specific

• APDU.isISOInterindustryCLA
• APDU.isSecureMessagingCLA
• APDU.isCommandChainingCLA
• APDU.getCLAChannel
• APDU.isValidCLA

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 35

Note: An asterisk indicates binary notation (%b) using bit numbering as in the ISO7816
specification. Most significant bit is b8. Least significant bit is b1.

4.5 Opening and Closing Logical Channels

According to Section 5.5.2 of the ISO 7816-4:2013 Specification, the following two ways to open a
logical channel in the smart card exist:

1. By selecting an applet instance on a new logical channel. This is accomplished by issuing an

Applet SELECT FILE APDU command, and specifying the logical channel number in the CLA byte
of the command. If this logical channel is currently closed, it shall be opened, and the specified
applet instance shall be selected. See Section 4.6.2 Applet Selection with SELECT FILE.
2. By issuing a MANAGE CHANNEL OPEN APDU command. MANAGE CHANNEL commands are
provided to open a logical channel from another logical channel, or to close a logical channel
from another logical channel. See Section 4.5.1 MANAGE CHANNEL Command Processing.

4.5.1 MANAGE CHANNEL Command Processing

The Java Card RE shall intercept all APDU messages coming into the card, perform card management
functions (such as selecting or deselecting applet instances), and shall forward APDU messages to the
appropriate applet instance. As part of its card management functions, the Java Card RE notifies applet
instances about selection events (a function it performs by calling the applet instances' select and
deselect methods).

With the addition of logical channels in Java Card platform, the Java Card RE includes a multichannel
dispatching mechanism, as well as checks to ensure applet integrity during multi-channel operations.
The Java Card RE must ensure that applets written to operate in a single logical channel environment
operate consistently on a multiple logical channel smart card.

Java Card platform defines a class of APDU commands, called MANAGE CHANNEL commands. The
functions the Java Card RE must perform by using MANAGE CHANNEL command processing are:

MANAGE CHANNEL OPEN: Open a new logical channel from an already-open logical channel. Two
variations of this command are supported:

• The Java Card RE selects the new logical channel specified in the command
• The Java Card RE automatically assigns a new logical channel.

MANAGE CHANNEL CLOSE: Close a specified logical channel from another open logical channel.

In addition, the SELECT FILE APDU command to select an applet instance is extended to specify a
new or already opened logical channel on which the specified applet instance is to be selected.

The term origin logical channel refers to the logical channel on which the command is received based
on the logical channel number encoding within the CLA byte, as described in Section 4.4 Forwarding
APDU Commands To a Logical Channel.

Page 36 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

4.6 Applet Selection
There are two ways to select an applet instance in the Java Card platform: with a MANAGE CHANNEL
OPEN command (Section 4.6.1 Applet Selection with MANAGE CHANNEL OPEN), or with a SELECT
FILE command (Section 4.6.2 Applet Selection with SELECT FILE).

The Java Card RE shall guarantee that an applet that is designed to run on any logical channel can be
selected on any of the available logical channels on the card. The resources accessed by the applet
instance must be the same, irrespective of the logical channel on which it is selected.

4.6.1 Applet Selection with MANAGE CHANNEL OPEN

Upon receiving a MANAGE CHANNEL OPEN command on an I/O interface, the Java Card RE shall run
the following procedure:

1. The MANAGE CHANNEL OPEN command uses: CLA=%b000000cc* (where cc in the bits
(b2,b1) denotes the origin logical channel: 0-3), or CLA=%0100dddd* (where dddd in the bits
(b4-b1) denote the origin logical channel: 4-19), INS=0x70and P1=0. Two variants of this
command are supported:
• P2=0 when the Java Card RE shall assign a new logical channel number.
• P2=the logical channel number specified.
o If the MANAGE CHANNEL OPEN command has non-zero secure messaging bits
(b4,b3*) in the CLA byte when the origin logical channel is 0-3 or non-zero bit (b6*)
when the origin logical channel is 4-19, the Java Card RE responds with status code
o If the MANAGE CHANNEL OPEN command is issued with a specified logical channel
number greater than 19, the Java Card RE responds with status code 0x6A81

2. If the origin logical channel on that I/O interface is not open, the Java Card RE responds with status
3. If the Java Card RE supports only the basic logical channel on that I/O interface, the Java Card RE
responds with status code 0x6881 (SW_LOGICAL_CHANNEL_NOT_SUPPORTED).
4. If the P2=0 variant is used:
• If the expected length value (Le) is not equal to 1, the Java Card RE responds with status
code 0x6C01 (SW_CORRECT_LENGTH_00+0x01).
• If resources for the new logical channel are not available, the Java Card RE responds with
status code 0x6A81 (SW_FUNC_NOT_SUPPORTED).
5. If the P2!=0 variant is used:

If the specified logical channel number is not supported or resources for the specified logical
channel are not available or the logical channel is already open, the Java Card RE responds with
status code 0x6A86 (SW_INCORRECT_P1P2).

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 37

6. The new logical channel on the I/O interface that received the MANAGE CHANNEL OPEN command
is now open. This logical channel will be the assigned channel for the applet instance that will be
selected on it.
7. Determine the applet instance to be selected on the new logical channel.
• If the origin logical channel is the basic logical channel (logical channel 0), then:
o If a default applet instance for the new logical channel on the I/O interface is defined,
pick the default applet instance for that logical channel as the candidate for selection on
the new logical channel.
o Otherwise, set the Java Card RE state so that no applet is active on the new logical
channel. The Java Card RE responds with status code 0x9000 and if the P2=0 variant
is used, one data byte containing the newly assigned logical channel number.
• If the origin logical channel is not the basic logical channel:
o If an applet instance is active on the origin logical channel, pick the applet instance as
the candidate for selection on the new logical channel.
o Otherwise, set the Java Card RE state so that no applet is active on the new logical
channel. The Java Card RE responds with status code 0x9000 and if the P2=0 variant
is used, one data byte containing the newly assigned logical channel number.
8. If the candidate applet instance is not a multiselectable applet (as defined in Section 4.3
Multiselectable Applets) and the candidate applet's context is active, the Java Card RE shall close the
new logical channel. The Java Card RE responds with status code 0x6985
9. Assign the CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient memory segment for the new logical channel:
• If the applet's context is active, assign the CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient memory segment
associated with that context to this logical channel.
• Otherwise, assign a new (zero-filled) CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient memory segment to this
new logical channel.
10. Check whether the candidate applet instance accepts selection:
• If the candidate applet's context is active, the Java Card RE shall set the candidate applet
instance as the currently selected applet instance and call the MultiSelectable.select
method, where the parameter appInstAlreadyActive is set to true if the same applet
instance is already active on another logical channel. A context switch into the candidate applet
instance's context occurs at this point. For more details on contexts, see Section 6.1.2 Contexts
and Context Switching.
• Otherwise, if the candidate applet's context is not active, the Java Card RE shall set the
candidate applet instance as the currently selected applet instance and call the
Applet.select method. A context switch into the candidate applet instance's context
occurs at this point.
• If the applet instance's select method throws an exception or returns false, or returns
true when an applet-initiated transaction is in progress then the Java Card RE closes the new
logical channel. The Java Card RE responds with status code 0x6999

Page 38 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

11. The Java Card RE responds with status code 0x9000 (and if the P2=0variant is used, 1 data byte
containing the newly assigned logical channel number.)

Note: Unlike the SELECT FILE commands to select an applet instance, the MANAGE CHANNEL
command is never forwarded to the applet instance.

4.6.2 Applet Selection with SELECT FILE

Upon receiving a SELECT FILE command on an I/O interface, the Java Card RE shall run the following

1. The Applet SELECT FILE command uses: CLA=%b000000cc* (where cc in the bits (b2,b1*)
specifies the logical channel to be selected: 0-3), or CLA=%0100dddd* (where dddd in the
bits (b4-b1) denote the origin logical channel: 4-19) and INS=0xA4.

If the SELECT FILE command has non-zero secure messaging bits (b4,b3*) in the CLA byte when
the origin logical channel is 0-3 or non-zero bit (b6*) when the origin logical channel is 4-19, it is
deemed not to be an Applet SELECT FILE command. The Java Card RE simply forwards the
command to the active applet on the specified logical channel.

• The Applet SELECT FILE command uses "Selection by DF name" with P1=0x04.
• The Java Card RE shall support both of the following:
o Selection by "exact DF name(AID)"3 with P2=%b0000xx00 (b4,b3* are ignored) and
o The RFU variant described in ISO 7816-4 Specification with P2=%b0001xx00 (b4,b3*
are ignored).
• All other partial DF name SELECT FILE options (b2,b1* variants) are Java Card RE
implementation dependent. Errors which occur during the processing of these commands
may result in implementation-defined, error response status codes.
• All file control information options codes (b4,b3*) of the P2 parameter shall be supported by
the Java Card RE and interpreted and processed by the applet instance itself.
2. If resources for the specified logical channel are not available, the Java Card RE responds with
3. If the specified logical channel is not open on the I/O interface that received the SELECT FILE
command, it is now opened and the Java Card RE state is set so that no applet is active on this
new logical channel. The specified logical channel will be the assigned channel for the applet
instance that will be active on it.
4. The Java Card RE searches the internal applet table which lists all successfully installed applet
instances on the card for an applet instance with a matching AID. If a matching applet instance is
found, it is picked as the candidate applet instance. Otherwise, if no AID match is found:

3 If the implementation supports partial DF name selection, and the AID of an applet instance is a truncation of
the AID of another applet instance on the card, implementation defined rules of "first DF name" selection may
be applicable.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 39

• If there is no active applet instance on the specified logical channel, the Java Card RE
responds with status code 0x6999 (SW_APPLET_SELECT_FAILED).
• Otherwise, the active applet instance on this logical channel is set as the currently selected
applet instance and the SELECT FILE command is forwarded to that applet instance's
process method. A context switch into the applet instance's context occurs at this point,
see Section 6.1.1 Firewall Protection. Applets may use the SELECT FILE command for their
own internal processing. Upon return from the applet's process method, the Java Card RE
sends the applet instance's response as the response to the SELECT FILE command.
5. If the candidate applet instance is not a multiselectable applet, and the candidate applet's
context is active, the logical channel remains open and the Java Card RE records an error
response status code of 0x6985 (SW_CONDITIONS_NOT_SATISFIED). Prior to sending
the response code, if there is an active applet instance on the logical channel, then the Java Card
RE may optionally deselect the applet instance, as described in Section 4.7 Applet Deselection,
and set the state so that no applet is active on the specified logical channel.
6. Assign the CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient memory segment for the new logical channel in
the following cases:
• If any applet instance from the same context as that of the candidate applet instance is
active on another logical channel, assign the same CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient
memory segment to this logical channel.
• Otherwise, assign a different (zero-filled) CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient memory
segment to this new logical channel.
7. Check whether the candidate applet instance accepts selection:
• If the candidate applet's context is active, the Java Card RE shall set the candidate applet
instance as the currently selected applet instance and call the
MultiSelectable.select(appInstAlreadyActive) method, where the
parameter appInstAlreadyActive is set to true if the same applet instance is
already active on another logical channel. A context switch into the candidate applet
instance's context occurs at this point, see Section 6.1.2 Contexts and Context Switching.
• Otherwise, if the candidate applet's context is not active, the Java Card RE shall set the
candidate applet instance as the currently selected applet instance and call the
Applet.select method. A context switch into the candidate applet instance's context
occurs at this point.
• If the applet instance's select method throws an exception or returns false, or returns
true when an applet-initiated transaction is in progress, then the Java Card RE state is set
so that no applet is active on the specified logical channel. The logical channel remains
open, and the Java Card RE responds with status code 0x6999
8. The Java Card RE shall set the candidate applet instance as the currently selected applet
instance and call the Applet.process method with the SELECT FILE APDU as the input
parameter. A context switch occurs into the applet instance's context at this point. Upon return

Page 40 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

from the applet instance's process method, the Java Card RE sends the applet instance's
response as the response to the SELECT FILE command.

Note: If the SELECT FILE command does not conform to the exact format of an Applet
SELECT FILE command described in item 1 above or if there is no matching AID, the
SELECT FILE command is forwarded to the active applet instance (if any) on that logical
channel for processing as a normal applet APDU command.

Note: If there is a matching AID and the SELECT FILE command fails, the Java Card RE
always sets the state in which no applet is active on that logical channel.

Note: If the matching AID is the same as the active applet instance on the specified
logical channel, the Java Card RE still goes through the process of deselecting the applet
instance and then selecting it. Reselection could fail, leaving the card in a state in which
no applet is active on that logical channel.

4.7 Applet Deselection

An applet instance is deselected either upon receipt of a MANAGE CHANNEL CLOSE command, or as a
result of a SELECT FILE command that selects a different (or the same) applet instance on the specified
logical channel.

In either case, when an applet instance is deselected the following procedure shall be followed by the
Java Card RE:

• If the applet instance to be deselected is active on more than one logical channel, or another
applet instance from the same context is also active, the Java Card RE sets the currently selected
applet instance to be the applet instance being deselected, and calls its
MultiSelectable.deselect(appInstStillActive) method, where the
appInstStillActive parameter is set to true if the same applet instance is still active on
another logical channel. A context switch occurs into the applet instance's context at this point,
see Section 6.1.2 Contexts and Context Switching.
• Otherwise, the Java Card RE sets the currently selected applet instance to be the applet instance
being deselected, and calls its Applet.deselect method. Upon return or uncaught
exception, the Java Card RE clears the fields of all CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient objects in
the context of deselected applet instance.

Note: Note that the deselection is always successful even if the applet instance throws
an exception from within the deselect method.

An applet is deselected upon return from

MultiSelectable.deselect(appInstStillActive)in case of multiselectable applet, unless
it is selected on another logical channel, or upon return from Applet.deselect method in case of
non-multiselectable applets.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 41

Upon receiving a MANAGE CHANNEL CLOSE command on an I/O interface, the Java Card RE shall run the
following procedure:

1. The MANAGE CHANNEL CLOSE command uses: CLA=%b000000cc* (where cc in the bits (b2,b1)
denotes the origin logical channel: 0-3) or CLA=%0100dddd* (where dddd in the bits (b4-b1) denote
the origin logical channel: 4-19), INS=0x70, P1=0x80 and P2 specifies the logical channel to be
If the MANAGE CHANNEL CLOSE command has non-zero secure messaging bits (b4,b3) in the CLA
byte when the origin logical channel is 0-3 or non-zero bit (b6*) when the origin logical channel is 4-
19, the Java Card RE responds with status code
2. If the origin logical channel on the I/O interface that received the MANAGE CHANNEL CLOSE
command is not open, the Java Card RE responds with status code 0x6881
3. If the Java Card RE supports only the basic logical channel on the I/O interface that received the
MANAGE CHANNEL CLOSE command, the Java Card RE responds with status code 0x6881
4. If the specified logical channel to close is the basic logical channel (logical channel 0) or the specified
logical channel number is greater than 19, the Java Card RE responds with status code 0x6A81
5. If the specified logical channel to close is currently open on the I/O interface that received the
MANAGE CHANNEL CLOSE command, deselect the active applet instance (if any) on the specified
logical channel as described above in Section 4.7 Applet Deselection. The specified logical channel is
now closed. The Java Card RE responds with status code 0x9000.
6. Otherwise, if the specified logical channel is closed or not available on that I/O interface, the Java
Card RE responds with warning status code 0x6200 (SW_WARNING_STATE_UNCHANGED).

4.8 Other Command Processing

When an APDU other than a SELECT FILE or MANAGE CHANNEL command is received, the logical
channel to be used for dispatching the command is based on the CLA byte as described in Section 4.4
Forwarding APDU Commands To a Logical Channel.

When the Java Card RE receives an APDU other than a SELECT FILE or MANAGE CHANNEL command with
either of the following:

• An unsupported logical channel number in the CLA byte

• An unopened logical channel number in the CLA byte

It shall respond to the APDU with status code


Page 42 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

If there is no active applet instance on the logical channel to be used for dispatching the command, the
Java Card RE shall respond to the APDU with status code 0x6999

When an APDU other than a Applet SELECT FILE or a MANAGE CHANNEL command is received, and
there is an active applet instance on the logical channel to be used for dispatching the command, the
Java Card RE sets the active applet instance on the origin channel as the currently selected applet
instance and invokes the process method passing the APDU as a parameter. This causes a context
switch from the Java Card RE context into the currently selected applet instance's context (For more
information on contexts see Section 6.1.2 Contexts and Context Switching.) When the process
method exits, the VM switches back to the Java Card RE context. The Java Card RE sends the response
APDU and waits for the next command APDU.

Note that the Java Card RE dispatches the APDU command "as is" to the applet instance for processing
via the process method. Therefore, the CLA byte in the command header contains in its least
significant bits the origin channel number. An applet designed to run on any logical channel needs to
mask out these two bits before checking for specific values.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 43

Page 44 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1
5 Memory Model

The Java Card Virtual Machine conforms to the relevant subset of the Java Language Specification
memory model. In particular, it provides a strong guarantee about the visibility and ordering of all
individual actions (such as read and write) in an execution of a program that must be sequentially
consistent with the order of the program.

Besides these rules, the Java Card Virtual Machine lifetime (see section 2) implies that the Java Card
Virtual Machine uses non-volatile memory to persistently store object heap. Multiple memory layout
and strategies are possible and depend on the capability and characteristics of the underlying hardware
platform. Note that objects referenced from another persistent object must be persistent and a Java
Card Virtual Machine implementation may use volatile memory for short-lived objects only referenced
from the stack or volatile memory. In any case, specific implementation strategies using cache or storing
such temporary objects in volatile memory must not affect their behavior. These objects shall behave
like other objects and therefore conform to the rules defined in section 7 Transactions and Atomicity.

This has implications on the application programming model. An application must expect that
operations performed on a persistent object will imply non-volatile memory updates (see also section 7
Transactions and Atomicity). Applications sometimes require objects that contain temporary (transient)
data that need not be persistent or data that, for security reasons or because it is frequently updated,
must not be stored in non-volatile memory. In this case, it must use transient objects.

This chapter describes special kinds of objects and how they are treated within a Java Card runtime

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 45

5.1 Transient Objects
The Java Card platform does not support the Java programming language keyword transient. However,
Java Card technology provides methods to create transient arrays with primitive components or
references to Object.

Note: In this section, the term field is used to refer to the component of an array object also.

The term "transient object" is a misnomer. It can be incorrectly interpreted to mean that the object
itself is transient. However, only the contents of the fields of the object (except for the length field) have
a transient nature. As with any other object in the Java programming language, transient objects within
the Java Card platform exist as long as they are referenced from:

• The stack
• Local variables
• A class static field
• A field in another existing object

5.1.1 Transient Objects Characteristics

A transient object within the Java Card platform has the following required behavior:

• The fields of a transient object shall be cleared to the field's default value (zero, false, or
null) at the occurrence of certain events (see Section 5.1.2 Events That Clear Transient
• For security reasons, the fields of a transient object shall never be stored in a "persistent
memory technology." Using current smart card technology as an example, the contents of
transient objects can be stored in RAM, but never in EEPROM. The purpose of this requirement
is to allow transient objects to be used to store session keys.
• Writes to the fields of a transient object shall not have a performance penalty. Using current
smart card technology as an example, the contents of transient objects can be stored in RAM,
while the contents of persistent objects can be stored in EEPROM. Typically, RAM technology
has a much faster write cycle time than EEPROM.
• Writes to the fields of a transient object shall not be affected by "transactions." That is, an
abortTransaction never causes a field in a transient object to be restored to a previous

This behavior makes transient objects ideal for small amounts of temporary applet data that is
frequently modified, but that need not be preserved across CAD or select sessions.

5.1.2 Events That Clear Transient Objects

Persistent objects are used for maintaining states that shall be preserved across card resets. When a
transient object is created, one of two events is specified that causes its fields to be cleared.
CLEAR_ON_RESET transient objects are used for maintaining states that shall be preserved across applet
selections, but not across card resets. CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient objects are used for maintaining
states that must be preserved while an applet is selected, but not across applet selections or card resets.

Page 46 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

Details of the two clear events are as follows:

• CLEAR_ON_RESET - The object's fields (except for the length field) are cleared when the card is
reset. When a card is powered on, this also causes a card reset.

Note: It is not necessary to clear the fields of transient objects before power is removed from a
card. However, it is necessary to guarantee that the previous contents of such fields cannot be
recovered once power is lost.

• CLEAR_ON_DESELECT - The object's fields (except for the length field) are cleared whenever the
applet is deselected and no other applets from the same context are active on the card. Because
a card reset implicitly deselects the currently selected applet, the fields of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT
objects are also cleared by the same events specified for CLEAR_ON_RESET.

The currently selected applet is explicitly deselected (its deselect method is called) only when a SELECT
FILE command or MANAGE CHANNEL CLOSE command is processed. The currently selected applet is
deselected and then the fields of all CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient objects owned by the applet are
cleared if no other applets from the same context are active on the card, regardless of whether the
SELECT FILE command:

• Fails to select an applet

• Selects a different applet
• Reselects the same applet

5.2 Temporary Objects

Temporary objects are short lived objects intended to be used only by current execution flow for
computations on temporary data and can only be referenced from the execution stack as local variables
or method parameters. The Java Card Runtime Environment detects and restricts attempts to store
references to these objects as part of the firewall functionality to prevent unauthorized reuse of the
object instance. See section 6.2.8 Class and Object Access Behavior for more details.

An application has no direct control on designating temporary objects and the temporary attribute is
assigned by the Java Card Runtime Environment in a limited number of cases:

• Some JCRE Entry Point Objects are temporary objects: the APDU object and all Java Card RE
owned exception objects are examples of temporary objects.
• All global arrays are temporary objects: the APDU buffer is an example of global array
• All array views are temporary objects.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 47

5.3 Array views
In certain scenarios an application may need to extract, process or share only a subset of an array. An
application may accomplish this by creating a defensive copy of the data in a separate array. However,
this requires additional memory and data synchronization between the original array and the copy of its
subset. Java Card platform provides an alternative mechanism to accomplish this by creating a
temporary array object, called “Array View”, which is a view on all or a subset of the array elements of
an actual parent array. In this chapter we are using indistinctly array view or view to refer to it.

5.3.1 Characteristics of an Array View

An array view must have the following characteristics.

• From Java language perspective, an array view is an array and is accessed via the same set of
array-access byte-codes. In particular, an array view can be used as parameter of any method
that accept an array with same type.
• The elements of a view are mapped to the selected subset of the actual parent array and any
modification in the parent array is visible in the view and vice versa. Also note that a view can
map all the elements of its parent array. By construction, a view is a different object from its
parent, with its own attributes (type, firewall context, length) but with same memory location
for its elements.
• The elements of a view have the exact same type as the elements of the parent array.
• A view has configurable read/write access rights that can be specified at its creation time. These
access rights apply only to accessing the elements of the array (bytecodes <T>aload,
<T>astore), not to invoking methods, reading the length or checking the type.
• A view is a temporary object. Consequently, it is not possible to store a reference to a view in
class variables, instance variables or array components.
• A parent array cannot be deleted (garbage collected) if an array view mapping its elements still

Figure 5-1 Example of an Array View

Page 48 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

5.3.2 Creating and Using an Array View
To create an Array View, an application must specify a source array and the range of elements that
should be mapped by this view. The source can be an actual array or a view and will be used to retrieve
the array elements to be mapped. The following checks are performed before creating the view:

• The specified source must be an array accessible from the context creating the view.
Particularly, when the source is a CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient array, the currently active
context must be the context of the currently selected applet.
• The range of elements specified must not go beyond the boundaries of the specified source
array. If the source array is a view, the array view being created shall map the actual array
elements and the elements mapped shall remain in the range of elements accessible to the
source view.
• The created array view shall not be granted access rights that are not allowed on the source
array. For example, it is not possible to create a writable view mapping the elements from a
read-only view.

A view can be created in the context of the application creating the view, or in the context of a provided
Sharable Interface Object of a server application. In the latter case, the main purpose is to share a
subset of the elements of an array as parameter with a server application and the array view will only be
accessible in the context of the server application and not in the context of the application creating it.
For more details, see section Sharing using Array Views and see the
JCSystem.makeArrayView() method definition in the Application Programming Interface, Java Card
Platform, Version 3.1.

A view can be used as parameter of any method of the Java Card API that accept an array with same
type. The parameters used as input buffer(s) must be readable and API implementation must support
read-only views for these parameters. The parameters used as output buffer(s) must be writable and
API implementation must support write-only views for these parameters.

An application can use the following methods to get details about a view
• JCSystem.isArrayView(Object) to check if an object is an array view
• JCSystem.getAttributes(Object) to get the access attributes of a view
• JCSystem.isTransient(Object) to get the memory type where the elements mapped
by the view are located.
• SensitiveArrays.isIntegritySensitive(Object) to check whether the view is
mapping elements that belong to a sensitive array.
For that purpose, a call to JCSystem.isTransient(Object) or
SensitiveArrays.isIntegritySensitive(Object)on a view returns the same value as if called
on the parent array.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 49

Page 50 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1
6 Applet Isolation and Object Sharing

Any implementation of the Java Card RE shall support isolation of contexts and applets. Isolation means
that one applet cannot access the fields or objects of an applet in another context unless the other
applet explicitly provides an interface for access. The Java Card RE mechanisms for applet isolation and
object sharing are detailed in the following sections.

6.1 Applet Firewall

The applet firewall within Java Card technology is runtime-enforced protection and is separate from the
Java technology protections. The Java programming language protections still apply to Java Card applets.
The Java programming language ensures that strong typing and protection attributes are enforced.

Applet firewalls are always enforced in the Java Card VM. They allow the VM to automatically perform
additional security checks at runtime.

6.1.1 Firewall Protection

The Java Card technology-based firewall (Java Card firewall) provides protection against the most
frequently anticipated security concern: developer mistakes and design oversights that might allow
sensitive data to be "leaked" to another applet. An applet may be able to obtain an object reference
from a publicly accessible location. However, if the object is owned by an applet protected by its own
firewall, the requesting applet must satisfy certain access rules before it can use the reference to access
the object.

The firewall also provides protection against incorrect code. If incorrect code is loaded onto a card, the
firewall still protects objects from being accessed by this code.

This specification, Runtime Environment Specification, Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition,
specifies the basic minimum protection requirements of contexts and firewalls because the features
described in this document are not transparent to the applet developer. Developers shall be aware of
the behavior of objects, APIs, and exceptions related to the firewall.

Java Card RE implementers are free to implement additional security mechanisms beyond those of the
applet firewall, as long as these mechanisms are transparent to applets and do not change the externally
visible operation of the VM.

6.1.2 Contexts and Context Switching

Firewalls essentially partition the Java Card platform's object system into separate protected object
spaces called contexts. These are illustrated in Figure 6-1: Contexts Within the Java Card Platform's

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 51

Object System. The firewall is the boundary between one context and another. The Java Card RE shall
allocate and manage a context for each Java Card CAP File containing applets4. All applet instances
within a single Java Card CAP File share the same context. There is no firewall between individual applet
instances within the same CAP File. That is, an applet instance can freely access objects belonging to
another applet instance that resides in any package in the same Java Card CAP File.

Figure 6-1: Contexts Within the Java Card Platform's Object System

In addition, the Java Card RE maintains its own Java Card RE context. This context is much like the
context of an applet, but it has special system privileges so that it can perform operations that are
denied to contexts of applets. For example, access from the Java Card RE context to any applet
instance's context is allowed, but the converse, access from an applet instance's context to the Java
Card RE context, is prohibited by the firewall. Active Contexts in the VM

At any point in time, there is only one active context within the VM. This is called the currently active
context. This can be either the Java Card RE context or an applet's context. All bytecodes that access
objects are checked at runtime against the currently active context in order to determine if the access is
allowed. A java.lang.SecurityException is thrown when an access is disallowed.

Note that a library CAP File is not assigned a separate context. Objects from a library belong to the context of the
creating applet instance.

Page 52 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Context Switching in the VM
If access is allowed, the VM determines if a context switch is required. A context switch occurs when
certain well-defined conditions, as described in Section 6.2.8 Class and Object Access Behavior, are met
during the execution of invoke-type bytecodes. For example, a context switch may be caused by an
attempt to access a shareable object that belongs to an applet instance that resides in a different
context. The result of a context switch is a new currently active context.

During a context switch, the previous context and object owner information is pushed on an internal VM
stack, a new context becomes the currently active context, and the invoked method executes in this
new context. Upon exit from that method the VM performs a restoring context switch. The original
context (of the caller of the method) is popped from the stack and is restored as the currently active
context. Context switches can be nested. The maximum depth depends on the amount of VM stack
space available.

Most method invocations in Java Card technology do not cause a context switch. For example, a context
switch is unnecessary when an attempt is made to access an object that belongs to an applet instance
that resides in the same context. Context switches only occur during invocation of and return from
certain methods, as well as during exception exits from those methods (see Section 6.2.8 Class and
Object Access Behavior).

Further details of contexts and context switching are provided in later sections of this chapter.

6.1.3 Object Ownership

Any given object in the Java Card platform's object space has a context and an owner associated with it.
When a new object is created, it is associated with the currently active context, but the object is owned
by the applet instance within the currently active context when the object is instantiated. An object can
be owned by an applet instance, or by the Java Card RE.

Following are the combined rules of context and object ownership within the firewall:

• Every applet instance belongs to a context. All applet instances from the same CAP File belong
to the same context.
• Every object is owned by an applet instance (or the Java Card RE). An applet instance is
identified by its AID. When executing in an instance method of an object (or a static class
method called from within), the object's owner must be in the currently active context.

For example, assume that applets A and B are in the same CAP File, and applet C is in another CAP File. A
and B therefore belong to the same context: 1. C belongs to a different context: 2. For an illustration of
this situation, see Figure 6-2: Context Switching and Object Access.

If context 1 is the currently active context, and a method m1 in an object owned by applet A is invoked,
no context switch occurs. If method m1 invokes a method m2 in an object owned by applet B, again no
context switch occurs (in spite of the object "owner" change), and no firewall restrictions apply.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 53

However, if the method m2 now calls a method m0 in an object owned by applet C, firewall restrictions
apply and, if access is allowed, a context switch shall occur. Upon return to method m2 from the method
m0, the context of applet B is restored.

Figure 6-2: Context Switching and Object Access

Keep the following points in mind:

• When the m1 method in the object owned by applet A calls the method m2 in the object owned
by applet B, the context does not change but the owner of the object does change. If the
JCSystem.getAID method is called from method m2 within context 1, the AID of applet B is
• When method m2 calls method m0 in an object owned by applet C, applet B is the owner of the
object when the context switches from 1 to 2. Therefore, if the JCSystem.getAID method is
called from method m0 within context 2, the AID of applet C shall be returned. If the
JCSystem.getPreviousContextAID method is called, the AID of applet B shall be
• When the JCSystem.getAID method is called from method m2 after the return from
method m0 in context 2, the AID of applet B is returned. However, if the
JCSystem.getPreviousContextAID method is called, the AID of the applet which called
into context 1 (or null if Java Card RE) is returned and not the AID of applet C.

6.1.4 Object Access

In general, an object can only be accessed by its owning context, that is, when the owning context is the
currently active context. The firewall prevents an object from being accessed by another applet in a
different context.

Page 54 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

In implementation terms, each time an object is accessed, the object's owner context is compared to
the currently active context. If these do not match, the access is not performed and a
SecurityException is thrown.

• An object is accessed when one of the following bytecodes is executed using the object's

getfield, putfield, invokevirtual, invokeinterface, athrow,

<T>aload, <T>astore, arraylength, checkcast, instanceof

<T> refers to the various types of array bytecodes, such as baload and sastore.

• This list includes any special or optimized forms of these bytecodes implemented in the Java
Card VM, such as getfield_b and getfield_s_this.

6.1.5 Transient Objects and Contexts

Transient objects of CLEAR_ON_RESET type behave like persistent objects in that they can be
accessed only when the currently active context is the object's owning context (the currently active
context at the time when the object was created).

Transient objects of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT type can only be created or accessed when the currently
active context is the context of the currently selected applet. If any of the makeTransient factory
methods of JCSystem class are called to create a CLEAR_ON_DESELECT type transient object when
the currently active context is not the context of the currently selected applet (even if the attempting
context is that of an active applet instance on another logical channel, see Section 4.1 Logical Channels
Overview), the method shall throw a java.lang.SystemException with reason code of
ILLEGAL_TRANSIENT. If an attempt is made to access a transient object of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT
type when the currently active context is not the context of the currently selected applet (even if the
attempting context is that of an active applet instance on another logical channel), the Java Card RE shall
throw a java.lang.SecurityException because the corresponding memory segment may not
be mapped (see 4.1 Logical Channels Overview, footnote 2). However, accessing the elements of a view
on a transient array of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT type is allowed because the access to the elements is
verified at the creation of the view and the elements remain accessible for the lifetime of the view.

Applets that are part of the same CAP file share the same context. Every applet instance from a CAP file
shares all its object instances with all other instances from the same CAP file. This includes transient
objects of both CLEAR_ON_RESET type and CLEAR_ON_DESELECT type owned by these applet

The transient objects of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT type owned by any applet instance in the same
context shall be accessible when any of the applet instances is the currently selected applet.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 55

6.1.6 Static Fields and Methods
Instances of classes (objects) are owned by contexts. Classes themselves are not. There is no runtime
context check that can be performed when a class static field is accessed. Neither is there a context
switch when a static method is invoked. Similarly, invokespecial causes no context switch.

Public static fields and public static methods are accessible from any context: Static methods execute in
the same context as their caller.

Objects referenced in static fields are just regular objects. They are owned by whoever created them
and standard firewall access rules apply. If it is necessary to share them across multiple contexts, these
objects need to be Shareable Interface Objects (SIOs), see Section 6.2.4 Shareable Interfaces.

Of course, the conventional Java technology protections are still enforced for static fields and methods.
In addition, when applets are installed, the Installer verifies that each attempt to link to an external
static field or method is permitted. Installation and specifics about linkage are beyond the scope of this
specification. Optional Static Access Checks

The Java Card RE may perform optional runtime checks that are redundant with the constraints
enforced by a verifier. A Java Card VM may detect when code violates fundamental language
restrictions, such as invoking a private method in another class, and report or otherwise address the

6.2 Object Access Across Contexts

The applet firewall confines an applets actions to its designated context. To enable applets to interact
with each other and with the Java Card RE, some well-defined yet secure mechanisms are provided so
one context can access an object belonging to another context.

These mechanisms are provided in the Java Card API and are discussed in the following sections:

• 6.2.1 Java Card RE Entry Point Objects

• 6.2.2 Sharing Arrays
• 6.2.3 Java Card RE Privileges
• 6.2.4 Shareable Interfaces

6.2.1 Java Card RE Entry Point Objects

Secure computer systems must have a way for non-privileged user processes (that are restricted to a
subset of resources) to request system services performed by privileged "system" routines.

In the Java Card API, this is accomplished using Java Card RE Entry Point Objects. These are objects
owned by the Java Card RE context, but they are flagged as containing entry point methods.

The firewall protects these objects from access by applets. The entry point designation allows the
methods of these objects to be invoked from any context. When that occurs, a context switch to the
Java Card RE context is performed. These methods are the gateways through which applets request

Page 56 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

privileged Java Card RE system services. The requested service is performed by the entry point method
after verifying that the method parameters are within bounds and all objects passed in as parameters
are accessible from the caller's context.

Following are the two categories of Java Card RE Entry Point Objects:

• Temporary Java Card RE Entry Point Objects

Like all Java Card RE Entry Point Objects, methods of temporary Java Card RE Entry Point Objects
can be invoked from any context. Since they are temporary (see 5.2 Temporary Objects),
references to these objects cannot be stored in class variables, instance variables or array
components. The Java Card RE detects and restricts attempts to store references to these
objects as part of the firewall functionality to prevent unauthorized reuse.

The APDU object and all Java Card RE owned exception objects are examples of temporary Java
Card RE Entry Point Objects.

• Permanent Java Card RE Entry Point Objects

Like all Java Card RE Entry Point Objects, methods of permanent Java Card RE Entry Point
Objects can be invoked from any context. Additionally, references to these objects can be stored
and freely re-used.

Java Card RE owned AID instances are examples of permanent Java Card RE Entry Point Objects.

The Java Card RE is responsible for the following tasks:

• Determining what privileged services are provided to applets

• Defining classes containing the entry point methods for those services
• Creating one or more object instances of those classes
• Designating those instances as Java Card RE Entry Point Objects
• Designating Java Card RE Entry Point Objects as temporary or permanent
• Making references to those objects available to applets as needed

Note: Only the methods of these objects are accessible through the firewall. The fields of these
objects are still protected by the firewall and can only be accessed by the Java Card RE context.

Only the Java Card RE itself can designate Entry Point Objects and whether they are temporary
or permanent. Java Card RE implementers are responsible for implementing the mechanism by
which Java Card RE Entry Point Objects are designated and how they become temporary or

6.2.2 Sharing Arrays

The Java Card Runtime Environment provides two different ways of sharing data between contexts using
arrays. References to such arrays can then be used as parameter of a Shareable interface (see 6.2.6
Shareable Interface Details).

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 57 Sharing using Global Arrays
The global nature of some objects requires that they be accessible from any context. The firewall would
ordinarily prevent these objects from being used in a flexible manner. The Java Card VM allows an
object to be designated as global.

All global arrays are temporary global array objects. These objects are owned by the Java Card RE
context, but can be accessed from any context. Since they are temporary (see 5.2 Temporary Objects),
references to these objects cannot be stored in class variables, instance variables or array components.
The Java Card RE detects and restricts attempts to store references to these objects as part of the
firewall functionality to prevent unauthorized reuse. An attempt to store a reference to a Global Array
object results in a SecurityException exception.

For added security, only arrays can be designated as global. The Java Card specification introduced the
JCSystem.makeGlobalArray() API method (since 3.0.4), which an applet may use to create a
global array. These arrays are intended for use during inter-process communication.

Apart from the user created arrays, the only global arrays required in the Java Card API are the APDU
buffer and the byte array input parameter (bArray) to the applet's install method.

Note: Because of the global status of the APDU buffer, the previous content of this array must
be made unavailable before another applet becomes the currently selected applet. This is to
prevent an applet's potentially sensitive data from being "leaked" to another applet via the
global APDU buffer. The APDU buffer can be accessed from a shared interface object context
and is suitable for passing data across different contexts. The applet is responsible for protecting
secret data that may be accessed from the APDU buffer. Sharing using Array Views

As described in section 5.3 Array views, creating a view on array elements is an efficient way to share a
subset of an array with another application and gives a finer control on the following parameters:

• An array view gives control over the exact subset of elements that are shared, without the need
to perform a defensive copy of the data and to resynchronize result when required
• It allows to precisely specify the context that will own the view by providing the Shareable
Interface Object that will receive the view.
• It also gives control on the access rights granted to the other application and specify if the
elements can be read or updated.
• It finally prevents the application receiving the reference to the array view from storing it for
further reuse.

6.2.3 Java Card RE Privileges

Because it is the "system" context, the Java Card RE context has a special privilege. It can invoke a
method of any object on the card. For example, assume that object X is owned by applet A. Normally,

Page 58 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

only the context of A can access the fields and methods of X. But the Java Card RE context is allowed to
invoke any of the methods of X. During such an invocation, a context switch occurs from the Java Card
RE context to the context of the applet that owns X.

Again, because it is the "system" context, the Java Card RE context can access fields and components of
any object on the card including CLEAR_ON_DESELECT transient objects owned by the currently
selected applet.

Note: The Java Card RE can access both methods and fields of X. Method access is the
mechanism by which the Java Card RE enters the context of an applet. Although the Java Card
RE could invoke any method through the firewall, it shall only invoke the select, process,
deselect, and getShareableInterfaceObject (see Section
Applet.getShareableInterfaceObject(AID, byte) Method) methods defined in
the Applet class, and methods on the objects passed to the API as parameters.

The Java Card RE context is the currently active context when the VM begins running after a card reset.
The Java Card RE context is the "root" context and is always either the currently active context or the
bottom context saved on the stack.

6.2.4 Shareable Interfaces

Shareable interfaces are a feature in the Java Card API to enable applet interaction. A shareable
interface defines a set of shared interface methods. These interface methods can be invoked from one
context even if the object implementing them is owned by an applet in another context.

In this specification, an object instance of a class implementing a shareable interface is called a

Shareable Interface Object (SIO).

To the owning context, the SIO is a normal object whose fields and methods can be accessed. To any
other context, the SIO is an instance of the shareable interface, and only the methods defined in the
shareable interface are accessible. All other fields and methods of the SIO are protected by the firewall.

Shareable interfaces provide a secure mechanism for inter-applet communication, as described in the
following sections. Server Applet A Builds a Shareable Interface Object

1. To make an object available for sharing with another applet in a different context, applet A first
defines a shareable interface, SI. A shareable interface extends the interface
javacard.framework.Shareable. The methods defined in the shareable interface, SI,
represent the services that applet A makes accessible to other applets.
2. Applet A then defines a class C that implements the shareable interface SI. C implements the
methods defined in SI. C may also define other methods and fields, but these are protected by
the applet firewall. Only the methods defined in SI are accessible to other applets.
3. Applet A creates an object instance O of class C. O belongs to applet A, and the firewall allows A
to access any of the fields and methods of O.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 59 Client Applet B Obtains the Shareable Interface Object
1. To access applet A's object O, applet B creates an object reference SIO of type SI.
2. Applet B invokes a special method
(JCSystem.getAppletShareableInterfaceObject, described in Section
JCSystem.getAppletShareableInterfaceObject Method) to request a shared
interface object reference from applet A.
3. Applet A receives the request and the AID of the requester (B) via
Applet.getShareableInterfaceObject, and determines whether it will share object
O with applet B. A's implementation of the getShareableInterfaceObject method
executes in A's context.
4. If applet A agrees to share with applet B, A responds to the request with a reference to O. As
this reference is returned as type Shareable, none of the fields or methods of O are visible.
5. Applet B receives the object reference from applet A, casts it to the interface type SI, and stores
it in object reference variable SIO. Even though SIO actually refers to A's object O, SIO is an
interface of type SI. Only the shareable interface methods defined in SI are visible to B. The
firewall prevents the other fields and methods of O from being accessed by B.

In this sequence, applet B initiates communication with applet A using the special system method in the
JCSystem class to request a Shareable Interface Object from applet A. Once this communication is
established, applet B can obtain other Shareable Interface Objects from applet A using normal
parameter passing and return mechanisms. It can also continue to use the special JCSystem method
described above to obtain other Shareable Interface Objects. Client Applet B Requests Services from Applet A

1. Applet B can request service from applet A by invoking one of the shareable interface methods
of SIO. During the invocation the Java Card VM performs a context switch. The original currently
active context (B) is saved on a stack and the context of the owner (A) of the actual object (O)
becomes the new currently active context. A's implementation of the shareable interface
method (SI method) executes in A's context.
2. The SI method can determine the AID of its client (B) via the
JCSystem.getPreviousContextAID method. This is described in Section 6.2.5
Determining the Previous Context. The method determines whether or not it will perform the
service for applet B.
3. Because of the context switch, the firewall allows the SI method to access all the fields and
methods of object O and any other object in the context of A. At the same time, the firewall
prevents the method from accessing non-shared objects in the context of B.
4. The SI method can access the parameters passed by B and can provide a return value to B.
5. During the return, the Java Card VM performs a restoring context switch. The original currently
active context (B) is popped from the stack, and again becomes the currently active context.
6. Because of the context switch, the firewall again allows B to access any of its objects and
prevents B from accessing non-shared objects in the context of A.

Page 60 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

6.2.5 Determining the Previous Context
When an applet calls JCSystem.getPreviousContextAID, the Java Card RE shall return the
instance AID of the applet instance active at the time of the last context switch. Java Card RE Context

The Java Card RE context does not have an AID. If an applet calls the getPreviousContextAID
method when the context of the applet was entered directly from the Java Card RE context, this method
returns null.

If the applet calls getPreviousContextAID from a method that may be accessed either from
within the applet itself or when accessed via a shareable interface from an external applet, it shall check
for null return before performing caller AID authentication.

6.2.6 Shareable Interface Details

A shareable interface is simply one that extends (either directly or indirectly) the tagging interface
javacard.framework.Shareable. This Shareable interface is similar in concept to the
Remote interface used by the RMI facility, in which calls to the interface methods take place across a
local/remote boundary. Java Card API Shareable Interface

Interfaces extending the Shareable tagging interface have this special property: Calls to the interface
methods take place across Java Card platform's applet firewall boundary by means of a context switch.

The Shareable interface serves to identify all shared objects. Any object that needs to be shared
through the applet firewall shall directly or indirectly implement this interface. Only those methods
specified in a shareable interface are available through the firewall.

Implementation classes can implement any number of shareable interfaces and can extend other
shareable implementation classes.

Like any Java platform interface, a shareable interface simply defines a set of service methods. A service
provider class declares that it "implements" the shareable interface and provides implementations for
each of the service methods of the interface. A service client class accesses the services by obtaining an
object reference, casting it to the shareable interface type, and invoking the service methods of the

The shareable interfaces within the Java Card technology shall have the following properties:

• When a method in a shareable interface is invoked, a context switch occurs to the context of the
object's owner.
• When the method exits, the context of the caller is restored.
• Exception handling is enhanced so that the currently active context is correctly restored during
the stack frame unwinding that occurs as an exception is thrown.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 61

6.2.7 Obtaining Shareable Interface Objects
Inter-applet communication is accomplished when a client applet invokes a shareable interface method
of a SIO belonging to a server applet. For this to work, there must be a way for the client applet to
obtain the SIO from the server applet in the first place. The Java Card RE provides a mechanism to make
this possible. The Applet class and the JCSystem class provide methods to enable a client to request
services from the server. Applet.getShareableInterfaceObject(AID, byte) Method

This method is implemented by the server applet instance. It shall be called by the Java Card RE to
mediate between a client applet that requests to use an object belonging to another applet, and the
server applet that makes its objects available for sharing.

The default behavior shall return null, which indicates that an applet does not participate in inter-
applet communication.

A server applet that is intended to be invoked from another applet needs to override this method. This
method should examine the clientAID and the parameter. If the clientAID is not one of the
expected AIDs, the method should return null. Similarly, if the parameter is not recognized or if it is
not allowed for the clientAID, the method also should return null. Otherwise, the applet should
return an SIO of the shareable interface type that the client has requested.

The server applet need not respond with the same SIO to all clients. The server can support multiple
types of shared interfaces for different purposes and use clientAID and parameter to determine
which kind of SIO to return to the client. JCSystem.getAppletShareableInterfaceObject Method

The JCSystem class contains the method getAppletShareableInterfaceObject, which is
invoked by a client applet to communicate with a server applet.

The Java Card RE shall implement this method to behave as follows:

1. The Java Card RE searches its internal applet table which lists all successfully installed applets on
the card for one with serverAID. If not found, null is returned.
2. If the server applet instance is not a multiselectable applet instance and is currently active on
another logical channel, a SecurityException is thrown. See Section 4.3 Multiselectable
3. The Java Card RE invokes this applet's getShareableInterfaceObject method, passing
the clientAID of the caller and the parameter.
4. A context switch occurs to the server applet, and its implementation of
getShareableInterfaceObject proceeds as described in the previous section. The
server applet returns a SIO (or null).
5. getAppletShareableInterfaceObject returns the same SIO (or null) to its caller.

Page 62 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

For enhanced security, the implementation shall make it impossible for the client to tell which of the
following conditions caused a null value to be returned:

• The serverAID was not found.

• The server applet does not participate in inter-applet communication.
• The server applet does not recognize the clientAID or the parameter.
• The server applet does not communicate with this client.
• The server applet does not communicate with this client as specified by the parameter.
• The applet's getShareableInterfaceObject method throws an uncaught exception.

6.2.8 Class and Object Access Behavior

A static class field is accessed when one of the following Java programming language bytecodes is

getstatic, putstatic

An object is accessed when one of the following Java programming language bytecodes is executed
using the object's reference:

getfield, putfield, invokevirtual, invokeinterface, athrow, <T>aload,

<T>astore, arraylength, checkcast, instanceof

<T> refers to the various types of array bytecodes, such as baload, sastore, etc.

This list also includes any special or optimized forms of these bytecodes that can be implemented in the
Java Card VM, such as getfield_b and getfield_s_this.

Prior to performing the work of the bytecode as specified by the Java VM, the Java Card VM will perform
an access check on the referenced object. If access is denied, a java.lang.SecurityException
is thrown.

The access checks performed by the Java Card VM depend on the type and owner of the referenced
object, the bytecode, and the currently active context. They are described in the following sections. Accessing Static Class Fields


getstatic, putstatic

• If the Java Card RE is the currently active context, access is allowed.

• Otherwise, if the bytecode is putstatic and the field being stored is a reference type and the
reference being stored is a reference to a temporary object, access is denied.
• Otherwise, access is allowed.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 63 Accessing Array Objects

<T>aload, <T>astore, arraylength, checkcast, instanceof

• If the Java Card RE is the currently active context, access is allowed.

• Otherwise, if the bytecode is aastore and the component being stored is a reference type and
the reference being stored is a reference to a temporary object, access is denied.
• Otherwise, if the bytecode is <T>astore and refers to an array view that does not have the
write access attribute set, access is denied.
• Otherwise, if the bytecode is <T>aload and refers to an array view that does not have the
read access attribute set, access is denied.
• Otherwise if the array is a transient array5 of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT type owned by an applet
which is not in the context of the currently selected applet, access is denied.
• Otherwise, if the array is owned by an applet in the currently active context, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, if the array is designated global, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, access is denied. Accessing Class Instance Object Fields


getfield, putfield

• If the Java Card RE is the currently active context, access is allowed.

• Otherwise, if the bytecode is putfield and the field being stored is a reference type and the
reference being stored is a reference to a temporary object, access is denied.
• Otherwise, if the object is owned by an applet in the currently active context, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, access is denied. Accessing Class Instance Object Methods



• If the object is owned by an applet in the currently active context, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, if the object is designated a Java Card RE Entry Point Object, access is allowed.
Context is switched to the object owner's context (shall be Java Card RE).
• Otherwise, if Java Card RE is the currently active context, access is allowed. Context is switched
to the object owner's context.
• Otherwise, access is denied.

This does not apply to the views on a transient array of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT type. See 6.1.5 Transient Objects
and Contexts for more details.

Page 64 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Accessing Standard Interface Methods


• If the object is owned by an applet in the currently active context, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, if the object is designated a Java Card RE Entry Point Object, access is allowed.
Context is switched to the object owner's context (shall be Java Card RE).
• Otherwise, if the Java Card RE is the currently active context, access is allowed. Context is
switched to the object owner's context.
• Otherwise, access is denied. Accessing Shareable Interface Methods



• If the object is owned by an applet in the currently active context, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, if the object is owned by a non-multiselectable applet instance that is not in the
context of the currently selected applet instance, and that is active on another logical channel,
access is denied. See Section 4.3 Multiselectable Applets.
• Otherwise, if the object's class implements a Shareable interface, and if the interface being
invoked extends the Shareable interface, access is allowed. Context is switched to the object
owner's context.
• Otherwise, if the Java Card RE is the currently active context, access is allowed. Context is
switched to the object owner's context.
• Otherwise, access is denied. Throwing Exception Objects



• If the object is owned by an applet in the currently active context, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, if the object is designated a Java Card RE Entry Point Object, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, if the Java Card RE is the currently active context, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, access is denied. Accessing Classes


checkcast, instanceof

• If the object is owned by an applet in the currently active context, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, if the object is designated a Java Card RE Entry Point Object, access is allowed.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 65

• Otherwise, if the Java Card RE is the currently active context, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, access is denied. Accessing Standard Interfaces


checkcast, instanceof

• If the object is owned by an applet in the currently active context, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, if the object is designated a Java Card RE Entry Point Object, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, if the Java Card RE is the currently active context, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, access is denied. Accessing Shareable Interfaces


checkcast, instanceof

• If the object is owned by an applet in the currently active context, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, if the object's class implements a Shareable interface, and if the object is being
cast into (checkcast) or is being verified as being an instance of (instanceof) an interface
that extends the Shareable interface, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, if the Java Card RE is the currently active context, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, access is denied. Accessing Array Object Methods

Note: The method access behavior of global arrays is identical to that of Java Card RE Entry Point



• If the array is a transient array6 of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT type owned by an applet which is not in
the context of the currently selected applet, access is denied.
• If the array is owned by an applet in the currently active context, access is allowed.
• Otherwise, if the array is designated a global array, access is allowed. Context is switched to the
array owner's context (Java Card RE context).
• Otherwise, if Java Card RE is the currently active context, access is allowed. Context is switched
to the array owner's context.
• Otherwise, access is denied.

This does not apply to the views on a transient array of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT type. See 6.1.5 Transient Objects
and Contexts for more details.

Page 66 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

7 Transactions and Atomicity

A transaction is a logical set of updates of persistent data. For example, transferring some amount of
money from one account to another is a banking transaction. It is important for transactions to be
atomic: Either all of the data fields are updated, or none are. The Java Card RE provides robust support
for atomic transactions, so that card data is restored to its original pre-transaction state if the
transaction does not complete normally. This mechanism protects against events such as power loss in
the middle of a transaction, and against program errors that might cause data corruption should all
steps of a transaction not complete normally.

7.1 Atomicity
Atomicity defines how the card handles the contents of persistent storage after a stop, failure, or fatal
exception during an update of a single object field or single class field or single array component. If
power is lost during the update, the applet developer shall be able to rely on what the field or array
component contains when power is restored.

The Java Card platform guarantees that any update to a single persistent object field or single class field
will be atomic. In addition, the Java Card platform provides single component level atomicity for
persistent arrays. That is, if the smart card loses power during the update of a data element (field in an
object, class or component of an array) that shall be preserved across CAD sessions, that data element
shall be restored to its previous value. Some methods also guarantee atomicity for block updates of
multiple data elements. For example, the atomicity of the Util.arrayCopy method guarantees that
either all bytes are correctly copied or else the destination array is restored to its previous byte values.

An applet might not require atomicity for array updates. The Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic method
is provided for this purpose. It does not use the transaction commit buffer even when called with a
transaction in progress.

7.2 Transactions
An applet might need to atomically update several different fields or array components in several
different objects. Either all updates take place correctly and consistently, or else all fields or components
are restored to their previous values. The Java Card platform supports a transactional model in which an
applet can designate the beginning of an atomic set of updates with a call to the
JCSystem.beginTransaction method. Each object update after this point is conditionally
updated. The field or array component appears to be updated (reading the field or array component
back yields its latest conditional value) but the update is not yet committed. When the applet calls

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 67

JCSystem.commitTransaction, all conditional updates are committed to persistent storage. If
power is lost or if some other system failure occurs prior to the completion of
JCSystem.commitTransaction, all conditionally updated fields or array components are restored
to their previous values. If the applet encounters an internal problem or decides to cancel the
transaction, it can programmatically undo conditional updates by calling

7.3 Transaction Duration

A transaction always ends when the Java Card RE regains programmatic control upon return from the
applet's select, deselect, process, uninstall, or install methods. This is true whether a
transaction ends normally, with an applet's call to commitTransaction, or with an abortion of the
transaction (either programmatically by the applet or by default by the Java Card RE). For more details
on transaction abortion, refer to Section 7.6 Aborting a Transaction.

Transaction duration is the life of a transaction between the call to JCSystem.beginTransaction

and either a call to commitTransaction or an abortion of the transaction.

7.4 Nested Transactions

The model currently assumes that nested transactions are not possible. There can be only one
transaction in progress at a time. If JCSystem.beginTransaction is called while a transaction is
already in progress, a TransactionException is thrown.

The JCSystem.getTransactionDepth method is provided to allow you to determine if a

transaction is in progress.

7.5 Tear or Reset Transaction Failure

If power is lost (tear) or the card is reset or some other system failure occurs while a transaction is in
progress, the Java Card RE shall restore to their previous values all fields and array components
conditionally updated since the previous call to JCSystem.beginTransaction.

This action is performed automatically by the Java Card RE when it reinitializes the card after recovering
from the power loss, reset, or failure. The Java Card RE determines which of those objects (if any) were
conditionally updated, and restores them.

Note: The contents of an array component that is updated using the

Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic method or the Util.arrayFillNonAtomic method
while a transaction is in progress are not predictable following a tear or reset during that

Note: Object space used by instances created during the transaction that failed due to power
loss or card reset can be recovered by the Java Card RE.

7.6 Aborting a Transaction

Transactions can be aborted either by an applet or by the Java Card RE.

Page 68 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

Note: The contents of an array component that is updated using the
Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic method or the Util.arrayFillNonAtomic method
while a transaction is in progress are not predictable following the abortion of the transaction.

7.6.1 Programmatic Abortion

If an applet encounters an internal problem or decides to cancel the transaction, it can programmatically
undo conditional updates by calling JCSystem.abortTransaction. If this method is called, all
conditionally updated fields and array components since the previous call to
JCSystem.beginTransaction are restored to their previous values, and the
JCSystem.getTransactionDepth value is reset to 0.

7.6.2 Abortion by the Java Card RE

If an applet returns from the select, deselect, process, install, or uninstall methods
when an applet initiated transaction is in progress, the Java Card RE automatically aborts the transaction
and proceeds as if an uncaught exception was thrown. In the case of the select method, selection

If the Java Card RE catches an uncaught exception from the select, deselect, process,
install, or uninstall methods when an applet initiated transaction is in progress, the Java Card
RE automatically aborts the transaction.

Note: The abortion of a transaction by the Java Card RE during the process method results in
uncaught exception processing. The response status is determined as described in Section 3.3
process Method.

7.6.3 Cleanup Responsibilities of the Java Card RE

Object instances created during the transaction that is being aborted can be deleted only if references
to these deleted objects can no longer be used to access these objects. The Java Card RE shall ensure
that a reference to an object created during the aborted transaction is equivalent to a null reference.

Alternatively, programmatic abortion after creating objects within the transaction can be deemed to be
a programming error. When this occurs, the Java Card RE may, to ensure the security of the card and to
avoid heap space loss, lock up the card session to force tear or reset processing.

7.7 Transient Objects and Global Arrays

Only updates to persistent objects participate in the transaction. Updates to transient objects and global
arrays are never undone, regardless of whether or not they were "inside a transaction."

7.8 Commit Capacity

Because platform resources are limited, the number of bytes of conditionally updated data that can be
accumulated during a transaction is limited. The Java Card technology provides methods to determine
how much commit capacity is available on the implementation. The commit capacity represents an
upper bound on the number of conditional byte updates available. The actual number of conditional
byte updates available may be lower due to management overhead.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 69

A TransactionException is thrown if the commit capacity is exceeded during a transaction.

7.9 Context Switching

Context switches shall not alter the state of a transaction in progress. If a transaction is in progress at
the time of a context switch (see Section 6.1.2 Contexts and Context Switching), updates to persistent
data continue to be conditional in the new context until the transaction is committed or aborted.

Page 70 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

8 Remote Method Invocation

The Remote Method Invocation Service is an optional component of the Java Card Platform. The service
is available when the javacard.framework.service package is present on the card.

Java Card platform Remote Method Invocation (Java Card RMI) is a subset of the Java platform Remote
Method Invocation (RMI) system. It provides a mechanism for a client application running on the CAD
platform to invoke a method on a remote object on the card. The on-card transport layer for Java Card
RMI is provided in the package javacard.framework.service by the class RMIService. It is
designed as a service requested by the Java Card RMI-based applet when it is the currently selected

The Java Card RMI message is encapsulated within the APDU object passed into the RMIService

8.1 Java Card Platform RMI

This section defines the subset of the RMI system that is supported by Java Card platform RMI.

8.1.1 Remote Objects

A remote object is one whose remote methods can be invoked remotely from the CAD client. A remote
object is described by one or more remote interfaces. A remote interface is an interface that extends,
directly or indirectly, the interface java.rmi.Remote. The methods of a remote interface are
referred to as remote methods. A remote method declaration includes the exception
java.rmi.RemoteException (or one of its superclasses such as java.io.IOException or
java.lang.Exception) in its throws clause. Additionally, in the remote method declaration, a
remote object declared as the return value must be declared as the remote interface, not the
implementation class of that interface.

Java Card RMI imposes additional constraints on the definition of remote methods. These constraints
are a result of the Java Card platform language subset and other feature limitations. Parameters and Return Values

The parameters of a remote method must only include parameters of the following types:

• Any supported primitive data types

• Any single-dimension array of a supported primitive data type

The return value of a remote method must only be one of the following types:

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 71

• Any supported primitive data type
• Any single-dimension array type of a supported primitive data type
• Any remote interface type
• A void return

All parameters, including array parameters, are always transmitted by value during the remote method
invocation. The return values from a remote method are transmitted by value for primitive types and
arrays. Return values that are remote object references are transmitted by reference using a remote
object reference descriptor. Exceptions
Java Card RMI uses the following simplified model for returning exceptions thrown by remote methods:

• When an exception defined in the Java Card API is thrown by a remote method, the exact
exception type and the embedded reason code is transmitted to the client application. In
essence, the exception object is transmitted by value.
• When an exception not defined in the Java Card API is thrown by a remote method, the
"closest" superclass exception type from the API and the embedded reason code is transmitted
to the client application. In this case, the "closest" API defined superclass exception object is
transmitted by value. The client application can distinguish an inexact exception from an exact
one. Functional Limitations

The definition of the supported subset of Java Card RMI for Java Card Platform, implies functional
limitations during the execution of Java Card API remote methods:

• CAD client application remote objects cannot be passed as arguments to remote methods.
• Card remote objects cannot be passed as arguments to remote methods.
• Applets on the card cannot invoke remote methods on the CAD client.
• Method argument data and return values, along with the Java Card RMI protocol overhead,
must fit within the size constraints of an APDU command and APDU response, respectively.

8.2 RMI Messages

The Java Card RMI message protocol consists of two commands that are used to:

• Get the initial remote object reference for the Java Card RMI based applet. The initial remote
object reference is the seed remote object that the CAD client application needs to begin
remote method invocations.
• Send a remote method invocation request to the card.

To ensure that the protocol is compatible with all applications, the SELECT FILE command is used for
getting the initial reference. The response to the SELECT FILE command allows the remote method
invocation command itself to be customized by the applet.

Page 72 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

8.2.1 Applet Selection
The selection command used to retrieve the initial reference is the ISO 7816-4 SELECT FILE command,
with the following options in the header:

• Direct selection by DF Name, that is, selection by AID. This is the normal option used to select
all applet instances in the Java Card platform.
• Return FCI (File Control Information - ISO7816-4), optional template. This is an additional
option that indicates that the applet is expected to return FCI information.

In addition, an alternate RFU variant of the Return FCI option is required to configure the
RMIService for an alternate Java Card RMI protocol format. For more details see Section
8.4.1 SELECT FILE Command.

The answer to this command is a constructed TLV (tag-length-value) data structure (ISO 7816-6) that
includes the following information:

• The byte to be used as instruction byte (INS) for subsequent invocation commands.
• The initial remote object reference descriptor. The descriptor includes the remote object
identifier and information to identify the associated class.

8.2.2 Method Invocation

To request a method invocation, the CAD client provides the following information:

• The remote object identifier. This identifier is used to uniquely identify the object on the card.
• The invoked method identifier. This designator uniquely identifies the remote method within
the remote object class or superclass.
• The values of the arguments. These values are raw values for primitive data types, and for
arrays, a length followed by the values.

The response to the invocation request may include one of the following items:

• A primitive return value. This is a raw primitive data type value.

• An array of primitive components. This is a length followed by the raw primitive data type
• A remote object reference descriptor. The descriptor includes the remote object identifier and
information to instantiate a proxy instance of the remote card object.
• An exception. This is thrown by the remote method.

8.3 Data Formats

This section describes the formats used to encapsulate the following:

• A remote object identifier that identifies the remote object on the card.
• A remote object reference descriptor that describes the remote object on the card for the CAD
• A method identifier that identifies the remote method on the card.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 73

• The method parameters and return values.

This section uses a C-like structure notation similar to that used in the Virtual Machine Specification,
Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition.

8.3.1 Remote Object Identifier

A remote object identifier is a 16-bit unsigned number that uniquely identifies a remote object on the

8.3.2 Remote Object Reference Descriptor

The remote object reference descriptor includes the remote object identifier, as well as information to
instantiate the proxy class on the CAD client. The remote object reference descriptor uses one of two
alternate formats. The representation based on the name of the class uses the
remote_ref_with_class format. The representation based on the names of the implemented
remote interfaces uses the remote_ref_with_interfaces format.

A remote object reference descriptor is therefore defined as follows:

remote_ref_descriptor {
union {
ref_null remote_ref_null
remote_ref_with_class remote_ref_c
remote_ref_with_interfaces remote_ref_i
Note: Even though this structure uses the C-like "union" notation, the lengths of the alternate
representations within the union do not use any padding to normalize their lengths.

The following items are in the remote_ref_descriptor structure:

ref_null is the representation of a null reference using the following format:

ref_null {
u2 remote_ref_id = 0xFFFF
The remote_ref_id item must be the reserved value 0xFFFF.

remote_ref_with_class is the definition of a remote object reference using the class name and
uses the following format:

remote_ref_with_class {
u2 remote_ref_id != 0xFFFF
u1 hash_modifier_length
u1 hash_modifier[ hash_modifier_length ]
u1 pkg_name_length
u1 package_name[ pkg_name_length ]

Page 74 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

u1 class_name_length
u1 class_name[ class_name_length ]
The remote_ref_id item represents the remote reference identifier. The value of this field must
not be 0xFFFF, which denotes the null reference.

The hash_modifier item is an UTF-8 string of length specified in the hash_modifier_length

item and is used to ensure that method identifier hash codes are unique.

The pkg_name_length item is the number of bytes in the package_name item to represent the
name of the package in UTF-8 string notation. The value of this item must be non-zero.

The package_name item is the variable length representation of the fully qualified name of the
package which contains the remote class in UTF-8 string notation. The fully qualified name of the
package represented here uses the internal form wherein the ASCII periods (.) that normally separate
the identifiers that make up the fully qualified name are replaced by ASCII forward slashes (/). For
example, the internal form of the normally fully qualified package name of the package java.rmi is

The class_name_length item is the number of bytes in the class_name item to represent the
name of the remote class in UTF-8 string notation. The value of this item must be non-zero.

The class_name item is the variable length representation of the name of the implementation class
(or superclass) of the remote object in UTF-8 string notation. The class referenced in the remote object
reference descriptor must directly implement a remote interface. If the implementation class of the
remote object does not directly implement a remote interface, the class name of the "closest"
superclass of the implementation class which directly implements a remote interface must be used.

remote_ref_with_interfaces item is the definition of a remote object reference using the

names of the interfaces and uses the following format:

remote_ref_with_interfaces {
u2 remote_ref_id != 0xFFFF
u1 hash_modifier_length
u1 hash_modifier[ hash_modifier_length ]
u1 remote_interface_count
rem_interface_def remote_interfaces[remote_interface_count]
The definition of the remote_ref_id, the hash_modifier_length and the hash_modifier
item are the same as that described earlier in the remote_ref_with_class structure.

The remote_interface_count item indicates the number of rem_interface_def format

entries in the remote_interfaces item. This number must be less than 16.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 75

The remote_interfaces item comprises a sufficient list of rem_interface_def format entries
containing the names of remote interfaces implemented. This list is such that when combined with their
remote superinterfaces, the complete set of remote interfaces implemented by the remote object can
be enumerated. The rem_interface_def item uses the following format:

rem_interface_def {
u1 pkg_name_length
u1 package_name[ pkg_name_length ]
u1 interface_name_length
u1 interface_name[ interface_name_length ]
The items in the rem_interface_def structure are as follows:

The pkg_name_length item is the number of bytes used in the package_name item to represent
the name of the package in UTF-8 string notation. If the value of this item is 0, it indicates that the
package name of the previous remote_interfaces item must be used instead. The value of this
item in remote_interfaces[0] must not be 0.

The package_name item is the pkg_name_length byte length representation of the fully qualified
name of the package which contains the remote interface in UTF-8 string notation. The fully qualified
name of the package represented here uses the internal form wherein the ASCII periods (.) that
normally separate the identifiers that make up the fully qualified name are replaced by ASCII forward
slashes (/). For example, the internal form of the normally fully qualified package name of the package
java.rmi is java/rmi.

The interface_name_length item is the number of bytes in the interface_name item to

represent the name of the remote interface in UTF-8 string notation.

The interface_name item is the variable length representation of the name of the remote interface
implemented by the remote object in UTF-8 string notation.

8.3.3 Method Identifier

A method identifier is always used in association with a remote object reference. A method identifier is
defined as follows:

u2 method_id

The method_id is a unique 16-bit hashcode identifier of the remote method within the remote class.
This 16-bit hashcode consists of the first two bytes of the SHA-1 message digest function performed on a
class specific hash modifier string, followed by the name of the method, followed by the method
descriptor representation in UTF-8 format. Representation of a method descriptor is the same as that
described in The Java Virtual Machine Specification (Section 4.3.3).

8.3.4 Parameter Encoding

Every parameter has the following generic format:

Page 76 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

param {
u1 value[]
} Primitive Data Type Parameter Encoding

Primitive data types void, boolean, byte, short and int are respectively encoded as follows:

void_param {
boolean_param {
u1 boolean_value
byte_param {
s1 byte_value
short_param {
s2 short_value
int_param {
s4 int_value
The boolean_value field may only take the values 0 (for false) and 1 (for true). All the other
fields can take any value in their range. Array Parameter Encoding

The representation of the null array parameter and arrays of the boolean, byte, short and int
component types include the length information and are respectively encoded as follows:

null_array_param {
u1 length = 0xFF
boolean_array_param {
u1 length != 0xFF
u1 boolean_value[length]
byte_array_param {
u1 length != 0xFF
s1 byte_value[length]
short_array_param {
u1 length != 0xFF
s2 short_value[length]
int_array_param {
u1 length != 0xFF
s4 int_value[length]

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 77

Note: The length field in each of this array data structure represents the number of elements of
the array, not its size in bytes.

8.3.5 Return Value Encoding

A return value may be any of the parameter types described in the previous section encapsulated within
a normal response format. In addition, the return value may represent a remote object reference type, a
null return type, various exceptions and the error type.

The generic structure of a return value is as follows:

return_response {
u1 tag
u1[] value
The return value using the return_response encoding is always followed by a good completion
status code of 0x9000 in the response APDU. Normal Response Encoding

A normal response encapsulates primitive return types, arrays of primitive data types using the same
format for the param item, as described in Section 8.3.4 Parameter Encoding, using the following

normal_param_response {
u1 normal_tag = 0x81
param normal_value
The null_array_param format described in Section 8.3.4 Parameter Encoding is not used to
represent a null array reference. Instead, a null object reference, as well as a null array reference,
shares the following common format:

normal_null_response {
u1 normal_tag = 0x81
ref_null null_array_or_ref
In addition, a remote object reference descriptor type is also encapsulated using the normal response
format as follows:

normal_ref_response {
u1 normal_tag = 0x81
remote_ref_descriptor remote_ref

Page 78 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Exception Response Encoding
Following is the encoding when an API defined exception is thrown by the remote method. It may be
returned during any remote method invocation. The reason item is the Java Card platform exception
reason code, or 0 for a java.lang, java.rmi or java.io exceptions:

exception_response {
u1 exception_tag = 0x82
u1 exception_type
s2 reason
Following are the values for the exception_type item:

java.lang.Throwable = 0x00
java.lang.ArithmeticException = 0x01
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException = 0x02
java.lang.ArrayStoreException = 0x03
java.lang.ClassCastException = 0x04
java.lang.Exception = 0x05
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException = 0x06
java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException = 0x07
java.lang.NullPointerException = 0x08
java.lang.RuntimeException = 0x09
java.lang.SecurityException = 0x0A
java.io.IOException = 0x0B
java.rmi.RemoteException = 0x0C
javacard.framework.APDUException = 0x20
javacard.framework.CardException = 0x21
javacard.framework.CardRuntimeException = 0x22
javacard.framework.ISOException = 0x23
javacard.framework.PINException = 0x24
javacard.framework.SystemException = 0x25
javacard.framework.TransactionException = 0x26
javacard.framework.UserException = 0x27
javacard.security.CryptoException = 0x30
javacard.framework.service.ServiceException = 0x40
javacardx.biometry.BioException = 0x50
javacardx.external.ExternalException = 0x60
javacardx.framework.tlv.TLVException = 0x70
javacardx.framework.util.UtilException = 0x80

Any API defined exception not listed here is encoded using 0x82 for the exception_tag and by
looking up in its class hierarchy until reaching one the type listed above and using the corresponding

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 79

Following is the encoding when a user defined exception is thrown by the remote method. The
exception_type item represents the closest API defined exception type. It may be returned during
any remote method invocation. The reason item is the Java Card platform exception reason code, or 0
for the subclasses of java.lang, java.rmi or java.io exceptions:

exception_subclass_response {
u1 exception_subclass_tag = 0x83
u1 exception_type
s2 reason
} Error Response Encoding

The following encoding represents an error condition on the card. The error may occur due to
marshalling, unmarshalling or resource-related problems.

error_response {
u1 error_tag = 0x99
s2 error_detail
Following are the values of the error_detail item:

• The Remote Object Identifier is invalid or ineligible for Java Card RMI = 0x0001
• The Remote Method could not be identified = 0x0002
• The Remote Method signature did not match the parameter format = 0x0003
• Insufficient resources available to unmarshall parameters = 0x0004
• Insufficient resources available to marshall response = 0x0005
• Java Card Remote Method Invocation protocol error = 0x0006
• Internal Error occurred = 0xFFFF

8.4 APDU Command Formats

Section 8.3 Data Formats described the various elements included in the data portion of the Java Card
RMI messages. This section describes the complete format of the APDU commands: the header as well
as the data portion containing the message elements described earlier.

Note: Java Card RMI message protocol supports only the 1 byte encodings of the Lc and Le
values of the APDU data length.

8.4.1 SELECT FILE Command

Table 8-1 lists the formats required for the Select command for an RMI-based applet.

Note: (%b) indicates binary notation using bit numbering as in the ISO 7816 specification. The
most significant bit is b8. The least significant bit is b1. An "x" notation represents a "don't care".

Page 80 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

Table 8-1: Select File Command

Field Value Description

CLA %b000000cc The cc in bits (b2,b1) denote the origin logical channels number in the
range 0-3.
The dddd in bits (b4-b1) denote the origin logical channel number 4-19
using 0 origin notation.

See Figure 4-1: Logical Channels for Distinct Applets for CLA field
encoding format.
P1 0x04 Select by AID
P2 %b000x00xx Return FCI information. The bits (b2,b1) are used for partial selection, if
supported. If bit b5 is 1, the remote reference descriptor uses the
remote_ref_with_interfaces format, otherwise it uses the alternate
remote_ref_with_class format.
Lc Lc Length of the AID
Data AID AID of the applet to be selected (between 5 and 16 bytes)

Following is the format of the response. Note that the applet may extend the format to include
additional information, if necessary before sending the response back to the CAD. The additional
information must retain the TLV format and must not introduce any additional information under the

select_response {
u1 fci_tag = 0x6F
u1 fci_length
u1 application_data_tag = 0x6E
u1 application_data_length
u1 jc_rmi_data_tag = 0x5E
u1 jc_rmi_data_length
u2 version = 0x0202
u1 invoke_ins
union {
normal_ref_response normal_initial_ref
normal_null_response null_initial_ref
error_response initial_ref_error
} initial_ref

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 81

The jc_rmi_data_length item is the combined length in bytes of the version item,
invoke_ins item and the initial_ref item. The application_data_length item is
jc_rmi_data_length + 2. The fci_length item is application_data_length + 2.

The response data includes invoke_ins, the instruction byte to use in the method invocation
command. It also includes initial_ref, the initial remote object reference descriptor. The
initial_ref item corresponds to the remote object designated as the initial reference to the
RMIService instance during construction. The initial_ref item can be a
normal_ref_response item described in Section Normal Response Encoding or a null
representation using a normal_null_response item described in that same section, if the initial
remote reference object is not enabled for remote access. Also, note that if an error occurs during the
marshalling of the initial remote reference descriptor, an error response is returned in initial_ref
instead of using the error_response item format described in Section Error Response

Note: Even though the select_response structure uses the C-like "union" notation, the
lengths of the alternate representations within the union do not use any padding to normalize
their lengths.

The format of the remote_ref_descriptor to be used in this response as well as all subsequent
responses (remote_ref_with_classor remote_ref_with_interfaces) is determined by
the value of the P2 byte of the SELECT FILE command.

Note: Only the RMIService instance that processes the SELECT FILE command sets (or
changes) the format of the remote object reference descriptor based on the value of the P2
byte. Once set or changed, the RMIService instance uses only that format in all Java Card
RMI responses it generates.

8.4.2 INVOKE Command

Table 8-2 lists the format required for the Invoke command for a remote method invocation request.

Table 8-2: Invoke Command Format

Field Value Description

CLA %b1000 yycc The cc in bits (b2,b1) denotes the origin logical channel number in
the range 1-3. The yy in bits (b4,b3) of the type 4 formats denote
%b1010 yycc
secure messaging.
The dddd in bits (b4-b1) denote the origin logical channel number in
%b11y0 dddd the range 4-19 using 0 origin notation. The y in bit b6 of the type 16
format denotes secure messaging.

See Figure 4-1: Logical Channels for Distinct Applets, for CLA field
encoding formats.

Page 82 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

INS value of invoke_ins returned in the previous select_response
P1 02 RMI major version #
P2 02 RMI minor version #
Data As described As described below

Following is the structure of the data part of the request command:

invoke_data {
u2 object_id
u2 method_id
param parameters[]
The object_id is the remote object identifier of the object whose remote method is to be invoked.
The method to be invoked is specified by the method_id item, and each parameter is specified by a
param structure.

The response format uses the return_response structure as described in Section 8.3.5 Return Value

8.5 RMIServiceClass
The RMIService class implements the Java Card RMI protocol and processes the RMI access
commands described earlier: SELECT FILE and INVOKE. It performs the function of the transport layer for
Java Card RMI commands on the card.

The RMIService object maintains a list of remote objects that have been returned during the current
applet selection session. It enforces the following rules for the lifetime of the remote object references:

• A remote reference is valid only when the INVOKE command is processed by the RMIService
instance that returned the reference.
• A remote reference is valid with any applet instance in the package of the applet instance that
returned it.
• A remote reference is valid as long as at least one applet instance within the same package has
been active at all times since the point in time when the remote reference was returned.
• A remote object cannot be garbage collected if referenced by a valid remote reference.

In addition, a remote object reference descriptor of an object must only be returned from the card if it is
exported. See the class javacard.framework.service.CardRemoteObject. Otherwise, an
exception is thrown. See the class javacard.framework.service.RMIService.

8.5.1 setInvokeInstructionByte Method

This method sets the value of invoke_ins described in Section 8.4.1 SELECT FILE Command, which is
returned in the response to the SELECT FILE command. The change in the Java Card RMI protocol only

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 83

goes into effect the next time this RMIService instance processes the SELECT FILE command. If this
method is not called, the default instruction byte value (DEFAULT_RMI_INVOKE_INSTRUCTION) is

8.5.2 processCommand Method

The processCommand method of the RMIService class is invoked by the applet to process an
incoming RMI message. RMIService collaborates with other services by using the common service
format (CSF) in the APDU buffer. It processes only the incoming Java Card RMI APDU commands and
produces output as described in the previous sections.

When called with a SELECT FILE command with format described in Section 8.4.1 SELECT FILE Command,
this method builds a response APDU as described in that section.

When called with an INVOKE command with the format described in Section 8.4.2 INVOKE Command,
this method must call the specified remote method of the identified remote object with the specified
parameters. It must catch all exceptions thrown by the remote method. When an exception is caught or
the remote method returns, this method must build a response APDU in the format described in Section
8.4.2 INVOKE Command.

Prior to invoking the remote method, the following errors must be detected and must result in an error
response in the format described in Section Error Response Encoding:

• The remote object identifier is not valid.

• The remote object identifier was not returned during the current selection session.
• The method identifier does not match any remote methods in the remote class associated with
the identified remote object.
• The length of the INVOKE message is inconsistent with the signature of the remote method.
• There is insufficient space to allocate array parameters for the remote method. The
implementation must support at least eight input parameters of type array.

In addition, upon return from the remote method, the following errors must be detected and must
result in an error response in the format described in Section Error Response Encoding:

• There is insufficient space to allocate the array response from the remote method. The
implementation must support an APDU buffer of at least 133 bytes.
• A remote object is being returned, and its associated remote object identifier was not previously
returned during the current selection session, and there is insufficient space to add the remote
object identifier to the session remote object identifier list. The implementation must support at
least eight remote object identifiers during a selection session.

In addition, the object access firewall rules must be enforced in a manner similar to that of the
invokevirtual instruction (Section Accessing Class Instance Object Methods) by this method
when a remote method is invoked. Only methods of a remote object owned by the context of the
currently selected applet may be invoked.

Page 84 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Allocation of Incoming Objects
Because array parameters to remote methods are transmitted by value, array objects need to be
allocated on the card when a remote method with array arguments is invoked via the INVOKE
command. Global array objects (Section 6.2.2 Sharing Arrays ) must be used for incoming remote
method arguments. Global arrays have the following properties:

• They are owned by the Java Card RE, but they can be freely accessed from all contexts.
• They are temporary objects and cannot be stored in any object.
• They are not subject to transactions.

The implementation may choose to maintain the data portion of these global array objects used for
remote method parameters in the APDU buffer itself.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 85

Page 86 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1
9 API Topics

The topics in this chapter complement the requirements specified in the Application Programming
Interface, Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition.

9.1 Resource Use Within the API

Unless specified in Application Programming Interface, Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition,
the implementation shall support the invocation of API instance methods, even when the owner of the
object instance is not the currently selected applet. Unless specifically called out, the implementation
shall not use resources such as transient objects of CLEAR_ON_DESELECT type.

9.2 Exceptions Thrown by API Classes

All exception objects thrown by the API implementation shall be temporary Java Card RE Entry Point
Objects. Temporary Java Card RE Entry Point Objects cannot be stored in class variables, instance
variables, or array components (see Section 6.2.1 Java Card RE Entry Point Objects).

9.3 Transactions Within the API

Unless explicitly called out in the API descriptions, implementation of the Java Card API methods shall
not initiate or otherwise alter the state of a transaction in progress.

Unless explicitly called out in the API descriptions, updates to internal implementation state within the
API objects must be conditional. Internal state updates must participate in any ongoing transaction.

9.4 APDU Class

The APDU class encapsulates access to the ISO 7816-4 based I/O across the card serial line. The APDU
class is designed to be independent of the underlying I/O transport protocol.

The Java Card RE may support T=0 or T=1 transport protocols or both.

9.4.1 T=0 Specifics for Outgoing Data Transfers

The setOutgoing and setOutgoingNoChaining methods in the APDU class are used to specify
that data needs to be returned to the CAD. These methods return the expected length (Ne) value as
follows when extended length semantics are not enabled (see Section Extended Length API

ISO 7816-4 CASE 1: Not applicable. Assume Case 2

ISO 7816-4 CASE 2: P3 (If P3=0, 256)

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 87

ISO 7816-4 CASE 3: Not applicable. Assume Case 4
ISO 7816-4 CASE 4: 256
For compatibility with legacy CAD/terminals that do not support block chained mechanisms, the APDU
class allows a non-chained transfer mode selection via the setOutgoingNoChaining method. The
related behaviors are discussed in the following sections. Constrained Transfers With No Chaining

When the no chaining mode of output transfer is requested by the applet by calling the
setOutgoingNoChaining method, the following protocol sequence shall be followed:

When the no chaining mode is used (that is, after the invocation of the setOutgoingNoChaining
method), calls to the waitExtension method shall throw an APDUException with reason code
This notation scheme is used in Section ISO 7816-4 CASE 2 and Section ISO 7816-4

Ne = CAD expected length.

Nr = Applet response length set via setOutgoingLength method.

<INS> = the protocol byte equal to the incoming header INS byte, which indicates that all data bytes will
be transferred next.

<~INS> = the protocol byte that is the complement of the incoming header INS byte, which indicates
that 1 data byte will be transferred next.

<SW1,SW2> = the response status bytes as in ISO7816-4. ISO 7816-4 CASE 2

The following sections describe the required behavior based on Nr and Ne.

Ne == Nr

1. The card sends Nr bytes of output data using the standard T=0 <INS> or <~INS> procedure byte
2. The card sends <SW1,SW2> completion status on completion of the Applet.process

Nr < Ne

1. The card sends <0x61,Nr> completion status bytes.

2. The CAD sends GET RESPONSE command with Ne = Nr.
3. The card sends Nr bytes of output data using the standard T=0 <INS> or <~INS> procedure byte

Page 88 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

4. The card sends <SW1,SW2> completion status on completion of the Applet.process

Nr > Ne

1. The card sends Ne bytes of output data using the standard T=0 <INS> or <~INS> procedure byte
2. The card sends <0x61,(Nr-Ne)> completion status bytes.
3. The CAD sends GET RESPONSE command with new Ne <= Nr.
4. The card sends (new) Ne bytes of output data using the standard T=0 <INS> or <~INS> procedure
byte mechanism.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 as necessary to send the remaining output data bytes (Nr) as required.
6. The card sends <SW1,SW2> completion status on completion of the Applet.process
method. ISO 7816-4 CASE 4

In Case 4, Ne is determined after the following initial exchange:

1. The card sends <0x61,Nr> status bytes.

2. The CAD sends GET RESPONSE command with Ne <= Nr.

The rest of the protocol sequence is identical to CASE 2 described above.

In all cases of constrained outbound transfers with no chaining, if the applet aborts early, and sends less
than Nr bytes, zeros shall be sent instead to fill out the length of the transfer expected by the CAD. Regular Output Transfers

When the no chaining mode of output transfer is not requested by the applet (that is, the
setOutgoing method is used), any ISO/IEC 7816-3/4 compliant T=0 protocol transfer sequence may
be used.

If the applet aborts early and sends less than the applet response length (Nr) set via
setOutgoingLength method, only the data bytes written via the send methods of the APDU class
are sent to the CAD.

Note: The waitExtension method may be invoked by the applet at any time. The
waitExtension method shall request an additional work waiting time (ISO/IEC 7816-3:2004)
using the 0x60 procedure byte. Additional T=0 Requirements

At any time, when the T=0 output transfer protocol is in use, and the APDU class is awaiting a GET
RESPONSE command from the CAD in reaction to a response status of <0x61, xx> from the card, if the
CAD sends in a different command on the same origin logical channel, or a command on a different

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 89

origin logical channel, the sendBytes or the sendBytesLong methods shall throw an
APDUException with reason code NO_T0_GETRESPONSE.

At any time, when the T=0 output transfer protocol is in use, and the APDU class is awaiting a command
reissue from the CAD in reaction to a response status of <0x6C, xx> from the card, if the CAD sends in a
different command on the same origin logical channel, or a command on a different origin logical
channel, the sendBytes or the sendBytesLong methods shall throw an APDUException with
reason code NO_T0_REISSUE.

Calls to sendBytes or sendBytesLong methods after the NO_T0_GETRESPONSE exception or

the NO_T0_REISSUE exception is thrown, shall result in an APDUException with reason code
ILLEGAL_USE. If an ISOException is thrown by the applet after the NO_T0_GETRESPONSE
exception or the NO_T0_REISSUE exception is thrown, the Java Card RE shall discard the response
status in its reason code. The Java Card RE shall restart APDU processing with the newly received
command and resume APDU dispatching.

9.4.2 T=1 Specifics for Outgoing Data Transfers

The setOutgoing and setOutgoingNoChaining methods in the APDU class are used to specify
that data needs to be returned to the CAD. These methods return the expected length (Ne) value as
follows when extended length semantics are not enabled (see Section Extended Length API

ISO 7816-4 CASE 1: 0

ISO 7816-4 CASE 2: Le (If Le=0, 256)
ISO 7816-4 CASE 3: 0
ISO 7816-4 CASE 4: Le (If Le=0, 256) Constrained Transfers With No Chaining

When the no chaining mode of output transfer is requested by the applet by calling the
setOutgoingNoChaining method, the following protocol specifics shall be followed: Notation
Ne = CAD expected length.

Nr = Applet response length set via setOutgoingLength method.

The transport protocol sequence shall not use block chaining. Specifically, the M-bit (more data bit) shall
not be set in the PCB of the I-blocks during the transfers (ISO/IEC 7816-3:2004). The entire outgoing data
(Nr bytes) shall be transferred in one I-block.

If the applet aborts early and sends less than Nr bytes, zeros shall be sent instead to complete the
remaining length of the block.

Page 90 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

Note: When the no chaining mode is used (meaning, after the invocation of the
setOutgoingNoChaining method), calls to the waitExtension method shall throw an
APDUException with reason code ILLEGAL_USE. Regular Output Transfers

When the no chaining mode of output transfer is not requested by the applet (meaning, the
setOutgoing method is used) any ISO/IEC 7816-3/4 compliant T=1 protocol transfer sequence may
be used.

If the applet aborts early and sends less than the applet response length (Nr) set via
setOutgoingLength method, only the data bytes written via the send methods of the APDU class
are sent to the CAD.

Note: The waitExtension method may be invoked by the applet at any time. The
waitExtension method shall send an S-block command with WTX request of INF units,
which is equivalent to a request of 1 additional work waiting time in T=0 mode. See ISO/IEC
7816-3:2004. Chain Abortion by the CAD

If the CAD aborts a chained outbound transfer using an S-block ABORT request (see ISO/IEC 7816-
3:2004), the sendBytes or sendBytesLong method shall throw an APDUException with reason
code T1_IFD_ABORT.

Calls to sendBytes or sendBytesLong methods from this point on shall result in an

APDUException with reason code ILLEGAL_USE. If an ISOException is thrown by the applet
after the T1_IFD_ABORT exception is thrown, the Java Card RE shall discard the response status in its
reason code. The Java Card RE shall restart APDU processing with the newly received command, and
resume APDU dispatching.

9.4.3 T=1 Specifics for Incoming Data Transfers

The setIncomingAndReceive() and receiveBytes() methods are used by the applet to read
incoming data. Incoming Transfers Using Chaining

In T=1, the CAD may chain multiple blocks to transfer longer inbound APDU data. Chain Abortion by the CAD

If the CAD aborts a chained inbound transfer using an S-block ABORT request (see ISO/IEC 7816-3:2004),
the setIncomingAndReceive or receiveBytes method shall throw an APDUException with
reason code T1_IFD_ABORT.

Calls to receiveBytes, sendBytes or sendBytesLong methods from this point on shall result in
an APDUException with reason code ILLEGAL_USE. If an ISOException is thrown by the applet
after the T1_IFD_ABORT exception is thrown, the Java Card RE shall discard the response status in its

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 91

reason code. The Java Card RE shall restart APDU processing with the newly received command, and
resume APDU dispatching.

9.4.4 Extended Length APDU Specifics

The card may support extended length APDU exchanges with the CAD as described in the ISO 7816-3
Specification. Extended length APDU formats may be supported on either or both T=0 and T=1 APDU
transfer protocols. If the implementation does not support extended length APDU formats, when the
T=0 APDU transfer protocol is in use, and receives an ENVELOPE (ISO Inter-industry CLA, INS=0xC2)
command, it must forward the ENVELOPE command to the currently selected applet on the origin logical
channel. If the implementation does not support extended length APDU formats, when the T=1 APDU
transfer protocol is in use, and an APDU with extended length is received by the card or an APDU with
extended length value greater than 32767 is requested, the Java Card RE shall respond to the CAD with
the error response status SW_WRONG_ LENGTH.

If the implementation supports extended length APDU formats, extended length semantics shall be
enabled at the APDU class methods only if the currently selected applet implements the
javacardx.apdu.ExtendedLength interface. If the implementation supports extended length
APDU formats, when the T=0 APDU transfer protocol is in use, and receives an ENVELOPE command, but
the currently selected applet on the origin logical channel does not implement the ExtendedLength
interface, the ENVELOPE command must be forwarded to the currently selected applet on the origin
logical channel. If the implementation supports extended length APDU formats, when the T=1 APDU
transfer protocol is in use, and receives an APDU command that requires extended length semantics at
the APDU class methods, but the currently selected applet does not implement the ExtendedLength
tagging interface, the Java Card RE shall respond to the CAD with the error response status
SW_WRONG_LENGTH. Extended Length API Semantics

The following sections describe the semantics of the applet-visible API, which is enabled when the
applet implements the javacardx.apdu.ExtendedLength interface. These semantics are
presented at the API level to the extended length capable applet, only when the APDU received
supports extended length format. Note that the maximum length that can be supported using extended
length semantics by the Java Card technology API is 32767.

An implementation which supports the optional javacardx.apdu package shall support APDUs with
extended length up to 32767. Applet.process(APDU) Method

When the APDU received is a Case 3E or 4E, and contains an Lc encoding of extended length, the APDU
buffer contained in the APDU object upon entry into the Applet.process(APDU) method shall
encode the header data format as described in ISO 7816-3 Specification in its first seven bytes, as shown
in Table 9-1: APDU Buffer Format for Extended Length.

When the T=0 transfer protocol is in use, a Case 3E and 4E APDU is enclosed within an ENVELOPE (ISO
Inter-industry CLA, INS=0xC2) command as described in ISO 7816-4:2013 Specification. The ENVELOPE

Page 92 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

command header is processed by the Java Card RE and only the enclosed Case 3E or Case 4E APDU
command is placed in the APDU buffer using the format shown in Table 9-1.

Table 9-1: APDU Buffer Format for Extended Length

offset=0 offset=1 offset=2 offset=3 offset=4 offset=5 offset=6 offset=7..

CLA INS P1 P2 3 byte Lc 3 byte Lc 3 byte Lc undefined

As shown in the table, the header data at offset 4, 5 and 6 of the APDU buffer contains a 3-byte Lc value
as defined in ISO 7816-4. The 3-byte length may encode a number from 1 to 32767. APDU.setIncomingAndReceive() Method

This method returns the number of bytes received. The returned number may be between 0 and 32767.
Additionally, when the 3 byte Lc format is used, the data bytes received are placed at OFFSET_EXT_
CDATA (7) of the APDU buffer. APDU.receiveBytes(short) Method

This method returns the number of bytes received. The returned number may be between 0 and 32767. APDU.setOutgoing() Method

These methods return the number of bytes expected (Le) by the CAD. The returned number may be
between 0 and 32767.

When the T=0 transfer protocol is in use for a Case 2E (P3=0) or Case 4 command, this method returns

When the T=1 transfer protocol is in use for a Case 2E or Case 4E command and Le is set to 0x0000 or is
greater than 32767 , this method returns 32767. APDU.setOutgoingLength(short) Method

This method allows the caller to specify the number of bytes to send to the CAD. The number specified
may be between 0 and 32767. APDU.sendBytes(short, short), APDU.sendBytesLong(byte[],short, short) Methods

These methods allow the caller to specify the number of bytes to send to the CAD. The number specified
may be between 0 and 32767.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 93

9.4.5 Checking APDU consistency

The platform behavior for an ill-formed or inconsistent message might differ depending if the error
happened at the physical layer, the data link layer, or the transport layer of the communication stack.
Some of these issues might even be caught before reaching the device and goes beyond the scope of
this specification. Also, depending on the transport protocol used (T=0 or block-oriented protocol like
T=1) and the configuration of the communication stack (e.g. support for extended APDU, reception
buffer size, block size), it is neither always possible nor efficient for the APDU class to receive data at
once and perform consistency checks.

Consequently, it is the responsibility of the application to check the consistency of commands received,
verify the conditions of execution and react with the appropriate actions to ensure its security and state
consistency before sending its response. This includes (but not limited to):
• check the APDU class, instruction code, parameters
• check the consistency of the data length received with the length in the APDU header
• check the format and payload content
• check the response data length expected

The Java Card API is specifically designed for an Applet to perform these checks and react accordingly.

The code snippet below shows an example of interoperable code which makes no assumption on the
protocol used or data size received and checks the consistency of total length received compared to the
length initially indicated in APDU header.

short remaining = apdu.getIncomingLength();

short read = apdu.setIncomingAndReceive();

// process data block read

while (read > 0) {

// read next block

remaining -= read;
read = apdu.receiveBytes((short)0);

if (remaining > 0) {
// length of data read is inconsistent with lc specified in header:
// do cleanup and return error

Page 94 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

9.5 Security and Crypto Packages
The getInstance method in the following classes returns an implementation instance in the context
of the calling applet of the requested algorithm:

An implementation of the Java Card RE may implement zero or more of the algorithms listed in the
Application Programming Interface, Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition. When an algorithm
that is not implemented is requested, this method shall throw a CryptoException with reason code

Implementations of the above classes shall extend the corresponding base class and implement all the
abstract methods. All data allocation associated with the implementation instance shall be performed at
the time of instance construction to ensure that any lack of required resources can be flagged early
during the installation of the applet.

Similarly, the buildKey method of the javacard.security.KeyBuilder class returns an

implementation instance of the requested Key type. The Java Card RE may implement zero or more
types of keys. When a key type that is not implemented is requested, the method shall throw a
CryptoException with reason code NO_SUCH_ALGORITHM.

In the same fashion, the constructor for the javacard.security.KeyPair class creates a
KeyPair instance for the specified key type. The Java Card RE may implement zero or more types of
keys. When a key type that is not implemented is requested, the method shall throw a
CryptoException with reason code NO_SUCH_ALGORITHM.

Implementations of key types shall implement the associated interface. All data allocation associated
with the key implementation instance shall be performed at the time of instance construction to ensure
that any lack of required resources can be flagged early during the installation of the applet.

The MessageDigest object uses temporary storage for intermediate results when the update()
method is invoked. This intermediate state need not be preserved across power up and reset. The
object is reset to the state it was in when previously initialized via a call to reset().

The Signature and Cipher objects use temporary storage for intermediate results when the
update() method is invoked. This intermediate state need not be preserved across power up and
reset. The object is reset to the state it was in when previously initialized via a call to init().

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 95

The Checksum object uses temporary storage for intermediate results when the update() method is
invoked. This intermediate state need not be preserved across power up and reset. The object is reset to
the state it was in when previously initialized upon a tear or card reset event.

9.6 JCSystem Class

In this version of the specification, the getVersion method returns (short) 0x0301.

9.7 SensitiveResult Class

Sensitive methods of the API store their results so that callers of these methods can assert their
returned values using the methods of the SensitiveResult class. The stored result is unaffected by
context switches; especially, the stored result from a sensitive API method called by the method of a
Shareable Interface Object is not automatically reset upon switching back to the context of the caller.
When the JCRE gets back control from the Applet process method or upon power loss or card reset,
the stored sensitive result is reset so that upon subsequently entering any of the Applet entry point
methods the stored result is tagged as Unassigned

9.8 Optional Extension Packages

Some API packages in the Java Card technology are designated as extension packages and may be
optionally supported by an implementation. But, if supported, all the classes in the package must be
implemented by the platform and reside on the card.

The following are optional Java Card technology extension packages:

• java.rmi - This package contains the base interface and exception class for the Remote
Method Invocation Service.
• javacard.framework.service - This package enables an applet to be designed as an
aggregation of service components. The Remote Method Invocation Service component is
included in this package. If this package in included, the package java.rmi must also be
• javacardx.annotations - This package contains annotations for defining character string
• javacardx.apdu - This package enables support for advanced APDU mechanisms. This
package must be implemented if and only if the platform supports the extended length APDU
format on at least one APDU transfer protocol. The extended length APDU format is defined in
the ISO 7816-4:2013 Specification.
• javacardx.biometry - This package contains classes and interfaces which can be used to
build a biometric server application.
• javacardx.biometry1toN - This package contains functionality for implementing a 1:N
biometric framework on the Java Card platform. When N=1, this package provides the same
functionality as that of the javacardx.biometry package. The platform must support this
optional package or the optional javacardx.biometry package - or both of them - only if
biometry support is included in the implementation.

Page 96 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

• javacardx.crypto - This package contains functionality, which may be subject to export
controls, for implementing a security and cryptography framework.
• javacardx.external - This package contains functionality for implementing mechanisms
to access memory subsystems which are not directly addressable by the Java Card RE on the
Java Card platform.
• javacardx.framework.event - This package defines a framework to handle different
source of events.
• javacardx.framework.math - This package contains common utility functions for BCD
math and parity computations.
• javacardx.framework.nio - This package defines buffers, which are containers for data.
• javacardx.framework.string - This package contains common utility functions for
manipulating UTF-8 encoded character strings.
• javacardx.framework.time - This package defines classes to handle system time and
time intervals.
• javacardx.framework.tlv - This package contains functionality for managing storage for
BER TLV formatted data, based on the ASN.1 BER encoding rules of ISO/IEC 8825-1:2002, as well
as parsing and editing BER TLV formatted data in I/O buffers.
• javacardx.framework.util - This package contains common utility functions for
manipulating arrays of primitive components - byte, short or int.
• javacardx.framework.util.intx - This package contains common utility functions for
using int components.
• javacardx.security - This package contains functionality for implementing security
countermeasures to protect security relevant applet assets on the Java Card platform.
• javacardx.security.cert - This package provides classes to handle certificates.
• javacardx.security.derivation - This package provides classes implementing
cryptographic derivation functions.
• javacardx.security.util - This package defines utility classes for security framework.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 97

10 Virtual Machine Topics

This chapter details virtual machine resource failures and security violations.

10.1 Resource Failures

A lack of resources condition, such as heap space, that is recoverable shall result in a
SystemException with reason code NO_RESOURCE. The factory methods in JCSystem used to
create transient arrays throw a SystemException with reason code NO_TRANSIENT_SPACE to
indicate lack of transient space.

All other (non-recoverable) virtual machine errors, such as stack overflow, shall result in a virtual
machine error. These conditions shall cause the virtual machine to halt. When such a non-recoverable
virtual machine error occurs, an implementation can optionally require the card to be muted or blocked
from further use.

10.2 Security Violations

The Java Card RE throws a java.lang.SecurityException exception when it detects an
attempt to illegally access an object belonging to another applet across the firewall boundary. A
java.lang.SecurityException exception may optionally be thrown by a Java Card VM
implementation to indicate a violation of fundamental language restrictions, such as attempting to
invoke a private method in another class.

For security reasons, the Java Card RE implementation may mute the card instead of throwing the
exception object.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 99

Page 100 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1
11 Applet Installation and Deletion

Applet installation and deletion on smart cards using Java Card technology is a complex topic. The design
of the Application Programming Interface for the Java Card Platform, Classic Edition is intended to give
Java Card RE implementers as much freedom as possible in their implementations. However, some basic
common specifications are required to allow Java Card applets to be installed and deleted without
knowing the implementation details of a particular installer or deletion manager.

This specification defines the concepts of an Installer and an Applet Deletion Manager and specifies
minimal requirements to achieve interoperability across a wide range of possible Installer

The Applet Installer is an optional part of the Runtime Environment Specification, Java Card Platform,
Version 3.1, Classic Edition. An implementation of the Java Card RE does not necessarily need to include
a post-issuance Installer. However, if implemented, the installer is required to support the behavior
specified in this chapter.

If the implementation of the Java Card RE includes a post-issuance Installer, an Applet Deletion Manager
that supports the behavior specified in this chapter is also required.

Section 11.1 The Installer describes CAP file loading and linking. For more information on CAP files, see
the Virtual Machine Specification, Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition. Section 11.2 The
Newly Installed Applet describes applet installation. Even though the loading and linking operations are
described together with the installation operations, there is no requirement that they be performed
together during the same card session for the following reasons:

• Applet CAP files in ROM are preloaded and prelinked at card issuance, but instances of applets
from these CAP files may be installed by the Installer during a card session.
• Applet CAP files may be downloaded and linked by the Installer during one card session, but
applet instances from these CAP files may be installed by the Installer during a different card
• Library CAP files may be preloaded in ROM or downloaded and linked by the Installer during a
card session. There are no applets to install within a library CAP file.

11.1 The Installer

The mechanisms necessary to install an applet on smart cards using Java Card technology are embodied
in an on-card component called the Installer.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 101

To the CAD the Installer appears to be an applet. It has an AID, and it becomes the currently selected
applet when this AID is successfully processed by a SELECT FILE command. Once selected on a logical
channel, the Installer behaves in much the same way as any other applet, as follows:

• It receives all APDUs dispatched to this logical channel just like any other active applet.
• Its design specification prescribes the various kinds and formats of APDUs that it expects to
receive along with the semantics of those commands under various preconditions.
• It processes and responds to all APDUs that it receives. Response to incorrect APDUs include an
error condition of some kind.
• When another applet is selected on this logical channel (or when the card is reset or when
power is removed from the card), the Installer becomes deselected and remains suspended until
the next time that it is selected.

11.1.1 Installer Implementation

The Installer need not be implemented as an applet on the card. The requirement is only that the
Installer functionality be SELECTable. The corollary to this requirement is that Installer component shall
not be able to be invoked on a logical channel on which a non-Installer applet is an active applet
instance nor when no applet is active.

Obviously, a Java Card RE implementer could choose to implement the Installer as an applet. If so, then
the Installer might be coded to extend the Applet class and respond to invocations of the select,
process, and deselect methods; and, if necessary, the methods of the
javacard.framework.MultiSelectable interface.

But a Java Card RE implementer could also implement the Installer in other ways, as long as it provides
the SELECTable behavior to the outside world. In this case, the Java Card RE implementer has the
freedom to provide some other mechanism by which APDUs are delivered to the Installer code module.

11.1.2 Installer AID

Because the Installer is SELECTable, it shall have an AID. Java Card RE implementers are free to choose
their own AIDs by which their Installer is selected. Multiple installers may be implemented.

11.1.3 Installer APDUs

The Java Card specification does not specify any APDUs for the Installer. Java Card RE implementers are
free to choose their own APDU commands to direct their Installer in its work.

The model is that the Installer on the card is initiated by an installation program running on the CAD. For
installation to succeed, this CAD installation program shall be able to do the following:

• Recognize the card.

• SELECT FILE the Installer on the card.
• Coordinate the installation process by sending the appropriate APDUs to the card Installer.
These APDUs will include the following:

Page 102 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

o Authentication information, to ensure that the installation is authorized.
o The applet code to be loaded into the card's memory.
o Linkage information to link the applet code with code already on the card.
o Instance initialization parameter data to be sent to the applet's install method.

The Application Programming Interface, Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition does not specify
the details of the CAD installation program nor the APDUs passed between it and the Installer.

11.1.4 CAP File Versions

The Installer shall support the CAP file format versions 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. These formats are specified in
the Virtual Machine Specification, Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition, which also identifies
the differences between these formats.

11.1.5 Installer Behavior

Java Card RE implementers shall also define other behaviors of their Installer, including for the following:

• Whether or not installation can be aborted and how this is done

• What happens if an exception, reset, or power fail occurs during installation
• What happens if another applet is selected before the Installer is finished with its work

The Java Card RE shall guarantee that an applet will not be deemed successfully installed in the following

• The applet CAP file as identified by the CAP AID is already resident on the card.
• The applet CAP file contains an applet with the same Java Card platform name as that of
another applet already resident on the card. The Java Card platform name of an applet
identified by the AID item is described in Chapter 6 of the Virtual Machine Specification, Java
Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition.
• The applet CAP file requires more memory than is available on the card.
• The applet CAP file references a package that is not resident on the card.
• The applet CAP file references another package already resident on the card, but the version of
the resident package is not binary compatible with the applet CAP file. For more information on
binary compatibility in the Java programming language, see Java Language Specification. Binary
compatibility in Java Card technology is discussed in Chapter 2 of the Virtual Machine
Specification, Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition.
• A class in the applet CAP file is found to contain more package visible virtual methods or
instance fields than the limitations enumerated in Chapter 2 of the Virtual Machine
Specification, Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition.
• A reset or power fail occurs while executing the applet's install method and before
successful return from the Applet.register method (see Section 3.1 install Method).
• The applet's install method throws an exception before successful return from the
Applet.register method (see Section 3.1 install Method).

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 103

When applet installation is unsuccessful, the Java Card RE shall guarantee that objects created during
the execution of the install method, or by the Java Card RE on its behalf (initialized static arrays) can
never be accessed by any applet on the card. In particular, any reference in CLEAR_ON_RESET
transient space to an object created during an unsuccessful applet installation must be reset as a null

11.1.6 Installer Privileges

Although an Installer may be implemented as an applet, an Installer typically requires access to features
that are not available to other applets. For example, depending on the Java Card RE implementer's
implementation, the Installer will need to do the following tasks:

• Read and write directly to memory, bypassing the object system and/or standard security.
• Access objects owned by other applets or by the Java Card RE.
• Invoke non-entry point methods of the Java Card RE.
• Be able to invoke the install method of a newly installed applet.

Again, it is up to each Java Card RE implementer to determine the Installer implementation and supply
such features in their Java Card RE implementations as necessary to support their Installer. Java Card RE
implementers are also responsible for the security of such features, so that they are not available to
normal applets.

11.2 The Newly Installed Applet

A single interface exists between the Installer and the applet that is being installed. After the Installer
correctly prepares the applet for execution (performed steps such as loading and linking), the Installer
shall invoke the applet's install method. This method is defined in the Applet class.

The precise mechanism by which an applet's install(byte[], short, byte) method is

invoked from the Installer is a Java Card RE implementer-defined implementation detail. However, there
shall be a context switch so that any context-related operations performed by the install method
(such as creating new objects) are done in the context of the new applet and not in the context of the
Installer. The Installer shall also ensure that array objects created in the class initialization (<clinit>)
methods of the applet CAP file are also owned by the context of the new applet. Array objects created in
the <clinit> methods of the applet CAP file may be owned by a never-to-exist applet instance or a
not-yet-created applet instance within the same context.

The Installer shall not invoke the install(byte[], short, byte) method of a non-
multiselectable applet if another applet from the same CAP file is active on the card. The applet
instantiation shall be deemed unsuccessful.

The Installer shall ensure that during the execution of the install() method, the new applet (not the
Installer) is the currently selected applet. In addition, any CLEAR_ON_DESELECT objects created
during the install() method shall be associated with the selection context of the new applet.

Page 104 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

The installation of an applet is deemed complete if all steps are completed without failure or an
exception being thrown, up to and including successful return from executing the Applet.register
method. At that point, the installed applet is selectable.

The maximum size of the parameter data is 127 bytes. The bArray parameter is a global array
(install(byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)), and for security reasons
is zeroed after the return from the install method, just as the APDU buffer is zeroed on return from
an applet's process method.

11.2.1 Installation Parameters

The format of the input data passed to the target applet's install method in the bArray parameter is as

bArray[offset] = length(Li) of instance AID

bArray[offset+1..offset+Li] = instance AID bytes (5-16 bytes)
bArray[offset+Li+1]= length(Lc) of control info
bArray[offset+Li+2..offset+Li+Lc+1] = control info
bArray[offset+Li+Lc+2] = length(La) of applet data
bArray[offset+Li+Lc+3..offset+Li+Lc+La+2] = applet data

Any of the length items: Li, Lc, La may be zero. If length Li is non-zero, the instance AID
bytes item is the proposed AID of the applet instance.

The control info item of the parameter data is implementation dependent and is specified by the

Other than the need for the entire parameter data to not be greater than 127 bytes, the Java Card API
does not specify anything about the contents of the applet data item of the global byte array
installation parameter. This is fully defined by the applet designer and can be in any format desired. In
addition, the applet data portion is intended to be opaque to the Installer.

Java Card RE implementers should design their Installers so that it is possible for an installation program
running in a CAD to specify the applet data delivered to the Installer. The Installer simply forwards
this along with the other items in the format defined above to the target applet's install method in
the bArray parameter. A typical implementation might define a Java Card RE implementer-proprietary
APDU command that has the semantics "call the applet's install method passing the contents of the
accompanying applet data."

11.3 The Applet Deletion Manager

The mechanisms necessary to delete an applet on smart cards using Java Card technology are embodied
in an on-card component called the Applet Deletion Manager.

To the CAD, the Applet Deletion Manager appears to be an applet, and may be one and the same as the
Applet Installer. It has an AID, and it becomes the currently selected applet instance when this AID is

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 105

successfully processed by a SELECT FILE command. Once selected on a logical channel, the Applet
Deletion Manager behaves in much the same way as any other applet, as follows:

• It receives all APDUs dispatched to this logical channel, just like any other active applet.
• Its design specification prescribes the various kinds and formats of APDUs that it expects to
receive, along with the semantics of those commands under various preconditions.
• It processes and responds to all APDUs that it receives. Response to incorrect APDUs include an
error condition of some kind.
• When another applet is selected on this logical channel (or when the card is reset or when
power is removed from the card), the Applet Deletion Manager becomes deselected and
remains suspended until the next time it is selected.

11.3.1 Applet Deletion Manager Implementation

The Applet Deletion Manager need not be implemented as an applet on the card. The requirement is
only that the Applet Deletion Manager functionality be SELECTable. The corollary to this requirement is
that Applet Deletion Manager component shall not be able to be invoked on a logical channel where a
non-Applet Deletion Manager applet is an active applet instance, nor when no applet is active.

A Java Card RE implementer could choose to implement the Applet Deletion Manager as an applet. If so,
the Applet Deletion Manager might be coded to extend the Applet class and to respond to invocations
of the select, process, and deselect methods, and, if necessary, the methods of the
javacard.framework.MultiSelectable interface.

However, a Java Card RE implementer could also implement the Applet Deletion Manager in other ways,
as long as it provides the SELECTable behavior to the outside world. In this case, the Java Card RE
implementer has the freedom to provide some other mechanism by which APDUs are delivered to the
Applet Deletion Manager code module.

11.3.2 Applet Deletion Manager AID

Because the Applet Deletion Manager is SELECTable, it shall have an AID which may be the same as that
of the Applet Installer. Java Card RE implementers are free to choose their own AIDs by which their
Applet Deletion Manager is selected. Multiple Applet Deletion Managers may be implemented.

11.3.3 Applet Deletion Manager APDUs

The Java Card API does not specify any APDUs for the Applet Deletion Manager. Java Card RE
implementers are entirely free to choose their own APDU commands to direct their Applet Deletion
Manager in its work.

The model is that the Applet Deletion Manager on the card is initiated by an applet deletion program
running on the CAD. In order for applet deletion to succeed, this CAD applet deletion program shall be
able to do the following:

• Recognize the card.

• SELECT FILE the Applet Deletion Manager on the card.

Page 106 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

• Coordinate the applet deletion process by sending the appropriate APDUs to the card Applet
Deletion Manager. These APDUs include the following:
o Authentication information, to ensure that the applet deletion is authorized.
o Identify the applet(s) code or instance to be deleted from the card's memory.

The Application Programming Interface, Java Card Platform, Version 3.1, Classic Edition does not specify
the details of the CAD applet deletion program nor the APDUs passed between it and the Applet
Deletion Manager.

11.3.4 Applet Deletion Manager Behavior

Java Card RE implementers shall also define other behaviors of their Applet Deletion Manager, including
the following:

• Whether or not applet deletion can be aborted and how this is done
• What happens if an exception, reset, or power fail occurs during applet deletion
• What happens if another applet is selected before the Applet Deletion Manager is finished with
its work

The following three categories of applet deletion are required on the card:

• Applet instance deletion involves the removal of the applet object instance and the objects
owned by the applet instance and associated Java Card RE structures.
• Applet/library CAP file deletion involves the removal of all the card resident components of the
CAP file, including code and any associated Java Card RE management structures.
• Deletion of the applet CAP file and the contained applet instances involves the removal of the
card-resident code and Java Card RE structures associated with the applet CAP file, and all the
applet instances and objects in the context of the CAP file and associated Java Card RE
structures. Invocation of the Method javacard.framework.AppletEvent.uninstall

Whenever one or more applet instances is being deleted, the Applet Deletion Manager shall inform each
of the applets of potential deletion by invoking, if implemented, the applet's uninstall method.
When multiple applet instances are being deleted, the order of invocation of the uninstall methods
is unspecified. Prior to following the stepwise sequence described in Section Applet Instance
Deletion, Section Applet/Library CAP file Deletion, or Section Applet CAP file and
Contained Instances Deletion, the Java Card RE shall do the following:

• Perform any security and authorization checks required for the deletion of each of the applet
instances to be deleted. If the checks fail, an error is returned and the applet deletion fails.
• Otherwise, check if the applet instance being deleted is active on the card. If so, an error is
returned and the applet instance deletion fails.
• Otherwise, perform the following steps for each of the applet instances to be deleted:

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 107

If the applet instance being deleted implements the AppletEvent interface, set the currently
selected applet to that of the applet instance and invoke the uninstall method of the applet

• A context switch into the context of the applet instance occurs upon invocation.
• If an uncaught exception is thrown during the execution of the uninstall method, it is
caught and ignored. Applet Instance Deletion

The Java Card RE shall guarantee that applet instance deletion is not attempted and thereby deemed
unsuccessful in the following cases:

• An object owned by the applet instance is referenced from an object owned by another applet
instance on the card.
• An object owned by the applet instance is referenced from a static field of a class from any CAP
file on the card.
• The applet instance being deleted is active on the card.

Otherwise, the Java Card RE shall delete the applet instance.

Note: The applet deletion attempt may fail due to security considerations or resource

The applet instance deletion operation must be atomic. If a reset or power fail occurs during the
deletion process, it must result in either an unsuccessful applet instance deletion or a successfully
completed applet instance deletion before any applet is selected on the card.

Following an unsuccessful applet instance deletion, the applet instance shall be selectable, and all
objects owned by the applet shall remain unchanged. The functionality of all applet instances on the
card remains the same as prior to the unsuccessful attempt.

Following a successful applet instance deletion, it shall not be possible to select that applet, and no
object owned by the applet can be accessed by any applet currently on the card or by a new applet
created in the future.

The resources used by the applet instance may be recovered for reuse.

The AID of the deleted applet instance may be reassigned to a new applet instance. Multiple Applet Instance Deletion

The Java Card RE shall guarantee that multiple applet instance deletion is not attempted, and thereby
deemed unsuccessful in the following cases:

• An object owned by any of the applet instances being deleted is referenced from an object
owned by an applet instance on the card which is not being deleted.

Page 108 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

• An object owned by any of the applet instances being deleted is referenced from a static field of
a class from any CAP file on the card.
• Any of the applet instances being deleted is active on the card.

Otherwise, the Java Card RE shall delete the applet instances.

Note: The applet deletion attempt may fail due to security considerations or resource

The multiple applet instance deletion operation must be atomic. If a reset or power fail occurs during
the deletion process, it must result in either an unsuccessful multiple applet instance deletion or a
successfully completed multiple applet instance deletion before any applet is selected on the card.

Following an unsuccessful multiple applet instance deletion, all applet instances shall be selectable, and
all objects owned by the applets shall remain unchanged. The functionality of all applet instances on the
card remains the same as prior to the unsuccessful attempt.

Following a successful multiple applet instance deletion, it shall not be possible to select any of the
deleted applets, and no object owned by the deleted applets can be accessed by any applet currently on
the card or by a new applet created in the future.

The resources used by the applet instances may be recovered for reuse.

The AID of the deleted applet instances may be reassigned to new applet instances. Applet/Library CAP file Deletion

The Java Card RE shall guarantee that applet/library CAP file deletion is not attempted and thereby
deemed unsuccessful in the following cases:

• A reachable (non-garbage) instance of a class belonging to the CAP file being deleted exists on
the card.
• Another CAP file on the card depends on this CAP file (as expressed in the CAP file's import

Otherwise, if the applet/library CAP file is resident in mutable memory, the Java Card RE shall delete it.

Note: The CAP file deletion attempt may fail due to security considerations or resource

The applet/library CAP file deletion operation must be atomic. If a reset or power fail occurs during the
deletion process, it must result in either an unsuccessful applet/library CAP file deletion or a successfully
completed applet/library CAP file deletion before any applet is selected on the card.

Following an unsuccessful applet/library CAP file deletion, any object or CAP file that depends on it
continues to function unaffected. The functionality of all applets on the card remains the same as prior
to the unsuccessful attempt.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 109

Following a successful applet/library CAP file deletion, it shall not be possible to install another CAP file
which depends on the deleted one. Additionally, it shall be possible to reinstall the same CAP file (with
exactly the same CAP AID) or an upgraded version of the deleted CAP file onto the card.

The resources used by the applet/library CAP file may be recovered for reuse. Applet CAP file and Contained Instances Deletion

The Java Card RE shall guarantee that deletion of the applet CAP file and contained instances is not
attempted and thereby deemed unsuccessful in the following cases:

• Another CAP file on the card depends on this CAP file (as expressed in the CAP file's import
• An object owned by any of the applet instances being deleted is referenced from an object
owned by an applet instance on the card that is not being deleted.
• An object owned by any of the applet instances being deleted is referenced from a static field of
a CAP file that is not being deleted.
• Any of the applet instances being deleted is active on the card.

Otherwise, if the applet CAP file is resident in mutable memory, the Java Card RE shall delete the applet
CAP file and contained instances.

Note: The applet and CAP file deletion attempt may fail due to security considerations or
resource limitations.

The deletion of applet CAP file and contained instances operation must be atomic. If a reset or power
fail occurs during the deletion process, it must result in either an unsuccessful deletion of the applet CAP
file and contained instances or a successfully completed deletion of the applet CAP file and contained
instances before any applet is selected on the card.

Following an unsuccessful deletion of the applet CAP file and contained instances, any object or CAP file
that depends on it continues to function unaffected. The functionality of all applets on the card remains
the same as prior to the unsuccessful attempt.

Following a successful deletion of the applet CAP file and contained instances, it shall not be possible to
install another CAP file that depends on the deleted one. Additionally, it shall be possible to reinstall the
same CAP file (with exactly the same CAP AID) or an upgraded version of the deleted CAP file onto the

The resources used by the applet CAP file may be recovered for reuse.

Following a successful deletion of the applet CAP file and contained instances, it shall not be possible to
select any of the deleted applets, and no object owned by the deleted applets can be accessed by any
applet currently on the card or by a new applet created in the future.

The resources used by the applet instances may be recovered for reuse.

Page 110 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

The AID for the deleted applet instances may be reassigned to new applet instances.

11.3.5 Applet Deletion Manager Privileges

Although an Applet Deletion Manager may be implemented as an applet, an Applet Deletion Manager
typically requires access to features that are not available to other applets. For example, depending on
the Java Card RE implementer's implementation, the Applet Deletion Manager needs to do the

• Read and write directly to memory, bypassing the object system and/or standard security.
• Access objects owned by other applets or by the Java Card RE.
• Invoke non-entry point methods of the Java Card RE.

Again, it is up to each Java Card RE implementer to determine the Applet Deletion Manager
implementation and supply such features in their Java Card RE implementations as necessary to support
their Applet Deletion Manager. Java Card RE implementers are also responsible for the security of such
features, so that they are not available to normal applets.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 111


active applet instance
an applet instance that is selected on at least one of the logical channels.

AID (application identifier)

defined by ISO 7816, a string used to uniquely identify card applications and certain types of files in card
file systems. An AID consists of two distinct pieces: a 5-byte RID (resource identifier) and a 0 to 11-byte
PIX (proprietary identifier extension). The RID is a resource identifier assigned to companies by ISO. The
PIX identifiers are assigned by companies.

A unique AID is assigned to each CAP file and public packages in a CAP file. In addition, a unique AID is
assigned to each applet in the CAP file. The AID for the CAP file, the package AID of every public package
in a CAP file and the default AID for each applet defined in the CAP file are specified in the CAP file. They
are supplied to the converter when the CAP file is generated.

an acronym for Application Protocol Data Unit as defined in ISO 7816-4.

an acronym for Application Programming Interface. The API defines calling conventions by which an
application program accesses the operating system and other services.

within the context of this document, a Java Card applet, which is the basic unit of selection, context,
functionality, and security in Java Card technology.

applet application
an application that consists of one or more applets.

applet framework
an API that enables applet applications to be built.

applet developer
a person creating an applet using Java Card technology.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 113

applet execution context
currently active applet owner identifier.

applet firewall
the mechanism that prevents unauthorized accesses to objects in contexts other than currently active

applet CAP file

a CAP file that contains one or more applet packages. See applet package.

applet package
a Java programming language package that contains one or more non-abstract classes that extend the
javacard.framework.Applet class. See also library package.

assigned logical channel

the logical channel on which the applet instance is either the active applet instance or will become the
active applet instance.

atomic operation
an operation that either completes in its entirety or no part of the operation completes at all.

state in which a particular operation is atomic. Atomicity of data updates guarantee that data are not
corrupted in case of power loss or card removal.

an acronym for Answer to Reset. An ATR is a string of bytes sent by the Java Card platform after a reset

the process of establishing or confirming an application or a user as authentic using some sort of

Page 114 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

basic logical channel
logical channel 0, the only channel that is active at card reset in the APDU application environment. This
channel is permanent and can never be closed.

a technique of storing multibyte data where the high-order bytes come first. For example, given an 8-bit
data item stored in big-endian order, the first bit read is considered the high bit.

binary compatibility
in a Java Card system, a change in a Java programming language package in a Java Card CAP file results
in a new CAP file. A new CAP file is binary compatible with (equivalently, does not break compatibility
with) a preexisting CAP file if another CAP file converted using the export files of packages included in
the preexisting CAP file can link with the new CAP file without errors.

machine-independent code generated by the compiler and executed by the Java virtual machine.

an acronym for Card Acceptance Device. The CAD is the device in which the card is inserted.

CAP file
Standard file format containing a binary representation of a shared library (library CAP file) or an
application with its libraries that might be exported or not (applet CAP file).

A CAP file represents a module, which is a unit of code, made of one or more Java packages, with
dependencies and list of exported packages and an assigned name (AID) for lifecycle management. Its
structure is made of multiple CAP components deployed within a JAR file

When a CAP file containing application(s) is deployed on a Java Card platform, it is assigned a new
unique group context that must be associated with any application instance created from code within
this application module.

CAP file component

A Java Card platform CAP file consists of a set of components, which represent a set of one or more Java
programming language packages. Each component describes a set of elements or an aspect of the CAP

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 115

file. A complete CAP file must contain all of the required components: Header, Directory, Import,
Constant Pool, Method, Static Field, and Reference Location.

The following components are conditionally included or optional: the Applet, Export, Static Resources
and Debug. The Applet component is included only if one or more Applets are defined in one or more
packages in the CAP file. The Export component is included only if one or more packages are public and
exported allowing classes in other packages to import elements from them. The Static Resources
component is included only if static resources are embedded in the CAP file. The Debug component is
optional. It contains all of the data necessary for debugging.

card session
a card session begins with the insertion of the card into the CAD. The card is then able to exchange
streams of APDUs with the CAD. The card session ends when the card is removed from the CAD.

the explicit conversion from one data type to another.

card session
a card session begins when it is powered up or reset. The card is then able to exchange messages with
external clients. The card session ends when the card loses power or is reset.

client application
an on-card application that uses services provided by other applications (server applications).

constant pool
the constant pool contains variable-length structures representing various string constants, class names,
field names, and other constants referred to within the CAP file and the Export File structure. Each of
the constant pool entries, including entry zero, is a variable-length structure whose format is indicated
by its first tag byte. There are no ordering constraints on entries in the constant pool entries. One
constant pool is associated with each CAP file.

There are differences between the Java platform constant pool and the Java Card technology-based
constant pool. For example, in the Java platform constant pool there is one constant type for method
references, while in the Java Card constant pool, there are three constant types for method references.
The additional information provided by a constant type in Java Card technologies simplifies resolution of

protected object space associated with each applet CAP file and Java Card RE. All objects owned by an
applet belong to the context associated with the applet's CAP file.

Page 116 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

context switch
a change from one currently active context to another. For example, a context switch is caused by an
attempt to access an object that belongs to an applet instance that resides in a different context. The
result of a context switch is a new currently active context.

a piece of software that preprocesses all of the Java programming language class files contained in a set
of packages and converts them into a CAP file. The Converter also produces export files for exported

currently active context

when an object instance method is invoked, an owning context of this object becomes the currently
active context.

currently selected applet

the Java Card RE keeps track of the currently selected Java Card applet. Upon receiving a SELECT FILE
command with this applet's AID, the Java Card RE makes this applet the currently selected applet. The
Java Card RE sends all APDU commands to the currently selected applet.

custom CAP file component

a new component added to the CAP file. The new component must conform to the general component
format. It is silently ignored by a Java Card virtual machine that does not recognize the component. The
identifiers associated with the new component are recorded in the custom_component item of the
CAP file's Directory component.

default applet
an applet that is selected by default on a logical channel in the APDU application environment when it is
opened. If an applet is designated the default applet on a particular logical channel in the APDU
application environment on the Java Card platform, it becomes the active applet by default when that
logical channel is opened using the basic channel.

an acronym for Electrically Erasable, Programmable Read Only Memory.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 117

entry point method
well-defined method of an object owned by an application (respectively the Java Card RE) that can be
"legally" invoked by another application or the Java Card RE (respectively an application). SIO methods
and other container-managed objects' lifecycle methods are application entry point methods. Java Card
RE entry point objects' methods are Java Card RE entry point methods.

entry point objects

see Java Card RE entry point objects.

export file
a file produced by the Converter tool that represents the fields and methods of a package that can be
imported by classes in other classic applet applications and classic libraries.

externally visible
in the Java Card platform, any classes, interfaces, their constructors, methods and fields that can be
accessed from package according to the Java programming language semantics, as defined by the Java
Language Specification.

Externally visible items are represented in an export file. For a library package, externally visible items
are represented in an export file. For an applet package, only those externally visible items that are part
of a shareable interface are represented in an export file.

A Java Card CAP file may restrict the visibility of a package it contains. In this case, these packages are
only visible to the other packages inside the CAP file and are not be accessible by packages in other CAP
files. No export file is generated for the packages that have their visibility restricted to packages inside
the same CAP file.

the process by which a Java virtual machine (VM) allows an unreferenced object instance to release non-
memory resources (for example, close and open files) prior to reclaiming the object's memory.
Finalization is only performed on an object when that object is ready to be garbage collected (meaning,
there are no references to the object).

Finalization is not supported by the Java Card virtual machine. The method finalize() is not called
automatically by the Java Card virtual machine.

the mechanism that prevents unauthorized accesses to objects in one application group context from
another application group context.

Page 118 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

flash memory
a type of persistent mutable memory. It is more efficient in space and power than EPROM. Flash
memory can be read bit by bit but can be updated only as a block. Thus, flash memory is typically used
for storing additional programs or large chunks of data that are updated as a whole.

the set of classes that implement the API. This includes core and extension packages. Responsibilities
include applet selection, sending APDU bytes, and managing atomicity.

garbage collection
the process by which dynamically allocated storage is automatically reclaimed during the execution of a

global array
an array objects accessible from any context.

group context
protected object space associated with each CAP file and Java Card RE defining the boundaries of the

a common pool of free memory in volatile and persistent spaces usable by a program for dynamic
memory allocation, in which blocks of memory are used in an arbitrary order. The Java Card virtual
machine's heap is not required to be garbage collected and objects allocated from the heap are not
necessarily reclaimed.

the on-card mechanism to download and install CAP files. The installer receives executable binary from
the off-card installation program, writes the binary into the smart card memory, links it with the other
classes on the card, and creates and initializes any data structures used internally by the Java Card
Runtime Environment.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 119

installation program
the off-card mechanism that employs a card acceptance device (CAD) to transmit the executable binary
in a CAP file to the installer running on the card.

instance variables
also known as non-static fields.

in object-oriented programming, to produce a particular object from its class template. This involves
allocation of a data structure with the types specified by the template, and initialization of instance
variables with either default values or those provided by the class's constructor function.

a statement that indicates an operation for the computer to perform and any data to be used in
performing the operation. An instruction can be in machine language or a programming language.

internally visible
code items that are not externally visible. These items are not described in a package's export file and
use private tokens to represent internal references. See externally visible.

JAR file
an acronym for Java Archive file, which is a file format used for aggregating and compressing many files
into one.

Java Card Platform Remote Method Invocation

a subset of the Java Platform Remote Method Invocation (RMI) system optionally supported by the Java
Card RE. It provides a mechanism for a client application to invoke a method on a remote object of an
applet on the card.

Java Card Runtime Environment (Java Card RE)

consists of the Java Card virtual machine, the application framework, and the associated native

Java Card Virtual Machine (Java Card VM)

a subset of the Java virtual machine, which is designed to be run on smart cards and other resource-
constrained devices. The Java Card VM acts an engine that loads Java class files and executes them with
a particular set of semantics.

Page 120 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

Java Card RE context
the context of the Java Card RE has special system privileges so that it can perform operations that are
denied to contexts of applications.

Java Card RE entry point object

an object owned by the Java Card RE context that contains entry point methods. These methods can be
invoked from any context and allows applications to request Java Card RE system services. A Java Card
RE entry point object can be either temporary or permanent:

• temporary - references to temporary Java Card RE entry point objects cannot be stored in class
variables, instance variables or array components. The Java Card RE detects and restricts
attempts to store references to these objects as part of the firewall functionality to prevent
unauthorized reuse. Examples of these objects are APDU objects and the APDU byte array.

• permanent - references to permanent Java Card RE entry point objects can be stored and freely
reused. Examples of these objects are Java Card RE-owned AID instances.

JDK software
an acronym for Java Development Kit. The JDK software provides the environment required for software
development in the Java programming language. The JDK software is available for a variety of operating

library CAP file
a CAP file that contains only library packages. See library package.

library package
a Java programming language package that does not contain any non-abstract classes that extend the
class javacard.framework.Applet. See also applet package.

local variable
a data item known within a block, but inaccessible to code outside the block. For example, any variable
defined within a method is a local variable and cannot be used outside the method.

logical channel
as seen at the card edge, works as a logical link to an applet application on the card. A logical channel
establishes a communications session between a card applet and the terminal. Commands issued on a
specific logical channel are forwarded to the active applet on that logical channel. For more information,
see the ISO/IEC 7816 Specification, Part 4. (http://www.iso.org).

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 121

an acronym for Message Authentication Code. MAC is an encryption of data for security purposes.

mask production (masking)

refers to embedding the Java Card virtual machine, runtime environment, and applications in the read-
only memory of a smart card during manufacture.

a procedure or routine associated with one or more classes in object-oriented languages.

multiselectable applets
implements the javacard.framework.MultiSelectable interface. Multiselectable applets can
be selected on multiple logical channels in the APDU application environment at the same time. They
can also accept other applets belonging to the same applet application being selected simultaneously.

multiselected applet
an applet instance that is selected and, therefore, active on more than one logical channel in the APDU
application environment simultaneously.

a set of names in which all names are unique.

native method
a method that is not implemented in the Java programming language, but in another language. The CAP
file format does not support native methods to prevent from loading untrusted code.

four bits.

non-volatile memory
memory that is expected to retain its contents between card tear and power up events or across a reset
event on the smart card device.

Page 122 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

a programming methodology based on the concept of an object, which is a data structure encapsulated
with a set of routines, called methods, which operate on the data.

object owner (Classic)

the applet instance within the currently active context when the object is instantiated. An object can be
owned by an applet instance, or by the Java Card RE.

in object-oriented programming, unique instance of a data structure defined according to the template
provided by its class. Each object has its own values for the variables belonging to its class and can
respond to the messages (methods) defined by its class.

origin logical channel

the logical channel in the APDU application environment on which an APDU command is issued.

owning context
the application or Java Card RE context in which an object is instantiated or created.

owner context
see owning context.

a namespace within the Java programming language that can have classes and interfaces.

an acronym for Proximity Coupling Device. The PCD is a contactless card reader device.

persistent object
persistent objects and their values persist from one card session to the next, indefinitely. Objects are
persistent when referred from another persistent object. Persistent object values are typically updated
atomically using transactions. The term persistent does not mean there is an object-oriented database
on the card or that objects are serialized and deserialized, just that the objects are not lost when the
card loses power.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 123

see AID (application identifier).

RAM (random access memory)
temporary working space for storing and modifying data. RAM is non-persistent memory; that is, the
information content is not preserved when power is removed from the memory cell. RAM can be
accessed an unlimited number of times and none of the restrictions of EEPROM apply.

reference implementation (RI)

functional and fully compatible implementation of a given technology. It enables developers to build
prototypes of applications based on the technology.

remote interface
an interface of an applet application, which extends, directly or indirectly, the
java.rmi.Remote interface.

Each method declaration in the remote interface or its super-interfaces includes the exception
java.rmi.RemoteException (or one of its super classes) in its throws clause.

In a remote method declaration, if a remote object is declared as a return type, it is declared as the
remote interface, not the implementation class of that interface.

In addition, Java Card RMI imposes additional constraints on the definition of remote methods of an
applet application. See Runtime Environment Specification, Java Card Platform, v3.0.5, Classic Edition.

remote methods
the methods of a remote interface of an applet application.

remote object
an object of an applet application whose remote methods can be invoked remotely from the off-card
client. A remote object is described by one or more remote interfaces of an applet application.

acronym for Reserved for Future Use.

see AID (application identifier).

Page 124 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

an acronym for Remote Method Invocation. RMI is a mechanism for invoking instance methods on
objects located on remote virtual machines (meaning, a virtual machine other than that of the invoker).

ROM (read-only memory)

memory used for storing the fixed program of the card. A smart card's ROM contains operating system
routines as well as permanent data and user applications. No power is needed to hold data in this kind
of memory. ROM cannot be written to after the card is manufactured. Writing a binary image to the
ROM is called masking and occurs during the chip manufacturing process.

runtime environment
see Java Card Runtime Environment (Java Card RE).

a shareable interface object that a server application uses to provide a set of well-defined functionalities
to its clients.

shareable interface
an interface that defines a set of shared methods. These interface methods can be invoked from an
application in one context when the object implementing them is owned by an applet in another

shareable interface object (SIO)

an object that implements the shareable interface.

smart card
a card that stores and processes information through the electronic circuits embedded in silicon in the
substrate of its body. Unlike magnetic stripe cards, smart cards carry both processing power and
information. They do not require access to remote databases at the time of a transaction.

an acronym for Service Provider Interface or sometimes for System Programming Interface. The SPI
defines calling conventions by which a platform implementer may implement system services.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 125

is typically a computer in its own right with an interface which connects with a smart card to exchange
and process data.

the basic unit of program execution. A process can have several threads running concurrently each
performing a different job, such as waiting for events or performing a time-consuming job that the
program doesn't need to complete before going on. When a thread has finished its job, it is suspended
or destroyed.

The Java Card virtual machine can support only a single thread of execution. Java Card technology
programs cannot use class Thread or any of the thread-related keywords in the Java programming

an atomic operation in which the developer defines the extent of the operation by indicating in the
program code the beginning and end of the transaction.

transient object
the state of transient objects does not persist from one card session to the next and is reset to a default
state at specified intervals. Updates to the values of transient objects are not atomic and are not
affected by transactions.

uniform resource identifier (URI)
a compact string of characters used to identify or name an abstract or physical resource. A URI can be
further classified as a uniform resource locator (URL), a uniform resource name (URN), or both. See RFC
3986 for more information.

uniform resource locator (URL)

a compact string representation used to locate resources available via network protocols or other
protocols. Once the resource represented by a URL has been accessed, various operations may be
performed on that resource. See RFC 1738 for more information. A URL is a type of uniform resource
identifier (URI).

Page 126 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

a process performed on an application or library executable that checks that the binary representation
of the application or library is structurally correct and type safe.

volatile memory
memory that is not expected to retain its contents between card tear and power up events or across a
reset event on the smart card device.

volatile object
an object that is ideally suited to be stored in volatile memory. This type of object is intended for a
short-lived object or an object, which requires frequent updates. A volatile object is garbage collected
on card tear (or reset).

an abstract storage unit. A word is large enough to hold a value of type byte, short, reference or
returnAddress. Two words are large enough to hold a value of integer type.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 127

Page 128 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1
Annex A - Oracle Technology Network Developer License Terms


Export Controls

Export laws and regulations of the United States and any other relevant local export laws and
regulations apply to the specifications. You agree that such export control laws govern your use
of the specifications (including technical data), and you agree to comply with all such export
laws and regulations (including "deemed export" and "deemed re- export" regulations). You
agree that no data, information, program and/or materials resulting from services (or direct
product thereof) will be exported, directly or indirectly, in violation of these laws, or will be
used for any purpose prohibited by these laws including, without limitation, nuclear, chemical,
or biological weapons proliferation, or development of missile technology.

Accordingly, you confirm:

- You will not download, provide, make available or otherwise export or re-export the
specifications, directly or indirectly, to countries prohibited by applicable laws and regulations
nor to citizens, nationals or residents of those countries.

- You are not listed on the United States Department of Treasury lists of Specially Designated
Nationals and Blocked Persons, Specially Designated Terrorists, and Specially Designated
Narcotic Traffickers, nor are you listed on the United States Department of Commerce Table of
Denial Orders.

- You will not download or otherwise export or re-export the specifications, directly or
indirectly, to persons on the above mentioned lists.

- You will not use the specifications for, and will not allow the specifications to be used for, any
purposes prohibited by applicable law, including, without limitation, for the development,
design, manufacture or production of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons of mass

Oracle Employees: Under no circumstances are Oracle Employees authorized to download the
specifications for the purpose of distributing it to customers. Oracle products are available to
employees for internal use or demonstration purposes only. In keeping with Oracle's trade

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 129

compliance obligations under U.S. and applicable multilateral law, failure to comply with this
policy could result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.



"We," "us," and "our" refers to Oracle America, Inc., for and on behalf of itself and its
subsidiaries and affiliates under common control. "You" and "your" refers to the individual or
entity that wishes to use the specification from Oracle. "Specifications" refers to the Java Card
Classic Edition specification document and/or Java Card Connected Edition specification
document that you selected for download or use from Oracle and any other Oracle product or
technology documentation provided to you by Oracle under this agreement. "License" refers to
your right to use the specifications under the terms of this agreement. “Applications” means
Java technology applications intended to run on the Java Card Classic and/or Java Card
Connected platforms. This agreement is governed by the substantive and procedural laws of
California. You and Oracle agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of, and venue in, the
courts of San Francisco or Santa Clara counties in California in any dispute arising out of or
relating to this agreement.

We are willing to license the specifications to you only upon the condition that you accept all of
the terms contained in this agreement. Read the terms carefully and select the "Accept License
Agreement" button to confirm your acceptance. If you are not willing to be bound by these
terms, select the "Decline License Agreement" button and the registration process will not


Except for any included software package or file that is licensed to you by Oracle under
different license terms, we grant you a perpetual (unless terminated as provided in this
agreement), nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited License to use (without the right to
sublicense) the specifications internally solely for the purposes of designing and developing
your implementation of the specifications and designing and developing your applets and
applications intended to run on the Java Card platform. Other than this limited license, you
acquire no right, title or interest in or to the specifications or any other Oracle intellectual
property. You acknowledge that any commercial or productive use of an implementation of the
Page 130 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1
specifications requires separate and appropriate licensing agreements.

All rights not expressly granted above are hereby reserved. If you want to use the specifications
for any purpose other than as permitted under this agreement, including but not limited to
distribution of the specifications or any use of the specifications for your internal business
purposes (other than developing, testing, prototyping and demonstrating your applications) or
for any commercial production purposes, you must obtain a valid license permitting such use.
We may audit your use of the specifications.

Third-Party Technology

The specifications may contain or be distributed with certain third-party technology. Oracle
may provide certain notices related to such third-party technology in the specifications.

Third party technology will be licensed to you either under the terms of this agreement, or, if
specified in the specifications, under separate license terms ("Separate Terms") and not under
the terms of this agreement ("Separately Licensed Third Party Technology"). Licensee's rights to
use such Separately Licensed Third Party Technology under the Separate Terms are not
restricted or modified in any way by this Agreement.

Ownership and Restrictions

We retain all ownership and intellectual property rights in the specifications. Unless
enforcement is prohibited by applicable law, you may not modify the specifications. You may
make a sufficient number of copies of the specifications for the licensed use and one copy of
the specifications for backup purposes.

You may not:

- use the specifications for your own internal business purposes (other than developing, testing,
prototyping and demonstrating your applications) or for any commercial or production

- remove or modify any program markings or any notice of our proprietary rights;

- make the specifications available in any manner to any third party;

- use the specifications to provide third party training;

- assign this agreement or give or transfer the specifications or an interest in them to another

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 131

individual or entity;

- cause or permit modification of the specifications;

- disclose results of any benchmark test results related to the specifications without our prior

- create, modify, or change the behavior of classes, interfaces, or subpackages that are in any
way identified as "java", "javax", "javafx", “javaee”,"sun", “oracle” or similar convention as
specified by Oracle in any naming convention designation;


You agree that U.S. export control laws and other applicable export and import laws govern
your use of the specifications, including technical data; additional information can be found on
Oracle's Global Trade Compliance web site located at
https://www.oracle.com/products/export-regulations.html. You agree that neither the
specifications nor any direct product thereof will be exported, directly, or indirectly, in violation
of these laws, or will be used for any purpose prohibited by these laws including, without
limitation, nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons proliferation.

Disclaimer of Warranty and Exclusive Remedies



(U.S. $1,000).

Page 132 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

No Technical Support

Our technical support organization will not provide technical support, phone support, or
updates to you for the specifications licensed under this agreement.

End of Agreement

You may terminate this agreement by destroying all copies of the specifications. We have the
right to terminate your right to use the specifications if you fail to comply with any of the terms
of this agreement, in which case you shall destroy all copies of the specifications.

Relationship Between the Parties

The relationship between you and us is that of licensee/licensor. Neither party will represent
that it has any authority to assume or create any obligation, express or implied, on behalf of the
other party, nor to represent the other party as agent, employee, franchisee, or in any other
capacity. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to limit either party's right to
independently develop or distribute software that is functionally similar to the other party's
products, so long as proprietary information of the other party is not included in such software.

Open Source Software

"Open Source" software - software available without charge for use, modification and
distribution - is often licensed under terms that require the user to make the user's
modifications to the Open Source software or any software that the user 'combines' with the
Open Source software freely available in source code form. If you use Open Source software in
conjunction with the specifications, you must ensure that your use does not: (i) create, or
purport to create, obligations of us with respect to the Oracle specifications; or (ii) grant, or
purport to grant, to any third party any rights to or immunities under our intellectual property
or proprietary rights in the Oracle specifications. For example, you may not develop a software
program using an Oracle program/specification and an Open Source program where such use
results in a program file(s) that contains code from both the Oracle program/specification and
the Open Source program (including without limitation libraries) if the Open Source program is
licensed under a license that requires any "modifications" be made freely available. You also
may not combine the Oracle specifications with a program licensed under the GNU General
Public License ("GPL") in any manner that could cause, or could be interpreted or asserted to
cause, the Oracle specifications or any modifications thereto to become subject to the terms of
the GPL.

Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1 Page 133

Entire Agreement

You agree that this agreement is the complete agreement for the specifications and licenses,
and this agreement supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements or representations. If
any term of this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions
will remain effective.

Last updated: 3 April 2012

Should you have any questions concerning this License Agreement, or if you desire to contact
Oracle for any reason, please write:

Oracle America, Inc.

500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065

Page 134 Java Card Platform Runtime Environment Specification, v3.1

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