Assembly & Operation
Assembly & Operation
Assembly & Operation
• Inspection Prior To Initial Operation
• Inspection Before Starting Work
• Maximum Capacity
• Notes For Correct Usage
• Warning
• Attaching The Load
• Temperature Range
• Regulations
• Inspection/Maintenance
• Regular Inspections
• Maintenance/Repair
• Marking
• Language
• Mechanical Aid Assembly
• Alternative Gantry Assembly
• Beam Height Adjustment
All users must read these operating instructions
carefully prior to the initial operation. These instructions
are intended to acquaint the user with the machine/
hoist and enable him/her to use it to the full extent of its
intended capabilities.
• o
peration, including preparation, troubleshooting
during operation and cleaning
• transport
CORRECT OPERATION low chance of falling through a free distance and only
carried out following a comprehensive risk assessment.
Inspection prior to initial operation
Each PORTA-GANTRY must be inspected prior to initial While the PORTA-GANTRY has the capacities stated
operation by a competent person. The inspection in the table below, it is only one part of a fall arrest
is visual and functional and shall establish that the system which is only as strong as its lowest rated
structure is safe and has not been damaged by component. Each lift must be properly planned and
incorrect assembly, transport or storage. Inspections all weights clearly known along with the WLL’s and
are instigated by the user. constraints of all fall arrest system devices.
Inspection before starting work The capabilities stated in the table below are only
applicable to Small (S), Medium (M), Intermediate (I) &
The inspection procedure requires that a valid Tall (T) configurations up to a 4570mm beam length.
inspection/test certificate has been submitted to and Bespoke versions of the gantry are available tailored
checked by the user. to specific lifting needs. If unsure about your system
consult serial labels, information filled in on page 23 or
Before starting work inspect the gantry assembly and all consult your supplier. A custom gantry is designated by
load-bearing components for visual defects. Check the a product number ending with a “C” found on the serial
integrity of all profiles for denting and bolt holes for wear label attached to each A-frame and the beam. For
and elongation. Furthermore, test the trolley for free custom designed gantries please contact your supplier
movement along the beam. for appropriate rating and capabilities.
Ensure that the overall working load limit (WLL) limit is In the event of simultaneous goods and personnel
adhered to – following the necessary Risk Assessment combined lifting or when being used as a fall arrest
and Method Statement. system in sub-zero AND wet conditions contact the
supplier as capacities may be reduced.
Maximum capacity
The PORTA-GANTRY is designed to lift and lower loads
up to its rated capacity. The capacity indicated on the
Application Capacity
frame is the maximum working load limit (WLL) or
safe working load (SWL) which must not be exceeded Goods [kg] 5000
(definition is country dependent).
Fall Arrest 5 persons
When being used as a personnel lifting anchor the
Max. Combined Personnel
user must use a body harness and retractable device 2000
Lifting Capacity [kg]
or shock absorber to EN355, ANSI Z359.6-09 or CSA
Z259.16-04 that limits the maximum allowed force
(M.A.F.) to 6kN. Winches used with the PORTA-GANTRY
should comply to EN1496:2006 or equivalent.
EVER walk away from structure whilst still being
• W
e recommend the use of load-sensing or overload
protection devices on all lifts. • Only raise and lower loads when CASTOR BRAKES
• The risk assessment & method statement must
• W
hen using the gantry as a fall arrest anchor
consider additional loading resulting from any “wet
the required clearance of the fall arrest device
lift” situations.
should be considered - refer to device’s Operations
& Maintenance manual and consider the height
• E
nsure suitable winches and connection plates are
adjustment on the gantry.
used for all applications.
• B
efore the gantry is used consideration must be given
• D
ue care and attention should be practiced when
to the potential effects of the lifelines over sharp
transporting and storing the gantry to avoid damage.
edges, chemical reagents, electrical conductivity,
cutting, abrasion, climatic exposure and the effect of
• D
o not throw the gantry or its components down or
offset forces as a result of pendulum falls.
stack items on top of it. Always place properly on the
ground avoiding damage to the equipment.
• T
he gantry is not to be moved under load except
when a Competent Person or authority approves
• A
ssemble only as instructed (ensure all bolts are
a risk assessment and a method statement for a
present and fitted correctly as per instructions).
particular reason.
• W
e recommend that gloves should be worn when • To ensure stability of the structure, the operating
using this equipment. span of the beam must be equal to or greater than
the distance between the castors on the A-Frame.
• S
et up the gantry at a safe distance from the hazard
and subsequently move the structure into place.
• T
he beam must be horizontal prior to any lift and
A-frames vertical and parallel to each other. • The equipment shall not be used outside its
limitations, or for any purpose other than that for
• D
o not use the gantry if the trolley does not run freely which it is intended.
along the beam.
• When winching only one lifeline should be used with
• Attach hoist only to the lifting point on the trolley. each sheave and they should never cross paths with
each other.
• A
void side pull. Lowering and lifting should only be
carried out when the load chain/lifeline form a • Do not lift or transport loads while personnel are in
straight and vertical line between the load and lifting the danger zone.
attachment point on the trolley.
• D
o not allow personnel to pass under a suspended
• Do not allow load to swing. load.
The serial labels indicate: ATEX
• The product identification number. This product has been designed for use in explosive
atmospheres. If the product is to be used in explosive
• The products unique serial number. atmospheres then the following section must be followed.
Any different or exceeding use is considered incorrect
• The goods WLL of the device. and REID Lifting Ltd will not accept any responsibility
for damages resulting from false application. The risk is
• The year of manufacture. solely with the user. If the product has been customised
in any way then it may not comply with standards and
• The standards to which the device is approved. not be suitable for use in explosive atmospheres. If this is
the case then the product will not have any of the below
• T
he ATEX rating of the product (if applicable) - see
marking. If in doubt contact your REID representative.
ATEX section below.
• C
E 0088: Notified body number (currently LRQA) who ATEX - Classification
are responsible for approving REID Lifting’s quality
As standard, the product meets the requirements
control system.
of Category 3 equipment for use in Zone 2 explosive
atmospheres, providing a normal level of protection
Read the Assembly & Operation
where mixtures of air and gases, vapours or mists or
by air/dusts mixtures are unlikely to occur or, if they do
occur, are likely to do so only infrequently and for a short
period only.
Assembly & Operation instructions.
ATEX - Identification
In addition to the previous marking section the product
Risk Assessment will have the following identification on the serial label:
Please use this risk assessment as a guide
only, all customers must complete their As standard for Zone 2 atmospheres:
own method statement and risk assessment
to suit the environment in which the II 3 GD T6
equipment is being used.
Identification for protection against explosions
II: Unit group II – non-mining application
3: Category 3 – Normal safety for use in Zone 2
GD: For use in gas (G) & dust (D) atmospheres
T6:Temperature class – Max 85°C
ATEX - Spark Formation Inspections shall be instigated by the user and occur
at least 6 monthly or sooner if adverse operating
Increased danger of ignition may emanate from conditions or profile of use dictate shorter periods.
clashing of special material pairings. These are non Inspections and maintenance shall be carried out at
corrosion-resistant steel or cast iron against aluminium, a safe distance away from an explosive atmosphere.
magnesium or pertinent alloys. This applies especially Special attention should be given to dust deposits on the
in case of rust or surface rust. When assembling the structure, especially in areas where the profiles come
product and inserting fastening components; they must into contact, and should be wiped clean and care taken
be clear of rust and debris of any kind. Care must be not to apply materials that could create electrostatic
taken to ensure the product is handled in a suitable charging. Additionally the bearings in the trolley rollers
manner and is never thrown, and always placed, onto and castors should be checked to ensure they rotate
the ground. freely. The structure is predominantly constructed from
aluminium which will not rust. However there are steel
ATEX - Static Electricity components used throughout. These are the fasteners,
castors, master-link, trolley rollers, A-frame height
For Zone 2 applications static electricity has been
adjustment gearing system (if fitted) and the height
identified as potential for build up leading to an incendive
adjustment ratchet (if fitted). Where there is sign of
spark. Although the risk of such ignition is unlikely the
any rust deposits on the aluminium structure it should
gantry must be earthed during assembly and use. This
be wiped clean as above and where there is sign of rust
can be achieved by attaching a 4mm earthing lead to a
on a steel component then that component should be
convenient location on metallic parts of both the Gantry
removed from use and the structure not used until a
and Trolley.
replacement is fitted.
N.B. Appropriate PPE should be worn • Gloves • Protective footwear • Hard hat
1. PORTA-GANTRY system delivered flat packed on 2. Gantry Tool Set: (supplied as an option)
a pallet: • Ratchet handle
• 2 x A-Frames • 24mm socket
• 1 Trolley • 24mm combination spanner
• (Stabiliser legs – Option) • 14mm long series allen key
Beam sometimes
shipped separately
9. Thread beam trolley over the other end of the beam and Note: The gantry beam has adjustment holes to narrow
lock with friction brake at approximately the centre position. the footprint of the gantry. This is best done when the
Offer the beam to the rear bolt-hole on the cheekplate gantry is assembled with 2 persons sliding the A-frame
(Bolt 1) and insert a bolt. Put on plain and spring washers inwards while 1-2 persons steady the gantry by holding
and nut finger tight until spring washer depressed.Assess the beam – this will require the use of a step ladder. If
whether the lifting device (usually chain block / hoist) needs this process is required to be carried out often then an
to be attached to the trolley at this stage or when fully upgrade to ‘lobed cheek plates’ can be purchased which
assembled. Heavier hoists are best attached at this stage allows the gantry to be assembled as steps 8-21 but with
to avoid lifting and working at height. one A-frame inward from the end of the beam.
10. Visual Check
13. Operate chain block until A-frame assembly 14. Slacken chain block and remove bolt restraining
perpendicular to beam and assembly bolt holes trolley.
in cheek plate and beam line up. Ladder will be
required to reach bolt holes. Insert the second bolt 15. Move trolley to other end of beam and repeat
into the cheek-plate. Tighten both bolts until spring steps 11 to 13 for second A-frame assembly. Then
washer is fully depressed. follow step 20.
18. Move trolley to other end of beam, opposite to
the end to be raised, and secure by tightening the
trolley knob. (For additional safety whilst the beam
is at such an angle a spare bolt can be temporarily
placed in an adjustment point on the beam to
17. Insert the second bolt into the cheek-plate. Tighten prevent the trolley slipping down the beam).
both bolts. (Do not over tighten)
N.B. The use of a suitable platform ladder may Repeat the scissor activity at the opposite end
be required to reach the bolt-hole. of the gantry - Steps 16-18.
21. The gantry is now erect at its lowest height setting. 22. Release trolley brake and castor brakes to position the
Tighten all bolts to 27 Nm (20 ft lbs) gantry over the load ensuring, when possible, that the
load is lifted from the center of the beam.
(If raising the beam height – leave the two height
adjustment bolts loose on each upright –see
next image).
Decide on the height required (always using the
lowest setting for the work in hand).
23. B
eam Height Adjustment 7. Decompress centre button, but continue to hold wheel
A) A-Frames with Geared Handwheel:
Two Person Operation is Recommended – one on each 8. Re-secure with 2 upright bolts, nuts and washers.
A-Frame working concurrently.
9. The above steps 4-8 to be done concurrently on each
For taller A-Frames suitable platform ladder should be A-Frame, ensuring that both A-Frames finish at the
used to operate the gearwheel at an ergonomic height. same height.
1. Decide on the height required (always use the lowest 10. Check all bolts on the gantry are secure.
setting for the work in hand).
11. If the hoist is not already attached to the suspension
2. Ensure the castor brakes are on. point on the trolley, do so now (use a suitable platform
ladder if height setting requires). If this is not safe,
disassemble gantry and re-start from step 9 of the Gantry
3. Hold the A-Frame wheel securely.
Assembly Instructions.
B) A-Frame with Ratchet System: C) Medium or Small A-Frame with no gearing fitted:
Two Person Operation Recommended – one on each Always wear gloves when using this item.
A-Frame working concurrently.
Adjust the upright position at one A-Frame (a 2 man
Always wear gloves when using this item. operation – one on the bolts and one on the upright) by
removing 2 x upright
1. Decide on the height required (always use the lowest securing bolts, moving the
setting for the work in hand). upright to the appropriate
2. Ensure the claw-hook at the end of ratchet strap is setting by lifting from the
positively engaged with the bottom hole on A-Frame strut handle.
upright. Re-secure with bolts, nuts
3. Remove lower bolt on trap plate. and washers (do not over
4. Tension ratchet strap to take the upright/beam weight.
Repeat the height
5. Remove upper bolt on trap plate. adjustment at the opposite
6. Operate ratchet to adjust height to required setting, end.
ensuring that the bolt holes are aligned. N.B. Ensure the beam
is horizontal prior to
any lift.
VARIANTS AND OPTIONS Manoeuvring A-Frame using
• W
ind Up Jack Legs Stabilising Leg in Wheelbarrow
• R
atchet Beam Elevation System Configuration
• C
ustomised Configurations Two Person Operation Recommended
• PORTA-GANTRY 500-3000
1. W
ith the A-Frame on its back, ensure that the
A-Frame Castor Wheels are locked in position. Put
brakes on only with protective footwear DO NOT
2. E
nsure that the Stabilising Leg is correctly and
safely assembled in the vertical configuration.
5. T
o manoeuvre the A-Frame ensure that the
stabiliser castor has directional lock disengaged and
release the brake on the A-Frame castors.
6. W
ith the A-Frame weight resting on the 3 castors
and all pins secured with clips, unlock the castor
brakes and the A-Frame is easily manoeuvred by one
person with one hand on the A-Frame leg and one
hand on the stabilising leg strut - see Fig. 2.
3. Pivot the Stabilising Leg about the Bolted Link Plate
7. W
hen “parking” the A-Frame in this mode, always
connection, and insert the Wishbone ends through
apply a minimum of 2 castor brakes.
the A-Frame Tie-Bar holes. Pin the Wishbone with
N.B. Re: Tall and Intermediate (T & I) configurations: the 2 pins.
Changing Stabilising Leg from Vertical 5. Manually raise each leg/castor in turn and set the
to Wheelbarrow Configuration height by rotating jack handle clockwise.
(Reverse of above) 6. Having set the adjustment of all four legs, stand back
from the gantry and ensure that the gantry uprights
Two Person Operation is Recommended are vertical and the beam is horizontal as in figure 3.
Always wear gloves when using this item.
7. If the ground that the load spreading feet are on
1. With the A-Frame on its back, unpin the wishbone is soft and likely to sink when the load applied put
ends, and remove Wishbone ends from the Tie-Bar boards under the feet to spread the load further.
8. Having performed the lifting operations, put the
2. P
ivot the Stabilising Leg about the Bolted Link Plate stands in the ‘park’ position and disassemble.
3. P
in the Castor Link Plate onto the A-Frame Strut,
ensuring that the weight of the Stabilising Leg is held
until securely pinned to help prevent the trapping of
hands or fingers. Fig.1 Wind Up Jack Leg
in ‘parked’ position
4. P
in the Wishbone Tie Bar onto the Stabilising Leg at
both points.
1. C
heck whether the castors fitted are Load Rated (or
Pneumatic). N.B. for pneumatic, non load bearing,
castors the WUJL system must always be applied
prior to performing any lift. If load rated castors are
fitted the operator can choose whether the castors Fig.3 Wind Up Jack Leg
or WUJL take the load on each foot of the gantry. system in place – normally
used with pneumatic “All
2. W
hen transporting over ground or manoeuvring the Terrain Castors”.
gantry, into position, always have the stands in the
‘parked’ position as in figure 1 or remove if required.
3. P
osition the gantry for the lift before setting the
heights with the jack adjustment.
4. B
efore lifting ensure all jacks are in the correct
lifting position and are secured with locking pins and
clips as in figure 2.
PORTA-GANTRY RANGE Unique portable gantry system that can safely lift up to 5000kg, with
manual assembly on just 4 bolts.
Detailed Dimensions
Dmax E Dmin F Hmax Hmin G
Max height Height Min height to Max height to Max height to Min height to Width A-Frame Trolley Castor
to lifting eye increment lifting eye top of beam top of roller top of roller Weight (kg) Roller size Diam
S 2355 5 x 150 1605 2675 2757 2007 1212 33 82 150
M 2851 5 x 150 2101 3171 3253 2503 1429 40 82 150
I 3188 5 x 200 2188 3499 3581 2581 1726 46 82 200
WLL (kg)
T 4049 6 x 200 2849 4487 4612 3412 2021 106* 125 200
S, M, TC3 & TC4 versions also available as custom systems
WLL 5000 dims systems are shown using the deeper ‘D’ section beam
All systems can be customised - Max height of lift (HoL) to 5800mm subject to * Weight includes stabiliser legs
WLL, and Min overall height for confined space. Beam lengths available up to 9000mm subject to WLL - for further information
Dims use standard Master Link Trolley, other options available to increase contact REID Lifting or our representatives.
resulting HoL and to assist with load movement. PORTA-GANTRY systems are fully EN795 Class B certified - please discuss
Beam Length Dim C = clear operating span = (A - 920mm) requirements with REID.
1000 19 22 29 34 41 44 79 84
2000 19 22 29 34 52 93 130 X
3000 19 22 37 43 85 93 130 X
5000 39 47 61 71 85 X X X
Weight of Beams (kg)
Quality and Safety are key themes throughout this body no.0120) in accordance with article 10 of the PPE
document and the REID Lifting ethos. It is with this in Directive and EN 795:1996. The EC quality assurance
mind that we have undertaken external accreditations system for this device has been carried out by Lloyd’s
to ensure we stay focused on what is important to Register Quality Assurance Limited, 1 Trinity Park,
our clients and users and ahead of market trends and Bickenhill Lane, Birmingham, B37 7ES, United Kingdom
developments in Safety and Quality systems. REID (CE body no. 0088) in accordance with article 11B of
Lifting has been successfully audited by Lloyds Register the PPE Directive.
(LRQA) for approval of its Integrated Management
System combining quality systems management, The Queen’s Award for Enterprise
environmental issues and the Health and Safety Innovation
practices within the company. REID Lifting has been awarded this prestigious award
for innovative design and development of lightweight,
REID Lifting holds the following certifications: portable and safe lifting solutions.
• ISO 9001 - Specifies requirements for a quality
management system for any organisation that TESTING
needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently Testing and Technical File review are integral parts of
provide product that meets customer and applicable our design and manufacturing process – to externally
regulatory requirements and aims to enhance verify the products, where appropriate, using government
customer satisfaction. approved Notified Bodies. All REID Lifting products are
type tested at laboratories that are accredited by the
• ISO 14001 - Specifies the requirements for
United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). In addition
implementing environmental management systems
products are proof load tested either individually (or on a
throughout all areas of the company.
batch sampling basis). Full product design & development
• OHSAS 18001 - Occupational Health and Safety Technical Files are available for inspection.
Managements Systems.
• LEEA Membership - REID Lifting Ltd is a full member
of the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association Design Rights apply to all REID Lifting Ltd products, REID
(membership 000897). REID Lifting conforms to PATENTS in place or pending, for:
the main aims of the Association which is to achieve
the highest standards of quality and integrity in the
operations of members. Their entry qualifications are • PORTA-GANTRY RAPIDE
demanding and strictly enforced through technical • PORTA-DAVIT QUANTUM
audits based on the Technical Requirements for • PORTA-DAVIT
Members. • T-DAVIT
Conformité Européenne (CE) • PORTA-GANTRY RAPIDE
REID Lifting’s products have been designed, tested • PORTA-DAVIT QUANTUM
and approved (as appropriate) by the Conformité
Européenne. This certifies that REID Lifting’s products
meet the demands of the European Directives • PORTA-BASE
regarding Health and Safety requirements. The EC • T-DAVIT
type-examination for this device has been carried out • PORTA-QUAD
by SGS United Kingdom Ltd, 202b, Worle Parkway, • SNAPPER
Westonsuper-Mare, BS22 6WA, United Kingdom (CE
• PORTA-LIFTER Manhole Lifter
Equipment Record
A-frame Inspection
Product Serial WLL* Year of Inspected by Pass/Fail Comments
number* (A) number* (B) (C) manufacture* (D)
Trolley Inspection
Product Serial WLL* Year of Inspected by Pass/Fail Comments
number* (A) number* (B) (C) manufacture* (D)
Unit 1 Wyeview, Newhouse Farm Ind. Estate, C / O JJ-Group AB
Chepstow, Monmouthshire, NP16 6UD, UK Tryckarevägen 10
t +44 (0)1291 620 796 434 37 Kungsbacka SWEDEN
f +44 (0)1291 626 490 t +46 (0)7342 26155
REID Lifting France Vector Lifting
P.A. de Kerboulard, Rue Gutenberg 43 Spencer Street
56250 Saint-Nolff FRANCE Jandakot, WA 6164 AUSTRALIA
t +33 (0)297 53 32 99 t +61 (0)8 9417 9128
f +33 (0)297 53 04 86 f +61 (0)8 9417 4105
All information herein is copyright protected by REID Lifting Ltd. All company and product names are Trade Mark and WEBSITE
Trade Name protected and all REID Product IPR is protected under Patents, Patents Pending and/or Design Rights.