George Orwell, born Eric Arthur Blair in 1903, spent his childhood in England. He hadn't the possibility to finish his
studies, so in 1922 he joined the Indian Imperial Police, experiencing the poorness and the oppression in some
places in India. Four years later he returned to England where he lived among the poor people until he published his
first book "Down and Out in Paris and London", in which he described the condition of the poor in these two cities.
He joined the Spanish army during the civil war, and talked about this into "Homage to Catalonia". Than he started
working for the BBC, meanwhile he published "Animal farm", an anti-Soviet satire. But his masterpiece was "1984",
a dystopian vision of a future world ruled by an oppressive totalitarism that took control of everything. He died of
tuberculosis in 1950.
His works express a clear warning against the mystification of power and the dangers of totalitarianism. In
"Animal Farm" he represents the danger of every kind of revolution and denounces the selfishness that
characterizes human actions. In "1984" he showed a world where the actions of an oppressive government canceled
human individuality. He wrote against the government because for him this was a necessity and a responsibility.
The novel is set in what was once London, now capital of the state of Oceania. Big Brother is at the head of the
Party, which governs in a system of constant supervision, violent policing and psychological conditioning. There was
also a new language, Newspeak. Winston Smith is a journalist whose task is to rewrite old newspaper articles so that
history can be used to support state policy. Winston rebels against the oppression of the regime. Winston finds a
partner in Julia, their affair is discovered by the Thought Police, Winston and Julia are arrested and exposed to torture
and brainwashing. At the end Winston is seen as a broken man but a perfect citizen.
'1984' refers to the future and is the reverse of '1948', the year in which Orwell wrote the book. This novel examines
the role of power and domination in an imaginary future society that clearly reflects the totalitarian regimes.
Orwell's interest was focused on the difficulty of preserving individuality, the value of truth and personal
intellectual freedom in a society where language was manipulated, where censorship controlled all forms of public
expression. Orwell offered a vision of an oppressive future society as a warning to the Europe of his day.
The name ‘Winston Smith’ is symbolical: ‘Winston’ is a clear reference to Churchill, ‘Smith’ is the most common
surname. His name suggest that he is a normal english man that represents the universal qualities of english people.
His humaniy still exists even during these ages of totalitarisms.
In the Orwell’s work we can understand the importance that propaganda assumed under totalitarianism. The dictator
was seen as an all-seeing man and his speaking ability made people believe whatever he said such as the
contradictory slogans of 1984 "war is peace" “freedom is slavery” “ignorance is strength”
In Oceania the big brother’s image is present everywhere as proof that everyone is being spied and has no privacy.
Loving him is the only way to survive.
The name of the new language is NEWSPEAK. It consists in the elimination of all irregular forms or words that
could express concepts such as freedom or democracy. Another instrument of power and control of the party's mass
is the DOUBLETHINK which is the ability to hold two conflicting ideas at the same time. The doublethink
represents the elimination of human conscience and rationality.