HIV and Yoga
HIV and Yoga
HIV and Yoga
/AIDS AND YOGA, MEDITATION AND PRANAYAMA Today in the world not only one family, not only one home, not only one community and not only one city but in a single nation and the international arena, the problem of AIDS is increasing widely which we have been studying, seeing and feeling. But in contrast to this from WHO, UN AIDS and many international INGOs world is spending millions of dollars to stop this but the infection is not only in the state of rest but is increasing which we can assume with the various national and international data and many studies conducted. Now about 3.6 million people of the world are living with H.I.V. In context of Nepal the starting of H.I.V. with the inspection of one person in 2045 B.S. have incremented to 60-70 thousand people suffering from H.I.V. by the time of two decades as is approximated by WHO and UN AIDS. According to the recently conducted research and study, about 10 million women of Asia alone are involved in sex business and their customers are 70 million males. In context of Nepal it is found that 30 thousand women are in the sex business whose customers are 0.6 million males. According to this we can assume that in Asia one sex worker is selling it to about 7 males and in Nepal to 20 males. According to another survey the infected people are mostly youth of the age group of 14 to 30. This result of the infection mostly in the youths have been the result of different causes like fashion, friends, separation from parents, long time stay in hostel, family problems, negligence of parents, the inability to give time to ones children, in many cases the negative behaviors of parents, addiction, excessive drinking, drugs, etc. To stop this condition many INGOs are working in national level but the result is almost zero. This is happening because of lack of leadership, lack of programs, lack of advertisement, lack of correct guidance and coordination because of which the disease is not being prevented. Let all of us think this once! The slogan given by the just finished World Aids Day 2008 which is Universal AccessPrevention, Treatment, Protection and Help is being focused. Likewise the target has been kept to complete this by 2015 A.D. The daily increment of the disease has to be stopped by the correct measures that are to be taken by all sectors. To this date and data the infection has been mainly due to the cause of sex workers and their customers and the second cause being the transfer due to the syringes used by drug addicts. According to the recently done study/ survey, Men having sex with men MSM also have been the cause of infection. Sometimes the infection has also been due to the cause of blood transfusion and organ transplantation. It is sure that until the change is brought in behavior, habits and daily routine the infection cannot be kept as it is and there wont be different thoughts about this. This situation has been critical now. The programs for prevention and awareness are also being implemented but it has been less effective. There have been improvements in medication but these researches have not been fully successful. Some years back the methods for increasing the age of H.I.V. patients which is A.R.V. Therapy (Antiretroviral Therapy) also have been developed with which the age of the patients can be increased for 10-15 years but is has been too expensive which cannot be afforded by the general people. This method keeps the immune system(CD 4) of the patient constant from one
stage and controls the Viral Load capacity of the body at some stage. In Nepal with the help of World Health Organization this ARV Therapy has been given freely in different hospitals but is in insufficient condition. Normally to stop the H.I.V. in this condition is to prevent rapid attack from the disease. In this context the saying Prevention is better than cure comes but after being infected due to negative habits, friends and addiction also there are many ideas to make the disease stable and these ideas can be taken as Better than cure. Among these the regular practice of Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama makes the condition stable and to maintain the good character and habits has to be made along with this. Then only these practices will help and the daily degeneration of the body can be controlled. How the diabetes, high blood pressure, heart patient can remain fully conscious, remain in routine and be patient about the disease and live easily, similarly the H.I.V. patient can also live their life. Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama are the first steps in changing the habits, making conscious of the disease, making patient and of good character. Asthanga Yoga (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahar, Dhyan, Dharana and Samadhi) and its serial practice have been kept safe by our ancestor sages for prosperous and healthy human life which have been kept preserved by them and is our paternal right. These yoga practices are just not for physical well being and fashion. The right practice brings the change in the internal feeling. The practice of Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation as an experiment by the writer for the seven patients in one of the H.I.V./AIDS Rehabilitation Centre for 100 days made those patients feel amazingly peaceful, blissful and have creative life. According to their experience, the freshness of the whole body, stability in diet, the energy to do the work, digestive system was found good, good sleep were among the simple that this practice brought. Now talking about the internal organs along with Brahmasound Om with Understanding in mind, Responsibility in shoulders, Honesty in the heart of Maharshi Yoga Teacher Satchidanandas practice including energy regulation exercise, different aspects of meditation, Sukshma Yoga of different organs, Some Hathayoga and few Pranayamas practical exercises controls the rhythm of breathing, blood circulation, the movement of heart and lung, in different internal glands and muscular system changes are brought and the systems which are being weak are made stronger and the amazing improvements were felt by the patients who practiced these. All these experiences were felt by the patients only after the 3 months or 100 days course and results were obtained after the tests like CD 4 ( the infection in the WBC), L.F.T.( the working ability of the lever) and viral load ( the capability of the body to fight against immediate diseases) had positive changes. These changes encouraged me to write this article. Patients (practitioners) should also bring few changes in the diet and the daily routine. Besides these yoga practices including few Shatkarma methods (Antasuddhi yog) natural therapies and natural lifestyle are a must. Along with these the diet including the products of ganoderma will prevent from the dense attack of the disease. Like this these will be the milestones for the H.I.V./ AIDS patients and they will have renewed yogic energy and will divert from the monotonous, painful and remorseful life. To live a courageous and
complete life from that of the boring and dark life the practice of Yoga, meditation and pranayama will give quality result. Samasta Loka Khushino Bhawantu! Yogacharya Dr. Abhayaraj Upadhaya (Naturopatheist) Email: