174.5 People v. Acharon, G.R. No. 224946, November 9, 2021
174.5 People v. Acharon, G.R. No. 224946, November 9, 2021
174.5 People v. Acharon, G.R. No. 224946, November 9, 2021
(:,,.,.,. ,.,
t= ti
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- versus - PERLAS-BERNABE,
Respondent. LAZARO-JAVIER,
LOPEZ, J., and
November 9, 2021
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Christian pleaded not guilty to the charge. Pre-trial and trial then
ensued. The version of the prosecution, as summarized by the RTC, is as
[AAA] 6 testified that she and [Christian] have been sweethearts for
six (6) years before they got married on September 30, 2011, in a civil
wedding officiated by Mayor Gatchalian. On October 6, 2011 or only six
(6) days after their wedding, [Chiistian] left to work at Pizza Hut, Brunei as
delivery rider. As placement fee, they borrowed the amount of P85,000.00
with 3% monthly interest from their godmother, Emelina So. She and
[Christian] agreed that the latter would send money in the amount of
Php9,633.00 per month in payment of their loan. However, [Christian] did
not send money on a regular basis. All in all, he was able to send money in
the total amount of Php71,500.00 only, leaving the balance in the amount
of Php13,500.00. For which reason, she felt so embarrassed with Emelina
So because she could not pay the balance. She even pleaded to So not to
lodge a complaint to the barangay. Emelina So communicated to the
employer of [Christian] in Brunei about their debt to her.
Id. at 34.
6 The real name of the victim, her personal circumstances and other information which tend to establish
or compromise her identity, as welI as those of her immediate family, or household members, shall not
be disclosed to protect her privacy, and fictitious initial shall, instead, be used, in accordance with People
v. Cabalquinto, 533 Phil. 703 (2006), and Amended Administrative Circular No. 83-2015 dated
September 5, 2017.
Decision 3 G.R. No. 224946
employer and friends of[Christian], the latter is living with his paramour in
Brunei. She filed this case because she was extremely hurt and she
experienced emotional agony by the neglect and utter insensitivity that
[Christian] made her endure and suffer. 7
He used to send money to [AAA]. But it was the latter who told him
not to send money anymore. He also claimed that he was able to send the
total amount of Php71,000.00 to [AAA] in payment of their loan. He agreed
that the same is not enough to fully pay their loan in the total amount of
Php85,000.00. In their exchange of messages [on] Facebook, he and [AAA]
were talking about their debt, his alleged womanizing, and their separation.
In its Decision9 dated August 26, 2014, the RTC convicted Christian,
disposing as follows:
WHEREFORE, foregoing considered, the prosecution having
proven the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt, ACCUSED
CHRISTIAN A CHARON y PANTONIAL is hereby sentenced to suffer
the penalty ofimprisomnent with a term of two (2) years, four (4) months
and one day of prision correccional [as minimum,] to six ( 6) years and one
(1) day of prision mayor [as maximum] of his indeterminate sentence and a
FINE of One Hundred (sic) Pesos (Pl 00,000.00). The accused is further
sentenced to undergo mandatory psychological counseling under the
Rollo, pp. 64-65.
Id. at 65-66.
Id. at 62-69.
Decision 4 G.R. No. 224946
The reasons advanced by the RTC for adjudging Christian guilty were
his failure to maintain an open communication with his wife, his having a
paramour while he was in Brunei, and his neglect of his legal obligation to
extend financial suppmi. 11
Ruling of the CA
The Court grants the appeal. Christian is, as he should be, acquitted of
the charge.
"No less than the Constitution guarantees the right of every person
accused in a criminal prosecution to be informed of the nature and cause of
accusation against him." 14 The purpose of the law in having a right to be
infonned "is to enable the accused to suitably prepare his defense, as he is
Id. at 69.
Id. at 67.
12 Supra note 2.
Id. at 17.
14 Canceran v. People, 762 Phil. 558, 566 (2015).
Decision 5 G.R. No. 224946
In this case, the Information filed against Christian only alleged that he
"did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously cause mental or
emotional anguish, public ridicule or humiliation to his wife AAA, by
denying financial support to the said complainant." 17
It was error, therefore, for the RTC to have allowed the introduction of
evidence tending to establish, for instance, that Christian had a paramour
when he was in Brunei as this is an irrelevant issue in this case in light of its
absence in the Information. Needless to say, the RTC further erred in
appreciating these pieces of evidence in establishing his guilt.
Christian was charged, and later on convicted by the RTC and the CA,
under an Information that alleges a violation of Section 5(i) ofR.A. 9262, as
the Information accused him of "caus[ing] mental or emotional anguish,
public ridicule or humiliation to his wife AAA, by denying financial support."
Section 5(i) considers as "violence against women" those acts "[c]ausing
mental or emotional anguish, public ridicule or humiliation to the woman or
her child, including, but not limited to, repeated verbal and emotional abuse,
and denial of financial support or custody of minor children or denial of
access to the woman's child/children." 18 In Dinamling v. People, 19 the Court
laid down the elements to prove a violation of Section 5(i):
15 People v. Solar, G.R. No. 225595, August 6, 20 I 9, 912 SCRA 271, 3 I 0-311.
16 Canceran v. People, supra note 14, at 568.
17 Rollo, p. 34. Emphasis supplied.
18 Emphasis supplied.
19 76 I Phil. 356(2015).
Decision 6 G.R. No. 224946
Not all of the foregoing elements, however, are present in this case.
Specifically, the fourth element was not established beyond reasonable doubt.
The Court stresses that Section 5(i) ofR.A. 9262 uses the phrase "denial
of financial support" in defining the criminal act. The word "denial" is defined
as "refusal to satisfy a request or desire"22 or "the act of not allowing someone
to do or have something." 23 The foregoing definitions connote willfulness, or
an active exertion of effort so that one would not be able to have or do
something. This may be contrasted with the word "failure," defined as "the
fact of not doing something [one] should have done," 24 which in turn connotes
passivity. From the plain meaning of the words used, the act punished by
Section 5(i) is, therefore, dolo in nature - there must be a concurrence
between intent, freedom, and intelligence, 25 in order to consmnmate the crime.
20 Id. at 373.
21 People v. Garcia, 85 Phil. 651, 656 (I 950). Emphasis supplied.
22 "Denial," MERRIAM-WEBSTER DICTIONARY, accessed at <https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/
23 "Denial," CAMllRIDGE DICTIONARY, accessed at <https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english
24 "Failure," CAMBRIDGE DICTIONARY, accessed at <https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english
25 See Guevarra v. Almodovar, G.R. No. 75256, January 26, 1989, 169 SCRA 476, 481.
26 Concurring Opinion of Associate Justice Lazaro-Javier, p. 2; Separate Concurring Opinion of Associate
Justice M. Lopez, p. 2.
27 Separate Concurring Opinion of Associate Justice M. Lopez, p. 2.
28 Concurring Opinion of Associate Justice Lazaro-Javier, p. 3.
29 Separate Concurring Opinion of Associate Justice M. Lopez, p. 3.
Decision 7 G.R. No. 224946
This means that the mere failure or one's inability to provide financial
support is not sufficient to rise to the level of criminality under Section 5(i),
even if mental or emotional anguish is experienced by the woman. In other
words, even if the woman were to suffer mental or emotional anguish due to
the lack of financial support, but the accused merely failed or was unable to
so provide support, then criminal liability would not arise. A contrary
interpretation to the foregoing would result in absurd, if not outright
unconstitutional, consequences.
substantial distinction between the husband and the wife as regards their
responsibility to provide financial support to each other and the family.
Applying the foregoing discussion to the facts of the present case, the
Court finds that Christian is not guilty of violating Section 5(i) ofR.A. 9262
for the failure of the prosecution to establish the third and fourth elements of
the crime. The Court finds him innocent, for there is undenied evidence that
Christian tried, as he successfully did for a time, to provide financial support.
He testified under oath that he failed to continue providing support only when
his apartment in Brunei was razed by fire, and when he met a vehicular
accident there. There is also no dispute that he had already paid f'71,000.00
out of the f'85,000.000 of the debt that the spouses - not the husband alone
- were obligated to pay from their community property.
5(i) ofR.A. 9262. Again, to be convicted under Section 5(i), the evidence
must establish beyond reasonable doubt that the accused intended to
cause the victim mental or emotional anguish, or public ridicule or
humiliation through the denial of - not the mere failure or inability to
provide - financial support, which thereby resulted into psychological
violence. As the prosecution failed to establish that fact, i.e., willful refusal to
provide financial support, then Christian cannot be held guilty of violating
Section 5(i) ofR.A. 9262.
In fact, the Court has previously held that a person charged for violation
of Section 5(i) may, in the alternative, be convicted instead for violating
Section 5(e) by applying the variance doctrine.
826 Phil. I 77 (2018).
Id. at 186-187. Emphasis, underscoring, and italics supplied.
G.R. No. 232678, July 3, 2019, 907 SCRA 479.
Decision 11 G.R. No. 224946
It is thus relevant for the Court to now determine whether, like the
accused in Melgar, Christian may be held liable for a violation of Section 5(e)
of R.A. 9262 even if the Information filed was for violation of Section 5(i).
To this point, the Court finds that Christian cannot likewise be held guilty of
violating Section 5(e).
38 Id. at 494-495.
Decision i2 G.R. No. 224946
In this connection, the Court sees it fit to use this opportunity to clarify,
for the guidance of the bench and the Bar, the applicability of Section 5(e) of
R.A. 9262.
Emphasis supplied.
See R.A. 9262. Sec. 5(e).
Decision 17 G.R. No. 224946
15. Using his income for his individual interests while her
income is used to maintain the family collective interests;
16. "Giving" her all the "control" of the financial decision for
the family then criticizing her decisions and/or having
unrealistic understanding of what things cost;
46 See Angela Marie MacDougall, Economic Abuse and Violence Against Women - How Battered
Women's Support Services Take Action, BATTERED WOMEN'S SUPPORT SERVICES, accessed at
Decision 19 G.R. No. 224946
The Court sees the need to clarify, however, that for purposes of
determining the required specific intent to constitute a violation ofR.A. 9262,
it is the letter of Section 5 which governs. 47 Section 3(a) just provides the
context- the various kinds of violence that women in intimate relationships
are vulnerable to - in order to provide a full picture of what the punishable
acts under Section 5 seeks to protect women from.
See Separate Concurring Opinion of Senior Associate Justice Perlas-Bernabe, p. I 0.
Decision 20 G.R. No. 224946
(4) The offender committed any or all of the acts under the
third element for the purpose of controlling or restricting
the woman's or her child's movement or conduct.
Applying the foregoing to this case, the Court holds that Christian is
also not guilty of violating Section 5(e) ofR.A. 9262 due to the absence of the
third and fourth elements. There is no proof that he deliberately refused to
give support in order to control the behavior or actions of AAA. Neither was
there any allegation or proof that he prevented AAA from seeking gainful
employment or pursuing economic opportunities. The evidence in this case
simply established that he failed or was unable to provide :financial support
which, as discussed, is not enough to convict under the law.
From the above discussions, the Court clarifies that it now hereby
abandons Melgar and Reyes insofar as they hold that a person charged with a
violation of Section 5(i) of R.A. 9262 may be convicted of violating Section
5(e) by applying the variance doctrine. Based on the discussions in this
Decision, the portions of Sections 5(e) and 5(i) that deal with denial or
deprivation of financial support punish different things. Section 5(e) punishes
the deprivation of financial support for the purpose of controlling the woman
or to make her and/or her child or children lose their agency. Section 5(i), on
the other hand, punishes the will:fol infliction of mental or emotional
anguish, or public ridicule or humiliation upon the woman and/or her child
or children by denying her and/or her child or children :financial support that
is legally due her and/or her child or children. Thus, while the portions of
Sections 5( e) and 5(i) that deal with denial or deprivation of :financial support
may seem similar at first glance, they, in reality, deal with different matters
and penalize distinct acts. As the Court comes to the realization that the said
sections punish different things, the Court, therefore, abandons Melgar and
Reyes to the extent that they hold that the variance doctrine may be applied
for Sections 5(e) and 5(i) ofR.A. 9262.
Finally, the Court clarifies that in either case, whether the accused is
prosecuted under Section 5(e) or Section S(i), the mere failure to provide
:financial support is not enough. In other words, neither Section 5(e) nor 5(i)
can be construed to mean that mere failure or inability to provide support is
sufficient for a conviction. Those entitled to support and are not given any
have the remedy of filing a civil case for support against the delinquent person,
consistent with the provisions of the Civil Code and the Family Code. In order
Decision 21 G.R. No. 224946
The Court sees the need for this clarification, as R.A. 9262 was not
meant to make the partners of women criminals just because they fail or are
unable to financially provide for them. Certainly, courts cannot send
individuals to jail because of their mere inability - without malice or evil
intention - to provide for their respective families. In a developing country
like ours, where poverty and unemployment are especially rampant, courts
would inevitably find themselves incarcerating countless people, mostly
fathers, should the interpretation be that mere failure or inability to provide
financial support is enough to convict under Sections 5(e) and 5(i). As
Associate Justice Rodil V. Zalameda put it simply during the deliberations of
this case, "poverty is not a crime xx x [and] the failure or inability to provide
support, without more, should not be the cause of a man's incarceration."
Also, while R.A. 9262 was indeed enacted to protect women, it was not
meant to discount women's ability to provide for themselves, especially when
they are able-bodied. As Associate Justice Marvic M.V.F. Leonen explained
in his Concurring Opinion:
Given the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, the Court
herein proclaims the innocence of Christian from the charge.
Concurring Opinion of Associate Justice Leonen, pp. 2-3.
Decision 22 G.R. No. 224946
./4r"~. . .. 1 ' ~
,/ v Chief Justice
Associate Justice
Decision 23 G.R. No. 224946
Associate Justice
Associate Justice Associate Justice
A v ~ ~ G. ~ESMUNDO
r. t/ t'chief Justice
November 9, 2021
x--------------------------------------------------~~ ---x
8, 2004.
826 Phil. 177 (20 J 8).
See G.R. No. 232678, July 3, 2019.
Separate Concurring Opinion 2 G.R. No. 224496
See <https://www.who.int/health-topics/violence-against-women#taba:tab l> (November 9, 2021).
See "The psychological subtype of intimate partner violenee and its effeet on mental health: protocol for a
systematic review and meta-analysis," Sarah Dokkedahl, Robin Niels Kok, Siobhan Murphy, et al.
<https://systematicreviewsioumal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10. l l 86/s 13643-019-1118-1> (last accessed
November 9, 2021 ), citing "Glossary of definitions of rape, fernicide and intimate partner violence," the European
Institute for Gender Equality, p. 44.
Separate Concurring Opinion 3 G.R. No. 224496
communication with the intent to harm another person mentally or emotionally,
and/or to exert control over another person. 6
Section 3. De_finition a/Terms. -As used in this Act, (a) "Violence against
women and their children" refers to any act or a series of acts committed by any
person against a woman who is his wife, fonner wife, or against a woman with
whom the person has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or with whom he has a
c01mnon child, or against her child whether legitimate or illegitimate, within or
without the family abode, which result in or is likely to result in physical, sexual,
psychological harm or suffering, or economic abuse including threats of such
acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty. It
includes, but is not limited to, the following acts:
See https://www.atrainceu.com/content/3-types-intimate-partner-violence (last accessed November 9, 202 I).
https://pcw.gov.ph/vaw-faqs/ (last accessed November 9, 2021 ).
Section 2, RA 9262.
Separate Concurring Opinion 4 G.R. No. 224496
her child to do indecent acts and/or make films thereof, forcing the wife and
mistress/lover to live in the conjugal home or sleep together in the same
room with the abuser;
However, Section 5 of the same law list downs certain punishable acts which
are explicitly classified as "the crime of violence against women and their
(d) Placing the woman or her child in fear of imminent physical harm;
(g) Causing or attempting to cause the woman or her child to engage in any
sexual activity which does not constitute rape, by force or threat of force,
physical harm, or through intimidation directed against the woman or her
child or her/his immediate family;
Given the phraseology of these separate provisions in the same law, confusion
arises as to what RA 9262 deems as the punishable offense and related thereto, the
specific criminal intent that must be proven. As earlier intimated, the language of
Section 3 (a) and its subsections creates an impression that what RA 9262
criminalizes is the type of violence, i.e., physical, sexual, and psychological violence
and economic abuse. In fact, in some earlier cases, 10 the Court has held that the type
of violence under Section 3 (a) is the means employed by the perpetrator and that it
is the violence under the circumstances in RA 9262 that the law seeks to outlaw. In
my view, this perception that the types of violence are the means of commission is
not completely accurate. Rather, as will be expounded below, the types of violence
should be deemed as the resulting effect/s to the victim, while the acts enumerated
under Section 5 of the same law should be considered as the punishable offenses
A meticulous scrutiny of the entire law would show that while RA 9262
mentions the different types ofvioience against the woman and their children under
Section 3 (a) and refers to them as "acts," what it ultimately criminalizes is the
"violence against women and their children" committed through the
enumerated acts under Section 5. In particular, Section 5 of RA 9262 should be
read in relation to Section 6 of RA 9262 which provides for the penalties relative
to the acts stated in Section 5 (and not Section 3 [al), viz.:
'° See Araza v. People, G.R. No. 247429, September 8, 2020; AAA v. BBB, 823 Phil. 607(2018); and Dinamling v.
People, 761 Phil. 356 (20 I 5).
Separate Concurring Opinion 7 G.R. No. 224496
(f) Acts falling under Section 5(h) and Section 5(i) shall be pnnished
by prision mayor.
To my mind, the fact that (1) penalties are made relative to the acts listed in
Section 5 and not to the types of violence under Section 3 (a) of RA 9262; and the
fact that (2) Section 5 explicitly states that "[t]he crime of violence against women
and their children is committed through any of the following acts" confirms the
position that the types of violence stated in Section 3 (a) are not the means by which
the crime is committed nor the acts that are penalized.
This therefore begs the question - what now is the significance ofthe types of
violence listed in Section 3 (a) of RA 9262 when it comes to the prosecution of the
crime of violence against women and their children?
The way that the law is framed, and the placement of the provisions provide
us guidance on how to treat Section 3 (a) in relation to Section 5 of RA 9262. As
designed, the law first provides for the definition of "violence against women and
their children"; this term is then classified in types of violence, i.e., physical,
sexual, psychological, and economic, which are found in Section 3 (a)'s four
subsections, i.e., "physical violence" in subsection A, "sexual violence" in
subsection B, "psychological violence" in subsection C, and "economic abuse" in
subsection D. While it is odd that the types of violence are referred to in said
subsections as "acts," Section 3 (a) itself states that the term "violence against
women and their children" are acts "which result in or is likely to result in
physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or economic abuse."
The defined term "violence against women and their children" in Section
3 (a) would then appear in Section 5, which states in its preliminary sentence that
"SECTION 5. Acts of Violence Against Women and Their Children. -The crime
of violence against women and their children is committed through any of the
Separate Concurring Opinion 8 G.R. No. 224496
following acts: xx x." As earlier discussed, the usage of the word "crime" in Section
5 vis-a-vis the term "violence against women and their children" in Section 3 (a),
among others, leads to the conclusion that the specific acts listed in Section 5 are the
punishable offenses; on the other hand, "violence against women and children"
under Section 3 (a) is more of a general characterization of the underlying nature of
the crime; in turn, the four types of violence are further variations of the nature of
violence that the woman or her child experiences. By virtue of an act committed
under Section 5, the woman or her child is indeed violated, and the violence
experienced by her and/or her child may either (albeit not exclusively) be
physical, sexual, psychological, or economic. Thus, to reconcile and to avoid
confusion between Section 3 (a) and Section 5, it is therefore submitted that the
types of violence under the former provision should be deemed as the resulting
effect/s on the woman and her child, which spring from the acts committed in
Section 5.
Overall, I reckon that Section 3 (a) and its four subsections only provide for a
comprehensive definition of violence against women and children, which is a by-
product of the specific acts mentioned in Section 5. Ostensibly, the intent of the
law in providing for the four (4) types of violence against women and their
children is not to establish them as the actual offenses per se but rather to create
a comprehensive concept of violence that sweeps across physical, sexual,
psychological or economic facets, which the women or her child may experience.
This intent squares with the animating policy of the law which is to protect women
and their children from all forms of discrimination and abuse in line with the State's
international commitments.
the types of violence under Section 3 ( a) are the resultant effects on the part of the
woman or her child, it is thus imprecise to say that the prosecution must show, by
proof beyond reasonable doubt, that the accused had the intent to inflict for example
psychological violence to the woman. Psychological violence, as well as the other
forms of violence under Section 3 (a), are descriptive of the violence experienced by
the woman or her child; the type of violence is more on the effect to the recipient
of violence, rather than the underlying intent of the criminal actor. The accused
may perform one Section 5 act, but the resulting violence on the part of the woman
may be multi-faceted; the accused may also perform a series of Section 5 acts, and
the interplay between these acts, may result into several forms of violence.
For instance, when an accused deprives a woman and her child of financial
support, the woman may either experience economic abuse or psychological
violence. Economic abuse is experienced when the woman or her child becomes
financially dependent; meanwhile, that same act may also cause psychological
violence, considering that deprivation of financial support may be the chosen avenue
for intimidation, harassment, or even ridicule which thereby causes mental or
emotional suffering. It is also common that in a scenario where there is deprivation
of support, other acts of abuse may occur. Verbal and physical abuse are unfortunate
occurrences in situations of domestic violence. The complexity and even cyclical
nature of domestic violence may permeate into various tragic experiences in the
household and thus, result into different effects on the part of the woman and her
child. This is also probably why Section 3 (a), while listing four types of violence,
recognizes that these types are not exclusive as evinced by the qualifier "it includes,
but is not limited to, the following xx x." The phrase "includes, but is not limited
to" recurs even in other portions of the law. This therefore shows that while RA 9262
attempts to characterize certain forms of violence, ultimately these types are mere
estimations of the common forms of violence; what remains important is to
understand that the law is comprehensive enough to cover all forms of abuse
against the woman and her child.
Therefore, since the types of violence are neither exclusive to a Section 5 act
nor are the means/punishable offenses themselves, it is but proper to situate intent
on the acts mentioned in Section 5 of RA 9262. These acts relate to purposes that
are in the nature of specific intent, and due to the mala in se nature of the offense,
must underlie the commission of the act sough to be punished. As case law instructs,
"in acts mala in se, the intent governs; but in acts mala prohibita, the only inquiry
is, has the law been violated?" 12 "[T]here may be mala in se crimes under special
laws, [as in this case]." 13 "The [prevailing] approach to distinguish between mala in
se and mala prohibita crimes is the determination of the inherent immorality or
vileness of the penalized act. If the punishable act or omission is immoral in itself,
then it is a crime mala in sex x x." 14
In this case, petitioner was charged for deprivation of financial support to his
wife, AAA, in violation of Section 5 (i) of RA 9262, which reads:
Ponenda, p. 16.
Dungo v. People, 762 Phil. 630, 658(2015).
13 Id.
Id. at 659.
People v. Delim, 444 Phil. 430, 448 (2003).
Recuerdo v. People, 526 Phil. 460,475 (2006).
Separate Concurring Opinion 11 G.R. No. 224496
Thus, the prosecution must prove that the accused, by depriving AAA, his
wife, of financial support, intended to cause her mental or emotional anguish,
public ridicule or humiliation, which thereby resulted into psychological violence.
The ponencia adopts this essential distinction between the result, i.e., the
type of violence under Section 3 (a), and the acts with the specific intent mentioned
under Section 5 of RA 9262, by stating that "to be convicted under Section 5(i) [for
instance], the evidence must establish beyond reasonable doubt that the accused
intended to cause the victim mental or emotional anguish, or public ridicule or
humiliation through the denial of - not the mere failure or inability to provide
-financial support, which thereby resulted into psychological violence." 17 With
this, it correctly frames the specific intent not relative to the form of violence alleged
to have resulted, but rather to the acts stated in Section 5.
The foregoing approach also has an impact on the application of the variance
doctrine. The acts found in Section 5 - and not the types of violence under Section
3 (a) - should be determinative of variance, i.e., what offense is charged and what
offense could the accused be convicted. The type of violence under Section 3 (a)
should not be applied in detennining variance since the same is not, after all, the
punishable offense, which as mentioned, is found in Section 5.
The foregoing notwithstanding, I deem it apt to point out that the ponencia
still cites the old fonnulation of the elements of violation of Section 5 (i) of RA 9262
found in Dinamling v. People 18 (Dinamling). However, in my view, Dinamling
inaccurately phrases the third element of said violation as follows:
From the aforequoted Section 5(i), in relation to other sections of RA No. 9262, the
elements of the crime are derived as follows:
(2) The woman is either the wife or fonner wife of the offender, or
is a woman with whom the offender has or had a sexual or dating
relationship, or is a woman with whom such offender has a common
child. As for the woman's child or children, they may be legitimate
or illegitimate, or living within or without the family abode;
Ponencia, pp. 8-9.
18 761 Phil. 356(2015).
Id. at 373.
Separate Concurring Opinion 12 G.R. No. 224496
(2) The woman is either the wife or fonner wife of the accused, or is a woman with
whom the accused has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or is a woman with
whom such accused has a common child. As for the woman's child or children,
they may be legitimate or illegitimate, or living within or without the family abode;
(3) The accused commits any of the acts listed under Section 5 of RA 9262;
(4) The said act was committed with the specific intent relative to the offense listed
under Section 5 of RA 9262 for which the accused is duly charged; and
(5) The commission of the said act results into physical, sexual, or psychological
violence, or economic abuse or other form of violence against women and their
children as described under Section 3 (a) of RA 9262 on the part of the victim/s.
Senior Associate Justice
November 9, 2021
Article II, Section 14 of the Constitution requires that the State be active in
ensuring gender equality. This provision is even more noticeably proactive
than the more widely-invoked equal protection and due process clauses
under the Bill of Rights. In Racho v. Tanaka, this Court observed:
Societal norms and traditions dictate people to think men are the leaders,
pursuers, providers, and take on dominant roles in society while women
are nurturers, men's companions and supporters, and take on subordinate
roles in society. This perception leads to men gaining more power over
women. With power comes the need to control to retain that power. And
[violence against women] is a form of men's expression of controlling
women to retain power. 8 (Citation omitted)
In the past, women were forced to stay home and were not allowed to
pursue education and employment. However, recent statistics show that
society appears to have improved in this regard:
Garcia v. Drilon, 712 Phil. 44, 91-92 (2013) [Per J. Perlas-Bernabe. En Banc].
Concurring Opinion 3 G.R. No. 224946
On the labor front, the Philippine labor force (15 years old and
above) numbered 40,426,000 in 2012 (64.2% of the population), 61% of
whom were males and 39% of whom were females. The labor force
participation rate ("LFPR") of females increased significantly from 30.6%
in 1970 to 50% in 2012. While the LFPR took a downward trend in 2013,
from 64.2% to 63.9%, the decrease was more pronounced among the male
labor workforce.
Yet even though women make up a large portion of the work force,
they are still somehow expected to take primary responsibility for childcare
and the management of the home. Professor E. (Leo) D. Battad observed:
There is also the idea that only certain professions are suitable for
women and vice versa:
E. (Leo) D. Battad, Review, The Continuing Narrative of the Economic Emancipation of Filipino
Working Women, 88 PHIL. L. J. 601, 60H502 (2014).
Concurring Opinion 4 G.R. No. 224946
"men's work." This practice, in effect, limits the worker's choices and
access to employment opportunities.
Even the courts are not immune to prejudices and biases against
women. 12 In Maxey v. Court of Appeals, 13 this Court, despite its intent to
uphold a woman's prope1iy rights, perpetuated the traditional gender role of
wives as the spouse who manages the affairs of the household. 14 This Court
stated that "[t]he major, if not the full[,] responsibility of running the
household remains with the woman. She is the administrator of the
household." 15
12 Id.
214 Phil. 160 (1984) [Per J. Gutierrez, Jr., First Division].
14 Id.
1, Id.
See Garcia v. Drilon, 7l2 Phil. 44 (2013) [Per J. Perlas-Bernabe, En Banc] citing Benancillo v: Amila,
660 Phil. 286 (2011) [Per .J. Del Castillo, First Division].
People v. Amarela, G.R. Nos. 225642-43, January 17, 2018, 852 SCRA 54 [Per J. Mai1ires, Third
Division], citing People v. Gan, 150-B Phil. 593 (1972) [Per J. Antonio, First Division]; People v.
Sarmiento, 183 Phil. 499 (1979) [Per CJ. Fernando, Second Division]; People v. Gamez, 209 Phil. 209
(1983) [Per J. Gutierrez, Jr., First Division]; People v Quidil/a, 248 Phil. 1005 (1988) [Per Regalado,
Second Division]; People v. Fabro, 269 Phil. 409 (1990) [Per J. Melencio-Herrera, Second Division],
citing People v Sambangan, 211 Phil. 72 (1983) [Per J. Concepcion, Second Division]; People v.
Patilan, 274 Phil. 634 (1991) [Per J. Davide, Jr.• Third Division], citing People v. Rami/o, 230 Phil.
342 (1986) [Per J. Gutierrez, Jr., Second Division]; People v. Esquila, 324 Phil. 366 (1996) [Per J.
Melo, Third Division]; People v. Manahan, 374 Phil. 77 (1999) [Per J. Bellosillo, En Banc]; People v.
Dreu, 389 Phil. 429 (2000) [Per J. Mendoza, Second Division], citing People v. Barcelona, 382 Phil.
46 (2000) [Per J. Mendoza, Second Division]; People v. Durano, 548 Phil. 383 (2007) [Per J. Ynares-
Santiago, Third Division], citing People v Domingo, 297 Phil. 167 (1993) [Per J. Regalado, Second
Division]; and People v. Madsali, 625 Phil. 43 l (2010) [Per J. Peralta, Third Division]. citing People v.
Loyola, 404 Phil. 71 (2001) [Per J. Pardo, First Division].
1, ld.
Concurring Opinion 5 G.R. No. 224946
Hence, Republic Act No. 9262 has been upheld as a valid law
meant to address this historical and societal problem.
Perez v. People, 830 Phil. 162 (2018) [Per J. Leanen, Third Division].
G.R. No. 214326, July 6, 2020, <https://elibrary.judiciary.gov.ph/thebookshelf/showdocs/1/66520>
[Per J. Leon en, Third Division].
z2 Id.
'' Id.
Estacio v. Estacio, G.R. No.211851, September 16, 2020 [Per J. Leanen, Third Division].
Id. citing Garcia v. Drilon, 712 Phil. 44, 85 (2013) [Per J. Perlas-Bernabe, En Banc].
G.R. No. 211851, September 16, 2020,
<https://elibrary.judiciary.gov.ph/thebookshelfJshowdocs/1/66987> [Per J. Leanen, Third Division].
Concurring Opinion 6 G.R. No. 224946
Garciav. Drilon, 712 Phil. 44 (2013) [Per J. Perlas-Bernabe, En Banc].
Alanis III v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 216425, November 11, 2020,
<https://elibrary.judiciary.gov.ph/thebookshelf/showdocs/1/66846> [Per J. Leonen, Third Division],
citing J. Leonen, Concurring Opinion in Re: Untian, Jr., A.C. No. 5900 (Resolution), April I 0. 2019,
<https://elibrary.judiciary.gov. ph/thcbooksheltYshowdocs/ I/65162> [Per J. A. Reyes, Jr., En BancJ.
733 Phil. 102 (2014) [Per J. Reyes, First Division].
32 Id.
Alanis Ill v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 216425, November 11, 2020,
<https://elibrary.judiciary.gov.ph/thebookshelf/showdocs/1/66846> [Per J. Leanen. Third Division].
Concurring Opinion 7 G.R. No. 224946
Laws such as Republic Act No. 9262 are intended to negate the
patriarchy in our culture, 39 not to bolster it. In safeguarding the interests of
women as a discriminated class, we must be careful not to perpetuate the
very prejudices and biases that contribute to their discrimination.
Societal norms and traditions dictate people to think that men are
leaders, pursuers, providers, and take on dominant roles in society while
women are nurturers, men's companions and supporters, and take on
subordinate roles in society. 42 If Sections 5(e) and 5(i) of Republic Act No.
9262 are interpreted to mean that the accused man's failure or inability to
provide financial automatically entails criminal liability, then this depiction
will be reinforced rather than corrected. This confirms the false idea that
women are incapable of supporting themselves and their families. Applied
correctly, Sections 5(e) and 5(i) of Republic Act No. 9262 should not result
in the over-patronage of women.
Truth be told, our law cruelly defines the normal. 49 This Court has
started to take steps to address this where possible. In a concun-ing opinion
from Republic v. Manalo, 50 we have acknowledged that couples of all
genders may constitute loving families:
FAMILY CODE, art. 68.
Perezv. People, 830 Phil. 162 (2018) [Per J. Leonen, Third Division].
J. Leonen, Concun-ing Opinion in Garcia v. Drilon, 712 Phil. 44 (2013) [Per J. Perlas-Bernabe, En
Falcis !If v. Civil Registrar General, GR. No. 217910, September 3, 2019
<https://elibrary.judiciary.gov.ph/thebookshelf/showdocs/1/65744> [Per J. Leenen, En Banc].
J. Leonen, Concurring Opinion in Republic v. Manalo, GR. No. 221029, April 24, 2018, 862 SCRA
580 (2018) [Per C.J. Peralta, En Banc].
50 Id.
Concurring Opinion 9 G.R. No. 224946
In other words, words that describe when we love or are loved will
always be different for each couple. It is that which we should understand:
intimacies that form the core of our beings should be as free as possible,
bound not by social expectations but by the care and love each person can
bring. 51
In the absence of a law on the matter, the Court will not dictate on
respondent concerning a matter so innately private as one's sexuality and
lifestyle preferences, much less on whether or not to undergo medical
treatment to reverse the male tendency due to CAH. The Court will not
consider respondent as having erred in not choosing to undergo treatment
in order to become or remain as a female. Neither will the Court force
respondent to undergo treatment and to take medication in order to fit the
mold of a female, as society commonly currently !mows this gender of the
human species. Respondent is the one who has to live with his intersex
anatomy. To him belongs the human right to the pursuit of happiness and
of health. Thus, to him should belong the primordial choice of what
courses of action to tal(e along the path of his sexual development and
maturation. In the absence of evidence that respondent is an
"incompetent" and in the absence of evidence to show that classifying
respondent as a male will hann other members of society who are equally
entitled to protection under the law, the Court affirms as valid and justified
the respondent's position and his personal judgment of being a male.
Id. at 632.
Republic v. Cagandahan, 586 Phil. 637 (2008) [Per J. Quisumbing, Second Division].
Id. at 65 1-652.
A.M. No. 21-11-25-SC, February 15, 2022, <https://sc.judiciary.gov.ph/24882/>.
Concurring Opinion 10 G.R. No. 224946
binary genders, but indisputably influence the perspectives of the judges and
litigants alike." 55
-~ Associate Justice
November 9 2021
x--------------------------------------------- c~~-------x
I agree for the most part with the ponencia of the learned Justice Alfredo
Benjamin S.Caguioa. I also thank him for graciously accommodating some of my
views in this case, especially the relevance of the civil law on support in determining
liability for violation of Section 5 (i) of Republic Act No. 9262 (RA 9262). I,
nonetheless, advance the following viewpoints with the hope of providing an
analytical framework for the judges of the Family Courts and designated Family
Courts to work with.
We start every analysis with the basic elements of the subject crime. We
organize our thought process according to the established categories of actus reus
and where applicable mens rea. Here, both are applicable and will be discussed to
arrive at a reasoned disposition.
Concurring Opinion 2 G.R. No. 224946
Her point of view is doubtless correct. With due respect, however, her
formulation is not the entirety of the elements of Section 5 (i). She is correct that
mental or emotional anguish is an integral part of the criminal state of mind
(i.e., the mens rea) in the definition of Section 5 (i).
The crimes defined in Section 5 (e) and Section 5 (i) of RA 9262 are crimes
punished by a special law. But these crimes are not malum prohibitum just because
they are offenses defined and punished by a special law. These crimes require as an
element the presence of mens rea.
I digress a bit to quote the renowned Justice Regalado who abhorred this
classification of crimes into mala in se and ma/um prohibitum, which I passionately
shared in one2 of my opinions:
4. Nor should we hold a "judicial prejudice" from the fact that the two forms
of illegal possession of firearms in Presidential Decree No. 1866 are mala
prohibita. On this score, I believe it is time to disabuse our minds of some
It was from hombook lore that we absorbed the distinctions given by text
writers, claiming that: (I) mala in se require criminal intent on the part of the
offender; in mala prohibita, the mere commission of the prohibited act, regardless
of intent, is sufficient; and (2) mala in se refer to felonies in the Revised Penal
Code, while mala prohibita are offenses punished under special laws.
The first distinction is still substantially correct, but the second is not
accurate. In fact, even in the Revised Penal Code there are felonies which are
actually and essentially mala prohibita. To illustrate, in time ofwa.r, and regardless
of his intent, a person who shall have correspondence with a hostile country or
territory occupied by enemy troops shall be punished therefor. An accountable
public officer who voluntarily fails to issue the required receipt for any sum of
money officially collected by him, regardless of his intent, is liable for illegal
exaction. Unauthorized possession of picklocks or similar tools, regardless of the
possessor's intent, is punishable as such illegal possession. These are felonies
under the Revised Penal Code but criminal intent is not required therein.
On the other hand, I need not mention anymore that there are now in our
statutes so many offenses punished under special laws but wherein criminal
intent is required as an element, and which offenses are accordingly mala in se
although they are not felonies provided for in the Code. 3
As early as the twelfth century, however, in large part through the influence
of the canon law, it was established that there must also be a mental element
combined with the prohibited act to constitute a crime. That is to say that an
accused must have meant or intended to commit the prohibited act. The physical
act and the mental element which together constitute a crime came to be known as
the actus reus denoting the act, and the mens rea for the mental element.
Violations of Section 5 (e) and Section 5 (i) have the requisite actus reus and
mens rea elements. In deciding the merits of a criminal case, the analysis should
always start from and refer to these elements and not from anywhere or to anything
The following excerpt from Valenzuela v. People, G.R. No. 160188, June 21,
2007, supplies the rationale for this starting point of every criminal case analysis:
The long-standing Latin maxim "actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea"
supplies an important characteristic of a crime, that "ordinarily, evil intent must
unite with an unlawful act for there to be a crime," and accordingly, there can
It is from the actus reus and the mens rea, as they find expression in the
criminal statute, that the felony is produced. As a postulate in the craftsmanship
of constitutionally sound laws, it is extremely preferable that the language of
the law expressly provide when the felony is produced. Without such provision,
disputes would inevitably ensue on the elemental question whether or not a crime
was committed, thereby presaging the undesirable and legally dubious set-up under
which the judiciary is assigned the legislative role of defining crimes. Fortunately,
our Revised Penal Code does not suffer from such infirmity. From the statutory
definition of any felony, a decisive passage or term is embedded which attests
when the felony is produced by the acts of execution. For example, the statutory
definition of murder or homicide expressly uses the phrase "shall kill another," thus
making it clear that the felony is produced by the death of the victim, and
conversely, it is not produced if the victim survives.
Actus reus is the act (or sometimes an omission or state of affairs) indicated
in the definition of the offense charged together with (1) any consequences of that
conduct which are indicated by that definition; and (2) any surrounding
circumstances so indicated (other than references to the mens rea or element of
negligence required on the part of the defendant, or to any defense). 4
But mens rea, properly understood, does not encompass all of the mental
elements of a crime. As stated, the actus reus has its own mental element; the act
must be the voluntary act of an accused for the actus reus to exist.
Mens rea, on the other hand, refers to the guilty mind, the wrongful
intention, of an accused. Its function in criminal law is to prevent the conviction of
4 Criminal Law (Volume 25 (2020), paras 1-552; Volume 26 (2020), paras 553-1014) I Commentary at
https://www.lexisnexis.co. uk/legal/commentary/halsburys-laws-of-england/crim inal-Iaw/the-actus-reus.
Concurring Opinion 5 G.R. No. 224946
the morally innocent- those who do not understand or intend the consequences
of their acts.
The prosecution always bears the burden of proving the actus reus, the
mental element of voluntariness of the actus reus, and the mens rea mental
element. Therefore, in certain situations, a person who committed a prohibited
physical act still could not be found guilty. A number of examples come to mind.
The result would be the same in the case of an accused who had an unexpected
reaction to medication which rendered this person totally unaware of the latter's
actions. Similarly, if an accused, during an epileptic seizure, with no knowledge of
what this person was doing, shot and killed a victim, this accused could not be
found guilty of killing since both the ability to act voluntarily and the mental
element of the intention to kill were absent.
In all these instances, though the accused committed the actus reus, the latter
simply could not have formed the requisite mental elements of voluntariness in
the performance of the prohibited act or omission and intention to commit the
prohibited act.
The statutory definition generally furnishes the elements of each crime and
the elements in tum unravel the particular requisite acts of execution and
accompanying criminal intent. 5
Concurring Opinion 6 G.R. No. 224946
SECTION 5. Acts of Violence Against Women and Their Children. -The crime
of violence against women and their children is committed through any of the
following acts ....
(a) "Violence against women and their children" refers to any act or a series of acts
committed by any person against a woman who is his wife, former wife, or
against a woman with whom the person has or had a sexual or dating
relationship, or with whom he has a common child, or against her child whether
legitimate or illegitimate, within or without the family abode, which result in or is
likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or economic
abuse including threats of such acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment or
arbitrary deprivation of liberty. It includes, but is not limited to, the following
acts ...
From this definition, the actus reus of this offense consists of the -
(i) relationship between an accused and offended parties, that is, a woman with
whom the person has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or with whom he
has a common child, or against her child whether legitimate or illegitimate,
within or without the family abode.
(ii) denial of financial support to those entitled to receive financial support and to
whom an accused is obliged to give financial support.
Concurring Opinion 7 G.R. No. 224946
(i) relationship between an accused and offended parties, that is, a woman with
whom the person has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or with whom he
has a common child, or against her child whether legitimate or illegitimate,
within or without the family abode.
For purposes of establishing the actus reus, no other mental element than
voluntariness has to be proved.
(ii) denial of financial support to those entitled to receive financial support and to
whom an accused is obliged to give financial support.
This actus reus has two components: (a) an act and (b) a consequence.
(a) whether the act component of the actus reus of denial of financial support refers to
the denial of full or partial financial support.
(b) whether the actus reus of denial of financial support has really a consequence
component, that is, the act of denial of support should result in the absence or
inadequacy of financial support to those entitled to be supported, that is, the financial
support to the woman and/or the children would be absent or at least insufficient as
a result of the accused's denial of support.
Concurring Opinion 9 G.R. No. 224946
As already mentioned above, this actus reus has both an act and consequence
components. The act of denial of support must have the consequence of depriving
the woman and/or their children in whole or in part of the needed support as the
woman is unable to compensate for the accused's denied support.
Therefore, if the woman is able to provide the needed support for herself
and/or their children, and the accused's denial of support has no prejudicial
impact upon the obligees' support, then there is no violation of Section 5 (i) of RA
9262, even if the woman is mentally or emotionally anguished by the accused's
apparent finagling of the woman in terms of not sharing in the support obligations.
The rationale for the consequence component of this actus reus is the policy
behind RA 9262.
Section 2 states that the statute is designed to value the dignity of women
and children, to guarantee full respect for their human rights, to recognize the
need to protect women and children from violence and threats to their personal
safety and security.
This is because, if the woman and the children are financially secure despite
the accused's denial of financial support, there is no impairment of their dignity or
violation of their human rights or their personal security. The woman's remedy
in this instance is not under RA 9262 but under the civil laws on support as well
as her access to and liquidation and dissolution of their property relations if any.
Another rationale is that the legal obligation to give financial support entails
the concurrence of the capacity to provide financial support and the need to be
supported. If there is no legal obligation to give financial support, the act of
denying financial support cannot be a criminal act because there is no legal
compulsion to extend financial support.
This actus reus of denial of support has two mental elements - the
voluntary mental element of the actus reus and the mens rea mental element.
As regards the voluntariness of the act, this means the prosecution has to
establish that the accused was not forced to deny financial support due to lack of
resources, other legal obligations and other circumstances beyond the accused's
control or discretion preventing the accused from providing financial support.
Concurring Opinion 10 G.R. No. 224946
This actus reus is an objective element. This is determined by the civil laws
on support. Neither an accused nor a complainant can determine for themselves
who is entitled to support and who is obliged to give support. The civil laws provide
the answer. Accordingly, the legal obligation to provide support requires the
concurrence of an accused's capacity to provide support and an obligee' s need for
If the complainants testify to this effect, they have established halfway this
actus reus. The other half is determined by the credibility of this claim that must
then be examined on the totality of the evidence in the case.
Concurring Opinion 11 G.R. No. 224946
If the complainants testify to this effect, they have established halfway this
actus reus. The other half is determined by the credibility of this claim that must
then be examined on the totality of the evidence in the case.
Causation need not exist as a fact but there must at least be the likelihood or
probability of this causation according to the perspective of reasonable persons in
the situation of the woman and/or her children.
The causal relationship required by the law is that the mental or emotional
anguish need not only be factual or consummated by the accused's denial of
support but also be likely or probable to happen as a result of the denial of
financial support.
Notably, the actus reus of denial of financial support has both act and
consequence components. The emotional or mental anguish must be caused by the
ultimate consequence of the denial of financial support, which is the absence or
inadequacy of support that cannot be compensated by the woman's own
resources. This connection among these components of the actus reus may be
illustrated as follows:
There is a mental element to this actus reus but this is found in the mens rea
element of Section 5 (i) - the accused's intention and purpose to inflict such
mental or emotional anguish upon the woman and/or their children or the willful
blindness or recklessness of the accused's conduct in not recognizing that the act
of denying financial support would probably or likely cause such mental or
emotional anguish on their part.
Concurring Opinion 12 G.R. No. 224946
(i) the specific intent of an accused to deny financial support to the obligees of
support, which requires as stated the mental element of voluntary
performance of this act and the intention, purpose and knowledge to do so.
(iii) the specific intent to cause or to likely cause the obligees' mental or
emotional anguish due to the accused's denial of financial support and
its consequence of absence or inadequacy of financial support.
Note that the third specific intent requirement of to cause likely is found
textually in Section 3 (a) (C) of RA 9262 and not in the text of Section 5 (i). But
since Section 5 (i) must be read in relation to Section 3 (a) (C), this specific intent
is deemed written into the statutory definition of the crime under Section 5 (i).
He pleaded not guilty to the charge and trial ensued. According to the trial
court, after he left for Brunei to work as an overseas worker, he maintained another
romantic non-marital relationship while not being emotionally separated from his
spouse. The latter is the sole complainant in this criminal case as she and accused
had no children. In Brunei, he lived together with the woman. He also failed to pay
the amount he and his spouse had borrowed to settle his placement fee. As
recounted by the trial court:
However, the accused did not send money on a regular basis. All in all,
he was able to send money in the total amount of P71,500.00 only, leaving the
balance in the amount of 1"13,500.00. For which reason, she felt so embarrassed
with [their creditor] because she could not pay the balance. She even pleaded
to [their creditor] not to lodge a complaint to the barangay. [Their creditor]
commw1icated to the employer of the accused in Brunei about their debt to her.
On cross, she stated that when the accused left in December 2011, she [was]
jobless. Presently, she is gainfully employed. She lost communication with the
accused since January 2012. According to the employer and friends of the accused,
the latter is living with his paramour in Brunei. She filed this case because she was
extremely hurt and she experience emotional agony by the neglect and utter
insensitivity that the accused made her endure and suffer.
He further recalled:
He used to send money to the private complainant. But it was the latter
who told him not to send money anymore. He also claimed that he was able to
send the total amount of !"71,000.00 to the private complainant in payment of their
loan. He agreed that the same is not enough to fully pay their loan in the total
amoW1t of l"85,000.00.
The prosecution failed to prove at all the requisite actus reus and necessarily
mens rea of Section 5 (i).
(i) relationship between an accused and offended parties, that is, a woman with
whom the person has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or with whom he
Concurring Opinion 14 G.R. No. 224946
(i) denial of financial support to those entitled to receive financial support and to
· whom an accused is obliged to give financial support.
(b) there was no demand from his spouse to provide support; if there was no
demand to give support, it cannot be said that he was deliberately withholding or
in short denying financial support.
His spouse also did not suffer absent or inadequate support. She was
gainfully employed as she had admitted. She also did not demand support at all.
All she wanted was for him to pay his debt to their godmother.
While complainant suffered emotional or mental anguish, this was not the
result of any denial of financial support (which did not happen anyway) or the
absence or inadequacy of financial support (which did not occur too).
Rather, the emotional or mental anguish was due to the alleged other
relationship of accused-petitioner. This cause of the mental or emotional anguish,
however, was not the mode of psychological violence alleged in the Information.
Concurring Opinion 15 G.R. No. 224946
It should not and could not have been, therefore, the proof-focus of the prosecution
evidence against him. This allegation, though harrowing to complainant, is not the
cause of the accusation, hence, it is irrelevant and inadmissible in this case.
Since the actus reus of the crime charged was not proved at all, any
discussion on its mens rea element is totally unnecessary. The reason is that there
is no prohibited act, state of affairs, and consequence to which the relevant mens
rea could attach.
RA 9262 does not criminalize the mere omission to pay support or solely
the non-provision of support. The matter of support as an item of the actus reus
appears only in Section 5 (i) in relation to Section 3 (a) (C) and Section 5 (e) (2). In
both these provisions, lack of support or provision of inadequate support is
criminal only if the other components of the statutorily defined actus reus and
mens rea are present.
In particular, I agree with Justice Caguioa that Melgar v. People, G.R. No.
223477, February 14, 2018, imprecisely held that Section 5 (i) necessarily includes
Section 5 (e) (2) and that this actus reus can be the sole basis for a conviction under
Section 5 (e) (2).
Justice Caguioa also correctly recommended abandoning this case law and
Reyes v. People, G.R. No. 232678, July 3, 2019, which affirmed Melgar.
Section 5 (e) (2) is not necessarily included in Section 5 (i) because the
element of the former is not only denial of financial support.
Without exhaustively canvassing the elements of Section 5 (e) (2), the actus
reus includes the overarching prohibited consequence of controlling or
restricting, attempting to control or restrict, or threatening to control or restrict,
the woman's or her child's movement or conduct. This is not an element of Section
5 (i) and is a distinctive element of the crime loosely termed economic abuse.
Further, the mens rea of Section 5 ( e) (2) includes the specific intent to bring
about or cause - the intentional, purposeful and knowing bringing about or
causing of - the overarching prohibited consequence. This specific intent is not
present in Section 5 (i) and is a distinctive element of Section 5 ( e) (2).
Concurring Opinion 16 G.R. No. 224946
The cause of accusation for Section 5 (e) (2) crime is different from the
cause of accusation under Section 5 (i). Each of these elements must be alleged in
the Information and proven beyond a reasonable doubt to obtain a conviction.
I agree with the good Senior Associate Justice that Section 3 (a) has a bearing
upon the meaning of the particular criminal provision in RA 9262, Section 5. I
myself refer to Section 3 (a) to identify the act and consequence and the mental
elements of Section 5. The Supreme Court has in fact done so countless times prior.
I respectfully suggest, however, that Section 3 (a) is not just about the effects
of the acts mentioned in Section 5 upon the woman and/or her children. 6
Section 3 (a) is far more comprehensive than what the good Senior Associate
Justice proffers. Please consider the following:
Section 5 (i) requires the mens rea of the specific intent to cause mental or
emotional anguish. It is a specific intent because the mere voluntary performance
or omission of denial of financial support does not automatically result in the
actus reus of mental or emotional anguish. The latter effect must be specifically
willed or intended.
But Section 3 (a) (C) adds another dimension of actus reus and mens rea ~
likely to cause mental or emotional anguish.
6 The learned Senior Associate Justice opined during the deliberation that "[a]ccordingly, the Court would do well to
clarify the perception in some earlier cases wherein the types of violence under Section 3 (a) of RA 9262 as
means/punishable offenses. At the risk of belaboring the point, these types of violence are only descriptive of the
effects on the woman and her child which result from the specific acts committed by the accused listed in
Section 5 of RA 9262. Simply put, the acts enumerated in Section 5 are the means/punishable offenses, while
the types of violence in Section 3 (a) -physical, sexual, and psychological violence and economic abuse - are the
ends/resulting effects.
Concurring Opinion 17 G.R. No. 224946
I also humbly opine that the mental element in mens rea is not the intent to
commit psychological violence or economic abuse. 7 I think, as the good Senior
Associate Justice does, that this is an imprecise way of identifying the mens rea of
Section 5 (i) in relation to Section 3 (a) (C).
The mental element in mens rea must be correlated to the specific actus
reus component to which the mental element attaches.
The terms psychological violence and economic abuse, for instance, are a
bundle of components of the actus reus and the mens rea, some of which intersect
between these types of violence, some are shared between them, and some are
distinctive. So we have to be more specific and precise when identifying the actus
reus and mens rea involved.
Thus, I agree with the view of Senior Associate Justice Perlas-Bernabe that
Therefore, since it has been established that the types of violence are neither
exclusive to a Section 5 act nor are the means/punishable offense, it is but proper
to situate intent on the actual purposes mentioned in Section 5 of RA 9262.
These purposes are in the nature of specific intent, which must underlie the
commission of the act sought to be punished.
Still, I do not think it was error for Justice Caguioa to categorize the
provisions of Section 5 into the types of violence identified and defined or illustrated
in Section 3 (a). I agree with the following approach of Justice Caguioa to which
Senior Justice Perlas-Bernabe disagreed -
The good Senior Associate Justice mentioned that "[t] he above-discussed conceptual nuances are relevant since it
affects the determination on where to situate criminal intent. In my opinion, considering that (1) the punishable acts
are those provided under Section 5 of RA 9262; and (2) that the types of violence under Section 3 (a) are the resultant
effects on the part of the woman or her child, it is thus inaccurate to say that the prosecution must show, by
proof beyond reasonable doubt, that "the accused bad the intent to inflict !for example! psychological
violence to the woman x x x".
Concurring Opinion 18 G.R. No. 224946
between the types of offense categorized in Section 3 (a) and the definition of the
offenses in Section 5, there is a general correspondence in the coupling or pairing
made by Justice Caguioa. The approach may not be perfect but it is a shorthand
reference to what is relevant in Section 3 (a) vis-a-vis Section 5. But of course Senior
Associate Justice Perlas-Bernabe is correct in advising caution in using these
pairings when they are not on-all-fours with the specifics of an actual case.
Instead of stating that the prosecution must show that the accused intended
to commit psychological violence, it is submitted that the more accurate
phrasing is that the prosecution must prove that the accused, by depriving AAA,
his wife, of financial support, intended to cause her mental or emotional
anguish, public ridicule or humiliation, which thereby resulted into
psychological violence.
(iv) the specific intent of an accused to deny financial support to the obligees of
support, which requires as stated the mental element of voluntary
performance of this act and the intention, purpose and knowledge to do so.
(vi) the specific intent to cause or to likely cause the obligees' mental or
emotional anguish due to the accused's denial of financial support and
its consequence of absence or inadequacy of financial support.
(1) to examine the elements of the crime by using the categories of actus
reus and mens rea, and then,
(2) to determine the actual components of these elements from the statutory
definition of the crime itself and the purpose for the enactment of the criminal
Concurring Opinion 19 G.R. No. 224946
This analysis could be a painstaking one but it should able to account for the
policies behind the criminal statute.
ALL TOLD, I concur in the result and vote to grant the petition and acquit
accused-petitioner of violation of Section 5 (i) of RA 9262 or of any other crime
necessarily included therein if any.
November 9, 2021
X- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - -X
To stress, the instant case establishes that the mere failure or inability
of an accused to provide financial support to a woman who is his wife,
former wife, or against a woman with whom the person has or had a sexual
or dating relationship, or with whom he has a common child, or against her
child whether legitimate or illegitimate, within or without the family abode,
does not amount to criminal liability punishable under the above-mentioned
provisions of law.
See Tan Chong v. Secretary ofLabo:; 79 Phil. 249 (1947) [Per J. Padilla].
See Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, G.R. Nos. 115455, 1!5525, 115543, !15544, ]]5754, 115781,
i 15852, 115873 & 11593 l, 25 August I 994 [Per J. Mendoza_!.
Reflections 2 G.R. No. 224946
It is well settled that when the law is clear and free from any doubt or
ambiguity, it must be given its literal meaning or applied according to its
express terms, without any attempted interpretation, and leaving the court no
room for any extended ratiocination or rationalization. 3
Ocampo v. Rear Admiral Enrzquez, 798 Phii. 227 (2017) lPer J. Peralta]. ·
Valera~ Office ofthe Ombudsman. 570 Phil. 368 (2008) [Per CJ Puno].
Reflections 3 G.R. No. 224946
support to rise to the level of violence that would make a person criminally
liable under Section 5(e), RA 9262, there must be allegation and proof that it
was made with the intent to control or restrict the woman's actions.
Moreover, when said act amounts to economic abuse, the same is necessarily
punishable under Section 5(e) of RA 9262.
' Senate Bill No. (SB) 2723, Section 3 (D), Section 5(d); House Bill No. (HB) 6054, Section 4 (A) (3);
and HB 5516, Section 3 ( e).
SB 2723, Section 3 (D) (I); HB 5516, Section 3 (e); HB 6054, Section 4 (A)(3); See also HB 2858,
Section 3 (3); HB 1320, Section 3(3)(a); HB 2753, Section 4(3).
SB 2723, TCM, 06 May 2002, pp. 6-8.
People v. Sandiganbayan, 504 Phil. 407,429 (2005) [Per J. Panganiban].
' Black's Law Dictionary, p. 521.
Reflections 4 G.R. No. 224946
Articles 68, 70 and 195 of the Family Code provide that the husband
and wife have the mutual obligation to financially support the family. To be
sure, it is not only the husband who has the responsibility to economically
support the family. This obligation is also qualified by the resources and
necessities of both partiesY
SB 2723, Section 5(h); HB 5516, Section 3(i); See also HB 1308, Section 2(a) (2); HB 2753, Section
" FAMILY CODE, Art. 194 and 201.
Reflections 5 G.R. No. 224946
Given the material distinctions between the acts punishable and the
specific intent behind said acts specified in Sections 5(e) and 5(i) of RA
9262, the ponencia is correct that the former offense cannot be considered
subsumed in the latter. 14 This, notwithstanding the common factor of denial
or deprivation of financial support.
People v. Caoili, 815 Phil. 839 (2017) [Per J. Tijam].
See Melgar v People, G.R. No. 223477, 14 February 2018 [Per J. Perlas-Bernabe].
' See People v Caoili, 815 Phil. (2017) [Per J. Tijam].
/ ~'
November 9, 2021
___ ~ -----x
The decision acquitted Acharon and ruled that Section 5(i) does not
punish mere failure or inability to provide financial support. Neither could
Acharon be held guilty under Section 5(e) applying the variance doctrine. This
SEC 5. Acts of Violence Against Women and Their Children. -The crime of violence against women
and their children is committed through any of lhe following acts: xxx
(e) Attempting to compei or compelling tbc wom.;111 or her child to engage in conduct which the woman
or her child has the. right to desist from or desist from conduct which the ,,,oman or her child has the
right to engage in, or attemptirig to restrirt or restricting the woman's or her child's freedom of
movement or conduct by force or threat of force. physical or other harn1 0r threat of physical or other
harm. or intimidation directed agai.n:::t the woman or ch;ld. This shall include, but not limited to, the
follm.ving acts committed with the purpose or effect ofc0ntroih1ig or restricting the woman's or her
child's movernent or conduct: xxx
(2) Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her children of financial support legally due her or
her famiiy, or deliberately providing the w(:iman 1s children insufficient financial support;
(i) Causing menial or emorional anguisi1, public ridicule or hmni!ialion to the woman or her child,
including, but nvt limited ta, repc,a:ed -.:erba1 ;:md ernotional abuse, and dcniai of financial support
or custody of minor children of hccesS to the woman's child/childrert
Rollo, p. 34. P~nm:d by Presiding Judge Evangeline l\.1. Francisco.
Concurring Opinion 2 G.R. No. 224946
is because Sections 5(e) and 5(i) deal with different matters and penalize
distinct acts. Accordingly, the ponencio abandoned the rulings in Melgar v.
People4 and Reyes v. People5 where the Court held that a person charged under
Section 5(i) may be convicted of Section 5(e) and vice versa.
To begin, the study of Criminal Law has long divided crimes into acts
wrong in themselves called acts mala in se; and acts which would not be
wrong but for the fact that positive law forbids them, called acts mala
prohibita. This distinction is important with reference to the intent with which
a wrongful act is done. The rule is that in acts mala in se, the intent governs;
but in acts mala prohibita, the only inquiry is whether the law was violated.
A common misconception is that al! mala in se crimes are found in the
Revised Penal Code (RPC), while all maia prohibita crimes are provided by
special penal laws. In reality, however, there may be mala in se crimes under
special laws, 6 and mala prohibita crimes defined in the RPC. 7 In Dungo v.
People, 8 the Court explained that the better approach to distinguish between
mala in se and mala prohibita crimes is the determination of the inherent
immorality or vileness of the penalized act. If the punishable act or omission
is immoral in itself, then it is a crime mala in se; on the contrary, if it is not
immoral in itself, but there is a statute prohibiting its commission by reasons
of public policy, then it is mala prohibita.
Melgar v. People. 826 Phil. 177, 187-188 (20 i 8).
G.R. No. 232578, July 3, 2019.
An example is Plunder under R.i\. No. 7080, ;:is amended.
An example is Technical Malversation.
762 Phil 630. 659 (2015).
People v. Oliva. 395 Phil 265,275 (20()0).
10 Rimorin, .S'r. v. People, 450 Phil 465,474 (2003";.
Quinto v. Andres, 493 Phil 643, 654 (2005).
2 People v. Murcia, 628 Phil. 648, 657 {20 l 0).
Concurring Opinion 3 G.R. No. 224946
(subjective) in relation to the actus reus (AR) and the mens rea (MR) of a
crime. Actus reus pertains to the external or overt acts or omissions included
in a crime's definition while mens rea refers to the accused's guilty state of
mind or criminal intent accompanying the actus reus. Hence, the formula is
"Corpus Delicti= Actus Reus+ Mens Rea."
Lastly, the actus reus may include the result oi- the consequences of
the crime. In other jurisdictions, criminal offenses are classified as '"conduct
crimes" or "resulting crimes." In conduct crimes, proof of the commission of
the prohibited conduct only is required. On the other hand, resulting crimes
Articie 48 of the Revised Penal Code.
People v. Ne/mida, 694 Phil. 529, 569(2012).
Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act, Republic Act
No. 7610, June 17, ]992.
Anti-Torture Act of 2009, Republic Act No. 9745, November 10. 2009.
Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of I 995, Republic t\ct Ne. 7877, February 14, 1995.
Concurring Opinion 4 G.R. No. 224946
Criminal Law (Fifth Edition), Janet Loveless, p. 3S.
Concurring Opinion 5 G.R. No. 224946
Concurring Opinion 6 G.R. No. 224946
(f) Acts falling l!nder Section 5(h) and Section 5(i) shall be
punished by prision mayor.
If the acts are committed while the woman 0' child is pregnant
or committed in the presence of her child, the pe1ialty to be applied
shall be the maximum period of penalty prescribf'd in the section.
(2) The woman is either the wife or fonner wife of the offender, or
is a woman with whom the offender has or had a sexual or dating
relationship, or is a woman with whom such otfender has a
common child. As for the woman's child or children, they may
be legitimate or illegitimate, or living within or without the
tamily abode:
20 RPC, Article 4 provides that "[c]dmina! liability shall be incrnTed: (I) by any person committing a felony
(delito) although the wrongful act done be different from that which he intended; and (2) by any person
performing an act which would be an offense ag,:i.irist persons ur prop~rty, 1.vere it not for the inherent
impossibility of its accomplishrnent or an account of the employment of inadequate or ineffectual means.
People v. Malinao, 467 Phil 432. 446-447 (2004).
" 761 Phil 356. 373 (20 I 5).
Concurring Opinion 8 G.R. No. 224946
Here, the corpus delicti for violation of Section 5(i) of RA 9262 was
not fully established. As regards the actus reus, the surrounding
"circumstances" that the offended party is a woman and that the accused and
the victim are husband and wife were undisputed. Yet, the evidence of the
prosecution fell short to prove the specific "act", "results/consequences",
and "mens rea" constituting the crime. As the ponencia aptly observed, the
charge against Acharon alleged the act of "denying.financial support" which
connotes "willful refusal" to give support. Further, "from the plain meaning
ofthe words used, the act punished bJ' Section 5 (i) is, therefore, dolo in nature
- there must be a concurrence between intent, freedom, and intelligence, in
order to consummate the crime. "As such, mere failure or inability to provide
financial support is not punishable. The records reveal that Acharon
"successfully did for a time, to provide financial support. " Acharon "failed
to continue providing support only when his apartment in Brunei was razed
by fire, and when he met a vehicular accident. " At the trial, the complainant
even admitted that Acharon "already paid Pll,000.00 out of the
!'85, 000. 000" of their debt. Differently stated, there was no willful refusal on
the part of Acharon to give financial support. Similarly, the Information
against Acharon alleged that he "cause mental or emotional anguish, public
ridicule or humiliation to his wife." Under the proposed framework, this
pertains to the "results/consequences " of the supposed denial of financial
support as well as the mens rea of the crime. Nevertheless, the prosecution
failed to substantiate this allegation.
I agree with the ponencia that the variance doctrine is inapplicable since
Sections 5(e) and 5(i) of RA 9262 deal with different matters and penalize
distinct acts. However, I wish to point out that the application of the variance
doctrine in Reyes v. People23 vvhere the Court held that a person charged under
Section 5(i) may be convicted of Section 5(e) and vice versa, is a mere obiter
dictum. In that case, the accused was originally charged under Section S(e) of
RA 9262. Later, the accused moved to quash the infonnation because its
allegations do not constitute the offense. However, the trial court ruled that
the contents of the information sufficiently charged a violation of Section 5(i)
and not Section 5(e). Consequently, prior to the accused's arraignment, the
trial court directed the prosecutor's office to amend the Information by
designating the crime as under Section 5(i). After trial, the accused was
convicted with a violation of Section 5(i). Obviously, the trial comi did not
rely on the variance doctrine because the information itself sufficiently
alleged the elements of Section 5(i). tvioreover, the prosecution established
that the accused deliberately refused to provide financial support after
admitting that he was disappointed to find out that his wife filed a bigamy
case against him. The Court's statement in Reyes that it "agrees with the
observation of the CA that ifproperly indicted, Reyes can also be convicted
of violation of Section 5 (e), par. 2 for having committed economic abuse
against AAA '' is rn.ereiy an obiter dictum and not the controlling doctrine.
Strictly speaking, there is nothing to abandon.