4.3б. OVA 40 To Help or Not to Help
4.3б. OVA 40 To Help or Not to Help
4.3б. OVA 40 To Help or Not to Help
One of the most influential events in the history of psychology and psychological research was not an experiment
or a discovery made by a behavioral scientist, but a news item about a violent and tragic event in New York City
that was picked up by most media news services across the United States. In 1964, Kitty Genovese was returning
to her apartment in a quiet, middle-class neighborhood in Queens after closing the Manhattan bar that she
managed. As she left her car and walked toward her building, she was viciously attacked by a man with a knife.
As the man stabbed her several times, she screamed for help. One neighbor yelled out his window for the man to
"leave that girl alone," at which time the attacker began to walk away. But then he turned, knocked Genovese to
the ground, and began stabbing her again. She continued to scream until finally someone telephoned the police.
The police arrived two minutes after they were called, but Genovese was already dead and her attacker had
disappeared. The attack had lasted 35 minutes. During police investigations, it was found that 38 people in the
surrounding apartments had witnessed the attack, but only one had eventually called the police. One couple
(who said they assumed someone else had called the police) had moved two chairs next to their window in order
to watch the violence. Genovese's killer, Winston Moseley, now in his late 60s, remains incarcerated at a
maximum-security prison in upstate New York.
If someone had acted sooner to help Genovese, she probably would have survived. New York City and
the nation were appalled by the seeming lack of caring on the part of so many neighbors who had failed to try to
stop this violent act. People attempted to find a reason for this inaction. The alienation caused by living in a large
city was blamed; the neighborhood of Queens was blamed; basic human nature was blamed.
The Genovese tragedy sparked the interest of psychologists, who set out to try to understand what
psychological forces might have been at work to prevent all those people from helping. There is an area of
psychology that studies what behavioral scientists call prosocial behavior, or behavior that produces positive social
consequences. Topics falling into this research area include altruism, cooperation, resisting temptation, and
helping. If you witness an emergency situation in which someone may be in need of help, there are many factors
that affect your decision to step in and offer assistance. John Darley at New York University and Bibb Latane at
Columbia, both social psychologists, were among those who wanted to examine these factors. They termed the
behavior of helping in emergencies, bystander intervention (or in this case, nonintervention).
Have you ever been faced with a true emergency? Contrary to what you may think from watching
television and reading newspapers, emergencies are not very common. Darley and Latane estimated that the
average person will encounter fewer than six emergencies in a lifetime. This is good and bad: good for obvious
reasons; bad because if and when you find yourself facing an emergency, you will have to decide what to do,
without the benefit of very much experience. Society dictates that we take action to help in emergencies, but
often, as in the famous Genovese case, we do not. Why is this? Could it be because we have so little experience
that we do not know what to do? Is it because of the alienation caused by urban living? Or are humans, by
nature, basically uncaring?
Following the Genovese murder, Darley and Latane analyzed the bystanders' reactions. They theorized
that the large number of people who witnessed the violent event decreased the willingness of individuals to step
in and help. They decided to test their theory experimentally.
Your common sense might tell you that the more bystanders there are in an emergency, the more likely someone
will intervene. But Darley and Latane hypothesized just the opposite. They believed that the reason no one took
steps to help Kitty Genovese was a phenomenon they called diffusion of responsibility. That is, as the number of
bystanders in an emergency increases, the greater is the belief that "someone else will help, so I don't need to."
Have you ever witnessed an accident on a busy street or arrived at the scene of one soon after it has happened?
Chances are that as you drove by you made the assumption that someone surely has called the police or
ambulance by now, and therefore you did not feel the personal responsibility to do so. But imagine discovering
the same accident on a deserted country road with no one else around. Would your response be different? Mine
probably would be, too.
The concept of diffusion of responsibility formed the theoretical basis for this chapter's study. The trick
was to re-create a Genovese-like situation in the laboratory so that it could be manipulated and examined
systematically. Darley and Latane were very ingenious in designing an experiment to do this.
For obvious reasons, it would not be practical or even possible to reproduce the events of the Kitty Genovese
murder for experimental purposes. Therefore, a situation needed to be devised that would approximate or
simulate a true emergency so that the intervention of bystanders could be observed. In this experiment, Darley
and Latane told students in an introductory psychology class at New York University that they were interested
in studying how students adjust to university life in a highly competitive, urban environment and what kinds of
personal problems they were experiencing. The students were asked to discuss their problems honestly with
other students, but to avoid any discomfort or embarrassment, they would be in separate rooms and would speak
with each other over an intercom system. This intercom, they were told, would only allow one student to speak at
a time. Each student would be given two minutes, after which the microphone for the next student would be
activated for two minutes, and so on.
All of this was a cover story designed to obtain natural behavior from the subjects and to hide the true
purpose of the experiment. The most important part of this cover story was the way the students were divided
into three different experimental conditions. The subjects in group 1 believed that they would be talking with
only one other person; those in group 2 believed there would be two other people on the intercom; and the group
3 subjects were told that there were five other people on the line. In reality, each subject was alone and all the
other voices were on tape.
Now that the size of the groups was varied, some sort of emergency had to be created. The researchers
decided that a very realistically acted epileptic seizure would be interpreted by most people as an emergency. As
the discussions over the intercom system between the subjects and the other "students" began, subjects heard the
first student, a male, tell about his difficulties concentrating on his studies and problems adjusting to life in New
York City. He then added, with some embarrassment, that he sometimes had severe seizures, especially when
under a lot of stress. Then the conversation switched to the next student. In group 1, the actual subject's turn
came next, whereas in the other two conditions, the subject heard one or more other students speak before his or
her turu. Mter the subject spoke it was the first student's turn again. This is when the emergency occurred. The
first student spoke normally as before, but then began to have a seizure (remember, this was all on tape). Latane
and Darley quote the seizure in detail in a later report as follows:
I-er-um-I think I-I need-er-if-if could-er-er somebody er-er-er-er-er-er give me a little-er-give me a little
help here because-er-I-er-I'm-er-h-h-having a-a-a real problem-er right now and I-er-if somebody could
help me out it would-it woulder-er-er s-s-sure be good ... because-er-there-er-ag cause I er-I-uh-I've got
one of the-er-sei—er-er-things coming on and-and-and I could really use some help so if somebody
would-er give me a little h-help-uh-er-er-er-er c-ould somebody-er er-help-er-uh-uh-uh [choking
sounds] ... I'm gonna die-er-er ... help-er-er-seizure [chokes, then quiet]. (pp. 95-96)
To the subjects, this was clearly an emergency. There was no question that the "student" was in trouble and
needed help immediately. In order to analyze the responses of the subjects, Darley and Latane measured the
percentage of subjects in each condition who helped the student in trouble (helping was defined as leaving the
cubicle and notifying the experimenter of the problem). They also measured the amount of time it took subjects
to respond to the emergency and try to help. Subjects were given four minutes to respond, after which the
experiment was terminated.
The findings from this study offered strong support for the researchers' hypothesis. As subjects believed there
were a greater number of others present, the percentage who reported the seizure quickly, that is, as the attack
was occurring, decreased dramatically (see Figure 1). Among those who eventually helped, the amount of delay in
helping was greater when more bystanders were present. For group 1, the average delay in responding was less
than one minute, whereas for group 3 it was over three minutes. Finally, the total number of subjects who
reported the seizure at all, either during or after it occurred, varied among the groups in a similar way. All of the
subjects in group 1 reported the emergency, but only 85% of group 2 and 60% of group 3 did so at any time
during the four-minute period.
As in the real-life case of Kitty Genovese, you might think that the subjects in this study were simply uncaring
toward the victim having the seizure. However, Darley and Latane are quick to point out that this was not the
reason for the inaction of subjects in groups 2 and 3 (or of Genovese's neighbors). All the subjects reported
experiencing a great deal of anxiety and discomfort during the attack and showed physical signs of nervousness
(trembling hands, sweaty palms). The researchers concluded, therefore, that the reason for their results must lie
in the difference in the number of other people the subjects believed were present. Whenever your behavior is
changed because of the presence of others, this is called social influence. Obviously, social influence played a
significant role in this study. But we are still left wondering why. What was it about the presence of others that
was so influential?
Darley and Latane claimed to have demonstrated and supported their theory of diffusion of
responsibility. As the number of people in the group increased, the subject felt less personal or individual
responsibility to take action. It was easier in groups 2 and 3 for the subjects to assume that someone else would
handle the problem. In a related point, it is not only the responsibility for helping that is shared when others are
present, but also the potential guilt or blame for not helping. Since helping others is considered to be a positive
action in our culture, refusing or failing to help carries shameful connotations. If you are the only person present
in an emergency, the negative consequences of not helping will be much greater than if others are there to bear
some of the burden for nonintervention.
Another possible explanation for this type of social influence is something that psychologists have
termed evaluation apprehension. Darley and Latane contended that part of the reason we fail to help when others
are present is that we are afraid of being embarrassed or ridiculed. Imagine how foolish you would feel if you
were to spring into action to help someone who did not need or want your help. I remember a time when, as a
teenager, I was swimming with a large group of friends at a neighbor's pool. As I was about to dive from the
board I saw the neighbor's 13-year-old daughter lying facedown on the bottom of the pool. I looked around and
no one else seemed to be aware of, or concerned about, this apparent emergency. Was she drowning? Was she
joking? I wasn't sure. Just as I was about to yell for help and dive in for the rescue, she swam lazily to the
surface. I had hesitated a full 30 seconds out of the fear of being wrong. Many of us have had experiences such
as this. The problem is, they teach us the wrong thing: helping behavior carries with it the possibility of looking
From this and other studies, Darley and Latane became the leading researchers in the field of helping behavior
and bystander intervention. Much of their early work was included in their book The Unresponsive Bystander:
Why Doesn't He Help? (Latane & Darley, 1970). In this work, they outlined a model for helping behavior that
has become widely accepted in the psychological literature on helping. They proposed five steps you probably
would go through before intervening in an emergency:
1. l. You, the potential helper, must first notice that an event is occurring. In the study this chapter
examines, there was no question that such notice would occur, but in the real world, you may be in a
hurry or your attention may be focused elsewhere, and you might completely fail to notice the event.
2. You must interpret the situation as one in which help is truly needed. This is a point at which fear of
embarrassment exerts its influence. Again, in the present study, the situation was not ambiguous and the
need for help was quite clear. In reality, however, most potential emergencies contain some degree of
doubt or ambiguity, such as in my swimming pool example. Or, imagine you see a man stagger and pass
out on a busy city sidewalk. Is he sick or just drunk? How you interpret the situation will influence your
decision to intervene. Many of those who failed to help in the Genovese case claimed that they thought
it was a lover's quarrel and did not want to get involved.
3. You have to assume personal responsibility. This will usually happen immediately if you are the only
bystander in the emergency. If others are also present, however, you may instead place the
responsibility on them. This step was the focus of this chapter's experiment. The more people present in
an emergency, the more diffused the responsibility, and the less likely help will occur.
4. If you assume responsibility, you then must decide what action to take. Here, if you do not know what
to do or you do not feel capable of taking the appropriate action, you will be less likely to help. In our
present study, this issue of competence did not playa part, since all that the subject had to do was report
the seizure to the experimenter. But if a crowd were to witness a pedestrian run over by a car, a member
of the group who was a doctor, a nurse, or a paramedic would be more likely to intervene because he or
she would know what to do.
5. Finally, after you've decided what action to take, you have to take it. Just because you know what to do
doesn't guarantee that you will do it. Now you will weigh the costs and benefits of helping. Are you
willing to personally intervene in a fight in which one or both of the participants has a knife? What
about victims of accidents-can you help them, or will you make things worse by trying to help (the
competence issue again)? If you get involved, can you be sued? What if you try to help and end up
looking like a fool? Many such questions, depending on the situation, may run through your mind
before you actually take action.
Figure 2 illustrates how helping behavior may be short-circuited or prevented at anyone of these stages.
Both the Kitty Genovese murder and the experiment we have been discussing here involved groups of onlookers
who were cut off from each other. What do you suppose would happen if the bystanders could see and talk to
each other? Would they be more likely to intervene when they could be judged by others? Darley and Latane
believed that in some cases, even groups in close contact would be less likely than individuals to help. This would
be especially true, they theorized, when the emergency is somewhat ambiguous.
For example, imagine you are sitting in a waiting room and smoke begins to stream in through a vent.
You become concerned and look around at the others in the room. But everyone else appears quite calm and
unconcerned. So, you think your reaction to the smoke must be exaggerated, and you decide against taking any
action. Why? Because if you take action and are wrong (maybe it wasn't smoke, just steam or something from
the next room), you would feel sheepish and embarrassed. However, you don't realize that everyone in the room
is feeling the same as you and hiding it,just as you are, to avoid embarrassment! Meanwhile, no one is doing
anything about the smoke. Sound unbelievable? Well, it's not.
Latane and Darley (1968) tested this idea in a slightly later study by creating the situation just
described. Psychology students volunteered to participate in interviews to "discuss some of the problems
involved in life at an urban university." When they arrived for the interview, they were seated in a room and
asked to fill out a preliminary questionnaire. After a few minutes, smoke began to pour into the room through a
vent. The smoke was a special mixture of chemicals that would not be dangerous to the subjects. After several
minutes, the smoke became so thick that vision in the room was obscured. The researchers timed the subjects to
see how long they would wait to report the smoke. Some of the subjects were in the room alone; others were with
either two or three confederates, believed by the subject to be other participants, who behaved very passively
when the smoke appeared. Once again, Latane and Darley's results supported their theory. Fifty-five percent of
the subjects in the alone condition reported the smoke within the first two minutes, while only 12% of the
subjects in the other two groups did so. Moreover, after four minutes, 75% of the alone subjects had acted, but
no additional subjects in the other groups ever reported the smoke.
Beyond their specific findings, Darley and Latane's groundbreaking research on helping behavior and
diffusion of responsibility continues to influence a wide array of studies on very topical issues. For example, an
article applied Darley and Latane's findings to issues of child abuse and domestic violence (Hoefnagles &
Zwikker, 2001). The goal of the study was to shed light on the characteristics of individuals who witness child
abuse. The researchers analyzed nearly 700 records of bystanders (other than human services professionals) who
reported incidents of child abuse. Their investigation revealed the bystanders to be a very diverse group of both
male and females in various age groups, including many children. Various characteristics of the bystanders,
including sex, age, and their perceptions of what they saw and heard were shown to influence their interpretation
of the abusive event and their confidence that the event was truly abusive. This knowledge is an important factor
in working to intervene in and reduce the incidence of child abuse and domestic violence.
Another study demonstrated the cognitive power of the bystander effect and diffusion of responsibility.
In a recent study titled, Crowded Minds: The Implicit Bystander Effect, by a team of researchers that included Darley,
found that merely imagining being in a group changed helping behavior (Garcia, et al., 2002). In this study,
subjects were asked either to imagine that they were part of a group of people or alone with one other person.
Then, all subjects were asked to donate to a charity. The participants who imagined themselves in the presence of
others donated significantly less money, and felt less personal accountability than those who imagined being
alone with one other person. These findings imply that our brains immediately "leap" at the chance to assume less
individual responsibility when we are part of a group.
The results of this body of research may seem rather pessimistic, but you should recognize that these studies deal
with extremely specific situations in which people fail to help. Frequent examples may be found every day of
people helping other people, of altruistic behaviors, and heroic acts. Darley and Latane's research is important,
however, not only to explain a perplexing human behavior, but to help change it. Perhaps, as more people
become aware of the bystander effect, they will make the extra effort to intervene in an emergency, even if others
are present. In fact, research has demonstrated that people who have learned about the bystander effect, are
more likely to help in emergencies (Beaman et al., 1978). The bottom line is this: Never assume that others have
intervened or will intervene in an emergency. Always act as if you are the only person there.
Beaman, A., Barnes, P., Kientz, B., & Mcquirk, B. (1978). Increasing helping rates through information
dissemination: Teaching pays. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 4, 406-411.
Garcia, S., Weaver, K, Darley, J., & Moskowitz, G. (2002). Crowded minds: The implicit bystander effect.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 843-853.
Hoefnagels, Cees, and Machteld Zwikker. (2001). The Bystander Dilemma and Child Abuse: Extending the
Latane and Darley Model to Domestic Violence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31, 1158-1183.
Latane, B., & Darley, J. M. (1968). Group inhibition of bystander intervention in emergencies. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 10, 215-22l.
Latane, B., & Darley, J. M. (1970). The unresponsive bystander: Why doesn't he help? New York: Appleton-Century-