Cardio Workouts
Cardio Workouts
Cardio Workouts
An essential aspect after you have the right training program is your
nutrition plan. You have to eat correctly and know exactly the types
of carbs required to supply the body with sugar reserves back.
In this program, I added my meal plan, but it's not enough, and it
doesn't mean it will apply to you as well with the same efficiency. So, I
recommend you download my new nutrition eBook. I especially
designed it for athletes who need to eat well and sustainably to
either increase performance, burn fat or increase pure muscle mass.
That will integrate perfectly into your lifestyle.
These routines are actually full-body workouts, known as high-
intensity interval training or sprints intervals. They are efficient
for burning calories, shredding muscles, and effective in
improving endurance, conditioning to high-rep and intensity,
and cardiovascular system.
[10 Jump Squats -> 1 minute Jumping Jacks -> 20 Sit-Ups -> 1 minute
Plank -> 1 minute Isometrically Squat Hold] x 4 times
Rest briefly between the exercises because it's a circuit and 2-3 minutes after each cycle
Workout 2
[50 meters Sprints -> 10 Burpees -> 1 min Jump Rope -> 5 Pull-Ups ->
10 Jump Squats] x 10 times
Rest briefly between the exercises because it's a circuit and 2-3 minutes after each cycle
Workout 4
[1-2 minutes Jump Rope/Jumping Jacks -> 30-50 meters Hill Sprints //
Sprints on Stairs/Flat Sprints] x 10 sets
Workout 5
5-10 Stairs Jumps x 4-5 sets
[1 minute Jump Rope // Jumping Jacks -> 30 Squats] x 5 sets
50 Walking Lunges x 4 sets
Workout 7
[1 minute Jumping Jacks -> 30 Squats -> 10 Dips -> 20-30 Floor Leg
Raises] x 5 sets
[1 minute Jumping Jacks -> 10 Jump Squats -> 5 Pull-Ups -> 20 Floor
Knees-to-Chest] x 5 sets
[20 Jump Squats -> 10 Leg Raises -> 5 Wide Pull-Ups] x 3 sets
[10 Burpees -> 10 Leg Raises -> 5-10 Aussie Pull-Ups] x 3 sets
Don’t rest between exercises. Pause 1-2 minutes at the end of each cycle/sets
Adapt reps to fit your strength and endurance level
Use elastic bands to help yourself for pull-ups and modify the variations to adjust difficulty
Workout 9
[30 sec Jumping Jacks -> 30 sec Jump Rope] x 4 sets
[30 sec Isometrically Squat Holds -> 30 sec Plank] x 4 sets
[30 sec Incline Pushups -> 30 sec Jump Squats] x 3 sets
[30 sec Dips -> 30 sec Squats -> 30 sec Pull-Ups] x 2 sets
[30 sec Jumping Jacks -> 30 sec Jump Rope] x 4 sets
[30 sec Pushups -> 30 sec Squats] x 4 sets
[30 sec Burpees -> 30 sec Mountain Climbers] x 4 sets
Don’t rest from an exercise to another. Pause 1-2 minutes after a complete cycle (set) and rest shortly
if you can’t execute the whole 30 seconds as time flows by
Try to fit as many correct repetitions as possible in those 30 seconds
Don’t speed up unless it’s easy
Workout 10
[5-10 Frog Jumps -> 1 minute Jumping Jacks -> 10 Burpees] x 3 sets
[30 seconds Jump Squats -> 5 Pull-Ups -> 10 Leg Raises] x 4 sets
[10 Pushups -> 1 minute Plank -> 20 Croach Walk] x 3 sets
[5 Chinups -> 5 Aussie Pull-Ups] x 3 sets
[1 minute Isometrically Squat Holds -> 10 Pushups] x 3 sets
[20 Squats -> 5-10 Dips] x 3 sets
Don’t rest between exercises. Pause 1-2 minutes at the end of each cycle/sets
Adapt reps to fit your strength and endurance level
Use elastic bands to help yourself for pull-ups
I recommend running outdoors and not on a treadmill for better muscle activity and a
greater cardiovascular effort. Always begin slowly if you do not have a natural pace and
adaptability for running yet. It will require time to build the conditioning.
Keep the heart rate below 140. If you do it, then you will remain in a cardio state during the
whole running session, and that metabolic process will promote fat loss simply because it
utilizes stored fat as energy to power up your running.
Theoretically, you will cover around 4-5 km if you run at a relatively easy pace. A good
benchmark in the future will be running 6 km in 30 minutes.
Workout 2
8k Flat Run
Time is irrelevant at this point, and every time you'll attempt an 8k run, focus on improving
your time and technique. That will happen as your endurance, stamina and muscle
adaptation improve.
It may take you more than 45 minutes to finish the distance, but with time, you will reduce it
Workout 3
10k Flat Run
Running 10 kilometers requires good athleticism and cardiovascular system. Your stamina
will be much greater than when you ran 4 and 5 kilometers.
At this stage, improve your running technique and pace per kilometer.
You can turn this workout into a race, and in this situation, you will try to cover 10k as fast as
possible, with equal splits at every kilometer. That will be a great challenge for you to keep
up the high pace all the time. However, you can run it aerobically at a slow pace as well.
When I jog a 10k distance steadily, it takes me around 55 minutes. However, when I want to
challenge myself, I try to run it in about 40 minutes. It's pretty tough, and it consumes many
resources that you'll have to replace with nutrition and sleep.
Workout 4
1 hour and 30 minutes Jogging
You should cover more than 11-12 km in 90 minutes. It all depends on how fast you run.
Keep a steady pace, run slow
Don’t stop running if it hurts
Workout 5
1-3 hours HIKING
If you live nearby forests, hills, plains and mountains, hike their trails
as much and frequently as possible. Build the conditioning gradually,
walk at a fast pace. Your heart should beat over 120 bpm during the
whole distance to make it an aerobic training session and over 130
bpm to make it more cardio.
Prepare yourself, wear the right shoes, drink water and fuel correctly
as I teach you in the Nutrition Secrets eBook I recommended you
download from the website.
Running is one way to do aerobic or
cardio. In fact, you can make a high-
intensity training session out of the
running because it all depends on the
power and speed. If you do sprint
intervals, then you'll experience a high-
intensity leg workout. If you ascend an
abrupt mountain at a fast pace, even
without running it, you can still place
yourself in a high-intensity zone
because your heart will beat to its
Workout 7
Workout 8
[1-3 minutes Jump Rope -> 1 minute Jumping Jacks -> 50 meters Sprints]
x 10 times
Workout 9
3-5 minutes Jump Rope x 10 sets
The way you can jump the rope depends on your skill level first and, secondly,
on your stamina and overall endurance. You could do double-unders which
will place you rapidly in anaerobic metabolism, but that will have to be
balanced back with an easy and aerobic pace.
During your rope-jumping sessions, try multiple jumping variations, skills that
you will only learn by practicing.
When you aim to jump the rope for 5 minutes straight, then you will do it at a
slower pace. You could also focus on engaging the calves more if you need
more calf development, but you could also do some short, intense intervals
where you speed up for 20-30 seconds. However, do not stop after an intense
jumping interval and try to slow down your heart rate by jumping a lot slower.
Workout 10
10 minutes Jump Rope
8 minutes Jump Rope
6 minutes Jump Rope
4 minutes Jump Rope
2 minutes Jump Rope
Workout 11
[1 minute Jump Rope -> 30 seconds Double-Unders -> 1 minute Jump
Rope -> 30 seconds Double-Unders] x 10 sets