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R & D Fund: Application Form for seeking Grant Assistance for organizing
Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop/Symposium etc.
(Please submit two sets of Application form & other documents (hard copy) and also mail the
scanned copy of application form and other documents to the Regional Office/Head Office of
NABARD at least 45 days in advance of the event)

1 Name of the Organizing Agency

(i) Type/Status of Organization
(University/College/ NGO/MFI/PRI/ Society/etc.

(ii) Date of Establishment

(iii) Registered/ Unregistered

(iv) If registered then under whichAct (validity of

registration in caseof NGOs/MFI/ PRIs, etc.)

(v) Agency's Past Experience inholding seminars/

conferences (no of seminar & its details) during last
5 years

(vi) If any other agency/ Professional Association

(i.e. Co-organizer) is also involved in organizing this
Seminar, give theName and Details of Agency
and the nature of association

2 (i) Name, Designation & Address of the of the

convener /coordinator

(ii) Contact details ofInstitute/ seminar Coordinator

Phone No – Landline (with STDcode) Mobile No:
Fax No:
e-mail address:
3 Date of the Seminar

4 Title of the Seminar/Conference

5 Objective of the Seminar/Conference

6 Major topics to be discussedduring the Seminar

(Pl attach a separate sheet,if required)

7 Relevance of the Seminar

(i) Relevance of organizing the Seminar on the
proposed theme inthe present-day context (Pl
attach a separate sheet, if required)

(ii) Relevance of the theme/ topicsto NABARD and

its area of operation (Pl attach a separate sheet, if

31 | P a g e
8 Status of the Seminar(Regional/
9 Total No. of participants

(i) No. of participants from Samestate

(ii) No. of participants from other


(iii) No. of participants from Foreign


(iv) Name of countries from whereforeign

participants are expected:

10 Name, designation, vocation, expertise in respect of

expertspresenting the Lead Paper,
Memorial lectures etc.

11 Session-wise/ Speaker-wise day to

day schedule (Pl attachauthenticated copy)
12 Address of Venue of the Seminar
with contact details

13 Infrastructure with the agency

(i) Conference Hall owned / hired

(ii) Approximate capacity of Seminar


(iii) No of guests to be
(a) In Owned hostel/ Guest house

(b) In hired- hotel/ hostel

14 Name of co-sponsors and amount ofgrant expected

from each of them

15 Category-wise delegate fee /registration fee per


16 Own involvement of the agency & itssource

17 Proposed Budget for the Seminar:

a Budget: Item-wise estimated


(i) Lunch / Dinner expenses for


32 | P a g e
(ii) TA / DA/ Honorarium to invited

(iii) Accommodation expenses for


(iv) Postage, Stationery, Xerox, etc.

(v) Publication of Pre-Conference/information

brochure material/ Souvenir/ etc.

(vi) Publication of Conference /

Seminar abstract / Proceedings/Action points/
(vii) Other Expenditure (specify)
Total Expenditure Estimate (17 - a)

b Budget: Item-wise estimated Income

(i) Registration fees from delegates

(ii) Contribution by the Co-Sponsors

(agency-wise details)

(iii) Income from advertisement

(iv) Agency’s own contribution

Total Expected Income (17 - b)

18 Gap in Budget (Expenditure –Income)

19 Assistance sought from NABARD

20 No of times agency has alreadyavailed grant

assistance from
NABARD during

(a) Current financial year (give title of seminars)

(b) during last five years

21 Printing of Proceedings/ Journal
(i) No of copies to be printed

(ii) Expected no of pages per book

22 Any other information, the agency

would like to furnish to NABARD

23 List of Attachments

33 | P a g e
(i) Two copies of Announcement
Letter/ information Brochure

(ii) Day to Day Schedule of the Seminar (indicating

session topic,time slot, name of speaker &
designation) on Institute’s letter head duly
authenticated by the
competent authority
(iii) Budget of the seminar (Sl. No-17)
24 Bank details of the Agency
(i) Name of the account holder to
whom the payment is to be made (as appearing in
the bank account)

(ii) Name of the Bank

(iii) Name, Address & Contact

details of the Branch

(iv) Account Number


(vi) Type of account (Savings /
Current etc.)

25 Permanent Account Number (PAN)of the Agency

26 Whether exempted from TDS? If yes, attach the

copy of exemption certificate as per Section 10 (23
Income Tax Act, 1961

Note: Please submit all the details as per the format, including banking and tax related detailsto
facilitate the process

Signature of Organising Secretary/ convenor:

Name of Organising Secretary/ convenor:
Designation of Organising Secretary/ convenor

Recommendation by the Head of Institution

Signature of the head of the Institution:
Name of the head of the Institution:
Seal of the Institution*:
(* Seal of the institution - on all the pages of the application form)

34 | P a g e

PROJECTS/STUDIES (format to be filled in Nab-pragna portal)

Research Title: Duration of the Study


Part I
General Information

1. Information regarding Principal Investigator (PI):

a. Name (as per PAN Card):



Mobile Number:

E-mail ID:
Website link
b. Research Experience (years)
c. Area of Interests (give latest 3)

d List of 5 important publications Name of Impact Factor

(as first or second author) in the Publication/Book
field related to the proposal:

e. Latest 3 Awards and 1.

Recognitions/Prestigious 2.
Positions Held with years with 3.
f. PI’s Google scholar index
i H- index :
ii I – index :
g. List of 3 funded past projects handled as PI/Co-PI (including NABARD funded)

Study Title Name of the Year Outlay (₹ Lakh) Publications in any

organization/ Journals (Name &
agency with impact factor)

35 | P a g e
2. Information regarding Institution

Name of the Institution:

Name of the Competent
Phone No.:
Complete office Address:
Website link
Type of the Institution (Public
Ltd./ Pvt. Ltd./ Society/Trust/ (Registered under the Act) ___________
University/NGO Autonomous
Body/ Deemed
Mandate of the Institution: (100 words)
its main activities:
List of 3 major agencies 1
associated with for conducting 2
studies or other academic work 3
or through MoUs (incl

Part II
Research Proposal Description
3. Background of the Study (200 words)

4. Statement of the Problem and (300 words)


5 Research Objectives (Specific) (200 words)

6. Research Methodology (300 words)

7. Sampling Methods/Techniques (400 words)

& Sample Size
(Refer attach documents)
8. Study Site

States covered:

Districts covered: (State wise districts)

9. Succinct review of relevant (500 words)
literature on the subject
10. Proposed Work Plan and execution strategy (Month-wise GANTT chart to be attached)
(Please attach excel document)

36 | P a g e
Part III

11. Salary Requirements: Details of research, technical and other investigating staff actually
to be employed in the project may be provided as under:

Sl. Particulars No. Duration Rate per Amount

No. (days) month (₹) (Calculated field =
No. * Duration/30*
i Principal
ii Co-Principal
iii Research Staff
iv Field Staff
v Other staff
Sub-Total 1

12. Travel budget

Sl. Particulars Travel Total Amount (₹)

No. (Number of days)
i Principal Investigator
ii Co-Principal Investigator
iii Research Staff
iv Field Staff
v Others (2 more rows)

Sub-Total 2

13. Other Expenditure

Sl. Particulars Amount (₹)

i Data Processing Charges
ii Stationery, printing and photocopying
iii Miscellaneous
Sub-Total 3

14. Proposed Budget (Sub-Total

1+Sub-Total 2+ Sub-Total 3)

37 | P a g e
15. Overheads/Institutional Fee
(upto 10% of the proposed
budget) (₹)

16. Contingency (upto 5%) of the

proposed budget) (₹)

17. GST Rate Percentage

Amount (₹) (Calculated field - % specified of


18. Total Budget (inc. all taxes) (₹) Sum of 14+15+16+17

Part- IV

Certificate / Undertaking:
A. Certified that:
The proposed research / study has the approval of the competent authority of the
applicant / agency.

That the facilities and infrastructure of the institution will be made available for the
study / research.

No similar research proposal has been submitted for funding to any other Ministry/
Departments of central/state governments.
B. We undertake:
To commence and complete the work as per the approval time schedule, if
That the principal investigator will continue to work on the project and shall not be
transferred elsewhere till the completion of the project. In case the Principal
Investigator leaves without completing the project, the institution will take full
responsibility to complete the project as per the existing terms and conditions.

We certify that we have read the guidelines and accept the terms and conditions as mentioned in Part IV

Legal Name of the Principal Investigator Legal Name of the Competent Authority

Current Date Current Date (time stamp)

38 | P a g e


(To be submitted by the University/Research Institute along with the forwarding letter by
the Vice-Chancellor/ Director of the Institute)

Sr. Particulars Details to be furnished by the agency

A Details of the University/ Institute

Name of the Agency/Organization:


Contact details – Name, Designation,

A.2 Email, Phone No. and Complete
Address of the Head of the Organization

A.3 Date of Establishment

A.4 Vision & Mission of the Agency
Constitution & Mandate of the
A.5 organization

No of Courses/ degree programme offered

A.6 by the organization

Availability of Teaching Faculty

A.7 Research Staff

List of major research projects handled

A.8 during last three years

A.9 Patent obtained, if any

Details of collaboration/ funding support
A.10 from NABARD in the past

Whether any other Chair unit supported

by any other agency was established in
A.11 the University/ Institutein the past or in
place at present

B Proposal for NABARD Chair Unit –Theme/ Sub-themes

B.1 Reason/Rationale for establishing NCU

Objectives proposed for NCU including

research. Should be precise, result
B.2 oriented and achievable within specified
period of time.

B.3 Research Theme Proposed for the NCU

39 | P a g e
Research Sub-themes –major areas on
B.4 research/ policy advocacy

Tentative Titles of the studies to be

conducted (year-wise Plan).

NCU is expected to conduct at least onestudy

B.5 every year. Additional recurring exp, except
NCU prof/staff salary can be met by
NABARD. (Study proposals
in detail can be sent at the beginning of the

Tentative theme of workshops/seminars

proposed to be conducted.

NCU is expected to conduct at least one

B.6 workshop every year. Additional recurring exp
can be met by NABARD. (Seminar proposals in
detail can be sent
at the beginning of the year))

Utility of the proposed projects/ Studies

proposed to be undertaken by NCU to (i)
B.7 NABARD (ii) GOI/ State Govt (iii) Society &

C Financial Proposal

Expenditure Items Yr I Yr II Yr III Total

I. Non-Recurring
a. Purchase of computer/ laptop,
printer etc. (One time grant –max ₹
lakh on actual basis)
II. Recurring Expenditure
a. Salary/ Honorarium
b. Office Assistant (Contractual)
c. Contingency Items: (travel incl
foreign travel to present paper
in a seminar, stationery, books,
d. Expenses towards seminar/
workshops (Max Rs 3.0
lakh/yr on reimbursement
D Any other information

Signature of Vice Chancellor/ Director of Institute :

Seal of Agency


40 | P a g e

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