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Voice Based Email System

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Voice Based Email System

Aman Ansari , Rakshit Kahyap , Shubhendu Sharma ,Sayed
Unais Department of Computer Science Engineering
Project Guide – Purnendu Prabhat
Tula’s Institute Dehradun, India

Abstract:- In today’s world of luxuries and opulence, the challenged person or even read the received mail for them to
Internet has become a basic amenity for the human get the message from the sender.
kind. Everyone now-a-days is broadly gaining
knowledge and information through the internet. There are also some inventions or tools for this
Mostly, it is used for communicating with each other all problem, one of which is Braille Keyboards were
over the world to our friends and family. And also it is introduced a while back, by which most of the visually
used for accessing multiple activities e.g., reading news, impaired can be able to write emails and don’t need a third
learning new things, etc. As the technology is magnifying person for any help[3]. But this is not entirely beneficial for
, it is getting easier for people to loom towards digital each and every blind , because they should have the
life and digital communication. There are various ways knowledge of how to read Braille and it takes up a lot of
to connect with others through the internet in this their time and the errors can’t be erased. Lately, some
modern era. Most of them are choosing the simplest way screen readers bring up some light on this issue but again it
of communication i.e., Electronic mail (E-mail). E-mail is also not that reliable. Then finally Voice Based Emails
is a primary way to send/receive a message from others Systems were introduced by various intellectuals all over
over the internet.However, it is not reliable for a the planet. But most of the existing systems on this topic use
visually challenged person or an illiterate person to use keyboard shortcuts or mouse clicks to send and receive the
this facility. In addition, this design can ease the process mails[1].
for blind people or an even illiterate person to access
email and possible imparting functions. With some new In this paper , we proposed a Voice Based System
changes , this voice-based email system will be more which is completely works on voice response and there will
reliable and simply acceptable by purblind sole. be no need of physical touch at all and our system is
developed using STT and TTS.
Keywords: TTS (Text To Speech), STT (Speech To Text),
API (Application Programming Interface), Imap (Internet II. RELATED WORKS
Mail Access Protocol), SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer In this part, we provide afar- reaching analysis of the
Protocol), gtts (Google Text To Speech). literature on the extant related technical problems.Many
I. INTRODUCTION benefactions have been made for visually impaired people
and so to give them chance in the area of connections
All over the globe, the Internet is prospering as the best through Emails.Following are the summary of every paper :
invention of the advanced world. Today's advanced periodis
digital and also observes changes more frequently along In paper [1], it is proposed that system will provide a
with appealing the changes accordingly[4]. There are many registration page first, that will further assist to logging part
ways to communicate with each other over the virtual through entering username and password.Mainly the system
world. One of the oldest and the foremost methods is E- uses IVR for the inbox and composing a mail
mails. Many people still choose Emails as their primary commands.And also for the designing part they have used
method of communication whether it is for informal or even Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, as it is an advanced technology.
for business and formal purposes. Lastly, it also has an Contact Us page by which the user can
suggest any kind of feedback or complaint about a problem.
But not everyone in the world knows about the E-mail
services and also do not even have an idea about it. But In paper [7], the user carries outa set of activities for
some people who do know about these services may not be the use of these facilities. First, the user is allowed to access
able to use these facilities because the people could be emails and other multimedia functions with the help of
visually impaired, purblind individuals , physically Screen Reader functionality. The user is then redirected to
challenged or maybe an illiterate person[4]. the inbox page after the registration has been completed.
Once the user is logged in, the user can carry out the normal
To access the internet the person must be able to read operation of the mail system.Then it allows the user to
what is written on the screen so, this makes the internet compose or send a mail through voice input with some
useless technology for visually challenged people. There is mouse click commands.
only one way by which a visually challenged person can
send an Email i.e., they have to tell the entire message of the In paper [8], the users were going to the site firstly, it
mail to a third person so that the third person can required them to register with the assistance of voice inputs.
write/create the mail and send it on the behalf of the visually After the registeration the user's audio data will be saved in
the database. And the user will get a user id and password
after the completion the user logs in to receive an email in a

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
system. The site is firstly centered on the idea of regulation services which consist of (a) Speech-to-text Converter (b)
and efficacy. Additionally, they give a "Contacts" page, Text-to-speech Converter. The application uses the SMTP
where the user can provide any suggestions or any library that uses SMTP protocol for sending emails and
assistance they need. POP3 protocol for receiving emails. The accuracy of
speech-to-text is low in there system as there is a need to
In paper [9], it adds in such a way that it allows blind train the system. It is an application that can be used by
people to send and receive voice based email messages in illiterate people and the physically-disabled people also. The
various languages. The planning of this system executes proposed system ensures the security of the user’s data and
much better than that of the existing GUIs. It can be run on also give users a feeling of secure mailing.
both computer and mobile devices. It uses Java
programming language in the proposed system. It also In paper [11], they proposed the system that has a
contains the three main modules in the system; those are: (a) function of the Tetra-Entry to control the favorability and
Speech-to-text converter (b) Text-to-speech converter (c) the comfort of email activities.In the system it also has a
Word Recognition. blind friendly email client that provides the convenience to
the user. The system converts the user’s voice input to the
In paper [10], they proposed the email system by doing text and then the text to the speech and then works on it.
the linkage between the application and Google's Gmail.
The systems that provide their own user developed email


Fig. 1: ER Diagram of the System

The System will open up and a voice output welcomes enter and then the user speaks the message to be sent to the
you to the program. Then it will ask the user for two options receiver and if the user choose second option i.e, check your
i.e., compose a mail and check your inbox by a voice output. inbox then it will read out the number of unseen mails and
Then it asks for user input via voice ,if user choose first read out the latest one.
option i.e, compose a mail then it will ask for the message to

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 2: Flowchart of the Proposed System


The proposed system is based on a completely novel
A. Existing System idea and the most important aspect that has been kept in
Many technologies and systems are introduced to mind while developing the proposed system is accessibility.
counter the problem of using electronic mail system but they A web system is said to be perfectly accessible only if it can
doesn't give the overall solution for it. Some systems be used efficiently by all types of people whether able or
introduced previously have the mechanism of using disabled. The existing system do not provide this
keyboard inputs for email which would create difficulty for accessibility. Thus the system we are developing is
visually impaired people to work through it. And also in completely different from the existing system. Unlike the
some system they has mechanism of mouse inputs that existing system which emphasizes more on the user-
would also be a problem for blind people and to avoid some friendliness of normal users, our system focuses more on the
mouse clicks and keyboard stuff they introduce a screen user friendliness of all types of people including normal
recorder which is also not a good solution for the blind people, visually impaired people as well as illiterate people.
person to use the system more effectively. The existed When using this system the computer will be prompting the
system tried their best to do the system more user friendly user to perform specific operations to avail of respective
by reducing the mouse or keyboard inputs and make the services then he/she need to perform that operation. One of
screen recorder more smart Here's come the drawback of the major advantages of this system is that users won’t
the existed system that they doesn't totally work on the require to use the keyboard. All operations will be based on
voice input and also the system is not designed to target the voice commands. This system will be perfectly accessible
all kind of users so to overcome this problem the system to all types of users as it is just based on simple speech
has to be made which fulfill all the needs of the users, inputs and there is no need to remember keyboard shortcuts.
Also because of the IVR facility, those who cannot read had

IJISRT22MAY1294 www.ijisrt.com 677

Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
need not to worry as they can listen to the prompting done from the user’s domain.In simple terms, an SMTP email
by the system and perform respective actions. is just an email sent using the SMTP server.
 gTTS – It stands for Google Text To Speech and this
Following are some technologies that are used - library is used to interface with Google
 Speech Recognition –Speech recognition is the process by  translate text to speech, and used for speech translation. It
which a computer (or other type of machine) identifies supports many languages like English, German, French,
spoken words. Basically, it means talking to your Hindi, Tamil, etc.The speech can be delivered in any one
computer, AND having it correctly recognize what you are of the two available audio speeds, fast or slow. However,
saying. It is the ability of a machine or program to as of the latest update, it is not possible to change the
identify words spoken aloud and convert them into voice of the generated audio.
readable text.And uses a broad array of research in  PyAudio – It is the library that is required if you want to
computer science, linguistics and computer engineering. use microphone input (also, you can easily use python to
Itis a python library for performing speech recognition play the audio) and it provides python bindings for
with support for several engines and API online and PortAudio, the cross-platform audio I/0 library.
offline.Here we are using Google speech API.  PipWin – It is a complementary tool for pip on windows.
 Imap Lib –Internet Mail Access Protocol is a standard Pipwin installs unofficial python package binaries for
email retrieval(incoming) protocol. It stores email windows provided by Christoph Gohlke .
messages on a mail servers and enables the recipient to  AvBin – It is a library that is used to decode functionality
view and manipulate them as though they were stored of videos and audios.
locally on their devices. Imap enables users to organize
 Pyglet – It is a library for the python programming
messages into folders , flag messages for urgency or
language that provides an object oriented application
follow up , and save draft messages on the server. User
programming interface for the creation of games and other
can also have multiple email application that sync with
multimedia applications. It is a cross platform windowing
the email servers to consistently show which messages
and multimedia library for python. (AvBin is used by
have been read or are still unread.
 SMTP Lib Module – It stands for Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol which handles sending emails and routing emails V. RESULT
between mail servers. Python provides SMTP which
define an SMTP client session object that can be used to The system executes and opens up the home page
send mails on any internet machines with an SMTP or E- where the program welcomes you by voice output “Project
SMTP listener daemon. It is mainly used to deliver emails Voice Based Email for Blinds”. Then the system will ask
from one domain to another domain, which is different you to choose an option via voice input which are:

A. Compose a Mail:
After choosing this option, the system will let you record the voice to a text message that you want to send through email, and
send it to the recipients shown below:

Fig. 3: Mail sent Confirmation

IJISRT22MAY1294 www.ijisrt.com 678

Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
B. Check your Inbox:
After choosing this option, the system will tell you the number of unseen emails you have and reads your latest mail in the
inbox through voice output as shown below:

Fig. 4: Mail received Confirmation

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