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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 171 (2018) 1149–1158

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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering

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The effect of nanoparticles additives in the drilling fluid on pressure loss and T
cutting transport efficiency in the vertical boreholes
A.V. Minakova,b,∗, V.A. Zhigareva, E.I. Mikhienkovaa, A.L. Neverova, F.A. Buryukina, D.V. Guzeia,b
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia


Keywords: The effect of nanoparticles of various chemical components and sizes on the rheological behaviour of drilling
Non-Newtonian fluids fluids, pressure loss and cuttings transport in the vertical borehole for a laminar flow regime is considered in the
Drilling fluid paper. The results of numerical and experimental studies are presented. Silicon, aluminium and titanium oxides
Nanoparticles nanoparticles are considered. A drilling fluid is Bentonite-water solution with a mass fraction of 5%. The par-
ticles concentration in the solution was varied from 0.25 to 2 wt percentages and the particles sizes ranged from
Annular channel
Pressure loss
5 to 50 nm. The dependences of the effective viscosity and rheological parameters of the solutions on the na-
Herschel-bulkley model noparticles concentrations, sizes and materials were obtained. It was shown that nanoparticles in drilling fluid
Cutting transport increase cuttings transport by 17% and decrease the average slip velocity of the sludge particles in 1.7–2.0 times,
Vertical borehole but the pressure losses when pumping the drilling fluid increase in 2.5 times.
Laminar flow

1. Introduction At present possible applications of nanofluids are very actively in-

vestigated (Sadeghalvaad and Sabbaghi, 2015; Kang et al., 2016;
Active interest in the suspensions with nanoparticles (nanofluids) Belayneh and Aadnoy, 2016; Jain and MahtoSharma, 2015; Karen
has been appeared a quarter of a century ago and still continues to grow Maria WilliamSwaminathan et al., 2014; Mijić, Gaurina-Međimurec,
up. The number of publications devoted to the study of nanofluids Pašić; Contreras et al., 2014; Salih et al., 2016; Barry et al., 2015;
properties and applications is increasing exponentially. Nanoparticles Riveland, 2013; Amanullah et al., 2011; Ismail et al., 2016). Nanofluids
have a number of unusual properties that are absent in the macroscopic are used to control the mud filtration process, to reduce the friction
dispersed particles due to their small size. Unusual properties of na- factors of a drill string and a borehole wall, and to prevent sidewall
noparticles make the properties of nanofluids (in which they are an sticking of a drilling rod. It makes such solutions competitive compared
integral part) unconventional too, that lead to the widest range of na- to the hydrocarbon-based solutions, whose usage is limited by en-
nofluids applications (Das et al., 2006; Stark et al., 2015; Gleich et al., vironmental requirements.
2007; Minakov et al., 2015, 2016, 2017; Pryazhnikov et al., 2017). The Modern drilling fluids have different properties, which can be in-
influence of nanoparticles additives on heat transfer has been studied in fluenced by nanoparticles additives in a varying degree. The most im-
a large number of works. As it was shown in the experimental in- portant of these are viscosity and rheology because they influence the
vestigations of laminar and turbulent forced convection of water-based pressure loss during flushing-out of the well, the efficiency of the cut-
nanofluids, the CNT-nanofluids can increase the heat transfer coeffi- ting transport, the borehole stability, etc. In this regard, a large number
cient within the range from a few percents up to 350%. Also, it was of investigations of the nanoparticles effect on the viscosity and rheo-
found, that the nanoparticles adding to a fluid increase the boiling logical behaviour of the drilling fluids have been carried out in the last
critical heat flux by several times. Many investigations of nanoparticles few years (Sadeghalvaad and Sabbaghi, 2015; Kang et al., 2016;
applications in the medical technologies were carried out. Nano- Belayneh and Aadnoy, 2016; Jain and MahtoSharma, 2015; Karen
particles are used for localized drug delivery and cancer therapy. Na- Maria WilliamSwaminathan et al., 2014; Mijić, Gaurina-Međimurec,
noparticles are also employed for improvement of strength properties of Pašić; Contreras et al., 2014; Salih et al., 2016; Barry et al., 2015;
materials, especially applying the coatings, the lubricants, and the ad- Riveland, 2013; Amanullah et al., 2011). It was found that nano-
hesives. There are many other applications. particles significantly increase the viscosity of drilling fluids, and

Corresponding author. Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
E-mail address: Aminakov@sfu-kras.ru (A.V. Minakov).

Received 25 January 2018; Received in revised form 9 August 2018; Accepted 11 August 2018
Available online 20 August 2018
0920-4105/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.V. Minakov et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 171 (2018) 1149–1158

change the rheological properties of these solutions. It is an undesirable choosing nanoparticles additives. So the aim of the presented study is a
feature because it leads to the increase in the pressure loss. Thus, it was systematic investigation of the nanoparticles effect on the pressure
shown in (Sadeghalvaad and Sabbaghi, 2015), that TiO2 nanoparticles losses, because, nowadays, among a large number of studies of the
increase the plastic viscosity of the water-based drilling fluid thirteen- nanosuspension rheology, there are no scientific works devoted to it.
fold, and the yield point in 2.9 times. It was found in (Kang et al., The effect of varying of the nanoparticles materials on the pressure drop
2016), that SiO2 nanoparticles of 10% concentration in water-based in the borehole was also investigated. The numerical simulation on the
drilling fluid increase the plastic viscosity in 2.9 times and the yield basis of experimentally measured rheological properties of the drilling
point fivefold. Belayneh et al. (Belayneh and Aadnoy, 2016) showed fluids was conducted in the study.
that nanoparticles affect the rheology of not only the pure clay mud but
also the drilling fluid with polymer additives. It was found by them,
2. Experimental apparatus and procedures
that nanoparticles of silicon dioxide (SiO2) increase the yield point of a
polymer solution in 1.5 times. Rajat et al. (Jain and MahtoSharma,
First, an experimental study of the nanoparticles effect on the
2015) also reported that the polyacrylamide-grafted-polyethylene
rheological properties of the drilling fluids was carried out. An aqueous
glycol/SiO2 nanocomposite shows a significant increase in rheological
suspension of clay mud was used as a basic model of drilling fluid.
parameters of drilling fluid, namely the plastic viscosity increased in 1.5
Weight concentration of the clay was equal to 5%. The Malvern
times and the yield point increased in 1.8 times. However, a non-
Zetasizer Nano ZS analyser was used to determine the sizes of nano-
monotonic behaviour of the rheological characteristics with an increase
particles. The clay mud was prepared by adding particles to distilled
in nanoparticle concentration was observed by many authors. The
water, then that mixture was intensely stirred for 30 min with the use of
rheological properties begin to change at a very low concentration of
“OFITE 152–18 - Prince Castle” high-speed stirrer (20000 rpm). The
clay suspension was kept for two days after preparation for the purpose
At the same time, it was established in some other investigations a
of the final swelling of the clay and to obtain the stable properties of it.
much weaker effect of nanoparticles on the rheology of drilling fluid. It
The colloidal stability of the suspensions was monitored by using the
was found in (Karen Maria WilliamSwaminathan et al., 2014), that the
“TURBISCAN LAB” optical stability analyser (http://www.
nanoparticles of CuO and ZnO with sizes less than 50 nm have almost
formulaction.com). Turbiscan LAB analyzes sample stability without
no effect on the plastic viscosity and the yield point of the drilling fluid
dilution or mechanical stress and provides fast and sensitive identifi-
at atmospheric pressure and room temperature, but as the pressure
cation of destabilization mechanisms (creaming, sedimentation, floc-
increases the effect becomes noticeable. Slight impact of SiO2 and TiO2
culation, coalescence) of suspensions. Then, the necessary amount of
nanoparticles on the rheology of the bentonitic drilling fluid was also
pre-made nanosuspension was added to the prepared by the described
found in (Mijić, Gaurina-Međimurec, Pašić). In addition, even some
above method clay suspension. The same amount of the distilled water
decrease in the yield point at 50 °C was observed for all considered
was poured into the sample of the basic clay suspension to provide an
types of nanoparticles. The decrease in the yield point and the increase
equal mass concentration of clay particles in all investigated solutions.
in the plastic viscosity after adding the nanoparticles to the drilling
A standard two-step method was used to prepare the nanosuspension.
fluid was also reported in (Contreras et al., 2014). It was concluded,
The required amount of nanopowder was added to the fluid, and the
that nanoparticles do not significantly effect on the rheological prop-
resulting suspension was subjected of a thoroughly mechanical stir. The
erties in general.
suspension was treated in “Sapphire SC-10338″ ultrasonic bath to de-
Finally, it was shown in some investigations, that nanoparticles
stroy the nanoparticle conglomerates (Adio et al., 2015; Noroozi et al.,
significantly reduce the rheological properties of drilling fluids. It was
shown in (Salih et al., 2016), that silicon dioxide nanoparticles in the
The silicon (IV), aluminium and titanium (IV) oxides nanoparticles
clay mud with barite particles reduce both the plastic viscosity and the
were used in the study. The densities of the alumina, the silica and the
yield point twofold as under normal conditions, as under an elevated
titania particles were 3950 kg/m3, 2650 kg/m3 and 4230 kg/m3, re-
temperature and pressure. Moreover, such decrease becomes stronger
spectively. These particles were stable and chemically inert. The par-
with the increase in temperature.
ticles concentration in the solution was varied from 0.25 to 2 wt per-
The effect of nanoparticles sizes on the rheology of drilling fluid was
centages and the particles sizes ranged from 5 to 50 nm.
also observed by many researchers, in addition to the effect of nano-
Study of the rheological properties of the prepared nanosuspensions
particles concentration. A significantly higher increase in the rheolo-
was undertaken with the use of the “OFITE Model 1100” rotational
gical properties of the clay mud with Fe2O3 nanoparticles of 3 nm
viscometer (http://www.ofite.com), which rotation speed varied be-
average size in comparison with the nanoparticles of 30 nm average size
tween 0.01 and 600 rpm with the speed accuracy of 0.001 rpm and
at the same concentration was found in (Barry et al., 2015). For silicon
shear rate ranged from 0.01702 to 1021 s−1. The ranges of the shear
dioxide particles (Riveland, 2013) were obtained similar conclusions.
rate in the carried out measurements were from 5.1 to 1021 s−1, which
Thus, despite a large amount of data and research in this field, a
correspond to the ranges of the rotation speed from 3 to 600 rpm. The
complete understanding of the nanoparticles influence on the viscosity
measurement error of the viscometer was 2%. All measurements were
and the rheology of the drilling fluids still absent, so the additional
conducted at the atmospheric pressure and the room temperature
systematic study is needed. In spite of existing disagreements, most
(298 K).
researchers concluded, that the effect of nanoparticles on the properties
In terms of rheological properties, the basic clay mud was treated as
of drilling fluids is much stronger than that caused by microscopic
a non-Newtonian fluid. Its effective viscosity μf was well described by
particles. Such an effect is observed at very low concentrations and
Herschel–Bulkley model (Lam and Jefferis, 2014):
depends on the sizes and materials of nanoparticles, that provides an
opportunity to manage properties of drilling fluid. μf = (τ0 + k v⋅γ˙ n )⋅γ˙ −1
On the one hand, the influence of nanosuspension on the rheology
of drilling fluids has a negative effect in terms of practical applications. where τ0 = 0.34 Pa is the yield stress of viscoplastic fluid,
The increase in the viscosity, which is observed after the addition of k v = 0.038 Pа·sn is the plastic viscosity, n = 0.72 is the flow index and γ̇
nanoparticles in most cases, leads to higher pressure losses when is the shear rate in s−1.
pumping drilling fluids. On the other hand, the increase in the viscosity Analyzing Fig. 1 it was found, that rheological parameters of the
and the yield point provides better removal of the sludge from the clay suspension with silicon dioxide nanoparticles depend on their sizes
borehole and improves its stability. Therefore, it is necessary to find the and weight concentrations φ (even at very low values). As the nano-
optimum between the pressure losses and the cutting transport while particles concentration increases, the plastic viscosity and the yield

A.V. Minakov et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 171 (2018) 1149–1158

Fig. 1. The dependences of the suspensions rheological parameters on the concentrations and sizes of the silicon dioxide nanoparticles: flow index n (a); plastic
viscosity (b); yield point (c).

point increase too, and, in contrast, the flow index decreases sig- incompressible fluid with constant density was considered in the study.
nificantly. It is clear that the rheological properties of the studied sus- The Eulerian-Eulerian two-phase flow model was used to study the flow
pensions essentially depend also on the nanoparticles sizes, namely, as behaviour of cuttings and drilling fluid in an annulus (Gavrilov et al.,
the size decreases, this effect enhances. Thus, similar to the previous 2011; Lun et al., 1984; Ogawa et al., 1980; Ding and Gidaspow, 1990;
case, it was found that as the nanoparticles size increases, the plastic Gidaspow et al., 1992; Syamlal et al., 1993; Wen and Yu, 1966; Ergun,
viscosity and the yield point increase, and the flow index decreases. 1952; Pang et al., 2018; Mohammadzadeh et al., 2016; Ghasemi Kafrudi
Moreover, nanoparticles of an average sizes larger 50 nm have almost and Hashemabadi, 2016; Kaushal et al., 2012). The Eulerian model
no effect on the rheological properties of suspensions. assumes that the sludge flow consists of solid « s» and fluid « f » phases,
The effect of the nanoparticles materials on the rheological char- which are separate, yet they form interpenetrating continua, so that
acteristics of clay muds was also studied. The nanosuspensions with α f + α s = 1.0 , where α f and α s are the volume concentrations of the
closest average sizes of nanoparticles, such as the silicon dioxide of fluid phase and the solid phase, respectively. The basic equations of the
50 nm average size, the aluminium oxide of 43 nm average size and the Eulerian model have the next form:
titanium dioxide of 47 nm average size, were selected.
The obtained results shown in Fig. 2 allow one to draw some con- 1) Continuity equations:
clusions about the effect of the nanoparticles material on the rheology
of suspensions. Despite the fact that nanoparticles of the oxides of the ∇⋅(αs ρs →
vs ) = 0
silicon (IV), the titanium (IV) and the aluminium have similar average ∇⋅(α ρ →
f f v ) = 0,
f (1)
particle sizes, rheology of drilling fluid based on them significantly
differs from each other even at the same concentration. The aluminium
2) Momentum equations for fluid phase:
oxide nanoparticles have the most significant effect on the rheology at
all other conditions being equal. The dependence of the viscosity on ∇⋅(αf ρf →→ τf + αf ρf →
vf vf ) = −αf ∇P + ∇⋅= g + Ksf (→
vs − →
vf ). (2)
sizes and materials of the nanoparticles is not peculiar to the classical
suspensions, and it is a specific feature of nanosuspensions (see for solid phase:
(Minakov et al., 2016; Rudyak et al., 2016)). The rheological para-
meters obtained in the experiments were used to calculate the pressure ∇⋅(αs ρs →→ τs + αs ρs →
vs vs ) = −αs ∇P − ∇Ps + ∇⋅= g + Kfs (→
vf − →
vs ), (3)
losses in the borehole.
where =
τs and =
τf are the stress tensors for solid and fluid, respectively.
They are expressed as:
3. Mathematical model
2 =
τs = αs μs (∇→
vs + ∇→
v s ) + αs ⎛λs − μs ⎞ ∇⋅→
= tr
vs I
The isothermal, laminar, fully developed and steady flow of an ⎝ 3 ⎠ (4)

A.V. Minakov et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 171 (2018) 1149–1158

Fig. 2. The dependences of the suspensions rheological parameters on the concentrations and chemical composition of the nanoparticles: flow index n (a); plastic
viscosity (b); yield point (c).

and 1 −1
⎡ α 3⎤
g o, ss = ⎢1 − ⎜⎛ s ⎟⎞ ⎥ ,
τf = αf μf (∇→
vf + ∇→
v f ), (5) ⎢
⎣ ⎝ αs,max ⎠ ⎥
⎦ (9)
where I is the identity tensor, μf is the shear viscosity of the fluid. αs,max = 0.63 is the packing limit.
The drilling fluid is considered as non-Newtonian fluid, so a well- Variable Ps is the solid pressure given by (Lun et al., 1984):
known approach to simulate the non-Newtonian flows was used. The
medium is considered as a non-linear viscous fluid that characterized by Ps = αs ρs Θs + 2ρs (1 + ess ) αs2 go, ss Θs, (10)
effective viscosity μf (γ˙ ) . That viscosity in general case depends on the
shear rate, which is the second invariant of the strain rate tensor: where ess is the restitution coefficient, taken as 0.9.
The granular temperature for solid phase Θs describes the kinetic
1 energy of the random motion of solid particles. The transport equation
γ˙ = D⋅D .
2 (6) derived from the kinetic theory (Ding and Gidaspow, 1990; Gidaspow
The drilling fluid can be considered as both viscous Newtonian fluid et al., 1992):
and non-Newtonian viscoplastic fluid in such approach. The 3 =
Herschel–Bulkley model was used in this study: ∇⋅(ρs αs → τs ): ∇→
vs Θs ) = (−Ps I + = vs + ∇⋅(kΘs ∇Θs ) − γΘs + φfs ,
2 (11)
kv γ˙ n + τ0
μf (γ˙ ) = , where kΘs is the diffusion coefficient given by (Syamlal et al., 1993):
γ˙ (7)
15ds ρs αs Θs π 12 2
where τ0 is the yield point of the viscoplastic fluid, k v is the plastic kΘs = ⎡1 + η (4η − 3) αs go, ss
4(41 − 33η) ⎣ 5
viscosity, n is the flow index.
λs is the bulk viscosity of the solids (Lun et al., 1984): 16
+ (41 − 33η) ηαs go, ss⎤,
15π ⎦ (12)
4 Θ 2
λs = αs ρs ds go, ss (1 + ess ) ⎛ s ⎞ ,
3 ⎝π⎠ (8) 1
η= (1 + ess ),
2 (13)
where ds is the particles diameter.
The go, ss is the radial distribution function, which is interpreted as γΘs is the collisional dissipation energy, which represents the energy
the probability of a particle to touch another particle (Ogawa et al., dissipation rate within the solid phase due to the collision between
1980): particles:

A.V. Minakov et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 171 (2018) 1149–1158

Table 1 convective–diffusion equations is determined using the finite volume

The experimental parameters. method for unstructured grids. In this case, the resulting scheme is
Case 1 Case 2 automatically conservative. The method consists in splitting the com-
putational domain into control volumes and integrating the original
D1,m 0.04 0.048 conservation equations for each control volume to obtain finite–-
D2, m 0.065 0.1319
difference equations. Approximation of convective terms of the transfer
G, kg/s 0.1198 1.93
ω, rad/s 70.1 4.4
equations is carried out using a second order upwind QUICK scheme.
n 0.56 0.62 Diffusion fluxes and source terms were approximated by finite-volume
k,Pa × sn 2.9 0.175 analogues of the central-difference correlations with the second order of
ρ, kg/m3 1000 1000 accuracy. The connection between the velocity and pressure fields,
ensuring the fulfilment of the continuity equation, was implemented by
Taking into account the presence of rotational motion, the Reynolds and the
means of the SIMPLEC procedure for aligned grids. Rhi-Chow approach
Taylor numbers were 3.04 and 789 in case 1 and 108 and 2134 in case 2,
respectively. consisting in the introduction of monotonizator into the equation for
the pressure correction was used to eliminate the pressure field oscil-
12(1 − ess2 ) go, ss 3 lations. The difference equations obtained after discretization of the
γΘs = ρs αs2 Θs2 , original system of differential equations were solved by an iterative
ds π (14)
method with the use of the algebraic multigrid solver.
and φfs is the transfer of the kinetic energy of random fluctuation in
particle velocity from solid phase « s » to the fluid phase « f», given by: 4. Verification of the numerical algorithm
φfs = −3Kfs Θs. (15)
To test the numerical algorithm the steady laminar flow of non-
μs is the shear viscosity of solids, defined as: Newtonian fluid in an annular channel without eccentricity with a ro-
tation of the inner tube was considered. The numerical results were
μs = μs, col + μs, kin , (16)
compared to the experimental data (Escudier et al., 2002; Xisheng and
where μs, col and μs, kin are collisional and kinetic viscosities, that calcu- Yinghu, 1986; Nouar et al., 1987). A 3% solution of carboxymethyl
lated using following expressions: cellulose (CMC) was considered as the operating fluid in Case 1, while
1 0.25% solution of peracetic acid (PAA) was tested in Case 2. The
4 Θ 2 rheology of these solutions are described by the Power Law model
μs, col = αs ρs ds go, ss (1 + ess ) ⎛ s ⎞
5 ⎝π⎠ (17) τ = kγ̇ n with parameters presented in Table 1. Values of the other
and parameters are also given in Table 1.
A grid consisting of 40 × 140 × 3 nodes was used for the numerical
αs ds ρs Θs π 2 simulation (40 nodes along the radius, 140 nodes around the cir-
μs, kin = ⎡1 + (1 + ess )(3ess − 1) αs go, ss⎤.
6(3 − ess ) ⎣ 5 ⎦ (18) cumference, and 3 nodes along the channel length). The fully developed
flow along the channel length was considered for verifying the nu-
Ksf = Kfs is the interphasial momentum exchange coefficient, given by
merical algorithm. In such case, the velocity field is the same in each
Gidaspow model (Gidaspow et al., 1992), which is a combination of the
cross-section of the channel and the number of mesh nodes along the
Wen and Yu model (Wen and Yu, 1966) and the Ergun equation (Ergun,
channel is not of great importance. A special algorithm (Gavrilov et al.,
2011) was used to specify the boundary conditions for such fully de-
When αf > 0.8, the fluid-solid exchange coefficient Ksf has the fol-
veloped flows. The procedure of correcting the fluxes enables us to
lowing form
construct a fully developed flow on a short fragment of the channel
3 αs αf ρf →
vs − →
vf −2.65 without having to simulate long channels with a zone of flow stabili-
Ksf = CD αf , zation.
4 ds (19)
The distribution of axial velocity in the channel section for the both
where considered cases is shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 4 represents the comparison of
24 the calculating dimensionless axial velocity profile in the channel sec-
CD = [1 + 0.15(αf Res )0.687]. tion to the experimental data. Conversion into dimensionless form was
αf Res (20)
carried out through dividing the relevant values by the average velocity
When αf < 0.8, U = 0.06 m/s (Case 1) and U = 0.163 m/s (Case 2). The x-axis corre-
sponds to the distance between the cylinders, which was converted into
αs (1 − αf ) μf ρf αs →
vs − →
Ksf = 150 + 1.75 . dimensionless form through dividing by the width of the annular gap.
αf ds2 ds (21) As one can see, there is a good agreement between numerical results
and experimental data of the axial velocity profile in all cases.
Parameter Res is the relative Reynolds number between phases « f»
Numerical results of the pressure drop in the annular channel obtained
and «s», given by
by the use of the power law fluid model were presented in (ZhigarevV.
ρf ds →
vs − →
vf et al., 2017). Three solutions with close to real drilling fluid properties
Res = . were investigated in this paper. It was also presented experimental data
μf (22)
of the pressure drop there. The obtained experimental data were used to
The computational domain is an annular channel formed by two verify the numerical method. The calculated pressure drop were in a
smooth straight pipes of circular cross-sections. The diameter of the good agreement with the experimental data. Thus, it has been shown
inner pipe is D1, and the diameter of the outer pipe is D2. The inner pipe that used numerical algorithm correctly describes both the velocity
rotates around its axis with a constant angular velocity ω. The constant profiles and pressure drop for non-Newtonian flows in annular chan-
mass flow G is set at the inlet of the annular channel. The no-slip nels. The mathematical model of particle transport was not tested in
conditions are set on the walls of the pipes. this paper. The results of the testing of the slurry particle transport
The commercial code ANSYS Fluent (academic version) was used model that was used by us can be found in (Pang et al., 2018;
for calculation of cuttings transport. Here will be noted the main points Mohammadzadeh et al., 2016; Ghasemi Kafrudi and Hashemabadi,
of numerical technique. The difference analogue of the 2016). Further, that algorithm was applied to calculate the pressure

A.V. Minakov et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 171 (2018) 1149–1158

Fig. 3. The isolines of the axial velocity for Case 1 (a) and Case 2 (b).

drop for the mud with nanoparticles. loss even at high concentrations. In addition to the nanoparticles con-
centrations and sizes, the pressure loss is affected by nanoparticles
5. Simulation results materials. It can be clearly seen in Fig. 5b. Nanoparticles of various
materials, but with the similar average sizes of about 50 nm reveal the
The drilling process parameters were chosen for calculation the completely different effect on the pressure loss in the channel. As was
pressure loss in the borehole while pumping drilling fluid. The inner mentioned above, the silicon dioxide nanoparticles have almost no ef-
pipe diameter was D1 = 0.08895 m, the outer pipe diameter was fect on the pressure loss, while that loss increases more than twice with
D2 = 0.1463 m, the rotation speed of a drill string was 100 rpm, the the monotonously increasing in the aluminium oxide nanoparticles
drilling fluid flow rate was 11.61 kg/s, and the density of the mud was concentration. Undoubtedly, that effect is completely related to the
1050 kg/m3. The rheological properties of the drilling fluids were set on rheology of the studying drilling fluids.
the basis of the experimental data shown in Figs. 1 and 2. In this case, The effect of nanoparticles on the shape of the axial velocity profile
the calculations were performed with the use of the Herschel–Bulkley in the annular gap is shown in Figs. 6 and 7. As one can see, that effect
model. The described above computational grid, which consisted of is also quite significant. As the nanoparticles concentration at a given
40 × 140 × 3 nodes (40 nodes along the radius, 140 nodes around the flow rate of drilling fluid increases, monotonic broadening of the shape
circumference, and 3 nodes along the channel length) was used for the of the velocity profile occurs, because the flow index n decreases in such
numerical simulation. A steady laminar flow was investigated. The a case. The decrease in the size of nanoparticles, in general, results in
maximum Reynolds number was equal to 895. The pressure drop and the similar effect on the shape of the velocity profile. The influence of
velocity profiles for various concentrations, sizes and materials of na- nanoparticles material on the shape of the velocity profile also explains
noparticles were obtained in the calculations. The dependence of the by the rheology. The use of aluminium oxide nanoparticles makes the
pressure drop in the annular channel on the nanoparticles sizes and velocity profile in the channel more uniform at all the other factors
materials is shown in Fig. 5. being equal.
It is obvious that nanoparticles significantly affects the pressure Thus, it was shown that the velocity profile in the channel becomes
drop in the borehole. In the suspension with 2% concentration of na- more uniform due to adding the nanoparticles and reducing their sizes
noparticles, the pressure loss increases more than twice. It can be quite that lead to better cutting transport during a drilling process. Currently,
critical when implementing the drilling process. Nonetheless, the there are some experimental studies which confirm such conclusions. It
strongest effect is observed for the nanoparticles of the smallest size. was shown in (Samsuri and Hamzah, 2011), that adding of 0.01%
Thus, silicon oxide nanoparticles increase the pressure loss even at very carbon nanotubes in the working fluid increase the well clean-up effi-
low concentrations of 0.25%. Further increase in concentration of these ciency by more than 10–15%. However, at the moment there are no
nanoparticles has practically no effect on the pressure loss. Large na- systematic studies of the nanoparticles effect on the cutting transport.
noparticles (50 nm) of silicon oxide have a little effect on the pressure For this reason, the numerical investigation of the influence of the

Fig. 4. The comparison of the calculated (solid curves) results and the experimental (filled circles) data (Escudier et al., 2002; Xisheng and Yinghu, 1986; Nouar et al.,
1987) of the profile of the axial velocity for Case 1 (a) and Case 2 (b).

A.V. Minakov et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 171 (2018) 1149–1158

Fig. 5. The dependences of the pressure drop in the annular channel on the concentration of the nanoparticles of different sizes and materials.

of the computational domain of the annular channel was equal to 10 m.

Such length was enough to set the flow steady and the sludge con-
centration uniform along the channel. The uniform sludge concentra-
tion profile at the inlet of the borehole was set. The sludge particles
velocity and the drilling fluid velocity at the inlet of the borehole were
equal. The grid consisting of 40 × 140 × 3 nodes was used for the
numerical simulation (40 nodes along the radius, 140 nodes around the
circumference, and 3 nodes along the channel length). The choice of the
calculated grid was carried out according to preliminary calculations on
the sequence of the grids with a different number of nodes. The com-
putational grid consists of 40 × 140 × 3 nodes was considered as op-
timal. Further increase in the number of nodes does not lead to changes
in the results of calculations. The simulation results of the cutting
transport by drilling fluids with nanoparticles, namely, the steady
concentration and slip velocity profiles of cutting particles, were shown
in Figs. 8–10. In the absence of rotation of the drill string, the sludge is
transported well along the centre of the channel, where the velocity
Fig. 6. The distribution of the velocity profile in the annular gap for different profile is flat. The slip velocity of the sludge particles reaches a max-
concentrations of the silicon dioxide nanoparticles of 10 nm average size. imum near the wall of the borehole. The particle concentration is
maximal near the outer wall of the annular channel where it is in-
nanoparticles on the cutting transport with the use of the Eulerian creased by 6–7% due to the action of the centrifugal force acting on
model for granular media was carried out in this work. Parameters of particles. Analysis of the simulation results shows that the nanoparticles
the borehole and drilling process, which were used for the calculations, significantly reduce the slip velocity both in the flow core and in the
were described at the beginning of this section (D1 = 0.08895 m, boundary layers. That effect enhances with the increase in the nano-
D2 = 0.1463 m, G = 11.61 kg/s, ω = 100 rpm). particles concentration. The nanoparticles sizes, in addition to their
Spherical particles of 3 mm with the density of 2600 kg/m3 were concentration, also has a significant impact on the slip velocity. The
taken as sludge particles. The sludge concentration at the channel inlet decrease in the size of nanoparticles results in a reduction of the slip
was equal to 3 vol%. The vertical borehole was considered. The length velocity of the sludge particles throughout the channel section. The

Fig. 7. The distribution of the velocity profile in the annular gap for different average sizes of the silicon dioxide nanoparticles of 2% concentration (a) and for 2%
nanoparticles concentration of different materials, but with the similar average sizes of about 50 nm (b).

A.V. Minakov et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 171 (2018) 1149–1158

Fig. 8. The distribution of the sludge particles concentration (a) and slip velocity (b) in the annular gap for different concentrations of the silicon dioxide nano-
particles of 10 nm size.

maximum influence on the slip velocity is provided by aluminium oxide the efficiency of the cutting transport, namely, the presence of the na-
nanoparticles at all other factors being equal. The effect of nano- noparticles of 2 wt% concentration in drilling fluid leads to increase in
particles on the slip velocity leads to the change in concentration of the cuttings transport performance by 16.5% and to decrease in the
sludge particles. The maximum concentration of sludge particles is average slip velocity by 2.08 times (Fig. 12).
decreased that provides more efficient flushing-out of the well. However, as it has been repeatedly noted before, this effect also
To define the efficiency of flushing-out of the well usually used such depends on the sizes and the materials of nanoparticles. Silicon dioxide
parameter as the cutting transport performance (CTP), which is the nanoparticles of 5 and 10 nm average sizes, as well as aluminium oxide
ratio of the vertical velocity of the sludge particles averaged by volume nanoparticles of 43 nm average size, have the most significant effect on
of the borehole to the drilling fluid velocity averaged in the same the cutting transport. At the same time, these nanoparticles most
manner. A similar definition was used before in (Ghasemi Kafrudi and strongly increase the pressure drop in the borehole (see Fig. 5).
Hashemabadi, 2016; Mohammadzadeh et al., 2015). In this case,
CTP = 1 means that the sludge is moving on average at the velocity of
6. Conclusions
drilling fluid, and the efficiency of flushing-out of the well is maximal,
while CTP = 0 means that the sludge particles are not transported.
The effect of nanoparticles of various chemical components and
Besides, such parameter as the average slip velocity (ASV), i.e. the
sizes on the rheological behaviour of drilling fluids, pressure loss and
slip velocity of sludge particles (the difference between drilling fluid
cuttings transport in the vertical borehole for a laminar flow regime was
velocity and the sludge velocity) averaged over the volume, was also
considered. The results of the experimental study of the rheological
used to assess the cuttings transport performance. High ASV means
properties of the suspensions made from the clay particles with silicon
poor cutting transport performance.
(IV), aluminium and titanium (IV) oxides nanoparticles were presented.
Quantitative characteristics of the cutting transport are shown in
The effects of the nanoparticles concentrations, sizes and materials on
Figs. 10 and 11. As one can see, the nanoparticles significantly affect
the effective viscosity and the rheological parameters of the solutions

Fig. 9. The distribution of the sludge particles concentration (a) and slip velocity (b) in the annular gap for different average sizes of the silicon dioxide nanoparticles
of 2% concentration.

A.V. Minakov et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 171 (2018) 1149–1158

Fig. 10. The distribution of the sludge particles concentration (a) and slip velocity (b) in the annular gap for 2% nanoparticles concentration of different materials,
but with the similar average sizes of about 50 nm.

were studied experimentally. The effect of the presence of the nano- of nanoparticles at given flow rate of mud is mainly due to the
particles on the pressure drop and cuttings transport performance in a broadening of the velocity profile shape in the channel because of
vertical borehole was studied numerically. Experimentally measured the decrease in flow index n, that takes place with the increase in the
rheological properties of the solutions were used in the calculations. concentration of nanoparticles and the decrease in their size. The
The following results were obtained. effect of the nanoparticles materials on the cuttings transport per-
formance could also be explained by the rheological properties. As a
1. It was shown experimentally that the nanoparticles can significantly result, it was demonstrated that the presence of silicon (10 nm) or
change the rheological properties of the drilling fluids. Furthermore, aluminium oxides (43 nm) nanoparticles of 2 wt% concentration in
the rheological parameters of nanosuspensions depend on the na- the drilling fluid leads to the increase of CTP by 17% and to the
noparticles sizes and materials in contrast to the suspensions with decrease of the average slip velocity of sludge particles by 1.7–2.08
macro- and microscopic particles. An important feature of the na- times. It is certainly a positive factor.
noparticles in term of their influence on the effective viscosity is that
effect begins manifesting itself at very small weight concentrations. Obviously, this is far from the best result, and certainly, it is possible
2. It is found that the nanoparticles significantly affects the pressure to choose the nanoparticles which would essentially improve that re-
drop in the borehole. In particular, it was shown that the presence of sult. This opens up the prospects for the application of nanoparticles to
SiO2 nanoparticles of 2% concentration and of 10 nm average size control the drilling fluids operating characteristics. Of course, the ad-
increases the pressure loss in the borehole twofold. At the same ditional questions such as processing and utilization of these drilling
time, such increase essentially depends on the nanoparticles sizes fluids will arise. These problems are to be solved in future.
and materials. The strongest effect is observed for nanoparticles of In addition, it should be noted that the results presented in the paper
the smallest size. The increase of the pressure loss in the borehole were obtained for the Bentonite-water base solutions. The influence of
due to the presence of the nanoparticles is observed in most cases. It nanoparticles on the other types of the drilling fluids (oil-based and
can be explained by the increase in the effective viscosity of mud. polymer-based) can be different. It also requires the additional re-
3. It was shown that the presence of the nanoparticles in the drilling search. It should be noted that all the obtained results refer to the at-
fluid significantly affect the quality of flushing-out of the well from mospheric pressure and the room temperature. The behaviour of the
the sludge. The increase of cuttings transport performance by means drilling fluids with nanoparticles under HPHT conditions requires the

Fig. 11. The dependences of the cutting transport performance in the annular channel on the concentration of the nanoparticles of different sizes and materials.

A.V. Minakov et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 171 (2018) 1149–1158

Fig. 12. The dependences of the average slip velocity in the annular channel on the concentration of the nanoparticles of different sizes and materials.

further study. fluids. In: Proceedings of the Geo-shanghai 2014 International Conference. American
Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 439–449.
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