Section 7: Fencing and Entrance Gate: 7.1 General
Section 7: Fencing and Entrance Gate: 7.1 General
Section 7: Fencing and Entrance Gate: 7.1 General
Unless otherwise indicated in the drawings, all fencing shall be of chain link type as
specified hereafter, and be of minimum 3000 mm from the ground up to the full height of
the chain link.
The fence shall be erected to the extent and location as shown in the site plan. Where
fencing is to be located on the boundary of the site, the Contractor shall ensure that its
construction shall not infringe the adjoining properties.
Where directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall firstly erect, and maintain
temporary fencing to the boundaries indicated on the working drawings. Provision shall
be made in temporary fencing for access, for use of owners, tenants and occupier of the
adjacent lands.
Chain link mesh and straining wires for fences shall consist of galvanised 10 S.W.G.
wire of 50mm2 mesh reinforced with 3 Nos. 8 S.W.G. galvanised line wires. Barbed wire
shall be galvanised three ply 13 gauge with 4 point barbs spaced at 75mm centres into
Class 20 N/mm2 concrete dwarf wall 100mm wide by 250mm deep, buried 125mm into
the ground. Line wires (tension wires) shall be installed in one continuous length from
one terminal post to another. Bottom tension wire shall be installed approximately
200mm above finished grade on the outside of each line post.
Unless otherwise indicated in the drawings, all fence posts shall be of minimum 64 x 64
x 6.3mm mild steel angles. Corner posts and any intermediate posts at 15-metre
intervals shall be reinforced with two (2) nos. stays of 64 x 64 x 6.3mm mild steel angles
raking at 45 degrees angle.
Unless otherwise indicated or specified, all posts shall be plumb and spaced three
metres apart. Pull post shall be located at the midpoint of any fence line that is over 76.2
metres in overall length. Where necessary, the fence grade shall be adjusted to fit the
ground contour by slipping the fence fabric links. On steep grades, the posts may be set
normal to the slope, provided transition sections are constructed.
The perimeter brickwall fences shall be of 230mm thick brickwall and reinforced with 3
nos. 8. S.W.G. galvanized line barbed wires. Barbed wire shall be galvanised three ply
13 gauge with 4 point barbs spaced at 75mm centre. The brickwall fence shall be of
minimum three (3) metre high, erected true to lines, level, dimensions and details as
indicated on the drawings or otherwise in accordance with this Specification and as
directed by the Engineer. Details of permanent fences shall be submitted to the
Engineer for approval and no order shall be placed before the Engineer’s approval is
The perimeter ‘anti-climb’ security fences shall be of minimum three (3) -metre high,
erected true to lines, level, dimensions and details as indicated on the drawings or
otherwise in accordance with this Specification, tender drawings and as directed by the
The fence panel shall be made up of four (4) -metre high tensile wires fusion with tensile
strength of 500N/mm2, welded at 12.5mm and 75mm spacings, then galvanised as per
BS EN ISO 1461 : 1999. The panel is to be embedded 50mm into the concrete kerb (of
minimum 150 x 150mm size) along the bottom of our fence.
The fence post shall be of 50mm x 75mm RHS , and be hot dipped galvanised as per
BS EN ISO 1461 : 1999. The installation of the ‘anti-climb’ wire mesh, to be inclusive of
barb tape and complete with fixators, shall be to manufacturer’s details and
The barb tape shall be of stainless steel type, made of 0.5mm x 21mm medium barb
razors encased around 2.5mm diameter high tensile stainless steel wire (of minimum
Entrance gates in fences shall be of 125 x 75 x 4.89 kg/m RHS (Rectangular Hollow
Section), and incorporate steel rollers and gates. Three hinges shall be welded to each
post and gate. Bottom hinge shall be located 450mm above the proposed grade finish.
Gates shall be designed to resist forced entry.
The gate hinges shall be such that the gates cannot be lifted off the pintles and gate
stops shall be provided to maintain the alignment of the gates with the fence when
closed. A bolt engaging with the gate stop shall be provided on single gates and on both
leaves of double gates. An approved brass padlock shall be supplied with each gate or
pair of gates. The installed fence shall conform to the alignment and finish grade
indicated in the tender drawings.
Permanent perimeter fences shall be of 230mm thick brickwall, of minimum three (3)
metre high, erected true to lines, level, dimensions and details as indicated on the
drawings or otherwise in accordance with this Specification and as directed by the
Engineer. Details of permanent fences shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval
and no order shall be placed before the Engineer’s approval is obtained.