5/11/22 Clarke Letter Costs
5/11/22 Clarke Letter Costs
5/11/22 Clarke Letter Costs
Darrell L. Clarke
City Council President
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I received the attached letter in the mail today. It is upsetting and concerning that as
Council President, you are trying to influence the votes of Philadelphia residents on
this issue. I don't pay a lot of attention to zoning issues, but as a resident whose
house has more than tripled in price since we purchased it 20+ years ago, I am very
committed to seeing Philadelphia build more family housing, not less. I love my
neighborhood and its "neighborhood character" and that's why I'd like to see it made
accessible to more young families through building smaller homes, multi-family
apartments and affordable housing.
And, when I see City Council exercising their "prerogative" all I see is self-dealing
and self-interest.
I already voted -- and voted no on Ballot 1. I just wanted to record my dismay that
your office is exercising its power to influence this vote and to let you know I hope
Philadelphia builds and builds and we see more middle-class families being able to
call the city home.
Deborah Diamond
Deborah Diamond
From: Mary Ellen Milovsky
To: Mel Nasielski
Subject: FW: Updated letter
Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2022 3:09:00 PM
External Email Notice. This email comes from outside of City government. Do not click on
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mel Nasielski <mel@kennedyprinting.com>
To: Wendy Prescott-Tate Redacted
Sent: Wed, May 11, 2022 2:52 pm
Subject: Re: Updated letter
We have people staying late today to get started on printing. Do you think you’ll have approval for the
letter or envelope?
5534 Baltimore Avenue | Philadelphia | PA | 19143
Redacted | Office 215.474.3420 | Fax 215.476.6697
mel@kennedyprinting.com | www.kennedyprinting.com