Cell Types: Superficial Cells
Cell Types: Superficial Cells
Cell Types: Superficial Cells
Cervical Cytology
Cell types Superficial Cells:
Small, pyknotic nucleus
Abundant cytoplasm (Often pink, can be blue)
Polygonal shape
Indicate abundant Estrogen
Intermediate Cells:
Abundant blue cytoplasm, polygonal shape
Larger, round to oval nuclei
Finer, normochromatic nuclei
→ Nuclei are important reference size
Basal/Parabasal Cell:
Minimal cytoplasm
Round to oval nuclei
Fine, but slightly dark chromatin
Usually few in number, unless atrophic
Endocervical Cells:
Uniform, Columnar cells
Polar, with round nucleus at one end
Majority of cytoplasm occupied by mucin
Arranged in flat sheets→ think “Honeycomb
Arranged in linear strips→ “Palisaded”
Endometrial Cells:
Small, High N:C ratio cells (almost all nucleus!)
Nucleus about the same size as an intermediate cell nucleus
Round nuclei with smooth chromatin, possible micronucleoli
Can be in large groups with outside epithelium and in inside stroma
Normal finding in first half of menstrual cycle if premenopausal
(Report if >50 yrs old)
• Perinuclear Halos = Koilocytes
• Large, irregular clearing
• Thick borders, like it was drawn with a
calligraphy pen
• Multinucleation
Tadpole Cell
Glandular Abnormalities
Variable, depending on site of origin/type.
Generally, more pleomorphic/irregular.
Endometrial cell nuclei larger than intermediate cell.
Reparative/Inflammatory Changes
Classic “Repair”
Enlarged nuclei with Prominent Nucleoli.
Round nuclear contours with fine, pale chromatin.
Normal N:C ratios, but variably sized
Cohesive flat sheets of cells with “streaming” like pulled taffy
Background inflammation
Seen in LOW estrogen states:
Turner syndrome
Follicular Cervicitis
Abundant lymphocytes (small rim of cytoplasm
around round nucleus, unlike HSIL, which is irregular)
Two characteristic findings:
1) Cells with abundant vacuolated cytoplasm
(mimicking Adenocarcinoma)
3 M’s
Molding of nuclei
Margination of chromatin
Treat if symptomatic.
Trichomonas Vaginalis
Pear-shaped protozoan STD
Pale, eccentric elongate nucleus
Red cytoplasmic granules
Fungal species that can cause infectious
throughout the GYN tract (and other areas).
Thick, “cottage cheese” discharge
Eosinophilic yeast forms and pseudohyphae and
hyphae (“Spaghetti and meatballs”)
Often tangled or skewering squamous cells
Can have variable associated inflammation or
inflammatory halos
Usually only treat if symptomatic
Gram-positive anaerobic bacteria
Commonly associated with IUD (or other foreign body)
HPV subtypes
High-risk (associated with cervical cancer and HSIL, but can also cause LSIL)
16, 18, 31, 33
Type 16 is most commonly detected in cervical cancers
Type 18 is associated with Endocervical Adenocarcinoma