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Inward-Inclined Implant Platform For The Amplified Platform-Switching Concept: 18-Month Follow-Up Report of A Prospective Randomized Matched-Pair Controlled Trial

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Inward-Inclined Implant Platform for the

Amplified Platform-Switching Concept:

18-Month Follow-up Report of a Prospective
Randomized Matched-Pair Controlled Trial
Luigi Canullo, DDS1/Jose Carlo Rosa, DDS2/Vicente Souza Pinto, Dr Med Dent3/
Carlos Eduardo Francischone, DDS, MS, PhD4/Werner Götz, MD, PhD5

Purpose: This prospective randomized matched-pair controlled trial aimed to evaluate marginal bone levels
and soft tissue alterations at implants restored according to the platform-switching concept with a new inward-
inclined platform and compare them with external-hexagon implants. Materials and Methods: Traditional
external-hexagon (control group) implants and inward-inclined platform implants (test group), all with the same
implant body geometry and 13 mm in length, were inserted in a standardized manner in the posterior maxillae
of 40 patients. Radiographic bone levels were measured by two independent examiners after 6, 12, and
18 months of prosthetic loading. Buccal soft tissue height was measured at the time of abutment connection
and 18 months later. Results: After 18 months of loading, all 80 implants were clinically osseointegrated in the
40 participating patients. Radiographic evaluation showed mean bone losses of 0.5 ± 0.1 mm (range, 0.3 to
0.7 mm) and 1.6 ± 0.3 mm (range, 1.1 to 2.2 mm) for test and control implants, respectively. Soft tissue height
showed a significant mean decrease of 2.4 mm in the control group, compared to 0.6 mm around the test
implants. Conclusions: After 18 months, significantly greater bone loss was observed at implants restored
according to the conventional external-hexagon protocol compared to the platform-switching concept. In
addition, decreased soft tissue height was associated with the external-hexagon implants versus the platform-
switched implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2012;27:927–934.

Key words: bone resorption, dental implants, follow-up studies, implant connection, implant platform,
platform switching

A ccording to previous studies, when an implant is

exposed to the oral environment, a vertical reposi-
tioning of hard and soft tissues takes place.1–5 The usu-
biotype, individual bone pattern, oral microbiology);
(2) implant and prosthetic factors (eg, implant mi-
cro- and macrogeometry, prosthetic material and
al amount of this peri-implant bone remodeling over configuration); (3) surgical factors (eg, flap design, drill-
time in physiologic conditions is 2 to 3 mm, depending ing procedure, stage-two surgery technique), and (4)
on arch, jaw region, the patient’s smoking status, bone biologic and/or biomechanical factors (eg, biologic
quality, and the implant surface and design.6 Several width reestablishment, occlusal loading). Focusing
factors may affect this postrestorative biologic process: on this last group, bone resorption may be related to
(1) local and systemic patient-related factors (eg, smok- the reestablishment of biologic width that takes place
ing habits, systemic disease, soft tissue thickness and following bacterial invasion of the implant/abutment
interface.7 Although controversial, additional bone re-
sorption seems to be related to occlusal loading, which
transfers stresses along the coronal bone-implant in-
1PhD student, Department of Orthodontics and Prosthodontics, terface.8,9 A different theory has been proposed that
University of Bonn, Germany; Private Practice, Rome, Italy.
2Private Practice, Caxias do Sul, Brazil. is not aligned with the infection or adverse loading
3 Private Practice, São Paulo, Brazil. theories; this has been named the “compromised heal-
4Professor, Department of Operative Dentistry, Faculty of ing/adaptation theory,”10 in which failures are divided
Odontology, University of São Paulo, Bauru, Brazil. into three groups: preloading, early loading, and late
5Professor, Department of Orthodontics and Prosthodontics,
University of Bonn, Germany.
Recently, published studies showed a different con-
Correspondence to: Dr Luigi Canullo, Via Nizza 46, 00198 cept of implant-abutment connection: the platform-
Rome, Italy. Email: luigicanullo@yahoo.com switching concept. The main characteristic of platform

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 927

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switching is the presence of a wider implant compared Italy, and São Paulo and Caxias do Sul, Brazil, were ex-
to the abutment selected. This configuration results in amined. To be included, a patient had to meet the fol-
a mismatch at the implant/abutment interface, there- lowing criteria:
by moving the potentially infected interface away
from the vital bone. • A need for a fixed implant-supported prosthesis in
This concept has been investigated with different the posterior maxilla (from the first premolar to the
models and with implant-abutment horizontal mis- second molar)
matches between 0.35 and 1.0 mm, and decreased • Age at least 18 years
vertical bone loss compared to conventionally re- • No relevant medical conditions
stored implants has been observed.11 Histologic analy- • Nonsmoking or smoking ≤ 10 cigarettes/day (all
sis of platform-switched implants demonstrated less pipe or cigar smokers were excluded)
bone loss in a dog model12,13 and in humans compared • Full-mouth plaque score and full-mouth bleeding
to the conventional restoration protocol.14,15 The soft score ≤ 25%
and hard tissue responses around platform-switched • Availability for follow-up for 18 months after pros-
implants have also been assessed.14,16–19 thetic loading
Additionally, a randomized controlled trial demon- • Presence of a ridge wide enough to allow the inser-
strated a linear inverse correlation between implant/ tion of a 4-mm-diameter implant according to the
abutment mismatching and bone resorption. The Brånemark protocol
outcome of that study demonstrated the assumption
that a greater mismatch would be associated with Subjects with acute infections at the planned treat-
less bone resorption.20 The biomechanical rationale ment sites, a need for horizontal bone regeneration,
for platform switching has also been analyzed.21 The current pregnancy or lactation, or a history of bisphos-
platform-switching configuration, in fact, was demon- phonate therapy were excluded from participation.
strated to shift the stress concentration away from the All patients received two adjacent implants: one
peri-implant bone, reducing the stress exerted on the with a traditional external-hexagon configuration (EH,
abutment-implant interface. P-I Branemark Philosophy, control group) and one with
There is evidence of improved bone preservation an inward-inclined platform (Amplified, P-I Branemark
around platform-switched implants compared to the Philosophy, test group) (Fig 1). Both implants present-
conventional design. However, a recently published ed the same implant body and the same neck and were
pilot study with a small sample size highlighted poorer made of grade IV titanium. A hybrid geometry that fea-
performance of platform switching when thin soft tis- tured a conical apex (with a bone-collecting chamber)
sues were present and conventional healing/loading and a parallel body with special threaded profiles was
protocols (2 to 4 months) were followed.22 present. The body was 4.0 mm in diameter, with the
In the literature, the platform-switching concept platform opening to a final diameter of 4.3 mm, result-
has been performed with horizontal flat or outward- ing in a conical coronal region. The surfaces of both
inclined mismatching. However, no study has yet test- implants featured nanotopographic characteristics.
ed the benefits of an inward oblique mismatching. The The semirough surface was obtained after a subtrac-
aim of this multicenter prospective randomized con- tion process by mechanical ultrasonic cleaning. Thus,
trolled matched-pair trial was to evaluate the hard and differences from the two groups were restricted to the
soft tissue responses around a new implant concept abutment connection and design.
with an inward inclined platform, which is believed The mesiodistal positions of the two implants (con-
to amplify the platform-switching concept, and com- trol and test) were assigned randomly according to
pare them to the tissue response around an external- predefined randomization tables. A balanced random
hexagon implant restored according to the traditional permuted block approach was used to prepare the
prosthetic concept. The null hypothesis was that an in- randomization tables to avoid unequal balance be-
ward-inclined, platform-switched restoration does not tween the treatment groups. To reduce the chance of
benefit hard and soft tissues more than conventional unfavorable splits between the test and control groups
prosthetic concepts. in terms of key prognostic factors, the randomization
process took into account the following variables: pres-
ence of adjacent teeth, distal-extension sites, and site
Material and methods location in dental arch. Assignment was performed us-
ing a sealed envelope.
Study Design and Patient Selection The present study was performed following the prin-
Between February 2007 and February 2008, patients ciples outlined by the Declaration of Helsinki on experi-
referred to four private clinics in Rome and Piacenza, mentation involving human subjects. All procedures

928 Volume 27, Number 4, 2012

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a b c d
Fig 1   Images of (a) control and (b) test group implants, which feature the same macrogeometry. (c) Scanning electron microscopic
and (d) traditional microscopic images showing the inward inclined platform of the test group implant.

and materials in the present prospective study were ap- ited to soft brushing for the first 2 weeks postsurgery.
proved by the local ethical committees, and all patients Regular brushing in the rest of the mouth and rinsing
provided informed consent. with 0.12% chlorhexidine were prescribed for 2 weeks.
Thereafter, conventional brushing and flossing were
Surgical and Prosthodontic Protocol permitted. After 2 weeks, the sutures were removed.
Before the surgical procedure, full-mouth professional Implants were allowed to undergo submerged healing.
prophylaxis was conducted. Patients received 1 g of Two to 3 months later, the implants were uncov-
amoxicillin clavulanate 1 hour prior to surgery and ered. The cover screws were exposed and removed via
continued with 2 g per day for 6 days. A crestal incision a crestal incision placed just over the area correspond-
was performed after anesthesia had been induced ing to the implant. Attached keratinized mucosa was
(Fig 2a). When required, sinus elevation was per- present on both the palatal and buccal aspects around
formed, but the coronal part of all implants was always all implants. Subsequently, the corresponding healing
placed in at least 4 mm of native bone. abutment was inserted. After 1 week, a corresponding
After the implant site was prepared (round and coping transfer was used and an impression was made.
2-mm drills at 1,500 rpm; pilot drill at 1,000 rpm; and For prosthetic restoration, in the control group, a
surgical site finalization at 1,000 rpm with drills of matching-diameter abutment was used. In the test
2.8 mm for soft bone, 3.0 mm for normal bone, and group, according to the platform-switching concept,
3.3 mm for dense bone, all under abundant saline ir- the selected abutment resulted in a horizontal mis-
rigation), surgeons’ assistants were asked to open the match of 0.35 mm (corresponding to a total of 0.50 mm
sealed envelope containing the information regarding because of the inward-inclined platform) between the
implant positions, ie, the surgical site was prepared by implant and abutment diameters (Fig 3).
the surgeon without previous knowledge of the type To prevent unequal loading of the implants, the test
of implant to be placed. According to the randomiza- and control implant restorations were splinted. Cement-
tion, two 13-mm-long implants (one control and one ed restorations were adopted, and the margins were posi-
test) were inserted at the crestal level (Fig 2b). tioned approximately 1 mm below the soft tissue margin
Before implant insertion, buccolingual width of the to ease the removal of excess cement. The crowns were
buccal bone wall was measured using a surgical probe luted with temporary cement (Temp Bond, KerrHawe).
as the distance from the implant platform to the most
external bone. Radiographic and Clinical Assessments
All implants were inserted with the platform at the An individual customized digital film holder was fabricat-
bone level (Figs 2c and 2d). Tension-free sutures were ed for each patient to ensure reproducible radiographic
placed with a 5.0 monofilament to prevent any early analysis. At the time of the connection of the definitive
exposures of cover screws. abutment and crown, implant stability and soft tissue
Patients were instructed to eat a soft diet and to conditions were assessed. Furthermore, digital periapi-
avoid chewing in the treated area until the sutures cal standardized radiographs were obtained to ensure
were removed. Oral hygiene at the surgical site was lim- perfect adaptation of the abutment on the implant.

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 929

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a b

Fig 2   (a) After a crestal incision was made,
(b to d) control (left) and test (right) implants
were inserted adjacent to each other at the
crestal level according to the randomization
c protocol.

Every 6 months for 18 months after definitive res- plant. For each implant, separate mesial and distal val-
toration, clinical examinations were performed to ues were recorded. All measurements were made and
evaluate peri-implant and periodontal parameters collected by two calibrated examiners who had not
at implants and the neighboring (mesial and distal) placed the implants. For each pair of measurements,
teeth, respectively. Every 6 months, periapical stan- mean values were used. Calibration of the blinded ex-
dardized digital radiographs were also obtained to aminers was performed on triplicate measurements
evaluate changes in marginal bone levels after loading before the study began.
(Digital Sensor Schick 1, Schick Technologies). Digital
periapical radiographs were standardized using the Soft Tissue Measurements
previously mentioned individualized mouthpiece to At the time of abutment connection and after 18
ensure a consistent technique. Exposure parameters months of prosthetic loading, the buccal soft tissue
were conducted according to the manufacturer’s rec- height was measured and recorded. A modified perio-
ommendations and standard clinical protocols (Fig 4). dontal probe, accurate to within 0.5 mm, was selected
A computerized measurement technique was ap- for this purpose. The probe was positioned at the mar-
plied to the digital periapical radiographs. Evaluation gin of the platform. The distance from the platform to
of the marginal bone level around implants was per- the gingival margin was recorded. To facilitate mea-
formed using image analysis software (Autocad 2006, surements, crowns and abutments were removed at
version Z 54.10, Autodesk) that could compensate the 18-month examination.
for radiographic distortion.21 The software calculated
bone resorption at the mesial and distal aspects of the Statistical Analysis
implants. Since each implant was inserted at the level To evaluate the differences in bone height between
of the bone crest, the distance was measured from the paired control and test implants, the Wilcoxon sign
the mesial and distal margins of the implant neck to rank test was used. The differences in bone height with
the most coronal point of bone contact with the im- respect to implant site and the type of grafting (or no

930 Volume 27, Number 4, 2012

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Fig 3   Reopening procedure 3 months after implant insertion. The definitive abutments Fig 4   Control and test adjacent im-
were inserted, creating a mismatch of 0.85 mm with the test implant and a matching- plants restored with a single splint-
diameter abutment on the control implant. ed restoration to prevent unequal
loading between the implants. Ra-
diograph shows a site at 18 months
after prosthetic loading.

grafting performed) was calculated by the Kruskal- nificantly greater than around the test implants (Fig 5).
Wallis test. To determine the degree of association At the last follow-up assessment, control implants ex-
between buccal bone width and bone loss, the Pear- hibited an average of 1.63 mm of bone loss, compared
son correlation coefficient was selected. Correlations to 0.49 mm for the control implants (Fig 6).
(r) between 0 and 0.25 were considered low, those A total of 11, 29, 33, and 7 implants from both
between 0.25 and 0.5 were considered fair, those be- groups were placed in the first premolar, second pre-
tween 0.5 and 0.75 were considered moderate, and molar, first molar, and second molar regions, respec-
those greater than 0.75 were considered strong. The tively. The bone loss was different around control
significance level was set at P < .05. implants depending on the implant location; more
bone resorption was demonstrated at the first premo-
lar compared to the second premolar and first molar
Results but was similar to that seen at second molar sites. No
difference was observed in test implants with respect
A total of 63 patients presented with the anatomical to implant site (Fig 6). A total of 19 implants in each
conditions required for the present trial. Of these pa- group was associated with sinus graft elevation from
tients, 23 did not fulfill the inclusion criteria; thus, 40 the lateral wall (major procedure) and 10 implants
patients were included. Twenty-four patients were from each group were associated with sinus elevation
men and 16 were women, and the average age of the by a crestal approach (minor procedure); 11 implants
participants was 58.2 years. from each group were placed without any bone aug-
A total of 19 patients (38 implants) required major mentation procedure. No difference in bone height
sinus elevation with a buccal approach. The implants was seen regardless of whether grafting (major or mi-
were placed and the sinus membrane was elevated nor) was performed, both for control (P = .3) and for
during the same procedure, according to the guide- test (P = .6) implants. The buccal bone width was simi-
lines suggested by Wallace and Froum.23 Another lar for both control and test implants, and no correla-
10 patients (20 implants) underwent minor sinus el- tion was found between buccal bone width measured
evation with a crestal approach using osteotomes. at surgery and marginal bone level alterations after
Nanostructured hydroxyapatite was used as the only 18 months in the control (r = .03, P = .81) or test (r = .13
grafting material (Nanobone, Artoos). and P = .41) groups (Fig 7).
No patients dropped out and all were followed for Similar mean buccal soft tissue height (3.0 mm) was
a period of 18 months after prosthetic loading. All im- measured at the time of abutment connection around
plants belonging to the control and test groups were both types of implants. However, after 18 months of
clinically osseointegrated, stable, and free of signs of loading, significantly lower soft tissue height was seen
infection. For each time point evaluated (6, 12, and 18 around the external-hexagon implants (0.6 mm) than
months), bone loss around the control implants was sig- around the platform-switched (2.4 mm) implants.

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 931

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1.8 *
1.6 Test 2.0 *
Mean bone loss (mm)

Mean bone loss (mm)

1.2 1.5
0.8 1.0
0.4 0.5
0.0 0.0
6 mo 12 mo 18 mo 0 1 2 3 4
Time Implant site

Fig 5   Mean bone loss for the test and control implants at 6, Fig 6   Correlation of bone loss versus implant site. Greater
12, and 18 months after prosthetic loading. *P ≤ .05. bone loss was observed around control (external-hexagon) im-
plants (gray diamonds) inserted in the first premolar and second
molar areas compared to second premolar and first molar sites.
No difference in bone height was detected in the test implants
(black squares) (*P ≤ .05).

Additionally, many factors associated with bone loss

r = 0.03,
P = .81 are patient related, which may influence the results of
a clinical trial. A matched-pair design was therefore
Bone loss (mm)

1.5 selected to exclude the patient as a variable. Test and

control implants were placed adjacent to each other
1.0 to minimize differences in bone site pattern. Moreover,
r = 0.13,
P = .41 to prevent variations in occlusal loading, the two im-
0.5 plants were restored with a single two-unit prosthesis.
Additionally, it should be highlighted that, in fact,
0.0 the observed differences cannot be related to soft tis-
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Buccal bone width (mm) sue thickness, since implants were inserted in the same
environment. The most extensive marginal bone level
alterations were seen at the first follow-up (6 months
Fig 7   No correlation was found between control (gray dia-
monds) and test (black squares) implants and buccal bone width. after prosthetic loading), whereas during the 1-year
observation period thereafter, minor bone loss was
observed. Previous experimental and clinical stud-
Discussion ies in fact observed the most pronounced marginal
bone level changes after the surgical trauma resulting
Over a period of 18 months, the present study dem- from implant placement and abutment connection,
onstrated that implants restored according to the whereas after functional loading, only minor signs of
“amplified” platform-switching concept experienced bone loss occurred.7,24,25 During the first year of load-
significantly less marginal bone loss and better soft tis- ing, two-piece implants in particular have frequently
sue preservation compared to implants with matching been associated with crestal bone loss of about 1.5 to
implant and abutment diameters and a conventional 2.0 mm.26–28 The result of the present study, in which
external-hexagon configuration. control implants exhibited mean marginal bone loss of
All patients enrolled in the present study received 1.63 mm after 18 months, are in line with these previ-
the same treatment: one implant with an external ous findings. Several explanations for these observed
hexagon with a matching-diameter abutment and changes in crestal bone height have been suggested.
one implant with the “amplified” platform-switching Some authors have discussed the potential role of the
configuration. To ensure that the results would be microgap at the implant-abutment interface, which
comparable, both control and test implants presented could act as site for bacterial colonization at the implant
the same macroscopic and microscopic design and the sulcus.4,29,30 Others described the establishment of an
same surface, varying only in the connection. Thus, the adequate dimension of the biologic width associated
different results would seem to be related to the differ- with marginal bone resorption at sites with a thin mu-
ences in the design of the abutment and connection. cosa25 and in conjunction with abutment connection.31

932 Volume 27, Number 4, 2012

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Butt-joint connections associated with matching-diam- theorem, this configuration allows for an amplified
eter implant-abutment configurations have linked in- mismatching compared to a flat implant platform. In
flammation (an inflammatory cell infiltrate) to bone loss fact, according to previous results,20 a linear inverse
of 1.5 to 2.0 mm.7,32 correlation between implant-abutment mismatch and
The reasons for the observed reduced bone loss at bone resorption was found. Furthermore, this configu-
platform-switched implants in the present study can ration is expected to provide additional space for the
only be speculated upon. The horizontal inward repo- so-called “walling-off function” of soft tissue, which is
sitioning of the implant-abutment interface has been supposed to protect the underlying bone from bac-
suggested to overcome some of the problems associat- terial invasion, thereby preventing epithelial down-
ed with two-piece implants. The platform switching may growth.17 Soft tissue behavior, in fact, seems to reflect
increase the distance between the gap of the implant- this histologic difference, showing statistically signifi-
abutment interface (which is associated with inflam- cant differences in control and test groups, according
matory cell infiltrate) and the marginal bone, thereby to some studies.16,38
decreasing the potential bone-resorptive effect. Also,
there might be a reduction in the amount of marginal
bone loss necessary to expose a minimum amount of Conclusion
implant surface to which the soft tissue can attach.11
These assumptions are supported by recent animal Decreased bone loss was observed around platform-
studies13,26,33 and human histologic observations.18 switched implants compared to traditional external-
Clinical case series of immediate implants34,35 and hexagon implants at three different intervals over
prospective controlled studies have evaluated the 18 months in a matched-pair controlled trial. After
bone responses14,36–38 as well as the soft tissue respons- 18 months, the conventional external-hexagon im-
es16 to platform-switched implants, although positive plants exhibited bone loss that was more than 1 mm
outcomes are believed to be dependent on the soft greater than that seen around the platform-switched
tissue biotype.22 The magnitude of the observed mar- implants. This difference was not related to grafting
ginal bone level alterations varied among the studies. procedures, and no correlation with baseline buccal
This may be a result of different observation periods (6 bone width could be observed. Future experimental
to 24 months), implant types, study populations, and and clinical studies will help to unravel the biologic
radiographic analysis methods. However, compared to processes involved as well as establish the significance
control implants with matching abutment-implant di- of these findings for long-term implant success.
mensions, these studies all demonstrated significantly
less marginal bone loss as assessed on radiographs at
implants restored according to the platform-switching Acknowledgments
The differences in bone loss may also be related to The authors highly appreciate the skills and commitment of
Dr Audrenn Gautier for language suggestions and Dr Henry
the different mechanics of the implant-abutment con-
Canullo for his effective help in finalization of the protocol.
nections analyzed. In fact, the connection type exerts a Furthermore, the authors are particularly grateful to Dr Paola
significant influence on the stress distribution in bone Cicchese and Dr Giuseppe Goglia for their support in radio-
because of different load transfer mechanisms and dif- graphic measurements and patient recruitment and Dr Luiz
ferences in the size of the contact area between the Meirellis for supervision of the manuscript. The authors declare
that there are no conflicts of interest. This study was partially
abutment and the implant; controversially, the stresses
funded by P-I Brånemark Philosophy.
around the peri-implant area was shown to be higher
in an external-hex compared to an internal-hex con-
figuration.39–41 Tolerance between components and a References
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