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A Project Report on

Submitted to the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur

In Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Submitted By

Submitted To:
Dr. K. D. Gupta
Department of Computer Science

Apex Institute of Management and Science

Sec-5, V.T. Road, Mansarovar, Jaipur
{Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to University of Rajasthan, Jaipur)
BCA Admission Year
(June 2022)


I, ANISHKA RATHORE hereby declare that the work presented in this project entitled
“Student Management System ” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of Bachelor of Computer Applications, submitted in the Department of Computer
Science at Apex Institute of Management & Science, Jaipur, is an authentic record of
my own research work under the
supervision of DR. K. D. GUPTA

I also declare that the work embodied in the present thesis is my original work/extension
of the existing work and has not been copied from any Journal/thesis/book, and has not
been submitted by me for any other Degree/Diploma.

(Name & Signature of Candidate)

Enrolment No.: 19/118779
Date: JUNE-2022


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my project guide

“Student Management System” for giving me the opportunity to
work on this topic.
It would never be possible for use to take this project to this level
without his innovative ideas and his relentless support and

Name of Student :- KAJAL GUPTA

Roll Number :- 328393

Student Management System provides the benefits of
streamlined operations, enhanced administration & control,
superior patient care, strict cost control and improved
profitability. SMSWPW is powerful, flexible, and easy to use and
is designed and developed to deliver real conceivable benefits
to management More importantly it is backed by reliable and
dependable support.
The project ‘Student Management System’ is based on the
database, object oriented and networking techniques. As there
are many areas where we keep the records in database for
which we are using MY SQL software which is one of the best
and the easiest software to keep our information. This project
uses JAVA as the front-end software which is an Object
Oriented Programming and has connectivity with MY SQL.

Student Management System is custom built to meet the specific

requirement of the mid and large size management across the
globe. All the required modules and features have been
particularly built to just fit in to your requirement. Entire
application is desktop based and built on 2 tier architecture
using the latest technologies. The package is highly
customizable and can be modified as per the needs and
requirements of our clients. Prolonged study of the
functionalities of the management and its specific requirement
has given it a wonderful shape both technically and usability
wise. It covers all the required modules right from students
Registration, students details, teacher, class, tution fees, record
modification, details etc.

1.1. Purpose
1.2. Scope of study
2.1. Existing System-Student Management System
2.2. Proposed System-Student Management System
2.3. Feasibility Analysis-Student Management System
2.3.1. Technical Feasibility
2.3.2. Economical Feasibility
2.3.3. Operational Feasibility
2.4. General Constraints
2.5. Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations
Product Perspective

3.1. Interfaces
3.2. Product Functions
3.3. User Classes and Characteristics
3.4. Operating Environment
3.5. Constraints
3.6. Use Case Model
3.6.1. Use Case Model Description
3.6.2. Basic Sections of Personal Web Portfolio
3.6.3. Assumption and Dependencies
3.7. Functional Requirements
3.8. Non-functional Requirements
3.8.1. Performance Requirements
3.8.2. Safety Requirements
3.8.3. Security requirements
3.9. Conclusion

4.1. Scope and purpose of design
4.2. Overall System Design Objective
4.3. Structure of Design Document
4.4. System Design And Architecture
4.5. Services Diagram
4.6. ER-Diagram
5.1. Data Flow Diagram
5.2. Decision Tree
5.3. Deployment Diagram
5.4. Conclusion
6.1. PHP
6.2. PhpMyAdmin
6.3. MySQL
6.4. Apache
6.5. XAMPP
6.5.1. Obtaining and Installing XAMPP
6.5.2. Creating a Database and Inserting Data


This project “Student Management System with Portfolio Website” provides us a

simple interface for maintenance of student information as well as it provides a
professional way to showcase student skills and work. It can be used by educational
institutes or colleges to maintain the records of students easily. In addition to this, it
presents the student information in the form of a portfolio website which is very useful for
the career of students. Achieving this objective is difficult using a manual system as the
information is scattered, can be redundant and collecting relevant information may be very
time consuming. All these problems are solved using this project.

Throughout the project, the focus has been on presenting information in an easy and
intelligible manner. The project is very useful for those who want to know about Student
Management Systems and want to develop software/website based on the same concept
and also want it to be beneficial for the career of students.

There are many departments of administration for the maintenance of college information
and student databases in any institution. All these departments provide various records
regarding students. Most of these track records need to maintain information about the
students. This information could be the general details like student name, address,
performance, skills, works, etc or specific information related to departments like
collection of data.

All the modules in college administration are interdependent. They are maintained
manually. So they need to be automated and centralized as, Information from one module
will be needed by other modules.

The project provides facilities like online login, maintaining data and profile creation of
students which can be helpful for their interviews as well.

Every student needs a digital portfolio. It most accurately represents the student’s
individuality and skills for academic and professional opportunities. The benefits of a
digital portfolio are vast; from helping students get the job, or developing a deep love of
learning. Thus, reducing paperwork and automating the record generation process in an
educational institution.


The objective of Student information System is to allow the administrator of any

organization to edit and find out the personal details of a student and allows the student to
keep up to date his digital profile.

It’ll also facilitate keeping all the records of students, such as their id, name, course, roll
number, address, email, phone number, image, etc. So, all the information about a student
will be available in a few seconds.

Overall, it’ll make Student Information Management an easier job for the administrator
and the student of any organization. Student Management System and is intended to help
any organization to maintain and manage its student’s personal data.

The idea of developing a student management system is to improve communication

between professors and students.

The student management system can be used by head of departments, teachers, and

It aids in the tracking of a student’s development so that the optimal decisions for the
student’s learning path may be made. Many educational institutions currently employ
computer systems to arrange a student’s data.

Making a digital portfolio demonstrate evidence of growth and achievement of students

and also a way to showcase their skills.

A Web development portfolio provides examples of Student’s skills and provides
examples of their services. It’s often the first port of call for people seeking to hire

As a student, the online portfolio may be the first port of call for prospective employers,
and if he/she is a professional designer who works in a studio, an online presence means
you can showcase some of your work, creating an online presence and also enhancing the
skills as well.

Also, as a portfolio helps build a career path, students can reflect on their academic goals
and work harder to succeed in their career objectives. Students can quickly determine their
strengths and weaknesses that are very important when making future professional
decisions. Therefore, an online student portfolio is an essential tool for students’
professional development. It is advisable for students to digital wallets to keep their
achievements accordingly in one place for better tracking of their progress.


Our Student Management System deals with the various activities related to the


There are mainly 2 modules in this software

 Administrator Module

 Student Module.

In the Software admin can be faculty member and the students who are registered by
admin can login their student panel. For the login of a faculty the username and the
password is provided by the administrator.

For every registered student the course name and the roll no is provided by the head of the
department faculty to access their information.

In this project an admin can manage the students and take decision about the students like
deletion of any student. Admin is authorized to create the token for the registration of a
student and updation of their information.

Student Information system will store all the details of the students including their
background information, educational qualifications, personal details and all the
information related to their resume .

Purpose of project is to maintain details of the students such as storing information


⮚ Student Roll number

⮚ Student Name
⮚ Student Course
⮚ Student email
⮚ Class 10th percentage
⮚ Class 12th percentage
⮚ Student Address
⮚ City
⮚ Contact no
⮚ Student’s Skills
⮚ Services and description
⮚ Image

Existing System: Student Management System:-

System Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and
their relationships within and outside of the system. Here the key question is- what all
problems exist in the present system? What must be done to solve the problem?

Analysis begins when a user or manager begins a study of the program using existing

       During analysis, data collected on the various files, decision points and transaction by
the present system. The commonly used tools in the system are Data Flow Diagram,
interviews, etc.

Training, experience and common sense are required for collection of relevant information
needed to develop the system. The success of the system depends largely on how clearly
the problem is defined, thoroughly investigated and properly carried out through the choice
of solution.

A good analysis model should provide not only the mechanisms of problem understanding
but also the frame work of the solution.

Thus, it should be studied thoroughly by collecting data about the system. Then the
proposed system should be analyzed thoroughly in accordance with the needs.

System analysis can be categorized into five parts.

● System planning and initial investigation

● Information Gathering
● Applying analysis tools for structured analysis
● Feasibility study
● Cost/ Benefit analysis.

In the current system we need to keep a number of records related to the student and want
to enter the details of the student and other personal information manually. Maintenance of
records of students is also difficult. This is time consuming and has much cost. In the
current scenario, we have seen many automated student management system but this is bit
different from them. It provides information in the form of portfolio website to the students
which can be very beneficial for their immediate interviews as well as their career goals.

Proposed System: Student Management System:-

In our proposed system we have the provision for adding some of the details of the
students by themselves. So, the overhead of the school authorities and the teachers is
become less.

Another advantage of the system is that it is very easy to edit the details of the student and
delete a student when it found unnecessary. The information of the student are added in the
database and so students can also view the information whenever they want.

Our proposed system has several advantages

 User friendly interface

 Fast access to database

 Less error

 More Storage Capacity

 Search facility

 Look and Feel Environment

 Quick and easy access

All the manual difficulties in managing the student details in a school or college have been
rectified by implementing computerization.

In this system, the teacher or the school authority views and updates the information of the
student and some of the update can be done by the student as well and all the information
will be shown to the student in the form of his/her portfolio website.

Feasibility Study

Feasibility Study begins when a problem is identified by managers and users of

department. In this phase, the systems analyst visits the relevant department and starts
preliminary investigations.

Objectives of Feasibility Study:

● To identify the deficiencies in the current system.

● To determine objectives of the proposed system.
● To acquire a sense of scope of the system.
● To identify the responsible users.
● To determine whether it is feasible to develop the new system.

Steps in Feasibility Study:

● Start preliminary investigation through different factfinding techniques.

● Prepare the systems flowcharts of the current system.
● Identify and describe the deficiencies in the current system.
● Determine objectives of the proposed system.
● Prepare the systems flowchart of the proposed system.
● Identify and enumerate the existing computer systems along with their technical
● Determine the cost and benefits of the proposed system.
● Identify the responsible users and determine the operational feasibility.
● Prepare the feasibility study report.
● Give the oral presentation of the feasibility study.

Feasibility Analysis: Student Management System:-

Whatever we think need not be feasible. It is wise to think about the feasibility of any
problem we undertake. Feasibility is the study of impact, which happens in the
organization by the development of a system. The impact can be either positive or

When the positives nominate the negatives, then the system is considered feasible. Here
the feasibility study can be performed in two ways such as technical feasibility and
Economical Feasibility.

Types of Feasibility


⮚ Technical Feasibility

● We can strongly say that it is technically feasible, since there will not be much
difficulty in getting required resources for the development and maintaining the
system as well.

● All the resources needed for the development of the software as well as the
maintenance of the same is available in the organization. Here, we are utilizing the
resources which are available already.

⮚ Economical Feasibility

● Development of this application is highly economically feasible. The organization

needed not spend much money for the development of the system.

● The only thing is to be done is making an environment for the development with
an effective supervision. If we are doing so, we can attain the maximum usability
of the corresponding resources.

● Even after the development, the organization will not be in condition to invest
more in the organization. Therefore, the system is economically feasible.

⮚ Operational Feasibility

● When it is found that the project is both economic and technical feasible, the next
step is to determine whether it is operationally feasible or not.

● During operational feasibility study, it is operationally feasible or not. During

operational feasibility study, it is determined whether the system will operate in
the way that user wants or not.

● Operational feasibility depends upon human resources for the development and
implementation of the system. It is considered whether the qualified or
experienced manpower is available for development and implementation of the
system or not. User involvement is more required in determining the operational


● Should Run on the Windows XP/Windows 2000 Platform.

● The total number of resources should be indicated in exact figures.
● There is no maintainability of back up so availability will get affected.
● Limited to HTTP/HTTPS.
● User Interface should be provided only in English.

Some Other Specific Hardware Requirements For Admin

⮚ Hard Disk – 2 GB
⮚ RAM – 1 GB
⮚ Processor – Dual Core or Above
⮚ Mouse
⮚ Keyboard

● Student Panel Can be accessed on Windows as well as Mobile Phones


❖ HTML: Hypertext Markup Language is a markup language used to design static web


❖ HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a transaction oriented client/server protocol

between web browser & a Web Server.

❖ HTTPS: Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a HTTP over SSL (secure socket layer)

❖ TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, the suite of communication

protocols used to connect hosts on the Internet. TCP/IP uses several protocols, the two

main ones being TCP and IP.

❖ Personal details: Details of student such as user id, phone number, address, image,

resume, e-mail address etc.

❖ SRS: System requirement Specification

❖ WWW: world wide web


⮚ Product Perspective

The website Student Management System is aimed towards recording a considerable

number of student records and needs online assistance for managing records of students.

Website should be user-friendly, ‘quick to learn’ and reliable website for the above


Student Management System is intended to be a stand-alone product and should not

depend on the availability of other website. The system will also have an administrator

who has full-fledged rights with regards to performing all actions related to control and

management of the website.

⮚ Interfaces

System Interfaces

Since this student management system is a standalone system, there is no system interface
with any other system.

User Interfaces

The interfaces will involve check boxes, combo boxes, text boxes, and radio buttons. The
combo boxes and the radio buttons will be used to prevent users from entering wrong type
of information. They will also enable fast data entry. Text boxes will be controlled for
avoiding invalid and inconsistent data.

Users can use “Tab” key to move cursor on screen items easily. There will be two types of
messages for constructive advice to the users: error and confirmation messages.

There will be four types of error messages for application control: input, output, process
and database/Web server error messages. There will be several types of users, and each
user will access the screens according to their types after entering their id and passwords
and other details as per requirement.

Standard screen format (fixed colors, fonts, background, the page layout, etc.) will be used
throughout the interfaces. The language of the user interfaces will be English.

Communication Interface

The default communication protocol for data transmission between server and the client is

Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). At the upper level Hyper Text

Transfer Protocol (HTTP, default port=80) will be used for communication between the

web server and client.

Memory Constraints

The client computer, which runs the web browser, should have enough physical memory to

run this program.

⮚ Product Functions

There are two different users who will be using this product:

⇒ Administrator who can view and edit the details of any students.

⇒ Students who can view their details as well as they can edit some of their


The features that are available to the Administrator are:

⇒ An administrator can login into the system and can perform any of the operations

⇒ Can register/add student.

⇒ Can delete student account.

⇒ Can edit student information to the database.

⇒ Can make search for a specific student.

⇒ Can access all the details of the student.

⇒ Can upload student’s image.

The features that are available to the student are:

⇒ Student can login into the system and can perform any of the available points

⇒ Can view his/her personal details in the digital portfolio.

⇒ Can edit his/her personal details like skills, services and their descriptions.

⇒ Can upload his/her image.

User classes and characteristics

There are mainly two kinds of users for the product. The users include:

⇒ Administrator

⇒ Student

Operating Environment

The product can run on any browser.


● Every user must be comfortable using computer.

● All operations are in English so user must have basic knowledge of English.

Use Case Model

Upload image

View Profile
Add Student

Edit Student Edit Specific Details


Delete Student
Profile Student

Search Specific Upload Image
Use Case Model Description

1. Administrator: Responsible for managing student records.

View Student Edit Student
Information Information
⇒ Login into the website

⇒ Add Student with their images

⇒ Update student details

⇒ Search student details

⇒ Display student details

⇒ Delete student profile

Student: Has the access rights to view and edit their personal details.

⇒ Login into the portfolio website

⇒ Display student profile

⇒ Edit their some details

⇒ Upload their images

Basic Sections of Personal Web Portfolio

Assumption and Dependencies

● Administrator is created in the system already.

● Roles and tasks are predefined. Skills

Portfolio Website

Logout ServiceS



● The Administrator will be given more powers (add/update/delete)

● the student user accounts.

● It will be ensured that the information entered is of the correct format. For example,

percentage can no contain alphabets.

● In case if incorrect form of information is added, the user will be asked to fill the

information again.

● The system can be accessed any time.


⮚ Performance Requirements:

The proposed system that we are going to develop will be used as the Chief performance

system for providing help to the organization in managing the whole database of the

student studying in the organization. Therefore, it is expected that the database would

perform functionally all the requirements that are specified.

⮚ Safety Requirements:

The database may get crashed at any certain time due to virus or operating system failure.

Therefore, it is required to take the database backup.

⮚ Security Requirements:

We are going to develop a secured database. There are different categories of users namely

Administrator, Student who will be viewing either all or some specific information form

the database. Depending upon the category of user the access rights are decided. It means

if the user is an Administrator then, he can be able to modify the data, append etc. All other

users only have the rights to retrieve the information about database.

Conclusion: This SRS has given all the details of the application need to be built.


The system has to operate in a reliable manner with no scope for any flaws. This is to
ensure efficient working and processing of information.

The site should be available all the time without any issues. A backup must be available for
recovery issues so that the existing is not lost in case of any issue.

The system has an authorization mechanism for users to identify their personal profiles.
Therefore, different users will have different authorization levels to access the data. Data
integrity for critical variables will also be checked.

The system can meet the changing requirements easily, since the infrastructure of the
system would not need major changes. The requirements of the software while evolving,
will be met by just adding new sub-functions. Therefore, the maintainability of the system
would not be a complex issue.

Detailed Design of Implementation
This phase of the system development life cycle refines hardware and software
specifications, establishes programming plans, trains users and implements extensive
testing procedures, to evaluate design and operating specifications and/or provide the basis
for further modification.

Technical Design
This activity builds upon specifications produced during new system design, adding
detailed technical specifications and documentation.

Test Specifications and Planning

This activity repairs detailed test specifications for individual modules and programs,
subsystems and for as system a whole.

Programming and Testing

This activity encompasses actual development, writing, and testing of program units or

User Training
This activity encompasses writing user processor manuals, preparation of user training
materials, conducting training programs, and testing procedure.

Acceptance Test
A final procedural review to demonstrate a system and secure user approval before a
system becomes operational.



The purpose of the design phase is to develop a clear understanding of what the developer
want people to gain from his/her project. As the developer, work on the project, the test for
every design decision should be "Does this feature fulfill the ultimate purpose of the
A purpose statement affects the design process by explaining what the developer wants the
project to do, rather than describing the project itself.
The Design Document will verify that the current design meets all of the explicit
requirements contained in the system model as well as the implicit requirements desired by
the customer.


The overall system design objective is to provide an efficient, modular design that will
reduce the system’s complexity, facilitate change and result in an easy implementation.
This will be accomplished by designing strongly cohesion system with minimal coupling.

In addition, this document will provide interface design models that are consistent user
friendly and will provide straight forward transition through the various system functions.


● System Architecture Design – The System architecture section has detailed

diagram of the system, server and client architecture.

● Data Design – The data Design include an ERD as well as Database design.

● Functional Design Description – This section has the functional partitioning from
the SRS, and goes into great detail to describe each function.


In this chapter, modules of the website are described. It includes software interfaces,
hardware interfaces, software requirements, hardware requirements etc.

This project is made under an online project which works as a website also.

The user selects one of the available options as an input to the system. According to the
input by the user the system acts and the rest of the functions are performed accordingly.
The administrator can operate on any student details. But the normal student or users can
only access their details of all the functionalities.

⮚ ADMIN module:

This is the first and the base module of the project by this module an admin is provided to
the project to manage the student module.

An admin have the authority to add, update information and remove student, view details

⮚ STUDENT module:

After registration the student will get a roll number. For student module a login page will
be displayed with two sections: Course and Roll no. After entering the course and the roll
number, students redirected to the options, whether they want to view their profile or want
to update it. After selecting first option, the student is redirected to their digital portfolio.
After selecting the second option, the student is able to view and update their updatable
information like skills, services and their descriptions and profile pictures but students are
restricted to update their key details like Name, course etc.


Admin Module


Operations performed by

Entity relationship
Viewdiagram for admin
Add panel Update Delete

Student Module email


Admin Manage 10th%

Password View Portfolio image Edit Portfolio Profile
contact address


The importance of DFD for Student Management System is that it improves

audience’s understanding about what will happen in the student management. This is done
by helping them visualizing the system’s data management at various levels of elaboration.

Data flow diagram

0-Level DFD

Request for login

Student Management
Admin System

Data flow diagram

Decision tree

Hence, we can conclude that the design phase of the SIMS give us the information of all
the processes used in the project and their relation.


The technology selected for implementing Student Information Management System is

PHP/MYSQL. Apache is used as the HTTP server. The development was done in a
‘windows’ environment using adobe dream weaver CS5.

PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to server- side web
development where PHP generally runs on a web server.PHP code is embedded into the
HTML source document. Any PHP code in a requested file is executed by the PHP
runtime, usually to create dynamic web page content. It can also be used for command-line
scripting and client-side GUI applications. PHP can be deployed on many web servers and
operating systems, and can be used with many relational database management systems
(RDBMS). It is available free of charge, and the PHP Group provides the complete source
code for users to build, customize and extend for their own use.

Advantages of PHP
● a large base of reference and educational materials;
● better loading speed of websites;
● more options for database connectivity;
● a large collection of open-source addons;
● inexpensive website hosting;
● great synergy with HTML;
● excellent flexibility and combinability;
● various benefits provided by cloud solutions.

Near and Distant Future of PHP

Currently, PHP is still at the top of the web development world. A considerable share of all
websites run on this programming language, and the easy-to-use CMS Word press
continues to gain popularity. It allows users to design and deploy their own websites on
free or paid hosting platforms with just a couple of clicks. That’s why the near future of the
PHP language seems bright as it will continue to evolve and be used extensively.

However, the distant perspectives of PHP raise some concerns regarding its future viability
in web development. For example, Python already attracts more new developers than PHP,
and this trend is not likely to change soon. Besides, Python deals with some highly
demanded features, such as machine learning, better than PHP due to the presence of
specialized libraries. At this rate, PHP needs a significant leap in its evolution to catch up
with Python, otherwise its popularity will continue to wane.


Considering all pros and cons, it is possible to finalize the business benefits and answer the
logical question “Why use PHP?”

1. It is extensively popular, so you are sure to find the development team that fits your needs.
2. It is fairly easy and well-documented, so the development process will probably take less
3. It is extremely flexible and combines well with other web development technologies, so
the development team will have more tools in its disposal.
4. It is an open-source technology that allows reducing costs required to build, deploy, and
maintain your application.
5. It is faster than other web development technologies, for example Python, especially when
used for simple applications.


php My Admin is a tool that is used for the purpose of managing and administering the
databases such as the Maria DB& MySQL database application systems. This tool can be
downloaded from the phpMyAdmin website directly, without getting through any payment
process, as it is accessible in the form of open source application software programmed
using the PHP scripting language, instigated by the Microsoft tool ‘MySQL –Web Admin’.
This tool is exerted for employing more than one database systems or database
management systems, along with their connected servers and node units. It was originally
developed by Tobias Rats chiller, and later ended up with G it Hub.

Need of phpMyAdmin

PhpMyAdmin is chosen over any other database administering tool due to below reasons,

● phpMyAdmin administration tool contains an uncomplicated graphical user interface that

can enable the user with a convenient query editing facility, in order to create, update,
delete and manipulate various operations on any SQL query. It also allows the users to
copy and paste queries from other systems, to open or import a file containing the query,
execution of current or all queries, monitor the run time of each and every query ran in the
tool, display to view the output fetched from the queries being run, etc.
● phpMyAdmin can be defined as a service-based tool, where the services play a role of
establishing communication between the database systems and the corresponding server
entities. This tool is created using the PHP program, to function with a well equipped web-
based interface as the front end application, so as to connect and work on database
● One of the notable functional qualities of phpMyAdmin is that the queries can be edited or
manipulated using the flexible web-supported medium that the application holds with it.

The application also has a provision to setup the server details of the database, which can
be used to connect to the database that needs to be managed.
● phpMyAdmin allows the database admin to fetch the results from this application, after
performing the necessary database operations, to be stored separately or to export the same
to the desired file format such as the CSV, CSQL, PDF, Excel, Word, XML, etc. This tool
shows an outstanding quality when it comes to retrieving and storing the results after the
administrative operations are carried out.
● Unlike any other database management tools, phpMyAdmin includes storage engines, and
a provision to access the same. When the user clicks on the Engines option, present in the
top of the application’s interface, the system navigates to the show the Engine details. It
shows a list of all the storage systems capable of connecting to the phpMyAdmin, along
with the corresponding servers. As a preset option, the storage engine connected will be
shown as the My ISAM with the Memory as Hash-based for temporary table storage.
● Along with administrative jobs, this application lets the users to create tables, add or
update columns & rows, add or update contents to the cells of the table, etc. It is necessary
to enter the table name, table type, length/ values, attributes, indexes, comments, etc. to
create tables, and insert, go, browse tabs, etc. to add data and elements to the table.

Features of phpMyAdmin

The below are the well –known special features of PHPMyAdmin database management

1. The vigilant application interface is the most wanted characteristic of the phpMyAdmin
tool, as it plays the role of letting the user interact with the application system. The tool
consists of properties similar to MySQL, and a few such properties are options to browse
through the databases already available in the network, to create new connection and
enable the databases in the application, icons/ menu items to create tables, access tables,
fetch the tables using the queries, retrieve the already created views, indexes, tables, etc.

2. It also allows to copy data/ tables from one location to another, delete the table contents,
drop/ truncate the tables, update the tables and alter the data from the fields of the table,

3. In terms of query management, phpMyAdmin lets the users to create the query using the
query editing interface, space to copy paste queries from different locations into the query
editor, the frequently used & important queries can be bookmarked for later usage, handle
the remotely stored procedures, triggers& functions of the databases on the query editing
interfaces, generating intricate queries in the form of Query-by-example, which are
commonly known as QBE’s.

4. Another, most significant feature of the phpMyAdmin tool is the ‘Search’ option. It aids
the user to go through the whole database system and the connected nodes when the user
prompts for a search operation using a key with respect to the content that needs to be

5. Any data obtained using this database management tool can be made over to store the
results into the required format of the output file, including the SQL, XML, PDF, Excel,
Word, CSV, and even the BLOB data(Binary Large Object data) in the form of an image
or a downloadable hyperlink.
Advantages of phpMyAdmin

Some of the advantages of using the phpMyAdmin system application as a database

administration tool are as below,

● Graceful maintenance operations, with no additional cost other than what will be spent for
owning the database management systems itself.
● Supports and acts flexible for majority of the commonly used file formats, which comes in
handy for documentation purposes while working on the database management systems.
● Separate panels for database manipulation, SQL query editing, status tracking, etc.
● Assists in displaying all the active plugging from the connected databases.


phpMyAdmin is an efficient tool that offers provisions for the database related processes
like database management, database maintenance, and database administration, in addition
to the other user interface related preferences. When an application uses MySQL,
phpMyAdmin is the most resourceful method for enabling accessibility to the connected
databases and their respective nodes.

MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS)that runs as a server
providing multi-user access to a number of databases. MySQL is a popular choice of
database for use in web applications and is an open source product. The process of setting
up a MySQL database varies from host to host, however we will end up with a database
name, a user name and a password. Before using our database, we must create a table. A
table is a section of the database for storing related information. In a table we will set up
the different fields which will be used in that table. Creating a table in phpMyAdmin is
simple, we just type the name, select the number of fields and click the ‘go’ button. we will
then be taken to a setup screen where you must create the fields for the database. Another
way of creating databases and tables in phpMyAdmin is by executing simple SQL
statements. We have used this method in order to create our database and tables.

The Apache HTTP Server is a web server software notable for playing a key role in the
initial growth of the World Wide Web. In 2009 it became the first web server software to
surpass the 100 million web site milestone. Apache is developed and maintained by an
open community of developers under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation.
Since April 1996 Apache has been the most popular HTTP server software in use. As of
November 2010 Apache served over 59.36% of all websites and over 66.56% of the first
one million busiest websites.

XAMPP is a small and light Apache distribution containing the most common web
development technologies in a single package. Its contents, small size, and portability
make it the ideal tool for students developing and testing applications in PHP and MySQL.
XAMPP is available as a free download in two specific packages: full and lite. While the
full package download provides a wide array of development tools, XAMPP Lite contains
the necessary technologies that meet the Ontario Skills Competition standards. The light
version is a small package containing Apache HTTP Server, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin,
Opensl, and SQLite.

Need for XAMPP

● XAMPP is simply a local host or server.

● This local server runs on your personal computer, whether it’s a desktop or a laptop.
● It is used to test clients or websites before publishing them to a remote web server.
● On a local computer, the XAMPP server software provides a suitable environment for
testing MYSQL, PHP, Apache, and Perl projects. Because most real-world web server
deployments share the same components as XAMPP, moving from a local test server
to a live server is straightforward.

Advantages of XAMPP

● In comparison to other web servers such as WAMP, it is simple to set up.

● It is Multi Cross-Platform, which implies it works on both Windows and Linux.
● With a single command, you may start and stop the entire web server and database
● Both a full and a standard version of XAMPP are available.
● It has a control panel that you can see contains start and stop buttons for specific
mechanisms, such as Apache, which is running through its Control Panel.
● It also includes Open SSL, phpMyAdmin, Media Wiki, Joomla, Word Press, and a
lot of additional modules.

Disadvantages of XAMPP

● In comparison to the WAMP server, configuration and setting are more difficult.

Components of XAMPP
The components that are included in the XAMPP are given below:

Cross-Platform: Different operating systems are installed in separate configurations on

different local systems. The cross-platform component has been included to improve the
functionality and reach of this Apache distribution package. It works with a variety of
platforms, including Windows, Linus, and MAC OS packages.

Apache: Apache is a cross-platform HTTP web server. It is used to transport web material

all over the world. If someone requests files, photos, or documents using their browser,
HTTP servers will serve such assets to clients.

MariaDB Database: XAMPP used to include MySQL DBMS; however, MariaDB has

now taken its place. MySQL is one of the most extensively used relational database
management systems. It provides data storage, manipulation, retrieval, management, and
deletion services via the internet.

PHP: The full form of PHP is Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP is a backend programming

language that is most commonly used in web development. Users can use PHP to build
dynamic websites and applications. It supports a variety of database management systems
and may be installed on any platform. It was written in the C programming language.

Perl: Perl is often referred to as the “generic” programming language. This Perl language
is dynamic and interpretable. This language is used for web development, GUI
development, system administration, and other things. HTML, XML, and other markup
languages are all supported by Perl.

phpMyAdmin: It is a database administration tool for Maria DB.

Open SSL: Open SSL is an open-source implementation of the SSL and the TLP.

XAMPP Control Panel: The XAMPP Control Panel is a panel that assists in the operation
and regulation of other XAMPP components.

Web alizer: It is a web analytics software solution that keeps track of user logs and reports
on usage.

Mercury: It is a mail server that aids in the management of emails across the internet.

Tomcat: It is a JAVA-based serve let that provides JAVA functionality.

File zilla: It is a File Transfer Protocol Server (FTP Server) that facilitates and supports
file transfer processes.

Obtaining and Installing XAMPP

As previously mentioned, XAMPP is a free package available for download and use for
various web development tasks. All XAMPP packages and add-ons are distributed through
the Apache Friends website at the address: http://www.apachefriends.org/.

STEP 1- Open any web browser and visit https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html. On

the home page, you can find the option to download XAMPP for three platforms-
Windows, MAC, and Linux. Click on XAMPP for Windows. The latest version available
on the website is 7.4.5.

As soon as you click on it, a message displaying the automatic start of download appears
on the screen.

STEP 2- After the download is completed, double click the .exe extension file to start the
process of installation.

STEP 3- A pop-up screen with the message asking you to allow to make changes on your
desktop appears. Click "YES" to continue the process.

STEP 4- Click to Allow access or deactivate the firewall and any other antivirus software
because it can hamper the process of installation. Thus, it is required to temporarily disable
any antivirus software or security firewall till the time all the XAMPP components have
been installed completely.

STEP 5- Just before the installation, a pop-up window appears with a warning to disable
UAC. User Account Control (UAC) interrupts the XAMPP installation because it restricts
the access to write to the C: drive. Therefore, it is suggested to disable it for the period of

STEP 6- After clicking the .exe extension file, the XAMPP setup wizard opens
spontaneously. Click on "NEXT" to start the configuration of the settings.

STEP 7- After that, a 'Select Components' panel appears, which gives you the liberty to

choose amongst the separate components of the XAMPP software stack for the installation.

To get a complete localhost server, it is recommended to install using the default options of
containing all available components. Click "NEXT" to proceed further.

STEP 8- The setup is now ready to install, and a pop-up window showing the same
appears on the screen. Click "NEXT" to take the process forward.

STEP 9- Select the location where the XAMPP software packet needs to be installed. The
original setup creates a folder titled XAMPP under C:\ for you. After choosing a location,
click "NEXT".

STEP 10- After choosing from all the previously mentioned preferences (like language
and learn more bitnami dialogue box) click to start the installation. The setup wizard will
unpack and install the components to your system. The components are saved to the
assigned directory. This process may takes a few minutes to complete. The progress of the
installation in terms of percentage is visible on the screen.

STEP 11- After the successful installation of the XAMPP setup on your desktop, press the
"FINISH" button.

On clicking the FINISH button, the software automatically launches, and the CONTROL
PANEL is visible. 

Next we will test if the server is running correctly by opening an internet browser and
typing http://localhost/ into the address bar. If configured correctly, we will be presented
with a screen similar to that of the one below.

Creating a Database and Inserting Data

Now that we have run and tested Apache and PHP, the next step is running MySQL and
creating a database and table which will hold information to be used by our website. In
order to start MySQL, navigate to the Xampp directory and run the mysql_start.bat batch
file. The XAMPP package contains an application called phpMyAdmin which allows
developers to administer and maintain MySQL databases.

We will be using phpMyAdmin to create a database and table, and enter test data. Before

testing phpMyAdmin, make sure that both Apache and MySQL are running by opening
their respective batch files: apache_start.bat and mysql_start.bat. Along with Apache and
MySQL running in the background, we type http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/ into our web
browser. If successful we will be presented with a phpMyAdmin start page similar to the

one shownbelow.

The first step with phpMyAdmin running is creating a new database. We create a
new database named SMS. After this, we created two tables in the database. The
tables are admin and student.


Admin Table

Field’s Name Datatype Constraints

Id Int(11) Primary

username Varchar(50)

password Varchar(50)

⮚ id: Stores id of administrator(s).

⮚ username: Stores the username of the administrator(s).

⮚ password: Stores the password of the administrator(s).

Student Table

Field’s Name Datatype Constraints
Id Int(11) Primary
Roll no Int(11)
Name Varchar(100)
email Varchar(100)
course Varchar(50)
10th percent float
12th percent float
address Varchar(100)
City Varchar(50)
P contact Varchar(13)
Img text
s1 text
s2 text
s3 text
s4 text
s5 text
Cs text
se1 text
se2 text
se3 text
cse1 text
cse2 text
cse3 text

⮚ id: Stores id of the student

⮚ roll no: Stores roll number of the student(s)

⮚ name: Stores name of the student(s)

⮚ email: Stores email of the student(s)

⮚ course: Stores the registered course of the student(s).

⮚ 10thpercent: Stores the percentage of class 10 of the student(s).

⮚ 12th percent: Stores the percentage of class 12 of the student(s).

⮚ address: Stores the current address of the student(s).

⮚ city: Stores the contact number of the student(s).

⮚ p contact: Stores the contact number of the student(s).

⮚ img : Stores the image of the student(s).

⮚ s1: Stores first skill of the student(s).

⮚ s2: Stores second skill of the student(s).

⮚ s3: Stores third skill of the student(s).

⮚ s4: Stores fourth skill of the student(s).

⮚ s5: Stores fifth skill of the student(s).

⮚ cs: Stores the description for skills of the student(s).

⮚ se1: Stores first service that the student know and can perform.

⮚ se2:Stores second service that the student know and can perform.

⮚ se3:Stores third service that the student know and can perform.

⮚ cse1:Stores content of description for service 1.

⮚ cse2:Stores content of description for service 2.

⮚ cse3:Stores content of description for service 3.

The Website provides following functionalities to the users :


⮚ Login/Logout

⮚ View student information

⮚ Edit Student Information

⮚ Delete student accounts

⮚ Search students from different courses


⮚ Login/Logout

⮚ View digital portfolio

⮚ Edit only specified profile content

⮚ Update image


A review, conducted after a new system has been in operation for sometime, to evaluate
actual system performance against original expectation and projections for cost-benefit
improvements. Also identifies maintenance projects to enhance or improve the system.

System Testing

The steps involved during System Testing are as follows:

● Integration of all the modules/forms in the system

● Preparation of the test case
● Preparation of the possible test data with all the validation checks
● Actual testing done manually
● Recording of all the reproduced errors
● Modifications done for the errors found during testing
● Prepared the test result scripts after rectification of the errors


Home Page

This is the home page as well as the student login page.

This is the admin login page.

This is the admin dashboard.

This is the registration page where admin can create student account and data in it.

After successful insertion of data in a correct format, a message of successful insertion will
be displayed.

This is the update page of student accounts. Here admin can select the course and mention
the student name to update the details of the particular student.

After searching, a record of a particular student will be shown, other a message of no
record found will appear.

After clicking the edit option, this update dashboard will appear to update the details.

If the user wants to update the image, then there is an update image option on the update

For updating the image, the file can be chosen from system and updated.

This is the deletion page.

As of the same method, the account of the searched studentwill appear and the account can
be deleted.
After getting back to the admin dashboard and selecting to view the allstudents data, this
all data page will appear.

Here, after selecting the particular course, the data of all the students in that particular
course will appear. Here as well, the update and delete options are given if the admin want
to perform action at that time After logout, it will redirect to login page of admin.

This home page will appear when the student wants to login after selecting the course and
filling out the roll number.

After logging in, two options will appear for the student as shown above.

After selecting to view the profile, the page will redirect to the digital portfolio of the
student. This is the home page.

This is the about us page of the student.

This is the skills page of the student.

This is the services page of the student.

This is the contact page of the student with mentioned contact details. After logout it will
redirect to the login page of the student.

After selecting the option update profile, this update page will appear. In this update image
option will also appear.

After submitting, the details will be updated.

After selecting the update image option, the student can update his/her image. After
clicking back to login, this will redirect to login page.


Such a web based platform has immense potential for future growth not only for students
but also for faculty as well as department concerned in improving upon their efficiency of
work with no or less burden. Some of the areas where future scope lies and if implemented
would help a great deal to the students at large.

⮚ The Student Management System with Portfolio Website can be enhanced to

include some other functionality like marks, attendance management.
⮚ Talent management of students based on their performance evaluation can be
⮚ Social networking can also be added wherein students can interact with each other.
⮚ Online class functionality can be added.
⮚ Can evolve as an online institution.
⮚ Functionality of chat and messages can be added.
⮚ Online exam functionality can be added.

● Better utilization of Time & Resources

● Enhanced Productivity

● Centralized Database for Information Management

● Improved Student Success

● Digital portfolio shows that the student is more than just a Resume especially in an


● The system leads to a better organization structure since the information

management of the students is well structured and also lead to better as well as
efficient utilization of resources.

● The system can be used by education institutes to maintain the records of students

● Computerized surveying system provides an easy, fast access and support for the

● The usage of software increases the efficiency, decreases the effort.

● It has been thoroughly tested and implemented.


● PHP book by Stefan Hole .

● www.google.com.

● www.wikipedia.com

● www.w3schools.com

● www.geeksforgeeks.org


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