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Silo - JRA Stack Scaffolding 11.05.2021 GOV-ST-41-1-APP02 Job Risk Assessment Form

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Rev. date : 1 Sep 2020

Job Risk Assessment Form Rev. no. 03
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Job Risk Assessment JRA No: WO number – 1003410/7278428

Company Name: Mekdam Technology /Altrad Cape Prepared by : Date:

Group : Approved by : Date:
Department :
Job Location : Silo Lightning arrestor & Aviation lamps FTP Equipment: Silo
– 1,2,3 & 4

Title of Job : To carry out scaffolding erection / dismantle at Silo for Lightning arrestor & Aviation lamps.

Mandatory PPE required:       

Risk Score Residual

Sequence of Job Steps Potential Hazards Potential Effects before Control Measures
mitigation after mitigation
 Fitness to work  Injury / Illness to the  Ensure All Employees to be fit to work.
Mobilization and demobilization of 4-L 1–L
 Lack of knowledge individual.  Only personnel having appropriate training
manpower and equipment to and from job
site.  Wrong practices and  Resulting to error and and certifications to be mobilized for the
procedures confusing leading to scope of activities.
 Equipment failure serious injury or fatality  All personnel shall complete Client
 Damage /loss to property induction to be familiar with the site, scope,
 Damaged to equipment / hazards, Cape/ Client expectations.
property loss  Conduct pre-mobilization checks for the
equipment and inspection by QATALUM
personnel (where applicable)
 Where applicable, equipment shall be
inspection by QATALUM and only
mobilize equipment with valid certification.
All personnel being mobilized shall be issued
with appropriate PPE for their specific task.
Access to Workplace  Permit Violation  Injury / illness to the  Qatalum PTW together with the applicable
4-L 2–L
 Hazards related to process individual JSA shall be strictly adhered for entering
 Mechanical Hazards  Incident potentially cause inside the plant area.
 Slips, Trip and Falls damage  Ensure where applicable, gas test is
 Falling Materials  Material Damage / loss conducted by Client representative and the
 Damage to plant and area released is free from hazards.

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Risk Score Residual

Sequence of Job Steps Potential Hazards Potential Effects before Control Measures
mitigation after mitigation
equipment’s  Personnel shall be familiar with the Permit
Controls, Hazards and controls as per JRA
and the scope of work covered.
 Maintain high degree of vigilance whilst
moving around site. Do not interfere with
sensitive parts.
 As far as is reasonably practicable, all work
areas shall be kept free from trailing cables,
timber packing, tools, equipment and waste
cleared away as soon as possible.
 Do not block the plant access and
emergency equipment.
 Barricading by means of hazard tape
around material/ equipment mobilized on
 All personnel are to maintain a safe
working distance from others working
 Personnel are not to walk / work under
suspended loads.

 Hazardous environment  Exposure to Environmental  Ensure PTW and supporting documents

4-L 2-L
 Equipment failure incident potentially cause including appropriate JHA and Method
Work Preparation including PPE. damage Statement are available for the scope of
 Falling of materials  Damaged to equipment / work to be carried
 Insufficient lighting property loss  Review JSA for the specific scope and
 Material Damage / loss ensure controls are adequate prior to start
 Injury / illness to the the work.
individual  Conduct recorded toolbox talk prior to job
start to explain job specific hazards and
control measures to the work crew.
 Carry out inspection of all equipment
including PPE prior to donning to ensure
no visible damages.
 Periodic review of equipment inspection
certification to ensure validity and fit for
 Ensure material shifted to workface is in
good serviceable condition.
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Risk Score Residual

Sequence of Job Steps Potential Hazards Potential Effects before Control Measures
mitigation after mitigation
 No excess material shall be left unattended
at workface.
 Identify the requirements of workplace
control including barricading and arrange
as appropriate where required. PSTA shall
be carried out by each individual.
 Sufficient lightning to be assured before
starting the job. Job should not be attended
without proper lighting. Any issue on this
needs to be escalated to further Client
levels. Supervisor and PRW to ensure all
hazards are identified in the PSTA.
 Falling objects (Gravity)  Damaged to equipment /  Area should be barricaded and cordoned
Loading and Unloading scaffold materials 12-H 3-L
 Slips, Trips or Falls property loss off. Safety /Warning signs must be placed.
(Gravity)  Injury / Injury to the | Ensure good housekeeping standards are
 Pinch Points individual. always maintained. Ensure the area above
(Mechanical)  Higher Risk of Serious the work site is clear of loose objects |
 Manual Handling/Lifting incident injury / Fatality Keep away from line of fire
(Motion)  Do not use/ keep loose clothing, gloves,
jewelry, long hair | Never Place hands
near, on or into moving parts
 Arrange two persons to carry/handle more
than 4-meter tube and ladder.
 Ensure that the tools/ equipment being
used are in good condition | Maintain safe
distance between scaffolding and inst.
Tubing / instruments, tube fittings, control
panels | Seek assistance when lifting a
heavy load | Use only Qatalum certified
and colored coded lifting gear. | Use
proper PPE for the job such full body
harness clear glass for low visibility area,
safety shoes, helmet, heavy duty and
gloves for scaffold erectors for those
shifting and handling materials
 Falling objects (Gravity)  Injury / illness  All scaffolding materials to be stored in
Shifting, Lifting scaffold materials 12-H 3-L
 Person Fall from Height  Plant Trip/ Damaged to create and frames preventing tubes form
(Gravity) Property Losses rolling | Area should be barricaded and
 Slips, Trips or Falls  Exposure to Manual Handling cordoned off. Safety /Warning signs must
be placed. | Do not carry tools in hand
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Risk Score Residual

Sequence of Job Steps Potential Hazards Potential Effects before Control Measures
mitigation after mitigation
(Gravity) incident/injury. while ascending or descending a ladder.
 Pinch Points  Higher Risk of Serious Use tool pouch strapped behind or a tool
(Mechanical) incident injury / Fatality bag | Ensure all tools are tied up with tools
 Manual Handling/Lifting lanyards | Ensure good housekeeping
(Motion) standards are maintained at all times |
 Wind speed (Additional Make sure no one is working under
Hazards scaffolding | Performing party supervisor
must verify condition of tool bag condition
prior to use | Use certified bag to lift
lighting material.
 All scaffolders must have valid work at
height authorization card | Clear platform
& no gap between boards. | Face the ladder
when ascending or descending | Maintain
3-point contact with ladder at all times |
Temporary platform must be erected to
provide footing during erection and must
be secured by clamp | Trained personal
shall deployed in working at height
activity. | Use proper access methods like
scaffolds, ladder etc.
 Do not use/ keep loose clothing, gloves,
jewelry, long hair | Never Place hands near,
on or into moving parts
 Arrange two persons to carry/handle more
than 4-meter. | Avoid awkward body
postures/wrist postures and prolonged
static postures | Ensure that the tools/
equipment being used are in good
condition. Maintain safe distance between
scaffolding and inst. tubing/ instruments,
tube fittings, control panels | Workers are
not permitted to work on or from a scaffold
during storms or high wind (above 25
knots). Anemometer shall be used to
measure the wind speed during the work.
Working at height.  Use full body harness with double lanyard
12-H 3-L
whilst working above 1.8 meters and
Erection and Dismantle of scaffolding  Noncertified fall  Falling from height ensure 100% tie –off.
protection equipment  Higher Risk of Serious  Use Chin Strap for helmet while working at
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Risk Score Residual

Sequence of Job Steps Potential Hazards Potential Effects before Control Measures
mitigation after mitigation
 Fall arrest/restraint incident injury / Fatality height.
lanyards too long, so it  Ensure harness is hooked on safe
allows falling/striking anchorage point and hooked above
against objects shoulder height as practicably possible.
 Incompetent people  Anchorage point shall be of load bearing
 Worker suspended in and structure of adequate strength.
safety harness  Clear platform & no gap between boards.
 Inadequate anchor point  Handrails & Midrails rigidly secured to
 Use of inappropriate fall prevent fall.
protection system fall  Secure ladders ensure 3-point contact
restraint vs fall arrest whilst climbing and descending ladders.
 Unguarded openings on  Scaffolding work will be suspended in case
platform of high wind / adverse weather condition.
 Falling/dropped objects  Erecting and dismantling scaffolds don’t
 Permit Violation require Working at Height Permit as per
Scaffolding with height QATALUM work at height procedure
≥ 20 m. GOV-ST-2-15 Procedure rev.01
 Use certified fall protection equipment
 Select the personal fall protection
equipment and anchor location which will
prevent the user to hit the ground if a fall
 All workers must have attended
Working at height training
 Contact EMS in case of emergency
 Ensure that the anchor point(s) is adequate
for the load
 Always use 3-point contact when using
vertical ladders Select the personal fall
protection equipment and anchor location
which will prevent the user to hit the
ground if a fall occurs.
 Hard barricade unguarded openings and the
area underneath to restrict unauthorized
 Secure loose objects and tools or use trays
 Use full body harness with double lanyard
whilst working above 1.8 meters and
ensure 100% tie –off.
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Risk Score Residual

Sequence of Job Steps Potential Hazards Potential Effects before Control Measures
mitigation after mitigation
 Ensure harness is hooked on safe
anchorage point and hooked above waist
height as practicably possible.
 Anchorage point shall be of load bearing
and structure of adequate strength.
Clear platform & no gap between boards
 Wrong Manual Handling  Exposure to Manual Handling  Competent and trained personnel to be
12-H 3-L
incident/injury. assigned for the task.
 Arrange storage of materials near
workplace using mechanical handling
(where practical) to reduce manual
 Maintain manual handling techniques for
shifting / lifting of scaffold materials.
Whilst raising tubes and boards company
manual handling assessment and procedure
shall be followed.
Adequate supervision shall be done at site
by performing.
 Dropped Objects.  Damage to plan and  Dropped object management procedure to
12-H 3-L
equipment’s be followed.
 Property loss  Ensure personnel are trained on dropped
object prevention.
 Incident injury
 Rendon Drop object inspection shall be
carried out during executing the job.
 Exclusion / drop zone shall be identified,
and adequate barricading provided to
prevent unauthorized access.
 Ensure all tools tied up with tools lanyard.
 Use tools Bag / Pouches to transport
scaffolding tools.
 Use certified lifting bags or basket in
serviceable condition for shifting scaffold
materials to and from high elevation.
 Hand balling may be used for shifting tubes
and boards.
 Ensure gin wheels are attached to the
scaffolding structure and secured at both
ends with double / swivel couplers.
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Risk Score Residual

Sequence of Job Steps Potential Hazards Potential Effects before Control Measures
mitigation after mitigation
 Rope to be used shall be long enough
without knots and kinks.
 Establish Twist to confirm technique to
communicate/Co-ordinate with scaffolding
crew during hand transfer operation.
 Lowering and raising scaffolding materials
will be performed safe and steady manner,
and at controlled speed.
 Inspect all scaffolds pertaining to design
 Ensure toe boards placed and platforms
closely boarded & secured without gaps.
 Do not leave loose materials at scaffolding
Carry out dropped object inspection as per
 Slip / Trips / Falls.  Injury / Injury to the  Good Standard of House Keeping shall be
individual. maintained. (A place for everything and
 Higher Risk of Serious everything in its place always).
incident injury / Fatality  Materials stored away from access without
Adverse weather  Heat stress  Higher Risk of Serious Illness  Rest Shelter and Ablutions at Site
12-H 3-L
 Sun Stroke / Fatality  Awareness
Hot Weather Working
 Dehydration  Erratic Behavior  Regular Breaks, Drink Water
 Poor physical fitness  Weakness, Unsteady Gait  Provide Adequate Drinking Water Nearby
 Exhibiting symptoms of  Body Temperature elevated & Implement Appropriate Work Rest
fatigue  Convulsions Scheme
 Loss of Consciousness  Operatives Are Given Information on Heat
Stress and Exhaustion During Tbt.
 Operatives Are Instructed to Take Regular
Breaks and Drink Water as Per Project
Heat Stress Index.
 Provide adequate cold water on site at all
times. Always provide adequate shelter on
site. Water flasks to be provided to all
 Reduce, as much as possible, the number of
activities performed outdoors

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Risk Score Residual

Sequence of Job Steps Potential Hazards Potential Effects before Control Measures
mitigation after mitigation
 Ensure that workers remain well hydrated
 Higher Risk of Serious Illness  Maintain personal hygiene
COVID - 19 COVID19 Infection / Spread 9-M 3-L
/ Fatality / Environmental  Masks and gloves are mandatory for self as
of Virus / Transmission
Conditions that may affect well other precautionary.
exposure  Avoid sharing tools & equipment.
 Adhere to social distancing 1.5 m.
 Try to be paperless for procedures.
 Ensure all the team who involved in the job
should have good health.
 Report to senior if anyone feeling sick or
 Follow MOPH as well as Qatalum
guidelines for self and others awareness
Area cleaning  Ongoing at all times as you work, the area
shall be cleaned and unwanted materials to
be removed.

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Likelihood or probability

1 2 3 4 5
Rare Unlikely Moderate Likely Almost certain

Property damage Might well be

Injury/illness Environmental Quite possible or expected or
(actual loss, USD) impossible, has Unlikely, but has Possible or has
has been has been
never occurred been occurred in been occurred
occurred once a occurred more
in similar similar industry in Qatalum
year in Qatalum than once per
year in Qatalum
Minor incident but no
1 Insignificant immediate signs of No effect to environment < 5,000 1–L 2–L 3–L 4–L 5–L
Severity or consequence

Environmental incident
2 Minor First Aid Case 5,000 – 25,000 2–L 4–L 6–M 8–M 10 – M
potentially cause damage
LTI temp. disability
Environmental incident
3 Moderate Restricted Work Case 25,000 – 100,000 3–L 6–M 9–M 12 – H 15 – H
resulting minor damage
Medical Treatment Case
Single fatality Environmental incident
4 Major resulting major damage to 100,000 – 1,000,000 4–L 8–M 12 – H 16 – H 20 – H
LTI perm. disability Qatalum
Multiple fatality Environmental incident
5 Catastrophic Perm. disability > 10 people resulting major damage to > 1,000,000 5–L 10 – M 15 – H 20 – H 25 – H
surrounding community
Risk = Severity x Likelihood L = Low Risk (≤ 5) M = Medium Risk (6 – 10) H = High risk (≥ 11)


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