22 PAUCAR - A Collaborative Defense For Securing Protective Relay Settings in Electrical Cyber Physical Systems
22 PAUCAR - A Collaborative Defense For Securing Protective Relay Settings in Electrical Cyber Physical Systems
22 PAUCAR - A Collaborative Defense For Securing Protective Relay Settings in Electrical Cyber Physical Systems
Abstract— Modern power systems today are protected and standards for bulk power system that cover the security of
controlled increasingly by embedded systems of computing critical cyber assets, physical and cyber security, electronic
technologies with a great degree of collaboration enabled by security perimeters as well as personnel training and security
communication. Energy cyber-physical systems such as power management. Similarly, International Electrotechnical
systems infrastructures are increasingly vulnerable to cyber- Commission (IEC) Technical Committee (TC) working group
attacks on the protection and control layer. We present a method 15 has also released IEC 62351 standard to secure industrial
of securing protective relays from malicious change in protective communication protocols , particularly IEC 61850.
relay settings via collaboration of devices. Each device checks the
proposed setting changes of its neighboring devices for consistency
and coordination with its own settings using setting rules based on
relay coordination principles. The method is enabled via peer-to-
peer communication between IEDs. It is validated in a cyber-
physical test bed containing a real time digital simulator and
actual relays that communicate via IEC 61850 GOOS E messages.
Test results showed improvement in cyber physical security by
using domain based rules to block malicious changes in protection
settings caused by simulated cyber-attacks. The method promotes
the use of defense systems that are aware of the physical systems
which they are designed to secure.
A. Peer-to-Peer IED Collaboration Condition 1: If Zone1IED1 ≥ZLINE1
The basic defense methodology proposed in this paper
Condition 2: If Zone2IED1 ≥ ZLINE1+Zone1IED2
requires that protective relays collaborate in determining the
consistency of the new relay settings. It requires protective Condition 3: If Zone3IED1 ≥ ZLINE1+ ZLINE2
relays to communicate with each relay in their neighborhood.
With this scheme security is distributed, making it hard for an Fig. 8. Simple Coordination Rules for Distance Protection
attacker to realize a successful attack (success here can only be
achieved if all the relays are attacked). The relays could be The aforementioned conditions are by no means
located within a substation or across different substations. The comprehensive. For example, another set of conditions can be
collaboration requires each relay to store information regarding stated for overcurrent relays [1]. They are stated to establish a
its neighbors’ settings and also information of the impedances flavor of the nature of the security algorithms within each of the
of all lines around it. Fig. 7 illustrates this concept of distributed relays.
architecture for collaboration between the relays. Informatio n C. Relay Coordination Principles in each Device
is freely transferred from one relay to the other using local
The rules of relay coordination, such as the ones mentioned
substation or inter substation communication. For examp le,
above are deployed in each device. The method requires each
IEC 61850-90-1 and IEC 61850-90-5 allow for communicatio n
device to have a database for at least the line impedances of each
between substations.
of the lines behind it, that is, lines wherein a fault would not by
design trip this relay. Each device will make an independent
assessment of the proposed changes in settings and can
independently make a decision whether the proposed settings of
its neighboring relays are coordinated with its own settings. If
at least one device does not confirm the setting change, the
attempted changes will not be finalized. The non-conforming
relay will issue a non-conforming signal that is received by the
target relay blocking the attempted relay setting changes.
The basic algorithm for the collaborative defense among the
relays or IEDs is shown in Fig. 9.
A. IEC 61850 - Enabler for Peer-to-Peer Communication
The adaption of IEC 61850 standards has brought many
benefits such as: (1) reduced engineering effort and costs, (2)
ALL IEDS APPROVE CHANGE AT LEAST ONE IED DISAPPROVING resolved interoperability problems between different vendors,
and (3) enhanced reliability of substation operation. IEC 61850
SETTING CHANGE REQUEST is one communication medium by which distributed security can
be enabled. The standard is flexible enough to allow
communication between IEDs within a substation and also
UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO IED AUTHORIZED ACCESS TO IED between substations. In the cyber physical set up the relays were
made to communicate with each other using GOOSE messages.
GOOSE is used to transfer the relay setting proposed changes
STOLEN USER ID AND PW IT SECURITY BREACH DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEE by the target relay. GOOSE is also used to communicate the
decision made by the polled relay if they agree to the attempted
Fig. 10. A high level attack tree with IED distributed setting change request changes or not.
security layer
B. Real Time Digital Simulator
IV. CYBER-PHYSICA L TEST BED Real time simulation of power system and related protection
To bring the proposed concept closer to practice it is equipment was modeled using real time digital simulator
necessary to validate the collaborative defense of the protective (RTDS), and the model is used as a basis for validating the
devices in a hardware-in-the-loop system. This cyber-physical protective schemes employed by the relays. It is to be noted that
test bed is necessary to validate the credibility of the threats, and the core functionality of the relays is to protect the system
also to validate that mitigation concepts will work in the real equipment against external events like faults. It is crucial to
world. This test bed is composed of a cyber and physical system demonstrate that the mitigation features employed using these
together [2,[3]. The physical system model is based on a relays does not compromise their primary protection function
substation with ring bus topology connected to two other during real time operation. The RTDS provides this very
substations via 500 kV transmission line. It is simulated using a important simulation environment to test the performance
real time digital simulator which is important to capture requirement of developed methods applicable to power system
potentially sudden changes to relay settings groups arising from operation.
loss of generation, line faults, and service restoration efforts [4].
The digital simulator allows the relays to receive measurement The RTDS simulator represents a physical model of a power
system in real time and provides interfaces to the protection
signals from the power system model in real time. The cyber-
physical system test bed is also used to assess the severity of an devices through Sampled Value streams (for measuring
voltage/current signals) and GOOSE messages (for status
attack on the power system. The cyber system is composed of
various ICT devices such as gateways, protective IEDs, and user signals). The RTDS has the capability to provide a real time
interface. The cyber physical system interacts using IEC 61850. communication link between simulator and protection relays via
Ethernet using Giga-Transceiver Network Communication Card
Fig. 11 shows the cyber-physical test bed with all the (GTNET). The GTNET card with GTNET-GSE configuration
components used to test the concept presented in this paper. implements GOOSE interface and GTNET-SV configuration
implements IEC 61850-9-2 Sampled Values interface to
Cyber system Physical system
User- Gateway Firewall Ring bus
communicate with the protective relays. The informatio n
A3 CB1-1 received by the relays is utilized to continuously estimate the
Disconnect switch
power system states in real time and the same information in
CB1-2 CB1-3
500 kV
conjunction with the peer-to-peer communication between the
Station bus
Protective . . .
Line Transformer
161 kV
relays is also used to assess the severity of an attack on the power
Process bus
CB2-1 Circuit
C. The Power System Model
CB2-2 CB2-3 The single line diagram of the network and substation
(MU and CB)
configuration is shown in Fig. 11. The power system network
consists of source models and simple load equivalents connected
through 500kV and 161kV transmission lines. The network and
substation components are modeled using standard power
Target substation
system libraries available through the RTDS/ RSCAD platform.
To demonstrate the threat model and collaborative defense
HMI : Human Machine Interface method the protection coordination was implemented on a
IED : Intelligent Electronic Device
Power system
DI/O: Digital Input / Output
MU: Merging Unit
500kV network using physical IEDs (IED A through IED E of
modeling in RTDS CB: Circuit Breaker
RTDS: Real Time Digital Simulator Fig. 12), which are configured as distance relays for Zone1 and
Zone2 protection of respective transmission lines. The breaker
Fig. 11. A cyber physical test bed and its components control IEDs are modeled using a combination physical IEDs
and RSCAD library models. The substation model incorporates
IEC61850-8-1 station bus standard with GOOSE messaging for conditions such as retirement of a transmission line or generator.
protection signals and IEC 61850-9-2 process bus standard for Even after successful calculation of correct settings a protection
voltage/current Sample Values streams. engineer or technician could key in the wrong protection
settings into the relays.
Z3 of
A. Threat Evaluation IED A
Z2 of
Cyber attacks on protective IED settings changes have been IED A
Z1 of
conducted to validate the proposed threat and mitigation models. IED A Z2 of
A cyber attack module intrudes into the substation Time IED B
Z1 of
communication network via a remote access point and IED B
compromises the user-interface that contains an IED
engineering tool. Then the cyber attacker gain access to the IED
engineering tool using the operator’s log in credentials (e.g., ID
and password). In order to execute a stealth attack, the cyber Distance
IED C. The message contains (1) current setting of the IED and VII. REFERENCES
(2) requested setting change of the IED A. In the real world, the [1] Reynaldo Nuqui, Le Tang. “Collaborative Defense of Energy Distribution
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are programmed to send a true response via GOOSE to the Control of Devices against Cyber Attacks (CoDef)” Western Protection
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target IED. Otherwise, a false response is sent. The target IED
[4] V. Madani, E. T aylor, D. Erwin, A. Meklin and M. Adamiak, "High-
(i.e., IED A) will make a decision based on the response from Speed Control Scheme to Prevent Instability of A Large Multi-Unit Power
the adjacent IEDs. If any of neighbor IEDs sends a false Plant," 2007 60th Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers,
response, the target IED will discard/block the setting change College Station, TX, 2007, pp. 271-282.
request, keep the original setting values, and then send an alarm [5] M. Singh, T . Vishnuvardhan and S. G. Srivani, "Adaptive protection
coordination scheme for power networks under penetration of distributed
to operators to report the attempted change. For the simulated energy resources," in IET Generation, T ransmission & Distribution, vol.
test, IED B sent out a false response thereby blocking the 10, no. 15, pp. 3919-3929, 11 17 2016.
attempted unauthorized setting changes to IED A due to the [6] H. F. Habib, C. R. Lashway and O. A. Mohammed, "A Review of
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This paper was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an
VI. CONCLUSIONS agency of the United States Government. Neither the United
States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their
This paper has presented a novel method of securing employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes
configuration changes of protective relays. It is based on a any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
collaborative defense action of these devices enabled by peer- completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus,
to-peer communication. The architecture distributes the product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would
security to each of the devices virtually blocking maliciou s not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any
intent to mis-coordinate relays during an actual fault. The specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name,
method also minimizes the impact of incorrect settings caused trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily
by unintended human errors. Testing the method in a simulated constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or
IEC 61850 digital substation has validated the concept. The favoring by the United States Government or any agency
method promotes the use of defense systems that are aware of thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do
the physical system of which they are designed to secure. not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States
Government or any agency thereof