Configuration For Automatic Packing in Outbound Delivery
Configuration For Automatic Packing in Outbound Delivery
Configuration For Automatic Packing in Outbound Delivery
in Outbound Delivery
Let me introduce you to the basics required to understand the Automatic
packing concept in outbound delivery.
1. Packing Materials are material that can be used to pack or transport
2. Items from an outbound delivery when packed into a packing
material, the whole unit together is called the Handling Unit.
3. Packing process in SAP is the process of assigning delivery items to
packing materials, which will produce Handling Units, which will then
be packed into additional packing materials. Which in turn will create
a new handling unit, this process of packing one handling unit into
another packing material is called Multi-level packing.
The packing function is available in:
Orders (as Packing Instructions)
Inbound Deliveries
Outbound Deliveries
Shipment Document
Packing can be done manually as well as automatically in outbound
delivery. Manual packing is done in outbound delivery by choosing PACK
button manually while automatic packing uses the Condition Technique to
automatically identify the material to be packed and create handling units.
As most of us would be aware of how manual packing is done, in this
document I have explained how automatic packing is configured for
outbound delivery.
I have noted down few steps that would be required to configure Automatic
packing, these are listed below:
Let us see how each of these steps are accomplished in SAP with
In this step you can activate the delivery type for automatic packing using
the TCode OVLK as shown below.
Before moving further lets understand below mentioned SAP terminologies
Material – A product in outbound delivery that requires packing.
Material Group for packaging – This is a material master field used to
group products requiring similar packing. For example say products A and
B can be packed using similar pallets, in this case while creating product
master data for A & B, we assign Material Group for Packaging, say 0001-
pallets to indicate that both these material are packed using pallets.
Packing Material – The material used to pack the finished product in
Packaging Material Type – This is Material Master record field used to set
up a Packing Material.(Applies to packing material master data) This field
defines the family of packaging type to which this material belongs, for
example Pallets, Truck, Container, Box, Crates, etc.
In this step you can define a Material Group for packaging material using
This is a field entered in the Material Master Sales: General/Plant data for
materials that require packing. It is used to group together materials that
require similar packaging materials.
In our case we defined material group 0001-Yard Mgmt using
tcode VEGR.
In this step create Material master record(MM01) for Finished goods and
Packing Material based on the configuration done in the earlier steps.
Firstly define a FERT material code for Sales View having below data
related to packaging.
As can be seen in above screen shots we have created a material TATA1
with Material Type FERT and Material Group for Packaging Material
as 0001- Yard Mgmt.
Now, create another Material master record(MM01) with Material Type
VERP (packing), so that this material could be used as a packing material
in Deliveries.
Important information required for packing is shown in below:
Item Category Group (Sales: Organisation 2 tab)
Packing Material Data (Sales: General/Plant)
Packaging Material Type
Allowed Weight
Allowed Volume
As seen above we have created a packing material PACK1 with Item
category group VERP, Packaging Material Type 0001-Pallet and allowed
packing weight as 200kg.
The configurations done from this step are specifically valid for Automatic
packing in outbound delivery.
In this step, you can modify the Packing Transaction Profiles using
TCode OVHU2.
For each application, in which the packing transaction can be used, there is
a packing transaction profile. The profiles are set as standard in the
system. You can change the descriptions and the settings for each profile.
However, you cannot create new profiles, delete existing ones, or change
the assignment of profile to application.
In our case we will use the transaction profile available for outbound
delivery i.e. 0002- Outbound Delivery.
In each profile, the following parameters are set:
display mode or change mode for HU proposals in the packing
the procedure used to automatically determine packing instructions
whether the system expands packing instructions automatically when
materials and quantities are entered or changed
whether the system displays a selection dialog box in the automatic
expansion process, so that the user can select a packing instruction
from those proposed by the system (main packing instruction or
alternative packing instruction)
whether the system takes into account rounding and minimum
quantities in the automatic expansion process
whether the system also takes into account alternative packing
instructions in automatic expansion, if the main packing instruction
cannot pack the required quantity
The expansion strategy. This controls whether
o Packages are to be created one at a time, that is, the system
creates an HU proposal for exactly one main handling unit.
In this step you can set up condition technique for the packing instruction
determination procedure i.e. ZSHIP1(assigned in the Outbound delivery
Transaction Profile). You can set up Determination procedure,
Determination type, Access Sequence & Condition table.
You can create each of the components of the condition technique using
below Tcodes:
Condition table – OFP8
Access Sequence –OFP2
Determination Type – OFP3
Define Procedure – OFP4
I am not adding screenshots as this is done similar to any other condition
technique setup.
The second master data that you need to maintain is how the packing
instruction that was created in the previous step would be determined.
This can be created using TCode POF1.
PFB the screenshot maintained in our case.
In the above screenshot you can see that I have maintained a record for
Determination Type SHIP in Procedure ZHSIP1. The condition table has
the combination of Material & Ship-to party while packing instruction
number specified is 231 which we have created in the previous step.
This means that whenever Material TATA1 and Ship-to
4000401 combination occurs in delivery type LF the packing instruction
231 would be identified by using Transaction profile of outbound delivery
& Packing instruction procedure ZHSIP1. This will in turn pack the
delivery items using the material specified in packing instruction number
Once you configure all of the above steps Automatic packing would be
active in Delivery and Handling Units would be automatically created based
on the master data you have maintained.