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Colgate Vs Sensodyne

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Diploma in Management

Introduction to Marketing
Individual Assignment
Kaveesha Rajapakse
Colgate Vs Sensodyne
Table of Contents
Task 1
 Background of Colgate and Sensodyne
 The 4 P’s
 Limitations of Colgate and Sensodyne
Task 2
 Intel gathering by the organization/s
 Propose market research methods by the organization/s
 Limitations of market research towards the development of market plans
 justification
Task 3
 Market segmentation
 Steps to segment a market
 The marketing environment
 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Task 4
 7 P’s in the organizations’ marketing mix
 PESTLE Analysis
 SWOT Analysis
Background of the two brands
Colgate is an American brand mainly utilized for oral hygiene products such as toothpastes,
toothbrushes, mouthwashes, and dental floss. Fabricated by Colgate-Palmolive, Colgate oral
hygiene products were to begin with sold by the company in 1873, sixteen a long time after the
passing of the founder, William Colgate. The company initially sold soap. Colgate toothpaste
was sold in glass jars since 1873. Tubes, as spearheaded by Kalodont, Johnson & Johnson
(Zonweiss) and Sheffield, were introduced in 1896. Colgate became well known within the
1950s, with the trademark "It Cleans Your Breath While It Cleans Your Teeth", composed by
publicist Alicia Tobin. In 2007, the Advertising Standards Authority within the UK told Colgate
that it might not make the claim that 4 out of 5 dental specialists recommended Colgate.
Investigation had appeared that the study had telephone surveyed dentists to list toothpastes they
recommended, and their competitors were recommended at similar rates. The claim was deemed
As of 2015, oral care products (mainly created under the Colgate brand) were the Colgate-
Palmolive company's biggest source of income, making up around US$7.5 billion, or 47% of net
sales globally (with individual care products such as shampoos making up 20%, home care items
such as clothing detergents 19% and pet nutrition making up the remaining 14%). It too
commanded around 70% of the oral care market in Brazil. Agreeing to a 2015 report by market
research looper Kantar Worldpanel, Colgate is the only brand within the world purchased by
more than half of all households. Colgate features a worldwide market penetration of 67.7% and
a global market share of 45%. Despite this, it maintained the highest growth rate of all brands
within the survey, with 40 million new households purchasing Colgate-branded products in
Consumer holding Colgate with hemp seed oil, 2020 Colgate enlisted the label for toothpaste
containing hemp seed oil with the U.S. government around January 2020. In February 2020,
Colgate's parent company declared an agreement to purchase Hello Products, a New Jersey
company that had prior within the month introduced toothpastes, mouthwashes and lip balms
containing cannabidiol [Wikipedia, 2021].

Sensodyne is a brand title of toothpaste and mouthwash targeted at individuals with sensitive
teeth. Sensodyne is owned by GlaxoSmithKline and is marketed under the title Shumitect in
Japan. It was first sold by Block Drug, a Brooklyn, Unused York-based company established in
1907 by pharmacist Alexander Block. By 1925, fabricating dental care products had become the
company's focus. Leonard N. Block taken after his father into the family business which moved
to Jersey City, New Jersey, in 1938. In 2000, Block Drug was purchased by Smith Kline
Beecham P.L.C., which became GlaxoSmithKline. The toothpaste was first marketed in 1961 as
a desensitizing toothpaste based on a strontium chloride formulation. In 1980 Sensodyne
launched a new toothpaste containing potassium nitrate, a mild local sedative [Wikipedia, 2021].
Sensodyne is targeted at people with particularly sensitive teeth. In addition to making
Sensodyne, Block Drug manufactures cleansers and adhesives for false teeth, mouthwash,
laxatives, and ointment for nappy rash [Andrew Clark,2000].
Total operating profit was £7,783 million in 2020 compared with £6,961 million in 2019. The
total operating margin was 22.8%. Adjusted operating profit was £8,906 million, 1% lower than
2019 at AER (annual equivalent rate) and 2% higher at CER (coupon equivalent rate) on a
turnover increase of 3% CER. Pro-forma adjusted operating profit declined 3%.
Pharmaceutical’s turnover in the year 2020 was £17,056 million, down 3% AER, 1% CER.
Respiratory sales were up 22% AER, 23% CER, to £3,749 million [GSK Annual Report, 2020].
The 4 P’s
The four Ps of marketing are the key variables that are included in the marketing of a good or
service. They are the product, price, place, and promotion of a good or service. Frequently
referred to as the marketing mix, the four Ps are constrained by internal and external components
within the overall commerce environment, and they associated significantly with one another.
The 4 Ps are utilized by companies to recognize a few key components for their business,
including what consumers need from them, how their product or service meets or fails to meet
those needs, how their product or service is seen in the world, how they stand out from their
competitors, and how they interact with their customers.
Product refers to a good or service that a company offers to customers. Ideally, a product ought
to fulfill an existing consumer demand. Or a product may be so compelling that consumers
believe they ought to have it and it creates a new demand. To be successful, marketers need to
understand the life cycle of a product, and business executives need to have a plan for managing
with products at each stage of their life cycle. The sort of product moreover partially dictates
how much businesses can charge for it, where they should place it, and how they should promote
it within the marketplace.
Many of the most successful products have been the first in their category. For example, In year
2000 Sensodyne was a small toothpaste brand, distributed in pharmacies, with 5% penetration.
However, Sensodyne is a treatment for 28% of people [Kantar TGI,2013], So it wasn’t fulfilling
its potential, leaving 23% of people with daily (shown by figure 1), significant pain. And today
penetration has increased from 5% to 23% (shown by figure 2) and there are now far fewer
people who leave their sensitivity untreated.

Figure 1

Figure 2

In 1866 Colgate introduces perfumed soap and from there they’ve started introducing so many
new products over the years. Colgate has gone from manual toothbrushes to actibrush battery
powered and sonic power battery toothbrushes. Also, Colgate begins selling toothpaste in jars in
1873 and in 2019 Colgate has launched first-of-its kind recyclable toothpaste tube.
Figure 3 "Toothpaste in

Figure 4 "Recyclable toothpaste tube"

Price is the cost consumers pay for a product. Marketers must interface the price to the product's
genuine and perceived value, but they too must consider supply costs, seasonal discounts, and
competitors' prices. In a few cases, business executives may raise the price to give the product
the appearance of being a luxury. On the other hand, they may lower the price so more
consumers can try the product.
Marketers also need to determine when and if discounting is appropriate. A discount can
sometimes draw in more customers, but it can also give the impression that the product is less
exclusive or less of a luxury compared to when it is was priced higher.
Most of the people buy Colgate because it is affordable and therefore, they’ve managed to
continue an impressive sales growth. However, Sensodyne’s sales hasn’t increased because of
the price cuts but managing a price premium.

Figure 5 Sensodyne Vs Colgate/Sensitive

When a company makes decisions regarding place, they are trying to determine where they
should sell a product and how to deliver the product to the market. The goal of business
executives is always to get their products in front of the consumers that are the most likely to buy
them. In some cases, this may refer to placing a product in certain stores, but it also refers to the
product's placement on a specific store's display.
The distribution channel of Colgate Palmolive is broadly spread and comes to even remote
corners of the nation. Its oral care products are not only display in supermarkets and hyper
markets but are also accessible in small retailer shops in a remote rural area. Wide availability of
its product is one of the reasons that's responsible for keeping up its position among the foremost
trusted brand. Colgate Palmolive reaches consumers through various medical stores, cooperative
stores as well as dentists
As for Sensodyne, dentists not only played a key role in advertisements but also helped in
distribution. They used to recommend the product and the product can be found in the nearby
medical store. Sensodyne used the distribution network of their parent company GSK which has
a wide network. The product can now be found in small towns to large cities, from small medical
shops to large retail shops.
Promotion includes advertising, public relations, and promotional strategy. The goal of
promoting a product is to reveal to consumers why they need it and why they should pay a
certain price for it.
Marketers tend to tie promotion and placement elements together so they can reach their core
audiences. For example, In the digital age, the "place" and "promotion" factors are as much
online as they are offline. Specifically, where a product appears on a company's web page or
social media, as well as which types of search functions trigger corresponding, targeted ads for
the product.
Colgate has always had a strong focus towards marketing and advertising. It focuses primarily on
television advertisements where the focus has been towards humorous or qualitative/cognitive
aspects. Colgate is quite active when it comes to digital marketing. It is actively involved over
various social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and has an up-to-date website which offers
discounts to products bought online. Moreover, campaigns revolving around children have also
been introduced by Colgate to increase the brand awareness. Also, Colgate is a brand that seen
in old movies and as well as in recent movies throughout the world.

Sensodyne’s main promotion strategy is to penetrate in the market. For that it needs to educate
the consumers about dental condition and to let them know that its treatable. It has done so by
running advertisements of real dentists describing the problem. Sensodyne also asked dentist to
try their products so they would recommend them to their patients. On their site, it provides free
checkup for sensation which attract consumers. It tells them the causes, symptoms, and treatment
of the condition. To validate their claims, customer reviews have been put up on the site.
Figure 6 Sensodyne free online check ups

Limitations in Colgate
• The impending release of Colgate-Palmolive’s new toothbrush, Precision, may influence sales
of its existing toothbrush lines. This may lead to a “cannibalization” of the Colgate Furthermore
and Colgate Classic market of up to 60%. Since the existing toothbrush lines are the “cash cows”
of the company’s oral care division, a dismal performance by the new Colgate-Palmolive
Precision might drain the “cash cows” of their resources altogether.
 • Colgate-Palmolive’s media expenditure format is exceptionally small compared to its
rivals. It has spent only $7 million dollars on its Colgate-Palmolive Plus marketing efforts
and has only 19% of the share voice. Since media exposure fills consumer demand for a
new product, usually one region where Colgate-Palmolive must have its expenditures
equivalent to that of its rivals.
 Another marketing weakness that Colgate-Palmolive faces is its lack of professional
dental endorsements, with less than half that in market share and dollar sales than that of
their competitors.
 Similar to Colgate-Palmolive’s lack of professional endorsement, the Precision
toothbrush does not have the fullest endorsement from the American Dental Associations
(ADA). Although the ADA issued its seal to the product, the seal alone stands for little
more than recognition that the toothbrush works. In fact, only when the ADA issues its
seal and an official quote stating that a product is superior to similar product types, does a
product receive the fullest support possible. Not having the full backing of the ADA is a
weakness which Colgate-Palmolive may have to overcome to gain the professional
endorsement they seek [UKEssays, 2018].

Limitations in Sensodyne
 Colgate coming up with a new toothpaste for sensitive teeth, called as Colgate Sensitive
toothpaste which sells at a lower price.
 Sensodyne is little more expensive than competitors when it comes to price.
Market segmentation
Market segmentation is a marketing term that refers to aggregating prospective buyers into
groups or segments with common needs and who respond similarly to a marketing action.
Market segmentation enables companies to target different categories of consumers who
perceive the full value of certain products and services differently from one another.
Companies can generally use four criteria to identify different market segments:
1.Geographic segmentation
Geographic segmentation is a marketing strategy to target products to people who live or shop in
a specific location. This approach is particularly useful if you sell products that are subject to
differences in regional culture, climate, or population.
 Colgate currently does a business in over 200 countries around the world. About 75% of
their sales comes from international operations, so succeeding in countries outside of
USA is important. They do not market the same items in all the countries. For an example
there’re 16 various types of toothpaste, while in UK there are 22 variety of toothpastes.
Colgate does expensive research to market the right type of products to the right countries
as a great global brand.
2. Demographic segmentation
Demographic segmentation divides the consumer market into smaller categories based on
common demographic factors. These smaller segments help companies understand their
prospective markets better, allowing them to utilize their resources and time more efficiently.
Studying how different demographics engage with products and services helps companies
develop and update their marketing strategies.
 Colgate markets their products to a variety of age groups. Colgate sell both kids and
adults products, depending on their needs. Also, there are different markets based on
 Sensodyne also has different types of products depending on their age. For ana example
they have gel toothpastes specially for kids and toothpastes like Sensodyne full protection
whitening toothpastes for adults.
3. Behavioral segmentation
Behavioral segmentation is a specific marketing method that gathers people into groups based on
common behavioral patterns, like purchasing similar products, sharing same hobbies, or having
similar reactions and beliefs. It goes beyond basic demographics of knowing a customer's
location, age, gender, occupation, or income level. Most segmentation in marketing is
collaborative and correlated; behavioral data and demographics combined can better help you
address a customer's needs and wants.
The goal of behavioral segmentation is to learn a customer's knowledge of attitude towards, likes
or dislikes or reaction to a product, service, brand, or promotion.
 Colgate seems to group their consumers based on specific behavioral pattern they display
when marketing purchasing decisions. For example, they use certain formula of their
toothpaste and certain type of toothbrushes for different categories of people based on
their needs.
4. Psychographic Segmentation
Psychographic segmentation is a tool marketers use to group members of their target audience
into different segments based on their internal characteristics. These internal characteristics can
include personality traits, beliefs, attitudes, social class, values, lifestyle, and interests. Marketers
use psychographic segmentation to develop a better understanding of their target audience as
individuals so they can connect with them on a more personal level.
 Colgate targets different markets based on their oral healthcare needs. For people who
wants whiter teeth, Colgate sells whitening toothpaste and brushes. For people with teeth
sensitivity, they see sensitive Pro-Relief toothpastes and toothbrushes etc.
Market targeting is a process of selecting the target market from the entire market. Target market
consists of group/groups of buyers to whom the company wants to satisfy or for whom product is
manufactured, price is set, promotion efforts are made, and distribution network is prepared.
Colgate has had a reliable target market. Not at all like another brands Colgate has never altered
its target market segment. Although there have been a few expansions in later years. Colgate is
targeted at middle and Lower middle families and educated families with white-collar
occupations are also included in its target market, Colgate through its advertisements focuses on
its key concept that is toothpaste of the family theme.
Colgate Palmolive’s strong distribution network is one of its competitive strengths. This network
is maintained through both professional and personal ties. It is due to this strong distribution,
Colgate Palmolive has a very strong presence in the market, even in small rural areas where
other MNCs have failed to penetrate.

Product Targeted group How they are Why they are

targeted targeted
Max fresh Colgate targeted Knowing the habits As this helps in
youth with the of the users refreshes breath
introduction of this
Active salt Elder people are Advanced features As it makes teeth
targeted in this stronger and provides
segment protection from
Colgate total Basically, it’s for kids By promoting the Colgate Total
but Mothers are benefits contains the anti-
targeted as they are microbial ingredient
very concerned about triclosan, which
their kids. reduces the number
of bacteria that cause
gingivitis, cavities,
and halitosis
Colgate sensitive People who have Performance based, Because of their
sensitive teeth are special benefits it sensitivity and oral
targeted in this provides problems
segment who have
problem in their
Kids toothpaste children By promoting the Colgate had focused
products by unique on taste aspect to
designs encourage kids to
brush teeth
Colgate whitening Group of customers By showing them the Its whitening
in this segment those results ingredient is
who are already hydrogen peroxide,
suffering from plaque which gradually
in their teeth bleaches the teeth and
help people who
wants whiter teeth.
Colgate 2 in 1 People who want By attracting them in Because of the
both strangeness and unique products difference in their
fresh breath are needs

Steps to segment a market

Figure 7 Targeting Strategy

Market Positioning
Market positioning refers to the place that a brand occupies in the minds of the customers
and how it is distinguished from the products of the competitors and different from the
concept of brand awareness. In order to position products or brands, companies may
emphasize the distinguishing features of their brand (what it is, what it does and how, etc.)
or they may try to create a suitable image (inexpensive or premium, utilitarian or luxurious,
entry-level or high-end, etc.) through the marketing mix. Once a brand has achieved a
strong position, it can become difficult to reposition it [Wikipedia,2021].
Steps to segment a market

The marketing environment

Definition: The Marketing Environment includes the Internal factors (employees, customers,
shareholders, retailers & distributors, etc.) and the External factors (political, legal, social,
technological, economic) that surround the business and influence its marketing operations
[business Jargons, 2017]. Some of these components are controllable whereas a few are
uncontrollable and require business operations to alter in a manner. Firms must be aware of its
marketing environment in which it is working to overcome the negative affect the environment
components are imposing on firm’s marketing activities.
Internal Environment –
The Internal Marketing Environment incorporates all the components that are inside the
organization and influences the overall business operations. These variables include labor,
inventory, company policy, logistics, budget, capital assets, etc. which are a portion of the
organization and influences the marketing decision and its relationship with the consumers.
These variables can be controlled by the firm.
Micro and macro environment-
The Micro Promoting Environment incorporates all those variables that are closely related with
the operations of the business and impacts its functioning. The microenvironment components
include customers, employees, suppliers, retailers & distributors, shareholders, Competitors,
Government and General Public. These components are controllable to a few extents.
The Macro environment components such as – inflation rate, savings rate, interest rate, foreign
exchange rate and economic cycle decide the aggregate demand and aggregate investment in an
Colgate-Palmolive Company can use country’s economic factor such as growth rate, inflation &
industry’s economic indicators such as Personal Products industry growth rate, consumer
spending etc. to forecast the growth trajectory of the organization.
Maslow’s hierarchy
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a 5-tier model of human needs. They pyramid was founded by
psychologist, Abraham Maslow in 1943. The five tiers consist of physiological needs, safety
needs, belongingness and love need, esteem needs, and self-actualization. Each tier represents a
different level of need for humans [Jarthur, 2021].

Toothpastes comes under physiological needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Physiological

needs are the lowest level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. They are the most essential things a
person needs to survive. They include the need for shelter, water, food, warmth, rest, and health.
A person’s motivation at this level derives from their instinct to survive [Corporate finance
institute, 2021].
From the Maslow’s law it is evident that Colgate can be classified in Security as well as
Physiological needs of human inspiration since it gives healthy teeth after everyday use and
ensures teeth from different gum bacteria. This helped marketers to retrofit the idea by utilizing
different smiling and foamy faces. This advertisement captured huge customer base. Maslow’s
law is identifiably critical social factor of any commercial will impact and motivate subconscious
of thousand and lakhs of viewers creating enhancing esteem and increased market value.
7 P’s in the organizations’
The extended marketing mix (7P's) is the combination of seven elements of marketing that aim
to work together to achieve the objectives of a marketing strategy. These 7 elements are: product;
price; place; promotion; people; process and physical.
PESTLE Analysis

A PESTEL analysis is an acronym for a tool utilized to recognize the macro (external) forces
facing an organization. The letters stand for Political, Economic, Social, Technological,
Environmental and Legal. Depending on the organization, it can be decreased to PEST, or a few
regions can be included (e.g., Ethical) In marketing, before any kind of strategy or strategic plan
can be implemented, it is fundamental to conduct a situational analysis. And the PESTEL forms
portion of that and ought to be repeated at regular stages (6 monthly least) to distinguish changes
within the macro-environment. Organizations that effectively monitor and respond to changes
within the macro-environment can differentiate from the competition and make a competitive
PESTLE Analysis of Colgate
Political Factors:
Colgate being spread across the globe; it may get affected depending on the political stability of
the regional government. Since being a multinational company, number on the local
government’s issues may affect Colgate business, but also the inter-country trade deals or trade
agreements can affect the Colgate's business. The political stability of the country, laws of the
land such as law regarding the prohibition of certain chemicals or powder, trade barriers, the
threat of military invasion, political control of the labor unions at places and laws regarding
compulsion of labor wages would harm or boost Colgate's business [mbaskool, 2021].
Economical factors:
Colgate being FMCG, its sales largely depend on the demand for products. This all depends on
whether the current market is a monopoly, duopoly, or perfect competition. The rate of GDP
growth will impact the growth of Colgate. The rate of currency exchange will also impact the
profitability of the company since it doesn’t manufacture in each country in which it operates. If
the country has higher unemployment, it would have workers available lower wages, which
would reduce cost, however, the demand for products may also decrease because of lower money
with the people [mbaskool, 2021]

Social factors:
Social factors that influence Colgate's operations are the direct reflection of the society on which
Colgate operates. The cultural convictions, values, attitudes of the larger part of the population
will decide the business market for Colgate. Altogether understand the market, with its age,
gender, cultural preferences, product preferences, would help Colgate get better space in the
market. For case, a society shifts towards ayurvedic products due to social change brought about,
Colgate should differentiate to remain as the main product supplier. The lifestyle of the local
people also influences and hence Colgate should consider what kind of health guidelines, what
sort of product is preferred generally and must alter its product line accordingly.
Technological Factors:
Colgate being a market leader, it has got to constantly keep upgrading itself in terms of the
quality of product offered by constant innovation. Colgate must constantly remain updated with
the technological changes within the industry and need to analyze how will it influence the
market. It must know how rapidly the new technology will be adopted by the other competitors
and know-how will it influence the cost structure of the competitor's product.
Legal Factors:
Colgate being a multinational company, it has its own sets of policies of operations, however,
when it operated in different countries, it should take into thought the legal system of that
country. Intellectual property laws, the information protection laws, which are implemented by
the government to ensure ideas and new innovations of the company would largely affect the
competitive edge the company would have over its competitors. Colgate needs to keep a tap on
such laws. Other certain laws such as health and safety laws for the protection of the health of its
citizens must be given due importance since it can adversely influence the company's sale in case
a few misalignments are there in the standards.
Environmental Factors:
Colgate must keep into thought at slightest those environmental regulations which would not
lead to its boycott of products or pressure from the social groups. Moreover, the environmental
condition of a specific region may influence the availability of the product. The manufacturing
method, type of climate changes which may occur due to the products and the utilize of
renewable energy in its ecosystem, employment of sustainable methods all along the product
chain are a few of the environmental factors that Colgate needs to consider.
PEST Analysis for Sensodyne
Political Economic Social Technological
1.Sensodyne products 1.In price aspect, 1.In segmentation 1.The technological
have the proper Sensodyne products aspect, consumer advances will rise the
certificates from have the highest profile contains ranking of Sensodyne
United States prices of the market people from every in the toothpaste
Dentists Association, since they target the age, gender, race, or market. Those
United States Food educated, medium, nation which is a advances might be
and Drug and high-class people positive thing for the about the production
Administration, segments, on the toothpaste market; or the formula of the
International other hand, but the Sensodyne products. Therefore,
Standardization Sensodyne products targets the medium the developments in
Organization and The have a higher and upper-class social related areas must be
Medicines and impression than a environments for its investigated and
Healthcare products convenient product products. followed every time.
Regulatory Agency which bring about a
(MHRA). distance between the 2.Since its aim is 2.One other thing is
Sensodyne products conquering the that the competitors
2.Generally, the usual medium and upper- should be closely
RDA numbers of the and the ordinary class levels, the watched to keep up
Sensodyne products consumers groups. prices are high the competition. Our
must be between 60 2.Since Sensodyne is directly related with company must react
to 120 for adults. the market leader and the quality standard to the developments
This value is around the choice of the they provide. As a of the other brands
35 for the products of medium-high class result, Sensodyne and might outweigh
Sensodyne Promel people, the users are mostly their improvements
and Sensodyne management doesn’t educated, with correct
Promel for Kids. channel their funds sophisticated people. marketing strategies
on direct marketing as well.
3.The flouride is a and sales promotion 3.Sensodyne
poisonous chemical enough. This slightly consumer profile 3. Another example is
by itself, therefore the harms the long-term consist of the people that Sensodyne iso
flouride values for budget of the who knows the active foaming gel is
Sensodyne products company. importance of the an advanced
must be under 1450 dental care. technology in
ppm. 3.Sensodyne tubes Therefore, as the toothpaste. Its
are standard, and they education and the delivery system
don’t have a small economical level of disperses the
tube likes 10ml- the society increases, toothpaste quickly,
15ml-20ml which are usage of the penetrating hard-to-
mostly used during Sensodyne will rise reach areas of the
travelling purposes. parallelly. mouth. This
formulation is the
4.Sensodyne holds leader on its area of
the top spot of the full reach to the
quality rank in the mouth.
minds of the
consumers. The
‘dentists’ suggestion’
promotion sequences
serve that goal. If
Sensodyne can
protect its place, the
demand will remain
as well.
[onurkosar, 2021].
SWOT Analysis

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis is a framework used to

evaluate a company's competitive position and to develop strategic planning. SWOT analysis
assesses internal and external factors, as well as current and future potential [Investopedia,
A SWOT investigation is designed to encourage a realistic, fact-based, data-driven see at the
strengths and weaknesses of an organization, initiatives, or within its industry. The organization
should keep the analysis exact by avoiding pre-conceived beliefs or gray areas and instead
focusing on real-life contexts. Companies ought to utilize it as a guide and not necessarily as a
1.SWOT Analysis of Colgate
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
1.Core brand equity- 1.Narrow product 1.Deodorants offers 1.Challenge from P&G-
 The company’s focus- good opportunity –  With a stalwart
eponymous  Oral care  Amongst the such as Procter
brand enjoys a accounts for categories the & Gamble
strong level of nearly 2/3 of company is looking to
consumer Colgate’s beauty present in expand globally
recognition. and personal deodorants has in more
This equity is care revenue. It the strongest prospective
invaluable in is vulnerable to growth markets, Colgate
terms of gaining a downturn in projection, face is wrong
leverage in new this highly although this is competitive
markets, while mature category, toned down by challenges and
loyalty is key in which does not mature markets, needs to
core sales areas. lend itself easily but AP and continue
2.Winning on the in innovation. ME&A will investing in
ground- 1.Mass-market- grow above the product
 Colgate has  A strong mass- market rate. development.
coined a strategy market position 2.Intimate hygiene in 2.Rising competition-
called ‘winning makes it bath and shower-  The downward
on the ground’ difficult for the  Internet hygiene pressure on
which means company to add recorded strong spending power
offering value to its core growth in both is forcing an
products based brands. Hence, Brazil and increasing
on consumer Colgate is China, but number of
needs and vulnerable to Colgate has no consumers to
communicating private label, significant trade down from
the benefits discounters, and presence in this mid-market
through various imitators. category. it may brands to private
marketing consider label. Colgate is
strategies launching at risk from this
including free intimate hygiene trend.
samples and the to gain more
internet. from this market
projected to
drive absolute
2.SWOT Analysis of Sensodyne
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
1.Very well accepted 1. Not a very strong 1. Can leverage on 1. Not much
in the market and brand in emerging the unique awareness in the
enjoys the trust economies compared positioning and market regarding the
associated with GSK to normal toothpaste differentiation it has effectiveness of the
brand. brands. achieved product.

2. Testimonial ads 2. Little more 2. People are not 2. Lot of competition

from doctors have expensive than aware of the special in the market from
worked well to competitors. needs for sensitive regular toothpaste
strengthen the brand. teeth, create brands.
awareness and
3. It created a minor capture large market.
sub-category in
toothpaste segment 3. The brand can
and the only brand target kids and youth
available in the also since they
category. frequently suffer
from such problems
4. Due to strong
parent brand, good
distribution, and

When compare Sensodyne and Colgate toothpaste, ready to be found that Sensodyne only focus
on the sensitive segment of the toothpaste category but Colgate focus on verity target market
with toothpaste products like Colgate cavity protection, Colgate three-way protection, Colgate
natural ingredients, Colgate kids’ items, Colgate fresh breath, Colgate tooth whitening, Colgate
sensitive teeth and Colgate 12 hours antibacterial protection. Subsequently, Sensodyne should
formula more sort of toothpaste so they can focus on a greater market segment rather than just
focus on the sensitive segment of the toothpaste category. This will make a difference in
Sensodyne to offer more choice to their target customers and end up produce more revenue to
their business. Sensodyne also must work hard towards reducing their toothpaste prices to be
competitive enough within the highly competitive market as what has been done by Colgate.

[Wikipedia, 2021] Colagate. [online] Avaulable at:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colgate_(toothpaste) [Accessed 15 August]
[Wikipedia, 2021] Sensodyne [online]. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensodyne
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