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Analysis of Green Building Certification System For Developing G-SEED

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)XWXUH&LWLHV Yun, Y, et al.

2018 Analysis of Green Building Certification System

for Developing G-SEED. Future Cities and Environment, 4(1): 7,
DQG(QYLURQPHQW pp. 1–9, DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/fce.37


Analysis of Green Building Certification System for

Developing G-SEED
Focusing on the Comparison of LEED and BREEAM

Yosun Yun, Dongwoo Cho and Changu Chae

G-SEED(Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design) is operating in Korea as a certification
­system to evaluate the environmental friendliness of buildings.
Buildings are generating loads such as carbon dioxide emission, energy consumption, the consumption of
resources, destruction of natural ecosystem, change of global climate, pollution of indoor environment,
and waste generation.
For this purpose, a green building certification system has been introduced. In the green building certifi-
cation system, evaluation of buildings through methods such as utilization of natural energy, adoption of
energy saving system, rainwater management, etc., is induced to reduce environmental load.
These certification systems are operated by each country. The level of the certification system is
­different according to the characteristics such as climate environment. BREEAM in the UK and LEED in the
US are operating a version for international certification as well as domestic certification.
In this study, analyze the certification system which operates the global version such as BREEAM, LEED.
And to investigate the differences between domestic and international versions of each version of the
certification system. Certification items classified as reflected by climate characteristics, national charac-
teristics reflected items, general items, such as attempts to analyze the rating system. And certification
items were grouped into general “Global certification items” having no specificity for locality and “Local
certification items” that differ by each locality according to social, environmental, and political factors.
Using the analysis results that comparison of LEED and BREEAM, the study then aims to ascertain the
possibility of whether the G-SEED can be used to certify international buildings. And explore the possibil-
ity of developing international version of the G-SEED and indicate the direction of G-SEED amendments
that may arise in the future. The study results would be available as basic data at the development of
G-SEED for international version.

Keywords: Green Building Certification System; LEED; BREEAM; G-SEED

1. Introduction assessment methods and systems vary in degree according

Green building certification systems assess buildings on to the climate and social characteristics of each country.
items such as the use of natural energy, use of energy Also, among the certification systems currently in opera-
conservation systems, and rainwater management tion by each country, some certification systems assess
(KICT, 2016). By doing so, the systems aim to induce the not only domestic but also international projects as well.
reduction of the environmental loads of buildings. For Regarding such systems, this study examines BREEAM of
the purposes of fulfilling the objectives of responding to the UK and LEED of the US, both of which are global cer-
­climate change and reducing greenhouse gases by expand- tification systems that provide certifications worldwide.
ing environmentally friendly buildings, each country has BREEAM and LEED are international certification as well
developed and put into practice their own systems that as domestic certification buildings.
certifies environmental friendliness. Several studies are LEED has grown to become the world’s most widely
underway in a number of countries to find environmen- used green building rating system, with nearly 90,000 pro-
tally friendly and sustainable methods of construction. jects participating in LEED across 167 countries, includ-
By examining the certification systems currently in ing more than 39,000 certified commercial projects. Also,
operation in each country, it can be understood that their LEED certifies 2.20 million ft2 per day, and is currently
the most widely used worldwide (USGBC, 2017b).
KICT, Goyangdae-ro 283, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, KR BREEAM has nearly 250,000 registered projects in
Corresponding author: Yosun Yun (yyun20@kict.re.kr) 77 countries, and including 56,000 certified projects
Art. 7, pp.  2 of 9 Yun et al: Analysis of Green Building Certification System for Developing G-SEED

Table 1: G-SEED Rating System (New Buildings).

Categories Average Number of Prerequisites

Weighting Credits Credits
Land Use and Transportation 10 6 –
Energy and Environmental Pollution 30 6 1
Materials and Resources 15 6 1
Water Management 10 4 1
Maintenance 7 3 1
Ecology 10 3 –
Indoor Environment 18 6 1
Innovative Design 10 9 –

(BREEAM, 2017a). In 2012 7.5% of all certified BREEAM mizes its impact on the environment while at the same
New Construction nondomestic assessments were of time providing a comfortable and healthy living environ-
buildings located outside the UK, rising from 7% in 2011 ment. The G-SEED is a system used to assess such build-
and 4% in 2010. BRE Global data (not presented in this ings and undertakes a comprehensive assessment of the
publication) shows that the number of certified interna- environmental friendliness of buildings. The system was
tional (non-UK) assessments has doubled year-on-year first introduced in 2002 to assess multi-residential hous-
since 2009 (BREEAM, 2014). ing units and currently is used to undertake assessments
This study aims to analyse the BREEAM and LEED of new buildings, existing buildings, and green-remodel-
certification systems currently in active operation
­ ling buildings. By building code, the system undertakes
­worldwide. Both certification systems provide not only assessments of buildings classified as general housing,
domestic certification but also international certification. single housing, multi-residence, general purpose, offices,
In light of this aspect, this study pursues an understand- schools, sales facilities, and accommodations (KICT, 2016).
ing of the differences in certification items for both their G-SEED was amended in 2016 and undertakes assess-
domestic and international processes and also aims to ments across 8 categories (Table 1) including land use
classify certification items according to their p ­ roperties and transportation, energy and environmental pollution,
to understand their characteristics. materials and resources, water management, maintenance,
Using the analysis results that comparison of LEED ecology, indoor environment, and innovative design. The
and BREEAM, the study then aims to ascertain the pos- energy and environmental pollution category constitutes
sibility of whether the G-SEED (Green Standard for the largest portion of the assessment (KICT, 2016).
Energy and Environmental Design, Korea Green building
Certification System) can be used to certify international 2.2. LEED
buildings. And explore the possibility of developing inter- LEED was developed in the year 2000 by the US Green
national version of the G-SEED and indicate the direction Building Council and aims to reduce the use of resources;
of G-SEED amendments that may arise in the future. actively pursue the reuse of material and promote better
G-SEED is the green building certification system of recycling practices; minimize the adverse effects and max-
Korea that has certified over 8,000 buildings between its imize the positive effects the construction industry has on
inception in 2002 and up to the year 2016 (G-SEED, 2017). the environment and humans; and provide building occu-
The system, however, has only certified buildings within pants a merited in-door environment (USGBC, 2017a).
Korea during this period. G-SEED needs to introduce LEED also emphasizes integrated design and technol-
international certification for the future development. ogy, environmentally friendly building technologies, and
the most up-to-date strategies from policy experts. LEED
2. General information of Green building assesses building design and construction (BD+ C), opera-
Certification Systems tion and maintenance(O+M), interior design and con-
A general overview of G-SEED, currently in operation in struction (ID+C), and neighborhood development (ND)
South Korea, LEED of the US, and BREEAM of the UK is and provides certification standards for new construction,
provided below (Figure 1). core and shell, schools, retail, data centers, warehouses
and distribution centers, hospitality and healthcare.
2.1. G-SEED Following its inception in the year 2000, LEED has been
G-SEED (Green Standard for Energy and Environmental amended several times and LEED v4 is currently operat-
Design) is a system used to assess green buildings that ing based on its 2014 amendments. Table 2 displays the
are in operation in Korea. A green building, as defined in assessment categories of new constructions in LEED v4.
Article 2 of the Green Building Act (2006) in Korea (Green Energy and Atmosphere category constitutes the largest
Architecture Division, 2016), is a building that mini- portion of the assessment.
Yun et al: Analysis of Green Building Certification System for Developing G-SEED Art. 7, pp.  3 of 9

Table 2: LEED Rating System (New Construction).

Categories Average Number of Prerequisites

Weighting Credits Credits
Integrative Process 1 1 –
Location and Transportation 16 8 –
Sustainable Sites 10 7 1
Water Efficiency 11 7 3
Energy and Atmosphere 33 11 4
Materials and Resources 13 7 2
Indoor Environmental
16 11 2
Innovation Design 6 2 –
Regional Priority 4 4 –

Table 3: BREEAM Rating System (International).

Categories Average Number of Prerequisites Credits

Weighting Credits (Very Good rating)
Management 12 5 1
Health and wellbeing 15 7 3
Energy 19 6 1
Transport 8 5 –
Water 6 4 2
Materials 12.5 4 1
Waste 7.5 4 –
Land Use and ecology 10 4 –
Pollution 10 3 –
Innovation 10 – –

2.3. BREEAM 3. International Version of LEED and BREEAM

BREEAM is the world’s first certification system regarding In this section, the international versions of the BREEAM
building environments and first came into effect in the year and LEED were examined. LEED does not have a separate
1990. The system aims to mitigate the life cycle impacts of version of certification for its domestic and international
buildings on the environment; enable ­buildings to be rec- version, whereas BREEAM provides a domestic version for
ognised according to their environmental benefits; provide use within the UK and a separate international version.
a credible, environmental label for buildings; and stimu- This study examined the certification items regarding
late demand and create value for s­ustainable buildings, new construction in LEED v4.0 BD+C (Building Design and
buildings products and supply chains (BREEAM, 2017b). Construction) and certification items regarding all build-
BREEAM makes assessments of infrastructure, commu- ings in BREEAM International New Construction 2016.
nities, new constructions, in use buildings, and refurbish- Certification items were grouped into general “Global
ments and undertakes assessments of new constructions certification items” having no specificity for locality and
regarding residential, commercial, education, residential “Local certification items” that differ by each locality
institutions, hotels, and non-standard buildings. according to social, environmental, and political factors.
The BREEAM International version, amended in 2016, Local certification items were identified by whether a cer-
makes assessments across 10 different categories (Table 3), tification standard used the local standards as provided in
which include management, health and wellbeing, energy, the manual.
­transport, water, materials, waste, land use and ecology, pol- When grouping the certification items, not only the cer-
lution, and innovation. As is the case with LEED and G-SEED, tification items that applied to local certification items in
assessments regarding energy constitute the highest portion its entirety to assessment methods but also partial appli-
of the assessment. BREEAM provides a minimum standard cations of local standards were counted as items following
for prerequisite credits only for its very good ratings. local certification standards.
Art. 7, pp.  4 of 9 Yun et al: Analysis of Green Building Certification System for Developing G-SEED

Figure 1: G-SEED, LEED and BREEAM Categories.

3.1. LEED for International most local standards are recognizable in the certification
LEED1 does not have a separate standard for domestic items regarding sustainable sites and indoor air quality.
and international version and makes assessments of both
domestic projects and international projects using a s­ ingle 3.2. BREEAM for International
standard. However, for international projects that necessi- In the case of BREEAM, domestic standards (BREEAM
tate the inclusion of related standards or regional proper- for UK) and international standards (BREEAM for
ties, local regulations having similar levels are followed. ­International2) are operated separately. The ­international
In the LEED, 52 certification items of new c­ onstructions version can be used in countries not having an NSO. For
were analyzed (USGBC, 2013). Global certification items that cases in which an appropriate local system applicable to
may be used regardless of locality numbered 36 in total and a type of building exists in a country, that system is pri-
accounted for 69% of the items. Local c­ ertification items oritized for use over the BREEAM International version.
capable of use in assessments in reference to local standards In the case of new constructions, a separate standard is
numbered 16 in total and accounted for 31% of the items being operated in the Netherlands, Spain, Norway, and
(Table 4). Sweden (Table 5).
Regarding its certification items that follow local stand- BREEAM also operates a bespoke process (BREEAM,
ards, LEED posits a rule of thumb where such certification 2015). For cases in which a building does not fit the scope
items either may adhere to local standards that are similar of the BREEAM, BREEAM community projects outside of
or follow the stricter of the two standards. However, in the the UK, and all BREEEAM Infrastructure New Construction
case of its energy category, certification must comply with pilot projects, a bespoke assessment can be made. If an
USGBC certified standards and must be calculated in refer- applicant applies for a bespoke process to BRE Global, a
ence to climactic zones. meeting takes place between BRE Global, a bespoke asses-
Also for its regional priority section, which is open to the sor, the applicant, and the design team to assess the use
application of regional properties, additional points can be and functions of a building. Following this meeting, BRE
acquired in categories that have been certified in previous Global determines the criteria following further discus-
steps. A maximum of 4 points can be acquired and the cer- sions with the assessor and design team.
tification items that apply differ according to each region. In the BREEAM, a total of 42 certification items are
With the exception of certification items regarding analyzed regarding residential buildings, non-residential
indoor water use reduction, energy performance, and buildings, and removed items (BREEAM, 2016). Global cer-
building life-cycle Impact, all other certification items in tification items that can be used in general without regard
the water, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources to a locality numbered 23 in total and accounted for 55%
categories can be assessed using LEED standards. Also, of the items (Table 6). Local certification items capable of
Yun et al: Analysis of Green Building Certification System for Developing G-SEED Art. 7, pp.  5 of 9

Table 4: Analysis of LEED Credits.

Categories Credits Global Local

– Credit Integrative Process ○
Credit LEED for Neighborhood Development Location ○
Credit Sensitive Land Protection ○
Credit High Priority Site ○
Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses ○
Location and Transportation
Credit Access to Quality Transit ○
Credit Bicycle Facilities ○
Credit Reduced Parking Footprint ○
Credit Green Vehicles ○
Prereq Construction Activity Pollution Prevention ○
Credit Site Assessment ○
Credit Site Development – Protect or Restore Habitat ○
Sustainable Sites Credit Open Space ○
Credit Rainwater Management ○
Credit Heat Island Reduction ○
Credit Light Pollution Reduction ○
Prereq Outdoor Water Use Reduction ○
Prereq Indoor Water Use Reduction ○
Prereq Building-Level Water Metering ○
Water Efficiency Credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction ○
Credit Indoor Water Use Reduction ○
Credit Cooling Tower Water Use ○
Credit Water Metering ○
Prereq Fundamental Commissioning and Verification ○
Prereq Minimum Energy Performance ○
Prereq Building-Level Energy Metering ○
Prereq Fundamental Refrigerant Management ○
Credit Enhanced Commissioning ○
Energy and Atmosphere Credit Optimize Energy Performance ○
Credit Advanced Energy Metering ○
Credit Demand Response ○
Credit Renewable Energy Production ○
Credit Enhanced Refrigerant Management ○
Credit Green Power and Carbon Offsets ○
Prereq Storage and Collection of Recyclables ○
Construction and Demolition Waste Management
Prereq ○
Credit Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction ○
Building Product Disclosure and Optimization –
Credit ○
Materials and Resources ­Environmental Product Declarations
Building Product Disclosure and Optimization
Credit ○
– Sourcing of Raw Materials
Building Product Disclosure and Optimization –
Credit ○
Material Ingredients
Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management ○
Art. 7, pp.  6 of 9 Yun et al: Analysis of Green Building Certification System for Developing G-SEED

Categories Credits Global Local

Prereq Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance ○
Prereq Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control ○
Credit Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies ○
Credit Low-Emitting Materials ○
Credit Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan ○
Indoor Environmental Quality Credit Indoor Air Quality Assessment ○
Credit Thermal Comfort ○
Credit Interior Lighting ○
Credit Daylight ○
Credit Quality Views ○
Credit Acoustic Performance ○

Table 5: BREEAM Standards by Country.

Country New Construction

United Kingdom BREEAM UK New Construction
Netherlands BREEAM NL New Construction
Spain BREEAM ES New Construction
Norway BREEAM NOR New Construction
Sweden BREEAM SE New Construction
Germany BREEAM International New Construction
Austria BREEAM International New Construction
Other Countries BREEAM International New Construction

assessment in reference to local standards numbered 19 3.3. Comparison Of International Version of LEED

in total and accounted for 55% of the items. and BREEAM
Also, of the local certification items, those The results of analyzing the certification items of LEED and
­certification items that required referencing of a coun- BREEAM indicate that LEED operates with more “Global
try-specific ­reference sheet numbered 7 in total and certification items” that are unaffected by local standards
included c­ ommissioning and handover, visual comfort, and that BREEAM operates with more “Local certification
indoor air quality, water quality, water consumption, items” that recognize local standards.
construction waste m ­ anagement, and surface water This difference can be explained further in terms of
run-off. the operating method of each system. BREEAM oper-
When applying local standards to a BREEAM ates a separate international version, while on the other
­assessment, the assessor must send the local standard hand, LEED applies the same certification standards to all
to BRE Global for approval. The sent material must domestic and international projects. It was understood
include ­content regarding the approval of the project that there were more items that could be assessed in a
and must be included in the new country worksheet. general manner in the case of the US considering that the
Local standards are classified by BRE using the fol- US, being a country having a larger total area than the UK,
lowing criteria. Cases where no specific local standard was subject to a number of different climates.
is specified, cases where an approved local standard is In the case of BREEAM, when making use of local stand-
­specified, and cases where an unapproved local stand- ards, the assessor must receive approval from BRE Global.
ard is proposed. However, in the case of LEED, such approval is necessary
All items in the Transport category are certification only for the Energy Performance certification items.
items that can be assessed without local standards and Similar certification items that use local standards
with the exception of water consumption in the Water found in BREEAM and LEED were organized in Table 7
category, all other items can be assessed using BREEAM below. The items could be classified according to their
standards. Also in the case of the Management and affiliation with Site/Location, Water, Energy, and Indoor
Health and Wellbeing categories, most certification items Environment/Health. Site selection involved several certi-
­recognize local standards. fication items that made use of local standards and water
Yun et al: Analysis of Green Building Certification System for Developing G-SEED Art. 7, pp.  7 of 9

Table 6: Analysis of BREEAM Credits.

Categories Credits Global Local

Project brief and design ○
Life cycle cost and service life planning ○
Management Responsible construction practices ○
Commissioning and handover ○
Aftercare ○
Visual comfort ○
Indoor air quality ○
Thermal comfort ○
Health and wellbeing Acoustic performance ○
Accessibility ○
Hazards ○
Water quality ○
Reduction of energy use and carbon emissions ○
Energy monitoring ○
External lighting ○
Low carbon design ○
Energy efficient transport systems ○
Energy efficient equipment ○
Public transport accessibility ○
Proximity to amenities ○
Transport Alternative modes of transport ○
Maximum car parking capacity ○
Travel plan ○
Water consumption ○
Water monitoring ○
Water leak detection ○
Water efficient equipment ○
Life cycle impacts ○
Responsible sourcing of materials ○
Designing for durability and resilience ○
Material efficiency ○
Construction waste management ○
Recycled aggregates ○
Operational waste ○
Adaptation to climate change ○
Site selection ○
Ecological value of site and protection of eco-

Land Use and ecology logical features
Enhancing site ecology ○
Long term impact on biodiversity ○
Impact of refrigerants ○
Pollution NOx emissions ○
Surface water run-off ○
Art. 7, pp.  8 of 9 Yun et al: Analysis of Green Building Certification System for Developing G-SEED

Table 7: Local credits of LEED and BREEAM.

Categories LEED BREEAM

Site/Location Sensitive Land Protection
High priority Site Site selection
Site Assessment
Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Responsible construction practices
Site Development
Long term impact on biodiversity
-Protect or Restore Habitat
Water Indoor Water Use Reduction Water consumption
Energy Minimum Energy Performance Reduction of energy use and carbon emissions
Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance
Indoor air quality
Indoor Environment Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies
Thermal comfort Thermal comfort
Acoustic performance Acoustic performance

Table 8: Comparison of G-SEED, LEED and BREEAM.


Local Certification Items 25(58%) 16(31%) 19(45%)
Global Certification Items 18(42%) 36(69%) 23(55%)
sum 43(100%) 52(100%) 42(100%)

consumption and energy performance related certifica- certification items” that differ by each locality according to
tion items made use of local standards according to dif- social, environmental, and political factors. Local certifica-
ferences in rainfall volumes, energy consumption and tion items were identified by whether a certification stand-
climate. Also regarding the indoor environment of occu- ard used the local standards as provided in the manual.
pants, differences in living environments resulted in the The results of analyzing the certification items of LEED
use of local standards for items regarding indoor air qual- and BREEAM indicated that LEED operates with more
ity, thermal conditions, and acoustics environments. Global certification items that are unaffected by local
When considering the points above altogether, certifica- standards and that BREEAM operates with more Local
tion items that assess the local environment, climate, or ­certification items that recognize local standards (Table 8).
living environment were frequently found to make use of An analysis of the certification items of LEED and
local standards. BREEAM indicated the existence of similarities between
global certification items and local certification items,
4. Conclusion while on the other hand, different items also existed.
This study examined green building certification systems Overall, local standards were found to have been fre-
that assess the environmental friendliness of buildings quently applied to certification items that assess the local
and examined the global certification systems known as environment, climate, and living environment. In the case
BREEAM of the UK and LEED of the US, both of which are of BREEAM, several certification items required approval
used to certify international projects. By examining the by BRE Global when it came to the use of local c­ ertification
certification systems currently in operation in each coun- standards. On the other hand, in the case of LEED, only
try, it can be understood that their assessment methods energy performance certification items required approval
and systems vary in degree according to the climate and from USGBC.
social characteristics of each country. Using the analysis results that comparison of LEED and
This study examined the certification items regarding BREEAM, the study then aims to ascertain the possibility
new construction in LEED v4.0 BD+C (Building Design and of whether the G-SEED can be used to certify international
Construction) and certification items regarding all build- buildings. In order to develop G-SEED, need to references
ings in BREEAM International New Construction 2016. the international version of LEED and BREEAM operation
Certification items were grouped into general “Global cer- system. Also, it should be analysed for the certification
tification items” having no specificity for locality and “Local items of G-SEED.
Yun et al: Analysis of Green Building Certification System for Developing G-SEED Art. 7, pp.  9 of 9

Notes BREEAM 2017a What is BREEAM?, [Online]. Available from:

1 US Green Building Council (USGBC), 2013. Reference https://www.breeam.com (Accessed May 17th 2017).
guide for Building Design and Construction v4, US BREEAM 2017b How BREEAM Certification Works,
Green Building Council. [Online]. Available from: https://www.breeam.
2 BREEAM, 2016. BREEAM International New Construc- com/discover/how-breeam-certification-works/
tion 2016 Technical Manual SD233 1.0, Available from: (Accessed Dec 20th 2017).
https://tools.breeam.com/filelibrary/Technical%20 Green Architecture Division 2016 Green Building ACT
Manuals/BREEAM_International_NC_2016_Techni- (09.30.2016), [Online]. Available from: http://law.
cal_Manual_2.0.pdf, (Accessed Feb. 6th 2017). go.kr/lsSc.do?menuId=0&p1=&subMenu=1&n
Acknowledgement 9%EC%83%89%EA%B1%B4%EC%B6%95%EB
This research was supported by 2017 Technology research %AC%BC%20%EC%A1%B0%EC%84%B1%20
project to support G-SEED. (No. 20170038-001). %EC%A7%80%EC%9B%90%EB-
%B2%95#undefined Accessed Feb. 6th 2017).
Competing Interests G-SEED 2017 G-SEED Certification Status (2017.04.30),
The authors have no competing interests to declare. [Online]. Available from: http://gseed.greentogether.
go.kr/bcm/odm/actionOdmDtl.do (Accessed May
References 17th 2017).
BREEAM 2014 The Digest of BREEAM Assessment Sta- Korea Institute of Civil engineering and Technology
tistics, 01, [Online]. Available from: https://tools. (KICT) 2016 G-SEED Annual Report, [Online]. Avail-
breeam.com/filelibrary/Briefing%20Papers/ able from: http://gseed.greentogether.go.kr/bcm/
BREEAM-Annual-Digest-August-2014.pdf (Accessed odm/actionOdmDtl.do (Accessed April. 6th 2017).
April 6th 2017). US Green Building Council (USGBC) 2013 Reference
BREEAM 2015 GN23: BREEAM Bespoke Process Guidance guide for Building Design and Construction v4. US
Note 23, [Online]. Available from: https://tools.breeam. Green Building Council.
com/filelibrary/Guidance%20Notes/GN23-BREEAM- US Green Building Council (USGBC) 2017a LEED is Green
Bespoke-Process.pdf (Accessed April 6th 2017). Buildings, [Online]. Available from: https://new.
BREEAM 2016 BREEAM International New Construction usgbc.org/leed (Accessed May 17th. 2017).
2016 Technical Manual SD233 1.0, [Online]. Available US Green Building Council (USGBC) 2017b USGBC Sta-
from: https://tools.breeam.com/filelibrary/Techni- tistics, [Online]. Available from: http://www.usgbc.
cal%20Manuals/BREEAM_International_NC_2016_ org/articles/usgbc-statistics (Accessed Dec 20th.
Technical_Manual_2.0.pdf (Accessed Feb. 6th 2017). 2017).

How to cite this article: Yun, Y, Cho, D and Chae, C 2018 Analysis of Green Building Certification System for Developing G-SEED.
Future Cities and Environment, 4(1): 7, pp. 1–9, DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/fce.37

Submitted: 13 November 2017 Accepted: 05 January 2018 Published: 28 February 2018

Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original author and source are credited. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

Future Cities and Environment, is a peer-reviewed open access journal published by OPEN ACCESS
Ubiquity Press.

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