Envelope - Answer Key The Ebola Wars General Edition Answers PDF 5879456 Smithkeelin1234 Gmail Com
Envelope - Answer Key The Ebola Wars General Edition Answers PDF 5879456 Smithkeelin1234 Gmail Com
Envelope - Answer Key The Ebola Wars General Edition Answers PDF 5879456 Smithkeelin1234 Gmail Com
Tracie M. Addy, Yale School of Medicine Teaching and Learning Center, Yale University
Linda M. Iadarola , Department of Biological Sciences, Quinnipiac University
Derek Dube, Department of Biology, University of Saint Joseph
“he Ebola Wars: General Edition” by Addy, Iadarola, & Dube Page 1
Viruses have either a DNA or RNA genome, which can be single- or double-stranded. hese genomes
are housed in a capsid made of proteins. Viruses can be classiied by their speciic genomes and the
unique features of their capsids, including shape and protein constituents. Some viruses have lipid
envelopes derived from host membranes that enclose the virus particle, while others do not. Surface
glycoproteins on these membranes, or spike proteins protruding from the viral capsid in non-enveloped
viruses, can play a role in viral attachment and entry into the host cell.
Terry spent the next few minutes summarizing the information she had just read.
1. Which structural features are in common to all viruses, and which are not? Complete the table below to answer
this question based upon the information provided in the case.
3. Examine the diagram of the viral particle below. Label all of the important structures on this virus that you
identiied in the table above.
4. Design an imaginary viral particle. Create a diagram of your virus and label its major features. Your virus should
have a diferent capsid shape (e.g., icosahedral, helical, complex) than the one above and be non-enveloped.
“he Ebola Wars: General Edition” by Addy, Iadarola, & Dube Page 2
1. Why is viral attachment to the host cell speciic between one virus and one type of cell?
2. List several types of host cells and the associated virus that binds to the host cell.
3. What are three major ways in which a virus enters a host cell to deliver its genome?
4. Formulate a hypothesis as to why there is more than one mechanism of viral entry into host cells.
“he Ebola Wars: General Edition” by Addy, Iadarola, & Dube Page 3
1. Describe the essential cell “machinery” that viruses use to make a new virus.
2. Why do viruses need the machinery to make more viruses? Why can’t they replicate on their own?
3. What are the structures that need to be put together during viral assembly? Consider the key structural
components of viruses described earlier.
4. How does the army of new viruses get out of the cell to infect the nearby cells?
“he Ebola Wars: General Edition” by Addy, Iadarola, & Dube Page 4
a. Identify all (ive) of the steps used by viruses to get into the cell, make copies of viral proteins and leave the
cell as an army of viruses out to attack nearby cells.
i. __________________________
ii. __________________________
iii. __________________________
iv. __________________________
v. __________________________
“he Ebola Wars: General Edition” by Addy, Iadarola, & Dube Page 5
the processes of viral attachment, entry, synthesis, assembly and release. Recall that the Ebola virus has the protein GP
on its surface, which is required for attachment and entry to the host cell.
Once the virus attaches to the host cell, a series of events through the endocytic pathway leads to its entry into the
cell. his means the virus comes into the cell enclosed in a vesicle from the plasma membrane and gets delivered to
endosomes. Inside the endosome, the virus relies on the low pH to modify GP and help it fuse with the membrane
of the endosome. Once the viral genome is inside the cell cytoplasm, viral synthesis can begin, including genome
replication, transcription of viral genes, and translation of viral proteins. he packaged Ebola L enzyme is important
for initiating these synthesis steps. One protein produced that is important to the structure of the Ebola virus is called
VP40, which determines the ilamentous viral shape and interacts with the viral capsid. VP40 is made at the ribosomes
of Terry’s infected host cells, along with other Ebola virus proteins like the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (L) and
the envelope glycoprotein (GP). Later, the VP40 proteins assemble with the other viral factors, like the viral genome,
“he Ebola Wars: General Edition” by Addy, Iadarola, & Dube Page 6
at the cell’s plasma membrane and acquire GP proteins that are already inserted in the host cell membrane. At this
point, the complete viruses can bud from the cell to spread the infection.
his very battle was occurring between Terry’s cells and the Ebola virus.
1. Examine the diagram (Figure 4, next page) showing the life cycle of the Ebola virus.
a. Label the ive major steps used by Ebola virus to infect cells. In what speciic ways are these similar or
diferent from those you labeled in the general virus life cycle?
i. __________________________
ii. __________________________
iii. __________________________
iv. __________________________
v. __________________________
b. Label the key viral and cellular factors in the indicated areas of the diagram. Describe each of their roles.
2. Formulate a hypothesis as to what would happen to viral replication and budding from the cell if the ribosomes
did not make VP40.
3. What is one structural component of the Ebola virus to target for a vaccine that prevents infections like Terry’s?
Explain your answer. Keep in mind the Ebola virus structures and that vaccines are developed to prevent viral
infections (for example, the lu vaccine contains a weakened form of the inluenza virus that does not cause
“he Ebola Wars: General Edition” by Addy, Iadarola, & Dube Page 7
“he Ebola Wars: General Edition” by Addy, Iadarola, & Dube Page 8
Part V – Treatment
Terry’s doctor knew quick action was necessary to help her survive the Ebola infection. he doctor had four options to
treat Terry’s condition: a vaccine, a standard antiviral medication, an immunotherapy-based method of treatment, and
serum from an Ebola patient who had fully recovered.
he irst option, a vaccine in clinical trials, could potentially provide protection against a viral infection when used
prior to contracting the disease. Vaccines typically introduce the body to an antigen, consisting of the dead virus,
or parts of a virus, such as a speciic glycoprotein from the viral protein coat/envelope. hese non-self antigens are
considered foreign to the body and invoke an immune response where antibodies are made against the viral protein in
the vaccine. Once antibodies are made and circulated throughout the body, they can attach to the viral antigens and
the immune system destroys the antigen. his immune response takes time.
When considering the second option, Terry’s doctor thought about antiviral therapies for other viruses, like the lu.
She knew that with inluenza infection, the antiviral medicine Tamilu™ was only efective if administered within the
irst 48 hrs of infection. Unfortunately, Terry was in late stages of the disease, and there were no such approved Ebola-
speciic antiviral medicines currently available for use.
he third option was immunotherapy with the investigational treatment ZMapp.™ ZMapp is a treatment method
that uses three unique antibodies against Ebola GP made in tobacco plants. While there had not been any large-scale
human trials at the time of Terry’s infection, when these antibodies were injected into Ebola-infected mice and rhesus
macaque primates, the animals showed increased survival. As such, ZMapp was thought to be a potentially efective
antiviral/immunotherapy-based treatment for Ebola infections in humans, and in a few cases was used to treat human
Ebola patients during the 2014 outbreak. Although the mechanism of action for ZMapp had not been elucidated yet,
researchers believed that since the antibodies in ZMapp bound to the glycoprotein (antigen) on the Ebola virus, it
prevented viral attachment to the cells and thus did not allow entry or viral replication.
A inal option would be to give Terry serum from a patient who had recovered from an Ebola infection of the same
strain. his serum would be rich with Ebola-speciic antibodies to enhance Terry’s immune response. However, this
method of treatment required identifying an Ebola virus survivor who had blood type compatibility with Terry and
who was willing and able to donate serum in a timely fashion.
1. Synthesize the information provided above. Come up with an argument as to the best treatment plan for Terry.
“he Ebola Wars: General Edition” by Addy, Iadarola, & Dube Page 9
Part VI – Recovery
Terry’s symptoms cleared and she was virus free. he battle was now over and Terry’s cells won. One would never know
whether it was the treatment, Terry’s own immune system, or a combination of the two that won the war against
Ebola. In the end, Terry survived the potentially-deadly infection and was able to return home without any long-term
efects, other than a newfound understanding and appreciation of how viruses, like Ebola, replicate and cause disease.
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be;
for without victory, there is no survival.
—Winston Churchill—
Case copyright held by the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, University at Bufalo, State University of New York. Originally
published February 9, 2016. Please see our usage guidelines, which outline our policy concerning permissible reproduction of this work. Licensed
image in title block ©Ezume Images | Fotolia, id#93050805.
“he Ebola Wars: General Edition” by Addy, Iadarola, & Dube Page 10