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Influence of Dietary Restriction On Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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Influence of Dietary Restriction on Irritable Bowel

Review Article
Afrin Kamal, MD1 and Mark Pimentel, MD, FRCP(C)2

Up to two-thirds of patients with IBS attribute their gastrointestinal symptoms to food. The therapeutic focus of IBS
has been to alleviate gastrointestinal symptoms, approached by pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical treatments.
Although the most traditional approach has involved the use of medications such as bulking agents, anticholinergics,
antispasmodics, and antidiarrheals, unfortunately these are only modestly effective and patients are left with a small
menu of successful pharmacologic agents. These treatments, however, are not always enough to alleviate symptoms.
Alternative approaches have therefore been tried, including dietary manipulation. This article aims to review dietary
restrictions as a non-pharmaceutical management approach for IBS, covering literature on various dietary triggers and
the impact of dietary manipulation on gastrointestinal symptoms.
Am J Gastroenterol https://doi.org/10.1038/s41395-018-0241-2

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic gastrointestinal (GI) in women who have failed other therapies, alosetron [16, 17]
disorder that classically presents with symptoms of abdominal may also be used.
pain, bloating, and altered bowel habits of diarrhea or consti- Unfortunately, pharmaceutical treatments alone are not always
pation. IBS affects ~11% of the population globally [1], with an enough to provide adequate symptom relief [18]. In such cases,
increased prevalence in young individuals and females [2]. Cur- alternative approaches are tried. Examples of these include cog-
rently the diagnosis of IBS relies on the fourth version of the cri- nitive-behavioral therapy, hypnotherapy, exercise, and more com-
teria set by the Rome Foundation, encompassing symptoms of monly dietary manipulation [7]. The use of dietary control in IBS
recurrent abdominal pain and changes in stool frequency and management reflects the 84% of patients who attribute their symp-
form, in the setting of absent alarm features or structural abnor- toms to dietary intake. Therefore, a rising trend has been to restrict
malities [3–5]. Based on predominant bowel habits, IBS is further specific foods in an effort to minimize post-prandial symptoms
classified into one of four subtypes: constipation-predominant [19]. This article aims to review dietary restrictions as a non-phar-
(IBS-C), diarrhea-predominant (IBS-D), predominant irregu- maceutical management approach for IBS, covering literature on
lar (mixed diarrhea/constipation) bowel habits (IBS-M), and various dietary triggers and the impact of dietary manipulation on
unspecified (IBS-U) [6]. What causes these symptoms, how- gastrointestinal symptoms.
ever, is unknown. Proposed pathophysiologies for IBS include
heightened pain sensitivity or visceral hypersensitivity, abnormal
gut motility, low-grade intestinal inflammation, post-infectious Gluten Restriction
enteritis, and abnormalities in the gut–brain axis [7–9]. Up to two-thirds of patients with IBS attribute their gastrointes-
The therapeutic focus of IBS has been to alleviate gastrointesti- tinal symptoms to food [20]. Many food components have been
nal symptoms, approached by two methods: pharmaceutical and proposed as contributing toward IBS symptoms, gluten being one.
non-pharmaceutical treatments. The most traditional approach Symptoms of long-standing abdominal pain and altered bowel
to treating IBS has involved the use of medications such as bulk- habits, although characteristic of IBS, are not specific for the dis-
ing agents, anticholinergics, antispasmodics, and antidiarrheals order. A similar symptom pattern can be seen in celiac disease
in efforts to specifically target gastrointestinal symptoms. How- and non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), two disorders charac-
ever, these are only modestly effective and patients fortunately terized by their intolerance to gluten, or grains that encompass
now have a small menu of successful pharmacological treat- wheat, barley, rye, or triticale. Celiac disease describes a chronic
ments meeting new and more objective benchmarks for US Food immune-mediated enteropathy instigated by the exposure to
and Drug Administration (FDA) approval [10]. For IBS-C these dietary gluten in predisposed individuals carrying the genotype
include lubiprostone [11] and linaclotide [12] and for IBS-D, HLA-DQ2 or HLA-DQ8. In these individuals, exposure to gluten
rifaximin [13, 14] and eluxadoline [15]. For severe cases of IBS-D can cause symptoms of abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and

Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Digestive Diseases and Surgical Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA. 2Department of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Digestive Diseases Center, Cedars-Sinai, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Correspondence: M.P. (email: Mark.Pimentel@cshs.org)
Received 27 February 2018; accepted 18 July 2018

© 2018 The American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of Gastroenterology

2 A. Kamal, M. Pimentel

constipation [21]. Whereas celiac disease is the result of dietary gluten [7]. Fructans being a possible cause of symptoms was seen
gluten exposure in genetically susceptible hosts, in contrast, in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over
NCGS refers to individuals with signs, symptoms, or extra-intes- study aiming to assess effects of gluten and fructan on gastrointes-
tinal manifestations related to gluten intake or wheat proteins in tinal symptoms in patients with self-reported non-celiac sensitivity
Review Article

the absence of known immune-mediated injury or genetic bio- by Skodje et al. Following exclusion of celiac disease by negative
markers. Due to this lack of specificity, NCGS is suspected when duodenal biopsies on gluten-free diet or lack of HLA-DQ2 and
individuals present with diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, and/or HLA-DQ8 genetic markers, individuals were challenged with a
abdominal discomfort as well as extra-intestinal symptoms, with seven-day diet rich in gluten (5.7 g), fructans (2.1 g), or placebo,
subsequent symptom improvement after gluten cessation in the followed by a washout period, and crossed over into another diet
setting of a negative work up for celiac disease [21–24]. Consider- group. The study was complete when subjects had been chal-

ing both celiac disease and NCGS present with gastrointestinal lenged with all three diets. The authors measured gastrointestinal
symptoms paralleling IBS, and ~5% of patients with IBS have con- symptoms using the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale, IBS-
firmed celiac disease [24], the question arises - is there a role for version (GSRS-IBS) and among the 59 patients challenged, results
gluten-free diet as a means for IBS management? demonstrated a significantly higher symptom score after fructan
Biesiekierski et al. measured this association in a double-blind, intake (p = 0.049) than after gluten [28].
randomized, placebo-controlled trial. After excluding individu- Furthermore, when reviewing the structure of a gluten-free diet,
als with celiac disease, authors designated IBS patients to receive a common factor to note is the removal of foods composed of
either placebo or gluten in the form of two bread slices and one wheat, barley, rye, and triticale. Therefore, foods that are allowed
muffin daily for up to 6 weeks. Of the 19 patients in the gluten arm, due to their natural gluten-free properties include beans, eggs,
13 (68%) reported uncontrolled symptoms, in comparison to 6 of fresh meats, fish, and poultry, in addition to fruits, vegetables,
15 (40%) in the placebo arm (p = 0.001). Patients exposed to glu- and most dairy products [29]. What one will notice is the limited
ten complained of worsening pain, bloating, satisfaction with stool carbohydrates allowed, as unfortunately wheat is a common grain
consistency, and tiredness within 1 week of gluten exposure [25]. used in the production of breads, pastas, and baked goods [30].
Further comparison of a 4-week trial of gluten-free diet (GFD) Due to this limitation in carbohydrates, the effects of a very low-
to a gluten-containing diet (GCD) was performed by Vazquez- carbohydrate diet (VLCD) emerged as a possible explanation for
Roque et al. Patients meeting the Rome II criteria for IBS-D and IBS symptom improvements, rather than the removal of gluten
with genotype analyses for HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 underwent from the diet. VLCD has received significant attention as means of
a 14-day baseline and 28-day study period. Patients recorded daily weight loss and consists of <20–50 g/day of carbohydrates paired
bowel patterns including ease of passage, completeness of evacua- with a high fat or high protein diet [31], more commonly referred
tion, and date and timing of each bowel movement; while authors as a ketogenic diet [32]. This has proven effective in weight loss
measured gastric, small bowel, and colonic transit by scintigraphy, therapy and reducing cardiovascular risk factors [33]. Austin et
and small bowel and colonic mucosal morphology and perme- al. prospectively assessed this diet in IBS management, evaluat-
ability using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained sections from ing relief of stool frequency and abdominal pain in 13 out of 17
biopsy specimens. Following the 4-week diet intervention, authors enrolled patients meeting Rome II criteria for IBS-D. After initially
identified an increase in stool frequency among subjects with posi- placing subjects on a standard diet (55% calories from carbohy-
tive HLA-DQ2/DQ8 who were exposed to gluten. Subjects on a drates, 30% from fat, and 15% from protein) for 2 weeks, followed
GCD experienced more frequent bowel movements (p = 0.04) and by a VLCD limited to 20 grams per day (51% calories from fat,
higher small bowel permeability, particularly among HLA-DQ2/ 45% from protein, and 4% from carbohydrates), authors noted 10
DQ8 positive subjects [26]. (77%) patients described adequate relief in stool frequency and
Despite the above-described study, there is controversy as to abdominal pain after all four weeks [34]. Looking further into
the potential of gluten-free diets in managing IBS symptoms. This carbohydrate intake, specifically absorption capacity, Goldstein et
stems from a double-blind, cross-over trial which tested gluten al. measured differences in absorption of lactose (18 g), fructose
in combination with a reduced intake of fermentable oligo-, di-, (25 g), and mixture of fructose (25 g) plus sorbitol (5 g) between
mono-saccharides, and polyols, referred to as a low FODMAP 94 patients meeting Rome criteria for IBS and 145 patients defined
diet. IBS subjects were randomly assigned to a reduced FODMAP as functional. Following administration of carbohydrate solutions
diet plus high-gluten (16 g gluten/day), low gluten (2 g gluten/day weekly, hydrogen and methane breath tests were performed. All
and 14 g whey protein/day) or control (16 g whey protein/day) for individuals were subsequently maintained on a 1-month restricted
two weeks, followed by a two-week washout period. Subsequently, diet lacking all tested sugars. Authors revealed only 7% of IBS
twenty-two subjects crossed over and were given either gluten patients absorbed all three sugars normally compared to non-IBS
(16 g/day), whey (16 g/day), or control for 3 days. At study conclu- patients, with a frequency of lactose malabsorption at 16% vs. 12%,
sion, all participants improved with a reduced FODMAP diet, and respectively. Following dietary restriction, 56% of IBS patients
experienced significant worsening of symptoms with the introduc- experienced marked symptom improvement (p < 0.01) [35]. These
tion of gluten or whey protein. Gluten-specific symptoms, how- study indicated that when carbohydrates are limited, whether due
ever, were reproduced only in 8% [27]. This study suggested the to the limitation of wheat or sugars, patients with IBS demon-
carbohydrate component of fructans, wheat, and galacto-oligosac- strate improvement in symptoms. Together, these studies suggest
charides may be responsible for IBS symptoms, and not specifically that although gluten can be thought of as contributing to IBS-like

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influence of Dietary Restriction on irritable Bowel Syndrome 3

symptoms, when considering carbohydrates, we may be looking was found to be the same in both groups (61% vs. 54% respectively,
entirely in the wrong direction? p = 0.14) [40]. In essence, IBS patients may more commonly report
lactose intolerance-like symptoms, however these symptoms are
not predictive of true lactose malabsorption.

Lactose Restriction In efforts to assess whether IBS symptoms change following a lac-
Lactose is an importance source of calories from all mammalian tose restriction diet, Parker et al. followed 33 patients with known
milk, with the exception of sea lions [36]. To appropriately absorb IBS and lactose intolerance diagnosed by hydrogen breath test
lactose, humans require the enzyme lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LHBT) in a double-blind, placebo-controlled challenge. Subjects
(LPH), located in the brush-borders of the small intestine. This followed a lactose-restricted diet for three weeks, and those who
enzyme, more simply referred to as lactase, functions by hydro- improved were subsequently placed on diets containing 5 g, 10 g,

lyzing the disaccharide lactose into the monosaccharides glu- or 15 g of lactose or placebo. Applying symptom scores following
cose and galactose, facilitating intestinal absorption. When this dietary changes, authors noted only moderate symptom improve-
enzyme becomes deficient, however, the end result is lactose mal- ment (39%) in patients on a low-lactose diet [41]. Similarly Vernia
absorption [37]. et al. designed a prospective trial measuring lactose malabsorption
Humans experience a rise in lactase activity starting at week prevalence in 230 Italian patients with suspected IBS, in addition
eight of gestation and increasing until week 34, with its expres- to clinical effects of long-term lactose-free diets. Applying hydro-
sion peaking at birth. In up to two-thirds of the world’s popula- gen breath tests, 157 patients (68.2%) were identified with lactose
tion, however, this activity decreases following first months of life malabsorption. Of the 110 patients compliant with diet restric-
[36]. This decline in activity occurs by down-regulating lactase tions, 48 (43.6%) reported symptom cessation, 43 (39%) noted
expression, referred to as primary lactase deficiency. Conversely reduced symptoms, and 17 (15.5%) described unchanged symp-
secondary lactase deficiency, or acquired hypolactasia, refers to the toms [42]. Prospectively, in a 5-year follow up study quantifying
decrease in lactase activity after injury to the small bowel mucosal effects of lactose-restriction in patients with IBS and lactose mal-
brush border. This can be seen following a gastrointestinal viral absorption, the latter confirmed by hydrogen breath testing and
or non-viral infection, after abdominal surgery, or secondary to blood-glucose measurements, Böhmer et al. demonstrated that
a diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Contrary to at 6 weeks, patients reported marked improvement in symptoms
individuals with primary deficiency, those with secondary lactase (p < 0.001). Subsequently at 5 years, the majority continued to
deficiency can experience a drop in enzyme activity at any age and report symptom improvement (88%). Unique to this study was the
have the potential to restore this activity following elimination of author’s ability to express cost and change in number of outpatient
the underlying disorder [38]. visits as a result of diet restriction. In 16 patients, a mean of 2.4
When lactase is deficient, the milk sugar fails to be absorbed visits/year/person (range 1–7 visits) was seen before diet initiation,
by the proximal small bowel and continues into the distal small significantly decreasing at 5 years to a mean of 0.6 visits/year/per-
bowel and colon. Unabsorbed lactose is subsequently fermented son (range 0–6 visits). Hence, the authors not only demonstrated
by colonic bacteria producing short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and short and long-term GI symptom improvement after following a
gas, mainly hydrogen (H2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane lactose-restricted diet, but an additional decline in cost and time
(CH4). The non-digested contents additionally lead to an increase spent on outpatient visits [43].
in osmotic load and therefore a rise in intestinal water content. Although some studies have demonstrated improvement in GI
Together, these changes contribute to symptoms of lactose intoler- symptoms with lactose-restriction in IBS, authors have questioned
ance including diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal pain [37]. the accuracy of lactose malabsorption diagnosis following breath
It is easy to recognize that the symptoms of lactose intoler- testing. To review, a rise in H2 occurs following colonic fermenta-
ance are similar symptoms to those of IBS, and researchers have tion of unabsorbed lactose. This is excreted into expired air, and is
explored whether a relationship between the two disorders exists. detectable on breath testing [44]. Therefore hydrogen breath tests
In a Norwegian population of IBS patients, Farup et al. measured have become a common means to detect lactase deficiency, meas-
variations in symptoms after intake of milk and lactose, in addition ured after ingesting 25 g of lactose mixed with or following one cup
to the presence of lactose malabsorption, as compared to healthy of water and observing a rise of ≥20 parts per million (ppm) from
volunteers. In the 187 patients [IBS (n = 82) and healthy volun- baseline hydrogen [45].
teers (n = 105)], the authors noted that despite a high prevalence of The difficulty occurs when subjects with IBS have underlying
symptoms following milk (p < 0.001) and lactose (p < 0.01) among small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), which is present in
IBS patients, the presence of true lactose malabsorption was low >50% of these patients [44]. When the milk sugar is incompletely
(4.1%) [39]. When considering whether self-reported lactose digested, it reaches the distal small bowel as lactose residue. In
intolerance (SLI) predicted findings on lactose hydrogen breath patients with bacterial overgrowth, the lactose is fermented before
test, Zheng et al. took a group of patients with lower digestive tract it has time to be broken down and absorbed, resulting in a false
symptoms and assessed the presence of IBS by Rome III, the pres- increase in hydrogen on a lactose breath test [45]. This concept that
ence of SLI by questionnaires and the presence of lactose malab- the presence of bacterial overgrowth can lead to early fermenta-
sorption by breath test. The authors revealed that although SLI was tion and elevation of exhaled hydrogen was proposed by Pimentel
found to be higher among those with IBS than other participants et al. when observing diarrhea-predominant IBS subjects after a
(p < 0.001), the rise in hydrogen confirming lactose malabsorption lactulose breath test and lactose tolerance test. Nineteen subjects

© 2018 The American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of Gastroenterology

4 A. Kamal, M. Pimentel

underwent an initial lactulose breath test, and within 7 days, Table 1  Carbohydrates based on length composing fermentable
patients returned for a fasting lactose breath test and blood glucose oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols
measurement. The authors demonstrated a significant relationship (FODMAP)
between hydrogen production on lactulose and lactose breath test-

Oligosaccharides Fructans
Review Article

ing (r = 0.56, p = 0.01), suggesting that lactose breath testing in the galacto-oligosacharides (GOS)
IBS population may be reflective of bacterial overgrowth, rather Disaccharides Lactose
than a reflector of true lactose malabsorption [46]. This lead to the
Monosaccharides Fructose in excess of glucose
consensus that using breath testing to rule out lactose malabsorp-
tion necessitated the need to first rule out SIBO [45]. Polyols Sorbitol

Low Fructose, Lactose, Fructo- and Galacto- Isomalt
oligosaccharides and Polyols (FODMAP) FODMAPS partially Fructose
In efforts to define an improved diet therapy for IBS, a global absorbed Lactose
restriction of fructose, lactose, fructo-, and galacto-oligosaccha-
rides (fructans galactans), and polyols (sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, FODMAPS incompletely Fructans
absorbed Galacto-oligosaccharides
and malitol), termed fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides,
and polyols or “FODMAP” was designed. The logic behind
restricting FODMAPs was two-fold. First, short-chain carbohy-
drates were found to be poorly absorbed in the small intestine, Disaccharides such as lactose, as mentioned previously, require
particularly under conditions of low or absent brush border lactase activity for absorption. By assessing lactose absorptive
enzymes (e.g., lactase) and the presence of low-capacity epithe- capacity through hydrogen breath testing, individuals can tai-
lial transporters. When poorly absorbed, FODMAPs create an lor dietary lactose intake. Monosaccharides include fructose, the
osmotic load and consequently draw fluid into the small intestine, smallest chain subtype, found naturally in apples, pears, mango,
leading to symptoms of abdominal distention and an increased watermelon, honey, and a few vegetables including sugar snap
colonic delivery of fluid [7]. This physiologic change was dem- peas. Commercially, fructose is found in sweeteners and corn
onstrated in a randomized, cross-over, single-blinded interven- syrup. Due to its size, fructose leads to a high osmotic effect, lead-
tion study of 12 ileostomates consuming two diets differing in ing to increased small bowel water content. The larger fructose
FODMAP content. By measuring the 14 h ileal effluents on day load parallels the increased risk of diarrhea and altered intestinal
4 of each diet, authors demonstrated an increased mean effluent motility. Lastly, polyols comprise mannitol and sorbitol, naturally
weight, water content, and dry weight on a high versus low FOD- found in apples, pears, cauliflower, mushroom, and snow peas.
MAP diet. These results suggest that FODMAPs augment colonic Similar to fructose, this group exhibits slow absorption and high
delivery of water and fermentable substrates [47]. osmotic effects along the small bowel length [50].
The second logic behind restricting FODMAPs is the feature of Studies exploring the effect of dietary FODMAP restriction in
rapid fermentation of the short-chain carbohydrates by colonic IBS have generally been positive and support overall improve-
microbiota, resulting in increased gas production (H2, CO2, and ments GI symptoms. Previous studies suggested restricting lactose
CH4) and colonic distention. In the setting of underlying gut dys- alone, or fructose with or without sorbitol, as a dietary approach
motility and visceral sensation, symptoms can manifest as pain, in managing IBS. The latter worked well in patients with fructose
cramping, and bloating [48, 49]. This hypothesis was tested by malabsorption. However as mentioned above, fructans are poorly
comparing patterns of breath hydrogen and methane with symp- absorbed in humans due to lack of hydrolase. Prior to the con-
toms in response to differing diets of FODMAP content. In a sin- cept of FODMAP, dietary fructan restriction was not standard.
gle-blind, crossover intervention study involving 15 individuals Based on the hypothesis that dietary FODMAP restriction opti-
with IBS and 15 controls, subjects maintained food and symptom mized symptom control in IBS, in particular fructans, fructose,
diaries after consuming either a low (9 g/day) or high (50 g/day) and foods with free fructose exceeding free glucose, Shepherd et
FODMAP diet. Those with IBS consuming high FODMAP diets al. measured daily dietary symptoms after graded introduction of
produced higher levels of breath hydrogen than healthy volunteers, fructose, fructans, alone or in combination, or glucose taken in
suggesting FODMAPs induce increased intestinal fermentation drinks, followed by a 10-day washout period. The authors revealed
and hydrogen production in IBS [49]. that symptom triggers in the IBS population included not only
Subtypes within FODMAP exist based on carbohydrate length, fructose, but also fructans. This was the first evidence suggesting
as seen in Table 1. Oligosaccharides are the longest chain and com- dietary FODMAP reduction specifically of fructose and fructans,
posed of fructans and galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS). These are could lead to symptom improvement [51].
naturally found in wheat, rye products, legumes, nuts, artichokes, To compare the effects of a reduced FODMAP diet to tradi-
onions, and garlic. As humans we lack enzymes to break down tional dietary advice in IBS such as avoiding larger meals, reduced
fructans and GOS (hydrolase), illustrated in Table 1, the higher the fat intake, and reduced excessive fiber and gas-producing foods,
intake, the greater the increase in fermentation and gas produc- Böhn et al. performed a multi-center, randomized trial comparing
tion. This leads to bloating, abdominal pain, and excessive flatus. symptoms. The results demonstrated that IBS symptoms severity

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influence of Dietary Restriction on irritable Bowel Syndrome 5

reduced significantly in both dietary groups (p < 0.0001), however “Spicy foods” Restriction
no significant difference was found between the two diets [52]. In In addition to gluten, lactose, and short-chain carbohydrates,
contrast, Eswaran et al. compared a low FODMAP diet to a diet spicy foods have received attention in IBS. Foods are categorized
based upon the modified National Institute for Health and Care as “spicy” when they create a hot sensation, produced by capsai-

Excellence (mNICE) guidelines in individuals with IBS-D in a cin. The degree of heat is measured by Scoville heat units (SHU)
randomized, controlled trial. After 4-weeks of either diet, indi- and any pepper marked as ≥1 SHU is regarded as spicy [59]. The
viduals reported relief of IBS-D symptoms including change in term “spicy foods” encompasses many ingredients, the most com-
abdominal pain and stool consistency based on the Bristol Stool mon of which are onion, black and white pepper, chili pepper,
Form. The authors demonstrated that individuals following a low garlic, and ginger [60–62]. In efforts to make food tastier and
FODMAP diet reported greater improvements in abdominal pain, more colorful, spices are an integral part of cooking around the

stool consistency, frequency, and urgency compared to those fol- world. In fact, chili peppers are considered the most popular spice
lowing the mNICE diet [53]. Furthermore, parallel to the hypoth- in Chinese culture [63]. Interestingly, it is estimated 5–10% of the
esis that symptoms associated with IBS relate to intraluminal gas adult Asian population is affected by IBS [60], and the impact of
production, Ong et al. sought to measure a similar pattern relating spicy foods in contributing to IBS has been questioned [63].
breath hydrogen and methane to changes in FODMAP content. The Asian diet is characterized by high consumption of carbo-
In this randomized, single-blinded, crossover intervention study, hydrates and fiber, but is less balanced in fat and meat protein. A
the authors compared two FODMAP diets: either low (9 g/day) or common flavor in this diet is chili, averaging 2.5–8 g/person daily,
high (50 g/day), between healthy volunteers and subjects with IBS. a huge increase when compared to European and American coun-
Not only was higher breath hydrogen production seen in the high terparts at 0.005–0.5 g/person. The downstream effects of chili are
FODMAP group, but increased gastrointestinal symptoms and a direct consequence of capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili
lethargy were also significantly induced among IBS patients [49]. peppers. Through modulation of gastrointestinal sensation via the
The degree of malabsorption with FODMAPs differs with effects of transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) expres-
each individual, therefore is not considered a “one-size-fits-all” sion on sensory nerve fibers, capsaicin is the reason humans feel
approach. The recommendation of a restricted FODMAP diet is a burning, painful sensation in their digestive system after chili
short-term, initiating a full elimination for 2–6 weeks with aid of ingestion [61]. This effect is thought to be enhanced in IBS due
a licensed dietician. Understanding individuals’ tolerance level to to an increased number of colonic TRPV1 receptors, as seen in
FODMAPs differ, with tailored dietary counseling foods contain- rectosigmoid biopsies from patients with IBS [64].
ing FODMAPs are gradually re-introduced, arriving at an indi- The correlation with the generation of IBS symptoms, however,
vidualized and less restricted “low FODMAP” diet [50]. When is the subject of mixed reviews. The effects of chili-containing diet
a low FODMAP diet does not work, or demonstrates no clinical on postprandial gastrointestinal symptoms was measured in IBS-D
efficacy, it is recommended to transition towards other therapeutic subjects by Gonlachanvit et al., who randomized subjects to either
interventions [54]. a standard meal, standard meal mixed with 2 g chili, or standard
Long term implications are to be considered when apply- meal with 2 g chili in capsules. By measuring postprandial symp-
ing FODMAPs. The fermentable carbohydrates in FODMAPs toms every 15 min by a 2-hour visual analogue scale, the authors
provide substrates for healthy bacteria. Studies have compared demonstrated a significant degree of abdominal pain and burning
low FODMAP to the traditional IBS diet, revealing a reduction in IBS-D subjects compared to healthy controls (p < 0.05) [65].
in proportion and concentration of Bifidobacteria while other Although we know short-term capsaicin exposure can aggra-
studies have demonstrated a decrease in total bacteria [55, 56]. vate abdominal pain and bloating via TRPV1 expression, chronic
Additionally, fermentation by natural colonic microbiota gener- intake has been proposed to actually decrease visceral hypersen-
ates products including short-chain fatty acids, which provide sitivity by TRPV1 desensitization. A preliminary study tested this
nutrients to the colonic mucosa (butyrate) and are used as sub- theory in 42 patients diagnosed with IBS using the Rome II criteria
strates for lipogenesis and gluconeogenesis (acetate, propionate). – 17 received 4 pills/day for six weeks containing 150 mg of red
The change in micronutrient intake with a low FODMAP diet was pepper powder, while 25 patients unknowingly received placebo
recently measured by Farida et al. in a single-center, randomized- pills. Abdominal pain and bloating intensity were scored follow-
controlled study of individuals with IBS-D on a low FODMAP ing the 5-point Likert scale. Interestingly, intra-group comparisons
diet compared to mNICE guidelines, or standard dietary recom- revealed groups receiving red pepper improved their abdominal
mendations. Among 78 patients, 41 were randomized to follow pain and bloating, with lower mean values [66].
a low FODMAP diet whereas 37 patients followed the mNICE Even though chronic ingestion of red pepper resulted in improved
diet. At 4-weeks, a statistically significant decrease in retinol GI symptoms, the question lingers whether the broad category of
(p = 0.03), thiamin (p = 0.009), riboflavin (p = 0.045), and calcium spicy foods may contribute to symptoms, particularly for foods
(p = 0.009) were observed in the low FODMAP group, compared beyond chilies and therefore not solely limited to capsaicin effects.
to a significant decrease in polyunsaturated fatty acids (p = 0.04) To answer this question, Esmailzadeh et al. explored the associa-
seen in the standard diet group [57]. Therefore, while low FOD- tion between IBS and spicy foods in an Iranian population, whose
MAPs may improve symptoms of abdominal bloating, gas, and prevalence of IBS is estimated at 1.1–25% of the population, and
diarrhea/constipation in IBS, avoidance of long-term use may whose diet included large amounts of turmeric, saffron, and gin-
need to be considered [58]. ger. In a sample of adults working in 50 various healthcare centers

© 2018 The American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of Gastroenterology

6 A. Kamal, M. Pimentel

across the province of Isfahan, 8691 subjects returned completed discomfort of 22 and 25%, respectively. Findings, however, fell
questionnaires on dietary habits and symptoms in addition to a short of statistical significance (p = 0.071) [70]. Portincasa et al.
modified Persian version of the Rome III questionnaire. Authors randomized 121 patients with mild to moderate IBS based on the
assessed dietary habits by measuring meal frequencies, regularity of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptom Severity Score (IBS-SSS) to
Review Article

meals, drinks before meals, and regularity of spicy foods (chili pep- receive 30 days of either a combination of curcumin and fennel
per, curry, ginger, cinnamon, and turmeric) during the study week. essential oil (CU-FEO) or placebo. Anethole, the active ingredient
The authors determined that study subjects consuming spicy foods in fennel oil seeds, acts as an intestinal smooth muscle relaxant.
≥10 times/week were not only more likely to be young and women, Patients receiving CU-FEO experienced a significant drop in symp-
but also had an increased prevalence of IBS. After adjusting for age tom severity from baseline scores (p < 0.001), including abdomi-
and gender, a significant association between consumption of spicy nal pain (p < 0.001), higher complete symptom-free rates at day

foods ≥10 times/week and IBS remained (p < 0.001) [60]. 30 (p = 0.005), and a greater IBS-quality of life score (p = 0.003).
As we know consumption of spicy foods is highest among East- The use of curcumin led to no serious adverse effects [68]. There-
ern countries. In the United States, the intake of spicy ingredients fore, curcumin has shown promising effects in mediating IBS
has doubled since 1980 - the result of a rising appeal of spicy and symptoms.
hot flavors [59]. Despite this, Europeans and Americans still con-
sume spicy foods to a lesser extent than their Eastern counterparts.
Dietary Fiber
Curcumin Supplement It has been suggested that IBS is directly related to a lack of die-
Herbal remedies are a traditional means of treating a variety of tary fiber, non-digestible carbohydrates intrinsic to plants. Die-
conditions. Recently curcumin, the main active ingredient in tary fiber can be separated into soluble fibers (pectins, gums, and
turmeric, has demonstrated effectiveness in the management of mucilages) and insoluble fibers (cellulose, hemicelluloses, and
chronic inflammatory conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, lignins), or characterized based on carbohydrate length (short-
ulcerative colitis (UC), as well as IBS. Turmeric is a curry spice used chain and long-chain) and fermentability [71]. Soluble fibers can
throughout Asia and in certain regions consumption is as high as form a viscous gel that delays gastric emptying and impedes small
2500 mg/day. Native to the Eastern World, the spice was introduced intestinal absorption, and is ultimately fermented by bacteria in
to Europe in the 13th century by Marco Palo and only recently the large intestine. Fermentation results in production of gas and
received attention for its anti-inflammatory properties [67]. short-chain fatty acids which increase stool mass, and changes in
First isolated in 1815, curcumin has been noted to affect several oro-anal transit time [71]. In contrast, insoluble fibers are poorly
inflammatory pathways including down-regulating the activity fermented, influence the viscosity of intestinal contents less, and
of COX-2, inhibiting production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) retain water. These processes increase the volume and bulk of
alpha, and down-regulating mitogen-activating and Janus kinases, stool, in addition to increasing colon transit time [72].
in addition to affecting anti-neoplastic cell cycle arrest and induc- The proposed mechanisms by which dietary fiber benefits those
tion of apoptotic signals. Today curcumin has been approved by with IBS are: (1) increased stool bulk through fermentation of
the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a “Gen- byproducts (as with soluble fiber) or accelerated colonic transit
erally Recognized as Safe” (GRAS) supplement, recognizing it as a by mechanical stimulation (as with insoluble fiber); (2) influences
safe food additive [67]. on the microbiota - the production of short-chain fatty acids and
Curcumin is used in traditional Chinese, Indian, and West- the decrease in colonic pH support the growth of bacteria such
ern herbal remedies for the management of gastrointestinal as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria; and (3) influences on the neu-
symptoms, particularly abdominal pain and bloating [67]. More roendocrine system (NES) of the gastrointestinal tract through the
recently, curcumin has been shown to improve bowel symptoms release of hormones including serotonin, which impacts visceral
in patients with UC by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines sensitivity, and peptide YY (PYY) which increases colonic absorp-
and their signaling pathways, resulting in improvements in Clini- tion of water and electrolytes [71]. These effects of dietary fiber
cal Activity Index (CAI) and endoscopic scores, and reduction in were first noted by Manning et al., who compared 26 IBS patients
flares [68]. This therapeutic potential of curcumin, however, goes receiving either a high or low wheat-fiber diet. After 6 weeks, those
beyond inflammatory bowel disease and may extend to functional receiving the high-fiber diet reported more significant improve-
bowel diseases. As a compound with a vanilloid ring moiety simi- ments in IBS symptoms [73]. In a meta-analysis, 14 randomized
lar to that of capsaicin, curcumin has been shown to competitively controlled trials on dietary fiber in IBS were reviewed. By compar-
inhibit activation of TRPV1 expression on sensory nerve fibers, ing fiber to placebo, control treatment, or standard management
and therefore modify the body’s response to various stimulants. In in a total of 906 patients, the authors noted a significant overall
contrast to capsaicin, which aggravated abdominal pain and bloat- benefit in IBS (RR = 0.86; 95% CI 0.80–0.94, number needed to
ing via TRPV1 expression, curcumin had been found to reverse treat (NNT) = 10; 95% CI 6–33) and when stratifying for type of
gut hypersensitivity [69]. fiber, authors revealed a more prominent response with soluble
In a pilot study, Bundy et al. randomized 207 volunteers meeting fiber versus bran, an insoluble fiber (RR = 0.83; 95% CI 0.73–0.94
the Rome II criteria for IBS and assessed the effects of turmeric and RR = 0.90; 95% CI 0.79–1.03, respectively) [74].
consumption after 8 weeks. Patients who took one or two tab- As IBS patients do not all have the same presentation, but are
lets of turmeric daily reported reductions in abdominal pain and categorized into subtypes based on the predominant symptom of

The American Journal of Gastroenterology www.nature.com/ajg

influence of Dietary Restriction on irritable Bowel Syndrome 7

Table 2  Advantages and disadvantages of dietary restriction in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Dietary manipulation Advantage Disadvantage

Lactose restriction •Reduces IBS symptoms in short and long-term •Formal diagnosis requires hydrogen breath test or blood-glucose

trials measurement
•Reduces number of outpatient visits at 5 years •Diagnosis requires ruling out small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
(SIBO) before interpreting hydrogen breath testing
Gluten restriction •Affects abdominal symptoms, bowel movement •Symptom response may not be specific to gluten (i.e. fructans,
frequency, and small bowel permeability very low carbohydrate diet)
Low Fermentable Oligosaccharides, •Reduces abdominal pain and stool consistency •Restrictive diet
Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, after comparing to the modified National Insti- •Not a “one-size-fits-all” approach, tailored dietician counseling

and Polyols (FODMAP) tute for Health and Care Excellence (mNICE) recommended
guidelines •No difference in symptoms seen after comparing to traditional
dietary advice
•Potential change in microbiome and nutrient deficiency with long-
term restriction
“Spicy foods” restriction •Affects abdominal pain and burning •Bland diet
•Abdominal pain and bloating may improve with
chronic ingestion
Curcumin supplement •Reduces symptom severity including •Randomized study data in combination with fennel essential oil
abdominal pain seeds
•Improves symptom free rates and quality of life
Dietary soluble fiber •Reduces IBS symptoms, specifically relieving •No difference in abdominal symptoms
•Increases whole gut transit time

diarrhea or constipation, Cann et al. assessed which category of or NCGS. For example, Biesiekierski et al. demonstrated posi-
fiber is more beneficial. In a double-blind, crossover trial, patients tive symptom correlation with gluten exposure in the form of
with IBS received either a course of wheat bran or placebo. The use bread slices and muffins in IBS individuals compared to controls,
of bran resulted in a significant improvement in constipation, with reporting worsening abdominal pain, bloating, satisfaction with
increases in whole gut transit time (p < 0.05) and daily stool weight stool consistency, and tiredness within 1 week of gluten exposure.
(p < 0.01). Abdominal pain, however, was increased with the use However, following a cross-over trial in which a similar subject
of bran and demonstrated limited efficacy in patients with diar- population to reduced FODMAP and gluten, the same authors
rhea [75]. Similarly, in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial of concluded that the carbohydrate components of wheat, fructans,
ispaghula husk (a soluble fiber commonly referred to as psyllium) and galacto-oligosaccharides had more pronounced effects on
versus placebo in 80 IBS patients, Prior et al. assessed changes in IBS symptoms than gluten itself. Further, questions arise as to
bowel habits, whole gut transit time, and abdominal pain. The whether gluten restricted diets are functioning similarly to a very
study revealed patients felt better overall after receiving ispaghula low carbohydrate diet, and whether symptom response could in
husk (p < 0.02), with particular benefits for relief of constipation fact be a reflection of reduced carbohydrate intake.
(p = 0.026) and increased whole gut transit time (p = 0.001). In Despite positive evidence supporting lactose restriction in IBS,
contrast, no improvements in abdominal pain or distention were questions arise as to the validity of applying hydrogen breath
seen between the two treatment groups [76]. Therefore, authors testing in the diagnosis of lactose intolerance. Are patients truly
concluded the use of soluble fiber (psyllium/ispaghula husk) and lactose intolerant producing hydrogen due to underlying small
not insoluble fiber (bran) should be considered as a dietary option intestinal bacterial overgrowth? Trials of this diet in IBS using the
in management of IBS symptoms, particularly for those with low FODMAP have produced mixed results. When compared to
constipation-predominant IBS, but not for the management of mNICE guidelines in IBS-D, a low FODMAP diet was found to
abdominal symptoms [5, 77]. be favorable in reducing abdominal pain, improving stool consist-
ency, frequency, and urgency. Interestingly, low FODMAP diet
was not superior to traditional dietary advice, such as reducing
Conclusions excessive fiber, fat intake, and avoiding larger meals. Despite these
Up to two-thirds of IBS patients attribute their abdominal symp- findings, the low FODMAP diet has gained popularity in IBS treat-
toms and changes in bowel habits to their dietary intake, and as ment, leading to concerns for potential long-term ramifications.
a result there is a rising trend towards restricting specific foods Our review also identified mixed results in the literature on spicy
in an effort to minimize post-prandial symptoms. A review of foods, as trials have revealed worsening abdominal pain after iso-
the literature on various dietary manipulations, however, yields lated capsaicin exposure, even in an Iranian diet containing large
mixed results (Table 2). This is particularly notable for literature amounts of turmeric, saffron, and ginger, whereas another trial
on patients with gluten intolerance, whether due to celiac disease found improved symptoms following chronic red pepper exposure.

© 2018 The American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of Gastroenterology

8 A. Kamal, M. Pimentel

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