Enhancing Security of Data in Cloud Storage Using Decentralized Block Chain
Enhancing Security of Data in Cloud Storage Using Decentralized Block Chain
Enhancing Security of Data in Cloud Storage Using Decentralized Block Chain
Nowadays, large amount of data is stored on the cloud which is required to be protected from
the unauthorized users.To maintain the privacy and security of data various algorithmsare
used. The objective of every system is to achieveconfidentiality, integrity, availability (CIA).
However, theexisting centralized cloud storage lacks to provide these CIAproperties. So, to
enhance the security of data and storingtechniques, decentralized cloud storage is used along
with blockchain technology. It effectively helps to protect data fromtampering or deleting a
part of data. The data stored in blockchain is linked to each other by a chain of blocks.
Eachblock has its hash value, which is stored in next block. Thus itreduces the chances of
data altering. For this purpose, SHA-512Hashing algorithm is used. Hashing algorithm is
used in manyaspects, where the security of data is required such as messagedigest, password
verification, digital certificates and inblockchain. By the combination of these methods
andalgorithms, data becomes more secure and reliable. However,with the help of various
algorithms, the security of the data canbe enhanced. Also, Advance Encryption Standard
(AES) is usedto encrypt and decrypt the data due to the significant features ofthis algorithm
the existing centralized cloud By the combination of these methods and
storage lacks to provide these CIA algorithms, data becomes more secure and
properties. reliable.
So, to enhance the security of data However, with the help of various
and storing techniques, algorithms, the security of the data can be
decentralized cloud storage is used enhanced.
along with blockchain technology. The Second one is asymmetric encryption
The data stored in blockchain is method, where two keys are generated, one
linked to each other by a chain of for encryption and second for decryption.
AES algorithm
SHA and Hashing algorithm
The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Secure Hash Algorithms, also known as SHA,
is an encryption algorithm to use for are a family of cryptographic functions designed
securing sensitive unclassified information to keep data secured. ... A common application
The AES algorithm (also known as the of SHA is to encrypting passwords, as the server
Rijndael algorithm) is a symmetrical side only needs to keep track of a specific user's
block cipher algorithm that takes plain text hash value, rather than the actual password.
in blocks of 128 bits and converts them to SHA-512 is similar in structure of SHA-256 but
ciphertext using keys of 128, 192, and 256 there are some variat ion in some aspects such
bits. Since the AES algorithm is as
considered secure, it is in the worldwide i) Message is divided into 1024- bit of
standard chunks
ii) Initial hash value and rounds are
extended up to 64-bits
iii) Instead of 64 rounds there are 80 rounds
iv) Round constant based on starting first
80 primes.
v) word size is used for computation is 64 bits
v) Fixed length of message is 128-bits long
vi) Shifting and Rotation rounds are
For security purpose a key is Block chain technology is used and
shared by owner to data user to considered most trustworthy, appended
access that data. only and efficient for application where
With the help of hashing logs of data are more important.
algorithm SHA-512 data blocks Such application including banking,
are linked to each other and if data online music, Internet of things (IoT)
blocks are found to be missing
System : Pentium i3 Processor
Hard Disk : 500 GB.
Monitor : 15’’ LED
Input Devices : Keyboard, Mouse
RAM : 2 GB
Operating system : Windows 10.
Coding Language : Java.
Tool : Netbeans8.2
Database : MYSQL
Jiayi Li, Jianfeng Ma, Yinbin Miao, Ruikang Yang, Ximeng Liu, and Kim-Kwang Raymond
Choo, Senior Member, IEEE, “Practical Multi-keyword Ranked Search with Access Control
over Encrypted Cloud Data”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING, 2021.