Palm Fisting, Thrombophlebitis, IV Cannulated Patient, VIP Score (Visual Infusion Phlebitis)
Palm Fisting, Thrombophlebitis, IV Cannulated Patient, VIP Score (Visual Infusion Phlebitis)
Palm Fisting, Thrombophlebitis, IV Cannulated Patient, VIP Score (Visual Infusion Phlebitis)
Jeba Bakhtiar1 M.Sc.Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing- Critical Care Nursing), Prof.
(Mrs). Manashi Sengupta2 Dean, i/c, Faculty of Nursing, Assam downtown University,
Guwahati, Assam, India.
Corresponding author: Prof Manashi Sengupta Dean i/c Faculty of Nursing ,Assam
down town University email:
Descriptive and inferential statistics was used to analyse the data. Demographic and
clinical variables was analyzed in terms of frequency (f), percentage (%). Assessment of
the IV cannulated site for the risk of thrombophlebitis among IV cannulated patients
after giving the proximal massage and palm fisting exercise was also analyzed by
frequency(f) and percentage (%). Z-test was computed to assess the significant
difference in the reduction of thrombophlebitis between the post test scores of
experimental group and control group. Chi-square (χ2) test was used to determine the
association between the risk of thrombophlebitis with the selected demographic
variables and clinical variables among IV cannulated patients in experimental group.
The level of significance was set at 0.05 levels to interpret the findings.
33.33% 33% 33.33%
35% 30%
Percentage (%)
25% 20%
20% 16.67% 17% 16.67%
21-30 31-40 41-50 Above 50
Age in years
With regards to age majority (33.33%) of the samples belonged to the age group of 41-
Exp. Group
Percentage (%)
20% 16%
10% 18% 12%
Male Female
With regards to gender majority (18%) of the samples were male in experimental group,
No 33.33%
Fig 3 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of risk of thrombophlebitis.
Yes 66.67%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Percentage (%)
Group Mean SD SE MD Z test Tabulated Inference
value Z test
Exp 0.8 1.18 0.36 0.87 2.42 2.00 S*
group 1.67 1.62
Table 2 indicates that the mean VIP score (1.67) of the control group was higher than
the mean VIP score (0.8) in the experimental group. Thus, indicating that proximal
massage and palm fisting exercise was effective in reducing the risk of
thrombophlebitis. The calculated Z-test value for mean pain score (2.42) was higher
than tabulated Z-test value (2.00) at p <0.05. This indicates proximal massage and palm
fisting exercise was effective in reducing the risk of thrombophlebitis.
Sl Variables Risk of thrombophlebitis df ᵡ2 Tabulate Inference
d t-value
Yes No
Sl Variables Risk of thrombophlebitis df ᵡ 2
Tabulat-ed Infer--
t- value nce
Yes No
3. BMI a) Underweight 01 - 3 40.1 7.82 S*
b) Normal 08 18
c) Overweight 03 -
d) Obese - -
4. Current a) Respiratory 02 - 7 97.52 14.07 S*
diagnosis b) Cardiovascular - 07
c) Hematology - -
d) Metabolic 06 04
e) Musculoskeletal - -
f) Genitourinary 01 -
g) Any surgery 03 07
h) Others - -
c) 22G 01 -
7. Site of a) Dorsum 09 04 3 374.93 7.82 S*
b) Wrist 10 17
c) Forearm - 01
d) Anticubital fossa - 01
8. Types of a) IV fluids 10 14 4 147.87 9.49 S*
medication,i b) IV fluids with 02 -
nfusion medication
c) Antibiotics 09 07
d) Antifibrinolytic drugs 01 03
e) Others 10 18
9. Frequency of a) OD - - 3 24.09 7.82 S*
IV b) BD 07 15
nfusion c) TDS 05 05
d) QDS - -
Computation of chi square revealed that, there is significant association between the risk
of thrombophlebitis with selected clinical variables viz., body mass index, current
diagnosis, size of the cannula, and site of the cannula types and frequency of IV
medications and IV infusions, frequency of IV medications and infusion among IV
cannulated patients in experimental group.