Develops Your Dog's "Hidden Intelligence" To Eliminate Bad Behavior and Create The Obedient, Well-Behaved Pet of Your Dreams
Develops Your Dog's "Hidden Intelligence" To Eliminate Bad Behavior and Create The Obedient, Well-Behaved Pet of Your Dreams
Develops Your Dog's "Hidden Intelligence" To Eliminate Bad Behavior and Create The Obedient, Well-Behaved Pet of Your Dreams
It's an untapped resource to help you remove just about any troublesome
I'm going to reveal how you can QUICKLY eliminate any behavioral problem… no matter how
badly you think it's ingrained… no matter what kind of dog you have.
If that excites you, I know you'll find this letter EXTREMELY valuable…
"Because I'm going to show you a dog training system that took me 10
years to perfect - (and tens of thousands of dollars to learn) - a
PROVEN "Battlefield-Tested" system for creating an incredibly well-
behaved, intelligent dog who follows your every command!"
Most Dog training programs today fail to engage your Dog on a mental
level, and fail to develop his/her intelligence. With enough mental
stimulation - many problem behaviors simply melt away. I'll explain why
Most dog training programs fail you and your dog because they never
address the root cause of your dog's problem behavior. They just give you
some cookie-cutter technique to stop biting, chewing or barking - which is
short term in its effectiveness at best - again, because it does not address
the root cause of the problem.
Many other online dog training programs are created by PHONEYS with no
certifications… This is dangerous, since using the wrong techniques will
lead to problem behaviors getting worse or even a bite in some cases.
Avoid taking advice from any "trainer" who does not list his/her professional
I have also:
“Today's dogs suffer from a lack of “Both the exercises and the games
mental stimulation and quality time are very practical so dog owners may
spent with ‘their’ people. The use them throughout the day to have
resulting boredom and anxiety can a well-trained dog. There are training
lead to no end of physical and nuggets throughout, both in the
behavioral problems. Brain Training step-by-step instructions and the
for Dogs is the solution! In a clear and Troubleshooting sections that will
concise manner, Adrienne Farricelli help enrich the lives of both dogs and
walks owners through a series of their owners!”
puzzles and exercises that will
challenge and entertain dogs of all
What's their secret? Well, they all had one thing in common…
When this happens - your dog's bad behaviors simply fade away as more desirable ones appear in their place.
A more intelligent dog has the capacity to take commands easier and understand what you need from him.
In my 10 years as a dog trainer, I realized pretty quickly that more intelligent dogs are much easier to train bad habits
out of and teach new skills to.
If a child is bored and not stimulated intellectually - they tend to misbehave and cause trouble.
When you stimulate your dog's mind correctly with a very specific set of games I'm going to show you…
Because I cover every conceivable problem you can have with your dog
and show you how to change it including:
Jumping Hyperactivity
Because you get A HUGE archive covering almost every dog behavior problem
you could think of…With tailor-made solutions for behavior problems which
tackle the root cause…all created by a certified professional trainer with years of
Because you get access to a private forum where you can discuss dog
behavior, training, and everything "dog" with other like-minded owners.
Because you get a simple-to-follow process. Ask any successful dog trainer
and they will tell you that simplicity is the key to training a well-behaved dog. My
system is so easy to follow; it virtually tells you everything you need to do to make
any dog well behaved with no behavioral problems.
Because all my clients have used my dog training FORMULA, so you know
it works. Using the exact same training formula I'm about to share with you, I
have successfully trained countless dogs for my real-world clients.
“WOW! Wish we had had this info 3 years ago! In just the last few hours
our sibling boys have lowered the intensity and length of barking
episodes by at least 50%!!! I can't wait to see the results a month from
Because ALL the insider secrets I share with you have been battle-tested to
work in the real world of dog training. None of this stuff is fluff theory.
Because you get to the real individual root cause behind each problem you
are dealing with, like chewing or barking or aggressive behavior to other dogs -
and get a tailored solution for each problem. The ‘all-encompassing solutions’ of
most dog training programs simply do not work because they fail to treat your
dog as an individual.
It's called:
After your dog goes through the modules you
Dramatically improve your dog's Eliminate troublesome behavior Have your dog effortlessly sit, lie
obedience like barking, chewing or aggression down, stay, heel, drop and walk by
your side
This is the foundation for the whole course. Here your dog will
learn how to tap into his awesome brain power to become super
obedient to your every command. Inside you will discover the
The ‘magic little way’ to get your dog to look into your
eyes so the communication is strong as a foundation for
super obedience.
Now that your dog has mastered foundational training it's time to
improve his skills and use his senses to complete your
commands. You will get games covering the following…
The ‘treasure hunt game’ that gets your dog back to his
evolutionary roots and relieves the ‘boredom’ that leads
to so many problem behaviors.
‘The ball pit game’ to drain your dog's energy and make
him easier to work with – all while they have a ton of fun
and exercise.
Here your dog will learn about patience and impulse control with
the following games…
Inside ‘jazz up and settle down’ you will learn how to settle
your Dog down quickly after being hyped up with activity
for a while.
Bobbing for treats will give your dog the excitement and
reward he needs to behave well, while helping to remove
any fear of water.
Here you will develop your dog's motor skills and his ability to
concentrate on your commands.
Here you will develop your dog's intelligence and patience. You'll
also be focusing on helping him with his impulse control to
become a better behaved dog.
The hot and cold game to boost your dog's ability to learn
and build his confidence.
Here your dog will develop advanced level motor skills and
intelligence…to obey your commands.
Your dog is now at ‘genius level’. Why not impress your friends
with your dog's ability to stack rings, tidy his toys, and even play the
Play the piano game – that's right. Your dog will actually
play the piano on cue.
Adrienne's Archive…which
Over 100 in-depth articles covering just about
every behavior problem you can think of.
An entire section dedicated to puppy training
where I reveal the secrets of successful potty
training, crate training, socialization and bite
NO cookie-cutter solutions. Most behavior
problems have many different possible causes,
and each different cause needs a different
solution. That's why my techniques tackle the
root cause of the problem to stop bad behaviors
All force-free, gentle techniques, created by a
professional CCPDT certified trainer.
“Since using Brain Training for Dogs “After going through this program I
my dogs are more excited to learn. feel 100 times more confident and far
They actively want to take part and better about training. I have a far
figure out what they need to do! It's better understanding of behaviors
not about ‘commanding’ that they and my puppy definitely seems to
perform a behavior, it's about getting pick up on that confidence.
them thinking.
This system is the best confidence
I really love this approach to dog booster and the best way to teach
training and my dogs do too!” your dog.”
So how much would you expect to pay for a formula that will eliminate any bad behavior you
are dealing with and create a loving, obedient, well-behaved intelligent happy Dog?
It's not $300. It's not $150. In fact, it's not even $75.
As a special launch price you can get my entire dog training system and the bonuses for $97
only $47!
What a bargain! Access to all the material, all the videos, and my many years of training expertise
for just $47.
Think about what that means. Within minutes of accessing the member's area…
Inside this exclusive bonus course I focus specifically on some of the most common (and
frustrating!) doggy behavior problems. Not only will I explain why they are occurring, but I'll also
show you how to finally STOP them for good!
If for any reason… or no reason… you feel Brain Training for Dogs isn't
everything I say it is (and more, much more…) I want you to ask for, and get
your money back. If for any reason you're not entirely satisfied with your
purchase, just shoot me a quick email, and I'll give you back your money. No
questions asked.
Frankly, if you don't believe in every cell of your body That Brain
Training for Dogs delivers on everything that I say it will, I don't want to
keep your money! I want to build a long term relationship with you and
your dog, and I can't do that with a weak foundation.
Simply click the 'Instant Access' button below to start your new life with
your dog today.
Remember - The cutting edge techniques and methods inside Brain Training for dogs
are so simple and so powerful, it can literally eradicate any problem behavior in your
dog…regardless of your training experience or what kind of problem your dog has.
Let's not forget - this is the same system which thousands of people have used to
eradicate problem
behaviors in their dogs and skyrocket their intelligence…
I have a dedicated help desk to hold your hand every step of the way.
You will never be left stuck. You will never be left wondering what to do next.
For this reason…I have to limit the amount of people who have access to Brain Training for Dogs.
If you're viewing this right now - there is still time to access the course - however, if you do not
take action now - it could very well be gone when you come back to this page again. No question
about it.
And I'm guessing if you read this far, your experience with your dog or some behavior he/she is
exhibiting is not what you want.
It may even be causing you a lot of stress and worry in your life, or making you consider giving up
ownership of your beloved dog.
So if you're struggling right now - you will continue to struggle. In fact things will probably get
harder, as bad behaviors get more and more ingrained over time through a process known as
The sooner you act. The better the result for you and your dog.
Option 2 Here is to go out there and figure all this stuff out for yourself. But you already know it
cost me thousands of dollars and thousands of hours to put this information together. I'm
guessing you don't have the time and money to spend becoming a professional dog trainer.
Option 3 Here is a real no-brainer. You just hit the instant access button now and get access to
Brain Training For Dogs immediately. This is 100% risk free. If you don't like it or change your
mind…you get your money back. You simply watch the videos and follow the step-by-step
instructions. It could not be easier.
Whatever bad behavior your dog was doing before…like chewing or barking way too much, or
being aggressive with other animals is gone…or severely diminished and fading away.
One who loves you and eagerly listens to your every word.
PS. My time is limited, and since I provide full support for everyone inside the Brain
Training For Dogs Program, I simply don't know how long this offer will be available for.
PPS. Please take a few minutes to read the testimonials from just a few of my very happy
“WOW! Wish we had had this info 3 years ago! In just the last few
hours our sibling boys have lowered the intensity and length of
barking episodes by at least 50%!!! I can't wait to see the results a
month from now!!”
“Since using Brain Training for Dogs my dogs are more excited to
learn. They actively want to take part and figure out what they
need to do! It's not about ‘commanding’ that they perform a
behavior, it's about getting them thinking. I really love this
approach to dog training and my dogs do too!”
PPPS. Remember, you risk nothing as you are covered by my 60 day Unconditional money
back guarantee.
1) What do I get after ordering Brain Training For Dogs today?
You will receive full access to the member's area of Brain Training For Dogs today.
Absolutely not.
Every part of Brain Training for Dogs uses 100% force-free training.
It's not only designed to boost your dog's intelligence and eliminate problem behaviors,
but also to develop a stronger more loving and loyal bond between you and your dog.
Plus - there is no risk on your part because you have a 60 day money back guarantee.
So I have to limit the amount of people who can purchase the course.
Hit the instant access button below right now and start your journey to a having an
amazing obedient, highly intelligent dog today.
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