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Hawan Procedure - Arya Samaj

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6/19/22, 12:00 PM Hawan Procedure – Arya Samaj

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A simple Havan Kund

One bundle of mango or any other suitable wood / Dry cow dung (Keep aside three
individual wood sticks as “Samidha”)
Some Camphor
250g Pure Havan Samagree
250g Ghee (Melted)
Some Prasadam e.g. (Mitai/Kheer (Sweet Rice)/ Soji/ fruit)
A container with fresh water and a teaspoon
Matches/Fire lighter
A lamp/diya to be placed in front of the Havan kund (Optional)

The Havan Ceremony (Agnihotra)

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6/19/22, 12:00 PM Hawan Procedure – Arya Samaj



For preparing the Havan Kund and vedi, see video:

Mix the havan samagree (pronounced sama-gree, and not samaa-gree) with a little
ghee, about 1 tablespoon. Then place the samagree in plates/bowls/thalis and set
around the havan kund where the people participating in the havan are going to sit.
Place the container with the water, the parsadh, as well as the container with the
melted ghee around the kund.
Place the three wood sticks (Samidha) that were kept aside in the ghee container.
Ensure that the water and ghee containers have their own spoons.
Take another tablespoon and place a piece of camphor in it and put next to the ghee
The main lamp/diya (optional) should be prepared with ghee/oil and a wick and
placed next to the havan kund on the side of where the main havan participants will

General Guidelines when Performing Havan

Do the havan in your home

Keep it simple yet deeply spiritual
Make it a family prayer
Dress appropriately and observe cleanliness, attempt to adapt this in daily life, not
only during prayer occasions.
Attempt to understand why you are performing the havan and the significance of the
mantras that you will recite, thereby having a deeper connection in communication
with God. Enjoy Doing the Havan.
Abstinence is important as an act of spiritual discipline. Prayer is meant to keep us
close and together spiritually.
Vegetarianism demonstrates our compassion for all living beings and respect for the
eco system that God has placed on earth. The Vedas explains our evolution from
early human life to intellectual beings, and that our transformation to this stage
involves us being in harmony with nature and only eating fruit, vegetables and herbs
provided in their specific form for our nourishment.
Avoid alcohol, cigarettes and other intoxicants that harm the body, mind and spirit.
Leave all shoes outside and not near the vedi.

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6/19/22, 12:00 PM Hawan Procedure – Arya Samaj

General and Abridged Significance of the Havan

It is a communal prayer where the entire family, employees included, participate.

The mantras ask for the wellbeing of the family, community and all beings at large.
The Havan embodies the aspirations, wholesome morals and values that we, as
families and human beings, should cherish and uphold.
The mantras also express gratitude for what we have been blessed with. The offering
of the samagree is also a gesture of appreciation.
The mantras remind us that whatever we possess – human body and material
belongings – are not ours. Idam Na Mama (This is not mine).
Material belongings make our lives comfortable, but we must not become attached to
them, for when we pass to the next world, only the athma (soul) is eternal and carries
Agni (Fire) is the essence of life. We revere Agni, for without it there can be no
creation. The Sun, Heat and Energy are manifestations of Agni.
We pay homage to the plants, earth, sun, wind, fire and water, and pledge that we will
not violate the laws of nature. We pray that the birds, beasts, and all other creatures
also prosper.
We ask that we be blessed with pure, noble thoughts, a sense of charity, sweet
speech and the spontaneous urge to share what we have for the common good of all.
The pure ingredients placed into the fire create a pure smoke that purifies the air and
environment around us, together with the pure vibrations of the recited mantras make
the entire process a purification of environment, body, mind and spirit.


Significance of a “Havan”

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