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Product Brochure Aurubis Shapes - 2014 - en

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in Top Shape
Emmerich (Germany)
Pori (Finland) Seoul (Korea)

Fehrbellin (Germany)
Tokyo (Japan)
Finspång (Sweden)
Taipei (Taiwan)
Chicago (USA) Hamburg (Germany) Västerås (Sweden)
Group headquarters Shanghai (China)
Buffalo (USA) Avellino (Italy) Zutphen (Netherlands) St. Petersburg (Russia)
Hong Kong (China)
Mortara (Italy) Lünen (Germany) Dolný Kubín (Slovakia)

Brussels (Belgium)
Yverdon-les-Bains (Switzerland) Pirdop (Bulgaria)
Röthenbach (Germany)
Olen (Belgium)
Lyon (France) Dubai (UAE)
Istanbul (Turkey)
Barcelona (Spain) Stolberg (Germany) Bangkok (Thailand)
Birmingham (United Kingdom)
Prague (Czech Republic)
Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)
Strass (Germany)
Singapore (Singapore)

Sales and
Raw materials Products Service Centers distribution Trade
Cathodes Continuous Wire rod
Concentrates The copper is cast shapes Service Centers An international Trading sites
and recycling processed into located near sales and serve to supply
materials are the products. our customers distribution our plants with

raw materials Some products cut strip to network recycling raw
from which copper are already Strip/ Specialty rod/ Precious the desired markets our materials.
is produced. the result of foil profiles, metals dimensions. products.
copper shaped wire


Concentrates Recycling Other Sulfuric Iron silicate

material metals acid
Facts & Figures

6 • is the number of decades Aurubis has been

producing continuous cast shapes, earning itself an
outstanding reputation.

30,000 kg • is the maximum weight of individual shapes produced

by casting.

89 mm • is the diameter of our smallest shapes.

300,000 m • is the length of copper foil that can be produced from

We shape the
a single cake.

• is the number of different products that are manufactured

world of copper
in our continuous casting plants.
Its distinctive properties have gold” has come a long way the USA and China as well as
made copper indispensable from its historical origins as a sales offices worldwide, the
as a modern-day material, not raw material used to produce Aurubis Group is one of the
only for traditional applica- everyday items – even if it is leading integrated copper
tions but also as a significant hardly visible to observers in groups. In the field of copper
component of state-of-the-art most cases. recycling, Aurubis is a world-
technologies. Whenever very wide leader. Aurubis stands
high electrical and thermal Aurubis combines copper pro- for innovation, a competitive
conductivity are required, duction with copper process- technological edge and exem-
along with the best possible ing to create copper products plary environmental conser-
forming properties, copper is and custom-made special solu- vation, as well as customer
the material of choice. At the tions. The company was incor- benefits and high returns.
same time, this “red gold” also porated as a stock corporation
offers excellent resistance to back in 1866 and has managed
corrosion and can be recycled to position itself successfully
particularly well. The “red since then. With some 6,500
employees at sites in Europe,

Aurubis shApes 3
The right shapes
for decades
PRODUCTION carefully monitored process and quality assurance pro-
After pyrometallurgical and then cast continuously cess.
smelting followed by an elec- as an endless bar. Depending Our production facilities are
trolytic refining process, the on the requirements, alloying specially designed to allow us
copper is ready for further elements are added to adjust to produce continuous cast
use in its purest form, as a so- the desired chemical compo- shapes weighing up to 30 t
called cathode. These cath- sition. Once it has reached each, which maximizes the
odes, which have a copper the desired length, the shape efficiency of the subsequent
content of more than 99.99 %, is cut off by a flying saw and processing steps carried out
are first molten down in a moves on to the inspection by our customers. Our goal
when developing materials is
to find tailored solutions that
material and processing re-
quirements at hand.

provide a sound basis for manufacturing strip, sheet and foil
for all applications. At Aurubis you will also find the right
starting material for sophisticated industrial tube, complex
profiles and large forgings. Our products are manufactured
in grades and diameters that are perfectly tuned to specific
applications and manufacturing techniques.

4 ApplicAtions Aurubis shApes 5

A variety of applications

APPLICATIONS suitability and surface, casting

AURUBIS SHAPES are the ideal molds, leadframes and indus-
starting point for manufac- trial pipes for HVAC systems.
turing high-quality forgings, Customer requirements and
strip, foil, sheet, tube and specifications are particularly
profiles made of copper. Their important to us, so as to fa-
uniformly high quality and cilitate further processing and
precisely adjusted chemical ensure the best possible func-
composition mean that our tionality.
shapes are much sought after
for demanding applications in Whether in telecommunica-
particular. The range of grades tions engineering, mechanical
reaches from application- engineering, automotive en-
oriented 5N copper with a high gineering or aviation: Aurubis’
purity of 99.999 % Cu to high- shapes have acquired an ex-
performance alloys with a pre- cellent reputation in virtually
cisely tuned set of properties. every field over the past six
Typical end uses for the fur-
ther processing of our shapes
include cable strip with high
demands regarding welding

For numerous applications, copper is initially

processed into specific shapes once it has been
refined. Our continuous cast shapes, referred to as
AURUBIS SHAPES, are the ideal starting material
for further processing by rolling, extruding, forging
and other techniques, which in itself reflects some
of copper’s unique properties.

6 shApes Aurubis shApes 7

A variety of ...
Standard Chemical analysis Physical properties
SUPPLY SECURITY WITH Aurubis name Recrystallization
THE HIGHEST QUALITY DIN EN 1976:2013 ASTM Copper in % Oxygen in % Silver in % Phosphorus in % Conductivity temperature Hydrogen-
Code Number UNS No. Norm min. min. max. min. max. min. max. in MS/m in % IACS in °C resistant
AURUBIS SHAPES benefit from
NO58 Cu-ETP CR004A C11000 B5 99.90 (Cu+Ag) - 0.04 - - - - ≥58.0 ≥100 ca. 180 no
the advantages of an integrated
copper group with its own cath- NORG Cu-ETP1 CR003A C11000 B5 99.99 (inkl. O )
- 0.04 - 0.003 - - ≥58.6 ≥101 ca. 180 no
ode production. A secure supply NORV Cu-ETP1 CR003A C11000 B5 99.99 (inkl. O22) - 0.04 - 0.003 - - ≥58.6 ≥101 ca. 170 no
of high-quality Grade A cathodes NOSV Cu-ETP1 CR003A C11000 B5 99.99 (inkl. O )
- 0.04 - 0.003 - - ≥58.6 ≥101 (RRR*≥400) no
guarantees you as a customer the NG35 (NO58 + Ag) CuAg0.04 CR011A C11400 B 152 REST - 0.04 0.03 0.05 - - ≥58.0 ≥100 - no
highest product quality and supply NG10 (NO58 + Ag) CuAg0.1 CR013A C11600 B 152 REST - 0.04 0.08 0.12 - - ≥58.0 ≥100 ca. 320 no
security for a variety of materials. OXYGEN-FREE COPPER
Copper in % Oxygen in % Silver in % Phosphorus in % Conductivity temperature Hydrogen-
Code Number UNS No. Norm min. min. max. min. max. min. max. in MS/m in % IACS in °C resistant
OF01 Cu-OFE CR009A C10100 B 170 99.99 - ≤0.0003 - 0.003 - 0.0003 ≥58.6 ≥101 ca. 200 yes
OF02 Cu-OF CR008A C10200 B 170 99.95 - 0.001 - - - - ≥58.0 ≥100 ca. 210 yes
OS35 (OF02 + Ag) CuAg0.04 (OF) CR017A C10400 B 152 99.95 - 0.001 0.03 0.05 - - ≥58.0 ≥100 - yes
OS10 (OF02 + Ag) CuAg0.1 (OF) CR019A C10700 B 152 99.95 - 0.001 0.08 0.12 - - ≥58.0 ≥100 - yes
Copper in % Oxygen in % Silver in % Phosphorus in % Conductivity temperature Hydrogen-
Code Number UNS No. Norm min. min. max. min. max. min. max. in MS/m in % IACS in °C resistant
BEEL Cu-PHCE CR022A C10300** B 379 99.99 - - - 0.003 0.001 0.006 ≥58.0 ≥100 ca. 230 yes
* RRR: residual resistivity ratio, ratio of
electrical resistivity at 293 K to electrical
BEAL Cu-HCP CR021A C10300** B 379 99.95 (Cu+Ag+P) - - - - 0.002 0.007 57.0 – 57.9 98.3 – 99.8 ca. 260 yes
resistivity at 4.2 K BE57 Cu-HCP CR021A C10300** B 379 99.95 (Cu+Ag+P) - - - - 0.002 0.007 ≥57.0 ≥98.3 ca. 260 yes
** deviates from standard
*** reference value BE58 Cu-PHC CR020A C10300** B 379 99.95 (Cu+Ag+P) - - - - 0.001 0.006 ≥58.0 ≥100 ca. 230 yes
BG35 (BE57 + Ag) CuAg0.04P CR014A C10400** B 152 99.90 - - 0.03 0.05 0.001 0.007 ≥57.0 ≥98.3 ca. 290 yes
BG10 (BE57 + Ag) CuAg0.1P CR016A C10700** B 152 99.90 - - 0.08 0.12 0.001 0.007 ≥57.0 ≥98.3 ca. 320 yes
Copper in % Oxygen in % Silver in % Phosphorus in % Conductivity*** temperature Hydrogen-
Code Number UNS No. Norm min. min. max. min. max. min. max. in MS/m in % IACS in °C resistant
DLP Cu-DLP CR023A C12000** B 379 99.90 - - - - 0.005 0.013 (54.0 – 57.0) (93.1 – 98.3) ca. 280 yes
DHP Cu-DHP CR024A C12200 B 379 99.90 - - - - 0.015 0.04 (44.4 – 52.7) (76.6 – 90.9) ca. 290 yes
P3-6 Cu-DXP - - - 99.90 - - - - 0.03 0.06 (40.0 – 47.6) (70.0 – 82.1) - yes
P4-6 Cu-DXP CR025A C12220 - 99.90 - - - - 0.04 0.06 (40.0 – 44.4) (70.0 – 76.6) ca. 300 yes

8 GrAdes Aurubis shApes 9

(Cu-DLP, Cu-DHP, Cu-DXP)
These copper grades contain
Aurubis’ low-alloyed copper
materials feature special me-
» Power transistor compon-
» Tubes for air conditioners
and heat exchangers in
residual phosphorus, which chanical and physical proper- industrial plants
makes the material hydrogen- ties with good electrical and
resistant even during anneal- thermal conductivity. The high-strength, nickel-
ing. They have excellent bearing material CuNi1Si
formability and are therefore These materials, which are can be hardened and is wear-
preferred in the following areas: doped with Cr and/or Zr, are resistant and durable. It is
» Industrial tubes for HVAC precipitation hardening alloys. used in electrical engineering,
applications Compared to unalloyed cop- welding technology, overhead
» Conduits per materials, they have higher power lines and apparatus en-
» Facades and roofing in con- strengths and an increased gineering.
struction and architecture wear resistance, even at higher » Connecting elements
» Surface technologies input temperatures. Applica- (screws/nuts)
» Electrodes, solder tions using these materials can » Slide bearings
be found in electrical engineer-
The silver-alloyed materials in ing and metallurgy: CuSn0.15 is highly conductive
groups Cu-ETP, -PHC, -HCP » Short-circuit rings with very good forming proper-
and OF have both a higher » Staves ties. This copper alloy is used
recrystallization temperature » Molds in the semiconductor industry
OXYGEN-BEARING OXYGEN-FREE GRADES PHOSPHORUS and an improved creep resis- » Heat exchangers and the automotive industry:
GRADES (Cu-ETP) (Cu-OFE) DEOXIDIZED GRADES tance. » Leadframes
These copper grades display Oxygen-free copper grades (Cu-PHC, Cu-HCP) The low-alloyed material » Central automotive electrics
a very high conductivity of are cast in a special process. These copper grades are deoxi- CuFe0.1P has good cold form-
more than 100 % IACS. Their Apart from their good con- dized by means of careful dop- ing properties with high elec- Additional copper materials
forming and recrystallization ductivity, they are also ing using phosphorus, making trical conductivity and a low can be requested at any time.
properties are very good. hydrogen-resistant and display them hydrogen-resistant while propensity to soften. Familiar
However, because of the typi- good forming properties. at the same time having very applications of CuFe0.1P in-
cal oxygen content of 100 to Typical applications include: high electrical and thermal clude:
300 ppm, Cu-ETP is not resis- » Conductors for electronic conductivity. In addition, they » Connectors in the electrical
tant to hydrogen embrittle- and electrical applications have good welding proper- and automotive industry
ment. Oxygen-bearing copper » Waveguides ties and robust processing
is primarily used in electronics » Cavity resonators properties. The preferred
and electrical and mechanical » Switches, contacts, base areas of use are in electrical, HIGH PERFORMANCE ALLOYS (HPA)
engineering: and terminal pins electronic and mechanical Standards Chemical analysis
» Cable strip, leadframes, » Cable strip for underwater engineering as strip, sheets or Aurubis Copper Alloying element in %
name Symbol Standard Number UNS No. in % min. max.
industrial strip, transfor- cable forgings:
mer strip » Vacuum seals and anodes » Conductors for electronic LCR1 CuCr1 EN 12167 CW105C C18200* Residual Cr 0.5 1.2
» Busbars for vacuum tubes and electrical applications
LCZ1 CuCr1Zr EN 12420 CW106C C18150* Residual
Cr 0.5 1.2
» Commutator segments, » Matrix materials for super- » Switches, contacts, base Zr 0.03 0.3
matrix material for super- conductors and terminal pins LZR1 CuZr DIN 17666 2,1580 C15100* Residual Zr 0.1 0,3
conductors » Components for radar » Commutators C19010* Ni 1.0 1.6
LNSP CuNi1Si EN 12167 CW109C Residual
equipment » Molds for continuous C70260* Si 0.4 0.7
casting Fe 0.05 0.15
LFE1 CuFe0.1P* – – C19210 Residual
» Pressure vessels P 0.025 0.04
» Current, bus and conductor LS15 CuSn0.15 EN 1758 CW117C C14410 Residual Sn 0.1 0.15
* deviates from standard
10 GrAdes Aurubis shApes 11
... and geometries
Format Width
weight* Format

Certified quality
in mm in mm in kg/m in mm in kg/m
C402 415 213 788 B089 89 55
C502 520 213 987 B150 150 157
C602 635 210 1,188 B172 172 207
C698 690 180 1,107 B175 175 214
C635 690 335 2,060 B199 199 277
C726 750 260 1,736 B200 200 280
C732 720 320 2,053 B203 203 288
C775 750 175 1,169 B217 217 330
C826 835 260 1,934 B229 229 367
C830 835 300 2,232 B248 248 430
C978 953 178 1,511 B250 250 437
C902 953 210 1,783 B254 254 451
C929 953 290 2,462 B273 273 522
C020 1,030 205 1,881 B298 298 621
C029 1,030 260 2,386 B305 305 651
C129 1,230 290 3,178 B312 312 681
C132 1,230 320 3,507 B332 332 771
C232 1,280 320 3,650 B347 347 843
B356 356 887

SQUARE BARS B410 410 1,176

E100 103 103 95 B500 500 1,749

Lengths: 600 – 8900 mm Lengths: 490 – 8900 mm * Reference value at a density

Width and thickness tolerances: Diameter tolerances: of 8.91 g/cm³
≤ 200mm ± 6 mm ≤ 150 mm ± 1 mm
> 200mm ±3% 150 mm – 280 mm ± 2 mm Additional dimensions can
Length tolerance: ± 20 mm > 280 mm ± 3 mm be delivered upon request.
Length tolerance: ± 20 mm

Each of the shapes manufactured undergoes intensive testing by the independent Quality Control
Shapes department. All the relevant parameters of the production process are monitored with the
help of computers, documented and used for the detailed assessment of the products’ quality. Inde-
pendently of this, smelting samples are taken and sample sections are cut from the shapes, which are
then used for destructive testing: properties such as electrical conductivity, surface, quality of the
microstructure, tensile strength, chemical composition and recrystallization behavior are determined
and compared with fixed target values. Beyond this, the cast surface is carefully inspected. Only if
the shape meets the defined criteria in every respect is it released for dispatch. Our integrated QM
system is certified in accordance with DIN ISO 9001ff and is being further optimized all the time.

12 shApes Aurubis shApes 13

Pori (Finland) Seoul (Korea)

Tokyo (Japan)
Finspång (Sweden)
Taipei (Taiwan)
Contact for
Västerås (Sweden) AURUBIS SHAPES
Shanghai (China)
Zutphen (Netherlands) St. Petersburg (Russia)
Tel.: +49 40 7883-2292
Hong Kong (China) Fax: +49 40 7883-2215
Before, during and of course also after purchase, E-mail: aurubis-shapes@aurubis.com
Dolný Kubín (Slovakia)
Aurubis offers its customers comprehensive
commercial and technical services, geared entirely Technical Marketing
Brussels (Belgium) to the needs of our customers. Tel.: +49 40 7883-3082
Pirdop (Bulgaria) Fax: +49 40 7883-3602
E-mail: TMShapes@aurubis.com
Olen (Belgium)

Outstanding service
Dubai (UAE)
Istanbul (Turkey) Imprint
Bangkok (Thailand)
Birmingham (United Kingdom)
Prague (Czech Republic) Published by
Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) Aurubis AG
» Provision of the latest copper market information 20539 Hamburg
» Advice for and support with hedging Singapore (Singapore)
» Always available for you during the metal exchange’s opening hours Tel.: +49 40 7883-0
» Experienced contacts in our offices in Hamburg and Brussels Fax: +49 40 7883-2255
» Routine visits and customer events www.aurubis.com

TECHNICAL SERVICES Concept/realization

» Support from our experienced engineers
Sales and G+J Corporate Editors GmbH,
» Joint projects with our customers to optimize the overall production chain
Service Centers distribution Trade claim GmbH,
Cathodes » Joint training
Continuous Wireprograms
rod with our customers’ employees Hamburg
cast»shapes Service Centers
Laboratory with facilities for extensive An international
physical and chemical analyses Trading sites
» State-of-the-art assaying methods, sales and
nearas scanning electron serve to supply
such microscopy
distribution Status: February 2014
our customers our plants with
cut strip to network recycling raw 3rd edition
Strip/ Specialty rod/ Precious
LOGISTICS the desired markets our materials.
foil profiles, metals dimensions. products.
wire reliability of supply and flexibility thanks to integrated copper supply Photos:
» Individually arranged dispatch by road, rail or ship Sebastian Vollmert:
» We will be happy to arrange for our products to be transported right to your cover, p. 13, p. 16,
production facilities Wieland Werke AG: p. 5,
Other Sulfuric Iron silicate KME Group: p. 5,
metals acid Udo Bojahr: p. 15,
all others: PR Aurubis AG

14 service
Our Copper for your Life

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