Case Study On Application of ABC Analysis in Inventory Management
Case Study On Application of ABC Analysis in Inventory Management
Case Study On Application of ABC Analysis in Inventory Management
Online available since 2014/Sep/22 at Accepted: 10.07.2014
© (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland
Abstract: ABC inventory analysis method is widely used in practical applications, this paper
analyzes the inventory of ABC concepts, principles, advantages and discuss the steps implemented
by the ABC analysis to analyze the actual case, for a thorough analysis of the case studies and
propose appropriate measures on the findings solution ultimately prove ABC inventory analysis has
important theoretical and practical value in practice. Convenient in practice.
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2516 Materials, Transportation and Environmental Engineering II
consumption of 5-15% and the amount of cumulative percentage is about 60-80% of the items
identified as Class A; monthly consumption cumulative percentage of 20% -30% and the amount of
cumulative percentage is about 20% -30% of the items identified as class B; monthly consumption
cumulative percentage of 60% -80% of the amount of the cumulative percentage of about 5% -15%
items identified as Class C.
Percentage Amount of
The number Percentage of monthly the
of monthly of monthly consumption Percentage cumulative Classifi-
Goods consumption Price / Yuan Total consumption ... Amount percentage cation
E 112 15000 1680000 2.15% 2.15% 28.90% 31.25% A
I 150 10000 1500000 2.88% 5.03% 25.80% 54.70% A
C 241 2150 518150 4.63% 9.66% 8.91% 63.62% A
F 720 680 489600 13.83% 23.49% 8.42% 72.04% B
A 157 2700 423900 3.02% 26.51% 7.29% 79.33% B
B 313 1250 391250 6.01% 32.52% 6.73% 86.06% B
G 696 520 361920 13.37% 45.89% 6.23% 92.29% C
J 1070 200 214000 20.55% 66.44% 3.68% 95.97% C
H 827 150 124050 15.89% 82.33% 2.13% 98.10% C
D 920 120 110400 17.67% 100.00% 1.90% 100.00% C
The total
amount 5206 5813270 100.00% 100.00%
Into a larger force carefully managed Tight inventory levels to Tight inventory levels
Management inventory compressed to the lowest adjust the volume press to adjust the volume
Guidelines level release press release
Order quantity Less More More
Order by experience,
can be double-stack
Quantitative regularly by method to manage
Ordering methods economic order quantities Quantitative order inventory
3 Conclusion
Inventory problems are not completely the result of information sharing between businesses or
departments, therefore, the most important thing is not inventory management and logistics
management of materials, but the business processes of the enterprise inventory management
classification. ABC analysis of the implementation of the inventory stock management to achieve
efficiency, increase management efficiency, improve profit margins. ABC analysis of this simple
and scientific management methods to excessive inventory of corporate resources and limited social
realities of great promotional value.
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Materials, Transportation and Environmental Engineering II