Sampling Systems
Sampling Systems
Sampling Systems
Sampling is the process of selecting a relatively small amount of a material that will correctly represent a larger amount of that same material.
As both producers and consumers of products work to maintain strict quality and process standards, the focus on collecting samples for
analysis that accurately and precisely represent the larger lot of material becomes increasingly important.
How It Works
A McLanahan Cross Belt Sampler automatically removes a portion of material from
a moving conveyor belt. This is accomplished using a rotating counter-weighted
sample cutter assembly that travels through one 360-degree rotation per activation.
The cutter assembly quickly accelerates from a parked position over the sampler
discharge area and, after a brief period of steady-state motion, passes through the
moving material flow before rapidly stopping in its original parked position above
the sample discharge – ejecting collected sample material into the discharge. Any
fine material that may be present on the surface of the conveyor belt is removed
by a wiper attached to the lower rear surface of the sample cutter. When properly
adjusted, the result is a clean and accurate swipe across the conveyor belt. Cross Belt Sampler
Mirrored Module Building-Based Two Stage Sampling Systems Two Stage Sampling System in Existing Structure
Sample Crusher
Module Top Access Platform
Ventilation Fan
Drive Units
Falling Stream Sampler drive units vary by machine type but are usually one of
three types of drives: gear-reducer driven rack and pinion, gear-reducer driven
chain and sprocket, and hydraulic cylinder.
Bottom Dump Style Sample Cutter
Falling Stream Style Secondary Sampler Drive Base Assembly for a Standard Duty Overhead Carriage Style
Falling Stream Sampler
The goal of a sampling program is to accurately represent a relatively large amount of material with a relatively small amount of sample. A
greater amount of sample collection and processing completed within a mechanical sampling system, in an automatic fashion, will result in a
more correct, efficient and cost-effective sampling program.
A complete mechanical sampling system will incorporate as many types of sampling equipment as necessary to meet the needs of the
application and satisfy layout requirements while minimizing the total number of pieces of equipment. More handling and transferring of
samples introduces more potential sources of error into the sample collection and handling process.
Falling Stream Sampler-Based Two Stage Sampling System Falling Stream-Based Loadout Sampling System
Overhead Carriage Style Falling Stream Sampler Two Stage Falling Stream-Based Sampling System
The McLanahan Sample Hammermill Crushers (MiniMacs) Rockertooth Crushers feature a high crushing ratio and a unique
are typically used in applications processing moderately hard, “rocking” style of impact hammer. They can process mildly abrasive,
friable materials with low abrasiveness. Similar to other types of moderately hard, friable feed material that contains larger lumps
Hammermills, these machines are capable of a high reduction ratio of material or small amounts of harder inclusions. These machines
and can generate a relatively high amount of fines in the crushed can also be fitted with fixed hammers to produce relatively coarse
product. crushed output gradations or for lump breaking applications.
Sample Double Roll Crushers and Mini-Sizers are simply smaller Sample Jaw Crushers are smaller scale versions of the popular
scale versions of the Double Roll Crusher and Direct Drive Crusher overhead eccentric design. Sample Jaw Crushers feature the same
(DDC) product groups for which McLanahan has become well- operating principles and robust design associated with larger jaw
known. These machines tend to produce a more cubical product with crusher offerings in a more compact, lower feed rate configuration.
minimal fines generation.
Bulk materials are frequently transported via truck, rail, or other container, and often there is no other option for sampling other than to collect
samples from the transport container, particularly in as-shipped and as-received situations. These are the types of applications in which Auger
Sampling Systems are well suited.
Once primary sample increments are collected by the primary Auger Sampler, processing those increments is the same as in any number of
other multi-stage sampling systems for which McLanahan has become well-known.
Single Stage Truck Auger System Two Stage Truck Auger System with Sample Building
Automatic Diverter Gate for Crusher Bypass 2 Station Linear Sample Collector 8 Station Rotary Sample Collector
More Information :
Product Sales : Widodo Putra | 0823 1370 0163 |