Concurrent Delays
Concurrent Delays
Concurrent Delays
2.1. Introduction
have been reviewed either locally or internationally. To achieve this study few
articles published during the last 20 years were reviewed concerning delays and time
The study Sugiharto Alwi and Keith Hampson (2006) showed that in Indonesia
(Bali) there is no agreement between the two groups of contractors (small and large
contractors). In their result, it stipulates that those contractors generally agree on the
overcome delay problems; the main reason is because the contractors have no ability
to identify the important causes of delay occurring during the construction process.
In construction contract there are two (2) types of risk either contractual or
construction itself.
2.2.1. Contractual Risk
In case there is no damage for delay, “Contractor‟s sole remedy for delay, loss
additional compensation or damages for delay. The owner shall not be liable in
monetary damages for the cost of delays which arise from acts or omissions for which
increase in the General Conditions if the Contractor‟s General Condition has actually
been increased as a result of a delay to the critical path of the Project Schedule caused
Finally in case of Delay Damages, “In the event that Contractor's performance is
delayed or hindered , through no fault of its own Contractor through no fault of its
days its performance was delayed, and shall be entitled to additional costs related to
contracts do not assist the parties because they are not prescriptive; they are drafted in
a general way and it is not industry practice to predetermine how delays should be
analyzed, either in terms of methodologies or in dealing with such factors as float and
authorized by the Owner pending mediation and arbitration, or by other causes which
the Architect determines may justify delay, them the Contract Time shall be extended
by Change Order for such reasonable time as the Architect may determine.
The task of investigating the events that led to project delay for the purpose of
determining the financial responsibilities of the contracting parties arising from the
Terry Williams (2001) revealed that there are three basic ways to group delays
which are excusable delay with compensation, excusable delay without compensation
and non-excusable delay. Therefore Trauner et al, 2009 has specified that delay might
be groups in four main groups which are critical or non-critical, excusable or non-
Delays / ED and Non-Excusable Delays / NED), and timing (Non-Concurrent Delays
Project Delays'
Third Non-excusable
Owner Contractor Excusable Non-concurrent Concurrent
Party (NED)
Compensable Non-compensable
Callahan et al. (1992) and Trauner et al. (2009), it depends on the clauses in the
contract. Excusable Delays are further subdivided into two categories. They are Non-
the contractor‟s or the subcontractor‟s control for instance general labor strikes, fires,
floods, acts of god, owner-directed changes, errors and omissions in the plans and
(building inspection). In addition to that, Levy (2006) adds two more excusable
delays to the above list as illness or death of one or more of the contractors,
transportation delays over which the contractor has no control. In another study,
Kelleher (2005) added two more conditions which are epidemics, quarantine
Non-excusable delays are events that are within the contractor‟s control or
that are foreseeable. Mubarak (2005) defines non-excusable delays as “delays that are
either caused by the contractor or not caused by the contractor but should have been
foreseen by the contractor”. Furthermore Trauner et al. (2009) point out some
labor strike caused by either the contractor‟s unwillingness to meet with labor
more examples as Contractor cash-flow problems, accidents on the site caused by the
determines which party is liable for the delay. It dictates whether or not a contractor
would be entitled to a time extension and possibly if the contractor would be entitled
11 Critical versus Non-critical delays
Several studies classify delays only into three groups as Excusable and Non-
Therefore certain authors (Trauner et al., 2009; Callahan et al., 1992) added one more
According to them, delays that affect the project completion, or in some cases
a milestone date, are considered as critical delays, and delays that do not affect the
Trauner et al. (2009) also notified that the issue of critical delays emerges
from the Critical Path Method (CPM) scheduling. The determining which activities
truly control the project completion date depends on the following criteria which are
the project itself, the contractor‟s plan and schedule (particularly the critical path), the
requirement of the contract for sequence and phasing, the physical constraint of the
that excusable non-compensable delays are normally beyond the control of either
national crises, floods, fires or labor strikes. There is a general lack of understanding
concerning the Non-Compensable Delay for weather. It should be noted that a Non-
Compensable Delay is for unusually severe weather. That is weather which is not
actual delays to the project schedule but are within the parties' contemplation and not
the fault of either the contractor or the owner. These include delays caused by unusual
weather, other acts of God, and even some forms of labor disputes. Essentially, these
types are beyond the control of the parties and, therefore, will neither be compensated
nor penalized to any particular party to the construction project. Although the
construction schedule which are allegedly within the control of the parties and are
caused by the fault of one party or the other or even a combination of forces. In these
instances, the parties to the contract undoubtedly have incurred cost impacts to their
extended performance due to an extended period of time that the project covers.
According to Callahan et al. (1992) too concurrent delay is “more than one
delay contributed to the project delay, not that the delays necessarily occurred at the
same time”. Mubarak (2005) states that a concurrent delay includes a combination of
two or more independent causes of delay occurring within the same time frame. For
Furthermore Mark Boe, P.E. stated in the Capital Project Management, Inc
that concurrent delay occurs when a contractor and an owner have both caused
independent critical path delays — delays that affect the completion date of a project
provision to the contrary, neither can recover damages without a clear allocation of
Concurrent delay refers to the complex situation where more than one event
occurs at the same time, but where not all of those events enable the contractor to
The result of the study of Alwi and Keith Hampson (2003) concerning the
main causes of delay in Indonesia is poor design, user changes, weather, site
to that, Hampson et al. (2001) stated that destructive conflict resolution leads to
Also Chan and Kumaraswamy (1997) found that the five principal and
site conditions, slow decision making involving all project teams, client-initiated
In the study of Murali Sambasivan and Yau Wen Soon (2006) the most
management, inadequate contractor experience, inadequate client‟s finance and
According to Sugiharto Alwi and Keith Hampson the delay factors were
divided into six (6) major groups which are People, Professional Management,
stipulates that the main causes of delay are poor design, user changes, weather, site
Indonesia and found out that cost overruns occur more frequently and are more severe
problem than time overruns. They stated the majors factors influencing cost overrun
are material cost increase due to inflation, inaccurate material estimation and degree
of complexity.
The study concluded that lack of experience, poor estimation practices, bad decisions
in regulating company‟s policy, and national slump in the economy are the severe
Figure 2-3: Factors of delays in construction project
(Source: Assaf et al, 2006)
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2.3.3. Effects of delays in construction
Gene Wortham has presented in his study that construction delays has for
(claims) and last but not the least increased costs of the projects.
In the research about the problems of projects and effects of delays in the
construction industry of Pakistan, 2011, it stipules that mostly delay problems are
The parties included in contract through claims agree on the additional capital and
extra time linked with construction delay. The general consequences are the loss of
wealth, time and capacity. For owner, delay means the loss of income and
unavailability of facilities. For contractor, delay means the loss of money for extra
spending on equipment and materials and hiring the labor and loss of time.
cause of the delay. First when impacts on the completion date is caused by the
contractor, the contractor will be liable to pay Liquidated and Ascertained Damages
(LAD's) to the client. Second if the impacts the completion date is not caused by
either party, the contractor may be entitled to an extension of time. And third when
the delay is caused by the client, the contractor may be able to claim an extension of
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2.4. Methods of Delay Analysis
primordial to use the appropriated methods. In delays construction, bar charts and
Critical Path Method are the basic tools to identifying them. To make sure that the
the contractor. With that they will maintain and upload any changes on the project
measured from the project‟s completion rather than from any interim activity date
(Bramble and Callahan 2002). When a schedule delays occurs, the as-planned and as-
built schedules are the basic data source for delay analysis (Bubshait and
Cunningham, 1998).The main idea is that the as-planned versus as-built method
compares two schedules, which is why it is also called “the total time method or net
impact method”. The hypothesis is that the contractor is not responsible of the delay
In the theory of Nguyen (2007), the method displays the net impact of all claimed
delays on project‟s finish date. There are three kinds of activity in as-built schedules
which are the delayed activity, actual duration activity and actual time-shortened
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*As-planned by Contractor
*As-built by owner
involves the choice of technology, the definition of work tasks, the estimation of the
required resources and durations for individual tasks, and the identification of any
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interactions among the different work tasks. A good construction plan is the basis for
construction project, several recommendations were given to all parties. First owners
should pay progress payment to the contractor on time, minimize change orders
during construction to avoid delays, avoid delay in reviewing and approving of design
documents than they anticipated, and check for resources and capabilities, before
awarding the contract to the lowest bidder (Assaf. and Al-Hejji, 2006).
Secondly these are the recommendations from Majid, 2006: frequent progress
meeting, use up-to-date technology utilization, use proper and modern construction
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