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Ebook of Poems

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Dedicated to the all the essential workers who helped keep our city are going.

Thank you!

Humanities and the Arts students have
always been extremely eager when given an
assignment to write creatively. I was extremely
impressed with how responsive, ambitious and
creative the students were when asked to write
poems about their life during the Covid-19
quarantine and social unrest. In these poems,
sophomore and senior students expressed
their opinions, fears, concerns, outrage, and
hopes for normalcy through creative, imagistic
and figurative language.
Although students shared out their poems
during a “Poetry Slam!” virtual meeting, there
were some students who did not get the
chance to be heard. All their poems are
relatable and real, voicing all our concerns. I
am very proud of my students and their poems.
I think they should be shared with more than
just me, so I put together this e-book
anthology. I hope you enjoy them as much as I
Mr. Anasa
Spring 2020

Living in a New Euphoria
Late nights in the am sleep seemed like a dream
Redeemable by law, late night adventures
to whom knows where
Oh wait! I know where
That's a conversation for another time.
Headaches during the day, assignments due
Running on barely any sleep and green tea
As if my life depended on it
Skin still clear the one thing hasn't changed
Mask getting stuck to my lip gloss
Irritated beyond belief, still looking for a new
euphoria out of all this
And yet this has become a new normal.
Being an introvert was my choice, but it isn't
in this new normal
trying to find MY euphoria.

Cashmere Thomas,

This IS America

We all know how the pledge of allegiance goes,

A bunch of words then everybody's favorite line: “With liberty and justice for all”
Oh wait
Liberty and justice for who?
Not for me, not for my family and not for every Black person in America
MY skin, the skin that I'm in the skin that I love but everybody seems to hate
The skin that gets my people killed in broad daylight by people who are supposed to protect us
‘I can't breathe ‘
And I still can't breathe with everything on my shoulders: the system, America and the white
women following me around the store
The skin I'm in makes it impossible to breathe I wear my 400 year old history on my skin everyday;
and just when you think things get better after all the torture it doesn’t
And just when you think you are now equal to any other race you're not because your skin is a
weapon. I don't remember peeling my skin off and forming it into a GUN but the police sure do
know how to take theirs and aim it at me.
I can't breathe
Because I have to teach my brothers and sisters the rules of being black in America:
Don't play with a water gun, don't put your hoodie on outside, don't go to the store, don't carry
skittles, keep your hands on your head, don't talk back and tell them everything you do before you
do it, and when all else fails by the grace of God DO not let them see the skin you're in because
then you'll be target practice; WE can't take our skin off when we go outside
We can't win when there is a system designed to let us lose
This is America, Liberty and justice for all
But wait for who?
Oh I didn't say…..The white man

Cashmere Thomas,

Art inspired by the pandemic

Art inspired by the pandemic

I did these two drawings based on recent feelings I’ve been having. With the drawing on
the previous page, I wanted to represent some positivity. I wanted to show how out of this
world my people are, and how magical we are.
The art above is based on recent events. I wanted to convey the feeling of being silenced,
even when you try to show people the opposite of what they think of you. This is why the
cloth in his mouth says not a threat. I was very emotional drawing them and I wanted show
the negative and positive feelings I was having. Mallory Nicholas, Sophomore

I am George Floyd
I am George Floyd
I’m not male or of age
But my skin is black, and my ancestors were slaves
I’m George Floyd because that can be me at any moment
A moment of my last breath,
A moment of being treated like crap from police
A moment of being scared to be black
The color of my skin determines my value
How dark I am rates how pretty I look
The shade of my skin equals how much justice I deserve
For centuries my people have been in struggle, for years my
people have been put in a box
The police are here to protect and serve the people;
As far as I’m concerned, they protect their people.
People say there’s a difference between the good cops and the
bad cops
All I see is a corrupted system between white folks and everyone
The system was made to disengage me and my people, and it
seems like it happens more and more everyday
I’m not male or of age
But my skin is black, and my ancestors were slaves
I am George Floyd
Shadavia Burnett, Sophomore

Are you Tired?

What times are this bad?

Who can even be trusted ?
Nobody knows who.
I am tired now.
The news just makes me tired.
Are you tired yet ?
So many things, no time.
Things keep on happening now.
So There is no time.

Can we rest a bit?

I am still very tired.
Are you not tired ?

My mind plays some tricks.

But it's more than trustworthy.
Some things are not true.

I keep getting tricked.

I’m tired of getting tricked.
You're tiredYou tired now, right ?

Who can make this right?

Who Can convince me this is right?
I do hope it is not you.

Why do you talk so?

How can you think those sad things?
You are not tired. Jelani Williams, Sophomore

We need to put down the guns, we need to put down the knives;
I’m tired of watching videos of people taking innocent lives.
I'm terrified of having a kid not because I can't afford it;
one day they might be in danger and nobody will help but just record it

So let me get this straight: you pulled up on a man because of a bounced

check and all of a sudden you got your knee in his neck?
What was you thinking when he took his last breath? Did you stop to think if
this man has a family?
“Please I can’t breathe”: the last words of a man that you killed slowly.

Black lives matter ; our kids gotta grow up to wonder

if they will get a son or a daughter.
They gotta teach them how to stay alive and avoid the cops.
People wanna be racist not seeing beneath our skins.
We are more than thugs drug dealer and pimps.

Kids in the streets trying to survive that's all they are doing from the day
they’re alive
“Suspect wearing black jeans and hoodie” and black people going to be
I wonder if people think we are not the same;
Like other kids, we’re trying to make a name.

It takes nine months to be born and one second to die so forgive us if we are
protesting just to stay alive.
This is what the world has come too y’all look at us different.
It’s been going on for years but ain't nobody trying to make a difference.

Lashania Collington, Senior

The Pandemic Anne-Dorine Laforest, Sophomore

Our daily routine is starting to get away Without the distractions of daily
now. obligations, we are confronted directly
The wake-up at 6:40 am, the school bus, with our environment, our place of life
the classes and the meals at the school as well as our family.
itself seem from another era but are only So this is a good time to ask myself,
a few months old. “Do I love my life?”
We have seen it happen gradually, in I am then obliged to say yes because I
China, in Europe, in America, and now in have never been so favored as in this
our neighborhood. confinement: do nothing to win our
No one willing to put aside their habits battles, a weird and unknown new war.
like this.
At first, I was surprised at the ability of
Some slowed down, forced to basics, the population to respect the deprivation
wondering how to occupy their day. of part of its freedom:
Others on the opposite side saw the fear of a sanction I first said to
everything accelerate, with the whole of myself. Then I understood it is another
the United States on their shoulders. fear that make us respect the measures:
We are at war, it seems; every war has its the fear of the enemy.
heroes, we have found ours. It is easier to be afraid of being injured
They have to face the doctors at the in battle than to touch a comrade with a
hospitals, the ones who never imagined stray bullet.
being applauded every night for doing To convince us of an emergency we
their job. must see the danger with our own eyes;
Cloistered at home, never so close to our as long as a person is not concerned
place of life. then she will do nothing.
We discovered our home again. That is why we are not acting in
I am lucky because I love my home. prevention but in consequence and that
I am privileged and I feel ashamed to is why we will surely lose tomorrow’s
admit it. battles.

Times have changed

Times have changed

We can't go out

We can’t see our loved ones

We can't do what we consider is normal

The norm is changing

We have to wear masks everywhere we go

We have to stand 6 feet apart

We can’t get together as a big group

This is what quarantine has done to us

It needs to end

We need it to end

We want it to end

When will quarantine end

When will it stop

Darian Archer, Sophomore

Fall after Call
It didn’t take much for me to fall
It didn’t take long for you to call
I fell in love with you just after one call
Grew to love you more than I thought
Grew to hate things that you were for
Planned my whole life around you
Right! Now who would have thought ?
Things went left little after the crack of
You just stopped answering my calls
Had me thinking what is this for
Had me hurting more than you thought
Had me crying most times after dawn

Opened up to you like no other

Fell in love with you just like the others
Felt like old school when we were
Had me thinking it would be us forever

Broke me into millions of pieces

But now I’m better

It didn’t take much for me to fall

It did however take you much longer to
Grew questions after it all
Was it all a scheme for me to fall
Changed my way of thinking through it
Looking back was it really love after all
LaTanya Hepburn, Senior

Everything is going to be alright

We went from a busy city to one filled with freight.

So many activities that used to take place

Now have turned into having to stay 6ft apart in space.

From everyone looking forward to this summer

Slowly appearing to turn into an unfortunate bummer.

This tragic pandemic may be very sad

But those blessed to be here right now should be glad.

Soon, this will hopefully get better

I understood those who feel a little under the weather.

I think about how I never expected this to happen

Now for updates everyday we always tap in.

I hope everything gets better soon

It is so crazy that we are now past June.

Carleigh Civil, Sophomore

Up all night, asleep all day.
Sitting here hoping my pain will
fade away.
Cooped away, not a smile in sight,
i wish i could face my demons
You see me here but i’m not the
Life just feels like a stupid little
Always in pain, but i’ll let you
think i’m okay
because I need you to be happy at
the end of the day.
i love you so much i wish i was
So I can be the person you want
me to be today.

Alyssa Cruz, Sophomore


Sitting alone is like a dark house on a hill,

but one day the sun will brighten your

People are like night and day;

they come and go as they feel.
It's never too late to bloom,
Just do it without no fear
Use the fears and turn them
into tears so u can grow .
Use your moods to help
your roots and when u must move. Make your path and u can
walk it

Donnalee Davidson, Sophomore

Art inspired by the pandemic

My illustration shows the racism and overall favoritism of our justice

system. The police are somehow happy killing a black man for fake
money but takes care of a murderer.
Adrian Navarro, Sophomore

Fighting you isn’t easy,
I feel the walls are closing in,
I’m sorry I don’t talk,
I’m sorry I don’t let you in;
maybe it’s because this is new,
could you blame me to not wanna
But sometimes I can’t let you win,
I’m a lil rough around the edges I
can tell.
But when I’m with you, love treats
me well.
I can’t put my finger on it;
you’ve got potential but my
thoughts get the best of me.
Then I’m fighting with the demons
of my mind.
Shouldn’t have said that,
I let you know too much,
But if I'm letting you know enough,
it’s because I feel in love.

Quantiana Worley,

It’s Sad
It’s sad
To think we’ve come so far to come right back to where we started
We claim to be making progress
Yet all we’re still being oppressed, we’re pressed
To think we’re still making the same mess.
It’s been so long, and we still can’t accept
that there still isn’t justice for our people,
We learn to accept blacks
To accept that
Black lives will always matter.
He made the request
For air, he was
Not impressed
at that officer’s injustice;
it’s hard to digest
that after so many years
we need to protest
for better treatment.
Why is it that we are treated different?
Because we’re dark
You leave us in the dark
when all we want is light?
If we were light
we would have rights?
we know you hear our cries for help;
help us or let someone else do your job.
Why did people decide
that because we are darker than them
We must die?
We march
it doesn’t matter cause
it’s mental suicide
to watch as nothing changes,
hashtag exchanges:
“Black Lives Matter”.
Yes, ALL lives matter, but
they can’t all matter
if we’re still here,
At the bottom of the social ladder.
It’s sad
Judeah Martin, Sophomore

Can’t Breathe!

My arms restrained around my back in the act.

As I’m slammed on the ground being told to stop resisting with strength that I lack.

My face pinned to the ground like I’m an animal, as the man in black and blue rests on my neck as
if it’s a cushion.

My back was in pain and the more I tried to move the man's knee would rest even harder on my

I’m in this situation only because I had a check that was illegal, but I had no weapon; so why all of
this for me?

I didn’t want to fight against the law, but I was in so much pain; all I wanted to do was get up.

“Stop resisting!” is what I heard from one of the men, “I’m in pain, my back hurts” I tried to explain
to the officer.

I started looking around and saw many cameras facing me, I never thought so many cameras
would be on me in a situation like this.

My body’s nervous system started acting up and my heart got heavy and soon I started losing air.
My entire body was in pain and I could barely breathe; I tried telling the officers I would stop
resisting and that I couldn’t breathe but he just pressed harder.

Both officers were looking at me with no care for my safety, it was like looking at a demon of pure

“I can’t breathe”, I kept trying to tell them, but they didn’t listen, my vision started to blur but I could hear
the crowd telling them that they should stop and get off me, but they wouldn’t listen.

My body started shutting down and I could no longer move, everything went black and I felt cold.

As I started passing on, I thought why me, why is this the way they're treating me for something so minor?
Is it because I’m black, like those other colored victims of the authority?

Why are we treated like this, we are all the same creatures. We all breathe the same air, so why can’t we
be treated the same way; why do we have to suffer, why are we treated like wild animals?

We should all have equal rights to live and be treated in the same respectful way

But since those who act as the law couldn’t see that; many colored people died, and now I don’t breathe
at all.

Owain Spence, Sophomore

When will we finally reach the crossroads?

In the distance are the ones

who walk down the path

But fear consumes their supposed allies.

Their allies are enemies.
These enemies
turns them into subordinates.

Now they face

True Fear.

This path they walked on

Is their Achilles heel.
Their enemies
are on a battleground.
They walk on eggshells
with angst.

Many walk this path;

how many will fall
to reach the crossroads?

The same battle our ancestors died for

We fight today with the same bloodshed!
If only they had died for change,
the change that has been suppressed and opposed!

Ayanna George, Sophomore

The Heart of Stone

The woman with the heart of stone,

grieving for the loss of her daughter’s friend,
her lover, her secrets, her euphoria,
with her tears flowing like a river.
A woman who doesn’t know what love is;
her lover is her weakness,
she’s got her husband wrapped around her fingers,
and he has no clue at all.
A woman with the heart of stone,
tells her daughter she is capable of loving someone,
truly and deeply with her heart.
The lies she tells; she can manipulate people on her own.
She is mysterious, secretive, manipulative,
she can surely hide anything from anyone without their
A woman with the heart of stone,
She has no compassion for the people around her.
Telling lies is her talent, manipulating others is her strength.
No wonder people left her, especially her lover,
begging for forgiveness, her sins never forgiven.

Trixie Salazar, Sophomore

Art inspired by the pandemic

I drew this to represent the idea that children are our

future. The Black Lives Matter movement is to ensure that
all people of color will no longer experience systematic
racism and oppression. This shows that the movement is
to also improve the future for the children.
Jennah Guman, Sophomore
Art by Stephora Jn Michel

I am I and you are you;

You are not me and I am not you.
We used to be two,
It was like we were glued
All I ever wanted was to be with you.
I did not have a clue that every moment I’m not
with you, i am I.
I am new, screw but back again with the few that
love me for me and not you.
I had a view for us two; I wanted to walk you
Our time was due when you chose you.
When I finally see the true you, you went poof.
Ew , phew how did I let you?
If I knew I would turn into a shrew, black and blue
I wish I never met you . Shoo !!!
I gave up everything when it all begin
Your love is extinct but love isn’t.
Stephora Jn. Michel, Sophomore

Feeling absentee Find the key to set me free.
Floating in a sea Vrrrm-vrrrm
Surrounded by debris. I’m finally waking up from that
Clueless, no idea dream.
Wonder how I got here Is this real?
Guarantee I’m not the Is this my destiny?
addressee. Save me from my fear.
I can’t feel and I can’t see
Feeling like an amputee Belissa Jn Michel, Sophomore
Feeling like I’m nobody
Worse than a burn, third


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