Telephoning in English
Telephoning in English
Telephoning in English
Work in pairs. Look at standard telephone phrases 1-10 and match them to the phrases with the
same meaning a-j
Imagine you need to call and change an appointment. What could you say?
Imagine you are using a mobile phone and you are having a few problems. What could you say?
Work in pairs, say what the underlined words and phrases mean.
ROLE PLAYS - Work in pairs, Student A and Student B. Role-play the telephone calls.
September September
12 Monday 15 Thursday
Work in groups of 3.
1. Write your arrangements for
next week in the diary below.
Include a one-day business trip, 13 Tuesday 16 Friday
two meetings, a business lunch
and two other appointments.
Then phone two colleagues to
make an appointment with them. 14 Wednesday 17 Saturday 18 Sunday
2. Your programme has changed.
Phone your two colleagues to
change the appointments.