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Fce Level 2 Speaking Kne

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Lic.Paola Izurieta

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by Lic. Paola Izurieta

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Calle Rufino Marín E12-49 y Oriental

Quito Ecuador

Editorial Kingnomen English

This book purpose is improve
the grammar skills for the
Advanced Level of the Institute
Kingnomen Engish. In this
book we have comunication
topics as well as practice
listening and speaking skills.
You also have speaking
strategies, taking notes
strategies for the First
Certificate Test

Work with a partner to discuss the following questions
Why would be your dream job and why?
Some people says there is not dream jobs because there are advantages
and disadvantages what do you think?

Discuss the issues raised by these questions:

Why do people decide to change jobs?
What factors make a person want to stay in his or her job?
What makes a job stressful?
What kinds of jobs have disappeared?
What new jobs are becoming popular?
1-01 Look at the photo What jobs are these?
What is the position about?
Which job is the job about?
Where is the Island located?
What does he have to do?
What's the description of the job place?

Listen to the VIDEO and answer to the questions

Mari: Hey, Jeff, what’s going on?

Jeff: Oh, I’m looking at the classified ads.It looks like I have to get a job
.Mari: I thought you had a job, at acomputer store or something?
Jeff: Yeah, but that’s part time. I need something full -time.
Mari: Really? But what about school ? What about your band ? How can you workfull-time?
Jeff: Well, to tell you the truth I’m probably going to drop out of school for a while. I’m just not in the
mood for studying these days. I’d rather spend my time playing with my band. But my father won’t
support me if I’m not in school.

Mari: I see… Well, what kind of job do you want to get ?

Jeff: Well ideally, something involving music like in a record store. But if that’s not possible… I don’t know, but
whatever I do, it’ll be better than my first job.
Mari: Oh yeah? What was that ?
Jeff: Believe it or not, the summer afterI finished high school I worked at Burger Ranch.
Mari: You? In a fast -food place? What did you do there?
Jeff: I was a burger flipper. You know, I made hamburgers all day long.
Mari: That sounds like a pretty boring job!
Jeff: It was the worst And I haven’t gone inside a Burger Ranch since I quit that job

Answer to the questions?

What kind of work he wants?
Where has he worked before?
How did he describe his job?
Why do you think he got that job?



It is easy to remember information if you use into an outline.An outline separate main ideas in a clear way. An outline has key
word and phrases.Not complete sentences.

Take notes on the following text

If you’ll be graduating from highschool or college in the next year or two, then I’m sure you’re
very concerned about finding a job. There are two questions that young people like you always
ask me. First, what are the best jobs going to be? And second, how can I prepare myself to get
one of those good jobs? Well in the next few minutes, I want to try to answerthese questions
for you, and I hope thisinformation will help you make theright choices about your future care
Let’s start with a little history.I n the last 100 years, there’s been a big change in the U.S. job
market,from a manufacturing economy toa service economy. What does that mean? Well, in a
manufacturing economy people make things, like cars or furniture or clothes. In a service
economy, people do things. Uh, they cut your hair, they fix your shoes, they sell you a
computer. Uh,airline pilots, doctors, restaurant workers—all of these are examplesof service
workers. OK? So again,my point is that the number of manufacturing jobs has been going down
for quite a long time. Now why do you think that is? What’s the cause?
Student 1:
I think automation, you know,robots, computers…
That’s one reason, yes. Because of technology, we’re able to manufacture goods by using
machines instead of human workers. As a result,thousands of manufacturing jobs don’t exist
anymore. OK, can you think of another reason?
Student 2:
Foreign competition. I mean…most manufacturing is done outside of the U.S. now, in countries
wherethe labor costs are cheaper.
Yes, that’s right. According to theU.S. government, approximately 2.5 million manufacturing
jobs have disappeared just since 2001. And that trend is definitely going to continue as we
move further into the 21stcentury. But now let’s talk about service jobs. Here the trend is
exactly the opposite. At the same time that the number of manufacturing jobs is decreasing,
the number of service jobs is probably going to grow by more than 20 million just in the next
ten years! Now, would everybody please look at the handout I gave you, which shows a list of
the occupations that will grow the fastest between the years 2002 and 2012. If you study the
list carefully, you’ll see that most of the jobs on the list are in three categories: health care,
computers and personal care and services. Let me say a few words about each of these

Part 2
First, health care. Almost half of the jobs on the list are in the field of health care. Uh,
medical assistants,physician assistants, physical therapyaides, dental hygienists—these
are just a few examples. According tothe U.S. Department of Labor,the number of health
care jobs will increase by almost three million in the next ten years. And why is that?
Simple. We’re going to need more medical services because people are living longer and
longer. Also,because of developments in medical technology, people with serious
illnesses are able to live much longer than they could in the past. And many of them
need a lot of special care and medical help. All right, now, getting back to the list, you can
see that there will be many new jobs related to computers. We’re going to need people
who can design and build computers, like engineers, but in addition, there will be lots of
jobs for people who manage and operate computers, like data base administrations. As
you know,computers are used in everything these days from rockets to coffee machines,
so it’s no surprise that the number of jobs in the computer industry is expected to grow
by almost 30 percent in the next ten years. Now let me explain the third category,
personal-care services.Some examples of jobs in this group are caterers, home-health
workers,and day care providers. One reason for the huge growth in this category is that
most women now work outsidethe home. So a lot of the work that women used to do in
the home, like cooking and taking care of small children, is now done by service workers.
OK, now while we’re looking at the list, there’s one more thing I’d like you to notice. Look
at all the jobs that have a salary rank of 1. OK? And what do you notice about
theeducational requirements for those jobs? That’s right. They all require at least a
Bachelor of Arts degree. So in conclusion, let me go back tothe two questions I
mentioned at the beginning of this talk. First, where will the good jobs be? We’ve seen
today that the areas of greatest growth will be in the fields of computers, health care,
and personal services. If you still haven’tdecided which career you want to follow, you
should think about getting a job in one of these fields.However, it’s important to
remember that many service jobs don’t pay very well. The best jobs all require a college
education. So the answer to the second question—how you can prepare yourself to get
a good job—the answer is simple. Go to college and get a degree. That’s the bottomline.

The changing

US Market
Part 1

I. Questions this lect.will answer


II:History: Last 100 years change
in US labor market from _____



Listen to the audio, read, then practice in pairs.Find the
reductions and unreductions in the dialog. Practice the
dialog with a partner

Manager: I’m going to ask you some questions,O.K.? What
kind of jobs have you had?
Applicant: Mostly factory jobs. The last five years I worked in
a plastic factory.
Manager: What did you do there?
Applicant: I used to cut sheets of plastic.
Manager: What do you want to do here?
Applicant: I don’t know I’ll do anything. I’m good with my
hands, and I’m a hard worker.
Manager: Why don’t you fill out an application in the office. It
looks like we’re going to have an opening next week. I’ll call
Applicant: Thanks.


1.Discuss these questions

Babies can begin to learn a language before they are born

Babies can make sounds in different accents
Learning two languages from birth causes delays in language learning
Second children are slaw talkers because their siblings do the talking for them
How much importance was given to speaking and writing your language correctly in your school?
Do you agree that being able to express yourself clearly is more important than having subject
Do you think that changes in a language are a good or a bad thing? Why?
Do you agree that many people in modern societies speak less well because their parents speak less
time talking to them when they were babies.?


2.Listen to the audio and answer the correct

When do you think human beings began speaking?

A.1'3 millions
B.50 thousand
6. Six thousand

Why do you think human developed language

A.The population expanded
B.They needed to comunicate more effectively
C.It's natural hability

How did Humans originally comunicated

A.By using gestures

B.By speaking


Listen to the answers to these questions.

1.Are they friends?

2.Why is Mary confused?
3.Why is people friendly?
4.What does it mean how are you?

Listen to the dialog and complete with the stressed words

Mari: Yolanda! Hi!

Yolanda: Hi, Mari, how are you?
Mari: Fine, thanks. Um, is anyone sitting here?
Yolanda: No, have a seat.
Mari: Thanks. So how have you been?
Yolanda: Oh, you know, busy. I’ve got school,and work, and I’m getting ready formy brother’s wedding next
Mari: Oh, yeah.
Yolanda Anyway, it’s going to be a huge wedding and…

Mari: Oh, excuse me, uh… Nancy! Overhere!

Nancy: Hi!
Mari: Nancy, this is Yolanda. She worksin the library. Yolanda, this is my housemate, Nancy. She teaches
English here.
Nancy: Nice to meet you, Yolanda.
Yolanda: You too. Well, listen, actually, I’ve got to go. I have to be at work in ten minutes. I’ll see you soon,
Mari. We’ll go to a movie or something.
Mari: Sure. How about Thursday night?
Yolanda: Uh, I have to check my calendar.I’ll call you, OK?
Mari: OK, see you.
Mari: I don’t understand Americans.
Nancy: Huh?
Mari: Did you hear what she said? “We’ll go to a movie. I’ll call you.” But every time I try to pick a specific day
or time, she says she’s busy, she has to check her calendar. And then she doesn’t call.
Nancy: Mm hmm…
Mari: Why do Americans say things they don’t mean? They act so nice, like they always say, “How are you,” but
then they keep on walking and don’t even wait for your answer. They’re so… how do you say it… two-faced?
Nancy: I know it seems that way sometimes,Mari. But it’s not true. It’s just that for Americans, friendliness
and friendship aren’t always the same thing.
Mari: What do you mean?
Nancy: Well, you know how Americans canbe very open and friendly. Like, theyinvite you to sit down, they
ask you questions, they tell all about their families. So naturally you think



You can use a matrix diagram to
show characteristics clearly
to compare the characteristics
organize your ideas about the characteristics

Take notes on the following text list the three cultures

they are talking about
Good afternoon. To introduce mytopic today, I’d like you to listento two speech samples and tell me where
the speakers are from. Ready? OK, here’s the first one.
Speaker 1:
“Today’s weather forecast calls for partly cloudy skies in the morning,clearing by mid-afternoon with winds up
to 15 miles an hour out of the west. The high temperature will be 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and the low will be
OK. Now, where do you think that speaker was from?
America… the United States…Canada.
Yes, most of you got it. That was what we call a standard American accent, which means the accent that is
spoken by the majority of people who live in the United States andCanada.Now, listen to a different speaker
reading the same text.
Speaker 2:
“Today’s weather forecast calls fo rpartly cloudy skies in the morning,clearing by mid-afternoon with winds up
to 15 miles an hour out ofthe west. The high temperature will be 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and the low will be
And where is that speaker from?
England… the United Kingdom…Great Britain.
Yes, of course. That was British English. So you may have guessed by now that my topic for today’s lectureis
differences between standard American and British English. In particular, I want to examine three categories
of difference. First, andmost obvious, is pronunciation;second, vocabulary; and third,grammar. So to begin,
let’s go back to the subject of accent, or pronunciation. You had no trouble identifying theNorth American and
British accents because each of them has a unique sound. What is it? Well, one obvious difference is in the
pronunciationof the letter a . For example, most Americans say /kænt/, but the Britishsay /kant/. Or
Americans say /bæth/and the British say /bath/. The /æ/sound is very common in American English, but not
very common inBritish English. Another noticeable difference between American and British pronunciation is
the /r/ sound. InBritish English, the /r/ sound is very often dropped; it disappears. To give some examples,
Americans say /kar/but the British say /ka/. Americans say /f
rst/ but British say /f st/. Abig American city is New /ycrk/ for Americans, but New /yok/ to theBritish. In the
two speech samples you heard at the beginning of this lecture, the American speaker said/forkæst/, but the
British said /fohkast/. In that single word, you can hear the difference both in the a vowel and in the
pronunciation of /r/.Listen again: /forkaest/, /fohkast/. A third difference is the pronunciationof the /t/ sound
in the middle of words. In British English, it is normally pronounced, but in American English,it changes to a
/d/ or disappears. For example: a British person will say “little,” but an American says“liddle.” You can hear this
difference particularly with numbers: Brits say “twenty one, twenty two,” and so on, but Americans drop the /t/
and say“twenny one, twenny two,” and so on. So there you have just three of the differences that give
American and British pronunciation their unique sounds. There are many more.But now let’s go on to talk
about vocabulary



When should people should be allowed to do this things :

live away get married
get a credit
from with
parents parents



When should people should be allowed to do this things :

It's 6 o'clock in the morning on

a Saturday. Your neighbohr

comes to your door to

that your music is too loud.

You forgot about your dentist

appointment today at 5 p.m.
The doctors calls you to ask
what happened?

You don't feel well and you

need to leave your job. You
have to ask your boss por


1.Have you ever been in situation like the ones in the

photos? What happened?
What problems did you have?

2.Look at the examples of the listening

3-01 In what situation would you expect to hear
3.What structure is used?
Which structure sounds more direct ?
which structure sounds more polite?

Work with a partner and discuss these

Think of situations where you given
instructions? What were they? Where they
strict or polite
were they polite
How did you feel about being given them?
Think of situations where you gave
instructions. What wre they? Where you
stric or polite? How did you feel about
giving instructions?

Listen to the dialog and complete with the stressed words

Mari: Hey, Jeff, I didn’t know you liked babies

Jeff: Well, Joey is ________ . I take care of him from time to time when Sharon’s ______________busy And then
she doesfavors for me in return. Like last week____ lent me her car

Mari: And her _________s? Is he_____

Jeff: She’s not _________I don’t think she _____ was, actually.
Mari: Never?
Jeff: No, _____ . I think she’s ______ being a single mother.
Mari: Is that pretty _______in America?
Jeff: Well, it’s _______ becoming moreand more common. Even
Nancy talked about it. You know, before she got ________

Nancy: Hi, guys.

Mari/Jeff: Hi.
Nancy: Uh, ______ were you saying about me?
Jeff: That you used to talk about having a______ yourself before you
met Andrew.
Nancy: Oh yeah, I ______ that _____ was running out. You know, like, whati f I
______ got married?
Mari: Maybe I’m _________ , but I could
_________ bring up a baby by _____________ I think it would be so difficult…
Nancy: Yeah, raising a ______ is tough. I’m really_____ I met Andrew.
Mari: And, if you have a baby, you’ll have ________here to help you with________

Jeff: We’ll see. Speaking of babysitting, I’d ______check up on Joey


Listen to the answers to these questions.

What does she ask Joei?

Did she get married?

What did Nancy think about having a baby and
What is Mary's opinion about having babies without
being married?


You can use a problem-solution chart to list problems and possible
ways to solve them.

Symptoms of the flu Treatment

of the flu

fever take ibuprofen

3.03 Listen to the answers to these questions.

What kind of problem does Barbara have?

What does the doctor tells her to do?

3.03 Take notes and complete the following excercise fill in the details about Barbara's
complaints and Doctor's advance.

Barbara's complaints Doctor's Advice



When you phone a company you hear a set of instructions

of what to do next. Discuss these questions.
1.How do you feel abut hearing recorded instructions over the
2.Does it provide efficient customer service?
Do you prefer speaking to real people?
Why and why not?

3.4 Listen to the instrucions. What should you do in situations 1-6?

Phoning your mobile phone provider

1.You want to set up your credit
2.You want to change your tariff

Phoning a dentist
3.You want to make an appointment for a
check up
4.You want to prove your identity or address

Phoning a bank
5.You need to give your security code
6.You want to check your balance

Work with a partner. Discuss these questions
1.Look at the photos. How the work technology
change over the years
2.List as many things as possible you can use your
phone for
3.Compare your list with a partner.
4.Discuss the following questions:
1. How do you feel about hearing recorded
instrucions over the phone?
2. Does it provide efficient customer service
3. Do you prefer sepeakin to real people?
4. Why or Why not?

1.Listen to the audios Make notes on these points
2.Note any phrasals you see and match according to the meaning

when your voice cannot be clearly heard___________

connect a caller with someone else________
wait a phone call_______
achieve a phone connection_______
loose a phone connection_________


Talk about a topic for 5 minutes talking about this topics

How are
What are
Why do What is
cell phone
some the best
peolple like
to have thing
from negative
blogs? about
landline effects of emails


Why do you How can the

Why do
prefer, e-mail How can the internet help
people write
or telephone? internet help you to stay in
letters less
you with your touch with
than they did
studies? people?
in the past


Listen to the answers to these questions.

What happened with the regular classes?
Why does he like online lessons better?
Where are the classmates from?
How does the teacher correct the pronounciation?

What does he advices Mary?

4.02 Listen to the dialog and complete with the stressed words
Jeff: [saying some words in Chinese]
Mari: Oh, sorry, am I ___________________________ ?
Jeff: No, that’s okay. I’m just _____________________________________________
on my Chinese homework.
Mari: Oh, I didn’t know you were taking ______________
Jeff: Yeah, I’m taking it______
Mari: Online? Doesn’t the college offer___________
Jeff: They do, but the regular f______________ classes were full. I like this
class better anyway.
Mari: Really? How come ?
Jeff: Well, for one thing, it’s so ______________ .I mean, I don’t need to ______________
about fitting it into my schedule. I can just go onlinewhenever I want and do my work.
Mari: Whenever? Don’t you have ______________
Jeff: Yeah, we have to post the homework and______________ in group discussions bya certain date. But I don’t fee
______________ , you know, the way I do in a regularclass.
Mari I see what you ______________. I’m not always ______________ to participate in class.
Jeff: Uh-huh. And ______________ thing I like: the ______________ in the class. My classmates are from
all over the States and even from ______________ There’s someone from Canadaand people from ______________ and
Mari: Wow. That’s a lot of different______________
zones! Seems like the ______________ world wants to learn Chinese these days.
Jeff:Yup. And get this: the instructor is in ______________
Mari: That’s so cool. But how does he correct your ______________ Don’t you need theface-to-face
contact ?
Jeff: No, he listens to our _____________recordingsand givesAnd once a week we talk on Skype.
Mari: So you know what everyone ______________ like?
Jeff: Sure. We’ve all become _______________ and chaton Facebook all the time, too. And we’ve all agreed to stay in
touch afterthe course ends and meet next year in ______________ !
Mari: Oh, so you’ll get some face-to-facecontact______________ all!
Jeff: Of course. You ______________ really get to knowa culture without______________ there.
Mari: True. That’s ______________ why I came here.Not just to learn ______________ but also to getto know the
______________ and customs.
Jeff: Right. But anyway, you should ______________ try an online class some time. Almostall American
______________ and universitiesoffer them, you know.
Mari: I probably will. You certainly got me ______________i



You can use a matrix diagram to
show characteristics clearly
to compare the characteristics
organize your ideas about the characteristics

4.03 Take notes on the following text list the three cultures
they are talking about
1.In the U.S. there is kind of a general rule,which is that people stand about one arm’slength or
about 70 centimeters apart whenthey are talking. In contrast, Latin Americans usually stand much
closer to each other.

2In Arab cultures, for instance, you will alsonotice that men sit and stand very closeto each other.
On the other hand, in East Asia, people usually stand farther apart than Americans do.

3.Next let’s talk about eye contact, which isthe way people look at each other, or don’tlook at each
other, when they’re talking. Inthe U.S. the rules are simple. You shouldlook at a person’s eyes when
you speak withthem. To Americans this is a sign of respectand attention. If I’m talking to you in
classand you’re looking away from me, I mightthink you’re not listening to me. But theexact
opposite is true in many cultures. Insome parts of Africa and the Caribbean, forexample, children
are taught to look downwhen they’re talking to a person with greaterauthority, such as a parent or a

4.Similarly, in Japan an employee would notmake direct eye contact with an employer. Itwould be

5.The rules for touching are very differentfrom one culture to another. Some culturesare more
affectionate than others. So, inLatin cultures such as Mexico and Italy, it’snormal for strangers to
hug each other onhappy occasions. And it’s similar in France,where, maybe you know, everybody,
eventotal strangers, kiss each other as a formof greeting. But in Japan and many othercountries it is
not proper for strangers totouch each other, and even married peoplemay avoid touching in public

Take notes and complete the following excercise fill in the details
abut each culture.

Culture Age


Use the notes of the previous activity to complete the following outline then fill the
missing information and check the answer

1._____________________________rude people stand arms's lenght apart when talking

Latin Americans _____________________________________________________________________
2.Arab culture________________________________________________________________________

Practice the phone dialogs

A says:

I can't hear you very well

Can I speak to the Finance departmente please?
We're going to have to stop talkin soom. My battery is running out.
Well, I'd better go. It's getting late
Hang on a moment.I'll just turn the TV.off
Did you manage to get through the bank
I hate to say good bye to you darling
h.Whats's happening? I think we are breakin up.
I think we've got a few seconds left. We are going to be cut of in a moment.
Do you want to come round to my house this evening?

B says:

I'll just put you through

OK I'll try to speak up
Yes we're going through a tunnel I'll ring back you in a few minutes
No problem
That´l be great I'll check with my parents and call you back
Would you like me to call you back?
No, don't ring off now-There is something I've got to tell you first
Ok, Bye then. Thanks for ringing
Me too. Shall we hang up
Yes, but they put me on hold for 20 minutes
1.Work with a partner. Discuss the photos
Which invention do you think is the most important
Which do you use frequently

2.Read about the inventions and discuss these

1.Which do you think are the best.? Which are the
most ridicoulous?
2.Why do you think each inventor thought it might
be sucessful?
3.Why do you think each invention failed.Suggest a
way in which each might be changed to make them
mores sucess

5.1 3.Listen to four people discuss and take note what couldn't live without

Hair dryer

4.Match the exclamations with language function from the


Express agreement Fantastic
What a coincidence
Express admiratives Me too
Poor you
Express surprise Oh dear
Not really
Express sympathy Surely not
What a surprise
That's terrible
What a shame
You're joking

5.2 4.Listen to the sentences. Respond in an apropiate way using intonation to show surprise,
enthusiasm, etc.

5. Talk with a friend about an experience you had. Answer with a apropiate exclamations
TOPIC:True or lye
1.Work with a partner. Discuss the photos
Which invention do you think is the most important
Which do you use frequently

1.Look at the photos who are the people and what

are they doing?
2.Would you expect this people to tell lies?
3.Below are the most frequent lies told by men and
women. When do you think they might say each of
these things? Have you ever said these things?

1. The top lies told by men 1. Nothin's wrong I'm fine

2. Nothing's wrong. I´m fine 2. Oh, this isn't new. I've had it
3. No, you look great in that for ages
dress 3. I'm on my way
4. Sorry, my battery died 4. I don't know where it is. I
5. But, it wasn't that expensice haven´t touched it
6. I'm stuck in traffic 5. Sorry I missed your call

6.01 1.Listen to two students making small talk with
their tutor
1. Listen and write down the questions you hear.
2.How could you answer them
6.02 2.Listen to the full conversation. Who gives a more
appropriate answer to each question? Give reasons.

TOPIC:True or lye
6.3 Listen to a different questions. Answer these
1.Who are the people?
B.Work colleges
C.Fellow students
What do you think is the main purpose of their
A.Establish a friendly realtionshionship?
B.To find about eache other
C.To check that each person is telling the truth
Listen again and learn what you know about
Jason and Sophie

1.Think about when you meet someone for the frist fime. What kind of things do
you often talk about
2.Work this discussion questions
1. List some situations when you had to persuade someone to do something.
2. How easy was it?
3. What techniques can be used to persuade people?

Work with a partner. Ask and answer these questions. Answer
some truthfully and at least three with a lie.
What did you do last night?
What's the best present you've ever been given?
What's your favorite kind of music?
When did you fall in love for the first time?
What did you want to be when you were a child and why?
What's your ambition for the future?
What's the most exciting thing you've ever done?
What would you do if you had a luxury amount of money?

TOPIC:True or lye

Match the sentence halves. Pay attention to the phrases in

a)It might be advisable to try to
1.Surely, the most sensible thing save money
to do would be b)To stay at home the evening?
2.There is a very good reason c)To your parents exactly how you
why feel?
3.It´s always worth d)Your decisions
4.Make sure you e)can succed without making any
5.Don't forget to explain effort
6.I would urge you to reconsider f)Planning an essay befroe you start
7.Don´t make the mistake of writin it
thinking that you g)than to rely another people for
8.You need to think a lot before support
deciding h)Take everything you need with
9.It's probably better to do it you
yourself i)What it would be best to do

Work in partners .Role play this situations

You are a junior company employee.

You are a company manager next
Ask student A if you can have a time
week. You´re busy because there is a
off. It is your wedding anniversary and
dealine,but is expremely important
you would like to take your partner
that you go. There is only one person
away for a romantic break. You have
in your company who is knowleadgeble
been working so hard recently that you
haven't had much time together.

You're a parent

There is going to be a party to Ask Student A, if you can

celebrate birthday next Friday. You
borrow some money. There is
would like everythin in the house be
an important party next friday
be nice as possible, but you are
busy. Ask your teenage daughter to and everyone will be there. You
clean everything and als to cut her would also like to colour your
hair. You have bought her clothes hair because you are bored
for her. with the style you have.

Listen to the dialog and complete with the stressed words

Mari: Hey, Jeff, I didn’t know you liked babies

Jeff: Well, Joey is special . I take care of him from time to time when Sharon’s busy And then she
doesfavors for me in return. Like last week she lent me her car

Mari: And her husband ? Is he…

Jeff: She’s not married I don’t think she ever was, actually.
Mari: Never?
Jeff: No, never . I think she’s happy being a single mother.
Mari: Is that pretty
in America?
Jeff: Well, it’s certainly becoming moreand more common. Even
Nancy talked about it. You know, before she got married
Nancy: Hi, guys.
Mari/Jeff: Hi.
Nancy: Uh, what were you saying about me?
Jeff: That you used to talk about having a baby by yourself before you
met Andrew.
Nancy: Oh yeah, I worried that time wasr unning out. You know, like, whati f I
never got married?
Mari: Maybe I’m old-fashioned , but Icould
never bring up a baby by myself I think it would be sodifficult…
Nancy: Yeah, raising a child is tough. I’m really lucky I met Andrew.
Mari: And, if you have a baby, you’llhave Jeff here to help you with babysitting

Jeff: We’ll see. Speaking of babysitting, I’d better check up on Joey


Listen to the answers to these questions.

What does she ask Joei?

Did she get married?

What did Nancy think about having a baby and

What is Mary's opinion about having babies without
being married?

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