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ITU-T G.872


Digital transmission systems – Digital networks – Optical
transport networks

Architecture of optical transport networks

ITU-T Recommendation G.872

(Previously CCITT Recommendation)


General aspects G.800–G.809
Design objectives for digital networks G.810–G.819
Quality and availability targets G.820–G.829
Network capabilities and functions G.830–G.839
SDH network characteristics G.840–G.849
Management of transport network G.850–G.859
SDH radio and satellite systems integration G.860–G.869
Optical transport networks G.870–G.879

For further details, please refer to ITU-T List of Recommendations.



This Recommendation describes the functional architecture of optical transport networks using the
modelling methodology described in Recommendation G.805. The optical transport network
functionality is described from a network level viewpoint, taking into account an optical network
layered structure, client characteristic information, client/server layer associations, networking
topology, and layer network functionality providing optical signal transmission, multiplexing,
routing, supervision, performance assessment, and network survivability.

ITU-T Recommendation G.872 was prepared by ITU-T Study Group 13 (1997-2000) and was
approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on the 26th of February 1999.

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) i

ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized Agency in the field of
telecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of
the ITU. The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing
Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis.
The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years,
establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations
on these topics.
The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in
WTSC Resolution No. 1.
In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-T’s purview, the necessary standards are
prepared on a collaborative basis with ISO and IEC.

In this Recommendation the term recognized operating agency (ROA) includes any individual, company,
corporation or governmental organization that operates a public correspondence service. The terms
Administration, ROA and public correspondence are defined in the Constitution of the ITU (Geneva, 1992).


The ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may
involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. The ITU takes no position concerning the evidence,
validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others
outside of the Recommendation development process.
As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, the ITU had not received notice of intellectual property,
protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementors are
cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the
TSB patent database.

 ITU 1999
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU.

ii Recommendation G.872 (02/99)

1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 1

2 References .................................................................................................................. 1

3 Terms and definitions................................................................................................. 2

4 Abbreviations ............................................................................................................. 3

5 Transport functional architecture of optical networks................................................ 4

5.1 General principles....................................................................................................... 4
5.2 Optical transport network layered structure ............................................................... 5
5.3 Optical channel layer network.................................................................................... 6
5.3.1 Optical channel trail termination................................................................... 7
5.3.2 OCh transport entities ................................................................................... 8
5.4 Optical multiplex section layer network..................................................................... 8
5.4.1 Optical multiplex section trail termination ................................................... 9
5.4.2 OMS transport entities .................................................................................. 9
5.5 Optical transmission section layer network................................................................ 9
5.5.1 Optical transmission section trail termination .............................................. 10
5.5.2 OTS transport entities ................................................................................... 11
5.6 Client/server associations........................................................................................... 11
5.6.1 OCh/client adaptation ................................................................................... 11
5.6.2 OMS/OCh adaptation.................................................................................... 11
5.6.3 OTS/OMS adaptation.................................................................................... 12
5.7 Optical network topology........................................................................................... 12
5.7.1 Unidirectional and bidirectional connections and trails................................ 12
5.7.2 Point-to-multipoint connections and trails.................................................... 12

6 Optical network management..................................................................................... 13

6.1 Generic requirements ................................................................................................. 13
6.1.1 Generic fault, configuration and performance management......................... 13
6.1.2 Generic management communications ......................................................... 14
6.1.3 Generic client/server interaction management.............................................. 14
6.2 Optical layer network management requirements...................................................... 14
6.2.1 Connection supervision................................................................................. 15
6.2.2 Signal quality supervision............................................................................. 18
6.2.3 Adaptation management................................................................................ 18
6.2.4 Protection control.......................................................................................... 18
6.2.5 Management communications ...................................................................... 18
6.2.6 Other communication needs.......................................................................... 19

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) iii

6.3 Connection supervision techniques and applications................................................. 19
6.3.1 Inherent monitoring....................................................................................... 19
6.3.2 Non-intrusive monitoring.............................................................................. 19
6.3.3 Intrusive monitoring...................................................................................... 20
6.3.4 Sublayer monitoring...................................................................................... 20
6.3.5 Monitoring of unused connections................................................................ 20
6.3.6 Tandem connection monitoring .................................................................... 20

7 Optical network survivability techniques................................................................... 21

7.1 Protection ................................................................................................................... 21
7.2 Network restoration.................................................................................................... 23

8 Interconnection and interworking between different administrative domains ........... 23

Annex A – Impairment mitigation and regeneration............................................................... 27

Appendix I – Examples of Optical Network functionality...................................................... 28

I.1 Wavelength conversion .............................................................................................. 28
I.2 Cross-connect ............................................................................................................. 29
I.3 Regeneration............................................................................................................... 29

iv Recommendation G.872 (02/99)

Recommendation G.872


(Geneva, 1999)

1 Scope
This Recommendation is restricted to the functional description of optical transport networks that
support digital signals. The support of analogue or mixed digital/analogue signals is outside of the
current scope.
It is recognized that the design of optical networks is subject to limitations imposed by the
accumulation of degradations introduced by the number of network elements and their network
topology. However, many of these degradations and the magnitude of their effects are associated
with particular technological implementations of the architecture described in this Recommendation
and are therefore subject to change as technology progresses. As such the description of these effects
is outside the scope of this Recommendation.

2 References
The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions, which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision; all
users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently
valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published.
– ITU-T Recommendation G.652 (1997), Characteristics of a single-mode optical fibre cable.
– ITU-T Recommendation G.653 (1997), Characteristics of a dispersion-shifted single-mode
optical fibre cable.
– ITU-T Recommendation G.655 (1996), Characterization of a non-zero dispersion shifted
single-mode optical fibre cable.
– ITU-T Recommendation G.681 (1996), Functional characteristics of interoffice and
long-haul line systems using optical amplifiers, including optical multiplexing.
– ITU-T Recommendation G.707 (1996), Network node interface for the synchronous digital
hierarchy (SDH).
– ITU-T Recommendation G.803 (1997), Architecture of transport networks based on the
synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH).
– ITU-T Recommendation G.805 (1995), Generic functional architecture of transport
– ITU-T Recommendation G.957 (1995), Optical interfaces for equipments and systems
relating to the synchronous digital hierarchy.
– ITU-T Recommendation I.326 (1995), Functional architecture of transport networks based
on ATM.

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) 1

3 Terms and definitions
This Recommendation defines the following terms:
3.1 adaptation management: The set of processes for managing client layer network adaptation
to/from the server layer network.
3.2 connection supervision: The set of processes for monitoring the integrity of a connection
which is part of a trail. This set consists of the processes associated with connectivity and continuity
3.3 connectivity supervision: The set of processes for monitoring the integrity of the routing of
the connection between source and sink trail terminations.
3.4 continuity supervision: The set of processes for monitoring the integrity of the continuity of
a trail.
3.5 Inter-Domain Interface (IrDI): A physical interface that represents the boundary between
two administrative domains.
3.6 Intra-Domain Interface (IaDI): A physical interface within an administrative domain.
3.7 maintenance indication: The set of processes for indicating defects in a connection which
is part of a trail in downstream and upstream directions.
3.8 management communications: The set of processes providing communications for
management purposes.
3.9 OTN compliant interface: An interface for the optical transport network based on the
architecture defined in this Recommendation (G.872).
3.10 OTN non-compliant interface: An interface that does not comply to the interface
recommendations that will be defined for the optical transport network based on the architecture
defined in this Recommendation (G.872).
3.11 overhead information: Six types of overhead information are defined:
1) Trail Termination Overhead Information is the information generated by the trail termination
source and extracted by the trail termination sink to monitor the trail. This overhead
information is specific to a layer network and is independent of any client/server relationship
between network layers.
2) Client-Specific Overhead Information is associated with a particular client/server
relationship and is therefore processed by a particular adaptation function.
3) Auxiliary Channel Overhead Information is information that may be transferred by an optical
network layer but which does not by necessity have to be associated with a particular
connection. An example of such an auxiliary channel is a data communications channel for
the purposes of transferring management data between management entities.
NOTE – These management entities are not trail termination and adaptation functions.
4) Reserved Overhead Information for national use.
5) Unassigned Overhead Information. This overhead may be of types 1, 2, 3 or 4 as defined
6) Network Operator-Specific Overhead Information that may be used by an operator to support
its unique optical networking needs and/or for service differentiation. The information
content is not standardized.

2 Recommendation G.872 (02/99)

3.12 optical transport network: A transport network bounded by optical channel access points.
3.13 Optical Supervisory Channel (OSC): The optical supervisory channel is an optical carrier
that transfers overhead information between optical transmission section transport entities. The
optical supervisory channel supports more than one type of overhead information and some of this
overhead information may be used by one or more transport network layers.
3.14 protection control: The information and set of processes for providing control of protection
switching for a trail or subnetwork connection.
3.15 signal quality supervision: The set of processes for monitoring the performance of a
connection that is supporting a trail.
3.16 subnetwork connection supervision: The set of processes providing connectivity
supervision and/or continuity supervision and/or signal quality supervision for a subnetwork
connection that is supporting a trail.

4 Abbreviations
This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations:
AP Access point (see Recommendation G.805)
APS Automatic protection switching
ATM Asynchronous transfer mode (see Recommendation I.326)
BDI Backward defect indication
CP Connection point (see Recommendation G.805)
FDI Forward defect indication
IaDI Intra-Domain Interface
IrDI Inter-Domain Interface
LOC Loss of continuity
MPCP Multipoint connection point
NE Network element
NRZ Non return to zero
OCh Optical channel
OCh/Client_A Optical channel/client adaptation
OCh_LC Optical channel link connection
OCh_NC Optical channel network connection
OCh_SN Optical channel subnetwork
OCh_SNC Optical channel subnetwork connection
OCh_TT Optical channel trail termination
OMS Optical multiplex section
OMSn Optical multiplex section of order n
OMS/OCh_A Optical multiplex section/Optical channel adaptation
OMS_LC Optical multiplex section link connection

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) 3

OMS_NC Optical multiplex section network connection
OMS_TT Optical multiplex section trail termination
OSC Optical supervisory channel
OTM Optical transport module
OTMn Optical transport module of order n
OTN Optical transport network
OTS Optical transmission section
OTSn Optical transmission section of order n
OTS/OMS_A Optical transmission section/Optical multiplex section adaptation
OTS_LC Optical transmission section link connection
OTS_NC Optical transmission section network connection
OTS_SN Optical transmission section subnetwork
OTS_SNC Optical transmission section subnetwork connection
OTS_TT Optical transmission section trail termination
OTU Optical transport unit
OTUGn Optical transport unit group of order n
PDH Plesiochronous digital hierarchy
PTI Payload type identifier
RS Regenerator section (see Recommendation G.803)
SDH Synchronous digital hierarchy (see Recommendation G.707)
SNC Subnetwork connection (see Recommendation G.805)
SNC/I Subnetwork connection protection with inherent monitoring
SNC/N Subnetwork connection protection with non-intrusive monitoring
STM-N Synchronous transport module level N (see Recommendation G.707)
TCP Termination connection point (see Recommendation G.805)
TDM Time division multiplexing
WDM Wavelength division multiplexing

5 Transport functional architecture of optical networks

5.1 General principles

Optical networks are comprised of functionality providing transport, multiplexing, routing,
supervision and survivability of client signals that are processed predominantly in the photonic
domain. This functionality for optical networks is described from a network level viewpoint using
the generic principles defined in Recommendation G.805. The specific aspects concerning the optical
transport network layered structure, characteristic information, client/server layer associations,
network topology, and layer network functionality are provided in this Recommendation. This

4 Recommendation G.872 (02/99)

Recommendation uses the terminology, functional architecture and diagrammatic conventions
defined in Recommendation G.805.
In accordance with Recommendation G.805, the optical transport network is decomposed into
independent transport layer networks where each layer network can be separately partitioned in a way
which reflects the internal structure of that layer network.
In the following functional description, optical signals are characterized by wavelength (or central
frequency) and may be processed per wavelength or as a wavelength division multiplexed group of
wavelengths. The functional description of other optical multiplexing techniques (e.g. optical code
division multiplexing) in optical networks is for future study.

5.2 Optical transport network layered structure

The optical transport network layered structure is comprised of the optical channel, optical multiplex
section and optical transmission section layer networks, as illustrated in Figure 1. Motivation for this
three-layer structure is as follows:
Optical channel layer network: This layer network provides end-to-end networking of optical
channels for transparently conveying client information of varying format (e.g. SDH STM-N, PDH
565 Mbit/s, cell based ATM, etc.). The description of supported client layer networks is outside the
scope of this Recommendation. To provide end-to-end networking, the following capabilities are
included in the layer network:
– optical channel connection rearrangement for flexible network routing;
– optical channel overhead processes for ensuring integrity of the optical channel adapted
– optical channel supervisory functions for enabling network level operations and management
functions, such as connection provisioning, quality of service parameter exchange and
network survivability.
Optical multiplex section layer network: This layer network provides functionality for networking of
a multi-wavelength optical signal. Note that a "multi-wavelength" signal includes the case of just one
optical channel. The capabilities of this layer network include:
– optical multiplex section overhead processes for ensuring integrity of the multi-wavelength
optical multiplex section adapted information;
– optical multiplex section supervisory functions for enabling section level operations and
management functions, such as multiplex section survivability.
These networking capabilities performed for multi-wavelength optical signals provide support for
operation and management of optical networks.
Optical transmission section layer network: This layer network provides functionality for
transmission of optical signals on optical media of various types (e.g. G.652, G.653 and G.655 fibre).
The capabilities of this layer network include:
– optical transmission section overhead processing for ensuring integrity of the optical
transmission section adapted information;
– optical transmission section supervisory functions for enabling section level operations and
management functions, such as transmission section survivability.
Physical media layer network: The physical media layer network for an optical network is a defined
optical fibre type. This physical media layer network is the server of the optical transmission section.
The detailed description of this layer is outside the scope of this Recommendation.

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) 5

The detailed functional description of the optical layer networks is given in the following subclause.

Source Sink

OCh Trail

OCh layer Source Sink


Source Sink

OMS Trail


network Source Sink


Source Sink

OTS Trail

OTS layer Sink



Figure 1/G.872 – Client server associations in an optical transport network

5.3 Optical channel layer network

The optical channel layer network provides for the transport of digital client signals through an
optical channel trail between access points. The characteristic information of an optical channel layer
network is composed of two separate and distinct logical signals:
– a data stream that constitutes the adapted information of a client layer network;
– a data stream that constitutes the optical channel trail termination overhead.

6 Recommendation G.872 (02/99)

This characteristic information is an Optical Transport Unit (OTU). The optical channel layer
network contains the following transport functions and transport entities (see Figure 2):
– Optical channel trail;
– Optical channel trail termination source (OCh_TT_Source);
– Optical channel trail termination sink (OCh_TT _Sink);
– Optical channel network connection (OCh_NC);
– Optical channel link connection (OCh_LC);
– Optical channel subnetwork (OCh_SN);
– Optical channel subnetwork connection (OCh_SNC).

OCh Trail

Source Sink



CP CP CP CP CP T1315080-98

Figure 2/G.872 – OCh layer network example

5.3.1 Optical channel trail termination

The following generic processes may be assigned to the optical channel trail termination:
– validation of connectivity integrity;
– assessment of transmission quality;
– transmission defect detection and indication.
The requirement for these processes is outlined in detail in 6.2.
There are three types of optical channel trail termination:
– Optical channel bidirectional trail termination: consists of a pair of co-located optical
channel trail termination source and sink functions.
– Optical channel trail termination source: accepts adapted information from a client layer
network at its input, inserts the optical channel trail termination overhead as a separate and
distinct logical data stream and presents the characteristic information of the optical channel
layer network at its output.
– Optical channel trail termination sink: accepts the characteristic information of the optical
channel layer network at its input, extracts the separate and distinct logical data stream
containing the optical channel trail termination overhead and presents the adapted
information at its output.

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) 7

5.3.2 OCh transport entities
Network connections, link connections and trails are as described in Recommendation G.805.
The OCh subnetwork, OCh_SN, provides flexibility within the optical channel layer. Characteristic
information is routed between input (termination) connection points [(T)CPs] and output (T)CPs.
The connection function may be used by the network operator to provide routing, grooming,
protection and restoration.

5.4 Optical multiplex section layer network

The optical multiplex section layer network provides the transport of optical channels through an
optical multiplex section trail between access points. The characteristic information of an optical
multiplex section layer network is composed of two separate and distinct logical signals:
– a data stream that constitutes the adapted information of the optical channel layer. The data
stream contains a set of n optical channels which taken as a set have a defined aggregate
optical bandwidth;
– a data stream that constitutes the optical multiplex section trail termination overhead.
Each channel has a defined carrier wavelength (frequency) and optical bandwidth (the supported
optical channel bandwidth plus source stability). Individual optical channels within an optical
multiplex may be either in-service or out-of-service. Out-of-service channels are either lit or unlit.
The characteristic information of the optical multiplex section is an Optical Transport Unit Group of
order n (OTUGn).
The optical multiplex section layer network contains the following transport functions and transport
entities (see Figure 3):
– OMS trail;
– OMS trail termination source (OMS_TT_Source);
– OMS trail termination sink (OMS_TT_Sink);
– OMS network connection (OMS_NC);
– OMS link connection (OMS_LC).

OMS Trail

Source Sink



CP CP CP T1315090-98

Figure 3/G.872 – OMS layer network example

8 Recommendation G.872 (02/99)

5.4.1 Optical multiplex section trail termination
The following generic termination processes may be assigned to the optical multiplex section trail
– assessment of transmission quality;
– transmission defect detection and indication.
The requirement for these processes is outlined in detail in 6.2.
There are three types of optical multiplex section trail termination:
– OMS bidirectional trail termination: consists of a pair of co-located optical multiplex section
termination source and sink functions.
– Optical multiplex section trail termination source: accepts adapted information from the
optical channel layer network at its input, inserts the OMS trail termination overhead and
presents the characteristic information of the OMS layer network at its output.
– Optical multiplex section trail termination sink: accepts the characteristic information of the
OMS layer network at its input, extracts the OMS overhead and presents the adapted
information at its output.

5.4.2 OMS transport entities

Network connections, link connections and trails are as described in Recommendation G.805. There
is no OMS subnetwork defined, as there is no flexibility in this layer network.

5.5 Optical transmission section layer network

The optical transmission section layer network provides for the transport of an optical multiplex
section through an optical transmission section trail between access points. An optical transmission
section of order n supports a single instance of an optical multiplex section of the same order. There
is a one-to-one mapping between the two layers. The OTS defines a physical interface, with optical
parameters such as frequency, power level and signal-to-noise ratio. The characteristic information of
the OTS is composed of two separate and distinct logical signals:
– the adapted information of the OMS layer;
– the OTS trail termination-specific management/maintenance overhead.
Physically it consists of the following.
– an optical multiplex of order n;
– an optical supervisory channel.
This characteristic information is an Optical Transport Module of order n (OTMn).
NOTE – In the case of an OTS-1 in a system without back-to-back OTS terminations, or in the case of an
OTS-1 used as an OTN_IrDI (see clause 8), alternatives to an OSC for carrying overhead information are for
further study.
The OTS layer network contains the following transport functions and transport entities (see
Figure 4):
– OTS trail
– OTS trail termination source (OTS_TT_Source)
– OTS trail termination sink (OTS_TT_Sink)
– OTS network connection (OTS_NC)
– OTS link connection (OTS_LC)

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) 9

– OTS subnetwork (OTS_SN)
– OTS subnetwork connection (OTS_SNC).
NOTE – OTS_SN and OTS_SNC exist only in the case of OTS 1+1 NC protection.

OTS Trail

Source Sink



CP CP CP T1315100-98

Figure 4/G.872 – OTS layer network example

5.5.1 Optical transmission section trail termination

The following generic processes may be assigned to the optical transmission trail termination:
– validation of connectivity;
– assessment of transmission quality;
– transmission defect detection and indication.
The means of providing these processes is described in 6.2.
There are three types of optical transmission section trail termination:
– OTS bidirectional trail termination: consists of a pair of co-located optical transmission
section trail termination source and sink functions.
– OTS trail termination source: accepts adapted information from a client layer network at its
input, adds the OTS trail termination overhead and generates the optical supervisory channel,
and adds the optical supervisory channel to the main signal. The trail termination function
conditions the information for transmission over the physical medium and ensures that the
optical signal meets the physical interface requirements. The output of the OTS trail
termination source is the characteristic information of the optical transmission section layer
network. This characteristic information is referred to as an optical transport module (OTM).
– OTS trail termination sink: accepts the characteristic information of the transmission section
layer network at its input, reconditions the information to compensate for signal degradation
resulting from transmission over the physical medium, extracts the optical supervisory
channel from the main optical signal, processes the OTS trail termination overhead
contained within the optical supervisory channel and presents the adapted information at its

10 Recommendation G.872 (02/99)

5.5.2 OTS transport entities
Network connections, link connections and trails are as described in Recommendation G.805.
The OTS subnetwork, OTS_SN, provides NC protection, within the optical transmission section
layer. Characteristic information is routed between input (termination) connection points [(T)CPs]
and output (T)CPs.

5.6 Client/server associations

A principal feature of optical transport networks is the possibility of supporting a wide variety of
client layer networks. Examples of these client layer networks include an SDH STM-N, and a
contiguous ATM cell stream. Restrictions or rules that limit the capability of an optical channel to
transfer a particular client layer network are for further study.
The structure of the optical layer networks and the adaptation functions are shown in Figure 1. For
the purposes of description of the optical transport network, the interlayer adaptation is named using
the server/client relationship.

5.6.1 OCh/client adaptation

The OCh/Client adaptation (OCh/Client_A) is considered to consist of two types of processes: client-
specific processes and server-specific processes. The description of the client-specific processes is
outside the scope of this Recommendation.
The bidirectional OCh/Client adaptation (OCh/Client_A) function is performed by a co-located pair
of source and sink OCh/Client adaptation functions.
The OCh/Client adaptation source (OCh/Client_A_So) performs the following processes between its
input and its output:
– all the processing required to generate a continuous data stream that can be modulated onto
an optical frequency carrier. The processes required are dependent upon the particular
client/server relationship and may be null. For a digital client the adaptation may include
processing such as scrambling and channel coding (e.g. NRZ). For a digital mapping the
adapted information is a continuous data stream of defined bit rate and coding scheme;
– generation and termination of management/maintenance signals as described in 6.2.
The OCh/Client adaptation sink (OCh/Client_A_Sk) performs the following processes between its
input and its output:
– recovery of the client signal from the continuous data stream. The processes are dependent
upon the particular client/server relationship and can be null. For a digital client the
adaptation may include processes such as timing recovery, decoding and descrambling;
– generation and termination of management/maintenance signals as described in 6.2.

5.6.2 OMS/OCh adaptation

The bidirectional OMS/OCh adaptation (OMS/OCh_A) function is performed by a co-located pair of
source and sink OMS/OCh adaptation functions.
The OMS/OCh adaptation source (OMS/OCh_A_So) performs the following processes between its
input and its output:
– modulation of an optical carrier by the optical transport unit signal by means of a defined
modulation scheme;
– wavelength (or frequency) and power allocation to the optical carrier;

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) 11

– optical channel multiplexing to form an optical multiplex;
– generation and termination of management/maintenance signals as described in 6.2.
NOTE – The adaptation function is considered as having two data streams associated with it, one regarding
the main optical payload and a second associated with that part of the overhead that is not processed by the
OMS_TT. This is also true for the sink adaptation function.
The OMS/OCh adaptation sink (OMS/OCh_A_Sk) performs the following processes between its
input and its output:
– optical channel demultiplexing according to carrier wavelength (or frequency);
– termination of the optical carrier and recovery of the optical transport unit;
– generation and termination of management/maintenance signals as described in 6.2.

5.6.3 OTS/OMS adaptation

The bidirectional OTS/OMS adaptation (OTS/OMS_A) function is performed by a co-located pair of
source and sink OTS/OMS adaptation functions.
The OTS/OMS adaptation source (OTS/OMS_A_So) performs the following process between its
input and its output:
– generation and termination of management/maintenance signals as described in 6.2.
NOTE – The adaptation function is considered as having two data streams associated with it, one regarding
the main optical payload and a second associated with that part of the supervisory channel that is not
processed by the OTS_TT. This is also the case for the sink adaptation function.
The OTS/OMS adaptation sink (OTS/OMS_A_Sk) performs the following process between its input
and its output:
– generation and termination of management/maintenance signals as described in 6.2.

5.7 Optical network topology

Optical network layers can support unidirectional and bidirectional point-to-point connections, and
unidirectional point-to-multipoint connections.

5.7.1 Unidirectional and bidirectional connections and trails

A bidirectional connection in a server layer network may support either bidirectional or
unidirectional client layer network connections, but a unidirectional server layer network may only
support unidirectional clients.
A bidirectional optical transmission section layer network connection may be supported by one
optical fibre for both directions (single fibre working), or each direction of the connection may be
supported by different fibres.
Operation, administration and maintenance and overhead transfer in single fibre working is currently
not considered in this Recommendation and is for further study.

5.7.2 Point-to-multipoint connections and trails

A unidirectional point-to-multipoint connection broadcasts the traffic from the source to a number of
sinks. This is illustrated in Figure 5 where a point-to-multipoint connection is provided in the optical
channel layer by means of a multipoint connection point (MPCP). The MPCP is a reference point
that binds a port to a set of connections. It represents the root of a multipoint connection. The
broadcast function provided by the MPCP binding is limited to the subnetwork in which it exists. It
may form part of a multicast (selective broadcast) function within a larger (containing) subnetwork.

12 Recommendation G.872 (02/99)

The multipoint connection is restricted to a unidirectional broadcast multipoint connection in optical
transport networks. This type of connection can be applied in the optical channel layer network.



MPCP leaf



Figure 5/G.872 – Point-to-multipoint optical channel connection

6 Optical network management

This clause describes network management for the optical transport network. In particular, it
describes the generic requirements for fault, performance and configuration management. The
management processes required in each of the layer networks are outlined in 6.2 and summarized in
Table 1. This clause also describes techniques for connection supervision.

6.1 Generic requirements

6.1.1 Generic fault, configuration and performance management

The optical transport network shall provide support for fault, configuration and performance
management end-to-end and also within and between administrative boundaries.
It shall provide a means of detection and notification in the event of a misconnection.
The optical transport network shall provide facilities to:
– ensure interconnection of transport network entities that have compatible adapted or
characteristic information;

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) 13

– detect faults, isolate faults and initiate recovery actions where applicable. The optical
transport network shall provide facilities for single-ended maintenance.
In the event of a signal within the server layer being interrupted, upstream and downstream network
entities in the server layer shall be notified.
The optical transport network shall be able to detect performance degradations to avoid failures and
verify quality of service.

6.1.2 Generic management communications

The optical transport network shall support communications between:
– personnel at remote sites;
– OSs and remote NEs;
– craft terminals and local or remote NEs.
These forms of communication may also be supported externally to the optical transport network.

6.1.3 Generic client/server interaction management

The optical transport network shall detect and indicate when a signal is not present at a client layer,
within the OTN, also in the case where the server layer is operating normally.
In order to avoid unnecessary, inefficient or conflicting survivability actions, escalation strategies
(e.g. introduction of hold-off times and alarm suppression methods) are required:
– within a layer;
– between the server and client layer.

6.2 Optical layer network management requirements

Requirements for management capabilities with respect to the Optical Channel, Optical Multiplex
Section and Optical Transmission Section layer networks are identified in this subclause. A summary
of the optical layer network management requirements is given in Table 1 and discussed in detail

Table 1/G.872 – Optical transport network – Network level

management requirements

Management Process Function Layer network Comments

Continuity supervision • Loss of continuity TT R R R See 6.2.1
Connectivity supervision • Trail trace TT R NR R See 6.2.1
Maintenance • Forward defect TT R R R See 6.2.1
information indication
• Backward defect TT R R R
• Backward quality TT FFS FFS FFS

14 Recommendation G.872 (02/99)

Table 1/G.872 – Optical transport network – Network level
management requirements (concluded)

Management Process Function Layer network Comments

Signal quality • Performance TT R FFS R See 6.2.2
supervision monitoring
(parameters are for
further study)
Adaptation management • Payload type A R FFS NA See 6.2.3
Protection control • Automatic A/T FFS FFS NR See 6.2.4
switching protocol
Subnetwork/tandem/ • Connection A/T FFS FFS FFS See 6.3
unused connection supervision
Management • Message-based A NR FFS R See 6.2.5
communications channel
• Auxiliary channel A NR NR O
Other communication • Operator-specific A NR NR R See 6.2.6
needs • National use A NR NR FFS
R Required
A Adaptation function
FFS For further study
TT Trail termination function
NA Not applicable
A/T Process may be assigned to one or both functions; allocation is for further study.
NR Not required
O Optional
The only exception to this requirement is described in 6.2.1.

6.2.1 Connection supervision

It is a management requirement to provide supervision of the integrity of network connections that
are supporting the trails in any layer network. A link connection supported by a server layer network
is supervised by means of continuity supervision. The subnetwork connections that result from the
flexible association of connection points across the subnetwork are supervised by means of
connectivity supervision. For the particular case that there is no possibility to rearrange network
connections between a group of OCh source and a group of OCh sink trail terminations connectivity
supervision is not required.

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) 15

Continuity supervision
Continuity supervision refers to the set of processes for monitoring the integrity of the continuity of a
The following process is identified for continuity supervision:
• Detection of Loss of Continuity (LOC).
In general, the failure of a link connection in a server layer will be indicated to a client layer through
some form of server signal fail indication. The OTS layer, the lowest layer of the OTN, is a special
case since its network connections are supported directly by the optical physical media layer. Since
the latter does not contain active components, the OTS trail termination sink will not receive server
fail indications – as is the case for trail terminations in higher layers – and has to detect failures in the
optical physical media layer by itself.
Optical network failures include fibre disruptions and equipment failures. Equipment failures as such
will be detected and reported by equipment monitoring capabilities.
The fibre disruption case is the most important failure scenario to consider from a network level
view. Following a fibre disruption, loss of the aggregate signal may be observed at the first
downstream OTS trail termination sink. The aggregate signal consists of the multiplexed
wavelengths carrying the optical channels and the wavelength carrying the optical supervisory
channel. Loss of the aggregate signal therefore results in loss of continuity of the multiplexed
wavelengths and loss of continuity of the optical supervisory channel. Subsequently, the detection of
the loss of the aggregate signal will be indicated towards the client layer. Note that loss of continuity
of the optical supervisory channel by itself shall not initiate consequent actions on the client signal.
In general, the same philosophy should be adopted in any layer network where payload and overhead
have independent failure mechanisms.
At the OTS layer an optical component failure may lead to the loss of optical channels but may not
lead to the loss of the optical supervisory channel. This will generate a server signal fail indication to
the OMS layer and a forward defection indication within the OTS layer, the same consequent actions
as in the fibre disruption case.
A server signal fail detected by the OMS trail termination sink will lead in turn to a server signal fail
towards the OCh layer. In the OMS adaptation source the server signal fail will lead to a forward
defect indication of the affected optical channels. It is conceivable that the OMS trail termination
sink will detect a loss of continuity of the OMS trail without a loss of continuity being detected in the
OTS trail. Consequent actions are the same as for the server signal fail case.
A server signal fail detected by the OCh trail termination sink will lead in turn to a server signal fail
towards the client layer. The processing in the OCh adaptation source of the server signal fail is
client specific. It is conceivable that the OCh trail termination sink will detect a loss of continuity of
the OCh trail without a loss of continuity being detected in the OTS or OMS trail. Consequent
actions are the same as for the server signal fail case.
Note that failure conditions within the OTN and/or unused (unlit) optical channel layer connections
can result in missing optical payload for downstream server layer trails (e.g. the fibre disruption at
the input of an optical amplifier results in missing channels at the output of the optical line
amplifier). This shall not result in loss of continuity for that trail (e.g. loss of channels at following
OTS trail terminations in the example above). Appropriate maintenance signalling shall be used to
prevent this.

16 Recommendation G.872 (02/99)

Connectivity supervision
Connectivity supervision refers to the set of processes for monitoring the integrity of the routing of
the connection between source and sink trail terminations.
Connectivity supervision is necessary to confirm proper routing of a connection between trail
termination source and sink during the connection set-up process. Furthermore, connectivity
supervision is needed to ensure that connectivity is maintained while the connection is active.
The following process is identified for connectivity supervision:
• Trail Trace Identification
Trail Trace Identification is necessary to ensure that the signal received by a trail termination
sink originates from the intended trail termination source. The following requirements are
– Trail Trace Identification is necessary at the OTS layer to ensure proper cable
– Trail Trace Identification is not needed at the OMS layer because there is a one-to-one
relationship between the OTS and OMS layers, i.e. connectivity at the OMS layer is
fixed; therefore, the OMS connection is already covered by the OTS trail trace
identification. Flexible connectivity at the OMS layer is not envisaged.
– Trail Trace Identification at the OCh layer is only needed where there is a possibility of
channel rearrangement between OCh source/sink trail terminations.
Detection of connectivity defects will lead to the same consequent actions as described above for the
detection of loss of continuity for the characteristic information.
Maintenance indication
Maintenance indication refers to the set of processes for indicating defects in a connection, which is
part of a trail. The defect indications are given in downstream and upstream directions of a
bidirectional trail.
Two maintenance indication processes are identified:
• Forward Defect Indication (FDI).
• Backward Defect Indication (BDI).
These processes enable defect localization and single-ended maintenance.
FDI is used to indicate downstream that a defect condition has been detected upstream. This allows
the suppression of superfluous failure reports due to the defect.
BDI signals the state of the trail at the trail termination sink back to the remote trail termination sink.
This assists in the maintenance of Inter-Domain Interfaces (see clause 8). In addition, BDI supports
the real-time requirements of bidirectional performance monitoring.
In general, FDI and BDI are associated with the activation of server signal fail. Detailed requirements
for individual layers are for further study.
FDI and BDI are applicable at the OCh, OMS and OTS layers.
NOTE – FDI and BDI terminology is used instead of the traditional AIS and RDI terminology in order not to
prejudge the fault maintenance indications and functionality required by the OTN.

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) 17

6.2.2 Signal quality supervision
Signal quality supervision refers to the set of processes for monitoring the performance of a
connection, which is supporting a trail.
Signal quality supervision is necessary for determining the performance of connections. Generic
processes include parameter measurement, collection, filtering and processing. In terms of network
level management, signal quality supervision is needed to manage channels and multiplexed
channels. Thus, performance parameter monitoring at the OCh and OTS layers is required.
Identification of specific parameters required to be monitored for determining the quality of OCh and
OTS connections is for further study.
The requirement for backward quality indication is for further study.
The requirement to monitor parameters in OMS layer is for further study.

6.2.3 Adaptation management

Adaptation management refers to the set of processes for managing client layer network adaptation
to/from the server layer network.
The following process is identified for adaptation management in the OTN:
• Payload Type Identifier (PTI)
This process is necessary to ensure the client layer is assigned at connection set-up to the appropriate
source and sink OCh/Client adaptations. A payload type identifier mismatch detected at source or
sink adaptations would indicate an incorrectly provisioned or altered client-OCh server layer
Application of the PTI process at the OMS layer is for further study.
The PTI process is not applicable at the OTS layer. A client of the OTN is transparent at this layer.
The OCh/Client adaptation may contain client-specific supervision processes. Definition of these
processes is outside the scope of this Recommendation.

6.2.4 Protection control

Protection control refers to the information and set of processes for providing control of protection
switching for a trail or subnetwork connection. Protection switching is controlled on the basis of
local criteria generated by the trail or subnetwork connection supervision and by the TMN/OS.
Additionally, control from the remote network element using an automatic protection switching
protocol (APS) is possible depending on the protection switching architecture.
Subclause 7.1 describes only protection architectures that are controlled by local information of the
NE. An automatic protection switching (APS) protocol is not required for these protection
architectures. The need for an APS protocol supporting additional protection architectures is for
further study.

6.2.5 Management communications

Two types of management communication processes are identified:
• message-based channel for supporting a data communications network;
• auxiliary channel for supporting personnel voice and voiceband data communications.
A message-based channel is required at the OTS layer to support OTN-related data communications
for, for example, management of line optical amplifiers. The need for an additional channel at the
OMS layer to support, for example, OMS layer management information exchange, is for further
study. A message-based channel at the OCh layer is not required.

18 Recommendation G.872 (02/99)

The need for an auxiliary channel at the OTS layer supporting, for example, an engineering
orderwire, is optional. Additional auxiliary channels at the OMS and OCh layers are not envisaged.

6.2.6 Other communication needs

Capacity needs to be made available for other communication channels, e.g. for operator-specific
overhead, and/or national use.

6.3 Connection supervision techniques and applications

Connection supervision is the process of monitoring the integrity of a given connection in the optical
transmission section, optical multiplex section or optical channel layer networks. The integrity may
be verified by means of detecting and reporting connectivity and transmission performance defects
for a given connection. Recommendation G.805 defines four types of monitoring techniques for
The connection supervision process can be applied to network connections and connection segments,
where the latter is defined as an arbitrary series of subnetwork connections and link connections.

6.3.1 Inherent monitoring

Connections may be indirectly monitored by using the inherently available data from the server
layers and computing the approximate state of the client connection from the available data.
Optical channel layer connections may be indirectly monitored by using the inherently available data
from the optical multiplex section and computing the approximate state of the optical channel
connection from the available data.
Optical multiplex section layer connections may be indirectly monitored by using the inherently
available data from the optical transmission section and computing the approximate state of the
optical multiplex section connection from the available data.
Inherent monitoring is not applicable in the optical transmission section as the server layer is the
physical media and provides no data.

6.3.2 Non-intrusive monitoring

The connection is directly monitored by use of listen only (non-intrusive) monitoring of the original
data and overhead. The approximate state of the connection can be determined by the information
provided at each of the monitoring points.
Non-intrusive monitoring of the characteristic information transported by a connection is an
application that can be used to provide fault localization. If a trail termination sink function detects a
disturbance, it may not be immediately obvious where this disturbance first originated. The trail
termination sink function therefore indicates that there is a disturbance of a certain kind but not
where it is. In order to locate such a disturbance, the trail is viewed as a series of link connections. At
the end of every link connection, a non-intrusive monitoring termination sink function (TTm) may be
used to monitor the characteristic information at that point. The TTm does not provide any adapted
information at its output. An example of the application of non-intrusive monitoring is illustrated in
Figure 6. Traversing from the trail termination sink function and going towards the trail termination
source, the fault is located between those two termination sink functions of which the upstream
function reports disturbance free performance while the other reports the disturbance condition.
Connections may be directly monitored by means of the relevant overhead information in the optical
multiplex section and optical channel layers and then computing the approximate state of the
connection from the difference between the monitored states at each end of the connection.

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) 19

Non-intrusive monitoring is not required in the OTS, unless OTS-level network connection is
employed in systems without line amplifiers.

OCh Trail

Source Sink




Figure 6/G.872 – Example of subnetwork connection supervision

using non-intrusive monitoring

6.3.3 Intrusive monitoring

A connection is directly monitored by breaking the original trail and introducing a test trail that
extends over the connection for the duration of the test. This allows all parameters to be monitored
directly; however, the user trail is not complete and this technique is therefore restricted to the
beginning of trail set-up, or intermittent testing.
Intrusive monitoring may be used for testing fibre continuity and for fault localization.

6.3.4 Sublayer monitoring

The application of this technique to optical network transport layers is for further study.

6.3.5 Monitoring of unused connections

Monitoring the integrity of unused connections in optical transport network layers is for further

6.3.6 Tandem connection monitoring

The intended role of tandem connections is to represent that portion of a trail that exists within a
particular administrative region. Tandem connection monitoring in optical transport network layers is
for further study.

20 Recommendation G.872 (02/99)

7 Optical network survivability techniques
This clause describes the architectural features of network strategies that may be applied to enhance
the survivability of optical transport networks from network link and node impairments. The
survivability techniques considered for optical transport networks encompass both protection and
network restoration capabilities.

7.1 Protection
A protection application makes use of pre-assigned capacity between nodes. The simplest
architecture has 1 working and 1 protection capacity (1+1); the most complex architecture has
n working and m protection capacities (m:n).
Unidirectional protection is defined as a protection switching method which switches only the
affected traffic direction in the event of a unidirectional failure. Bidirectional protection switches
both directions of traffic in the event of a unidirectional failure.
Two types of protection architecture are considered: trail protection and subnetwork connection
Trail protection: Trail protection is a dedicated end-to-end protection mechanism that can be used
on any physical structure (i.e. meshed, ring or mixed). It can be applied in both the OCh and OMS
layers. Trail protection is not recommended for use in the OTS layer. A working trail is replaced by a
protection trail if the working trail fails or if the performance falls below the required level. Trail
protection can operate in a unidirectional or bidirectional manner.
Trail protection may also be 1+1, where the dedicated protection trail is only used for protection
purposes, or 1:1 where extra traffic may be supported.
The following type of trail protection may be used in optical transport layers:
1+1 unidirectional trail protection
In this architecture, a permanent bridge is utilized at the transmit end. At the receive end of the trail,
a protection switch is effected by selecting one of the signals based on purely local information. This
architecture can be applied in either the OMS or OCh layers. This architecture is illustrated in
Figure 7. It may be used without an automatic protection switching protocol.
All other types of trail protection including OMS and OCh trail protection in other configurations is
for further study.
Subnetwork connection protection: Subnetwork connection protection is a dedicated protection
mechanism that may be used on any physical structure (i.e. meshed, ring, or mixed). It may be used
to protect part or all of a network connection. Subnetwork connection protection using inherent
monitoring (SNC/I) protects against failures in the server layer. The switching process and defect
detection process are performed by two adjacent layers, with the server layer providing the defect
detection process and the client layer receives Server Signal Fail (SSF) generated by the server layer.
Subnetwork connection protection using non-intrusive monitoring (SNC/N) uses client layer
information to protect against failures in the server layer and failures and degradations in the client
The following SNC protection architectures have been identified for optical networks:
1+1 unidirectional SNC/N
In this architecture, a permanent bridge is utilized at the transmit end. At the receive end, a protection
switch is effected by selecting one of the signals based on purely local information. This architecture
can be applied in the OCh and OTS network layers. In the latter case, its application is restricted to

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) 21

network connection protection rather than subnetwork connection protection and is therefore suitable
for short-haul optical line systems without in-line amplifiers. This architecture is illustrated in
Figure 8. It may be used without an automatic protection switching protocol.
1+1 unidirectional SNC/I
This architecture can be applied in the optical channel layer network.
Other architectures are for further study.

Protected Trail


CP CP CP CP sublayer

Ap Ap Ap Ap



Network connection
TCP T1315130-98
Network connection

TSF Trail signal fail

TTp Protected trail termination
TTu Unprotected trail termination
Ap Protection adaptation
MCp Protection matrix connection
TCPp Protection TCP
APp Protection access point

Figure 7/G.872 – 1+1 unidirectional trail protection

22 Recommendation G.872 (02/99)




Protected network connection





Link connection
Link connection T1315140-98

SF Signal fail
MCp Protection matrix connection
TTm Non-intrusive trail termination monitor
TCP Termination connection point
AP Access point
CP Connection point

Figure 8/G.872 – Network connection protection with non-intrusive monitoring

in the optical transmission section layer network

7.2 Network restoration

Optical network restoration techniques are based on optical channel cross-connection. In general, the
algorithms used for restoration involve rerouting. To restore an impaired connection, alternative
facilities may be chosen among the available capacity of the optical layer network.
Optical transport network restoration techniques require further study.

8 Interconnection and interworking between different administrative domains

As optical networking technology is evolving, so will the methods by which interconnection and
interworking between different administrative domains takes place. In this context we refer to
interconnection to describe a physical interface between two administrative domains. Interworking
refers to the agreed networking level between domains and is described in terms of the characteristic
information that is transferred transparently across domains. The following scenarios are foreseen:
a) Initially as WDM point-to-point line systems and more complex optical network elements
are introduced, they will be operated as OTN islands contained within administrative
domains. Interconnection with existing transport networks (e.g. PDH and SDH networks)
may take place at one of the physical interfaces which have been standardized for these
networks. Such interconnection generally involves modifying the physical characteristics of
the signal which is passed over an inter-domain interface, such as a G.957 optical signal for
SDH-based transport networks, so that the adapted information of the signal is OTN

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) 23

compliant. This method of interconnection is illustrated in Figure 9 with a non-OTN
Inter-Domain Interface (non-OTN_IrDI) between administrative domains A and B.
Domain B contains an OTN while domain A may or may not. Also shown in Figure 9 is an
OTN Intra-Domain Interface (OTN_IaDI). For Intra-Domain applications, no need is
currently foreseen for the standardization of fully transverse compatible interfaces.
Interworking takes place at some agreed upon client layer and its supervision is based upon
client-specific maintenance signals.
b) As a second step, as capacity for interconnect increases, OTN compliant systems may be
applied to interconnect administrative domains. This is depicted in Figure 10. The
interconnection point is referred to as an OTN Inter-Domain Interface (OTN_IrDI). This
interface may be single channel or multichannel.
For this first application, standardization of a transverse compatible short distance
(e.g. <40 km) interface has first priority. Second priority should be given to transverse
compatible interfaces that span longer distances.
Obviously such OTN_IrDIs may also be applied to Intra-Domain applications (OTN_IaDI).
For this step, limited optical channel overhead may be applied. Interworking will continue to
take place at some agreed upon client layer as in case a).
c) Finally, when the standards for the overhead are in place and implemented, it will become
possible to provide continuity for the OCh at the interconnection point between different
administrative domains as shown in Figure 11. The OTN_IrDI is intended to be used for this
purpose. This use of an OTN compliant interface is driven by the need to provide OCh
continuity. Therefore, the IrDI may be a single-channel or a multichannel interface.

24 Recommendation G.872 (02/99)

Domain A Domain B

Client layer Client layer link connection Client layer


One or more client layer networks

One or more client layer networks One or more client layer networks



Adaptation Adaptation OCh_A

trail trail
termination termination



Non-OTN lrDI OTN_IaDI T1315150-98

Figure 9/G.872 – Scenario 1: Interconnection of different administrative domains

via a non-OTN interface

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) 25

Domain A Domain B

Client layer Client layer link connection Client layer


One or more client layer networks One or more client layer networks

OCh/ OCh/
Client_A Client_A
Optical channel trail






OTN_IrDI T1315160-98

Figure 10/G.872 – Scenario 2: Interconnection of different administrative domains

via an optical island with an OTN inter-domain interface

26 Recommendation G.872 (02/99)

Domain A Domain B Domain C








OTN_IrDI OTN_IrDI T1315170-98

Figure 11/G.872 – Scenario 3: Interconnection of OTN subnetworks

in different administrative domains via an OTN inter-domain
interface supporting OCh interworking

Impairment mitigation and regeneration

The transmission of information over an optical network is hindered by the accumulation of

impairments that need to be mitigated against to maintain signal quality. It is recognized from a
modelling viewpoint that these compensations need to be described in terms of processes. In
particular the description of processes involved in so-called 1R, 2R and 3R regeneration are of
interest. A transport function must be described in terms of the processes associated with the relevant
adaptation and termination functions in each layer and a simple statement of 1R, 2R or 3R
regeneration is insufficient. However, because 1R, 2R and 3R regeneration are commonly used
terms, the following classification is provided as an aid to understanding them.
These forms of regeneration are composed of a combination of the following processes:
a) Equal amplification of all frequencies within the amplification bandwidth. There is no
restriction upon client layers.
b) Amplification with different gain for frequencies within the amplification bandwidth. This
could be applied to both single-channel and multichannel systems.
c) Dispersion compensation (phase distortion). This analogue process can be applied in either
single-channel or multichannel systems.

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) 27

d) Noise suppression.
e) Digital reshaping (Schmitt Trigger function) with no clock recovery. This is applicable to
individual channels and can be used for different bit rates but is not transparent to line
f) Complete regeneration of the pulse shape including clock recovery and retiming within
required jitter limits.
As can be seen in Figure A.1, 1R regeneration is described as any combination of processes a) to c).
2R regeneration is considered to be 1R regeneration together with processes d) and e), whilst 3R
regeneration is considered to be 2R regeneration together with process f).
An informal description of 1R regeneration is that 1R regeneration is based on analogue techniques;
2R involves digital processing of the signal levels while 3R regeneration also involves digital
processing of the signal timing information.

1R 2R 3R


Equalization 1R 2R
– Frequency
– Dispersion

Digital Reshaping
Noise Suppression

Digital pulse regeneration

(pulse shape and timing)

Figure A.1/G.872 – Regeneration classification

Examples of Optical Network functionality

This appendix describes examples of functional groupings that may be applied to the optical

I.1 Wavelength conversion

Figure I.1 shows the functional model for single channel wavelength conversion. The OTS and OMS
trails are terminated and the wavelength conversion is performed by the OMS/OCh adaptation
function. At the OCh layer the wavelength is undefined. The OMS/OCh_A source assigns a specific
wavelength to the optical channel.

28 Recommendation G.872 (02/99)

I.2 Cross-connect
Figure I.2 shows the functional model of a cross-connect and two optical amplifiers, one single
channel and one multichannel. The OCh layer signals can be cross-connected between OTN
interfaces or to appropriate client layer interfaces. The cross-connect may also include
wavelength/frequency conversion.

I.3 Regeneration
The processes involved in 1R, 2R and 3R regeneration as detailed in Annex A and their assignment
to the appropriate optical transport network function are for further study.






Figure I.1/G.872 – Example of optical wavelength conversion

Recommendation G.872 (02/99) 29

Recommendation G.872 (02/99)







Single channel 1R Optical channel cross-connection Multichannel 1R

NOTE – Line terminals and trails, etc. are not shown for simplification.

Figure I.2/G.872 – Application of functional architecture to cases of single and

multichannel 1R regeneration (amplification) and channel cross-connection
Series A Organization of the work of the ITU-T
Series B Means of expression: definitions, symbols, classification
Series C General telecommunication statistics
Series D General tariff principles
Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors
Series F Non-telephone telecommunication services
Series G Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks
Series H Audiovisual and multimedia systems
Series I Integrated services digital network
Series J Transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia signals
Series K Protection against interference
Series L Construction, installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant
Series M TMN and network maintenance: international transmission systems, telephone circuits,
telegraphy, facsimile and leased circuits
Series N Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits
Series O Specifications of measuring equipment
Series P Telephone transmission quality, telephone installations, local line networks
Series Q Switching and signalling
Series R Telegraph transmission
Series S Telegraph services terminal equipment
Series T Terminals for telematic services
Series U Telegraph switching
Series V Data communication over the telephone network
Series X Data networks and open system communications
Series Y Global information infrastructure and Internet protocol aspects
Series Z Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication systems

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