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Plant Embryogenesis (Zygotic and Somatic) : Introductory Article

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Plant Embryogenesis Introductory article

(Zygotic and Somatic) . Introduction

Article Contents

John J Harada, University of California, Davis, California, USA . Description of Embryogenesis

. Establishing the Plant Body Plan

Mark F Belmonte, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada . Somatic Embryogenesis
Raymond W Kwong, University of California, Davis, California, USA . Summary

Based in part on the previous version of this Encyclopedia of Life Sciences Online posting date: 18th October 2010
(ELS) article, Plant Embryogenesis (Zygotic and Somatic) by John J
Harada and Raymond W Kwong.

Zygotic embryogenesis in higher plants describes the combine to form the zygote, the initial stage of the sporo-
developmental period in which the zygote undergoes a phytic generation. See also: Gametophyte and Sporophyte
series of differentiation events, leading to the formation Embryogenesis traditionally describes the develop-
of a mature embryo. Establishment of the major embry- mental period in which the zygote undergoes a series of
onic organs and shoot and root apical meristems occur
differentiation events, resulting in the formation of a
mature embryo with cotyledons, shoot apical meristem
though partitioning events along the apical–basal axis,
(SAM), hypocotyl, root, root apical meristem (RAM) and
and many of these events are guided by the hormone three embryonic tissue systems. Many facets of higher
auxin. Formation of the three embryonic tissue systems plant embryogenesis are novel. For example, two fertil-
occurs along a radial axis perpendicular to the apical– isation events are required for reproduction: one produces
basal axis. The mature zygotic embryo is generally the zygote and the other generates the endosperm, an
developmentally arrested, metabolically quiescent and extraembryonic tissue system that is essential for zygotic
enclosed within maternal tissues of the seed. Somatic cells embryo development and that serves a nutritive role for the
can be induced to divert from their normal fate and embryo/seedling. Another unique aspect is that higher
develop into embryos in a process termed somatic plant embryogenesis can be divided conceptually into two
embryogenesis. Auxin and other plant hormones appear distinct phases. The body plan of the plant is established
during the early morphogenesis phase. In the late matur-
to play critical roles in inducing embryogenic com-
ation phase, the embryo acquires the ability to withstand
petence. Zygotic and somatic embryogenesis represent
desiccation and accumulates storage reserves used to
parallel developmental programs in which cells acquire nourish the developing seedling. This mode of embryo-
embryogenic cell fate and develop into mature embryos. genesis differs substantially from that of lower plants that
do not make seeds and do not undergo the maturation
phase. Finally, plants are totipotent, that is, plant cells can
change their fate and be induced to regenerate a fully dif-
ferentiated adult organism. A variety of cell types, includ-
ing zygotic cells, somatic cells, microspore cells, nucellar
cells and unfertilised eggs, can undergo embryogenesis
Introduction although it is not known to what extent initiation of
embryo development through these different pathways
Plants alternate between the haploid gametophytic and the overlap. See also: Apical Meristems; Meristems
diploid sporophytic generations during their life cycles. In this article, we discuss selected examples to illustrate
The sporophyte produces the megaspores and microspores the processes that occur during embryogenesis in higher
that give rise to the female and male gametophytes, plants. Although there is diversity in the details, the con-
respectively. Egg and sperm cells made in the gametophytes ceptual processes underlying embryogenesis are likely to
apply broadly.

ELS subject area: Plant Science

Description of Embryogenesis
How to cite:
Harada, John J; Belmonte, Mark F; and Kwong, Raymond W (October
2010) Plant Embryogenesis (Zygotic and Somatic). In: Encyclopedia of Zygote formation
Life Sciences (ELS). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0002042.pub2
The ability of higher plants to make seeds has provided
many selective advantages to seed plants as compared with

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Plant Embryogenesis (Zygotic and Somatic)

nonvascular plants and seedless vascular plants (Steeves, longitudinal, indicating that a transverse, unequal division
1983). Fertilisation occurs within the female gametophyte is not a requirement for plant embryo formation (Natesh
that is surrounded by maternal tissue allowing this repro- and Rau, 1984).
ductive step to occur in nonaqueous environments. The apical cell initially undergoes two longitudinal div-
Development within the confines of maternal tissues also isions to produce the four-cell embryo proper (Figure 1d).
affords some level of protection to female gametophytes The first transverse division of the embryo proper produces
and embryos. In addition, the seed serves as an efficient the octant-stage embryo with an upper and lower tier of
dispersal unit in which the embryo can remain dormant cells, as shown in Figure 1e. The division plane created by
until conditions for germination and seedling survival are this cleavage, designated the O’ line, has been implicated to
favourable. See also: Gametophyte and Sporophyte; Plant serve as a boundary between two distinct embryonic
Reproduction; Seed Germination and Reserve Mobiliza- regions, the apical and the central domains (Mayer et al.,
tion; Seeds 1991). The next divisions of the octant-stage embryo occur
The multicellular female gametophyte, or embryo sac, parallel to the embryo surface and form the protoderm, the
develops within the ovule, the progenitor of the seed. Figure epidermis precursor that is the first morphologically
1a shows a female gametophyte of the Polygonum type that detectable embryonic tissue (Figure 1f). This set of cleavages
consists of six haploid cells – one egg cell, two synergid cells sets off outer from interior cells and establishes the globu-
and three antipodal cells – and one diploid central cell in lar-stage embryo, often described as having a radially
which the two polar nuclei have fused. After pollination, symmetrical morphology (Figure 1g).
the male gametophyte forms a pollen tube that grows into The basal cell undergoes a series of transverse divisions
the ovule micropyle and penetrates one synergid cell of the to produce the hypophysis and the suspensor (Figure 1e).
female gametophyte. Double fertilisation occurs following The hypophysis is the uppermost derivative of the basal cell
the release of two sperm cells into the female gametophyte. that, in many plants, serves as the precursor of the quies-
One sperm cell migrates to the egg cell, fuses with its plasma cent centre (QC) of the RAM and the central root cap cells.
membrane and its nucleus undergoes karyogamy with the Thus, the embryonic RAM is derived from descendants of
egg cell nucleus to form the zygote. The other sperm cell both the apical and the basal cells. The suspensor is
fuses with the central cell to produce the triploid endo- ephemeral and performs a structural role by pushing the
sperm mother cell. The developing endosperm undergoes embryo proper into the nutrient-rich endosperm. It is also
an initial period of nuclear divisions without cytokinesis, thought to serve as a conduit for the transport of nutrients
producing a syncytium of nuclear–cytoplasmic domains. and growth factors to the developing embryo. Although
Cellularisation of the endosperm occurs later in develop- crucifers possess a single file of 6–11 suspensor cells, there
ment. In many plants such as beans, the endosperm can be are substantial variations in the number and layers of
absorbed largely or completely by the developing embryo. suspensor cells in other plants (Kawashima and Goldberg,
Alternately, the endosperm persists in the seed as a storage 2010). The suspensor usually degenerates at late stages of
organ and serves as a nutrient source for the developing embryo development.
seedling as occurs in cereals. See also: Carpels; Endosperm In dicots, emergence of the first discernible organs, the
Development; Gametogenesis; Stamen and Pollen two cotyledons, generates a triangular, transition-stage
Development embryo (Figure 1h). This dramatic change in embryo
morphology is often described as a change from radial to
Morphogenesis phase of embryo bilateral symmetry. Concomitant with the emergence of
development cotyledon organs, embryonic tissue systems become
defined. The middle ground meristem and the innermost
Higher plants display a diversity of embryo development procambium, the vascular tissue precursor, become dis-
patterns. For example, six classifications of embryogenesis tinguishable as a result of longitudinal divisions in the
have been defined based on the sequences of early cell interior of the embryo. Formation of the cotyledons reveals
division, although the early cleavages of some plants such the second major embryonic organ system, the axis. Con-
as cotton are so variable that they cannot be classified in tinued cell divisions of the cotyledon primordial result in
these groups (Natesh and Rau, 1984). Therefore, there the formation of a heart-stage embryo.
is no universal pattern of embryo morphogenesis. As an Major events of morphogenesis involve establishment of
example, we describe embryogenesis characteristic of the the apical meristems (Figure 1i). Following embryogenesis,
dicotyledonous crucifers Arabidopsis, Brassica and Cap- stems, leaves and, later, floral organs are generated from
sella bursa-pastoris. the SAM. By the late heart stage, the SAM consists of one
Figure 1b and c show that in crucifers, the first division of or two outer cell layers of tunica and an inner layer of
the zygote is transverse and asymmetric, generating cells of corpus. Functionally, it is divided longitudinally into three
different fates. The small apical cell gives rise to the embryo zones, central, peripheral and rib. Primordia that produce
proper with the exception of a part of the root meristem, the first true leaves are initiated on the flanks of the SAM
and the basal cell yields the suspensor and the other root during late embryogenesis. The embryonic RAM, which
meristem components. However, this first division of the consists of a layer of stem cells that surround the QC, a
zygote in other plants can be oblique, symmetrical or group of cells that divide only rarely, becomes active in

2 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES & 2010, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. www.els.net
Plant Embryogenesis (Zygotic and Somatic)

Figure 1 The ovule and representative stages of embryo development. (a) Ovule, (b) zygote, (c) two-cell embryo, (d) two- or four-cell embryo proper,
(e) octant-stage embryo, (f) 16-cell embryo proper, (g) globular-stage embryo proper, (h) transition-stage embryo proper, (i) torpedo-stage embryo proper,
(j) bent cotyledon-stage embryo and (k) mature-stage embryo. Abbreviations: Ac, apical cell; An, antipodal cells; Ax, axis; Bc, basal cell; Cc, central cell; Ch,
chalazal region; Co, cotyledons; Ec, egg cell; Fg, female gametophyte; Fu, funiculus; Gm, ground meristem; Hy, hypophysis; Ii, inner integument; Mi,
micropyl region; O’, O’ line; Oi, outer integument; Pc, procambium; Pd, protoderm; Pn, polar nuclei; RAM, root apical meristem; Rc, root cap; SAM, shoot
apical meristem; Su, suspensor and Sy, synergid cells.

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Plant Embryogenesis (Zygotic and Somatic)

heart-stage embryos. Different initials give rise to the Establishing the Plant Body Plan
procambium, the ground meristem cells that will become
the cortex and endodermis, the epidermis and lateral root In conceptual terms, plant embryo formation represents a
cap, and the central root cap (Jiang and Feldman, 2005). series of partitioning events in which organs and tissues are
See also: Apical Meristems formed from larger domains. The shoot–root axis consti-
tutes the major apical–basal axis of the plant body. During
embryogenesis, the body plan of the plant is elaborated
Maturation phase along this axis, producing the SAM, cotyledons, hypo-
cotyl, root and RAM. Tissue formation results from seg-
By the torpedo stage, most cell divisions and events asso-
mentation events that occur radially from this axis.
ciated with embryonic tissue and organ formation are
See also: Phenotypic and Developmental Plasticity in
complete, and morphological development has essentially
Plants; Positional Information in Plant Development
arrested (Figure 1i). During the maturation phase of
embryogenesis, cellular processes occur that are associated
with preparing the embryo and seed for desiccation, Apical–basal patterning
metabolic quiescence and germination. First, macro-
molecular reserves, including storage proteins, storage Specification of embryonic domains
lipids and carbohydrates, accumulate and are sequestered An early event in morphogenesis appears to be compart-
in discrete storage organelles within the embryo or endo- mentalisation of the embryo into three distinct domains
sperm. These reserves are used primarily after germination along its apical–basal axis (Figure 2). The apical domain is
as a nutrient source for growth until the seedling becomes postulated to give rise to the SAM and most of the coty-
photosynthetically active. Cell expansion that accounts for ledons, the central domain forms part of the cotyledons, the
embryo growth during the maturation phase occurs largely hypocotyl, the root and the root meristem initials, and the
as a result of reserve accumulation. Second, the embryo basal domain produces the QC of the RAM and central
gradually acquires the ability to withstand the stresses of root cap initials (Jurgens, 2001). The domain hypothesis
desiccation imposed by water loss at the end of the mat- originated from analyses of Arabidopsis mutants with
uration phase. The precise mechanisms involved in con- defects in seedling morphology that were interpreted to
ferring desiccation tolerance are not well understood, but result from the absence of specific embryonic domains
carbohydrates and a class of late embryogenesis abundant (Mayer et al., 1991). gurke (gk) mutant seedlings that do
(LEA) proteins have been implicated in this process not have cotyledons and exhibit hypocotyl defects were
(Angelovici et al., 2010). Third, germination appears to be interpreted to lack the apical and, possibly, central
actively suppressed during the maturation phase. Inhib- domains. The central domain appears to be absent in fackel
ition of germination is mediated initially by the hormone mutants in which cotyledons of seedlings are directly
abscisic acid (ABA) and later by restricted water uptake attached to roots. monopteros (mp) mutants lack roots and
(Bewley, 1997). The onset of desiccation signals the end of hypocotyls and are considered to have a central domain
embryogenesis and induces a period of metabolic quies- deletion and a defective basal domain. Finally, gnom (gn)
cence. See also: Dormancy in Plants; Plant Storage mutants appear to consist of a ball of cells and were
Products (Carbohydrates, Oils and Proteins); Seed Ger- interpreted to represent deletions of the apical and basal
mination and Reserve Mobilization; Seeds domains.

Figure 2 Apical–basal embryonic domains. Three embryonic domains, apical, central and basal, can be discerned in the octant-stage embryo. The apical
domain gives rise to the shoot apical meristem and most of the cotyledons. The central domain gives rise to part of the cotyledons, the hypocotyl, the root
and most of the root apical meristem. The basal domain gives rise to part of the root apical meristem. Abbreviation: Su, suspensor.

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Plant Embryogenesis (Zygotic and Somatic)

The existence of ‘transcriptional territories’ support the cleavage is symmetrical or oblique rather than asymmetric
apical–basal domain hypothesis (Goldberg et al., 1994). and transverse as in wild type (Mayer and Jurgens, 1993).
Transcriptional territories are defined by the spatial mp embryo development deviates from wild type initially at
activities of genes expressed during embryogenesis. For the octant stage when mutant embryos possess four rather
example, the promoter of the soybean Kunitz trypsin than two tiers of cells (Berleth and Jurgens, 1993). Differ-
inhibitor gene is active in the micropylar region of a ential gene expression patterns also provide support for
globular-stage embryo, corresponding to the basal early compartmentalisation of the embryo. At the two-cell
domain. By contrast, the soybean seed lectin gene pro- embryo stage, a number of Arabidopsis genes including
moter is active in a ring of equatorial cells around the AtMERISTEM L1 LAYER (AtML1), PINFORMED1
middle of a globular-stage embryo encompassing the pro- (PIN1), MP, BODENLOS (BDL) and WOX2 are active
toderm and ground meristem but not the procambium. predominantly in the apical cells, whereas PIN7, WOX8
Thus, this promoter is active in a region of the central and WOX9 are expressed primarily in the basal cell
domain. Similarly, expression of the Arabidopsis genes (Weijers and Jurgens, 2005).
CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON3 (CUC3) is limited to the
upper tier of octant- and globular-stage embryos corres- Role of auxin in apical–basal patterning
ponding to the apical domain (Haecker et al., 2004; Vroe- Regulated transport of the hormone auxin is implicated to
men et al., 2003). By contrast, PLETHORA1 (PLT1) play critical roles in several major patterning events during
initially marks a region of the central domain (Aida et al., plant development, including embryogenesis (Vanneste
2004). Thus, transcriptional territories appear to corres- and Friml, 2009). From the two-cell embryo stage until the
pond to genetically defined apical, central and basal early globular stage, auxin is transported from basal to
domains. apical regions of the embryo, creating an auxin maximum
Embryonic domain specification appears to occur early in the embryo proper, as shown in Figure 3 (Friml et al.,
in embryogenesis. Phenotypic consequences of the 2003). Auxin transport is mediated primarily through the
domain-deletion mutations can be traced to the earliest activities of the PIN family of auxin efflux carriers. For
stages of embryo development. For example, the first div- example, localisation of PIN7 at the apical (upper) end of
ision of the gn mutant zygote is abnormal in that the the basal cell in a two-cell Arabidopsis embryo and its

Figure 3 Auxin flux during early embryo development of Arabidopsis thaliana. From the two-cell embryo stage to the pre-globular stage, PIN-FORMED7
(PIN7, purple) localises to the apical membrane of suspensor cells mediating auxin transport (green arrow) from the suspensor into the embryo proper,
where an auxin maximum (blue) is created. By the globular stage, PIN1 and PIN7 localise to the basal membranes and establish apical-to-basal auxin flux.
The activity of PIN1 localises to the basal membrane of the procambial cells. The activities of these transporters establish an auxin maximum in the
hypophysis and the uppermost cells of the suspensor of the globular-stage embryo (dark blue). The hypophysis then divides asymmetrically to eventually
form the quiescent centre of the embryo. Adapted from Jenik et al. (2007) with permission of Annual Reviews.

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Plant Embryogenesis (Zygotic and Somatic)

descendants appears to create the auxin maximum in the domain, and, therefore, an embryo with two opposing
apical cell. At the globular stage, however, apical-to-basal roots. Thus, auxin-dependent pathways play key roles in
auxin transport that is maintained throughout the establishment of the basal domain.
remainder of the plant life cycle is initiated through redis- Auxin-independent pathways are also important for
tribution of PIN carriers. PIN7 is relocalised to the basal domain specification, and in many cases, they intersect with
end of basal cell derivatives, and PIN1, which does not auxin-mediated pathways. For example, specification of
display polar localisation in the embryo proper until the QC cell identity is thought to be controlled through
globular stage, becomes restricted to the basal end of mechanisms dependent and independent of auxin. Speci-
procambial cells. The newly localised PIN efflux carriers fication of QC cell fate likely results from the auxin-induced
appear to cause a redistribution of the auxin maximum to expression of the PLT family of transcription factors that
the hypophysis, the uppermost cell of the suspensor, and its regulate root stem cell fate (Aida et al., 2004). On the
derivatives. Later in embryogenesis, auxin maxima form at contrary, an auxin-independent network involving
the site of incipient cotyledon primordial as a result of SHORTROOT (SHR) and SCARECROW (SCR) is also
relocalisation of PIN1. Thus, intracellular location of PIN required for QC specification and RAM organi-
efflux carriers determines sites of auxin maxima during sation (Jiang and Feldman, 2005). See also: Root Apical
embryo development. See also: Polar Auxin Transport Meristems
The importance of auxin flux in embryo development is Another example of the interplay between auxin-
indicated by defects caused by a mutation affecting PIN dependent and auxin-independent pathways involves the
localisation. gn mutants have striking defects in apical– WOX genes that constitute a family of transcription factors
basal patterning, including an abnormal division plane of with important roles in early patterning events of the
the zygote and the apparent loss of apical and basal embryo. WOX8 and WOX9 are expressed collectively in
domains (Mayer and Jurgens, 1993). GN is an adenosyl the basal cell and its descendents and in the lower tier of the
ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide exchange factor embryo proper during early embryonic stages. Inactivation
that is required for the recycling and polar localisation of of these two genes results in a severe reduction in PIN1
PIN proteins (Steinmann et al., 1999). Thus, polar auxin activity, the absence of the auxin maximum in the hypo-
transport and the creation of auxin maxima are dependent physeal cell and defects in both embryo proper and sus-
on GN-mediated cellular processes. The phosphorylation pensor development (Breuninger et al., 2008). WOX genes
status of PIN proteins determines their localisation to are also required for patterning of the apical domain.
apical or basal plasma membranes, which is controlled by WOX2, which is expressed in the zygote and the apical cell
the serine-threonine kinase, PINOID (PID), and PRO- of the two-cell embryo proper, appears to act redundantly
TEIN PHOSPHATASE2A, respectively. Mutation of PID with WOX1 and WOX3/PRESSED FLOWER for estab-
causes defects in cotyledon separation during embryo- lishment and maintenance of the protoderm (Breuninger
genesis, emphasising the importance of proper PIN local- et al., 2008). Moreover, genetic studies showed interaction
isation. The following section highlights the roles of auxin between WOX2 and WOX8 with MP, suggesting the auxin-
signalling in apical–basal patterning of the embryo. independent WOX pathway converges with auxin signal-
See also: Auxin ling pathways in controlling embryo patterning.
The apical domain originates from the upper tier of the
octant-stage embryo and gives rise to the SAM and most of
Establishment of embryo domains the cotyledons. Although GK appears to be essential for
The basal domain derives from the hypophysis and gives partitioning of the apical domain, it is not known how this
rise to the QC and central root cap cells. The auxin max- gene encoding acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase, an enzyme
imum generated by apical-to-basal transport is required for involved most commonly in fatty acid biosynthesis, is
the formation of the hypophysis cell and its subsequent required for domain establishment (Baud et al., 2003).
specification as QC cells. Two genes required for hyp- Formation of the SAM occurs through a series of
ophysis and RAM formation, MP and BDL, encode compartmentalisation events within the apical region.
transcription factors involved in auxin signalling, and they WUSCHEL, a homeodomain transcription factor
may affect transcription of PIN genes and the establish- required for SAM formation, is initially expressed at the
ment of the auxin maximum within the embryo. Both 16-cell stage in the upper tier of the embryo proper (Mayer
genes, however, are expressed in procambial cells in the et al., 1998). As these cells divide asymmetrically, WUS
central domain bordering the hypophysis, suggesting expression becomes restricted to the innermost cells. WUS
intercellular signalling plays a key role in RAM formation is required for expression of CLAVATA genes, and col-
(Weijers et al., 2005). Auxin signalling may also play a role lectively these genes establish the stem cell niche and
in root formation by actively suppressing processes that regulates SAM homeostasis (Carles and Fletcher, 2003). A
occur normally in the apical domain. TOPLESS (TPL) second partitioning pathway involves the formation of a
encodes a transcriptional corepressor of auxin-regulated boundary around the SAM and the two cotyledons
genes (Szemenyei et al., 2008). A semidominant mutation by the CUC transcription factors (Koyama et al., 2007).
that inactivates the function of TPL and its family mem- CUC gene expression in the apical domain early
bers results in conditional root formation from the apical in embryogenesis activates the expression of

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Plant Embryogenesis (Zygotic and Somatic)

SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM), a homeodomain Somatic Embryogenesis

transcription factor that promotes SAM formation. STM
then downregulates CUC genes, restricting CUC expres- Plants can make embryos in various ways. Zygotes formed
sion to a domain surrounding the SAM. from egg cells as a result of fertilisation undergo zygotic
embryogenesis. Somatic cells can be induced to form dip-
Cell fate determination in radial patterning loid embryos (Yang and Zhang, 2010). Microspore cells
can be diverted from their normal pathway of pollen
The embryo consists of three primary tissue systems: development to make haploid embryos (Maraschin et al.,
the outer protoderm, the middle ground meristem and the 2006). Various cells of the ovule can undergo adventitious
inner procambium that are arrayed radially from the or parthenogenic embryogenesis in a suite of processes that
apical–basal axis as shown in Figure 4. Clonal analyses and give rise to asexual seeds known as apomixes (Koltunow
cell ablation studies show that although the precise series of and Grossniklaus, 2003). These forms of embryogenesis,
cell divisions that occur early in embryogenesis give the including somatic embryogenesis, are examples of the
appearance of lineage-dependent specification of cell fate, totipotency of plants, that is, the ability of plant cells to
positional information plays a predominant role in speci- form a fully differentiated organism. Studies of these
fying cell identity. Consistent with this idea, Arabidopsis alternative pathways of embryogenesis may provide clues
fass (fs) mutant embryos do not undergo normal patterns about the mechanisms that induce embryonic develop-
of cell division, and they produce misshapen seedlings ment. See also: Plant Cell Culture
(Mayer et al., 1991). Yet, mature fs mutant embryos have Somatic cells must usually be induced to form embryos,
the full complement of functional tissues, suggesting that although somatic embryos can sometimes form naturally
consistent cell division patterns are not critical in estab- on leaf margins of plants such as the Mother of Thousands
lishing the radial pattern. (Kalanchoe daigremontiana). Somatic embryos are most
The outer protoderm layer appears to be specified commonly generated by treating cells with auxin anal-
coincident with cell divisions parallel to the surface of the ogues, such as 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and some-
octant-stage embryo. Markers for protoderm cell fate such times cytokinins, followed by culture of the cells in
as AtML1, PROTODERMAL FACTOR1 (PDF1) and hormone-free medium (Yang and Zhang, 2010). Thus,
PDF2 become restricted to the outermost layer and even- induction is considered a bipartite process in which cells
tually the embryo (Abe et al., 2003; Lu et al., 1996). They treated with auxin acquire the competence to undergo
are expressed in the developing epidermis during post- somatic embryogenesis, but they are only able to differen-
embryonic development, but they are not required for root tiate into somatic embryos in the absence of this plant
epidermis development. See also: Epidermis: Outer Cell growth regulator. However, hormone treatments are not a
Layer of the Plant requirement for somatic embryogenesis. Somatic cells can
The embryonic root consists of concentric rings of be induced to undergo embryogenesis through various
endodermis, cortex and protoderm surrounding the pro- procedures that include, but are not limited to, exposure to
cambium (Figure 4). The former two arise from an asym- hormones, heat or pH shock and treatment with various
metric division of the ground meristem initial and involves chemicals (Ikeda-Iwai et al., 2003). Thus, there does not
two GRAS (gibberellic acid insensitive (GAI), repressor of appear to be one universal signal capable of inducing
GAI (RGA) and scarecrow (SCR))-type transcription embryogenic cell fate. However, the precise mechanisms by
factors, SHR and SCR (Jiang and Feldman, 2005). SHR is which cells acquire competence in response to hormone or
synthesised in the procambium and transported into the other treatments are not known.
adjacent ground tissue where it activates the SCR gene. Despite the important practical applications of somatic
SCR promotes division of the ground tissue initial and embryogenesis in the plant sciences, much remains
specification of endodermis identity. to be learned about the cellular processes that underlie
somatic embryogenesis. The development of somatic
embryos appears to follow pathways similar to zygotic
embryos. Mutations responsible for defects in zy-
gotic embryo development cause similar anomalies in
somatic embryo development (Mordhorst et al., 2002).
Thus, major questions focus on the mechanisms that cause
cells to change their fate and become embryogenic.
Significant progress has been made in the past 15 years. We
highlight recent advances in understanding the mech-
anisms controlling somatic embryogenesis in Arabi-
dopsis. The knowledge gained from this model system
should provide the necessary starting point in under-
Figure 4 Radial patterning of embryonic tissues. The three embryonic
tissue systems are the protoderm, the ground meristem and the
standing embryogenic competence and somatic embryo
procambium. In the embryonic root, the ground meristem gives rise to the development in other plants, including economically
cortex and the endodermis. important crop species.

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Plant Embryogenesis (Zygotic and Somatic)

Embryogenic competence occur during maturation may be associated with embryo-

genic competence.
What are the endogenous factors that promote the com- Clues about the potential mechanisms by which these
petence of cells to undergo somatic embryogenesis? transcription factors promote somatic embryogenesis come
Although somatic embryos can form from cells in many from analyses of genes regulated by the LEC2 transcription
plant organs, immature zygotic embryos are generally the factor, which is a prolific inducer of somatic embryogenesis
preferred source of material for producing embryogenic (Stone et al., 2001, 2008). Induction of LEC2 activity results
cell cultures. For example, Arabidopsis maturation-phase in the rapid activation of genes encoding key enzymes
embryos show the highest induction frequency of somatic involved in auxin biosynthesis, YUCCA2 and YUCCA4.
embryogenesis (Gaj et al., 2005). Thus, embryonic cells Auxin has also been shown to interact genetically with LEC1.
appear to be more competent to undergo somatic Thus, competence for somatic embryogenesis through
embryogenesis. Stem cells or undifferentiated cells also ectopic expression of LEC transcription factors may occur
appear to have higher competence for somatic embryo- through auxin. Although the central role for auxin in embryo
genesis. Mutant seedlings with enlarged SAMs, such as development is well established, we do not know how
primordia timing, clavata1 and clavata3, exhibit a higher embryogenic cells become hormone autonomous. Further
frequency of somatic embryo formation following auxin studies will help establish the genetic mechanisms underlying
treatment than wild-type seedlings (Mordhorst et al., this critical step in embryo development. See also: Auxin
1998). Consistent with this finding, overexpression of An additional insight into the mechanisms controlling
WUS, which normally promotes stem cell identity in the embryogenic competence was obtained through studies
SAM, induces somatic embryogenesis in the absence of of the Arabidopsis PICKLE (PKL) gene, that encodes a
auxin (Zuo et al., 2002). Overexpression of BABY BOOM, CHD3 (chromodomain helicase DNA-binding 3) chro-
a gene implicated in promoting RAM stem cell identity, matin-remodelling factor (Ogas et al., 1999). Roots of pkl
also is sufficient to induce somatic embryogenesis (Boutilier mutant seedlings display embryonic characteristics, such as
et al., 2002). Thus, genes that enhance apical meristem oil bodies, and excised pkl roots produce somatic embryos
formation or stem cell identity may confer embryogenic in hormone-free culture. Unlike wild type, postembryonic
competence with and without exogenous auxin treatment. pkl mutant roots accumulate LEC1 and LEC2 messenger
Many studies have focused on characterising the cellular ribonucleic acid (mRNA), suggesting that the LEC genes
processes that occur as cells acquire competence for som- may confer embryogenic competence to pkl mutant roots.
atic embryogenesis. Carrot cells have long been a model The Pkl2 mutant root phenotype can be suppressed by the
system for plant somatic embryogenesis (Steward et al., hormone giberellic acid (GA), suggesting that the wild-type
1958). Embryos can form from single cells, and imaging PKL gene may serve a role in a GA signalling pathway to
studies suggest that morphological shape is not a consistent repress the embryogenic competence of postembryonic
indicator of embryogenic competence. However, two roots and allow vegetative development to occur. The
molecular markers of competent cells have been identified. LEC2 transcription factor activates AGAMOUS-LIKE15,
Expression of the somatic embryo receptor-like kinase which in turn activates the GA2ox6 gene encoding a GA-
(SERK) gene correlates with the acquisition of competence inactivating enzyme (Braybrook and Harada, 2008).
(Schmidt et al., 1996). A second marker is a cell wall antigen Therefore, the LEC transcription factors may promote
found on the surface of competent cells that interacts with embryogenic competence indirectly through its potential
the JIM8 (John Innes monoclonal 8) monoclonal antibody effects in repressing GA levels. These findings are consist-
(McCabe et al., 1997). Other molecular markers of somatic ent with studies that show exogenous GA suppresses
embryogenesis, such as LEAFY COTYLEDON1 (LEC1), somatic embryogenesis (Wang et al., 2004). The hormone
FUSCA3 (FUS3), ABA INSENSITIVE3 (ABI3) and LEA ABA generally has effects on plant growth and develop-
gene expression, are associated with both somatic and ment that are antagonistic to those of GA. Mutations in
zygotic embryogenesis (Braybrook and Harada, 2008). several ABA signalling genes drastically affect somatic
Therefore, it is not clear if these genes are specific markers embryogenesis in Arabidopsis (Gaj et al., 2006). In Datura,
of embryogenic competence or of embryo development. applications of ABA promotes somatic embryogenesis,
Somatic embryogenesis can also be induced through the perhaps through co-ordinated down regulation of the GA
ectopic expression of genes encoding transcription factors pathway (Kikuchi et al., 2006). Thus, several plant hor-
that accumulate primarily during embryo development, mones may be involved in conferring embryogenic com-
LEC1 (Lotan et al., 1998), LEC2 (Stone et al., 2001, 2008) petence to somatic cells. See also: Abscisic Acid (ABA);
and MYB115 and 118 (Wang et al., 2009). These genes are Plant Growth Factors and Receptors; Regulatory Genes in
sufficient to induce a cellular environment that promotes Plant Development: MADS
somatic embryogenesis. All of these transcription factors
are implicated to play regulatory roles during the matur-
ation phase of zygotic embryogenesis. Together with the Summary
observation that cells from maturation-phase em-
bryos undergo somatic embryogenesis at a high frequency, Embryogenesis in seed development has long been recog-
these findings suggest that cellular processes that nised as a critical period of the higher plant life cycle.

8 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES & 2010, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. www.els.net
Plant Embryogenesis (Zygotic and Somatic)

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