Ame 3L Experiment 5 To Perform Speed Control of DC Motor by Using Ward-Leonard Method of Speed Control AIM
Ame 3L Experiment 5 To Perform Speed Control of DC Motor by Using Ward-Leonard Method of Speed Control AIM
Ame 3L Experiment 5 To Perform Speed Control of DC Motor by Using Ward-Leonard Method of Speed Control AIM
The speed of a D.C. motor is directly proportional to the back e.m.f and
inversely to the net flux per pole Ф,If brush contact drop is neglected i.e
N = (V-IaRa)/kФ
N = Speed in rpm
V = voltage applied across armature circuits
Ra = armature resistance, this includes the series field and interpole
winding resistance if in circuit.
Ia = armature current,
Bentayao, Celine Kate G. BSME 3A
K = a constant
Thus, the speed of a D.C motor may be varied by either of the following
Ward-Leonard System:
This system is used where unusually wide and very sensitive speed
control is required as for colliery winders, electric excavators, elevators
and the main drives in steel mills and blooming and paper mills. M1 is
the main motor whose speed control is required. The field of this motor is
permanently connected across the dc supply lines. A dc or an ac motor
M2 directly coupled to generator G. The motor M2 runs at an
approximately constant speed. The output voltage of G is directly fed to
the main motor M1.
The system can more be adapted for forward as well as reverse operation
of the motor by changing the polarity of the voltage applied to its
Bentayao, Celine Kate G. BSME 3A
If the constant voltage d.c power for excitation is not available otherwise,
the same may be obtained from a constant voltage exciter coupled with
the auxiliary motor-generator set. The direction of the field current of the
variable voltage generator may be reversed by anyone of the following two
Circuit Diagram:
1. Higher initial cost due to use of two additional machines of the same
rating as the main dc motor.
2. Larger size and weight.
3. Requires more floor area and costly foundation.
4. Frequent maintenance is needed.
5. Lower efficiency due to higher losses.
6. The drive produces more noise.
Bentayao, Celine Kate G. BSME 3A
Bentayao, Celine Kate G. BSME 3A
Bentayao, Celine Kate G. BSME 3A
Step 1
In the circuit shown below are placed all the components, i.e. MCB
Switch, DC Supply, Starter, Voltmeter, RPM Meter, Auto-transformer, DC
Generator Field Resistance, Induction Motor, DC Generator, DC Motor.
1. Connect points A1, B1, C1 of MCB Switch to input points A2, B2,
C2 of Auto-transformer respectively.
2. Connect output points E1, F1, G1 of Auto-transformer to points E2,
F2, G2 of Induction Motor respectively.
3. Connect point D1 of DC Supply with point D2 of Starter.
Connect point K1 of DC Supply with points M1, K2 of DC
Generator, and point L1 of DC Motor.
4. Connect point H1 of Starter with point H2 of DC Generator Field
Resistance and I1 of DC Motor.
Bentayao, Celine Kate G. BSME 3A
If the wire is misplaced, click the node number to reattach the nodes'
From To
A1 A2
B1 B2
C1 C2
D1 D2
E1 E2
F1 F2
G1 G2
H1 H2
H1 I1
J1 J2
J1 I2
K1 K2
K1 L1
L1 L2
Bentayao, Celine Kate G. BSME 3A
L2 M1
K1 M1
I2 M2
M1 N1
N2 O1
Bentayao, Celine Kate G. BSME 3A