Shizhong Liang, Xueming Liu, Feng Chen, Zijian Chan, (2004) .
Shizhong Liang, Xueming Liu, Feng Chen, Zijian Chan, (2004) .
Shizhong Liang, Xueming Liu, Feng Chen, Zijian Chan, (2004) .
P.O. Ang, ir. (ed.), Asian Pacific Phycology in the 21 st Century: Prospects and Challenges. 45
© 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
The major microalgal genera presently cultivated in China are Spirulina and Chlorella. They are initially manufac-
tured in the form of algal biomass or extracts by the food industry. The biomass is then used for producing a variety
of health products such as tablets, capsules, powder or for extracting bioactive ingredients such as beta-carotene,
and phycocyanin. The algal biomass is supplemented to noodles, breads, biscuits, candies, ice cream, bean curd
and other common foods as food additives so as to enhance their nutritive and health values. The extracts are
mainly used to enrich liquid foods such as health drink, soft drink, tea, beer or spirits.
Along with the development of microalgal biotech- all ages. It has now occupied some share of the market.
nology in China, the utilization of microalgae has also Microalgal extracts, produced from edible microalgae
developed very rapidly. The major microalgal gen- as the main material, will have good development and
era presently cultivated in China are Spirulina and market prospects.
Chlorella. They are initially manufactured in the form Some reports showed that Chlorella growth factors
of algal biomass or extract by the food industry. Up to (CGF) could activate the growth of other organisms
now, a series of nutritional and health microalgal food and enhance their immunity (Konishi et aI., 1985). The
has been developed. main bioactive component of Chlorella is glycoprotein
with D-galactose, MW 63000. Similarly, Spirulina
and its hot water extract can also achieve the function
Nutritional and health microalgal food of activating the growth of target organism, reducing
weight, preventing disease infection and curing sick-
Microalgal tablet or capsule ness (Belay et aI., 1993). In order to preserve the
Microalgal tablet (or capsule) is made from dry health function and to reduce the unfavorable algal fla-
microalgal powder directly. For example, Qizheng vor, extracts from traditional Chinese medicinal food
Spirulina Tablet and Mingxing Hukangbao Tablets can be added to the microalgal extracts.
are made from Spirulina powder and sticky material. The development of microalgal extract is in an ex-
The former is produced by Shenzhen Lanzao Bi- perimental or small production scale. Wuhan Plant
otechnology Corporation and Guangzhou Guanghua Research Institute, in cooperation with Wuhan Phar-
Pharmaceutical Company Ltd, and sold by Guang- maceutical Factory, studied and produced in lot size
zhou Maoyuan Imp. & Exp. Corporation. Guangzhou the Spirulina Oral Liquid. On the other hand, in col-
Mingxing Pharmaceutical Factory produced the latter. laboration with Guangzhou Maoyuan Imp. & Exp.
The only microalgal health drug is Spirulina capsule, Corporation, SCUT developed the health and nutri-
manufactured by Yunan Green-A Biotechnology Co., tional Spirulina Liquid with Spirulina extract and
Ltd. honey (Liang et aI., 200 I). The liquid has the nutri-
Microalgal tablets find favors in consumers' eyes tion and health function of Spirulina and the flavor of
because they are rich in protein, vitamins, polysac- softdrink. We also made some progress in the study of
charide, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), mi- Chlorella growth factor.
croelements and edible fiber. For example, Green-A
Spirulina Tablets have the following nutritional com- Other microalgal health and functional foods
positions (per 100 g): Protein 55-70 g, carbohydrates
15-25 g, fat 2-6 g, dietary fiber 2-4 g, moisture There are other microalgal health and functional foods
4-9 g; chlorophyll 0.6-1 g, carotenoids 0.1-0.4 g, produced with microalgal powder as the main in-
phycocyanin 3.6 g; Mineral nutrition (calcium 0.5- gredient besides microalgal tablet (or capsule) and
I g, magnesium 0.2-0.6 g, iron 30-100 mg, zinc microalgal extract (or nutrition liquid). Examples of
2-4 mg selenium 10-30 I-lg, germanium 40-80 I-lg), these include Yingkang Spirulina Cosmetic Cake and
Vitamins (A 100-200 mg, B, 1.5-4 mg, B2 3-5 mg, Show & Me Complete Nutrient. The former was
B3 10-30 mg, B6 0.5-0.8 mg, BI2 0.05-1.5 mg, E researched and developed by the College of Food En-
5-10 mg, PP 200-400 mg, folic acid 0.05-0.1 mg, gineering & Biotechnology of SCUT and Guangdong
pantothenic acid 0.5-1.5 mg). They are believed to im- Maoyuan Imp. & Exp. Corporation and produced by
prove health, prevent disease and reduce weight (Liu Guangdong Guanghua Pharmaceutical Factory. It was
& Liang, 1999). made from Spirulina powder (food grade) and mixed
with traditional Chinese medicinal food such as the
Microalgal nutrition liquid seed of Job's tears and malt, bean dregs and milk
powder (Liang et aI., 1998). The latter, a powder
Up to now, although microalgal tablets are still the food with more than 22% protein, has abundant and
most popular algal products, diversification of other balanced nutrients. It is produced by Tianjin Meilin
microalgal products must be encouraged to ensure the Health Products Co., Ltd. with Spirulina powder and
development of microalgal biotechnology. Microalgal extracts of more than ten natural plants and microor-
extract is one of the important microalgal products. It ganisms as ingredients.
is convenient to drink, easy to digest, and suitable for
Health foods such as Spirulina Cosmetic Cake not retention function of microalgae, the valid duration
only have abundant and balanced nutrients, they also time of the product will be longer (Liang, 1999).
have the flavor of traditional food as well. This is
because these foods are produced with microalgae as Microalgal biscuits
the main ingredient and mixed with other nutritional
foods such as milk powder or other food additives with Biscuits are always made of the main ingredients like
natural flavor as supplements. So these products find flour, sugar, cream, edible oil, essence, leavening
favors in consumers' eyes, and have good economic agent and phospholipids, so their nutrients are al-
benefits and development prospects. ways insufficient for human body. In recent years,
biscuits with vegetables or fiber have received fa-
vorable acceptance by consumers. If green algae or
Common microalgal foods blue-bacteria are added to the biscuit, they can in-
crease the nutritional value of the food. There are some
Although microalgae such as Spirulina and Chlorella microalgal (Spirulina) nutrition biscuits for children
are mainly used in the production of microalgal tab- and microalgal (Spirulina) soda biscuits in the market
lets (or capsule) and extract, they are also utilized in of China produced by the Shenzhen Haiwang Food
the processing of common foods in recent years. To Factory or are being developed (Lu & Wang, 1998).
date, there are various general foods produced with
the addition of edible Spirulina and Chlorella powder, Microalgal drink
extracts, pigment of microalgae (e.g. phycocyanin and
carotene) and vitamins. They are new and possess the Theoretically, microalgae can be added to many drinks
nutritional and health properties ofmicroalgae and the to strengthen their nutritional value. In fact, a series
flavor of common foods. of microalgal drinks such as microalgal health drink,
microalgal sour milk, microalgal green tea has been
Microalgal noodles developed. In order to keep the clear color or homo-
geneity of these drinks, microalgae must be used in
Among the application of microalgae in common food the form of microalga1 extract (green algae extract,
processing, the largest quantity of microalgae is be- Spirulina extract or phycocyanin). Because of the nu-
ing used in instant noodles or general noodles. Mi- tritional value of microalgae, they are frequently uti-
croalgal noodles, produced with flour, Chlorella and lized in the development of drinks in recent ten years.
Spirulina, will have abundant nutrients, good color, Feng and Zeng reported Spirulina drink (Feng & Peng,
smell and taste and strong ductility with the color and Chinese Patent 1991; Zeng & Liang, 1995). Spirulina
flavor of microalgae. Examples of microalgal noodles drink powder was also produced (Bai et aI., 1996).
include Spirulina noodle cakes, produced by Guang- We are researching on and developing Chlorella and
zhou Nanfang Hour Factory, and are marketed in Spirulina nutrition drink. Some Spirulina drink, for
China. Chinese Educational Ministry recommended it example, Spirulina drink produced by Guangzhou
as the ideal lunch for the primary school pupils and Jingxiutang Pharmaceutical Factory, is sold in the
secondary school students. markets.
To produce microalgal noodles with light color,
0.1-1.0% of microa1ga1 powder is added to flour. Xu Microalgal green tea
studied the manufacturing of instant Spirulina noodles
and applied a patent for it in China (Xu, Chinese Pat- Tea, especially green tea, the leading health drink, is
ent 1993). Similar result was reported by Chen & Li rich in vitamin C, while microalgae such as Spirulina
(1999). and Chlorella contain less vitamin C but abundant pro-
tein, chlorophyll, carotenoids, PUFA, polysaccharide
Microalgal bread and micro-elements. If microalgal biomass is mixed
with green tea, the nutritional components could be
To improve the nutritional value of bread, the mi- complementary. Foods containing more and balanced
croa1ga1 powder can be added to it. Microalgal bread nutrients can be acquired. Thanks to low molecu-
has the color and flavor of microalgae, contains more lar protein, lipid and polysaccharide, microalgae can
vitamins, microelements, and special bioactive sub- change the dispersion feature of green tea micro-
stances present in microalgae. With the help of water powder in water, and bring up good foam (Zhou et aI.,
1999). Microalgae are rich in chlorophyll and phy- Chen, Y. Z., & Y. M. Li, 1999. Development of nutritious Spirulina
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Acknowledgement 63: 405-406.
Tanaka K., AYamada, K. Noda, T. Hasegawa, M. Okuda, Y. Shoy-
This research was supported by the Scientific
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Reasearch Funds of Guangdong Province, China. vulgaris strain CK22 shows antimetastatic immunopotentiation.
Cancer Immunol. Immunother. 45: 313-320.
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