This document lists the instruments, equipment, and drugs needed for a veterinary clinic. It includes 65 items of instruments and equipment such as an anesthesia machine, surgery table, lights, monitors, and various surgical tools. It also lists 69 drug items including sedatives, analgesics, antibiotics, vitamins, and other pharmaceuticals. The document provides details on the quantity, brand, and specifications for each item.
This document lists the instruments, equipment, and drugs needed for a veterinary clinic. It includes 65 items of instruments and equipment such as an anesthesia machine, surgery table, lights, monitors, and various surgical tools. It also lists 69 drug items including sedatives, analgesics, antibiotics, vitamins, and other pharmaceuticals. The document provides details on the quantity, brand, and specifications for each item.
This document lists the instruments, equipment, and drugs needed for a veterinary clinic. It includes 65 items of instruments and equipment such as an anesthesia machine, surgery table, lights, monitors, and various surgical tools. It also lists 69 drug items including sedatives, analgesics, antibiotics, vitamins, and other pharmaceuticals. The document provides details on the quantity, brand, and specifications for each item.
This document lists the instruments, equipment, and drugs needed for a veterinary clinic. It includes 65 items of instruments and equipment such as an anesthesia machine, surgery table, lights, monitors, and various surgical tools. It also lists 69 drug items including sedatives, analgesics, antibiotics, vitamins, and other pharmaceuticals. The document provides details on the quantity, brand, and specifications for each item.
1 Mesin Anastesi 1 Veterinary Standart 2 Meja Operasi 1 Satinless Steel,2x1m 3 Lampu Operasi 1 Human Surgery Standart 4 Head Lamp 1 Human Surgery Standart 5 Vital Sign Monitor 1 Veterinary Standart 6 Defibilator 1 Veterinary Standart 7 Surgical Draft 30 Human Surgery Standart 8 Major Surgery Set 3 Veterinary Standart 9 Minor Surgery Set 3 Veterinary Standart 10 Infussion Stand 3 Human Surgery Standart 11 Puls Oxymetter 2 Veterinary Standart 12 Ambu Bag 1 Veterinary Standart 13 Electrocardigraph (ECG) 1 Veterinary Standart 14 Timbangan 1 0 - 150kg floring scales 15 Doppler 2 Veterinary Standart 16 Veterinary USG System 1 Veterinary Standart Portable, Human, or veterinary 17 Xray Machine 1 standart 18 Thermometer Digital 3 human medical standart 19 Thermometer Infra Red 3 human medical standart 20 Ophtalmoscope 2 human medical standart 21 Otoscope 2 human medical standart 22 Sthetoscope 2 Veterinary Standart 23 Wood Lamp 2 Veterinary Standart Stainless Steel, ±50x30cm, 24 Instrument Trolley 3 wheels 25 Veterinary Tensimeter 2 Veterinary Standart 26 Pen Light / Exam Light 2 human medical standart 27 Laryngoscope 3 Veterinary Standart 28 Mouth Probs 3 Veterinary Standart
29 Endotracheal Tube 20,22,23 10 each Human or Veterinary Standart
30 Stomach Tube 10x6mm 30 Human or Veterinary Standart
31 Warmer 10 Human or Veterinary Standart
32 Warming Blanket 10 Human or Veterinary Standart
33 Nebulizer 2 human standart
34 Stretcher 3 Veterinary Standart 35 Bandage 30 Veterinary Standart 36 Padding 30 Veterinary Standart 37 Tape 30 Veterinary Standart 38 Micropore 30 human standart 39 Selimut Steril 30 3x2m 40 Tarp Steril 30 3x2m 41 Autoclave 1 human medical standart Laboratorium Standart 6 Holes 42 Centrifuge 1 [1] Instrument and Equipment No Nama Jumlah Brand / Spesifikasi Harga Laboratorium Standart Olympus 43 Microscope 1 CX-21 44 Dental Unit 1 Veterinary Standart 45 Incubator 2 Human Pediatric Standart 46 UV Light room sanitizer 3 human medical standart 47 Blood Chemical Analyzer Machine 1 Veterinary Standart 48 Hematology Analyzer Machine 1 Veterinary Standart 49 Syringe 20ml, 10ml, 5ml, 3ml, 1ml 20 box each BD syringe 50 Masker 30 box human medical standart 51 Unsterile Gloves S,M,L 30 box human medical standart 52 Steril Gloves 30 box Gammex 53 Venotube EDTA 200 tube Vaccuette 54 Venotube Serum Clot Activator 200 tube Vaccuette 55 Object Glass 30 box Laboratory standar 56 Cover Glass 30 box Laboratory standar 57 Tourniquet 3 human medical standart 58 Centrifuge Sample Tube 200 tube Laboratory standar 59 IV Catheter 18,22,24 10 box each BD 60 Infus Set Adult 100 BD 61 Infus Set Pediatric 100 BD 62 Wing Needle 23,25,27 10 box each BD 63 Clipper 100 Veterinary Standart 64 Kapas 30 box human medical standart 65 Kasa Sterile 30 box human medical standart 66 Sterile Cotton Swab 20 box Laboratory standar 67 Swab Transport Medium 20 box Laboratory standar 68 Puncture Skin Biopsy 20 box human medical standart 69 Plastic Container Screw Cap 10 box any 70 Plastic Ziplock 10 box any 71 Cool Box 3 Laboratory standar 72 Frosted Object and Cover Glass 30 box each Laboratory standar 73 Permanent Spidol Waterproof 10 any Telinject Vario 1V 31 NPL 74 Dart Gun 1 Blow Pipe Pistol 75 Dart Syringe 76 Dart Needle 77 Air Pump Syringe 78 Non-bevelled Needle 79 Telinject 80 Drugs Box 3 Any 81 Meteran 3 Any 82 Camera Digital 1 Any 83 Tali 3 meter Any 84 Selang 3 meter Any 85 Surgical Blade 30 box 15 B Braun Drugs No Nama Jumlah Brand / Spesifkasi Harga 1 Medetomidine Sedatifa 2 Atipamizole Antidota Medetomidine 3 Xylazine Sedatifa 4 Ketamine Anastesi 5 Yohimbine Antidota Xylazine 6 Zoletil Anastesi 7 Atropine Sulfate Preanastetika 8 Midazolam Sedatifa 9 Diazepam Sedatifa/Antidepresi 10 Doxapram Respiratory Stimulant 11 Ephinephrine Adrenaline 12 Glycopyrolate 13 Amoxicillin LA Antibiotik 14 Oxytetracycline LA Antibiotik 15 Penicillin Streptomicin LA Antibiotik 16 Enrofloxacine LA Antibiotik 17 Dexamethasone Glukokortikoid 18 Chlorhexidine Antibacterial 19 Aquabidiest Liquid Injeksi 20 Chloramphenicol 21 Erlamycetin Eye Drop Antibiotik 22 Erlamycetin Ear Drop Antibiotik 23 Otozambone Antibiotik 24 Peruvean Balsam Antibiotik 25 Neurotropin Vitamin 26 Neurobion Vitamin 27 Ivermectine Antiparasit 28 Pyrantel Pamoat Antiparasit 29 Albendazole Antiparasit 30 Gentamicin Zalf Antibiotik 31 Lubricant Gel 32 Vaseline Petroleum Gel 33 Ringer Lactate Liquid Therapy 34 Normal Saline Liquid Therapy 35 Dextrose Liquid Therapy 36 Glukosa Liquid Therapy 37 Povidone iodine Antibakterial 38 Sulfadiazine Antibiotik 39 Metronidazole Antiflagela 40 Biosalamin Vitamin 41 Hematopan Vitamin 42 Nebacetin Powder Antibiotik 43 Nebacetine Zalf Antibiotik 44 Aseringe Liquid Therapy 45 Asam Mafenamat Analgesika Drugs No Nama Jumlah Brand / Spesifkasi Harga 46 Carprofen Analgesika 47 Aspirin Analgesika 48 Metochlorpramide Antivomitus 49 Aminophiline Bronchodilatator 50 Vitamin C Vitamin 51 Vitamin K Vitamin 52 Bisacodyl Laksatif 53 Ketoprofen Analgesika 54 Cefotaxime Antibiotik 55 lidocaine Anastesi Local 56 Furosemide Diuretik 57 Ketokonazole Antifungal 58 Griseofulvin Antifungal 59 Norit Antidiare 60 Alkohol 70% Disinfektan 61 Alkohol 90% Disinfektan 62 Alkohol 95% Disinfektan 63 Ethanol DNA Sample Medium 64 Kaopactate Antidiare 65 Rivanole Antibakterial 66 Dipenyhidramine Antihistamine 67 Pentobarbital Sodium Euthanasia 68 Prednisolone Glukokortikoid 69 Bethametasome Glukokortikoid 70 Benazepril Hydrochloride Vasodilator 71 Oxytoxin Myometrial Stimulant 72 Ascorbic Acid Acidifer 73 Allupurinol Antiurolithiosis 74 Calcidex Kalsium [1] asus: