He Effects of A Non Routine Problem Solving Instruction On The Graders Brain Hemisphericity
He Effects of A Non Routine Problem Solving Instruction On The Graders Brain Hemisphericity
He Effects of A Non Routine Problem Solving Instruction On The Graders Brain Hemisphericity
Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the effects of a non-routine problem solving instruction on
the brain hemisphericity of the 7th graders (aged 13-14 years). One sample experimental design
was used and twenty-one seventh graders participated in the study. Validated by Kök (2005), Brain
Hemisphericity Inventory (BHI) was conducted to the experimental group as a pre-test.
Participants were given an instruction which lasted for 18 lesson hours, and participants solved 80
non-routine problems throughout the instruction. The BHI was then applied to the experimental
group as a post-test.
The findings showed that there were significant differences between pre-and post-test scores of the
participants. Although participants were mostly left-brained before the instruction, the number of
left-brained participants decreased, and the number of right-brained students increased after the
instruction. Findings indicated that non-routine problem solving may have a potential to change
brain hemisphericity of the students. Based on that, it was concluded that amount of time and place
given for non-routine problems in text-books and learning environments should be increased.
Key words: brain hemisphericity, brain dominance, non-routine problem, problem solving
1. Introduction
Including a vast number of neural networks, the brain is like a mine that still has many things to be
explored. The sophistication of these neural networks plays a significant role in high order thinking
activities such as critical, creative, logical, analytical, and reflective ones. All these thinking types are
also essential for problem solving, which is another vital function of the brain (Lee, 2003).
The current study has two components. The first component, brain hemisphericity signifies the
preference of an individual to process information through the left hemisphere or the right hemisphere
or in combination (Springer and Deutsch, 1993). The left hemisphere is specialized in verbal,
analytical, abstract, temporal, and digital operations. Hence, left hemispheric dominants think
analytically, rely on language in thinking and remembering, give verbal reaction to instructions and
explanations, like systematic and controlled experiments, and prefer precise information. The right
hemisphere operates in a non-verbal, holistic, concrete, creative, analogical, and aesthetic fashion. On
the other hand, right hemispheric dominants tend to be intuitive and spontaneous, rely on imaging in
thinking and remembering, respond to demonstrated or illustrated instructions, like random and less
restrained experiments, and prefer uncertain information (Singh, 2015). However, people’s tendency
to use either the left or right hemisphere does not indicate that they do not activate both hemispheres.
Instead, people make both hemispheres active while they are processing the information (Roubinek,
Bell, & Cates, 1987). Learning how to develop and integrate both sides of the brain is essential in
today’s world.
According to some researchers, brain hemisphericity is directly related to genes. However, the second
group of researchers asserts that brain hemisphericity is determined by the culture and educational
practices. From the latter group, Saleh and Iran- Nejad (1995) claims that practices in schools and
culture emphasize the left hemisphere’s analytical abilities. Therefore, the right hemisphere dominant
students have difficulty in adapting to school life. To overcome this imbalance, activities in which
both hemispheres work together should be performed in educational settings.
The second component is about competence in solving non-routine problems. A non-routine problem
is "a cognitively non-trivial task; that is, the solver does not already know a method of solution"
(Selden, Selden, Hauk, & Mason, 2000, p. 129). These kinds of problems call for high order thinking
skills, and using facts and procedures in unfamiliar ways. On the contrary, “routine problems can be
solved using methods familiar to students by replicating previously learned methods in a step-by-step
fashion" (Woodward et al., 2012, p.11). Many math educators believe that non-routine problems are
crucial for enhancing the reasoning skills of students (e.g. Cai, 2003, Polya, 1957; Schoenfeld, 1992).
Non-routine problem solving strategies are rules of thumb that might help individuals in solving non-
routine mathematical problems. Although these strategies provide non-rigorous suggestions to achieve
the solution, they are of paramount importance in the mathematical process experienced by individuals
while solving non-routine problems. Besides, they can be employed through types of questions and
topic areas, in contrast with algorithms. Looking for a pattern, making a systematic list, working
backward, guessing and checking, making a drawing or diagram, writing an equation or open
sentence, simplifying the problem, making a table, and using logical reasoning are the most common
and well-known strategies in the literature (Herr & Johnson, 2002; Leng, 2008; Posamentier & Krulik,
1.1. Literature Review
Mathematics achievement and brain hemisphericity
The descriptive studies that examine relationship between brain hemisphericity and mathematical
achievement without any intervention will be our starting point to overview the related literature. The
education levels of the participants in these studies vary between eleventh grade and undergraduate.
The authors of a few studies in this category make further investigations by focusing on a specific
subject, such as algebra, Van Hiele geometric thinking levels or using graphics calculators. However,
almost all findings reported in these studies show that there is not any significant relation between
mathematical achievement and brain hemisphericity (Akay, 2013; Ali & Kor, 2007; Ferrer, 2015;
Singh, 2015). In only one study carried out by Bhuvaneswari and Sarala (2015), the results indicate a
statistically significant connection between brain hemisphericity and mathematics achievement.
There are some experimental/empirical studies related to brain hemisphericity and success in
mathematics. Uyangör’s (2012) study aimed to examine the effects of the 4MAT teaching model on
the 7th graders’ level of mathematics course achievement. Tatar and Dikici (2009) conducted a study
similar to that of Uyangör (2012). However, their purpose was different: They examined the
effectiveness of the 4MAT method of instruction given to 9th graders in teaching binary operations and
its properties. Both studies found out that the 4MAT method of instruction can affect the students’
success and attitude in a positive way.
In summary, almost all findings of the related studies in this section have shown that there is no
significant relationship between brain dominance and success in mathematics (or other special
domains of mathematics). However, it seems that instruction that depends on learning styles that have
been generated by the help of the relationship between brain and learning (e.g. 4MAT) can enhance
the achievement.
Problem solving and brain hemisphericity
According to findings of early studies on the link between brain hemisphericity and problem solving,
individuals’ brain hemisphericity echoes in their problem solving behaviors as well. For example, the
left-brained children summarize the problem first, plan each stage elaborately, and then solve the
problem. On the other hand, the right-brained children “read the problem several times, perhaps look
at notes and seem to go through an idle period while mulling thoughts around, then solve the problem”
(Creswell, Gifford, and Huffman, 1998, p. 119).
Recently, there are many studies that elaborate on brain activity during problem solving. For example,
study of Dündar et al. (2014) aimed at investigating the brain activities of pre-service teachers with
different cognitive styles in the process of solving various mathematical problems. Statistically
significant differences were found between the two groups when brain waves of students with
different styles were analyzed in terms of cerebral lobes. Different cognitive styles showed different
brain activation in solving arithmetic problems. In their functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(fMRI) study, Grabner, Ansari, Koschutnig and Reishofer (2009) also aimed at identifying brain areas
supporting various strategies in arithmetic problem solving. The analyses revealed that recalling facts
resulted in the more active use of the left angular gyrus, whereas an intense activation in a fronto-
parietal network was observed during the implementation of procedural strategies. In another study by
Newman, Carpenter, Varma and Just (2000), brain activities of undergraduate students were scanned
using fMRI while they were solving “Tower of London” task. Findings showed that (1) while both the
left and right prefrontal cortices were equally involved during the solution of moderate and difficult
versions of the problem, the activation on the right brain was differentially attenuated during the
solution of the easy versions of the problem (2) the activation observed in the right prefrontal cortex
was highly correlated with individual differences in working memory; and (3) different patterns of
functional connectivity were observed in the left and right prefrontal cortices.
Generally, the most recent studies related to brain-problem solving relationships use devices, such as
EEG or fMRI, to see activated brain areas while participants are solving problems. It seems that no
special part of the brain is liable for problem solving. Conversely, different brain areas may become
active during problem solving, and this situation may be influenced from the factors such as cognitive
styles of individuals, types and difficulty levels of problems, etc.
Non-routine problem solving and brain hemisphericity
Studies by Fernandez (2011) and Oliver (2009) deal with non-routine problem solving in conjunction
with brain hemisphericity. In Fernandez (2011)’s study, the link between brain hemisphericity and
mathematics achievement of high school students was investigated. A Hemisphere Dominance
Questionnaire was used to establish the students' brain hemisphericity. The Mathematics Achievement
Test consisting of two parts was utilized to have information about students’ mathematics achievement
levels. The first part included multiple choice questions, while the second part included non-routine
problems. The results showed that the vast majority of the students were left-brained, and their
mathematics achievement was close to the average. Students’ mathematics achievement did not differ
according to brain hemisphericity. The most relevant result in Fernandez’s (2011) study is that writing
an equation and making logical explanations are predominantly preferred by left-brained students,
while the right-brained students opt for making diagrams and illustrations.
In the study by Oliver (2009), the question of whether there is any relationship between problem
solving strategies and brain hemisphericity of ninth graders was sought. In this context, correlations
between strategies used to solve an open-ended non-routine problem and the scores obtained from the
Style of Learning and Thinking Questionnaire were examined. Similar to the findings of Fernandez
(2011), left-brained students preferred to use a written logical explanation strategy, while right-brained
students generally preferred to make drawings. As an exception, making a systematic list was not used
by left-brained students as expected. Mostly right-brained students referred to this strategy.
Although their participants’ class levels are different, both studies mentioned above pointed out
differences between left and right-brained students’ usage of non-routine problem-solving strategies.
According to their results, it seems that left-brained students use more verbal and analytic strategies,
such as writing an equation or making logical written explanation, while right brained students tend to
use more visual strategies, such as making a drawing to solve non-routine problems.
1.2. Importance and the Aim of the Present Study
Although there have been various experimental and descriptive studies related to the relationships
between brain hemisphericity - academic achievement and brain hemisphericity – problem solving, the
studies elaborating on relations between non-routine problem solving and brain hemisphericity are
really rare and do not have an empirical stance. Therefore, the present study intends to investigate the
effects of a learning environment that features non-routine problems on brain hemisphericity of
students at the seventh grade level in Turkey.
2. Method
2.1. Research Model
In this research, a one-sample experimental design was used. In this design, it is studied with a person
or a group in a given period without a control group. That is, a single group is measured or observed
not only after being exposed to a treatment of some sort, but also before (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2008).
Within the context of this research model, in the current study, the Brain Hemisphericity Inventory
(BHI) was administered to the experimental group as a pre-test to find out participants’ brain
hemispheric dominance before instruction. After instruction, the BHI was applied to participants again
as a post-test. Namely, our findings were based on each student’s brain hemisphericity score before
and after the experimental part.
2.2. Participants
Twenty one seventh graders (8 females and 13 males) participated in this study. The students were
aged 13-14, and they were attending a state school in Turkey in a region that had an average
socioeconomic level. The first author was the teacher of an optional “Applied Mathematics” course of
the participants. This course was used to implement the experimental/empirical part of this study.
Therefore, convenience sampling was used. Convenience sampling is a method that involves
“choosing the nearest individuals to serve as respondents and continuing that process until the required
sample size has been obtained or those who happen to be available and accessible at the time” (Cohen,
Manion, & Morrison, 2007, p.113-114).
2.3. Instrument and Scoring
BHI, adapted by Davis, Nur, and Ruru (1994) and translated into Turkish by Kök (2005), was utilized
to identify the brain hemisphericity of students. There were 39 items in the instrument. The reliability
and validity of Turkish version of BHI was checked by Kök (2005) as follows: Firstly, the views of
three field experts who had used BHI before were taken for the content and face validity. Then, four
different people translated the instrument into Turkish, and final version of BHI was commonly
formed. Later, four versions of BHI were conducted to four groups, consisting of 200 prospective
teachers in all. In the first version, the first 20 items were in English while the others were in Turkish.
In the second version, the languages of the items in the first version were reversed. The third version
was entirely in English, while all items were in Turkish in the fourth version. Three weeks later, the
same process was carried out again, and cross-checks were made. By implementing the test-retest
method to a different group of English prospective teachers, Kök (2005) computed the Cronbach’s
Alpha coefficient of the final Turkish form of the BHI as .87.
Since the content and face validity of BHI was provided by Kök (2005), we did not perform so much
detailed procedure in this study again. Still, we tried to determine whether BHI was understandable
and appropriate for the secondary school students as well as to demonstrate the reliability of it for the
present study. Therefore, the BHI was given to 172 randomly selected students (59 fifth, 57 sixth, 56
seventh graders) who were not included in the experimental group although they were attending the
same school. As a result of this process, which was completed before the instruction stage, a Cronbach
Alpha coefficient was computed as .698, which is very close to the acceptable level (.70). Besides, it
was observed that students had no difficulty to answer items in BHI.
There are three options in each item in the BHI as A, B, and C (see Appendix A for sample items).
First, the number of A, B, and C answers of a student were counted. The number of A’s was
subtracted from the number of B’s. After, the number of C’s was checked. The result was divided by
3, if the number of C’s was greater than 16. The result was divided by 2, if the number of C’s was
greater than 9 and smaller than 17. Otherwise; the result was used as it was. After all, the score
rounded the closest integer. Negative scores were correlated to left-brained, while the positive scores
were correlated to right-brained. Finally, zero points indicated whole-brained. The meanings of points
were given below:
0: Equal usage of both hemispheres
From 1 to 3: Slight Right From -1 to -3: Slight Left
From 4 to 6: Moderate Right From -4 to -6: Moderate Left
From 7 to 9: Dominant Right From -7 to -9: Dominant Left
From 10 to 11: Very Strong Dominant Right From -10 to -11: Very Strong Dominant Left
2.4. Instruction Phase
After the literature review about non-routine problems and the strategies used to solve these kinds of
problems, a question bank was set for the guessing and checking, working backward, looking for a
pattern, making a drawing or diagram, simplifying the problem and making a systematic list
strategies. Eighty questions chosen from this bank (see Appendix B for samples) were used through
the instruction.
Instruction lasted for 18 lesson hours (two lesson hours in each week) and was carried out in the
students’ own classroom environment. Students generally worked in pairs while they were solving
problems. The main reason for making students work in pairs is to alleviate environmental pressures
that might weight on students as they solve problems individually. Another reason is that working in
pairs often provides better information about individual students’ problem solving processes than do
working individually (Schoenfeld, 1985). At the beginning of the instruction, each week was allocated
for only one of the strategies. Then, students dealt with problems that could be solved by using
different strategies in a mixed way in the last three weeks.
During instruction, each problem to be solved was first presented to students as written texts. While
students were trying to solve the problem in pairs, the researcher walked around groups and checked
whether the problem to be solved was understood clearly by the students. When students had difficulty
in understanding or having an enterprise to solve the problem, leading questions were asked students,
and some clues were given to make problems clear. After that, different solutions found by the pairs of
students were presented on the board and classroom discussions were generated about solutions. Later,
all scripts of students were collected, and a new problem was presented to them. At the end of the
lesson, students were asked to review their solutions and give a name for the solution methods which
they used throughout the lesson. After students shared the names they determined, a common name
was determined for the strategy of the day by the whole class.
2.5. Data Analysis
According to the scoring system of the BHI, each student’s brain dominance score and category were
first established based on his/her pre-and post-test. Then, frequencies and percentages for each
category were computed to hold a general view on development of students from pre-test to post test.
Meantime, since the total number of participants is fewer than 30, (N = 27) the Shapiro-Wilk Test was
used to calculate the normality of data. Then, the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Sum Test was used to
investigate the effects of the instruction on the students’ brain hemisphericity.
3. Results
As phrased in Data Analysis section, distribution of the data was examined by the Shapiro-Wilk test to
select the appropriate statistical analysis method. Test results are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Shapiro-Wilk test results
Statistics df Significance
.88 21 .009
The test results shown in Table 1 indicated that the data distribution was not normal (p<.05).
Consequently, the non-parametric Wilcoxon Signed Rank Sum Test was used to analyze the data
collected from the students (see Table 2).
Table 2. The results of Wilcoxon Signed Rank Sum Test
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Sum Test results indicated a significant difference between the students’ BHI
scores before and after the instruction (Z = -2.211, Sig. = .027, p< .05).
To have more in-depth information about the direction of change in students’ brain hemisphericity,
frequencies and percentages about each brain dominance category were calculated for both pre- and
posttest. Results can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3. Frequencies and percentages about students’ brain hemisphericity before and after instruction
Before Instruction After Instruction
Brain Hemisphericity Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Both equally 2 9.5 3 14.3
Slight Left 9 42.9 8 38.1
Moderate Left 6 28.6 1 4.8
Dominant Left 1 4.8 2 9.5
Very Strong Dominant Left 1 4.8 0 0
Slight Right 2 9.5 5 23.8
Moderate Right 0 0 0 0
Dominant Right 0 0 2 9.5
Very Strong Dominant Right 0 0 0 0
Total 21 100.0 21 100.0
According to Table 3, there were 17 left-brained, two right-brained, and two whole-brained students
before the instruction. On the other hand, while the number of left-brained students dropped to 11,
number of right-brained students reached seven, and the number of whole-brained students arrived at 3
after the instruction. In the light of these results, it can be said that the numbers of the left and right -
brained students were more close to each other and the group was more homogeneous in terms of
brain hemisphericity subsequent to the instruction. When the values given in Table 2 are looked over
based on each category, changes of the moderate left and slight right categories from pre-test to post-
test are remarkable. The dominant left category is the only one in which a decrease is observed
contrary to general tendency.
Speaking in detail, five left-brained, one whole-brained, and one right-brained student did not change
their brain hemisphericity throughout instruction. That is, given instruction did not have any effect on
seven participants’ brain hemisphericity. The other seven of participants completely changed their
brain dominance at the end of instruction. Six of these changes were from left to right, while only one
shift from right to left was observed. Five participants’ left brain dominance decreased, two of them
were whole-brained when instruction was completed. On the contrary, two students’ left brain
dominance increased. One of them was whole-brained before instruction, but he became left-brained
after the instruction.
5. Conclusion
The current study aimed at evaluating the influence of an instruction founded upon non-routine
problem solving on the brain hemisphericity of 7th graders. The results implied that non-routine
problem solving could have a potential to change brain hemisphericity of students. This was the most
important contribution of this study to the literature relevant to the linkage between mathematical
problem solving and brain hemisphericity.
As well as the significant changes on the brain hemisphericity of participants, general inclination of
these changes was another important aspect of our research. Speaking in more detail, most of the
participants were left-brained before the experiment as expected. After instruction, the number of left-
brained students decreased by around 35%, while the number of right-brained students increased by
250%. The increase in the number of ‘whole-brained’ students was 50%. These results were striking
since they provided evidence of the experiment’s effects on students’ brain dominance.
This study had some different dimensions when compared to other studies discussed in the literature.
The first distinctive dimension was that it used non-routine problem solving. However, studies by
Oliver (2009) and Fernandez (2011) were akin to the present study in this respect, but the numbers of
non-routine problems solved by the participants were quite low in these studies. For example, Oliver
(2009) used only one non-routine mathematical problem that allows for variation in the strategies to
achieve the correct answer. However, this was understandable since studies of Oliver (2009) and
Fernandez (2011) were not experimental and had not any aim related explicitly to changes in students’
brain dominance. On the contrary, participants of the present study solved many more (eighty) non-
routine problems throughout instruction. More to the point, the richness of the strategies that can be
exploited to solve these problems was another notable difference. We tried to guarantee that
participants could equivalently deal with each of the six strategies that were chosen for this study. The
results showed that the number and variety of problems solved during the implementation was enough
to have an effect on the brain dominance of the students. The most remarkable evidence of this effect
was the complete change in brain hemisphericity of one-third of the participants. As stated before, the
use of a variety of strategies during intervention could be a plausible explanation for this situation. For
example, one of the students who changed his brain hemisphericity from left to right did not refer to
making a drawing strategy very often at the start of the implementation. However, after the
introduction of this strategy, he increasingly employed it in the course of implementation. Considering
making a drawing strategy call for effective use of the right hemisphere, it seems that this student
expanded his strategy repertoire through implementation and started to use his non-dominant sphere
more effectively.
The second distinctive dimension of the current study was that it had an experimental/empirical base.
Its uniqueness in this respect made it hard to compare the findings of this research with others.
However, results of this study could be compared to those of experimental studies that examined the
effects of an instruction based on hemispheric dominant styles of learning on the general mathematical
achievements of participants. In this context, Uyangör (2012), Tatar and Dikici (2009) also pointed out
the positive effects of the instruction, as found in this study.
As Creswell et al. (1988) emphasized, “The brain operates the best when the cognitive processes
which problem demands are of sufficient complexity to activate both hemispheres. Thus, simple
repetitive and uninteresting namely routine problems would be poorly learned, with little benefit for
either hemisphere. (p.123)” For this reason, we have chosen the non-routine problems for the current
study. Findings proved that these kinds of problems might provide an opportunity for activating non-
dominant hemisphere. Based on that, it can be said that the amount of time and place given for non-
routine problems in text-books and learning environments should be increased. Besides, awareness of
in-service and pre-service teachers on non-routine problem solving should be raised so that they can
be eager to use mathematical non-routine problem solving as a way or tool for enhancing thinking
skills of students.
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13: I am:
__a. easily lost in finding directions, especially if I have never been to that place before.
__b. good at finding my way, even when I have never been in that area.
__c. not bad in finding directions, but not really good either
- What is the sum of the numbers in the 29th row of the following array?
- There is a frog at the bottom of a well that is 10 meters deep. The frog laboriously climbs upward 4
meters during the daytime. However, at night, he fells a sleep and slips back 1 meter. At this rate, how
many days will it takes for the frog to get out of the well?
- There are 6 points, no three of which lie on the same line. How many straight line segments are
needed to connect every possible pair of dots?
Gizem YAPAR SÖĞÜT, Ministry of National Education, Bursa (Turkey), e-mail:
Yeliz YAZGAN, Uludağ University Education Faculty, Bursa (Turkey), e-mail:
The authors would like to thank Dr. Glenn Vallender for his editing and helpful advices which
make this paper more sound and complete.