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Ngo Registration in Tanzania 2022 by Zaa Twalangeti

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PROCEDURE OF REGISTERING AN NGO IN TANZANIA Given this requirement, it is most likely that a US donor

would provide a grant to an NGO. Thus, the sections of

The United Republic of Tanzania is comprised of two this Note devoted to mainland Tanzania will focus on
distinct jurisdictions: mainland Tanzania (previously explaining issues relevant to making an equivalency
Tanganyika) and the revolutionary Government of
determination for the NGO legal form.
Zanzibar. The government of mainland Tanzania
comprehensively restructured the legal system APPLICABLE LAWS
governing NPOs through the Written Laws
(Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 3) Act of 2019. Under The laws governing NGOs in mainland Tanzania are:
the new system, the main form of NPO in mainland  The Constitution of the United Republic of
Tanzania is a “nongovernmental organization (NGO),” Tanzania The Non-Governmental Organizations
which is defined as an institution that is voluntary, self- (NGO) Act, 2002
governing, not-for-profit, apolitical, established (i.e.,  The Companies Act, 2002
with regular meetings and rules of procedure); and  The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendment)
operating for a public benefit purpose. Such purposes (No. 2), 2005
include enhancing economic, social or cultural  The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments)
development; protecting the environment; or advancing (No. 3) Act, 2019
good governance, law and order, and human rights.  The NGO (Amendments) Regulations, 2019
NGOs must adopt the standard NGO Constitution  The NGO (Renewal and Incentives) Regulations,
provided under NGO A-FORM No. 16, under the first 2019 NGO (Rights and Duties of Assistant
schedule of the 2019 Regulations issued under the NGO Registrars) Regulations, 2019 NGO
Act (The NGO Act (Amendments) Regulations, 2019 (Amendments) Regulations, 2018 (G.N No. 609)
Section 21)). Other forms of NPOs in mainland Tanzania  The Income Tax Act, 2019
include societies and trusts. However, the 2019  The Customs Tariff Act, 1968 The Value Added
Amendments effectively require organizations engaging Tax (VAT) Act, 2014 The VAT (General)
in activities that benefit the community or public (i.e., Regulations, 2015
benefit those beyond the organization’s members) to  The VAT (General) (Amendment) Regulations,
register as NGOs (The Written Laws (Miscellaneous 2018 The Finance Act, 2020
Amendments) (No. 3) Act, 2019 Section 29).
Registration of a Non-Governmental  Copy of Constitution of the Non-
Organization in Tanzania which is governed by Governmental Organization (3 bound
the Non-Governmental Organizations Act, Copies)
No.24, 2002 (as amended) is categorized into  Minutes containing full names and
four levels namely signatures of founder members
1.1 District Level  Personal particulars of office bearers
1.2 Regional Level (Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer
1.3 National Level with 2 photographs). NOTE: For
1.4 International Level International NGOs 2 CVs must be of
citizens of Tanzania A filled NGO
Section 22(1) of the Non-Governmental  A Form No.1 attached with 3 Stamp Duty
Organizations Act, No. 24, 2002 (as amended) worth 1500 Tanzania shillings for Local
empowers the Registrar to appoint public NGO and Stamp Duty worth 2 USD for
officers within the Region or District for the International NGO
purpose of facilitating registration in such levels.  Recommendation letter from
In the current practice, the Public Officers as District/Regional Assistant Registrars.
referred in the Act are Community Development  Any other particulars as may be
Officers of the Region or District. Subject to the required by the Registrar
provision of Section 12(1) of the Act, every
application shall be made in a prescribed form by
a group of persons to the Registrar. The term
‘’group of persons’’ include group of Non-
Governmental Organizations.

 Registration at District Level shall be Tshs 80,000

equivalent to 40 USD
 Registration at Regional Level shall be Tshs
100,000 equivalent to 50 USD
 National Level shall be Tshs 115,000 equivalent
to 60 USD
 International Level shall be 350 USD equivalent
to 700,000 TZS

For more details contacts Zaa Twalangeti

+255743471971 or +255785820560

cbtongo@yahoo.com or info@cbto.co.tz
PROCEDURE OF REGISTERING AN NGO IN TANZANIA Given this requirement, it is most likely that a US donor
would provide a grant to an NGO. Thus, the sections of
The United Republic of Tanzania is comprised of two this Note devoted to mainland Tanzania will focus on
distinct jurisdictions: mainland Tanzania (previously explaining issues relevant to making an equivalency
Tanganyika) and the revolutionary Government of
determination for the NGO legal form.
Zanzibar. The government of mainland Tanzania
comprehensively restructured the legal system APPLICABLE LAWS
governing NPOs through the Written Laws
(Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 3) Act of 2019. Under The laws governing NGOs in mainland Tanzania are:
the new system, the main form of NPO in mainland  The Constitution of the United Republic of
Tanzania is a “nongovernmental organization (NGO),” Tanzania The Non-Governmental Organizations
which is defined as an institution that is voluntary, self- (NGO) Act, 2002
governing, not-for-profit, apolitical, established (i.e.,  The Companies Act, 2002
with regular meetings and rules of procedure); and  The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendment)
operating for a public benefit purpose. Such purposes (No. 2), 2005
include enhancing economic, social or cultural  The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments)
development; protecting the environment; or advancing (No. 3) Act, 2019
good governance, law and order, and human rights.  The NGO (Amendments) Regulations, 2019
NGOs must adopt the standard NGO Constitution  The NGO (Renewal and Incentives) Regulations,
provided under NGO A-FORM No. 16, under the first 2019 NGO (Rights and Duties of Assistant
schedule of the 2019 Regulations issued under the NGO Registrars) Regulations, 2019 NGO
Act (The NGO Act (Amendments) Regulations, 2019 (Amendments) Regulations, 2018 (G.N No. 609)
Section 21)). Other forms of NPOs in mainland Tanzania  The Income Tax Act, 2019
include societies and trusts. However, the 2019  The Customs Tariff Act, 1968 The Value Added
Amendments effectively require organizations engaging Tax (VAT) Act, 2014 The VAT (General)
in activities that benefit the community or public (i.e., Regulations, 2015
benefit those beyond the organization’s members) to  The VAT (General) (Amendment) Regulations,
register as NGOs (The Written Laws (Miscellaneous 2018 The Finance Act, 2020
Amendments) (No. 3) Act, 2019 Section 29).
Registration of a Non-Governmental  Copy of Constitution of the Non-
Organization in Tanzania which is governed by Governmental Organization (3 bound
the Non-Governmental Organizations Act, Copies)
No.24, 2002 (as amended) is categorized into  Minutes containing full names and
four levels namely signatures of founder members
1.1 District Level  Personal particulars of office bearers
1.2 Regional Level (Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer
1.3 National Level with 2 photographs). NOTE: For
1.4 International Level International NGOs 2 CVs must be of
citizens of Tanzania A filled NGO
Section 22(1) of the Non-Governmental  A Form No.1 attached with 3 Stamp Duty
Organizations Act, No. 24, 2002 (as amended) worth 1500 Tanzania shillings for Local
empowers the Registrar to appoint public NGO and Stamp Duty worth 2 USD for
officers within the Region or District for the International NGO
purpose of facilitating registration in such levels.  Recommendation letter from
In the current practice, the Public Officers as District/Regional Assistant Registrars.
referred in the Act are Community Development  Any other particulars as may be
Officers of the Region or District. Subject to the required by the Registrar
provision of Section 12(1) of the Act, every
application shall be made in a prescribed form by
a group of persons to the Registrar. The term
‘’group of persons’’ include group of Non-
Governmental Organizations.

 Registration at District Level shall be Tshs 80,000

equivalent to 40 USD
 Registration at Regional Level shall be Tshs
100,000 equivalent to 50 USD
 National Level shall be Tshs 115,000 equivalent
to 60 USD
 International Level shall be 350 USD equivalent
to 700,000 TZS

For more details contacts Zaa Twalangeti

+255743471971 or +255785820560

cbtongo@yahoo.com or info@cbto.co.tz
PROCEDURE OF REGISTERING AN NGO IN TANZANIA Given this requirement, it is most likely that a US donor
would provide a grant to an NGO. Thus, the sections of
The United Republic of Tanzania is comprised of two this Note devoted to mainland Tanzania will focus on
distinct jurisdictions: mainland Tanzania (previously explaining issues relevant to making an equivalency
Tanganyika) and the revolutionary Government of
determination for the NGO legal form.
Zanzibar. The government of mainland Tanzania
comprehensively restructured the legal system APPLICABLE LAWS
governing NPOs through the Written Laws
(Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 3) Act of 2019. Under The laws governing NGOs in mainland Tanzania are:
the new system, the main form of NPO in mainland  The Constitution of the United Republic of
Tanzania is a “nongovernmental organization (NGO),” Tanzania The Non-Governmental Organizations
which is defined as an institution that is voluntary, self- (NGO) Act, 2002
governing, not-for-profit, apolitical, established (i.e.,  The Companies Act, 2002
with regular meetings and rules of procedure); and  The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendment)
operating for a public benefit purpose. Such purposes (No. 2), 2005
include enhancing economic, social or cultural  The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments)
development; protecting the environment; or advancing (No. 3) Act, 2019
good governance, law and order, and human rights.  The NGO (Amendments) Regulations, 2019
NGOs must adopt the standard NGO Constitution  The NGO (Renewal and Incentives) Regulations,
provided under NGO A-FORM No. 16, under the first 2019 NGO (Rights and Duties of Assistant
schedule of the 2019 Regulations issued under the NGO Registrars) Regulations, 2019 NGO
Act (The NGO Act (Amendments) Regulations, 2019 (Amendments) Regulations, 2018 (G.N No. 609)
Section 21)). Other forms of NPOs in mainland Tanzania  The Income Tax Act, 2019
include societies and trusts. However, the 2019  The Customs Tariff Act, 1968 The Value Added
Amendments effectively require organizations engaging Tax (VAT) Act, 2014 The VAT (General)
in activities that benefit the community or public (i.e., Regulations, 2015
benefit those beyond the organization’s members) to  The VAT (General) (Amendment) Regulations,
register as NGOs (The Written Laws (Miscellaneous 2018 The Finance Act, 2020
Amendments) (No. 3) Act, 2019 Section 29).
Registration of a Non-Governmental  Copy of Constitution of the Non-
Organization in Tanzania which is governed by Governmental Organization (3 bound
the Non-Governmental Organizations Act, Copies)
No.24, 2002 (as amended) is categorized into  Minutes containing full names and
four levels namely signatures of founder members
1.1 District Level  Personal particulars of office bearers
1.2 Regional Level (Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer
1.3 National Level with 2 photographs). NOTE: For
1.4 International Level International NGOs 2 CVs must be of
citizens of Tanzania A filled NGO
Section 22(1) of the Non-Governmental  A Form No.1 attached with 3 Stamp Duty
Organizations Act, No. 24, 2002 (as amended) worth 1500 Tanzania shillings for Local
empowers the Registrar to appoint public NGO and Stamp Duty worth 2 USD for
officers within the Region or District for the International NGO
purpose of facilitating registration in such levels.  Recommendation letter from
In the current practice, the Public Officers as District/Regional Assistant Registrars.
referred in the Act are Community Development  Any other particulars as may be
Officers of the Region or District. Subject to the required by the Registrar
provision of Section 12(1) of the Act, every
application shall be made in a prescribed form by
a group of persons to the Registrar. The term
‘’group of persons’’ include group of Non-
Governmental Organizations.

 Registration at District Level shall be Tshs 80,000

equivalent to 40 USD
 Registration at Regional Level shall be Tshs
100,000 equivalent to 50 USD
 National Level shall be Tshs 115,000 equivalent
to 60 USD
 International Level shall be 350 USD equivalent
to 700,000 TZS

For more details contacts Zaa Twalangeti

+255743471971 or +255785820560

cbtongo@yahoo.com or info@cbto.co.tz
PROCEDURE OF REGISTERING AN NGO IN TANZANIA Given this requirement, it is most likely that a US donor
would provide a grant to an NGO. Thus, the sections of
The United Republic of Tanzania is comprised of two this Note devoted to mainland Tanzania will focus on
distinct jurisdictions: mainland Tanzania (previously explaining issues relevant to making an equivalency
Tanganyika) and the revolutionary Government of
determination for the NGO legal form.
Zanzibar. The government of mainland Tanzania
comprehensively restructured the legal system APPLICABLE LAWS
governing NPOs through the Written Laws
(Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 3) Act of 2019. Under The laws governing NGOs in mainland Tanzania are:
the new system, the main form of NPO in mainland  The Constitution of the United Republic of
Tanzania is a “nongovernmental organization (NGO),” Tanzania The Non-Governmental Organizations
which is defined as an institution that is voluntary, self- (NGO) Act, 2002
governing, not-for-profit, apolitical, established (i.e.,  The Companies Act, 2002
with regular meetings and rules of procedure); and  The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendment)
operating for a public benefit purpose. Such purposes (No. 2), 2005
include enhancing economic, social or cultural  The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments)
development; protecting the environment; or advancing (No. 3) Act, 2019
good governance, law and order, and human rights.  The NGO (Amendments) Regulations, 2019
NGOs must adopt the standard NGO Constitution  The NGO (Renewal and Incentives) Regulations,
provided under NGO A-FORM No. 16, under the first 2019 NGO (Rights and Duties of Assistant
schedule of the 2019 Regulations issued under the NGO Registrars) Regulations, 2019 NGO
Act (The NGO Act (Amendments) Regulations, 2019 (Amendments) Regulations, 2018 (G.N No. 609)
Section 21)). Other forms of NPOs in mainland Tanzania  The Income Tax Act, 2019
include societies and trusts. However, the 2019  The Customs Tariff Act, 1968 The Value Added
Amendments effectively require organizations engaging Tax (VAT) Act, 2014 The VAT (General)
in activities that benefit the community or public (i.e., Regulations, 2015
benefit those beyond the organization’s members) to  The VAT (General) (Amendment) Regulations,
register as NGOs (The Written Laws (Miscellaneous 2018 The Finance Act, 2020
Amendments) (No. 3) Act, 2019 Section 29).
Registration of a Non-Governmental  Copy of Constitution of the Non-
Organization in Tanzania which is governed by Governmental Organization (3 bound
the Non-Governmental Organizations Act, Copies)
No.24, 2002 (as amended) is categorized into  Minutes containing full names and
four levels namely signatures of founder members
1.1 District Level  Personal particulars of office bearers
1.2 Regional Level (Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer
1.3 National Level with 2 photographs). NOTE: For
1.4 International Level International NGOs 2 CVs must be of
citizens of Tanzania A filled NGO
Section 22(1) of the Non-Governmental  A Form No.1 attached with 3 Stamp Duty
Organizations Act, No. 24, 2002 (as amended) worth 1500 Tanzania shillings for Local
empowers the Registrar to appoint public NGO and Stamp Duty worth 2 USD for
officers within the Region or District for the International NGO
purpose of facilitating registration in such levels.  Recommendation letter from
In the current practice, the Public Officers as District/Regional Assistant Registrars.
referred in the Act are Community Development  Any other particulars as may be
Officers of the Region or District. Subject to the required by the Registrar
provision of Section 12(1) of the Act, every
application shall be made in a prescribed form by
a group of persons to the Registrar. The term
‘’group of persons’’ include group of Non-
Governmental Organizations.

 Registration at District Level shall be Tshs 80,000

equivalent to 40 USD
 Registration at Regional Level shall be Tshs
100,000 equivalent to 50 USD
 National Level shall be Tshs 115,000 equivalent
to 60 USD
 International Level shall be 350 USD equivalent
to 700,000 TZS

For more details contacts Zaa Twalangeti

+255743471971 or +255785820560

cbtongo@yahoo.com or info@cbto.co.tz
PROCEDURE OF REGISTERING AN NGO IN TANZANIA Given this requirement, it is most likely that a US donor
would provide a grant to an NGO. Thus, the sections of
The United Republic of Tanzania is comprised of two this Note devoted to mainland Tanzania will focus on
distinct jurisdictions: mainland Tanzania (previously explaining issues relevant to making an equivalency
Tanganyika) and the revolutionary Government of
determination for the NGO legal form.
Zanzibar. The government of mainland Tanzania
comprehensively restructured the legal system APPLICABLE LAWS
governing NPOs through the Written Laws
(Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 3) Act of 2019. Under The laws governing NGOs in mainland Tanzania are:
the new system, the main form of NPO in mainland  The Constitution of the United Republic of
Tanzania is a “nongovernmental organization (NGO),” Tanzania The Non-Governmental Organizations
which is defined as an institution that is voluntary, self- (NGO) Act, 2002
governing, not-for-profit, apolitical, established (i.e.,  The Companies Act, 2002
with regular meetings and rules of procedure); and  The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendment)
operating for a public benefit purpose. Such purposes (No. 2), 2005
include enhancing economic, social or cultural  The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments)
development; protecting the environment; or advancing (No. 3) Act, 2019
good governance, law and order, and human rights.  The NGO (Amendments) Regulations, 2019
NGOs must adopt the standard NGO Constitution  The NGO (Renewal and Incentives) Regulations,
provided under NGO A-FORM No. 16, under the first 2019 NGO (Rights and Duties of Assistant
schedule of the 2019 Regulations issued under the NGO Registrars) Regulations, 2019 NGO
Act (The NGO Act (Amendments) Regulations, 2019 (Amendments) Regulations, 2018 (G.N No. 609)
Section 21)). Other forms of NPOs in mainland Tanzania  The Income Tax Act, 2019
include societies and trusts. However, the 2019  The Customs Tariff Act, 1968 The Value Added
Amendments effectively require organizations engaging Tax (VAT) Act, 2014 The VAT (General)
in activities that benefit the community or public (i.e., Regulations, 2015
benefit those beyond the organization’s members) to  The VAT (General) (Amendment) Regulations,
register as NGOs (The Written Laws (Miscellaneous 2018 The Finance Act, 2020
Amendments) (No. 3) Act, 2019 Section 29).
Registration of a Non-Governmental  Copy of Constitution of the Non-
Organization in Tanzania which is governed by Governmental Organization (3 bound
the Non-Governmental Organizations Act, Copies)
No.24, 2002 (as amended) is categorized into  Minutes containing full names and
four levels namely signatures of founder members
1.1 District Level  Personal particulars of office bearers
1.2 Regional Level (Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer
1.3 National Level with 2 photographs). NOTE: For
1.4 International Level International NGOs 2 CVs must be of
citizens of Tanzania A filled NGO
Section 22(1) of the Non-Governmental  A Form No.1 attached with 3 Stamp Duty
Organizations Act, No. 24, 2002 (as amended) worth 1500 Tanzania shillings for Local
empowers the Registrar to appoint public NGO and Stamp Duty worth 2 USD for
officers within the Region or District for the International NGO
purpose of facilitating registration in such levels.  Recommendation letter from
In the current practice, the Public Officers as District/Regional Assistant Registrars.
referred in the Act are Community Development  Any other particulars as may be
Officers of the Region or District. Subject to the required by the Registrar
provision of Section 12(1) of the Act, every
application shall be made in a prescribed form by
a group of persons to the Registrar. The term
‘’group of persons’’ include group of Non-
Governmental Organizations.

 Registration at District Level shall be Tshs 80,000

equivalent to 40 USD
 Registration at Regional Level shall be Tshs
100,000 equivalent to 50 USD
 National Level shall be Tshs 115,000 equivalent
to 60 USD
 International Level shall be 350 USD equivalent
to 700,000 TZS

For more details contacts Zaa Twalangeti

+255743471971 or +255785820560

cbtongo@yahoo.com or info@cbto.co.tz

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