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A topological characterization of metabolic ux predictions, medium-dependent essentiality and metabolic inconsistency


Nikolaus Sonnenschein
A thesis submitted in partial fulllment of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy in Bioinformatics

Approved, esis Committee: Prof. Dr. Marc-orsten Htt

Jacobs University Bremen

Prof. Dr. Georgi Muskhelishvili

Jacobs University Bremen

Dr. Arndt Benecke

Institut des Hautes tudes Scientiques

December, 2010 School of Engineering and Science


e thesis presented here is based on a cumulation of thematically connected articles covering the following scientic topics: (i) Does the spatial distribution of genes on a chromosome deviate from randomness, and if so, does it contribute to the transcriptional regulation of genes? Using methods from point-process statistics, we are able to show that genes regulated by transcription factors segregate from genes with no such regulatory information available, constituting the vast majority of genes on the chromosome of Escherichia coli, making the point for an alternative form of regulation. (ii) Is the transcriptional regulation of metabolic processes predominantly accomplished by the classically conceived form of control exerted by the concerted actions of dedicated transcription factors, or by chromosome and chromatin structure, which is an analog type of control? Using gene expression proles measured under variation of the superhelical structure of the E. coli chromosome and we argue for the latter. (iii) Is it possible to quantify the impact of perturbations to the regulatory machinery and environment of an organism by the integration of gene expression proles with genome-scale metabolic reconstructions? (iv) Can we assign topological markers to classify dierent forms of perturbations in these systems, e.g., the medium-dependent essentiality of enzymes or metabolically altered system states in cancer cells? Using methods from network



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Introduction Ranges of control in the transcriptional regulation of Escherichia coli Analog regulation of metabolic demand Metabolic variability in adrenal gland tumors A network perspective on metabolic inconsistency

1 9 31 47 53

Multiple topological labels and medium-dependent essentiality in Escherichia coli metabolism 67 Ongoing projects Conclusions & Outlook 85 87

A Supplementary Information for Analog regulation of metabolic demand 89 B Supplementary Information for A network perspective on metabolic inconsistency 99

C Supplementary Information for Multiple topological labels and mediumdependent essentiality in Escherichia coli metabolism 103 References 109

Chapter 1 Introduction

What an organism feeds upon is negative entropy. Or, to put it less paradoxically, the essential thing in metabolism is that the organism succeeds in freeing itself from all the entropy it cannot help producing while alive. Erwin Schrdinger - What is life?

Metabolism & Gene regulation

Metabolism constitutes the system of chemical reactions concurrently taking place inside a living cell. e cell acts hereby as an open system [1], constantly exchanging matter with its surroundings by taking up building blocks and energy yielding substances as well as getting rid of waste material. e fact that it is an open system permits, under certain circumstances, the occurrence of steady states, i.e, timeindependent conditions under which the composition of the system stays invariant despite the continuous exchange of its components; in that sense, being fundamentally dierent to the classical notion of an thermodynamic equilibrium. As environments constantly uctuate, robust control mechanisms are necessary for metabolism to maintain homeostasis, i.e., its ability to quickly regain a steady state upon perturbation. As most reactions are catalyzed by enzymes, one major form of regulation is exhibited by controlling their concentrations and activities. Transcriptional regulation is thus is one of the major components of this type of regulation. 1


Omics era
With gigabytes of new biological data emerging each day, lling database aer database, it gets ever more clear that things have changed fundamentally in the life sciences. e Hypothesis-free collection of data [2], e.g., the sequencing of whole genomes, and explorative data analysis have already trespassed into the domain of hypothesisdriven research [3], which has dominated the life sciences over the last centuries. With all that data becoming publicly available, and biology becoming a data-rich science, it is no longer necessary nor even appropriate to conduct theoretical research for the sake of theory itselfa theoretical biologists dream come true. Bold statements1 , that scientic reasoning will become obsolete in the near future and will be replaced by machine learning algorithms and correlation analyses, have aroused the community2 . Furthermore, the search for natural laws and the development of rigorous theory should not be abandoned, as it has oen been theoretical prediction and understanding preceding major innovations in the natural sciences; and isnt it generally easier to ask questions about how things work rather than why things work the way they do? However, even in systems biology, there is still plenty of room for hypothesis-driven experimentation, and we will show that careful experimental design is necessary for the answering of particular questions (see Chapter 3).

Network biology
Networks consist of nodes, representing the entities of a system, and edges, describing the relations among them. is high level abstraction allows the description of basically any system in the universe. End of the nineties, networks had a huge impact on biology and science in general, breathing new life into interdisciplinary research. Watts and Strogatzs seminal work on small-world networks and their properties [4] is a prominent representative of this hype, having been cited more than 4580 times3 by now and ranking at #6 among the most cited papers in physics4 . e thrilling possibilities of treating complex systems as diverse as metabolism [5], the air transportation system, or even the network of social interactions among super heroes [6], under a common framework of methods have attracted many researchers from different elds.
Chris Anderson, e end of theory: the data deluge makes the scientic method obsolete, Wired Magazine, 16 July 2008, http://goo.gl/aZsP 2 Maxine Clarke, Nature 454, x (10 July 2008), http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/7201xc 3 According to ISI Web of Knowledge (omson Reuters) 4 According to Essential Science Indicators (omson Reuters)

Generally, abstraction is a good thing. It keeps us from getting insane by hiding away complexity, lets us focus on the important things in our analysis, and most importantly, it lets us compare systems, which otherwise would not be comparable. However, using abstractions to make general assumptions about systems is a dangerous thing to do, and this is especially true for metabolic networks, as we will see in a moment. Building a metabolic network from a list of chemical reactions is straight-forward: substrates are connected to reactions, and reactions are connected with products. Following this procedure, one ends up with a bipartite network consisting of two disjoint sets of vertices, reactions r and metabolites m. Of course, this bipartite representation can be collapsed into two distinct unipartite networks, either by projection onto r, leading to a reaction-centric representation, or by projection onto m, leading to a metabolite-centric representation of metabolism. In both cases information is lost [7], i.e., the bipartite network cannot be reconstructed from the unipartite networks, but even worse, whereas the degree distribution of the reaction-centric representation is unambiguous and unravels an additional piece of information, i.e., the number of reactions a reaction is connected to, the metabolite-centric projection introduces a large number of cliquesall substrates of a reaction become connected to all products of the same reactionbiasing the connectivity of compounds participating in reactions with more than one substrate or product towards unnaturally high degrees. Furthermore, it is impossible to disentangle the number of reactions a metabolite participates from its metabolite-centric node degree. e metabolitecentric network representation, however, has become the de facto for many studies and has been used in the majority of scientic treatments on metabolic networks [8, 9]. Additional metabolic network representations have been past in the past, including enzyme and gene-centric networks [1012], and we will focus in our analyses mainly on latter ones.

Constraint-based modeling
Evaluating the constraints that nature forces upon life provides an excellent framework for modeling biological processes under uncertainty [13]. Let

0 = Sv


describe the steady state ux space of a metabolic system, where S denotes the stoichiometric matrix5 of the system, v a vector reaction uxes, and 0 replaces the vector
S m,n represents the stoichiometries of a reactions system containing m metabolites and n reactions, where Si,j < 0, if reaction j consumes metabolite i, and Si,j > 0, if it produces metabolite i.


of the time derivatives of metabolite concentrations dC usually found at this posidt tion. Imposing vmin v vmax constrains the solution space to a nite size, which has a convex shape due to the linear nature of the system. Dening vmin and vmax allows one to incoporate (i) reaction directionality (setting vmin = 0 for irreversible reaction), (ii) experimentally measured uxes [], and (iii) medium conditions into the system. A whole spectrum of constraint-based modeling (CBM) methods has been developed over the last years in order to analyze the steady-state ux space described in equation 1.1: (i) Elementary mode analysis [14] and extreme pathways [15], two very similar concepts6 , enumerate all minimal reactions sets capable of steady state operation, i.e., all linearly independent v satisfying equation 1.1. (ii) Because the methods described in (i) are intractable for genome-scale systems, Monte Carlo methods have been applied [17] in order to sample ux space. (iii) Flux-coupling analysis [18] allows the determination of coupled reaction sets. e coupling type between to uxes vi and vj can be determined by minimization and maximization of the following fractional optimization problem

Rmin (Rmax ) = min(max) {

vi Sv = 0, vmin < v < vmax }, vj


where Rmin = Rmax = c implies full coupling, Rmin = c1 > 0 Rmax = c2 < partial coupling, Rmin = 0 Rmax = c and Rmin = c Rmax = directional coupling. Fluxes vi and vj are uncoupled if Rmin = c Rmax = . (iii) Flux balance analysis (FBA) uses linear programming to nd a ux distribution that maximizes a specied objective [69], e.g., biomass or ATP production. It nds a solution to this optimization problem

max {cT v Sv = 0, vmin < v < vmax },


where c denotes the coecient of the target function. (iv) Recently ux balance analysis has been extended to incorporate experimental that cannot be directly incorporated as ux boundaries, e.g, RNA transcript level and proteomic data. We will use CBM extensively throughout the thesis, for tasks like random and combinatorial media sampling, reaction deletion analysis, microarray data incorporation and assessment, as well as for ux-coupling analysis.
Extreme pathways basically constitute the basis solutions of the system, representing the edges of the convex polytope in a geometrical interpretation of 1.1, and thus being a subset of elementary modes that additionally include solutions on its surface and interior [16].

esis outline
is thesis is based on a cumulation of published and submitted work, as well as manuscripts being prepared for publication. In the following, each piece of work is presented in form of a chapter, closed up by a concluding chapter. Short descriptions are given below, which explain the motivation and background of each work.
Ranges of control in the transcriptional regulation of Escherichia coli One of the most important open questions in genomics regards the spatial organization of genes on the genome. Are genes randomly distributed or do they follow some hidden organizational principle? And if so, is their spatial organization a major contributor to their transcriptional regulation? Transcriptional regulation in prokaryotes is mainly believed to be organized by a set of dedicated transcription factors, either down or up-regulating the transcription of their target genes, the lac operon [21] being one out of many examples of this regulatory principle. On the other hand, it is now generally accepted that chromatin plays a major role in eukaryotic gene regulation [22] and evidence is accumulating for this being true in prokaryotes as well [23]. RegulonDB [24], a database that collects information about transcriptional regulation in Escherichia coli, provided in its 6.2 version regulatory information for 1474 out of 4585 genes. us, regulatory information is missing for the vast majority of genes. So, why is this the case in one of the best studied model organisms? Of course, one can argue that nothing is ever known completely, but a timeresolved view on the evolution of the database shows that the number of regulated genes is stagnating over the last years (see Figure 1.1), indicating that perhaps for a signicant portion of genes regulatory interactions and transcription factor binding sites will never be found. In order to get some insight we applied in collaboration with Dietrich and Helga Stoyan from Bergakademie Freiberg point-process statistics to the spatial distribution of genes on the E. coli chromosome (see Chapter 2). In particular we investigated the distribution of two classes of genes: genes that are controlled by dedicated transcription factors and genes where no such information is available. Chapter 3Analog regulation of metabolic demand Patterns of gene expression changes under variations of the underlying regulatory machinery are an important source of information for understanding the mechanisms of genetic control. e 3D structure of the circular chromosome of the model organism E. coli is one key component of this regulatory machinery. is type of regulation mediated by topological transitions of the chromosomal DNA is denoted analog control, in contrast to the regulatory action of transcription factors targeting specic DNA sites, denoted digital control [25]. So far, the rich patterns of gene expression changes induced by


3000 2500 2000 No. 1500 1000 500 0

Regulatory Interactions Transcription Factors TF Binding Sites Regulons isolated regulated



2002 2005 Date


Figure 1.1: RegulonDB version history

alterations of the superhelical density of chromosomal DNA have been dicult to interpret. In a collaboration with Georgi Muskhelishvili (Jacobs University) and Marcel Geertz (Unviversity of Geneva) we characterize the eective networks formed by supercoiling-induced gene expression changes mapped onto reconstructions of E. colis metabolic and transcriptional regulatory network.
Metabolic variability in adrenal gland tumors & A network perspective on metabolic inconsistency Adrenocortical adenomas are benign tumors; their medical significance lies less in the fact that they are a form of cancer but rather in their ability to cause drastic imbalances in the endocrine system, e.g., primary aldosteronism [? ], being characterized by an overproduction of the mineralcorticoid hormone aldosterone. In collaboration with Arndt Benecke and Annick Lesne, from Institut des Hautes tudes Scientiques, and Maria-Christina Zennaro, from Institut National de la Sant et de la Recherche Mdicale, we integrate gene expression data obtained from healthy and adenoma adrenal glands with a genome-scale reconstruction of human metabolism [26] in order to understand the metabolic alterations in adenoma physiology. Futhermore, we applied constraint-based modeling techniques to unravel physiological changes in the adrenal gland tumors, probing their abilities to produce energy as well the hormone aldosterone. Furthermore, we compared our ndings with results from a topological analysis (which we also applied in the previous work), observing a strong negative correlation between both measures.

Multiple topological labels and medium-dependent essentiality in Escherichia coli metabolism Based on previous well-known but dierent approaches to detect lethal reactions [2729], all of them resulting in distinct reactions sets with a signicantly small overlap, we compare the topological characteristics by means of a motif analysis on all possible three node motifs in order of these approaches to each other and develop a method to raise the ecacy of lethal-reaction detections. Ongoing work & Future projects


Conclusions is chapter combines and contextualizes the ndings of the presented work and gives a comprehensive overview on the achieved knowledge gains.

Chapter 2 Ranges of control in the transcriptional regulation of Escherichia coli

is chapter provides the content of the following publication [30]: Nikolaus Sonnenschein, Marc-orsten Htt, Helga Stoyan, and Dietrich Stoyan Ranges of control in the transcriptional regulation of Escherichia coli. BMC Syst Biol (2009) vol. 3 (1) pp. 119

Background: e positioning of genes in the genome is an important evolutionary degree of freedom for organizing gene regulation. Statistical properties of these distributions have been studied particularly in relation to the transcriptional regulatory network. e systematics of gene-gene distances then become important sources of information on the control, which dierent biological mechanisms exert on gene expression. Results: Here we study a set of categories, which has to our knowledge not been analyzed before. We distinguish between genes that do not participate in the transcriptional regulatory network (i.e. that are according to current knowledge not producing transcription factors and do not possess binding sites for transcription factors in their regulatory region), and genes that via transcription factors either are regulated by or


regulate other genes. We nd that the two types of genes (isolated and regulatory genes) show a clear statistical repulsion and have dierent ranges of correlations. In particular we nd that isolated genes have a preference for shorter intergenic distances.
Conclusions: ese ndings support previous evidence from gene expression patterns for two distinct logical types of control, namely digital control (i.e. networkbased control mediated by dedicated transcription factors) and analog control (i.e. control based on genome structure and mediated by neighborhood on the genome).

e circular genome of E. coli is still an object of intense scientic research (see, e.g., [31]). It is a rich source of information on the organization of gene regulation, the interplay of dierent types of control exerted on gene expression, a model system for analyzing DNA topology, the model for which the most detailed electronically accessible transcriptional regulatory network has been compiled. Many processes, acting on a broad range of scales, contribute to the evolution of bacterial chromosomes. Genes are organized in operons, i.e., groups of genes sharing a regulatory domain. e genome is shaped by point mutations, large-scale rearrangements, strand breaks and inversions during replication. e gene inventory is modied by gene duplications or deletions and lateral or horizontal transfer of genes. It is striking that an ever closer look at statistical properties of data reveals ever more systematic information, shaped by evolution, on an ever broader range of length scales. Starting from the work by De Martelaere and Van Gool (1981) [32] and Jurka and Savageau (1985) [33] the gene density along the circular chromosome of E. coli has been discussed as a potential source of information on the evolutionary shaping of the system and in particular as a means of using DNA topology (i.e. the 3D structure of the genome) for regulatory purposes (see also [34]). e papers by Warren and ten Wolde (2004) [35] and Kps (2004) [36] focus on distances between genes or operons. Both are studies of the specic patterns in the distributions of distances between regulatory pairs (genes or operons regulating each other or pairs of genes or operons co-regulated by other genes). Warren and ten Wolde (2004) [35] nd a substantially reduced distance between operons in such regulatory pairs, suggesting an evolutionary pressure to reduce such distances for ecient regulation. For obtaining this, they use classical characteristics of point process statistics, namely partial pair correlation functions and nearest neighbor distance probability density functions. 10

protein A (transcription factor, TF)

gene a gene a gene b binding site for TF A

gene b


regulation mediated by a transcription factor

Figure 2.1: Schematic view on the transcriptional regulatory network. (A) For the TRN, Figure 1 the nodes are genes and the (directed) links describe the regulatory action of one gene onto another mediated by a transcription factor. More specically, for the link shown in the Figure, gene a expresses protein A, which serves as a transcription factor (TF) binding in the regulatory region of gene b and thus controlling gene b. e links of the transcriptional regulatory network can be inserted into the circular genome of E. coli (schematically shown in (B) and for the real genome in (C), based on the data from RegulonDB, version 6.2.

Kps (2004) [36] observe a periodicity in the distances between regulator and target, where the period length is in the same order of magnitude as known loop domains in the 3D organization of the E. coli chromosome. More recently, Hermsen et al. (2008) [37] observed that genes with opposite orientation have a bias towards larger distances, when oriented away from each other (divergent gene pair; e.g. the second gene pair in Figure 2.1) compared to those oriented towards each other (convergent gene pair; e.g. the rst gene pair in Figure 2.1). ey argue that this bias is due to the larger size of the upstream control region compared to the downstream control region. Darling et al. (2008) [38] discuss biases in genomic inversions with respect to the replichores and other patterns of genome rearrangement in bacterial chromosomes. Another important factor inuencing gene-gene distance statistics on a very general level is gene clustering. e origin of observed gene clustering is attributed to gene duplication and divergence, an evolutionary advantage of clustering, as it might in11


crease a genes chance for horizontal gene transfer or, lastly, selective advantage of gene clusters due to functional coupling and the ecient organization of transcription (see the discussion in [39]). From the systems perspective, mainly the regulatory control mediated by direct binding of transcription factors has been investigated. e compilation of these interactions for E. coli into a database [40] allows the construction of a transcriptional regulatory network (TRN) [41]. is view yields deep topological insights into the hierarchical organization of TRNs (Ma et al., 2004 [42]; Yu and Gerstein, 2006 [43]) and their composition out of specic network motifs (Shen-Orr et al., 2002 [41]). e TRN has been used for the interpretation of expression patterns (Gutierrez-Rios et al., 2003 [44]; Herrgard et al., 2003 [45]), revealing both the potential and the limitations of this perspective. In particular, recently it became obvious that other eects with very dierent regulatory mechanism have to be taken into account, like alterations of the DNA structure on a small [23, 46] and larger [47] scale. us, understanding the organizational logic of gene regulation necessitates a clear distinction of the dierent control types in the rst place, as a prerequisite for the assessment of their impact in regulation. Another link between these two research areas, gene distribution and TRN, comes from the observation that gene neighborhood explains some features of observed gene expression patterns (Marr et al. 2008 [25]; Blot et al. 2006 [48]). In particular, Marr et al. (2008) [25] analyze the interplay between two types of control in gene expression proles in E. coli, one network-mediated and the other mediated by DNA topology. ese two control types have been termed digital (referring to the fact that the TRN provides static information on the connections between unique, discontinuous components, e.g. a particular pair of regulator and regulated gene) and analog (referring to the fact that the expression of specic genes is under the control of continuous information provided by distributions of supercoiling energy in the genome), respectively [25]. e statistical properties of gene distributions and gene spacings have been studied to detect deviations from randomness and interpret these deviations in a suitable evolutionary context. To a large extent, these investigations dier (apart from the technical details of the statistical tools and the construction of suitable null models) predominantly in the categories of genes analyzed. In the present paper we show results for two analysis steps, where the rst analysis distinguishes between two classes. Analysis I discusses genes involved in regulation (i.e., either being regulated by a transcription factor or producing a transcription factor regulating other genes; class 1) and genes not involved in regulation mediated by transcription factors (which in the following we will call isolated genes; class 2). Analysis II consists of pairs of genes regulated by a common transcription factor. Distances between the genes in such a pair will be contrasted to the distances between arbitrary genes. 12

e biological hypothesis behind these categories is that dierent means of gene regulation essentially have dierent length scales. e novel feature of our approach lies in two points: (1) the distribution of regulated/regulating genes vs. (regulatorily) isolated genes has not been studied before. Our nding here, a pronounced deviation from randomness for the isolated genes, ts to the hypothesis stemming from previous investigations of control types in gene expression patterns (Marr et al. 2008 [25]); (2) in order to detect deviations from randomness we employ dierent non-classical types of correlation functions. Our hypothesis, based on the ndings from Marr et al. (2008) [25], is that the existence of distinct logical types of control (namely digital and analog) has a systematic impact on the statistical features of gene distributions. In particular, distances between isolated genes and all others should be smaller than average distances between genes, as isolated genes tend to be co-regulated by spatial neighborhood via the 3D structure of the genome. Results are in the following presented both on the level of individual genes and on the level of operons.

Results and Discussion

First we present the gene distance distributions for the two gene classes, (isolated genes and genes involved in regulation; see above). en we discuss pair correlation functions g(s), partial pair correlation functions gij (s), mark connection functions pij (s), connectivity correlation functions c(s), and control correlation functions k3 (s) (see Materials and Methods). Figure 2.2 explains the categories of genes (operons) we are studying. In the rst part (Analysis I; classes 1 and 2; cf. Figure 2.2A and C) we are looking at statistical properties of shortest distances between two genes involved in regulation (s11 ), two isolated genes (s22 ), and an isolated gene, together with a gene involved in regulation (s12 ); cf. Figure 2.2B. In the second part (Analysis II) we study distances between two genes regulated by a common transcription factor. In all cases we analyze the shortest distance (in base pairs, bp) along the circular genome to the nearest neighbor of the respective type. We do not consider the orientation of genes on the genome or the sizes of the genes and operons. In fact, we represent every gene only by a single point, namely by its center. We checked that our results do not change qualitatively when we consider other denitions of the distance between two genes (e.g., from start points to end points or the minimal distance between any two points of the two genes; cf. Figure 2.2D). We ignore biases induced by the relative position of the gene under consideration with respect to the origin of replication (ori) or the Ter macrodomain, respectively. 13


analysis I gene involved in regulation gene not involved in regulation

2 analysis II

two genes regulated by a common transcription factor

s 22

s 11

= or

variant 1: variant 2: variant 3:

Figure 2.2: Denitions of categories and distances. (A) e classes of genes (involved and not involved in regulation) entering Analysis I and the subset of genes involved in regulation (pairs of genes under common regulation), which is studied in Analysis II. (B) Examples of distances s11 , s12 and s22 entering point process analysis. (C) No distinction is made between genes receiving a regulatory inuence and genes encoding transcription factors regulating other genes. (D) Various possibilities of dening the distance of two genes along the genome. In this investigation we use variant 1.

Figure 2

us we are confronted with problems of point process statistics (see Materials and Methods), where the genes or operons are the points. ey are marked by 1 or 2, corresponding to the classes above, 1 : involved in regulation, 2 : isolated. Figure 2.3 shows the distributions of shortest distances on the gene level (Figure 2.3a) and on the operon level (Figure 2.3b), together with the distribution of gene content of operons (Figure 2.3c; i.e. the number of genes in an operon). Most of the operons in E. coli consist of only a single gene, some operons, however, contain as many as 15 genes. Figure 2.3 already reveals several interesting features of the data: Distances between operons tend to be larger than distances between genes (which results from the systematic omission of intra-operon distances, when passing from genes to operons); the decrease in frequency with the distance does not seem to follow an exponential distribution, suggesting a deviation from a Poisson process (and therefore from a random distribution of points). Aer the discussion of the nearest neighbor distances we report now on the correlation functions. First we discuss the pair correlation functions g(s), see Figure 2.4. 14

(a) 200 frequency 150 100 50 0 0 200 frequency 150 100 50 0 0 2000 frequency 1500 1000 500 0 5 10 15 No. of genes per operon
Figure 2.3: Pairwise distances and operon sizes. Histogram of pairwise distances for (a) genes and (b) operons, and distribution of operon sizes (c).



3000 (b)




8000 10 000 (c)

distance s [bp]



1.2 pair correlation g (s) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0

genes operons 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 distance s (bp)

Figure 2.4: Pair correlation functions. e pair correlation function g(s) for genes (dotted) and operons (dashed). e functions indicate a weak tendency of regularity of the gene/operon positions.

ey indicate the well-known fact that the positions both of the genes and operons are not completely randomly distributed, i. e. according to a Poisson process, where g(s) = 1. In contrast, they are more regularly distributed, probably simply due to the nite size of the objects, as is shown by the values of g(s) smaller than 1 for small s. Typical gene sizes range from a few hundred bp to several thousand bp with the mean size centered around 1 kpb. ere is even a maximum for distances of 1 and 2 kbp, while for larger values the curves approach fast the value 1, which corresponds to absence of location correlation. e range of correlation is for the operons somewhat longer than for the genes, it goes until 6 kbp. A suitable tool for analyzing the relative contributions of the dierent categories to these correlations is the partial pair correlation function gij (s) with ij = 11 (between genes involved in regulation), ij = 22 (between isolated genes) and ij = 12 (one gene involved in regulation, the other isolated), respectively. Figure 2.5 shows the curves gij (s) for genes (Figure 2.5a) and for operons (Figure 2.5b). e results for g11 and g22 are similar to those from Warren and ten Wolde (2004) [35] and, in fact, display similar features as the pair correlation function g(s) in Figure 2.4: very small distances are suppressed (due to the nite size of the elements); one observes a peak between 1 and 2 kbp and then a convergence to the value 1 as for the uncorrelated case. e ranges of correlation are between 5 kbp and 7 kbp. 16

partial pair correlation gij (s)

(a) 1.5



g11 (s) g12 (s) g22 (s) 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 (b)

0 partial pair correlation gij (s) 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0

g11 (s) g12 (s) g22 (s) 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 distance s [bp]

Figure 2.5: Partial pair correlation functions. Partial pair correlation functions gij (s) for (a) genes and (b) operons. In both cases the full curve denotes g11 (s), the dotted curve g22 (s) and the dashed curve g12 (s). e functions indicate a weak tendency of regularity of isolated and regulated points, and a clear tendency of repulsion between isolated and regulated points.



e curves for g12 (s), however, are new and, to a certain extent, unexpected: the distances between isolated and regulatory genes do not show a peak at intermediate distances. Obviously, the repulsion between isolated and regulatory genes is stronger and longer than that of genes of the same type, namely 7 kbp. In contrast, for operons it is shorter, only 3 kbp. e term repulsion is used here in a simplifying sense, in order to say that there is a tendency that the distances between isolated and regulatory genes are larger than between genes of the same type. is may be a result of real repulsion as well as of relative attraction of the members of one class towards itself. We interpret this repulsion as an unmixing of genes predominantly regulated by transcription factors (digital control; cf. [25]) and genes predominantly regulated by the 3D structure of the genome (analog control). For the rst type (class 1) distance correlations should be less important than for the second type (class 2) where regulation is mediated (among other processes) by the neighborhood of genes on the genome. Figure 2.6 shows the mark connection functions pij (s), again for genes (Figure 2.6a) and for operons (Figure 2.6b). All these function are simply monotonous and nearly linear. e curve for p22 (s), for example, shows that the probability that two genes (operons) of distance s are both isolated is monotonously decreasing. e numerical dierences between the values for genes and operons result from the dierent values of p2 , which are 0.676 and 0.735 for genes and operons, respectively. ese functions show that the maxima of the gii (s) result mainly from higher numbers of gene/operon pairs of the corresponding inter-gene/operon distances, while the probabilities that members of such pairs are both monotonously decreasing in s. ey are decreasing for i = 2 for genes and operons, while the function p11 (s) is decreasing for genes and increasing for operons. e decrease of p22 (s) in both cases (genes and operons) is in good agreement with our expectations that short distances should contribute more strongly in the case of analog control. We believe that the decrease of p11 (s) for genes is a consequence of the very strong short-range contributions of intra-operon distances (i.e. of genes within the same operon). It should be noted that the partial pair correlation functions gij (s) compared to the mark connection functions pij (s) are individually normalized. In contrast to pii (s) we see maxima of gii (s) around 2 kbp. Comparison between the types 1 and 2 shows that regulatory genes are more regularly distributed than isolated genes (as the maximum is higher for g11 (s)). We would also like to point out that the estimates of the partial pair correlation function and mark connection function depend continuously on the proportions of class 1 and class 2 genes in this analysis (see also Methods). We thus expect that small uctuations in the data will leave the main results of our analysis intact. Both, in the partial pair correlation functions g12 (s) and in the mark connection function p12 (s) one can see that the two classes (isolated genes and genes involved in 18

mark connection function pij (s)

0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 p11 (s) p12 (s) p22 (s)


p11 (s) p12 (s) p22 (s) 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 (b)

mark connection function pij (s)

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 distance s (bp)

Figure 2.6: Mark connection functions. Mark connection function pij (s) for (a) genes and (b) operons. Analogously as in Figure 2.5, the full curves denote p11 (s), the dotted curves p22 (s) and the dashed curves p12 (s). e functions show that the maxima in Figure 2.5 result only from dierent frequencies of inter-point distances, while the probabilities of being isolated or regulated depend monotonously on the interpoint distance s.




genes operons

0.15 c (s)


0.05 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 distance s [bp]
Figure 2.7: Connectivity correlation function. Connectivity correlation function c(s) for genes (dotted) and operons (dashed). e functions show that the probability that the members of a pair of non-isolated points regulate each other decreases only for distances s larger than a value s0 (approximately 3000 bp for the genes and 2500 for the operons). e weak irregularities of the curve for the operons result from the fact that, while the same estimator is used as for the genes, the number of passive operons is much smaller than that of that of passive genes and so the statistical quality of the results decreases a little.

regulation) repel each other. On the level of the operons this repulsion is less clearly visible (and has a range up to approximately 2.5 kbp); in general, operons are more irregularly spaced than the genes. In all these cases, this can be explained by the elimination of many short (intra-operon) distances from consideration, when passing from the gene level of description to the operon level. e second group of correlation functions describes distances between points (genes/operons) under common regulation. First we look at the probability for two regulatory (mark 1) points at a distance s that there is a regulation relationship between them. is is expressed in terms of the connectivity correlation function c(s), which is given in Figure 2.7. e curves show that there is a critical distance s0 between 2 and 3 kbp such that for s larger than s0 the probability that the two points regulate another decreases continuously. e numerical values for the operons are clearly larger than those for the genes, indicating a higher systematic (importance of distance for the organization of regulation). Finally, Figure 2.8 shows the curves for the control correlation functions k3 (s). Now only passive points are considered, a subset of the regulatory points. e prob20


genes operons

k3 (s)



0.2 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000

distance s [bp]
Figure 2.8: Control correlation function. Control correlation function k3 (s) for genes (dotted) and operons (dashed). e functions show that the probability that the members of a pair of passive points are regulated by the same point decreases monotonously with increasing distance s. As in Figure 2.7, the weak irregularities of the curve for the operons result from the fact that, while the same estimator is used as for the genes, the number of passive operons is much smaller than that of that of passive genes and so the statistical quality of the results decreases a little.

ability of interest is that the two points considered are regulated by the same (active) other point. Since the basic point processes for c(s) and k3 (s) are dierent, namely 1-points and passive points, no simple inequality between both functions must hold true. e function k3 (s) thus indicates that the three objects involved (two regulated genes, one regulator) are preferentially close together. How do the two categories, regulatory genes (class 1) and isolated genes (class 2), compare with experimental information on gene regulation? We used a list of supercoiling-sensitive genes from [49] and compared it with the two categories of genes discussed in our manuscript (i: number of isolated genes, and r: number of genes involved in regulation). Figure 2.9 shows the ratio of isolated and regulatory genes for both experimental classes (s: number of supercoiling-sensitive genes; n: number of non-sensitive genes; si then denotes the number of isolated supercoilingsensitive genes, etc.), normalized by the number of genes in the two categories; for clarity, a value of one (representing equal proportions of genes in both categories) has been subtracted. e rst value in Figure 2.9 is thus ((si/sr) (r/i) 1). If we assume that supercoiling-sensitive genes are genes, for which analog control is systematically 21


0.15 0.10 Ratio 0.05 0.00

sr sr r is Is Nu ll I nr r ll I Nu ll I Nu ll I In in ni n r


0.05 0.10


Figure 2.9: Comparison with supercoiling-sensitive genes. Excess of isolated vs. regulatory genes in the supercoiling-sensitive genes, together with a comparison with randomly drawn genes (null model I: randomly selected supercoiling-sensitive genes; null model II: randomly selected isolated genes).

more important than digital control, we expect a larger percentage of isolated genes to be in this group. Even though this test can only provide very indirect evidence, the eect is clearly visible in Figure 2.9, as the rst value deviates the strongest from zero. For non-sensitive genes, as well as for all random samplings the values are close to zero. It should be pointed out, however, that the statistical signicance is not high enough to form a solid basis for interpretation. e more sophisticated techniques, which lead to the previous gures, are indeed necessary for this. Our statement that short distances and analog control are qualitatively related can also be checked on the level of this data set. While it should be noted that our key result is a statistical signal emerging from the collective ensemble of genes (and here we show additionally, how these ndings can again be cross-validated against highthroughput data), we again resort to the data from [49] and compare a histogram of inter-gene distances obtained from supercoiling-sensitive genes with a histogram obtained from a random selection of genes. e trend towards smaller distances is clearly seen. is gure is included as supplementary information (Additional File 2.10). e second data set is taken from [50], where the protein occupancy landscape (i.e. the probability per base of a protein binding event) has been measured. e authors distinguish between transcriptionally silenced extensive protein occupancy domains (tsEPOD) and highly expressed extensive protein occupancy domains (heEPOD). Figure 2.11 shows the distance of isolated genes and regulatory genes from these domains in a cumulative plot. While no substantial dierence between the isolated 22



Cumul. Freq.

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1 10 100 Distance [100 bp] 1000 104

0.12 Probability 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0

20 000 40 000 60 000 80 000 100 000 120 000 Distance [bp]

Figure 2.10: Distances among supercoiling-sensitive genes and other genes. Histogram of distances observed between supercoiling-sensitive genes (dark gray) and a random sample of other genes (light gray). e inset shows the corresponding cumulative distance plot.

and regulatory genes is seen for the heEPODs (Figure 2.11b), the distances of isolated genes to tsEPODs are clearly shorter than those of regulatory genes (Figure 2.11a), pointing again towards a biological signicance of this distinction between isolated and regulatory genes and also towards a stronger importance of analog control (mediated by regional binding events of structural proteins to the DNA) for isolated genes. e inset in Figure 2.11b summarizes the two parts of Figure 2.11 by showing the dierence between the isolated gene curve and the regulatory gene curve from Figure 2.11a (full curve in the inset; tsEPODs) and from Figure 2.11b (dotted curve in the inset; heEPODs), respectively. A particular interesting feature seen in the inset is that at short distances the full curve goes up and the dotted curve goes down, i.e. there are (at short distances) far more isolated genes in the vicinity of transcriptionally silenced EPODs and more regulatory genes in the vicinity of highly expressed EPODs. Lastly, we looked at pairs (class 2, class 1) = (i, r) of genes, taking into account the orientation of genes on the respective strand. Figure 2.12 distinguishes between i r and r i and shows the cumulative distances for these two cases (r i: full, i r: dotted). We nd strong dierences between these cases, again suggesting that isolated and regulatory are meaningful categories for our analysis. Additionally, these dierences could indicate that the larger size of the regulatory regions in the r category is a contributor to the repulsion we observe between the two categories. 23


1.0 0.8 Cumul. Freq. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 1.0 20 40 60 80 100 Distance [kbp] 120



0.8 Cumul. Freq.
0.06 Difference

0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 20

0.04 0.02 0.00 0.02 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Distance [kbp]

40 60 Distance [kbp]



Figure 2.11: Comparison with extensive protein occupancy domains (EPODs). Cumulative frequencies of distances between genes and extensive protein occupancy domains (EPODs): (a) distances to transcriptionally silenced EPODs (full curves), (b) distances to highly expressed EPODs (dotted curves). In both cases this analysis has been performed independently for the isolated genes (gray curves) and the regulatory genes (black curves). Inset: Dierences between the gray and black curves from both parts, i.e. for tsEPODs (full curve in inset) and heEPODs (dotted curve in inset).


1.0 0.8 Cumul. Frequ. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0


10 000 Distance bp

15 000

20 000

Figure 2.12: Distances between regulatory and isolated genes taking orientation into account.

Patterns (i.e. systematic deviations from randomness in the arrangement of genes) in the genome of E. coli have been studied on many dierent scales. Here we analyzed another facet of this topic by distinguishing between genes involved and not involved in regulation based on transcription factors. Our key nding is that these two classes, regulatory and isolated genes display a statistical repulsion. Furthermore, the (operon-level) partial pair correlation function has a peak at shorter distances for isolated genes than for regulatory genes. is preference of shorter distances for isolated genes is also visible in the mark connection function and is supportive of our hypothesis that analog control is more important for this class of genes than for the regulatory genes, for which digital control is a longer-ranging alternative. Whether the statistical properties of inter-gene distances discussed here originate from the need to organize gene regulation or from the dynamics of genome rearrangement cannot be ultimately decided based on the data at hand. Minimal models of genome arrangement dynamics and its impact on gene expression could be a useful tool for deciding whether the distance pattern between genes is indirectly shaped (and therefore deviates from pure randomness) by these dynamics, rather than being evolutionarily constraint to contribute more directly to gene regulation. e statistical dierences between isolated and regulatory genes described here suggest that, indeed, the genes currently classied as isolated from the perspective of 25


the available TRN are systematically dierent from the genes involved in regulation. We by no means want to suggest that (a) these genes are indeed unregulated nor (b) that the current version of RegulonDB (version 6.2) is complete. However, when considering the extreme cases of isolated genes being just gaps in the database and, on the other hand, isolated genes being systematically regulated by other means, our results support the latter view. Even though we consider our ndings in an evolutionary context (by making visible some deviations from randomness of the gene distances in the E. coli genome, which can only be understood evolutionarily) we here do not directly discuss the comparative genomics aspect of it. It would be particularly interesting to analyze the degree of evolutionary conservation as a function of the distance between genes and separately for the two categories of genes. A hypothesis for such an extension of our analysis could be that pairs of genes contributing strongly to the patterns we observe, have a higher degree of evolutionary conservation. is is, indeed, a whole work package we plan to tackle in a future investigation. Eventually one needs to arrive at a more holistic view of the system and explain the interplay between gene arrangement, DNA binding site distributions, physical properties of DNA binding sites, the architectural properties of the transcriptional regulatory network and the spatial gene expression patterns, in order to understand the binding site code behind global gene expression and to unravel the universal design principles of transcriptional regulation.

Point process statistics
In the statistical analyses of this paper, the genes are considered as points on a circle C , the circular chromosome of E. coli. us, a random system of points is analysed, which leads to the application of methods of point process statistics. (e term process is related to early applications where the points were time instants. Also the term stationary is related to these applications; homogeneous could be an equivalent.) ese methods have been mainly developed for the planar (d = 2) and spatial (d = 3) case, but can be easily applied also in the one-dimensional (d = 1) case considered here. So our main reference is Illian et al. (2008) [51]. Similarly to the investigations of [35, 36] we assume that the point pattern belongs to a stationary point process, i. e. that the point distribution is rotation invariant. is implies that the local point density does show only irregular uctuations, as it is the case. us it makes sense to speak about the intensity, the mean number of points per length unit. As in [51] it is denoted here by . 26

e points considered are marked. ere are two marks, namely 1 and 2, where 1 stands for regulatory and 2 for isolated. e fraction of i-points is denoted by pi , for i = 1, 2. Note that pi can be interpreted as the probability that a randomly chosen point has the mark i. Furthermore, the probabilities p1 and p2 make sense, where pi is the fraction of i-points (a point with mark i) in the point process. It can be interpreted as the probability that a randomly chosen point is an i-point. e statistical analysis uses a series of summary characteristics, which have been successfully employed in spatial point process statistics. All these functions depend on a variable s, which is a distance. In all cases this is the shortest distance along the circular genome. All these function can be called correlation functions, but not all include only point pairs; therefore some of them are not second-order characteristics. e best known function is the pair correlation function g(s), which is explained here as in [51], p. 219, since the explanation there is closer to the two-point interpretation used for explaining the other functions. (e explanation in Warren and ten Wolde is dierent but equivalent.) Consider two points x and y on C of distance s and two innitesimal length elements of lengths dx and dy centred at x and y . Denote the probability that in the two elements there is each a point by p(x, y). is probability is given by the so-called product density (x, y) as p(x, y) = (x, y)dxdy . In the stationary case (which is assumed), (x, y) depends only on the distance s of x and y , and the simpler symbol (s) is used. e pair correlation function is then g(s) = (s)/2 . e normalisation by division by 2 makes that for large r, g(r) approximates 1. Values of g(r) larger than 1 for small r indicate clustering, while values smaller than 1 indicate some tendency of regularity or repulsion between the points. See the discussion of the information given by a pair correlation function in [51], pp.219. e partial pair correlation functions gij (s) are dened using rened product densities ij (s) where one of the points in the innitesimal intervals is an i-point and the other a j -point, see [51], p. 325. ese functions are normalized by pi pj 2 , which leads to g11 (s), g12 (s) and g22 (s). e g (s) in [35] are similar to g11 (s). Again, the normalisation leads to values around 1 for large s, and also the general interpretation is similar to that of g(r), see [51], pp.325. For i j the relations between dierent sorts of points are characterized. For example, values smaller than 1 for gij (r) indicate some tendency of repulsion or inhibition between points of the dierent types i and j . e mark connection functions pij (s) are dened by

pij (s) =

ij (s) , (s)

(2.1) 27


of course only for such s where the denominator is positive, see [51], p. 331. It can be interpreted as the conditional probability that two points at distance s have marks i and j , given that these points are in the point process. ese probabilities have the following behavior for large s:

lim pii (s) = p2 i



lim pij (s) = 2pi pj


for i j . It is useful to consider the mark connection functions additionally to the partial pair correlation functions since they characterize the occurrence of the point types with eliminated inuence of uctuations in point density; see [51], p. 332. Comparison of the Figures 2.5 and 2.6 shows the power of this approach. e curves in Figure 2.5 are heavily dominated by the frequencies of point distances, which show for the genes a maximum at around s = 2000...3000, while Figure 2.6 shows the true nature of the marking: the probability that two points of distance s have, for example, both mark 2 decreases monotonically with s. e connectivity correlation function c(s) is also a characteristic of a conditional nature. It is dened by conn (s) c(s) = (2.4) 11 (s) where conn (s) is a quantity which yields the probability that between the points x and y in the innitesimal intervals above, if both are regulatory (both have mark 1), there is a direct regulatory relationship, i. e. one of them regulates the other or both regulate the other. It is similar to the connectivity function in [51], p. 249, and can be interpreted as the conditional probability that between two regulatory points at distance s there is a direct regulatory relationship. Finally, the control correlation function k3 (s) is dened by

k3 (s) =

3 (s) . pp (s)


It is dened for the sub-point process of all points that are regulated by other points (passive points, a subset of all 1-points); its product density is denoted by pp (s). Furthermore, 3 (s) is a quantity which yields the probability that for two passive points x and y in the innitesimal intervals above there exists a third point which regulates both x and y . us, k3 (s) can be interpreted as the conditional probability that for two passive points at distance s there is a third point which controls both of them. 28

Transcriptional regulatory network and spatial distribution of genes

We obtained the data from RegulonDB (version 6.2) [40], which is a database specifically dedicated to the transcriptional regulation of E. coli. A total number of 4548 genes are included in this database, of which 1474 bear information about their transcriptional regulation and thus have been classied as class 2 genes.


Chapter 3 Analog regulation of metabolic demand

is chapter provides the content of the following manuscript submitted for publication [12]: Nikolaus Sonnenschein, Marcel Geertz, Georgi Muskhelishvili, and Marcorsten Htt Analog regulation of metabolic demand, submitted

Background: e 3D structure of the chromosome of the model organism Escherichia coli is one key component of its gene regulatory machinery. is type of regulation mediated by topological transitions of the chromosomal DNA can be thought of as an analog control, complementing the digital control, i.e. the network of regulation mediated by dedicated transcription factors. Here we show that DNA supercoiling, in cooperation with the nucleoid associated proteins (NAPs), i.e. the analog level of control, coordinates gene expression with metabolism. We analyze the pattern of gene expression changes induced by alterations of the superhelical density of chromosomal DNA from a network perspective. Results: We nd a signicantly higher correspondence between gene expression and metabolism for the wild type expression changes compared to mutants in NAPs, indicating that supercoiling induces meaningful metabolic adjustments. As soon as



the underlying regulatory machinery is impeded (as for the NAP mutants), this coherence between expression changes and the metabolic network is substantially reduced. is eect is even more pronounced, when we compute a wild type metabolic ux distribution using ux balance analysis and restrict our analysis to active reactions. Furthermore, we are able to show that the regulatory control of DNA supercoiling is not mediated by the transcriptional regulatory network (TRN), as the consistency of the expression changes with the TRN logic of activation and suppression is strongly reduced in the wild type in comparison to the mutants.
Conclusions: So far, the rich patterns of gene expression changes induced by alterations of the superhelical density of chromosomal DNA have been dicult to interpret. Here we characterize the eective networks formed by supercoiling-induced gene expression changes mapped onto reconstructions of E. colis metabolic and transcriptional regulatory network. Our results show that DNA supercoiling coordinates gene expression with metabolism. Furthermore, this control is acting directly because we can exclude the potential role of the TRN as a mediator.

A single Escherichia coli chromosome comprises 4.6 Mb and must be compacted at least 103 fold to t inside the bacterial cell. Despite tremendous compaction the nucleoid is a dynamic structure adapted to varying rates of replication and dierent transcriptional requirements resulting from changes in environmental conditions. is double requirement of compaction and dierential gene expression implies that bacterial chromatin must possess a high degree of spatial organisation. Recent investigations indicate that the maintenance and utilisation of negative supercoils in the DNA is central to both issues [46]. In the protein-free DNA molecule, DNA superhelicity is partitioned into a twist component, T w, which is reected in a twisting or untwisting of the double helix for positively and negatively supercoiled DNA respectively, and a writhe component, W r, which is a measure of the three-dimensional path of the double helical axis. In a closed topological domain these quantities are related to a change in linking number (Lk ) from the relaxed state such that Lk = T w + W r. Negative supercoiling can facilitate both DNA folding and compaction as well as the untwisting of DNA which is required for the initiation of transcription and replication. e introduction of negative supercoils into DNA requires energy that is then available for driving processes such as transcription and replication initiation. is energy is described by the equation E = kB T Lk 2 /2Lk 2 , where Lk 2 represents the variance of the Gaussian distribution of DNA topoisomers. Importantly the available energy is proportional to the square of the dierence in linking number. Since the total link32

ing number is a constant for a closed domain, twist and writhe can be partitioned in dierent ways and hence the DNA can assume dierent structures [52]. Gene promoter regions are generally characterised by high deformability, being susceptible to duplex destabilisation under conditions of superhelical stress [5355]. e cellular promoters can be thus understood as devices channeling the free energy of negative supercoiling to localised, biologically relevant sites in DNA. Several studies using dierent promoters and promoter derivatives revealed that there is a distinct, yet characteristic, coupling between the superhelical density of DNA and the activity of a particular promoter [5658]. A change of supercoiling could thus globally and dierentially aect the eciency of channeling superhelical energy at distinct promoters, allowing coordinated change of gene expression activities to occur. Besides classical modes of transcriptional regulation through dedicated transcription factors (the transcriptional regulatory network), which we would like to refer to as digital control [25], it is well known that DNA topology aects gene expression in prokaryotes [48] as well as in eukaryotes [22], which we call analog control ([25]; see Figure 3.1A). In the bacterial cell the abundant nucleoid associated proteins (NAPs), including FIS, H-NS, HU, Lrp, Dps and IHF, fulll the role of packaging and dynamic constraint of superhelicity. ese NAPs are assumed to be mediators of analog control exerted by long-range nucleoprotein structures formed by binding of multiple low anity sites in the chromosome as opposed to digital control exerted by low concentrations of dedicated transcription factors binding specic DNA sites with high anity [25]. In particular, this combination of a global state (i.e. the superhelical density) and local states (domains and chromatin) is responsible for the spatial transcript patterns observed along the chromosome [48, 49, 59, 60]. DNA supercoiling is homeostatically controlled by topoisomerase I and DNA gyrase [61]. Furthermore, the superhelical density is responsive to a range of physiological conditions, e.g. the growth phase ([62]; see also Figure 3.1B), phosphorylation potential of the cell [63] and stress conditions [64]. It is precisely this physiological dependence that prompted us to ask whether DNA supercoiling is a global regulator relating the chromatin structure and transcription to metabolic demand [48, 65]. In order to answer this question on a system level we utilize alterations of superhelical density to measure supercoiling induced gene expression changes together with a combination of NAP mutations (FIS and H-NS, see Figure 3.1C and 3.2), thus precluding the buering eects of the homeostatic network [56]. We are here discussing the interpretational capacity of the cell: the environmental information is sensed by and ltered via chromatin structure. We show that the regulation of the metabolic state is predominantly achieved by this analog type of control. 33


(i) Transcriptional regulatory network (TRN) digital control

Transcription factor Activation Repression

(ii) Chromosomal organization analog control


(iii) Central metabolism metabolic demand

Reaction Metabolite

Cell number





Growth time hrs


Figure 3.1: Illustration of the dierent components involved in E. coli transcriptional regulation, transcription and metabolism.

Furthermore, we show that the regulatory control of DNA supercoiling is not mediated by the transcriptional regulatory network (TRN), as the consistency of the expression changes with the TRN logic of activation and suppression is strongly reduced in the wild type in comparison to the mutants. Our data are evidence for an optimal conversion of supercoiling into metabolic adjustments by NAPs. While it is true for eukaryotes that the multi-level organization of gene regulation obfuscates the connection between mRNA and protein levels, let alone metabolic uxes, and it seems that most of the control on metabolism is contributed by the post-transcriptional levels [66], the situation is known to be quite dierent in prokaryotes where transcription and translation are tightly coupled [67, 68]. So it is valid to analyze the role of transcriptional regulation in order to understand bacterial homeostasis and the metabolic state of a cell. To our knowledge, this work is rst to show directly on a system-wide level the coordinated regulation of cellular metabolism by DNA supercoiling and NAPs. 34

wild type

fis mutant


hns mutant


fis/hns mutant

fis/ hns



Figure 3.2: Experimental setup. Transcript proles of four E. coli strains (wild type, s mutant, hns mutant and s/hns double mutant) are compared under low ( ) and high superhelical density ( ). e shading of the schematically depicted data sets on the right-hand side (black, dark gray, gray and white) will be used throughout the article.

Results and Discussion

Analysis strategy
An important feature of our approach is that we analyze subnetworks of the overall metabolic gene network dened by the data at hand. ese eective networks contain only the active components (dierentially expressed genes) under the given conditions (alterations in the superhelical density) and are analyzed from a networktopological perspective. e connectivity of these gene-centric eective networks is thus a result of the underlying reaction-centric topology, together with the observed gene expression pattern. Deviation of this connectivity from randomness is what we will in the following call metabolic coherence (M C ). A second, more rened denition of eective metabolic gene networks, which will also be used in the following, requires both a signicant expression change for one of the associated genes and a non-zero metabolic ux predicted for the encoded reaction using ux balance analy35

transcript profiles


sis [69] under specied environmental conditions. e coherence of metabolism and gene expression patterns is quantied as follows (details are given in Material and Methods and Text A): we map the patterns of dierentially expressed genes from the four genetic backgrounds (wild type; s, hns, s/hns double mutants, respectively) directly onto a metabolic gene network in order to extract eective networks. en we compute the ratio of connected nodes and all nodes in the eective network, which we call metabolic coherence ratio (M CR). is quantity is then converted into a z-score, by using a random distribution of expression changes as a null model (Figure 3.3 summarizes this procedure), which is our metabolic coherence (M C ) in the following. e M C allows us to compare the amount of network coherence between gene expression proles and metabolic pathways for the dierent data listed in Figure 3.2. In order to validate our results on a broad scale we use network reconstructions from multiple independent databases and also apply dierent methods to handle gene-reaction mappings as well as currency metabolites (see also Materials and Methods and Text A). In the following we will present our results for the dierent variants of the metabolic coherence for the four gene expression proles from Figure 3.2.

Metabolic coherence
In Figure 3.4, the four values of the M C (for the wild type and the three mutants) are shown for three dierent metabolic network representations, namely for the EcoCyc database [70], for the KEGG database [71] and for the iAF1260 metabolic model [72]. Figure 3.4A displays the pattern retrieved from the gene network based on the EcoCyc pathways. e wild type expression data exhibit the strongest coherence with the metabolic network (high M C ). e wild type also shows the strongest M C for the KEGG network compared to the three mutants, however less clearly than for the EcoCyc case (see Figure 3.4B). Figure 3.4C gives the M C pattern for the iAF1260 gene network, from which we manually removed currency metabolites. In this in silico model of E. coli metabolism, we again observe a strong M C for the wild type and low values for the mutants, with the double mutant exhibiting the lowest amount of coherence. Flux balance analysis (FBA) as a quantitative approach for simulating steady-state uxes on metabolic networks [69] allows us to study, whether the observed systematics are enhanced, when only active links in the metabolic network are taken into account. Using the iAF1260 model, we computed a steady-state ux distribution that maximizes biomass production [72] under a rich medium condition and eliminated all inactive links from the network. e resulting M C is shown in Figure 3.4D. Strikingly, the restriction to active uxes enhances the previous pattern (from Figure 3.4C) for the metabolic coherence. 36


8 4 5 2 1 3 7 9


Differentially expressed genes es {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}



Effective network ork

6 4 5 2 1 3 8 7 9




MCR - <MCR> +



Figure 3.3: Eective gene networks and metabolic coherence. (A) Scheme depicting the calculation of the metabolic coherence ratio M CR for a ctitious network and data set. e data (genes with signicantly changed expression) are mapped onto the network resulting in an eective subnetwork. e metabolic control ratio is then the ratio of connected nodes (blue) and all nodes, i.e. the sum of connected and isolated (red) nodes, in the eective network. Unhighlighted nodes correspond to genes with no signicant expression changes. (B) Calculation of the metabolic coherence. Randomly reselecting the same number of aected nodes in the network allows the sampling of random eective networks and thus the computation of a set of random metabolic control ratios M CR . ese allow the computation of a z-score value termed metabolic coherence M C for the MCR. (2) is an example of a real eective network, whereas (1) is one of its random counterparts. M CR of (1) lies approximately around the mean < M CR >.



3 2


3 2



1 0 -1 wt fis hns fis/hns


1 0 -1 wt fis hns fis/hns

3 2


3 2

iAF1260 + FBA


wt fis hns fis/hns

1 0 -1

1 0 -1 wt fis hns fis/ hns

Figure 3.4: MC for four independent E. coli metabolic network reconstructions. (A) e network obtained from the EcoCyc database pathway information. (B) e network obtained from the KEGG pathways. (C) e network subset of the iAF1260 network where currency metabolites have been removed manually. (D) e iAF1260 network (currency metabolites have been removed manually) consisting only of reactions active under a rich medium condition. Error bars represent the standard deviation of a jackknife test, where the MC was recomputed 100 times by discarding 10 % of the transcript data for each of the four genetic backgrounds.

e key observation from Figure 3.4 so far is that changes in gene expression levels brought about by changes in supercoiling energy in the genome have a strong metabolic interpretation: the agreement of these expression changes with the metabolic network is signicantly above randomness (as measured by the metabolic coherence). When severely perturbing the internal mechanisms of chromatin organization (by eliminating FIS and/or H-NS from the system), metabolic coherence goes down.

Robustness of the result

Network analysis has established itself as an ecient way of exploring biological systems ([25, 73]; see also Text A). Nevertheless, network treatment of metabolic systems is accompanied by certain diculties and we check the robustness of our results against many of them. In order to solidify this initial result, we need to look in detail at several issues, which can potentially aect our analysis (see also Text A): (i) Gene to reaction mapping. While all our analyses have been performed with gene-centric graphs, the reaction-centric graph serves as the starting point for assessing metabolic information (in particular, the activity of metabolic uxes). Decisions 38

are therefore necessary, how to relate the reaction level with the gene level. e procedure of mapping genes (i.e. the layer of information, where expression changes occur) onto reactions (i.e. the layer of information, where the metabolic network is evaluated) can have an impact on our result. (ii) Treatment of currency metabolites. Currency metabolites are compounds in metabolic reactions balancing charge, energy, phosphate etc. ey are distinguished from main metabolites (which dene the metabolic pathway structures) only by biochemical knowledge or, qualitatively and indirectly, due to their very high degree in the metabolic network (resulting from their involvement in a vast number of reactions). e treatment of currency metabolites is an important issue in the discussion of the topological properties of metabolic networks (see, e.g., [74]). An approximate way of eliminating currency metabolites from metabolic network representations is to remove a certain percentage of highest-degree metabolites. Alternatively, one can use a database, where metabolites are already labeled as main metabolites and currency metabolites, respectively. is information is included in the most recent variants of the KEGG database (e.g., release 51.0; see [71]). In the E. coli FBA model iAF1260 [72], this information is not available. In order to obtain a currency metabolite free version of iAF1260 we used either a threshold to remove 4 % of the most highly connected metabolites (threshold heuristic; comparable to the procedure described in [11]) or a manually curated network (resembling the procedure described in [74]; see also Text A). (iii) Dierences between metabolic databases. Using intersections of the dierent metabolic reconstructions of E. coli allows us to focus on the commonalities between them. (iv) Denition of the growth medium for determining the active metabolic reactions via FBA. All these points are addressed in the following.

Large-scale evaluation
Figure 3.5 shows the M C signatures (sorted by size of the wild type M C ) for a large compendium of metabolic gene networks. ese networks can be subdivided into ve categories (M C values for all networks and data sets shown in Figure 3.5 can be found in Table A.1): (i) e most basic setup are metabolic gene networks extracted from the EcoCyc, KEGG and iAF1260 database. (ii) In order to evaluate the inuence of the gene-reaction mapping on our results, we computed M C values for all databases using the following conguration: (a) Taking all multiplicities into account, (b) excluding cases where a single or multiple genes are associated with two consecutive reactions and (c) taking only reaction 39


EcoCyc Fig. 3a FBA iAF1260 Fig. 3d Fig. 3c KEGG Fig. 3b

iAF1260 with currency metabolites Fig. S3


WT fis hns his/hns Networks

Figure 3.5: Results for the MC analysis for all available network reconstructions sorted by the size of the wild type MC. Notation: network linked reactions with an overlap in the underlying gene set have been omitted; network only linked reactions are included, where both are associated with single non-overlapping genes; iAF1260man currency metabolites have been removed manually; iAF1260deg currency metabolites have been removed by degree threshold; iAF1260 the untreated network (KEGG and EcoCyc are per construction free of currency metabolites); in the following (k ) denotes slice number k in the chart. (1) EcoCyc, (2) EcoCyc , (3) Intersection of EcoCyc and KEGG networks, (4) Intersection of EcoCyc and iAF1260man , (5) iAF1260 , man (6) iAF1260man obtained from FBA (rich medium), (7) iAF1260man , (8) EcoCyc , (9) KEGG , (10) iAF1260 , (11) iAF1260deg , (12) iAF1260 , (13) Flux-coupling netman work (fully coupled), (14) KEGG, (15) Intersection of KEGG and iAF12690man , (16) Intersection of EcoCyc, KEGG and iAF12690man , (17) KEGG , (18) Flux-coupling network (fully and directionally coupled), (19) iAF1260 , (20) iAF1260 , (21) Fluxdeg coupling network (directionally coupled), (22) iAF1260, (23) iAF1260 .


links (pairs of reactions sharing a metabolite) into account, which are associated with two single distinct genes (see also Text A and Figure A.2). (iii) We also computed signatures for dierent intersections of all available databases. By doing so, we gradually remove uncertain connections between genes, nomenclature issues and dierences in the level of chemical detail captured by the dierent databases. is increases the condence of the used gene network. e intersection of the gene networks from KEGG, EcoCyc and the iAF1260 model constitutes hereby the network with the highest condence as it includes only connections being present in all databases. It should be noted that the dierences in the results under variation of the database are also due to the balance between enhancing the systematic contribution (e.g., by eliminating currency metabolites) and retaining a large enough network to extract statistically meaningful quantities. (iv) Dierent treatments of currency metabolites in case of the iAF1260 network (see Text A and Figure A.3 and A.4): (a) manual curation, (b) threshold heuristic and (c) no treatment. (v) Recently, ux-coupling networks have been intensely studied in terms of their organizing principles and their relation to gene expression data. A ux-coupling gene network coming from [75], which has been obtained from the iJR904 E. coli model [76], is analyzed here. It is subdivided into three subsets: (a) e total network, and two subsets, i.e. (b) fully and (c) directionally coupled gene pairs. e overall trend seen in Figure 3.5 is that metabolic coherence is highest in the wild type. e mutants expression patterns, while displaying a positive M C , are not as well aligned to the metabolic network as the wild type. is eect is particularly clear when only switched-on uxes are taken into account. In this case the metabolic coherence directly measures the coherence of the expression pattern with the pattern of metabolic uxes. Furthermore, we nd a similar pattern for the fully-coupled uxcoupling gene network, which indicates that besides the topological matching also other metabolic relationships are perturbed in the mutants. Qualitatively speaking, considering intersections and restricting the analysis to uxes, which are predicted active by FBA, enhances the dominant signal of high wild type metabolic coherence compared to the mutants.

Growth medium complexity

In order to assess the robustness of the result obtained from the ux-activity network shown in Figure 3.4D, it is instructive to analyze how the metabolic coherence (and in particular the strong dierences between wild type and mutants) depend on the growth medium: for Figure 3.6 we start out with a rich medium and iteratively remove components until we reach a minimal growth medium. us the starting points of the four M C curves in Figure 3.6 coincide with the M C values shown in Figure 3.4D. When going from a rich to a minimal medium, the number of active 41


Medium components
280 3 2 1 230 180 130 80
WT fis

hns fis/hns


0 -1 -2 -3






Medium components removed

Figure 3.6: MC under varying media conditions. Starting from a rich medium, medium components are removed one by one under the condition that biomass production is not disrupted until a minimal medium composition is reached. Mean MC values over 20 simulations are shown for the wild type (blue), s (red), hns (yellow), and s/hns double mutant (green) eective gene network. Error bars represent the standard deviation.

genes increases (see Figure A.1), as more and more reactions have to be switched on to compensate for the decreasing nutrient availability. Additionally, from le to right we are deviating ever more strongly from the experimental conditions behind the gene expression data. e main result in Figure 3.6 is that the clear separation of the wild type metabolic coherence from the mutants persists over a wide range in medium complexity. Furthermore, when approaching a minimal growth medium, discrimination of M C s is strongly reduced.

Link to digital control

Is the strong metabolic coherence found for wild type E. coli a direct consequence of chromatin organization (analog control) or is it mediated indirectly through the transcriptional regulatory network (TRN)? From [25] we know that digital control (i.e. the consistency of the analyzed gene expression patterns with the TRN) is low in the wild type (compared to the FIS and H-NS mutants) on the network-wide scale. Here we measure this consistency for a part of the TRN that only consists of reg42

1 0 1 2 3 wt fis hns fis hns

Figure 3.7: Consistency of the signs of supercoiling-induced gene expression changes with the transcriptional regulatory network

ulatory actions (links) between metabolic genes found in the EcoCyc network and genes coding for transcription factors. As expected, the digital control measured as the digital CTC ([25]; see also see Text A) is signicantly lower in the wild type (see Figure A.5). Beyond the standard digital control strength from [25] we also integrate the signs of the expression changes with the regulatory information on the corresponding links in the TRN (see Materials and Methods, Text A and Figure A.6). is is an elegant method for strengthening the direct link between supercoiling and the metabolic network: not only is the pattern of supercoiling-induced gene expression changes meaningfully distributed on the metabolic network, but also does the transcriptional regulatory network not provide an adequate interpretation of the data (see Figure 3.7).

Our main result, the high metabolic coherence of supercoiling-induced gene expression changes in wild type E. coli, as opposed to mutants lacking the NAPs FIS and HNS, provides strong evidence for a regulatory role of DNA supercoiling. It is robust across several metabolic databases and over a wide range of environmental conditions, when taking ux-activity predictions into account. Furthermore, it is not qualitatively aected by technical details of dening the metabolic network. We can only bring these M C values down by mutations perturbing the machinery of chromosomal organization. ese mutants are still viable, but their pattern of supercoiling43

TRN consistency


induced gene expression changes shows a markedly reduced metabolic coherence. ey are, in fact, close to random expression changes, indicating that changes in the superhelical density cannot be utilized eciently by the mutants. Furthermore, the low consistency of the wild type expression patterns with the TRN topology (digital control) and its encoded regulatory logic (TRN consistency), suggest that the transcriptional regulation of enzymatic genes is indeed directly enforced by DNA supercoiling. e results presented here, while providing a fairly clear picture of the interplay between mechanisms of gene regulation and metabolism, provide several incentives for our analysis as obvious steps for future work: at the core of our analysis is the metabolic coherence. It would be helpful to compare this measure with related attempts of quantitatively comparing gene expression data with metabolic information [77]. Also, if suitable data are available, we would like to extend our analysis to other organisms. A more careful discussion of the gene-reaction mapping from a network perspective is certainly necessary in order to go from our observation of metabolic coherence to a more detailed interpretation. It also may be helpful to manually construct metabolite, reaction and gene mappings between iAF1260, KEGG and EcoCyc, in order to better understand the strong dierences in M C between the databases. On a broader level, we believe that the general approach of dening and comparing control strengths and topological coherence measures associated with distinct biological processes and, in this way, dissecting gene expression patterns, may be a useful perspective for systems biology investigation, where a multitude of inuences shape a process at hand. In those cases where the control type under investigation is network-based (like the metabolic coherence dened here), control strength evaluates eective networks (dened as the currently active part of the static background network). Such eective networks are a novel and highly instructive way of exploring the relation between network architecture and dynamical processes (see, e.g. [78], for an analysis of eective gene regulatory networks and [79], for a theoretical study of eective networks).

A detailed description of materials and methods is given in Text A.

Gene-centric metabolic networks

We represented metabolism in form of a connectivity network of metabolic genes. We dene metabolic genes G as DNA units that encode enzymes or parts of enzyme complexes. Let the gene product of gene G1 be involved in reaction R1 and that of of G2 in R2. In the gene-centric metabolic network we study here, the two genes G1 44

and G2 are directionally connected if and only if the same metabolite exists among the products of R1 and the substrates of R2. Networks representing the full metabolism of E. coli K12 MG1255 have been constructed from the following sources: the EcoCyc [70] pathways were extracted from the pathways.dat le contained in the atle distribution (EcoCyc version 13.6). Neither signaling nor superpathways have been considered in our analysis. e KEGG pathways [71] were retrieved from a distribution of xml les (ftp://ftp.genome.jp:21/pub/kegg/xml/organisms/eco/; extracted on 20 November, 2009) describing the dierent pathways included in the KEGG database. e in silico reconstruction iAF1260 [72] was obtained in SBML format [80] from the BIGG database [81]. In order to avoid irrelevant connections coming about due to highly abundant compounds, e.g. ATP or other cofactors, sometimes termed currency metabolites [74], we utilized data sources (EcoCyc, KEGG) where these metabolites already have been removed on a reaction to reaction basis. In lack of this information (like in iAF1260) we employed a threshold on the metabolites connectivity degrees to exclude those factors prior to network construction or removed them manually (see also Text A and Figure A.4).

Metabolic coherence
For each eective subnetwork G the ratio of connected nodes to overall nodes was calculated as the metabolic coherence ratio M CR. To make this measure robust against sample size eects we transformed it into a z-score, the metabolic coherence M C , by mapping random gene sets of the same size (i.e. the number of genes/nodes in the eective subnetwork G) onto the overall static network, thus constructing random eective networks G with associated M CR values. e M C was computed using 5000 realizations of the null model. A jackknife test was sometimes used to verify the robustness of the M C . e M C was recalculated 100 times while randomly removing 10% of the expression data.

TRN consistency
e E. coli transcriptional regulatory network was obtained from RegulonDB ([40]; version 6.4). e consistency of eective TRN subnetworks was calculated as the ratio of consistent links (i.e. the regulatory logic encoded on the links is consistent with the expression signs on the nodes) to overall eective links. Similar to the MC, this ratio was transformed into a z-score. Shuing the expression signs of the eective nodes was used as a suitable null model. 5000 realizations of the null model were used for the z-score transformation. 45


Constraint-based modeling
Constraint-based models [13] and especially ux balance analysis (FBA; [69]) and its variants allow the prediction of steady-state ux distributions for genome-scale metabolic models by solving a linear optimization problem under various subsidiary conditions. is approach has been used thoroughly in the past to tackle a wealth of questions regarding the metabolic capabilities of dierent organisms [13, 82]. For the computation of ux distributions under varying media conditions, we started from a rich medium, removing medium components one by one under the condition that biomass production is not disrupted until a minimal medium composition was reached. We should mention that a large number of trajectories through the traversed media space exists.

Experimental setup
e transcript proles analyzed in this study were obtained by DNA microarray analyses using genetically engineered E. coli LZ41 and LZ54 strains containing noroxacinresistant topoisomerase gene alleles to selectively inhibit either DNA gyrase or topoisomerase IV activity and respectively induce either relaxation or high negative supercoiling [83]. Introduction of the s and hns mutations in the LZ41 and LZ54 strains did not alter the global supercoiling response to drug addition was not substantially [48]. By adding noroxacin to the LZ41 and LZ54 strains and their mutant derivatives we could vary the superhelical density in opposite directions and distinguish gene transcripts associated either with relaxation ( ) or high negative supercoiling ( ) in each genetic background. ArrayExpress accession numbers: E-MEXP-462 and E-MEXP-463.


Chapter 4 Metabolic variability in adrenal gland tumors

is chapter presents contributions to the following work in progress: Sheerazed Boulkroun, Jos-Felipe Golib Dzib, Nikolaus Sonnenschein, Hlne Leger, Benoit Samson-Couterie, Arndt Benecke, Marc-orsten Htt, and Maria-Christina Zennaro Using ux balance analysis to link gene expression with pathological proles of a large cohort of human primary aldosteronism patients.

As provided by Felipe: We present a transcriptome analysis coupled with methods from constraint-based modeling of human metabolism on a cohort of 134 human Primary Aldosteronism (PAL) patients. Very little is known about the primary causes that determine PAL, consisting in an autonomous overproduction of the mineralocorticoid hormone aldosterone from the adrenal gland. is is the most frequent cause of secondary hypertension (high blood pressure) in humans (Boulkroun et al., 2010). e aim of our work is to identify the activation of particular pathways or transcriptional cascades, via qualitative (mutations) or quantitative (expression) molecular changes that may be responsible for the development of PAL. We obtained 183 transcriptome proles using AB1700 microarray technology, which has shown to provide highly sensitive 47


gene expression measurements. ese proles were correlated with clinical annotations to identify biologically relevant molecular traits that may explain the dierences among the patients pathological proles. Furthermore, this data was integrated with a genome-scale reconstruction of human metabolism (Duarte et al., 2007) in order to predict tumor-specic metabolic pathways using the GIMME method (Becker and Palsson, 2008). GIMME (Gene Inactivity Moderated by Metabolism and Expression) exploits the gene expression data as a proxy for enzyme availability and computes ux activities that maximize a stated metabolic objective, e.g., ATP or aldosterone production. Our results herald a close relationship between the inferred metabolic activity and the molecular morphopathology of PAL and furthermore reveal an unexpected diversity of metabolic pathway usage.

Energy and steroid metabolism are strongly coupled

Plotting the inconsistencies obtained through the aldosterone and ATP objective in a scatter plot reveals a strong positive correlation for all samples (see Figure 4.1).
Steroid Signaling 120

100 ATP Maximization Incon.

4YK 4YK 4Z2 4Z2 4YS 4YS 4ZA 4ZA





4Z4 C8I 87I


7DK 87J 7LA 4Z1 C7S 4A9 4AC 7DH C8C 8897LG 7LB 7LH 88E 7KT C70 4A6 7DS E2M




0 0 100 200 300 Aldosterone Max. Inconsistency 400

Figure 4.1: e inconsistency values obtained through the ATP and aldosterone objectives show a strong correlation.

Does this correlation allow for some biological interpretation? Is it indicating that tumors with reduced aldosterone production capabilities simultaneously show a reduced energy metabolism? Or is it simply a consequence of the simulation procedure? In order to answer this question we investigate the relationship of ATP and aldosterone inconsistency in a dierent set. We chose the whole genome transcriptome survey provided by Dezso et al. [84] as a suitable reference data set for this purpose. 48

It covers 32 human tissue types with three replicates per tissue summing up to a total of 96 microarray experiments (GEO accession GSE7905). Figure 4.2 shows the inconsistency proles of the 96 tissue samples together with the previously shown inconsistencies of the adenoma transcript proles (see Figure 4.1). e analysis of the 96 human tissue samples reveals a general connection between the two objectives. Nevertheless, the strongly diverging slopes of the two inconsistency proles reveal for the adrenal gland samples a signicantly stronger agreement with the aldosterone objective.

35 ATP Maximization Incon. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 800 Aldosterone Maximization Incon.
MCZ 2.2 0.04 x Cell96 0.29 0.02 x

Figure 4.2: e strong correlation between the ATP and aldosterone objective is also found for the Cell96 data set but the slopes of a linear least-squares t are dierent.

Context-specic ux proles reveals a strong variability between the adenoma samples

Context-specic analysis not only provides the inconsistency measure as an indicator for the disagreement of the transcript data with the stated objective, but furthermore produces ux-activities that are in closest agreement with the provided data [77]. us, instead of comparing the samples using their respective scalar inconsistency values, these ux proles allow us to increase the resolution of our comparisons even further. Figure 4.3 shows the result of a cluster analysis applied onto a distance matrix representing a pairwise comparison of all tumor and control ux-activities. 49


HA004YI.ma0 HA004YK.ma0 HA004YS.ma0 HA004ZA.ma0 HA00O2F.ma0 HA004Z2.ma0 HA00O2Q.ma0 HA00C86.ma0 HA00O2E.ma0 HA004ZE.ma0 HA00O2J.ma0 HA00O2C.ma0 HA004ZB.ma0 HA00O2M.ma0 HA00C8I.ma0 HA007DK.ma0 HA007D1.ma0 HA00C8D.ma0 HA00C82.ma0 HA00C81.ma0 HA007LI.ma0 HA004Z4.ma0 HA004Z3.ma0 HA004YL.ma0 HA00AMH.ma0 HA00O2H.ma0 HA004Z1.ma0 HB00E46.ma0 HA00C87.ma0 HA00OGS.ma0 HA007DH.ma0 HA00C7W.ma0 HB00GER.ma0 HB00GES.ma0 HB00GFA.ma0 HA00OHB.ma0 HA007L6.ma0 HB00GEU.ma0 HB00GEN.ma0 HB00GFB.ma0 HB00HAQ.ma0 HB00DYU.ma0 HB00GEP.ma0 HA00OH9.ma0 adrenal_gland1 adrenal_gland3 adrenal_gland2 HA004AC.ma0 HA00C7R.ma0 HB00GEO.ma0 HA00C7S.ma0 HA0087I.ma0 HA0088E.ma0 HA004A9.ma0 HA00O2A.ma0 HA00DXW.ma0 HA00C8B.ma0 HA007LA.ma0 HA00O2U.ma0 HA00C8C.ma0 HA0087J.ma0 HA007KS.ma0 HA007LB.ma0 HA007DS.ma0 HA00C70.ma0 HA00OHC.ma0 HA00889.ma0 HA00E2M.ma0 HA004YT.ma0 HA007LG.ma0 HA00DXV.ma0 HA007LH.ma0 HA007KT.ma0 HA004A6.ma0 HA004YI.ma0 HA004YK.ma0 HA004YS.ma0 HA004ZA.ma0 HA00O2F.ma0 HA004Z2.ma0 HA00O2Q.ma0 HA00C86.ma0 HA00O2E.ma0 HA004ZE.ma0 HA00O2J.ma0 HA00O2C.ma0 HA004ZB.ma0 HA00O2M.ma0 HA00C8I.ma0 HA007DK.ma0 HA007D1.ma0 HA00C8D.ma0 HA00C82.ma0 HA00C81.ma0 HA007LI.ma0 HA004Z4.ma0 HA004Z3.ma0 HA004YL.ma0 HA00AMH.ma0 HA00O2H.ma0 HA004Z1.ma0 HB00E46.ma0 HA00C87.ma0 HA00OGS.ma0 HA007DH.ma0 HA00C7W.ma0 HB00GER.ma0 HB00GES.ma0 HB00GFA.ma0 HA00OHB.ma0 HA007L6.ma0 HB00GEU.ma0 HB00GEN.ma0 HB00GFB.ma0 HB00HAQ.ma0 HB00DYU.ma0 HB00GEP.ma0 HA00OH9.ma0 adrenal_gland1.ma0 adrenal_gland3.ma0 adrenal_gland2.ma0 HA004AC.ma0 HA00C7R.ma0 HB00GEO.ma0 HA00C7S.ma0 HA0087I.ma0 HA0088E.ma0 HA004A9.ma0 HA00O2A.ma0 HA00DXW.ma0 HA00C8B.ma0 HA007LA.ma0 HA00O2U.ma0 HA00C8C.ma0 HA0087J.ma0 HA007KS.ma0 HA007LB.ma0 HA007DS.ma0 HA00C70.ma0 HA00OHC.ma0 HA00889.ma0 HA00E2M.ma0 HA004YT.ma0 HA007LG.ma0 HA00DXV.ma0 HA007LH.ma0 HA007KT.ma0 HA004A6.ma0

Figure 4.3: Clustering of the eective ux distributions obtained by GIMME for the aldosterone maximization objective. e rows and columns of the distance matrix have been sorted according to the dendrogram obtained by the clustering analysis (ll in parameters). Purple dendrogram leaf labels indicate the control group and red, green, blue, orange labels represent membership in clusters, which have been obtained by traditional clustering analysis using the transcript proles of genes that are involve in the steroid biosynthesis pathway. e color of the sample labels on the horizontal axis of the grid plot code for the inconsistencies, where red indicates a high and purple a low inconsistency, respectively.

e distance between two ux sets is hereby dened as:


f1 f2 , min(f1 , f2 )


where f1 and f2 are the compared ux-activities. e distance D ranges in the interval 0 D 1, where D = 1 when the smaller ux set is a complete subset of the other set and D = 0 when f1 f2 = . e dendrogam as well as the colored and sorted distance matrix in Figure 4.3 shows a series of interesting features: (i) e control group (purple) clusters strongly together, (ii) the three adrenal gland samples from Dezso et al. [84] behave quite similar to the control group, (iii) a group of adenomas showing consistently lower inconsistencies in comparison to the 50

control group cluster strongly together and are quite dissimilar to the control (lower le of the colored grid), (iv) a group of adenomas showing consistently higher inconsistencies in comparison to the control do not cluster together, and (v) clusters which have been obtained by traditional clustering analysis using the transcript proles of genes that are involve in the steroid biosynthesis pathway, colored in orange, blue, red, green and cyan respectively, seem to cluster mostly together. Feature (i) and (ii) basically tell us that there exists some kind of normal mode of operation, which is quite distinct to (iii), a group of tumor cell that seem to have a higher capability of producing aldosterone. Furthermore, the lack of a clear pattern in (iv) seems to be an eect of the increasing inconsistency: transcript samples, which are associated with suciently high inconsistencies, or in other words, to many individual contributions, are not constraining the system in a systematic fashion, leading to arbitrary patterns of ux-activities. e samples in (iv) denitely dont match the aldosterone production objective leaving us with the question which if any objective they might match. e few exceptions to (v) could be interesting as they provide evidence for a dierential behavior on a systems-wide level, e.g. the red cluster presents a group of three samples that behave quite similar on the pathway-level of steroid biosynthesis but very disjunct on the overall metabolic level.


Chapter 5 A network perspective on metabolic inconsistency

Integrating gene expression proles with metabolic pathways under dierent experimental conditions is helpful for understanding how the conditions aect the coherence of these two layers of cellular organization. e GIMME algorithm proposed by Becker and Palsson [77] permits the incorporation of gene absence/presence patterns as experimentally determined constraints in constraint-based reconstruction analysis (COBRA). In this study we elaborate on the inconsistency measure resulting from GIMME, which quanties the discrepancy of the provided data to the applied cellular objective. So far it has been mainly used for quality control assessment of the simulated gene-expression specic ux-distributions. In this study we compare the inconsistency to the metabolic coherence (MC), a measure which solely relies on the metabolic systems topology to determine the correspondence between gene expression data and network architecture. We nd a surprisingly strong negative correlation between both measures indicating that the dynamical measure obtained by GIMME coincides with a topological quantity. is connection to the network structure of the metabolic system led us to investigate the individual contributions of the inconsistency from a topological perspective. is allows us to separate the specic, i.e., contributions that bear valuable information about the dynamical system, from the unspecic contributions, which allow one to unravel gaps in the metabolic reconstruction. 53


Genomic data availability provided the basis for the analysis of biological systems on a large scale, putting new life into systems biology approaches [85]. In particular, genomic information allowed an inventory taking of organisms enzymes and thus the subsequent reconstruction [86] and simulation of their metabolic systems [87] using constraint-based modeling (CBM) techniques [13]. Compensating the lack of detailed information on the systems parameters, e.g., enzyme kinetics, gene regulation etc., CBM has proven to be a valuable tool for genomescale system analysis. For example, ux balance analysis (FBA) [69] has been used to accurately predict the lethality of gene deletions in unicellular organisms by taking only the metabolic systems stoichiometry, the assumption of optimal growth (implicit gene regulation), and a specied growth medium into account (see e.g. [19], for a study involving Escherichia coli or [88], for a study involving Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Duarte et al. [26] published a genome-scale representation of human metabolism based on genomic, bibliographic, and biochemical information. In contrast to its predecessor models, being representations of unicellular organisms with specic media conditions, the following caveats play a role when it comes to the modeling of multicellular reconstructions in general and and in particular for the human system: (i) it is dicult to dene environmental conditions for a multicellular system, (ii) usually not much information is available about the cell-type specicity of human metabolic pathways, and (iii) cellular objectives, a prerequisite for ux balance analysis, are hard to dene and validate. e precision of CBM predictions increases with the availability and accuracy of the used constraints, as they help to narrow down the potential solution space to the biological meaningful states. us, taking experimental data can help overcome the previously mentioned limitations. For example, the integration of transcriptome data with metabolic reconstructions has shown to be useful for identifying subnetworks and regulatory interactions [89]. Nevertheless, the lack of signicant correlations between gene expression and enzyme activities [REF; check E-Flux paper], let alone RNA transcript levels [90], renders the incorporation of such data into CBM approaches dicult. is is especially true for higher multicellular eukaryotes, which are using a wide spectrum of post-translational regulatory mechanisms [66, 91]. Dierent approaches have been proposed for the incorporation of experimental data into CBM: Akesson et al. [92] exploit the fact that under steady state conditions the absence of gene expression coincides with the corresponding protein unavailability, and thus inactivity of the corresponding reactions. us, the ux through an enzymatically catalyzed reaction is constrained to zero if the corresponding gene is not expressed in an experimental data set. 54

e GIMME (Gene Inactivity Moderated by Metabolism and Expression) algorithm proposed Becker and Palsson [77] relaxes the rigid approach by Akesson et al. [92] by reinserting unexpressed reactions back into the system if a proposed cellular objective is not achieved. e sum over these reinserted uxes is termed inconsistency (I ) and is minimized during the GIMME optimimization. I gives, on the one hand, an estimate of the quality of the computed ux distribution, and measures, on the other hand, the coherence of the objective and the experimental data. GIMME has been applied recently in an investigation of a joint model of human alveolar macrophage and Mycobacterium falciparium physiology [93]. Shlomi et al. [94] proposed an mixed-integer optimization problem formulation that allows the computation of tissue-specic steady-state ux-distributions that match experimental data at hand as close as possible. In particular, it not necessary to formulate a cellular objective function. e E-ux method developed by Colijn et al. [95] uses experimental data directly as boundaries in the linear programming formulation. It has been successfully utilized for a comprehensive study of Mycobacterium tuberculosis mycolic acid metabolism predicting accurately the eects of a series of drugs [95]. In this piece of research we will integrate human transcriptome data sets from healthy and tumorous adrenal gland tissues with the metabolic reconstruction Human Recon 1 [26]. TODO: A few sentences on the high blood pressure, hyperaldosteronism, aldosterone production in the zg, 11 control and 58 adenomas... We will use the GIMME algorithm [77] for this purpose because its inconsistency measure suits our approach of quantifying the discrepancy of the measured transcript levels to a given cellular objective, e.g., ATP or aldosterone production. e optimization problem which is solved by GIMME can be formulated in the following way: Minimize subject to

I = pj vj Sv =0 . vmin < v < vmax obj v obj vmax l



I is, technically speaking, the sum of all uxes going through unexpressed reactions weighted by the respective experimental data pj . Furthermore, n is the number of reactions/uxes v , S represents the stoichiometry of the system as a matrix and obj obj vmax is the maximal ux through the proposed objective reaction v obj (vmax is determined in a previous step by standard FBA without taking the experimental data into obj account). v obj vmax l forces the system to operate at or above some level l. e weighting vector pj is constructed in the following way: pj = { t xj if xj < t , 0 if xj t
(5.2) 55


where t is an arbitrary data threshold that classies reactions as either expressed (xj t) or not expressed (xj < t) using the gene expression data x. Fluxes through expressed reactions are thus not minimized in 5.1. Conversely, the usage (reinsertion) of uxes through unexpressed reactions are weighted by t xj in 5.1. Figure 5.1 shows the distribution of inconsistency values for the control and adenoma transcript proles. Maximal aldosterone production was used as the cellular objective function v obj and a minimimal medium composition containing glucose and glycerol, as well as collection of amino acids and fatty acids, was implemented using the appropriate boundaries on the their respective exchange reactions (for further details see Methods). e histogram in Figure 5.1 uncovers a bimodal distribution of adenoma inconsistency values: it consists of a group of adenomas exhibiting lower(higher) inconsistencies than the average I of the control group. We term them High/Low inconsistency group respectively (HIG and LIG).

0.6 0.5 Probability 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 100 200 300 400 Inconsistency 500 600
LIG Control HIG

Figure 5.1: Inconsistencies with aldosterone production.

We will compare the inconsistency I to the metabolic coherence (MC) [12], which is a purely topological quantity that measures the fragmentation of eective networks. Figure 5.2 shows a ow diagram thats describes all the necessary steps for this undertaking. Inspired by the results of this comparison we will attempt a topological characterization of the individual contributions to I and show that valuable information can be extracted from them. 56

Figure 5.2: A schematic gure explaining both MC and context-specic ux balance analysis.

Comparison of metabolic coherence and inconsistency
Figure 5.3a shows a scatter plot of the MC and inconsistency values for all 69 expression proles (58 adenomas + 11 controls), using the reference medium and the threshold t = 2.0. It is obvious that both measures are strongly anti-correlated (Pearsons production correlation coecient r = 0.64; Spearmans rank correlation coefcient = 0.67) Figure 5.3b shows the dependency of the correlation on the threshold t that is applied to the data to distinguish between expressed and not expressed metabolic genes. e strongest negative correlation appears hereby for parameter ranges that t our statistical understanding of the raw signal distribution. In Figure 5.3d the dependency of the correlation between inconsistency and the 57


35 30 Inconsistency

0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6

Pearson Spearman

25 20 15 10 5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 MCS 2.5 3.0

0 1 2 Threshold on raw signal

0.60 0.62 Correlation 0.64 0.66 0.68 0.70

Pearson Spearman

15 Frequency
Pearson Spearman

10 5 0 1.0


0.4 Level





0.6 0.4 Correlation





Figure 5.3: (a) e ATP-production inconsistency values are plotted against the MC of 69 tumor and control data sets. A clear negative correlation is visible (Pearsons productmoment correlation coecient r = 0.64) and Spearmans rank correlation coecient = 0.68 (t = 1.9; l = 0.95). (b) Dependency of the correlation on the threshold parameter (l = 0.95). (c) Dependency of the correlation on the level parameter (t = 1.9). (d) Medium dependency of negative correlation strength. Both Spearmans rank correlation coecient as well as Pearsons correlation where computed for the MC and the inconsistency for 100 random growth media (t = 2.; l = 0.95).

MC on the chosen growth medium is shown. e distribution of correlation coecients is narrow (between X-X2 for r and Y-Y2 for ), regardless of which correlation measure is considered. is indicates that both inconsistency and MC and their correlation seem not be strongly dependent on the environmental conditions provided. Furthermore, the correlation values obtained for the reference medium (i.e. r = X and = Y , see also above) seem to be originated on the le tail of the distributions, suggesting a rather high correspondence with the in vivo situation. 58

Individual contributions to the inconsistency

e correlation between MC and inconsistency suggests a topological connection between both measures. In order to understand this connection we have to investigate the inconsistency from a topological perspective. In particular, we will split it up into a vector of individual contributions, i.e., reactions that have been reinserted during the optimization procedure in order to achieve the targeted ux-level of the targeted objective function. We further dene the contribution strength of a reaction as the frequency of contributions for as sample set normalized by the size of the respective sample. Figure 5.4 displays inconsistency contributions and ux patterns for control, HIG and LIG on the carbohydrate metabolism pathways of E. coli. Striking dierences between the control and the adenoma group become visible in this overview, e.g., the pentose-phophate pathway seems to be activated only in the HIG and LOG. Furthermore, the control pathway map lays out a rather consistent pattern of ux activities. ough, a few exceptions arise: pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDHm), the major entry point to the TCA cycle, and to some lesser extent hexokinase (HEX1) and the pyruvate transport from cytosol to mitochondrium, exhibit high contribution strengths. It is intriguing that the contribution strengths for these particular reactions is diminishing small in the LIG case, which indicates an elevated energy metabolism for those adenomas. e HIG, on the other hand, shows a large number of reactions with elevated contributions strengths homogeneously distributed over the whole map, which indicates signicantly reduced energy metabolism.












atp cbpr

adp co2r h2or nh4r h hr nadr nadhr g6pr h2or 6pglr g6p 6pgl hr




G6PDH1er G6PDH1rer

nadhr hr






h g1p


f6p nadphr nadpr hr co2r nadphr


Pentose Phosphate Pathway

nadp e4p f6p co2


from glycogen breakdown, to nucleotide






co2r h2or nh4r h g6pr hr nadr nadhr




h adp atp xu5pD ru5pD rblD







atp r5p s7p h adp atp







amp h


nadhr hr





To nucleotide metabolism



2dr5p h

atp adp

drib fadh2m


f6p nadphr nadpr hr






co2r nadphr

pi nad


pi atp ru5pDr








Low Inconsistency Group (LIG)

h adp h2o 23dpg



atp pi


pi nadp


co2 akg

coa atp










ac pi accoa oaa nadh h h gdp co2 gtp



focytCm ficytCm h atp


pepm nad nadph co2 nadp h2o gdpm co2m


fadh2m dhap


lacL nad

nadh h






nadm hm nadhm pyrm nadphm

atpm hm oaam hco3m adpm hm pim gtpm





co2m nadhm

coam nadm

co2m co2m nadhm

ME2m ME1m

pi nad
coam h2om hm citm hm oaam

nadpm nadm


To nucleotide metabolism

To lipid metabolism



icitm nadpm

nadm malLm


h adp






h2o 23dpg

TCA Cycle

From nitrogen metabolism






co2m nadhm fadm

h pi

akgm gtpm



To nucleotide metabolism
gdpm nadm pim

succm coam





pi nadp



co2 akg




coa atp










atp cbpr


ac pi accoa



pep oaa

nadh h
adp co2r


adp h gdp co2 gtp

h2or nh4r h nadph h nadp g6pr

hr nadr nadhr h2or 6pglr hr

G6PDH1er G6PDH1rer


focytCm ficytCm


6pgcr nadhr hr

pepm nad nadph co2 nadp h2o gdpm co2m
e4p f6p






g1p f6p nadphr nadpr hr co2r nadphr




Pentose Phosphate Pathway

nadp co2


from glycogen breakdown, to nucleotide





lacL nad

nadh h







f6p g3p xu5pD ru5pD

h adp atp rblD



h adp atp

nadm lacL m hm nadhm pyrm nadphm coam nadm nadhm co2m




atp s7p r5p


atpm hm oaam hco3m adpm hm pim gtpm

amp h




To nucleotide metabolism






2dr5p h adp


drib fadh2m dhap





co2m co2m nadhm

pi nad


nadh h 13dpg



coam h2om

oaam nadm hm




To nucleotide metabolism

High Inconsistency Group (LIG)

h adp h2o 23dpg



atp pi


pi nadp


co2 akg

coa atp


To lipid metabolism









ac pi accoa oaa nadh h h gdp co2 gtp





malLm nadpm
focytCm ficytCm h atp


pepm nad nadph co2 nadp h2o gdpm co2m



lacL nad

nadh h








TCA Cycle

atpm nadm hm nadhm pyrm nadphm coam nadm nadhm co2m hm oaam lacL m hco3m adpm hm pim gtpm




From nitrogen metabolism



co2m co2m nadhm

ME2m ME1m

coam h2om hm citm hm oaam nadm nadpm


To nucleotide metabolism

To lipid metabolism

co2m nadhm fadm akgm gtpm
nadpm icitm



nadm malLm





To nucleotide metabolism
gdpm nadm pim

succm coam
nadphm co2m

TCA Cycle

From nitrogen metabolism




co2m nadhm fadm akgm gtpm coam




To nucleotide metabolism

succm coam


nadm pim





coam co2m







Figure 5.4: Inconsistency contributions to carbohydrate metabolism. e maps depict the usage patterns and inconsistency contributions for the control and the high and low inconsistency groups. e thickness and color of a reaction edge correspond hereby to the usage frequency and the contribution strength, respectively. e pathway maps have been obtained from the BIGG database [81].


How do the contributions strengths vary between control, LIG and HIG on a systems-wide level? Figure 5.5 shows the contributions for a subset of all contributing reactions (see Figure B.3 for the complete set of contributors). e contributing reactions have been sorted according to their contribution strengths in the control group. Having already seen a few examples for dierentially contributing reactions in the carbohydrate pathways, it becomes ever more clear that there are many more to discover. On the other hand, a group of reactions with very high contribution strengths seems to contribute non-specically and independently from the gene expression data. In the following, we want to elaborate on this set of reactions and will term it unspecic contributions to the inconsistency (UCI). e following circumstances can lead to non-specic contributions to the inconsistency vector: 1. A reaction is expressed but the measured gene expression intensity falls below the threshold t under most or all experimental conditions. 2. e reaction is not expressed but it has to be utilized by GIMME due to the following reasons: a) e stated objective function does not reect the situation present in the cell. b) e chosen media composition does not reect the in vivo environment in which the experimental data has been obtained. c) Errors and gaps in the metabolic reconstruction: i. Alternative routes to the objective function are available in vivo but are not covered by the metabolic reconstruction. ii. Wrong GPR associations, e.g., missing isozymes, wrong gene annotations iii. Too many missing gene-protein-reaction associations (GPR), either due to non-enzymatic reaction steps or knowledge gaps, before and aer the contributing reaction could lead to wrongly activated paths, as missing GPR information is not punished by the GIMME. d) Wrong expression data, experimental artifacts, wrong probe to gene assignments. Table 5.1 lists classications for the X strongest contributors (the full table is provided as Supplementary Informations ??). Topological indicators have been used for classication 61


Contribution strength
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


Figure 5.5: Inconsistency contributions. (a) Overall contributions to the inconsistency for all adenoma and control samples, (b) the control group, and the adenoma tumor samples showing (c) lower (LIG) and (d) higher (HIG) inconsistencies in comparison to the control group. Only a subset of all contributing reactions is shown due to space limitations. e complete diagram is shown in Figure B.3


Table 5.1: Classication of contributions to the inconsistency vector. Reactions are sorted according to their contribution frequency and follow the same order as depicted in Figure 5.5. Has to be nished.
Biological interpretation Reference SIaa, B1;Lysine Degradation



Topological class



bottleneck; close to input layer; invisible path

PROD2 DPMVDx SIaa, A2 SIaa, D2 + E2 SIaa, D2 + E2 SIaa, D2 + E2

unspecic unspecic

chain disruptor

Proline Degradation SIchol



invisible path; close to input layer



chain disruptor; close to input layer

unspecic unspecic a few samples show GLYK transcription

chain disruptor; close to input layer chain disruptor; close to input layer

One out of two 2oxoadp producing Reactions, missing GPRs in all precursors complicated! essential step in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway; wrong GPR, wrong Chip Transport of 2oxoadp into mitochondria, missing GPRs in a few precursors Necessary for isoleucine processing; just below threshold; same genes as OIVID1 and 2 just below threshold just below threshold


close to input layer

chain disruptor chain disruptor


unspecic unspecic ? unspecic ?

chain disruptor; close to input layer

SIlip, E5 SIaa, A5 SIaa, B5, MACACI.pdf SIaa, B5, MACACI.pdf no map SIaa, B5, MACACI.pdf no map SIcarb, C3




More details needed just below threshold just below threshold? More details needed Fumarate transport to mitochondria (pi antiport) Entry point to TCA cycle; Overexpression in low inconsistency group



Clearify why a topological perspective is necessary to understand the contributions. Finding two distinct adenoma groups makes sense in the light of Gatenby and Gillies [96].

Material and Methods

Model of human metabolism
All ux balance simulations were conducted using human Recon 1, a genome-scale compartmentalized representation of human metabolism [26], which is available in SBML [80] format via the BIGG database [81].

Gene expression data

A few lines on the data sets ... Logarithmized transcript levels were mapped onto the GPR (gene-protein-reaction) associations included in the Human Recon 1 model. erefor, it was necessary to replace logical AND and OR by min and max functions, respectively, following the protocol described in [77].

Context-specic ux balance analysis

Context-specic ux balance analysis of human expression data was conducted using the GIMME algorithm as described in [77] and in the introduction to this work. ATP-production was implemented as a cellular objective by introducing an articial reaction that consumes cytosolic ATP. e aldosteron objective was implemented as the maximization of ux through aldosterone synthase (P45011B21m). e pathway to aldosterone was initially blocked in the metabolic reconstruction. Further analysis revealed 4-Methylpentanal as a dead-end metabolite inhibiting steady-state ux to the aldosterone synthase reaction. e introduction of an articial drain for 4Methylpentanal restored the functionality of the whole pathway. Furthermore, the same conservative approach was chosen regarding missing GPR: reactions without GPR associations were assumed to be expressed, i.e., having expression values above t.
Growth media

e growth medium was dened as in [97] (see Table B.1). It contains both glucose and glycerol as carbon sources, the amino acids L-arginine, L-histidine, L-isoleucine, 64

L-leucine, L-lysine, L-Methionine, L-phenylalanine, L-threonine and L-tryptophane, as well as the fatty acids palmitic and linoleic acid. Aerobic conditions were assumed by leaving oxygen consumption unconstrained. Random media conditions were constructed by picking approximately the same number of exchange reactions as in the reference medium randomly and assigning random upper and lower boundaries in the intervals [20, 0] and [0, 20] to them. Oxygen, protones, sulfate, phosphate, water were assumed to be always available. In case of the random media sampling, inconsistency values I have been normalized by the objective functions ux in order to make them comparable.

Metabolic coherence
e metabolic coherence (MC) was computed as described in Sonnenschein et al. [12]. We map the set of transcribed genes (genes with expression values above a certain threshold are considered as expressed) directly onto a metabolic gene network representation of human metabolism in order to extract eective networks (i.e. the network spanned by the signicant expression changes). en we compute the ratio of connected nodes and all nodes in the eective network, which we call metabolic coherence ratio (MCR). By using a random distribution of expression changes as a null model for the MCR, this quantity is then converted into a z-score, the metabolic coherence (MC).

We would like to thank Martin Sigurdsson for providing us with the growth medium conditions.


Chapter 6 Multiple topological labels and medium-dependent essentiality in Escherichia coli metabolism

is chapter provides the content of the following manuscript in preparation [98]: Nikolaus Sonnenschein, Carsten Marr, and Marc-orsten Htt Multiple topological labels and medium-dependent essentiality in Escherichia coli metabolism

Background: Metabolism has frequently been analyzed from a network perspective. A major question is, how network properties correlate with biological features like enzyme essentiality. We investigate the metabolic system of Escherichia coli on the basis of reaction categories that were discovered by dierent topological and ux balance modeling methods in the past, namely reactions associated with uniquely produced and uniquely consumed metabolites, reactions changing the synthetic accessibility of the biomass and metabolic core reactions. Individually considered these reaction categories all reveal a high amount of reactions essential for the production of biomass.



Results: We performed a large-scale ux-balance analysis simulation on random media to explore two lines of study based on topologically motivated reaction categories: (1) medium-dependent essentiality may clarify the distribution of essential reactions into the dierent categories and provide insight into the biological signicance of the topological classications; (2) using logical operations on the intersecting sets of reactions may improve topology-based essentiality prediction. In particular, we observe that medium-dependent essentiality is more highly correlated with synthetic accessibility than with the other reaction categories. Conclusions: Our method of using multiple topological labels for investigating the relation between network properties and system properties and in this way identifying sub-categories emanating from dierent topological features may be helpful in a broad range of contexts in systems biology. In the case of metabolism, we observe that some combinations of reaction categories show a substantially higher accuracy in predicting essentiality, suggesting dierent types of essential reactions.

e question, how network topology shapes dynamic processes, is currently under intense investigation in a wide range of disciplines from technical [99, 100] and social [101103] systems to biology [104, 105]. With the advent of network biology [106] in the late 1990s and early 2000s [4, 107], metabolism was among the very rst intracellular networks studied from a topological perspective [8, 9, 73, 108, 109]. Along this line of research, metabolic reactions have been classied in several different ways based on topological information [9, 108, 110, 111]. Here we will focus on two recent examples providing such classications: UP-UC reactions and SA reactions. UP-UC metabolites have been introduced in [27]. UP-UC metabolites were described as metabolites that are consumed and produced by only a single reaction and, thus, exhibit the lowest possible degree in a bipartite network representation of the system. A UP-UC cluster may then be dened as a reaction subset that connects a set of UP-UC metabolites. Besides the high essentiality of this UP-UC reactions, which is the key issue in this work, this metabolic reaction category comprises also some other quite interesting features like proportionally xed ux values under steady-state conditions or their correlation with regulatory modules [27]. e synthetic accessibility (SA) measure has been dened in [28] and is inuenced by a measure used in chemical drug design describing the number of steps needed to synthesize a specic compound from a given set of common laboratory reactants. Accordingly, the SA for a metabolic system is dened as the minimal number of reactions needed to reach a set of outputs (e.g. biomass) from a given set of 68

inputs (e.g. medium composition) as obtained by a breadth-rst-search traversal that can only proceed if all needed substrates are available. SA is successful in predicting essential genes as lethal mutations cause a change in the SA [28]. For this work we choose to treat SA as a reaction category by assigning an SA label to every reaction whose knock-out causes a change in biomass SA. Figure 6.1 shows a schematic representation of metabolism with three exchange reactions (X1, X2 and X3) with the environment and a two-component biomass reaction (BM ). Circles represent metabolites, while boxes stand for enzymes in this bipartite graph view of a metabolic system. In this gure, E1 (highlighted in blue) is an example of an SA reaction, as it represents one of the shortest paths to BM , while E5 (highlighted in green) is consuming and producing only metabolites, which are uniquely produced (UP) and uniquely consumed (UC), and thus is an example of a UP-UC reaction. Figures 6.1a-c provide a qualitative impression of the wildtype ux distribution (Figure 6.1a) and the re-routing of uxes upon E1 and E5 knockout (Figures 6.1b,c), respectively. In the example in Figure 6.1, both reactions (E1 and E5) have an alternative path that goes along reaction E4. us, both reaction labels would in this case not serve as a reliable predictor of the reactions essentiality. Eliminating reaction E4 (see Figure 6.1d) from the system would remove this alternative path, thus turning E1 and E5 into correct essentiality predictors. is (suggestive) example illustrates, why a systematic study of combinatorial subsets of these categories can be interesting for understanding the topological basis of essential reactions. A third category of reactions, which has recently been introduced, comes from taking into account some information on the ux distributions as well: A sampling of steady states predicted from ux-balance analysis over a wide range of randomly chosen media conditions standard minimal growth medium) revealed a metabolic core (MC), which is always switched on [29, 112]. Remarkably, these dierent classication schemes or categories are all fairly accurate predictors of essential reactions (i.e. reactions, where a mutation in the gene encoding the corresponding enzyme is experimentally known to be lethal). For the MC this is intuitively clear: e set of reactions always switched on under a wide range of media should contain a large number of essential reactions. Both, in the case of SA and UP-UC reactions, one can argue that, topologically, they constitute bottleneck paths without (at least local) detours providing alternatives (cf. also Figure 6.1). Here we study the overlap of these dierent reaction categories and the question, whether performance in predicting essentiality can be increased by combining the dierent categories in a combinatorical fashion. We furthermore introduce a more rened, simulation based measure of essentiality, i.e. the relative essentiality of a reaction. e methodological framework of our study is ux-balance analysis. Mathematical optimization methods formerly used mainly in engineering, economics, physics 69


E5 E7 E6 BM E2 E4



biomass reaction

X2 X3


cell medium

Figure 6.1: UP-UC and SA reactions. Simple scheme of a small ctitious metabolic reaction system with examples of UP-UC and SA reactions are (large picture). (a) Wildtype network. (b) Knockout of SA reaction E1. Fluxes are rerouted over E4 leading to an increase in the systems SA. (c) Knockout of UP-UC reaction E5. (d) Knockout of reaction E4. E1 (SA) and E5 (UP-UC) are now correct essentiality predictors.


and chemistry are becoming increasingly popular in the eld of systems biology and the applications range from model building and parameter estimation to optimal experimental design and synthetic biology [113]. Particularly its capacity to predict gene essentiality with high accuracy for E. coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae has turned ux-balance analysis (FBA) into a widely accepted method for in silico studies of metabolic states [13, 19, 69]. e conceptual starting point of FBA is the stoichiometric matrix S , which relates the vector v of metabolic uxes with changes dm/dt in the vector m of metabolite concentrations dm/dt = Sv . Assuming a steady state, dm/dt = 0, one obtains a homogeneous system of linear equations. Furthermore assuming bounds for each of the uptake rates of the compounds from the medium one obtains a well-dened subset of ux space, the ux cone, as a potential solution space. e optimal solution is now identied by maximising a given objective function, e.g. the biomass production of the organism. A variety of implementations of FBA are by now available in the systems biology community [114, 115], as well as for research in biochemical engineering and other biotechnological contexts, helping to make FBA a very successful tool for studying this otherwise (on the system-scale level) rather elusive level of cellular organization. Recent renements of FBA focus on the distribution of uxes upon mutations [116, 117], the incorporation of temporal information beyond the steady state [82, 118] and of gene regulatory information [119121]. e recent observation, however, that the majority of uxes determined by metabolism alone is consistent with those obtained by evoking additional gene regulatory input [120] strengthened the case for the use of FBA for large-scale system-wide studies of metabolism. Although experimental data from systematic knockout studies is available for E. coli [122, 123] these essentiality proles result from a limited set of environmental conditions. In particular, it has been pointed out recently that essentiality is oen medium-dependent [20, 124]. While this has been analyzed in [124] for genetic interactions (i.e. the eect of a knockout under the condition of another knockout) we analyze here the above categories (SA, UP-UC and MC reactions) in the light of single-knockout medium-dependent essentiality.

Results and Discussion

Overlap of the three reaction categories
For all three reaction categories discovered here a high overlap of the retrieved subsets with the set of essential reactions was reported, suggesting that also the intersections among these categories should be rather high. To study this assumption we analyze the UP-UC, SA and MC pairwise intersections and compare them with the intersec71


Table 6.1: Overlap of the three reaction categories. e overlap between the UP-UC, SA and MC reaction categories versus the expected overlap based on two dierent reaction pools, together with the corresponding z-scores.

Reaction Pool All classied reactions


Real overlap

Expected overlap


0.518 0.604 0.719 0.727 0.611 0.726

0.244 0.029 0.232 0.040 0.244 0.041 0.689 0.030 0.534 0.038 0.689 0.035

9.4 9.3 11.6 1.3 2.0 1.1

Only essential reactions

tions of randomly drawn sets based on two reaction pools: (i) all reactions, for which a characterization into essential and non-essential is available (724), (ii) all essential reactions (206). e results are summarized in Table 6.1. For consistency in all cases only the reactions appearing in in these two pools have been considered. e comparison reveals two features of the overlaps: First, the overlaps are far larger than expected at random based on pool (i), suggesting that the eective pool of reactions is substantially smaller. Second, when restricting this pool to the essential reactions only (ii), the overlaps still deviate systematically (but far less strongly) from the expected towards higher values. is latter point suggests that a sub-classication of the essential reactions might exist, where each sub-class matches more closely each pair of reaction categories and therefore accounts for the remaining enhancement of the overlap. In the following we explore the possibility that relative essentiality provides such a sub-classication.

Relative essentiality: An illustrative example

In the following we use two denitions of essential reactions. e rst are the experimentally determined essentiality proles, as reported in [122, 123]. ese data sets have also been used in many previous studies on essentiality prediction [2729, 125 127]. e second denition of essential reactions is based upon the FBA prediction of essentiality, which, in the case of E. coli agrees well with the empirical data (92 % accuracy under glucose aerobic growth conditions, see [72]). Due to the enormous combinatorical range of potential media, the important class of medium-dependent essentiality, similarly to the MC [29, 112] (which also requires a large-scale sampling of media space) is only accessible via FBA prediction. In need of a global quantity we determined the essentiality proles computationally for 6105 random media conditions and yielded a continuous measure of relative essentiality for every reaction in the system. Essential reactions were determined by 72

an assumption of having a growth rate at most 5% of the wild type [20]. We dene the relative essentiality as the percentage of cases, in which the removal of a specic reaction was lethal out of all simulated environments, where the reaction was active. As an illustrative example of medium-dependent essentiality (i.e. relative essentiality arising from monitoring essentiality across a large set of media) we want briey discuss the central metabolism model for E. coli (E. coli core model, see [128]) as a minimal system and study the predicted biomass production under knockout for seven dierent carbon sources (glucose, acetate, fumarate, lactose, succinate, ethanol, pyruvate). e FBA model consists of 63 reactions, including 14 exchange reactions, which also regulate the uptake of the respective carbon source provided. FBA studies for this system have been performed using the 15 component biomass function provided with the model [128]. Figure 6.2a shows the size of the biomass ux for different mutants (bars) for each medium (color segments in each bar). As expected, the biomass ux is typically largest for the glucose medium. In one case (i.e. the removal of GLCpts, which is a glucose transport reaction), however, only other carbon sources lead to a non-zero biomass ux prediction. e relative sizes of the color segments (i.e. of the biomass ux under a particular carbon source) vary greatly from mutant to mutant. For example the removal of the reaction FBP, which is catalyzed by the enzyme fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and dephosphorylates fructose-1,6-bisphosphate to fructose6-phosphate is essential for all carbon sources except glucose. As a matter of fact, FBP is a step in gluconeogenesis, which is a pathway that generates glucose. In the case of the glucose medium there is no need to generate glucose from other substances as it is provided directly via the glucose uptake reaction. We have to mention that in vivo the deletion of the gene p is not lethal in E. coli as it can bypass the loss through other pathways. e deviant result comes about due to the restricted minimal model used in this illustrative example covering only central metabolism. As we proceed to the genome-scale reconstruction iJR904 we nd that FBP is actually never essential, in agreement with experimental results [122, 123]

Relative essentiality analysis for the full system

In order to subdivide the metabolic reactions into essentiality classes, namely essential (persistent-lethal), non-essential and partially essential (or conditional-lethal), we quantify a reactions relative essentiality by simulating 6 105 random media conditions and performing all single reaction knockouts (leading to > 1.8108 individual FBA calculations) to identify for each medium the set of essential reactions. e relative essentiality is then dened as the number of lethal outcomes upon the removal of a target reaction divided by the number of environmental conditions this reaction was active. An alternative denition of relative essentiality would be to normalize the number of lethal outcomes to the total number of media sampled. In 73

Glucose Acetate Fumarate Lactose Succinate Ethanol Pyruvate



























SUCCt2 2


FUMt2 2


Relative Essentiality

1.0 0.8

600 500 400 300 200
Category III Category II Category I MC Blocked Reactions

0.4 0.2







0.0 0 200 400 600 800 Reactions 1000 1200

0 1




1000 Simulations


Figure 6.2: Medium-dependent essentiality. (a) E. coli core model - medium dependent essentiality for seven carbon sources under aerobic conditions. e height of the bars indicates the size of the growth ux as determined by FBA. e reactions have been sorted according to (b) Sorted global essentiality prole determined by the simulation of 6105 random media conditions. e three dierent essentiality classes are indicated by dierent background colors. Class I (under no circumstance lethal) reactions are indicated in dark gray. Class II (conditional-lethal) and III (global essential) are colored in gray and light gray respectively. (c) Simulation progress of the numbers of reactions in each class. Two additional sets, the MC (i.e. the set of reactions that is always active), and the set of reactions that have not become active yet, are also depicted in the diagram.

this case, however, reactions only active in very few, specialized media would give a very low essentiality value, making it dicult to assess rare reactions. Figure 6.2b shows the sorted relative essentialities for the available 724 reactions (comprising all reactions in the E. coli model, which have been active at least once in all FBA simulations; blocked reactions [18] have thus been eliminated; see also Methods). In Figure 6.2a the three essentiality classes are clearly visible: e removal of most reactions has no or only small consequences for the production of biomass (Class I). Some reactions are globally essential (Class III) and a third set is only conditional-lethal (Class II). Figure 6.2c depicts the change of the category sizes over simulation number. Additionally the MC size evolution and the decrease of the blocked reaction set are included in this gure. e MC and Class III reactions converge pretty fast to the sizes of 96 and 94, respectively. Two reactions from the core are not globally essential due to the fact that other reactions can replace them and rescue growth although not as high as the optimum the wild type achieves [29]. e slope 74


































of the unused reaction set curve becomes rather small aer a long simulation time. Eventually, it should reach the size of the computationally determined set of reactions that cannot bear a ux under no circumstances (blocked reactions; see Methods). We decided to exclude reactions in this set from our analysis. From Figure 6.2c it is evident that even aer this large number of random media the size of the Class II and I sets have not yet converged (in contrast to Class III reactions). From approx. 104 media onwards, the increase in Class II reactions corresponds to the decrease in blocked (or unused) and Class I reactions, i.e. reactions, whose removal was lethal only under an extremely small number of environmental conditions. As these cases probe rather extreme features of the FBA model, it might be suitable to exclude them from consideration. Similarly, one could argue that slight deviations from zero and one in the relative essentiality may be allowed for Class I and Class III reactions. We decided, however, not to include such thresholds here. Using this global essentiality measure we determined the amount of reactions belonging to the three essentiality classes for every of the three reaction categories. e results in Figure 6.3 show that the three categories incorporate dierent amounts of reactions belonging to each of the three essentiality classes. e SA reaction set seems to be composed of a mixture of Class II and III (conditional and persistentlethal reactions) whereas the UP-UC reactions exhibit a surprisingly high amount of Class I reactions (never lethal). As expected from the denition, which requires the reactions to be always active, the MC category is almost exclusively made up of Class III reactions (94 of 96 reactions belong to Class III).
1.0 Class Proportions 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 UPUC SA Metabolic Core
Class I Class II Class III

Figure 6.3: Reaction categories and essentiality classes. e proportions of the three dierent essentiality classes determined for UP-UC, SA and MC component. Class I is indicated in black, Class II in dark gray and Class III in gray.

Reaction categories as predictors of essentiality

We analyzed the performance of the three reaction categories to predict the essentiality proles of experimental data [122, 123] and the relative essentiality we obtained computationally by sampling a large set of random media. For a rst assessment of 75


the performance and comparison with previous results from [2729], we set an arbitrary threshold of 0.5 relative essentiality to map the conditional-lethal reactions of our computational analysis to either Class I or Class III, resulting in the values shown in Figure 6.4a. For the denition of the performance indices, see Methods.

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Performances

Accuracy Sensitivity


npv Specificity



Metabolic Core

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Performances



Metabolic Core

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Performances



Metabolic Core

Figure 6.4: Prediction performance measurements. Prediction performance of the three reaction categories on (a) our computational essentiality prole, (b) the Gerdes data set and (c) the Keio collection.

e result for the performance analysis for the two experimental data sets [122, 123] is shown in Figure 6.4b,c. In case of the experimental prole, it is remarkable that the high accuracy values come about almost exclusively through the high nonlethal prediction rate, as seen in the high negative predictive value and specicity. 76

Both, the positive predictive value and the sensitivity, are rather low although the comparison of the two experimental prole reveals higher sensitivities for the Keio collection [123]. Comparing the performance proles of the experimentally observed essentialities (Figure 6.4b,c) with the computational predictions (Figure 6.4a) it is particularly striking that the positive predictive value (ppv), as well as the sensitivity, are higher in the computational case. We checked that this eect is not induced by the mere difference in numbers of essential reactions (166 for the Gerdes set, 112 for the Keio set, vs. 206 for the computational set at a threshold of 0.5 in the relative essentiality, cf. Figure 6.2b). If we exclude most conditional-lethal reactions from the computational set (by increasing the threshold to 0.95, leading to 157 essential reactions) one still nds a strongly elevated ppv compared to the experimental sets. Although all reaction categories display a rather high accuracy (Figure 6.44), the reasons may be individually slightly dierent: e MC category for example achieves high accuracy dominantly by its high positive predictive value, while the other two categories tend to achieve this by a high sensitivity (particularly in the computational set). In order to further rule out side eects from the dierent size distributions of the essentiality data sets we checked our results with a suitable null model. According to the sizes of the reaction categories (UP-UC, SA and MC) we assigned repeatedly the essentiality label to random reaction samples out of all available reactions and computed the accuracy. e accuracy values for the computational set and the Gerdes set are shown in Figure 6.5a, together with the corresponding null model results. For the computational set, the real accuracy is signicantly higher than the null model value for all three reaction categories, while for the Gerdes set, the UP-UC category fails to exceed the null model prediction (see Methods for details on the null model accuracy). It is clear that this observation depends on the choice of the null model. Other null models could still be exceeded by the real accuracy values (the null model from [28], e.g., is normalized to always yield an accuracy of 0.5). In Figure 6.5b we plot the dierent real and random components in a positive and negative predictive value plane, similarly to [28], to make our previous results more transparent. With the exception of the UP-UC component and the experimental essentiality prole all the other data sets are good predictors of essentiality in comparison to the random model. As in Figure 6.5a, the plane from Figure 6.5b includes only the computational set and the Gerdes set.

Multiple labels
Next, we analyze whether it is possible to increase the accuracy of the essentiality prediction by combining the reaction categories. 77


comp. profile null model Gerdes et. al null model





0.5 UPUC SA Metabolic Core

Negative predicitve value 0.85








Positive predictive value

Figure 6.5: Evaluation of the performance measurements. Comparison of the reaction components accuracies and their random model counterparts. (b) e dierent real and random reaction components positive and negative predictive values plotted in a phase plane. e variation in the random models predictive powers are indicated via error bars representing the standard deviation of the simulation.


We determine for all 127 possible combinatorial intersections the values of all performance indices. e ten highest scorers with respect to the accuracy measure are summarized in Figure 6.6a. e highest accuracy was observed in a set containing 205 reactions including almost all reactions of all three components with the exception of the UP-UC-only reaction set (MC SA), as the latter includes the highest amount of false positives (Figure 6.6a). is is an improvement of 12 %,4 % and 6 %, respectively, in comparison with each single reaction category (UP-UC, SA and MC).
Accuracy Class I Class II Class III UP-UC SA



1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

205 141 194








1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2











Figure 6.6: Multiple labels - Top 10 performance scorers. (a) e 10 highest accuracy scorers. e black bar represents each the accuracy, ppv, npv, sensitivity and specicity of the intersection congurations. e other colors represent the three essentiality classes with Class I being colored in dark gray and Class II and III in gray and light gray, respectively. (b) e top 10 category II scorers. e black bar represents always the accuracy. e other three bar types represent the three essentiality classes with Class I being colored in dark gray and Class II and III in gray and light gray respectively.

e highest positive predictive value and specicity was achieved with (MC SA) (MC UP-UC) consisting of 85 reactions and it is remarkable that all the other high scorers in these categories are only a variation of this pattern (additional le 1: Supplementary Figures C.1a,d). Furthermore SA-only and UP-UC-only reactions are never a part of them. is is what we anticipated, as the positive predictive value captures the true positive ratio, and in order to reach a high value, large num79


bers of false positives have to be avoided. As false positives have to be avoided also for a high specicity the patterns of intersections resemble each other. e highest negative predictive value and sensitivity was achieved with a set consisting of the union of all reaction components, 302 in numbers (additional le 1: Supplementary Figures C.1b,c). At least for the sensitivity this is a trivial result as the theoretical expectation value increases with the number of positive predictions. As a last step, we want to nd out, whether this multiple reaction labeling (and the subsequent analysis of all combinatorially possible sets) reveals clearly characterized subclasses of essential reactions. e analysis of the overlap between the three reaction categories (Table 6.1, cf. the discussion at the beginning of this section), together with the observation that these categories are good predictors of essentiality (Figure 6.4- 6.5; see also [2729]), suggests that such subclasses may exist. It is therefore particularly interesting to extend the multiple-label analysis to the three essentiality classes introduced above. For each combinatorial combination of the reaction categories we determine the intersection congurations with the highest relative proportions of the three essentiality classes. In Figure 6.6b the ten highest scorers are depicted, with respect to Class II content. It is not surprising that the intersection conguration with the highest proportion of Class I reactions (additional le 2: Supplementary Figure C.2a) is exactly the UP-UC-only set (i.e. UP-UC SA MC ), because we already have shown in the previous paragraph that exactly this set is excluded from the intersection conguration with the highest possible accuracy. Similarly (and not surprisingly), for Class III reactions (additional le 2: Supplementary Figure C.2b) the MC category dominates the high scorers; this is in agreement with the ndings of the previous paragraph and also results in Figure 6.3, as the MC component contains the highest amount of Class III reactions. For Class II reactions, we nd it quite interesting that the highest proportions in this class are seen in an UP-UCSA only intersection (i.e. UP-UC SA MC ) (Figure 6.6b) and all the other high scorers resemble this pattern with the SA component playing the major role for the outcome of such high Class II proportions. A typical Class II reaction (approximately 20 percent of all Class II reactions are of this type) is SA but not UP-UC and not MC (i.e. SA UP-UC M C ). Among the (SA UP-UC) MC reactions we nd approximately 15 percent of all Class II. In contrast, Class III reactions are spread evenly among SA and UP-UC. A reaction is classied as SA, when the biomass is more dicult to reach aer the knockout of that reaction, even if (longer) alternative paths to the biomass exist. e availability of such alternative paths depends oen on the specic medium provided. is common assessment of alternative paths could explain the observed high predictive power of the synthetic accessibility for Class II reactions. In spite of its topological basis, the synthetic accessibility combines local and global graph features and in this way gets, seemingly, closest to matching medium modi80

cations, which also have local and global features by addressing typically whole paths through the system. Qualitatively speaking, a large percentage of Class III reactions (always essential) may stand out topologically, i.e. they may be identiable from local graph properties alone. Due to the interplay of local and global properties, we expect this to be less valid for Class II reactions. e UP-UC category can thus be expected to work better for Class III reactions than for Class II.

By analyzing the range of predictions for essentiality from three established topological (or topology-motivated) labels we attempted to better characterize the specic topological constellation that makes a reaction essential. e concept of medium-dependent essentiality (see also [20, 129]) is particularly instructive in this context of multiple labels: is intermediate regime between essential and unessential reactions, which is not very visible in any of the three labels specically, stands out signicantly in particular label combinations. We suspect that the reason for the signicant over-representation of conditionallethal reactions in the SA component lies within the intrinsic features of the synthetic accessibility concept itself, eciently combining local and global features of the metabolic reaction network. It might be that the essentiality predictions carried out by the synthetic accessibility approach [28] depend on the set of inputs and bootstrapping metabolites that are chosen. It would be interesting to explore this point in more detail. We have not included the results from [130] in our analysis, which aim at metabolite essentiality. e high essentiality of UP-UC metabolites can be in principle recovered from their results and thus a comparison may be worthwhile, even though [130] would yield a metabolite category, rather than a reaction category. It would be particularly interesting to extend the range of reaction categories, in order to characterize typical essential reactions even better from a topological perspective. Naturally, other purely topological properties (based on the degree of a node or the betweenness centrality) may be included, but also, e.g. the metabolite scopes described in [110] could be in principle an extension to our labeling approach. Multiple labeling could also be a helpful tool in the combination of graph theoretical and high-throughput data. e recent study [75] on ux coupling as a predictor of correlations in gene expression compared to a dierent (but oen related) observable, the distance of reactions, could be an interesting eld of application of such a multiple labeling approach, in order to specically see, how the high-distance but ux-coupled reaction pairs (and other subsets within the two categories) perform in terms of correlation to gene expression. 81


e genome-scale metabolic reconstruction iJR904 [76] of E. coli was used in all our experiments. Each reversible reaction was replaced by two irreversible reactions acting in opposite directions. For topological analyses a bipartite graph representation was generated from the stoichiometry. Such a graph consists of metabolite and reaction nodes connected by directed links, where substrates point towards reactions they are consumed by. ese reaction nodes then again point towards their products. No direct connections exist within the reaction and metabolite subsets.

Flux Balance Analysis

Linear programming (LP), as the algorithmic backbone of ux balance analysis (FBA) [69] and its variants make the computation of steady state ux distributions of genome scale models possible and has been used in the past to tackle a wealth of questions regarding the metabolic capabilities of dierent organisms. [13, 82] Generally, the LP problems dened in FBA can be stated as follows: Maximize subject to

Z Sv = 0, vmin <= v <= vmax .


with an objective function Z , the stoichiometric matrix S , the ux vector v and the constraint vectors vmin and vmax . As we are considering reversible reactions as two independent unidirectional reactions, we set vmin to zero. is LP problem can be solved through linear optimization and, as the solution space is convex, a global maximum can be computed, if it exist, although multiple optima cannot be excluded. All LP problems throughout our analyses have been solved using custom Python bindings for the C API of the GNU Linear Programming Kit (GLPK).

Blocked reactions
We removed all globally blocked reactions from the model to give the topological methods described in this article (UP-UC, SA) the opportunity to work on the same information content as their dynamical counterpart (MC). A high (not as high as the default ux boundaries vmax ) maximal uptake and secretion rate was assigned to all available transporters in the system and then blocked reactions were conrmed by ux variability analysis [18]. ese globally blocked reactions cannot carry a ux under any environmental conditions and consequently are not available to methods that use FBA. 82

Metabolic core reactions

e MC reactions were computed similarly to the procedure described in [29]. Random media compositions were generated by picking randomly between 10 to 100 percent of all available transport reactions in the model and the assignment of random uptake and secretion rates in the interval of 0 to 20 mmol/gDW h. For all of these random congurations the biomass objective was maximized, and in the case of a resulting growth ux below 0.5 mmol/gDW h the result was discarded.

Synthetic accessibility reactions

e synthetic accessibility of all reactions in the system was computed according to [28]. e needed outputs were dened to be the substrates of the biomass function and the ingredients of a glucose minimal medium were dened to be the inputs of the system. As a variation to [28] we decided to include no further additional compounds that ensure that all outputs are reached in the wild type. Instead we used a set of bootstrapping metabolites [131] that permit a proper functioning of the algorithm but are not the starting points of the breadth rst search.

UP-UC reactions
e UP-UC reactions were determined in analogy to the algorithm published in [27]. We determined all metabolites with an in-degree and out-degree of one (UP-UC metabolites) in the bipartite graph representation of the metabolism of iJR904. en we computed the set of reactions (UP-UC reactions) that are associated with the set of UP-UC metabolites for further analysis.

Experimental and computational essentiality proles

We used the essentiality proles published in [122, 123] for our performance analyses. e computational essentiality prole was determined by extending the MC analysis with single reaction deletions. For every ux distribution along the random media sampling procedure we determined the set of active reactions and checked their essentiality by knocking them out one by one. A knockout was achieved by constraining the ux of the specic reaction to zero and repeating the optimization under the same random environmental conditions. To transform our continuous essentiality measure into a binary form, whereas true represents lethal and false viable we set a threshold of 0.5 relative essentiality to map the reactions in Class II (conditionallethal) to either Class I or II. 83


We nd 200 UP-UC reactions (for 168 of which have essentiality information), 178 SA reactions (177 with essentiality information), and 96 MC reactions (96 with essentiality information). e numbers provided in Figure 6.6 refer to the full sizes of reaction categories. Classes I, II and III consist of 370, 259 and 94 reactions, respectively.

Assessment of predictive power

We have quantied the predictive capabilities of the dierent subsets by ve observables from statistics relying on binary classication, namely the accuracy (T P + T N )/(T P +T N +F P +F N ), positive predictive value (T P )/(T P +F P ), negative predictive value (T N )/(T N + F N ), sensitivity (T P )/(T P + F N ) and specicity (T N )/(T N + F P ). In all these observables T P is the number of true positives, T N is the number of true negatives, F P is the number of false positives, and F N is the number of false negatives. If we denote the essential reactions in the real data sets by + (and inessential reactions by ), as well as the reactions belonging to the category under consideration (and therefore serving as predictors of essentiality) by p (with n denoting all reactions not in this category), we can e.g. represent TP as the joint probability P (+, p) of + and p. In our null model we then have T P = P (+)P (p)R, where P (+) is the percentage of essential reactions, P (p) is the relative size of the reaction category and R is the total number of reactions. Consequently, our null model accuracy is given by P (+)P (p) + P ()P (n) = (P (+) P ())SR /R + P () with the number of reactions SR in the reaction category. us, our null model accuracy depends on the size of the reaction category, unless if about half of the reactions are essential.

Authors contributions
NS and MH conceived the study and wrote the manuscript. NS carried out the analyses. CM participated in the design of the study and contributed to the statistical analysis. All authors read and approved the nal manuscript.

e authors thank Zeba Wunderlich for providing additional information on the synthetic accessibility approach. Furthermore the authors like to thank Areejit Samal for discussions about the topological implications on the essentiality of reactions.


Chapter 7 Ongoing projects

is chapter provides information about ongoing work and ideas for future work.

Metabolite-concentration correlation networks explained

Metabolite concentrations exhibit puzzling correlations that go beyond local neighbourhood interactions and span over wide ranges in the metabolic network [132, 133]. Mller-Linow et al. [134] used a network topological approach to ... Flux-coupling relationships are another type of long-range interactions in metabolic systems [18] A recent study on metabolite correlations in Escherichia coli [135] provides now the data basis for a rigorous comparison of metabolite correlations and ux-coupling. e genome-scale reconstruction iAF1260 [72] provides hereby a an excellent model E. coli metabolism, suitable for metabolomic data integration ux-coupling analysis.

KO-Trees Rarely activated reactions



iAF1260 Correlation Matrices

1 1 20



52 1 1

Cold stress


52 1 1

Heat stress


52 1 1

Lactose shift


52 1 1

Oxidative stress


52 1





















52 1 20 40 52


52 1 20 40 52


52 1 20 40 52


52 1 20 40 52


52 1 20 40 52


Figure 7.1: Metabolite correlation matrices for the control experiment and 4 stress conditions as obtained [135].


150 Frequency



0 0 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000 Activity



Figure 7.2


Chapter 8 Conclusions & Outlook

We have shown in Chapter 2 that two categories of geneswith and without regulatory information availableunmix on the chromosome of Escherichia coli. In the light of the ndings by Marr et al. [25], who established the concepts of digital and analog control of transcriptional regulation, the rst being performed by dedicated transcription factors, the second by the homeostatically control of chromosomal architecture, we argue that the second category of genes is regulated by the latter. In order to support this claim we furthermore investigated the associations of the two categories of genes with highly expressed and transcriptionally silenced domains in the chromosome, being characterized by a high protein abundance [50]. We used these protein occupancy domains as proxies for the analog type of control, and indeed found in comparison to the rst category a stronger association of the second category of genes with these domains. e success of the applied point-process statistical methods [51], which so far have not been applied to the spatial organization of genes, suggests an extension to other categories of genes, e.g., or even nucleotides? In chapter 3 we extended our studies on control types in a data-driven fashion. Using a network model of E. coli metabolism we classied gene expression data that has been obtained under variation of chromosomal supercoiling, in E. coli wildtype as wells as in series of mutants lacking abundant structural proteins, by quantifying their coherence to the networks topology. Arguing that mutants, decient in structural proteins, should exhibit a reduced consistency with the metabolic network Furthermore, we were able to exclude a strong inuence of the transcriptional regultory network (TRN), standing for the digital control type, by evaluating the consistency of the signs of the expression changes with the logic of the TRN 87


So, by measuring the inconsistency of gene expression patterns with metabolic network topology able to elucidate the fundamental mechanism responsible for ... We used this ... to make the point that the expression changes induced by analog control are a major organization of bacterial physiology ... On the experimental side, with next-generation sequencing data. Furthermore, it would be possible to apply constraint-based modelling techniques (see also Chaper 4 and 5) in order to quantify the reduced coherence in more detail and also compare it our results. in order to take to li the analysis from global statistical assumptions to a ne grained perspective. In Chapter 4 and 5 we again integrated microarray expression with a metabolic network, this time based on genome-scale reconstruction of human metabolism [26]. RNA transcript levels of healthy and cancerous adrenal glands were either classied using the metabolic coherence developed in Chapter 3, representing a purely topological measure, or with a constraint-based modelling approach [77], quantifying the inconsistency of the data and the cellular objective of aldosterone production. We analyze the inconsistency vector from a topological perspective ... e last manuscript presented in Chapter 6 elaborates further into the topolo by investigating topological marker of reaction essentiality. ...


Appendix A Supplementary Information for Analog regulation of metabolic demand

Metabolic network representations

e strength of graph theory is that it can represent a complex system in a unied formal language of nodes and links. Examples of graph-theoretical analyses of metabolic systems are [73] and [8]. Essentially, the pattern of zero and non-zero entries of the stoichiometric matrix denes a graph representation of the metabolic system. e level of information conveyed by looking at metabolism from a graph-theoretical perspective is still subject to constant scrutiny [136]. A suitable approach for analyzing the correspondence between expression changes and metabolism and thus quantifying metabolic coherence is the application of the tools developed for the eective TRNs [25] to a gene-centric representation of metabolism, where the nodes are metabolic genes and a link is drawn between two genes, if the associated reactions share a common metabolite [11]. is representation is the gene-centric variant of one of the standard projections of a bi-partite graph representation of metabolism, where both, metabolites and reactions serve as node sets (see, e.g., 5, for a discussion of these and other representations). Additional forms of representation include metabolite-, reaction-, enzyme- or gene-centric views. e metabolite-centric view represents the interconversion possibilities of the dierent substrates, whereas other views concentrate more on the processes (reactions), pro89


tein (enzymes) and genomic (genes) levels respectively. We chose the gene-centric view for our analysis as it allowed us a direct comparison of expression patterns with metabolic pathways.

Reaction to gene mappings

Imagine the following scenario: a reaction is catalyzed by a single enzyme (no isozymes involved), encoded by a unique gene (no enzyme complexes involved). With this simple scheme in mind one might conclude that reaction-, enzyme- and gene-centric representations are redundant. However, most of the time reactions and their associated enzymes and genes are not interchangeable. Figure A.2 visualizes the amount of multiplicities between the reaction- and gene-level. e columns of the colored grid represent the absolute number of genes per reaction pair. e rows represent the number of unique genes. So the number of consecutive reaction pairs sharing a single gene can be found in column 2, row 1, as both reactions are associated with a single gene and it happens that it is the same for both. In contrast, the previously described simple scheme can be found in column 2, row 2. In order to assess the impact of these ambiguities on our results we constructed other graphs in addition to our gene-networks by applying the following rules: (1) the removal of reaction pairs lying beside the diagonal of the grid (see Figure A.2) excludes situations where a single or multiple genes are involved with both reactions; (2) taking into account only reaction pairs fullling the condition of the second column and row, thus eectively excluding enzyme complexes and the situations described in (1).

Currency metabolites
Another problem emerges through highly connected compounds, which have been termed current or currency metabolites in the past [74, 137]. ey have caused reports of questionable average path lengths [8, 138] as they represent unrealistic shortcuts obscuring the essential pathway structures that have been assembled by biochemists over the last century. For example Figure A.3 demonstrates the huge impact of iAF1260 metabolites on our M C results by showing the z-score pattern for the untreated iAF1260 network. All scores are basically below or a little above 1 and such no signicant coherence could be measured. However, the KEGG and EcoCyc data sets provide currency metabolite free representations through their human readable pathway maps (in contrast to their complete reaction databases). For iAF1260 [72] we employed on the one hand a threshold heuristic to remove a certain percentage (i.e., 4 % for the results shown in the main 90

article) of the most highly connected metabolites as described in [11], and on the other hand a manual curation of the network where currency metabolites were removed on a reaction to reaction basis, i.e., the approach described in Ma and Zeng [74]. Figure 3.3C (in the main text) shows the M C result for the manually curated network for comparison with the untreated one (see Figure A.3). Figure A.4 shows the dependency of the M C on the percentage threshold.

Constraint-based modeling
For a metabolic system consisting of N reactions and M compounds the linear programming (LP) formulation of FBA can generally be stated as follows: Maximize subject to

Z =cv
j=1 min max vj < vj < vj , (m,s) (t) (m,u) vj < vj < vj ,

Sij vj ,

i = 1, . . . , M j = 1, . . . , N j = 1, . . . , N (t) ,


where v is a vector of reaction uxes constrained by the stated boundary conditions, S is a matrix storing the stoichiometric information of the system (i.e. Sij is the stoichiometric coecient of metabolite i in reaction j ) and Z denotes the objective to be maximized represented by a linear combination of uxes vj and objective coecients cj . Here, v (t) denotes a transport reaction, i.e. a reaction either secreting metabolites from the system or taking them up. e quantity N (t) is the number of transport reactions. As an approximation to a rich medium condition we allowed for every available transport reaction v (t) unlimited secretion v (m,s) = and v (m,u) = 20 [in units of mmol/g dw h] as an arbitrary upper bound to inux. With the exception of v (t) , all reversible reactions were treated as two distinct irreversible reactions. Maximization of biomass production [72] and simultaneous minimization of all other uxes was used as Z in order to avoid accumulation of ux in cycles. As all constraints are linear and the solution space is convex, a global maximum can always be found using linear programming (assuming the problem is well dened and not unbounded), though multiple global optima cannot be excluded [13].

Digital control and TRN consistency

e E. coli transcriptional regulatory network was obtained from RegulonDB [40] (version 6.4). Only links between transcription factors (regulators) and metabolic genes (as found in the EcoCyc network) were considered for the digital control and TRN consistency analysis. Digital control was measured in form of the digital CTC, 91


as described in [25], with the exception that the ratio of connected nodes to overall nodes was used instead of the ratio of connected to isolated nodes. Methodologically, this method is similar to the M C computation. Figure A.5 shows the digital CTC prole for the for genetic backgrounds. e consistency of eective TRN subnetworks (TRN consistency) was calculated as the ratio of consistent links (i.e. the regulatory logic encoded on the links is consistent with the expression signs on the nodes; see Figure A.6) to overall eective links. Similar to the M C , this ratio was transformed into a z-score. Shuing the expression signs of the eective nodes was used as a suitable null model. 5000 realizations of the null model were used for the z-score transformation.

Experimental setup
e s and hns double mutants were generated by P1 transduction of mutant alleles from donor strains into the E. coli LZ41 and LZ54 strains used in previous study for investigation of the eects of single mutations [48]. e strains were grown in 2 YT medium at 30 C. Total RNA isolated from exponentially growing LZ41shns and LZ54shns strains aer brief (15 min) treatment by noroxacin was subjected to DNA microarray-mediated transcription proling using OciChip E. coli K12 V2 Arrays according to OciChipTM-Application Guide (http://www.ocimumbio.com) as described in Blot et al. [48]. In brief, for each comparison two biological replicates with two technical replicates were performed, resulting in a total of 8 hybridizations. Scanned array images were analyzed using the TM4 soware package [139]. Spot intensities were quantied and the quality of each spot was veried by calculating a quality control (QC) score depending on signal-to-noise ratio for every channel and calculating p-values for each channel (as result of a t-test comparing the spot pixel set and surrounding background pixel set) using the TIGR Spotnder soware. Data was normalized by locally weighted linear regression [140]. A one-class t-test [141] was applied to obtain dierentially expressed genes within each data set (signicance level < 0.05).


Table A.1: Table of the M C values visualized in Figure 3.4

Network EcoCyc EcoCyc 4 Intersec_EcoCyc_KEGG Intersec_EcoCyc_iAF1260man iAF1260 man iAF1260_RichMedium iAF1260man EcoCyc KEGG iAF1260deg iAF1260deg iAF1260man fully_coupled KEGG Intersec_iAF1260man_KEGG Intersec_EcoCyc_iAF1260man_KEGG KEGG fully_and_directionally_coupled iAF1260 deg iAF1260 directionally_coupled iAF1260 iAF1260

WT 3.37 3.17 3.03 2.89 2.75 2.69 2.62 2.55 2.57 2.50 2.40 2.36 2.22 2.20 1.80 1.76 1.58 1.50 1.37 1.20 1.06 0.19 0.11

s 0.31 0.37 0.26 0.57 1.47 1.21 1.61 0.22 0.76 1.51 1.52 2.09 0.14 0.61 1.43 0.68 -0.17 1.69 1.62 1.17 0.39 1.17 1.14

hns -0.60 -0.53 0.54 -0.40 0.85 -1.11 0.85 0.33 1.59 0.03 0.16 0.37 1.70 1.31 -0.11 -0.26 -0.46 1.91 0.14 0.42 0.03 0.23 0.13

s/hns -0.65 -0.52 -0.66 -0.13 -0.05 -0.38 -0.065 0.65 1.32 0.55 0.66 0.12 1.14 1.40 -0.46 -0.48 1.048 0.55 -0.11 1.17 1.51 1.40 1.41



Medium components
280 230 180 130 80 30

340 320 300


280 260 240 220 200 0 50 100 150 200

Reactions Genes


Medium components removed

Figure A.1: e number of active reactions and genes in the eective networks increases when moving from rich to minimal media conditions. Only cytosolic reactions and genes were counted (i.e. transport and periplasmic reaction were excluded).


1 1 No. unique genes associated with a reaction pair



20 1 Frequency


1125 10 10


375 15 15 1

20 1 5 10 15 No. of associated genes with a reaction pair 20


Figure A.2: e multiplicities of reaction-gene relations depicted as a colored grid.

3 2


1 0 1 wt fis hns fishns

Figure A.3: Eect of currency metabolites as seen for the untreated iAF1260 network




hns fis/hns


Network connections

105 104 1000 100 10


1 0 1 0 20 40 60 80





Currency metabolites removed

Currency metabolites removed

Figure A.4: (A) M C values plotted against the percentage of removed currency metabolites (as determined by the degree threshold method). (B) e network connectivity, i.e. number of connections in the network, plotted against the percentage of removed metabolites.

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 wt fis hns fis hns

Figure A.5: Digital CTC (digital control) for the four genetic backgrounds.


Digital CTC

Positive log ratio ( supercoiling) Negative log ratio ( supercoiling)

+ + + +

Consistent Conflicting

Figure A.6: e eective TRN (including only metabolic genes and their regulators) for the double mutant data (s/hns). e scheme on the right-hand side explains the classication of consistent (checkmark; green link color) and inconsistent (x; orange link color) links.


Appendix B Supplementary Information for A network perspective on metabolic inconsistency

1000 Incon. Aldosterone Obj. 800 600 400 200

1000 500 100 50 10 5 1

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Level 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Level 0.8 1.0

Figure B.1: Dependency of the aldosterone-objective inconsistency on the level parameter plotted linearly (a) and logarithmically (b).



Table B.1: Medium condition from [97]. Exchange reactions not mentioned in the table default to a lower bound (uptake) of 0 and an upper bound (secretion) of 10000. DM reactions not mentioned in the table default to a lower(upper) bound of 0(10000).

Reaction name DM_13-cis-oretn(n) DM_13-cis-retn(n) DM_avite1(c) DM_avite2(c) DM_bvite(c) DM_yvite(c) EX_arg-L(e) EX_fe2(e) EX_glc(e) EX_glyc(e) EX_h(e) EX_h2o(e) EX_hdca(e) EX_his-L(e) EX_ile-L(e) EX_leu-L(e) EX_lnlc(e) EX_lys-L(e) EX_met-L(e) EX_o2(e) EX_phe-L(e) EX_pi(e) EX_so4(e) EX_thr-L(e) EX_trp-L(e) EX_val-L(e)

Lower bound 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -10000 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

Upper bound 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000 0 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000


80 Contribution Frequency Contribution Frequency

80 Contribution Frequency 0.2 0.4 0.6 Level 0.8 1.0













0.6 Level





0.6 Level



80 Contribution Frequency Contribution Frequency

20 Contribution Frequency 0.2 0.4 0.6 Level 0.8 1.0 15 10 5 0

10 8 6 4 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Level 0.8 1.0






0.6 Level



Figure B.2: (a) Dependency of the contributors behavior on the the level parameter. Different behaviors can be classied: (b) constant contributions, (c) contributions that reach their maximum for intermediate values, (d) monotonously increasing and (e) decreasing contributions, (f) unclassied.



Contribution strength
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


Figure B.3: Inconsistency contributions. (a) Overall contributions to the inconsistency for all adenoma and control samples, (b) the control group, and the adenoma tumor samples showing (c) lower and (d) higher inconsistencies in comparison to the control group. e contributions have been normalized by the sample size, respectively. Only a 102 subset of all contributing reactions is shown due to space limitations.

Appendix C Supplementary Information for Multiple topological labels and medium-dependent essentiality in Escherichia coli metabolism

Table C.1: Elemental composition of sources used for combinatorial minimal media generation. Only sources that have been validated by Biolog experiments have been used.

Source serL serD aspL alaD acgam g6p g1p xylD uri tre thymd succ sbtD

Carbon 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Nitrogen 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 103

Phosphor 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sulfur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


rmn ribD pyr mnl melib man malttr malt malL malD lcts lacL ins glcur glcr glcn glcD galur galctnL galctnD galctD gal fum fucL fru f6p dad2 arabL allD akg adn acnam 5dglcn cysL xtsn xan trpL thrL ptrc proL orn 104

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

nh4 gsn gly gluL glnL gam cytd csn asnL argL alaL acmana ump tyrp thrp pserL pi man6p gmp gam6p cmp 3ump 3gmp 3cmp 3amp 23cump 23cgmp 23ccmp taur so4 mso3 isetac cysD butso3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1



a 1.0
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
85 58 69 43 42 16 27 96 80 69

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

302 291 205 286 194 189 275 275 238 178

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

302 291 205 286 194 275 275 189 238 264

1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2

85 58 69 43 42 16 27 96 69 80

Figure C.1: Supplementary Figure 1. e other 10 highest performance scorers. e black bar represents each the (a) ppv, (b) npv, (c) sensitivity and (d) specicity of the intersection congurations. e other three colors represent the three essentiality classes with Class I being colored in dark gray and Class II and III in gray and light gray respectively.


1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2











b 1.0
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2











Figure C.2: Supplementary Figure 2. e top 10 (a) category I and (b) category II scorers. e black bar represents always the accuracy. e other three bar types represent the three essentiality classes with Class I being colored in dark gray and Class II and III in gray and light gray respectively.



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First of all, I want to thank my close collaborators: Georgi Muskhelishvili (Jacobs University) and Marcel Geertz (University of Geneva) Arndt Benecke and Annick Lesne (Institut des Hautes tudes Scientiques) Dietrich Stoyan (Bergakademie Freiberg) Furthermore I am indebted to Jacobs University and Volkswagen Stiung for funding my research.


I hereby conrm that the thesis presented here has not been submitted at another university for the conferral of a degree, and was written by me, Nikolaus Sonnenschein, using only the cited sources.

Bremen, November 26, 2010


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