Envision Checklist (v3)
Envision Checklist (v3)
Envision Checklist (v3)
The Envision v3 Pre-assessment Checklist is intended to support incorporating Envision early in the planning and conceptual
design project phases. The purpose of the checklist is to help project teams quickly identify whether they are addressing the full
range of sustainability criteria.
The checklist presents the Envision criteria as yes/no questions, and the results are presented as an estimate of the possible
score a project may achieve. Projects that address few of the assessment questions may have the opportunity for improvement
by revisiting their project objectives and expanding their sustainability considerations to address more criteria. Projects that
address many of the assessment criteria demonstrate that their approach was sufficiently broad. These projects may be good
candidates for setting more detailed performance goals and objectives using the Envision guidance manual.
This evaluation can be used as the foundation for a future Envision rating system assessment but does not replace the rating
system assessment. Users should reference the Envision v3 Guidance Manual when completing the pre-assessment checklist.
Each category tabs list the Envision credits and assessment questions. There are five tabs, one for each of the Envision
categories: Quality of Life, Leadership, Resource Allocation, Natural World, and Climate and Resilience. There are a total of 59
credits (not including innovation credits). Each credit contains an intent, metric, and assessment questions. The intent describes
the purpose of the credit and how it contributes to sustainability. The metric explains how the project team can be successful in
meeting the intent of the credit.
Users are first asked to identify whether a credit is applicable or not by selecting 'yes' or 'no'. The points associated with credits
deemed not applicable by selecting 'no' are set as zero. For those credits deemed to be applicable by selecting 'yes' users are to
address the subsequent assessment questions. The assessment questions determine if the project meets the intent for that credit.
The questions require users to select 'yes' or 'no' from a drop down menu. Some questions will also require a user to select an
additional response from a drop down list below the specific question - these questions have the prompt 'select from one of the
following'. Questions left unaddressed are assumed to be answered as 'no'.
As each question is addressed, the Results tab is automatically updated. The Results tab summarizes whether a credit has been
assessed, not assessed, or not applicable. It presents the total number of questions answered yes and no, the total score based on
the questions addressed, and the total assessed maximum points available based on applicable credits. The Results tab also
includes a total maximum points available summary.
Note that the Envision v3 Pre-assessment Checklist results do not directly correspond to Envision rating system scores. While
the checklist asks whether criteria are being considered, the rating system more deeply evaluates the level of achievement for
each credit. The checklist results are not verified by ISI and are not eligible for ISI awards.
For more information about Envision visit:
Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure_x000D_1275 K Street NW, Suite 750_x000D_Washington DC, 20005
Summary Results
Evaluation Questions Assessed Assessment Status
Credit Assessment Assessed Maximum Points
Total Maximum Points
Status Available
Yes No Improved Enhanced Superior Conserving Restorative Points
Quality of Life
Intent: Improve the net quality of life of all communities affected by the project and mitigate negative impacts to communities.
Metric: Measures taken to assess community needs and improve quality of life while minimizing negative impacts.
Applicability: It is likely that all projects have the ability to align project objectives with community needs and goals, identified through active engagement, in
order to achieve broad community satisfaction. It would therefore be difficult to demonstrate that the credit is not relevant or applicable to a project seeking an
Envision award.
A Has the project team identified and taken into account community needs, goals, and issues? -
B Does the project meet or support the needs and goals of the host and/or affected communities? -
Has the project team assessed the social impacts the project will have on the host and affected communities’
C -
quality of life?
Have the affected communities been meaningfully engaged in identifying how the project meets community needs
D -
and/or goals?
Are the affected communities satisfied that the project addresses their needs and goals as well as mitigates
F -
negative impacts?
Does the project proactively address long-term social, economic, or environmental changes that impact quality of
G -
Yes = -
Envision Framework Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Protect and enhance community health and safety during operation.
Metric: Measures taken to increase safety and provide health benefits on the project site, surrounding sites, and the broader community in a just and equitable
Applicability: It is likely that all projects, large and small, have the ability to positively impact health and/or safety in some way. Safety actions can be relative
to the scale of the project, from repainting a crosswalk to preventing major chemical spills. It would therefore be difficult to demonstrate that the credit is not
relevant or applicable to a project seeking an Envision award.
A Does the project meet all health and safety regulations and laws for operations? -
B Has the project exceeded minimum legal health and safety requirements as established by regulations and laws? -
C Does the project include health and safety improvements for the immediate surroundings? -
D Does the project include health and safety improvements for the broader host or affected communities? -
Can the project team demonstrate that health and safety risks and impacts are not disproportionately borne by one
E -
community over another?
Will the project provide critical infrastructure services to communities experiencing, or at risk of experiencing,
F -
imminent negative health and/or personal safety impacts?
Yes = -
QL 1.3 Improve Construction Safety 0 of 14 Points
Metric: Commitments and measures to monitor safety, provide feedback mechanisms, train personnel, establish security plans, and make health programs
Applicability: All projects that include construction have the ability to positively impact construction safety. It would therefore be difficult to demonstrate that
the credit is not relevant or applicable to a project seeking an Envision award.
Have the project owner and contractor (GC/CM) made strong commitments to monitoring and improving health
A -
and safety?
Does the project include reliable feedback mechanisms to identify risks, conduct hazard analyses, and
B -
communicate hazards to personnel?
C Does the project include safety or security training requirements for personnel? -
D Does the project include a comprehensive security plan to protect workers, the public, and sensitive information? -
Yes = -
Envision Framework Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Minimize noise and vibrations during operations to maintain and improve community livability.
Metric: The extent that operational noise and vibration is assessed and mitigated, and target levels achieved.
Applicability: Consideration is given to whether the project will have any operational noise. Noises generated by activities induced by the project, such as cars
on roads, pedestrians in parks, and trucks accessing facilities, are applicable to this credit. Projects that do not include any operational noise may apply to have
this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation.
Has the project team assessed the potential for operational noise impacts on the surrounding community and/or
A -
Has the project team engaged impacted stakeholders on issues of noise and vibration impacts, mitigation strategies,
D -
and target levels?
E To what extent will the project maintain or reduce existing noise levels? Select one of the following: -
None 2
Yes = -
Envision Framework Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Reduce backlight, uplight, and glare without jeopardizing safety during operations.
Metric: Lighting meets backlight, uplight, and glare requirements for lighting zones.
Applicability: This credit is not applicable if projects do not include any exterior lighting. Certain types of projects may be required to use lighting that is
incompatible with the credit requirements. This is not considered an acceptable reason for designating the credit as not applicable. Projects that are unable to
demonstrate achievement in this credit are encouraged to pursue higher performance in other credits.
A Has the project team conducted an assessment of lighting needs and impacts for the project? -
E Do all project lights meet backlight, uplight, and glare (BUG) requirements for their respective lighting zones? -
Does the project involve the removal or retrofitting of existing lighting so as to significantly reduce overall
F -
existing lighting?
Yes = -
Envision Framework Pre-Assessment Checklist
Applicability: Consideration is given to whether the project includes construction activities with the potential to impact the quality of life of individuals.
Projects that do not include construction impacts (e.g. an internal refurbishment of a private facility or extremely remote site) may apply to have this credit
deemed not applicable with supporting documentation.
A Has the project implemented a construction management plan or policies to address construction impacts? -
Does the construction management plan address safety and wayfinding for pedestrians and vehicles during
C -
D Does the construction management plan maintain access to public space and amenities during construction? -
E Does the construction management plan address distracting or intrusive lighting during construction? -
Does the construction management plan or policies include robust feedback mechanisms and performance
F -
monitoring and reporting for construction impacts?
Yes = -
Envision Framework Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Plan the project as part of a connected network that supports all transportation modes for the efficient movement of people, goods, and services.
Metric: The extent to which the project broadens mode choices, reduces commute times, reduces vehicle distance traveled,
Applicability: Consideration is given to whether the project has any potential to impact mobility. Non-transportation projects that do not include any mobility
impacts (positive or negative), and can demonstrate no potential for positively impacting mobility, may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with
supporting documentation. This credit is inherently applicable to all transportation infrastructure projects.
Has the project team obtained input from the community and key stakeholders regarding issues of mobility and
B -
Does the project include strategies to increase capacity, manage congestion, reduce vehicle distance traveled, or
C -
lower accident rates?
Has the project team worked with the community to expand mobility and access options and/or incorporate
D -
complete streets policies?
E Has the project team considered the long-term mobility and access needs of the community? -
F Does the project create new or restore previous connections between communities? -
Yes = -
Intent: Expand accessibility to sustainable transportation choices including active, shared, and/or mass transportation.
Metric: The extent to which active, shared, or mass transportation options are accessible, encouraged, and supported as part of a larger integrated transportation
Applicability: Consideration is given to whether the project includes transportation infrastructure, or includes the frequent dependence on transportation for
access to the project. This credit is applicable to all transportation infrastructure. Projects that do not include transportation infrastructure and are not accessible,
unmanned, or have very small maintenance crews, may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation.
A Does the project provide convenient access to active, shared, or mass transportation options? -
Is the project configured and designed in such a way to encourage active, shared, and/or mass transportation
B -
C Does the project include programs and facilities that support the use of active transportation and transit? -
Does the project contribute to a larger integrated active, shared, or mass transportation strategy for the community
D -
or region?
Yes = -
Envision Framework Pre-Assessment Checklist
Metric: Incorporating and providing clear access, safety, and wayfinding measures to accommodate emergency services and regular vehicular or pedestrian
Applicability: Consideration is given to the potential for impacting community access on or around the project site. Infrastructure that is inherently inaccessible
(e.g., underground) or extremely remote (e.g., inaccessible by public roads) may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation.
Default restrictions on public access are not considered acceptable justification for marking the credit not applicable. This credit is automatically applicable to
any project in proximity to populated areas or other development, adjacent to sensitive sites, or involving regular incoming or outgoing traffic.
Has the project addressed access, safety, and wayfinding for incident management including evacuation and
A -
emergency personnel?
B Does the project utilize access, safety, and signage to protect or minimize impacts on the surroundings? -
C Does the project provide safe public access points for the benefit of the community? -
Does the project have a positive and transformative impact on community neighborhood access, safety, and/or
D -
Yes = -
Envision Framework Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Ensure that equity and social justice are fundamental considerations within project processes and decision making.
Metric: Degree to which equity and social justice are included in stakeholder engagement, project team commitments, and decision making.
Applicability: This credit can be designated as not applicable for projects that do not impact the surrounding community. For example, the installation or
refurbishment of systems internal to a facility that do not impact the quality or level of service provided by the infrastructure.
Does the stakeholder engagement process take into account the historic context of equity and social justice within
A -
affected communities?
B Has the project team assessed the social impacts the project will have on the host and affected communities? -
C Have key members of the project team made commitments to equity and social justice within their organizations? -
D Has the project addressed social impacts related to equity and social justice? -
E Will the impacts and benefits of the project be distributed equitably throughout affected communities? -
F Has the project team empowered communities to engage in the development process? -
G Does the project positively address or correct an existing or historic injustice or imbalance? -
Yes = -
Envision Framework Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Preserve or restore significant historical and cultural sites and related resources.
Applicability: Project teams that are unable to identify any historic or cultural resources relevant to the project may apply to have this credit deemed not
applicable with supporting documentation. Supporting documentation should demonstrate how stakeholder engagement activities, cultural resource studies, or
equivalent, were implemented in an effort to identify possible historic or cultural resources. This credit is applicable to all infrastructure projects that impact a
historic or cultural resource identified in state/provincial, national, or international registries, or identified through stakeholder engagement. This credit is also
applicable, and no points achieved, for projects that cannot demonstrate a serious effort was made to identify potential historic or cultural resources.
Has the project team worked with the community and required regulatory and resource agencies to identify
A -
historic and cultural resources?
Has the project team developed strategies to document, protect, or enhance historic and cultural resources to the
B -
Does the identification of historic/cultural resources extend beyond registries to identify important parts of the
C -
community culture?
D Has the project team worked with stakeholders to develop a sensitive design and approach? -
E Does the project avoid all historic/cultural resources or fully preserve/protect their character-defining features? -
Does the project enhance or restore threatened or degraded historic/cultural resources in the community, or add a
F -
resource to a protected registry?
Yes = -
Envision Framework Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Preserve or enhance the physical, natural, and/or community character of the project site and its surroundings.
Metric: Steps taken to assess valued community resources, implement preservation measures, and determine overall satisfaction.
Applicability: Projects that have no public visibility or impact on views, such as underground utilities or the refurbishment of equipment within an existing
facility, may submit to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. Reviewers are unlikely to accept arguments that a publicly visible
project has no impact on views or local character.
Has the project team made a reasonable determination of community values and concerns regarding protection and
A -
enhancement of views and local character?
B Has the project team implemented specific strategies to preserve or enhance views and local character? -
C Has the project team developed or adopted existing guidelines to preserve views and local character? -
D Does the project include a construction management plan to protect important natural or man-made features? -
E Does the community support actions taken to preserve or enhance views and local character? -
F Will the project result in the restoration or enhancement of views or local character? -
Yes = -
Intent: Improve amenities and publicly accessible spaces to enhance community livability.
Metric: Plans and commitments to preserve, conserve, enhance, and/or restore the defining elements of the amenity.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to projects that are publicly accessible or that impact, adjoin, or otherwise connect to existing public spaces or amenities.
This represents the large majority of infrastructure projects. Designating this credit as not applicable can be difficult. Projects that by their nature preclude the
possibility of addressing public space or amenities may submit to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation (e.g., mechanical
system refurbishments, offshore wind farms, etc.). Not addressing the potential for public space or amenities is not sufficient alone to designate this credit not
applicable. Infrastructure projects, especially those traditionally viewed as inaccessible, are encouraged to consider how they can benefit their surrounding
community through the enhancement or provision of public space and amenities.
A Has the project team assessed and mitigated impacts to existing public space and/or amenities? -
B Does the stakeholder engagement process specifically address issues of public space and amenities? -
C Are public stakeholders satisfied with the project plans involving public space and amenities? -
To what extent does the project involve significantly enhancing, creating, or restoring public space and/or
D 2 -
amenities? Select one of the following:
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Provide effective leadership and commitment to achieve project sustainability goals.
Metric: The degree to which the project owner and project team have made general, and project-specific, sustainability commitments and instituted
sustainability management policies.
Applicability: It is likely that all projects can benefit from effective leadership and strong commitments to sustainability. It would therefore be difficult to
demonstrate that the credit is not relevant or applicable to a project seeking an Envision award.
Have the project owner and project team made written commitments to address the social, environmental, and
A -
economic aspects of the project?
Is the project supported by a sustainability management policy commensurate with the scope, scale, and
B -
complexity of the project?
C Has the project team periodically revisited project sustainability commitments throughout project delivery? -
D Have key members of the project team made organizational commitments to sustainability? -
Yes = -
Metric: The breadth and inclusivity of interdisciplinary and collaborative meetings and the resulting sustainability performance enhancements.
Applicability: It is likely that all projects can benefit from better collaboration and teamwork in pursuit of more sustainable projects. It would therefore be
difficult to demonstrate that the credit is not relevant or applicable to a project seeking an Envision award.
A Was an interdisciplinary collaborative kickoff meeting held early in the project to define sustainability goals? -
B Has project sustainability performance been enhanced as a result of the interdisciplinary collaboration? -
Did the project team establish regular interdisciplinary and collaborative meetings to set and achieve sustainability
C -
Does the process include construction, operations, or maintenance stakeholders, for better incorporation of
D -
considerations in later project phases?
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Early and sustained stakeholder engagement and involvement in project decision making.
Metric: Establishment of sound and meaningful programs for stakeholder identification, early and sustained engagement, and involvement in project decision
Applicability: It is likely that all projects can benefit from stakeholder engagement. Although the types and scope of stakeholders may vary depending on the
project, it would be difficult to demonstrate that the credit is not relevant or applicable to a project seeking an Envision award.
Has the project team undertaken a stakeholder mapping exercise to determine stakeholders? Were primary and
A secondary stakeholders identified through a stakeholder mapping process, and stakeholder concerns and specific -
objectives for stakeholder engagement defined?
Has the project team analyzed, planned, and executed the engagement for key project stakeholders? Is there a
proactive stakeholder engagement process established with clear objectives where: engagement moves beyond
B education into active dialogue; stakeholder views are monitored, and a two-way line of communication is -
established to reply to inquiries; and sufficient opportunities are provided for stakeholders to be involved in
decision making?
C Was a lead member of the project team directly involved with stakeholder groups to understand their needs? -
Has stakeholder engagement feedback been incorporated into project plans, design, and/or decision making? Are
D specific cases in which public input influenced or validated project outcomes, and potentially conflicting -
stakeholder views were evaluated and addressed equitably during decision making?
Has the project team sought feedback from stakeholders as to their satisfaction with the engagement process and
E -
the resulting decisions that were made based on their input?
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Critically reconsider whether traditional waste streams can be beneficially reused.
Metric: The extent to which the project team works with external groups to find beneficial use of waste, excess resources, or capacity.
Applicability: It is likely that all projects that use materials or product waste can benefit from byproduct synergies. It would be difficult to demonstrate that the
credit is not relevant or applicable to a project seeking an Envision award.
A Has the project team assessed the availability of either internal or external excess resources or capacity? -
B Has the project team identified opportunities for byproduct synergies or reuse? -
Does the project include a byproduct synergy by utilizing unwanted excess resources or finding destinations for
D -
the beneficial reuse of unwanted excess resources? Select one of the following:
None 2
Is the project part of a circular economy, whereby the majority of operational byproducts are beneficially
E -
repurposed or the majority of operational resources consumed are beneficially repurposed?
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Create a project sustainability management plan that can manage the scope, scale, and complexity of a project seeking to improve sustainable
Metric: Extent of organizational policies, authorities, mechanisms, education, and business processes put in place.
Applicability: It is likely that all projects can benefit from a sustainability management plan. It would be difficult to demonstrate that the credit is not relevant
or applicable to a project seeking an Envision award.
A Are roles and responsibilities for addressing sustainability assigned to key members of the project team? -
Has a sustainability management plan been developed to assess and prioritize the environmental, economic, and
B -
social aspects of the project and set project sustainability goals, objectives, and targets?
Does the project include a sustainability management plan that contains sufficient processes and management
C -
controls to address the sustainability goals, objectives, and targets?
Is the project sustainability management plan adaptable, flexible, and resilient enough to manage changes in the
E -
environmental, social, or economic conditions of the project over its life?
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Incorporate sustainability principles into project selection/identification in order to develop the most sustainable project for the community.
Metric: The degree to which project selection/identification includes sustainability performance assessments and is part of a larger sustainable development
Applicability: Consideration is given to the scope and scale of the project and whether it has the potential to more broadly impact community sustainability. For
example, small projects that involve the retrofitting or refurbishment of components or systems within an existing facility may contribute to improved
sustainability performance but may struggle to demonstrate an impact beyond the project site. Small projects that do not impact the broader community
sustainability, and do not have the potential to impact community sustainability, may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting
C Was an assessment conducted of the project’s impacts to broader long-term community or regional sustainability? -
E Does the project address an inherently unsustainable condition within the community or region? -
Yes = -
Metric: Comprehensiveness of long-term monitoring and maintenance plans, implementation goals, and commitment of resources to fund the activities.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that include ongoing monitoring and maintenance. In rare cases where projects do not include operation or
maintenance activities, projects may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation.
A Has the project team considered how to reduce ongoing operational impacts? -
Is there a clear and comprehensive plan in place for long-term monitoring and maintenance of the completed
B -
C Has the monitoring and maintenance plan been communicated with operations and maintenance staff? -
Have sufficient resources been allocated for long-term monitoring and maintenance of the completed project and
D -
appropriate training been conducted?
E Is there a plan in place to re-evaluate and modify the maintenance plan based on monitored data? -
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Ensure that the project team is informed by an understanding of the full impacts and costs of the project’s end-of-life.
Metric: The degree to which the project team analyzes, and communicates with stakeholders, the end-of-life impacts, cost, and value.
Applicability: It is likely that all projects can benefit from end-of-life planning. It would be difficult to demonstrate that the credit is not relevant or applicable
to a project seeking an Envision award.
Has the project team evaluated opportunities to extend the project’s useful life or beneficially repurpose the project
B -
after end-of-life?
C Has the project team assessed potential social, environmental, and economic end-of-life impacts? -
Has the project team evaluated the costs and salvage value of the project’s deconstruction, decommissioning, or
D -
Yes = -
Intent: Support economic prosperity and sustainable development, including job growth, capacity building, productivity, business attractiveness, and livability.
Metric: The extent of job creation, increased operating capacity, access, quality, and/or improved socioeconomic conditions.
Applicability: The scope of this credit is broad, covering commercial, industrial, cultural, and recreational aspects of community development. In determining
whether this credit is applicable to a project assessment, it is likely that all projects have the ability to support and stimulate economic prosperity and sustainable
development. It would therefore be difficult to demonstrate that the credit is not relevant or applicable to a project seeking an Envision award.
A Does the project create a significant number of new jobs during its design, construction, and operation? -
B Does the project provide new operating capacity for business, industry, or the public? -
Does the project provide additional access, increase the number of choices, and/or increase the quality of
C -
infrastructure services for business, industry, or the public?
Does the project improve community attractiveness for business, industry, or the public by generally improving the
D -
socioeconomic conditions of the community?
E Will the project stimulate economic prosperity and further economic development? -
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Expand the knowledge, skills, and capacity of the community workforce to improve their ability to grow and develop.
Metric: The inclusion of current and future training programs, informed by skill or capability gaps, and targeted to economically depressed or underemployed
Applicability: For this credit, an alternative compliance path is provided in the Evaluation Criteria and Documentation Guidance for projects that are too small
to include independent training and skill development. It is therefore unlikely that a project could demonstrate no opportunity for education at any point during
its planning, design, or construction. When organizational-level training programs are referenced, project teams must demonstrate a relevance to the project.
A Will the project include training programs for local skill development? -
Has the project team identified skill or capability gaps in the local workforce and targeted training programs to
B 2 -
address them? Select one of the following:
C Will training, education, or skill development programs continue after project delivery? -
Will training and skill development programs specifically target economically depressed, underemployed, or
D -
disadvantaged communities?
Yes = -
Intent: Utilize economic analyses to identify the full economic implications and the broader social and environmental benefits of the project.
Metric: The comprehensiveness of the economic analyses used to determine the net impacts of the project, and their use in assessing alternatives to inform
decision making.
Applicability: It would be difficult to demonstrate that this credit is not relevant or applicable to a project seeking an Envision award.
A Has a life-cycle cost analysis been conducted to identify the financial impacts of the whole project? -
B Have life-cycle cost analyses been used to compare alternatives for at least one major project component? -
C Has the project team mapped the social, environmental, and financial costs and benefits of the project? -
Has a cost benefit analysis been conducted to identify the financial, social, and environmental impacts of the
D -
whole project?
Have cost benefit analyses, including financial, environmental, and social benefits, been used to compare the
E -
alternatives for at least one major project component?
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Resource Allocation
Metric: The extent of sustainable procurement programs, and the percentage of materials sourced from manufacturers and/or suppliers that implement
sustainable practices.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that include the use or consumption of physical materials in construction or operation.
To what extent do materials, supplies, equipment, manufacturers, and suppliers meet sustainable procurement
B 2 -
policy/program requirements? Select one of the following:
Yes = -
Metric: Percentage of project materials that are reused or recycled. Plants, soil, rock, and water are not included in this credit.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that include the use or consumption of physical materials in construction or operation.
To what extent has the project team used recycled materials, including materials with recycled content and/or
A 2 -
reused existing structures or materials? Select one of the following:
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
RA1.3 Reduce Operational Waste 0 of 14 Points
Intent: Reduce operational waste and divert waste streams from disposal to recycling and reuse.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that produce operational waste or byproducts. Projects that do not include any operational waste may
apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation.
Has the project team developed a waste management plan to decrease project waste and divert waste from landfills
A -
during operation?
B To what extent has the project team reduced waste or diverted waste from landfills? Select one of the following: 2 -
Yes = -
Intent: Divert construction and demolition waste streams from disposal to recycling and reuse.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that produce construction waste. Projects that do not include any construction waste may apply to have
this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation.
Has the project team developed a comprehensive waste management plan to decrease project waste and divert
A -
waste from landfills during construction?
B To what extent has construction waste been diverted from landfills? Select one of the following: 2 -
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Minimize the movement of soils and other excavated materials off site to reduce transportation and environmental impacts.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that involve the excavation of qualifying earthwork. Projects that do not include any earthwork, or only
involve the excavation of excluded material considered contaminated or hazardous, may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting
documentation. In rare cases, where the amount of excavated soil is insignificant in comparison to the scale of the project, teams may apply to have this credit
deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. However, the reviewer may exercise his/her discretion in determining what constitutes an insignificant
quantity of excavated material in the context of the project.
To what extent has the project team designed the project to balance cut and fill to reduce the excavated material
A 2 -
taken off site? Select one of the following:
Yes = -
Intent: Conserve energy by reducing overall operational energy consumption throughout the project life.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that consume energy during their operation. Projects that do not include operational energy may apply to
have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. In rare cases, where the amount of operational energy use is insignificant in comparison
to the scale of the project, teams may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. However, the reviewer may exercise
his/her discretion in determining what constitutes an insignificant quantity of operational energy use in the context of the project.
A Has the project team determined the estimated annual energy consumption of the project during operations? -
B To what extent has the project reduced operational energy consumption? Select one of the following: 2 -
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Conserve resources and reduce greenhouse gases and air pollutant emissions by reducing energy consumption during construction.
Metric: The number of strategies implemented on the project during construction that reduce energy consumption and emissions.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that consume energy during construction. It would therefore be difficult to demonstrate that the credit is
not relevant or applicable to a project seeking an Envision award. In rare cases, where the amount of energy used during construction is insignificant in
comparison to the scale of the project, teams may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. However, the reviewer may
exercise his/her discretion in determining what constitutes an insignificant quantity of construction energy use in the context of the project.
A Has the project team conducted planning reviews to reduce energy consumption during construction? -
To what extent have energy conservation strategies been implemented during construction? (strategies are listed in
B 2 -
the Envision Guidance Manual) Select one of the following:
Yes = -
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that consume energy (fuel or electricity) during their operation. Projects that do not include operational
energy may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. In rare cases, where the amount of operational energy use is
insignificant in comparison to the scale of the project, teams may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. However, the
reviewer may exercise his/her discretion in determining what constitutes an insignificant quantity of operational energy use in the context of the project.
A To what extent does the project meet electricity or fuel needs from renewable sources? Select one of the following: 2 -
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Ensure efficient functioning and extend useful life by specifying commissioning and monitoring of energy systems.
Metric: The inclusion of monitoring equipment and software, the extent of commissioning, and the commissioning agent’s independence from the project.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that consume energy during their operation. Projects that do not include operational energy may apply to
have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. In rare cases, where the amount of operational energy use is insignificant in comparison
to the scale of the project, teams may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. However, the reviewer may exercise
his/her discretion in determining what constitutes an insignificant quantity of operational energy use in the context of the project.
Does the design incorporate advanced integrated monitoring systems in order to enable more efficient operations?
A 2 -
Select one of the following:
B To what extent has a commissioning been conducted? Select one of the following: 2 -
C Is there a plan for ongoing commissioning of the energy systems throughout the project’s life? -
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Metric: The extent to which the project considers and contributes to positively addressing broader watershed issues.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that consume water or impact receiving waters. Projects that do not include any impacts to water quantity
or quality may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. In rare cases, where the impact to water quantity or quality is
insignificant in comparison to the scale of the project, teams may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. However, the
reviewer may exercise his/her discretion in determining what constitutes an insignificant impact to water quantity or quality use in the context of the project.
B Has the project team estimated the water usage and wastewater generation over the life of the project? -
C Does the project include features to minimize the negative impacts of water usage, and/or watershed-scale issues? -
Does the project have a net-zero impact on the quantity and availability of fresh surface water and groundwater
D -
supplies without compromising water quality?
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Reduce overall water consumption while encouraging the use of greywater, recycled water, and stormwater to meet water needs.
Metric: Percentage reduction in potable water use and overall water use.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that consume water during operations. Projects that do not include any operational water consumption
may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. In rare cases, where the amount of water consumption is insignificant in
comparison to the scale of the project, teams may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. However, the reviewer may
exercise his/her discretion in determining what constitutes an insignificant quantity of operational water use in the context of the project.
Has the project team conducted planning and design reviews to identify potable water reduction strategies during
A -
operation of the project?
B To what extent has the project reduced potable water use? Select one of the following: 2 -
To what extent has the project reduced overall water use (including potable and nonpotable water)? Select one of
C 2 -
the following:
Yes = -
Metric: The number of strategies implemented during construction that reduce potable water consumption.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that consume water during construction. Projects that do not include any operational water consumption
may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. In cases where the amount of water consumption during operations is
insignificant in comparison to the scale of the project, teams may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. However, the
reviewer may exercise his/her discretion in determining what constitutes an insignificant quantity of operational energy use in the context of the project.
A Has the project team conducted planning reviews to reduce water consumption during construction? -
To what extent have water conservation strategies been implemented during construction? Select one of the
B 2 -
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Metric: Extent and capability of water monitoring equipment and inclusion of response plans.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that consume water during their operation or include the conveyance of large quantities of water. Projects
that do not include operational water use or water conveyance may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. In rare
cases, where the amount of operational water use, or conveyance, is insignificant in comparison to the scale of the project, teams may apply to have this credit
deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. However, the reviewer may exercise his/her discretion in determining what constitutes an insignificant
quantity of water use in the context of the project.
Does the design incorporate advanced integrated monitoring systems in order to improve performance? Select one
A 2 -
of the following:
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Natural World
Intent: Avoid placing the project and temporary works on a site that has been identified as being of high ecological value.
Metric: Avoidance of high ecological value sites and establishment of protective buffer zones.
Applicability: Projects that do not contain areas of high ecological value, and cannot demonstrate they actively avoided areas of high ecological value, may
apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation.
A Has the project team identified whether the site contains areas of high ecological value? -
B Has the project mitigated any areas of high ecological value that are disturbed? Select one of the following: 2 -
C Does the project avoid developing or disturbing areas of high ecological value on site? -
D Does the project preserve an effective protective buffer zone around areas of high ecological value? -
E Was the project intentionally sited to avoid areas of high ecological value? -
F Does the project significantly increase the area of high ecological value? -
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Protect, buffer, enhance, and restore wetlands, shorelines, and waterbodies by providing natural buffer zones, vegetation, and soil-protection zones.
Metric: Type and quality of natural buffer zone established around all wetlands, shorelines, and waterbodies.
Applicability: Projects that do not contain wetlands or surface waters, and for which no siting options containing wetlands or surface waters were possible or
seriously considered, may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation.
A Has the project team identified wetlands and surface waters on or near the site? -
Has the project team determined the type and width of buffer zones necessary to protect wetlands and surface
B -
To what extent has the project implemented protective buffer zones around wetlands and surface waters? Select
C 2 -
one of the following:
D Was the project intentionally sited to avoid wetlands and surface waters? -
E Will the project involve returning previously developed or disturbed sites within the buffer zone to a natural state? -
Yes = -
NW1.3 Preserve Prime Farmland 0 of 16 Points
Intent: Identify and protect soils designated as prime farmland, unique farmland, or farmland of importance.
Applicability: Projects that do not contain prime farmland, and for which no siting options containing prime farmland were possible or seriously considered,
may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation.
Has the project team assessed the project site for soils identified as prime farmland, unique farmland, or farmland
A -
of importance?
To what extent will the project protect or preserve prime farmland, unique farmland, or farmland or importance?
B 2 -
Select one of the following:
Has the project team mitigated any damage or disturbance to prime farmland, unique farmland, or farmland of
C -
E Does the project preserve existing farmland for posterity or restore previously disturbed farmland? -
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Applicability: Assessment of this credit is determined by the extent to which the project is located on previously developed land or previously undeveloped
land. As all land falls within these two classifications, it would be difficult to demonstrate that the credit is not applicable. Inability to locate the project on
developed land is not sufficient justification to remove this credit from consideration.
A To what extent is the project located on previously developed land? Select one of the following: 2 -
Has the project returned developed areas to a condition that supports natural open space, habitat, or natural
B -
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Applicability: Project teams that were unable to identify a suitable site may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation that
efforts were made. If no evidence is provided that any consideration was given to locating the project on a brownfield, the credit is considered applicable and no
points achieved.
C To what extent has the project mitigated or remediated the site? Select one of the following: 2 -
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Minimize the impact of development on stormwater runoff quantity, rate, and quality.
Metric: Degree to which the project infiltrates, evapotranspirates, reuses, and/or treats stormwater while not exceeding rate or quantity runoff targets.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that impact stormwater runoff. In rare cases, where the impact on stormwater runoff is insignificant in
comparison to the scale of the project, teams may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. However, the reviewer may
exercise his/her discretion in determining what constitutes an insignificant impact on stormwater runoff in the context of the project.
To what extent does the project infiltrate, evapotranspirate, reuse, and/or treat stormwater on site? Select one of
A 2 -
the following:
To what extent does the completed project limit rate or quantity of runoff compared to existing conditions? Select
B 2 -
one of the following:
C Does the project include an erosion, sedimentation, and pollution control plan for all construction activities? -
Does the project treat stormwater from other sites or does it function as part of a larger stormwater management
D -
Yes = -
Intent: Reduce non-point-source pollution by reducing the quantity, toxicity, bioavailability, and persistence of pesticides and fertilizers.
Metric: Reductions in quantity, toxicity, bioavailability, and persistence of pesticides and fertilizers used on site, selection of plant species, and use of
integrated pest management techniques.
Applicability: Consideration is given as to whether the scope of the project includes exterior vegetated areas. Projects that do not include exterior vegetated
areas may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation.
A Have operational policies and programs been put in place to control the application of fertilizers and pesticides? -
B Have runoff controls been put in place to minimize contamination of groundwater and surface water? -
To what extent has the project team designed landscaping to require fewer pesticides and fertilizers? Select one of
C 2 -
the following:
D Has the project team selected pesticides and fertilizers that have lower toxicity, persistence, and bioavailability? -
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Preserve water resources by preventing pollutants from contaminating surface water and groundwater and monitoring impacts during construction and
Metric: Designs, plans, and programs instituted to prevent and monitor surface water and groundwater contamination during construction and operations.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that contain or use hazardous and/or potentially polluting substances with the potential to contaminate
water sources. In addition to chemical use, project teams should consider how chemical leaching from materials may be a source of contamination.
Has project team determined the potential for surface water and/or groundwater contamination during construction
A -
and operations?
Does the project include spill and leak prevention and response plans, and avoid creating new pathways for
B -
contamination during construction and operations?
Based on the types of impacts identified in criterion A, does the project reduces the risk of quality degradation to
C -
surface water and/or groundwater? This should include water temperature.
Have adequate and responsive surface water and/or groundwater quality monitoring and reporting systems been
D -
incorporated into the project?
Has the project actively eliminated at least one source of hazardous and/or potentially polluting substances, or
E -
replaced them with nonhazardous or nonpolluting substances or materials?
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Metric: The number of habitat functions addressed in order to preserve or enhance the net area and quality of functional habitat.
Applicability: Consideration is given to whether the project contains or impacts natural habitat. Projects that do not contain or impact natural habitat may apply
to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation.
A Has the project team identified existing terrestrial habitats and sited the project to minimize impact? -
B Does the project mitigate all disturbances to functional terrestrial (land) habitats? Select one of the following: 2 -
D Does the project improve the quality of any existing or proposed new terrestrial habitat? -
Does the project facilitate movement between terrestrial habitats, provide new connections, or remove barriers, in
E -
order to improve habitat connectivity?
Does the project return developed land to natural habitat, or set aside existing habitat for permanent conservation
F -
and protection?
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Maintain and restore the ecosystem functions of streams, wetlands, waterbodies, and their riparian areas.
Applicability: Consideration is given to whether the project contains or impacts wetlands or surface waters. This includes direct, indirect, and/or cumulative
impacts. Projects that do not contain or impact natural wetlands or surface waters may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting
A Has the project team identified impacts to wetland and surface water functions? -
Does the project minimize and mitigate disturbance to wetland and surface water functions? Select one of the
B 2 -
F(1) Does the project protect sediment transport and reduce sedimentation? -
In addition to protecting all existing wetland and surface water functions, can the project demonstrate it has
F(2) -
restored at least one previously degraded wetlands and/or surface water function?
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Preserve floodplain functions by limiting development and impacts of development in the floodplain.
Applicability: Projects that are not within the floodplain and do not impact floodplain functions, may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with
supporting documentation. Some projects that are not directly within the floodplain may still have an impact on flooding and floodplain functions through their
handling of stormwater runoff. These projects may also pursue achievement in this credit if they can demonstrate a direct connection to the floodplain. There
are strong links between this credit and NW2.2 Manage Stormwater, and some project components and strategies may apply to both credits.
A Has the project team identified the 100-year or design frequency floodplain in relation to the project location? -
B To what extent does the project preserve vegetated zones within the floodplain? Select one of the following: 2 -
E Does the project remove structures from the floodplain or return previously developed areas to a vegetated state? -
Yes = -
Intent: Use appropriate noninvasive species, and control or eliminate existing invasive species.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects with sites that contain invasive species. Project teams that conduct site investigations and do not identify
existing invasive species may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation.
B Has the project team conducted a site assessment to determine if invasive species are present? -
Does the project implement controls for existing infestations of invasive species before, during and post-
C -
Does the project guard against future infestations by supporting the establishment of native and/or noninvasive
D -
E Does the project provide long-term controls to prevent the reintroduction of invasive species? -
Does the project include the ongoing control, suppression, or containment of major infestations of invasive species
F -
after construction?
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Metric: Degree to which the disruption of soil health has been minimized and restored.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that impact soils during construction. Projects that do not impact soil (e.g. the internal refurbishment of an
existing facility) may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation.
A Has the project team limited the area that is disturbed by development activities? No
Have vegetated areas disturbed by development activities been restored for appropriate soil type, structure, and
B No
function to support healthy plant and tree growth?
C Has the project team implemented a soil protection plan or policies? Select one of the following: 2 -
Has the project restored appropriate soil type, structure, and function to vegetated areas disturbed by previous
D No
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
1. Emissions
Intent: Reduce the impacts of material extraction, refinement/manufacture, and transport over the project life.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that include the use or consumption of physical materials in construction or operation.
Has the project team determined materials that are the primary contributors to embodied carbon for the project
A -
during construction and operation?
B Has the project team calculated the primary contributors to overall embodied carbon? -
To what extent does the project reduce the net embodied carbon of materials used in construction and operation?
C 2 -
Select one of the following:
Yes = -
Intent: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions during the operation of the project, reducing project contribution to climate change.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that consume energy, fuel, or otherwise produce greenhouse gas emissions during their operation. Projects
that do not include greenhouse gas emissions during operations may apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. However,
projects that do not produce greenhouse gas emissions because of intentional planning decisions may apply for the Conserving level with supporting
To what extent does the project reduce greenhouse gas emissions during its operational life? Select one of the
A 2 -
B Has the project team calculated and reported the annual greenhouse gas emissions of the project? -
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Reduce emissions of air pollutants: particulate matter (including dust), ground-level ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, lead, and
volatile organic compounds.
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects that directly produce any of the criteria pollutants. Projects that do not include air pollutant emissions may
apply to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation. However, projects that do not produce air pollutant emissions because of
intentional planning decisions to choose non-polluting alternatives may apply for the Conserving level with supporting documentation.
A Does the project meet all relevant minimum air quality standards and regulations? -
B To what extent does the project reduce air pollutant emissions during operations? Select one of the following: 2 -
C Does the project include the ongoing monitoring and management of direct air pollutant emissions? -
Has the project team assessed the materiality of volatile organic compounds to the health of construction workers
D -
and the project operators?
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Metric: The degree to which the project is designed and/or sited to avoid or mitigate site-related risks.
Applicability: Projects that are not located within regions at risk of site hazards, and therefore cannot demonstrate they actively avoided site hazards, may apply
to have this credit deemed not applicable with supporting documentation.
Has the project team identified potential siting hazards, the vulnerability of the project to the hazard, and the
A -
potential for the project to exacerbate the hazard?
Can the project team demonstrate that siting and project alternatives were seriously considered in order to
B -
minimize exposure to risk?
C Has the project team implemented strategies to mitigate the impact of site hazards? -
Can the project team demonstrate that the chosen project and site resulted in the lowest exposure to site hazards
D -
while still meeting project requirements?
Yes = -
Applicability: This credit is applicable to all projects potentially impacted by climate change, which is the vast majority of infrastructure.
A Has the project team determined climate change threats to the project and its surroundings? -
B Has the project team determined the vulnerability of the project to climate change threats? -
C Has the project team determined the vulnerability of the infrastructure system to climate change threats? -
D Has the project team determined the vulnerability of the community to climate change threats? -
E Has the project team or owner shared their climate threat findings? -
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Metric: Scope and comprehensiveness of the multihazard risk and resilience evaluation.
Applicability: It is likely that all projects would benefit from a thorough investigation of potential risks. It would, therefore, be difficult to demonstrate that the
credit is not relevant or applicable to a project seeking an Envision award. Risks are not always major catastrophic events; small and large projects alike may
consider how crime/vandalism or personal injury are also potential risks with associated impacts.
To what extent does the project team’s risk assessment include the project, infrastructure system, and community?
A 2 -
Select one of the following:
Has the project team identified the critical functions and dependencies of the infrastructure asset and its primary
B -
C Has the project team identified the threats or hazards to the project and its surroundings? -
Has the project team identified the vulnerabilities of the critical functions and dependencies of the infrastructure
D -
Has the project team evaluated risks by determining the probability of a threat or hazard occurring and the
E -
associated impacts?
Did the risk evaluation conducted by the project include the participation of the owner and a diverse and integrated
F -
team of key stakeholders?
Yes = -
Intent: To support increased project and community resilience through the establishment of clear objectives and goals.
Metric: The degree to which resilience goals expand from initial commitments to quantifiable project objectives, long-term operating plans, and community-
wide development plans.
Applicability: All projects that are exposed to risks would benefit from establishing resilience goals and strategies. It would therefore be difficult to
demonstrate that the credit is not relevant or applicable to a project seeking an Envision award.
A Has the project team identified the project performance goals and risk appetite of the owner? -
B Has the project team developed risk management strategies based on a comprehensive risk evaluation? -
D Is the project part of, or does it support, larger community resilience or climate change adaptation goals? -
Yes = -
Envision Framework_x000D_Pre-Assessment Checklist
Intent: Increase resilience, life-cycle system performance, and the ability to withstand hazards by maximizing durability.
Metric: The degree to which the project incorporates elements that increase durability, the ability to withstand hazards, and extend useful life.
Applicability: All projects that are exposed to risks would benefit from increased resilience. It would therefore be difficult to demonstrate that the credit is not
relevant or applicable to a project seeking an Envision award.
A Has the project team developed resilience goals and strategies based on a comprehensive risk evaluation? -
Has the project team implemented resilience strategies sufficient to address major project risks and improve
B -
project resilience?
Has the project team periodically monitored the implementation of project resilience strategies and reviewed their
C -
continued effectiveness throughout project delivery?
D Will resilience goals and strategies be incorporated into the ongoing operations and maintenance of the project? -
E Does the project include methods for measuring or quantifying resilience performance targets? -
Yes = -
Intent: Enhance the operational relationships and strengthen the functional integration of the project into connected, efficient, and diverse infrastructure
Metric: The degree to which the project is integrated into other connected systems, where beneficial and appropriate, in order to increase resilience and systems
Applicability: It is likely that all infrastructure would, and should, benefit from the application of an integrated systems approach. It would therefore be difficult
to demonstrate that the credit is not relevant or applicable to a project seeking an Envision award.
B Will the infrastructure integration reduce the risk of systemic or cascading failures? -
E Does the project integrate data or monitoring systems in order to improve performance? -
Yes = -