User's Manual: Digital Brush DC Servo Driver
User's Manual: Digital Brush DC Servo Driver
User's Manual: Digital Brush DC Servo Driver
Digital Brush DC Servo Driver
Revision 1.0
©2009 All Rights Reserved
Attention: Please read this manual carefully before using the driver!
Contents Contents
The DCS303 is very easy to tune and all parameters are visible. Handheld and PC Electrical Specifications (Tj = 25℃/77℉)
based tuning tools, including ProTuner (Windows based setup software) and STU
(Small servo tuning unit) can meet different tuning environments or requirements. Parameters
Min. Typical Max. Unit
Features Peak output current 0 - 15 A
Supply voltage +18 +24 +30 VDC
l Input Voltage: 18-30VDC
l Output Current: 3 A (Cont.), 15A (Peak), Power range: 5-90W. Logic signal current 7 10 15 mA
l Based on DSP control technology and high smooth servo control algorithm. Pulse input frequency 0 - 200 kHz
l Handheld and PC based tuning tools, including Pro Tuner and STU. Isolation resistance 500 MΩ
l Feedback resolution ×4 encoder line count. Current provided to encoder 50 mA
l Position Following error lock range adjustable
l Position error can be eliminated to 1 count, and velocity error can be eliminated
DCS303 Digita l DC Servo Dr iver Ma nua l Re v1.0 DCS303 Digita l DC Servo Dr iver Ma nua l Re v1.0
Connector Configuration
General information
The DCS303 has 3 optically isolated logic inputs to accept control signals. These
inputs are isolated to minimize or eliminate electrical noises coupled onto the
control signals. In the following figure, connections to open-collector are illustrated.
ERR signal can be used for error detecting and has the same reference (GND) with
PUL, DIR and ENA signal.
Figure 3: The DCS303 supplies the encoder directly
DCS303 Digita l DC Servo Dr iver Ma nua l Re v1.0 DCS303 Digita l DC Servo Dr iver Ma nua l Re v1.0
DIR+ 200Ω
Two typical connections of the DCS303 are shown as Figure 6. Please consult DIR- R
Encoder DC Servo
Motor Motor-
DC Power
(+18VDC to 30 VDC) GND
R=0 if VCC=5V;
R=1K(Power>0.125W) if VCC=12V;
R=2K(Power>0.125W) if VCC=24V;
R must be connected to control signal terminal.
fluctuation and back EMF voltage generated by motor coils during motor shaft
4. Servo Setup deceleration. The rated voltage of the motor is an important parameter when
selecting supply voltage. Generally speaking, do not use a power supply voltage
Before you start the servo, you can follow the below steps.
more than 5 volts of the rated voltage of the motor. Higher voltage may cause bigger
Install Encoder motor vibration at lower speed, and it may also cause over-voltage protection or
even driver damage.
If your motor has no encoder, you must have an encoder (more than 200 lines)
properly mounted on the motor before you start. And please assemble the encoder Prepare Controller
according to its factory manual. Please use shielded cables and separate encoder
Prepare a controller with pulse and direction signals. However, the DCS303 has a
signal cable from interference sources, such as motor wires and power wires at least
built-in motion controller for self-test and Servo Tuning. The built-in motion
5 cm.
controller can generate control signal with trapezoidal velocity profile.
Prepare Power Supply
System Connections and Noise Prevention
Regulated or Unregulated Power Supply
After finishing the above steps, you can connect your servo system. Before you start,
Both regulated and unregulated power supplies can be used to supply the driver. make sure that the power is off. Connect your system according to connection
However, unregulated power supplies are preferred due to their ability to withstand diagrams before, and pay attention to the following tips when wiring.
current surge. If regulated power supplies (such as most switching supplies.) are
Wire Gauge
indeed used, it is important to have large current output rating to avoid problems
like current clamp, for example using 4A supply for 3A motor-driver operation. On The smaller wire diameter (lower gauge), the higher impedance. Higher impedance
the other hand, if unregulated supply is used, one may use a power supply of lower wire will broadcast more noise than lower impedance wire. Therefore, when
current rating than that of motor (typically 50%~70% of motor current). The reason selecting the wire gauge, it is preferable to select lower gauge (i.e. larger diameter)
is that the driver draws current from the power supply capacitor of the unregulated wire. This recommendation becomes more critical as the cable length increases. Use
supply only during the ON duration of the PWM cycle, but not during the OFF the following table to select the appropriate wire size to use in your application.
duration. Therefore, the average current withdrawn from power supply is
Current (A) Minimum wire size (AWG)
considerably less than motor current. For example, two 3A motors can be well
10 #20
supplied by one power supply of 4A rating.
15 #18
Selecting Supply Voltage 20 #16
The DCS303 can actually operate within +18V to +30VDC, including power input
DCS303 Digita l DC Servo Dr iver Ma nua l Re v1.0 DCS303 Digita l DC Servo Dr iver Ma nua l Re v1.0
Cable Routing ground loops, which are a frequent source of noise. Central point grounding should
also be applied to cable shielding; shields should be open on one end and grounded
All content sensitive signal wires should be routed as far away from motor power
on the other. Close attention should also be given to chassis wires. For example,
wires and driver power wires as possible. Motor power and driver power wires are
motors are typically supplied with a chassis wire. If this chassis wire is connected to
major sources of noise and can easily corrupt a nearby signal. This issue becomes
PE, but the motor chassis itself is attached to the machine frame, which is also
increasingly important with longer motor power and driver power wires lengths.
connected to PE, a ground loop will be created. Wires used for grounding should be
Twisted Wires of a heavy gauge and as short as possible. Unused wiring should also be grounded
when safe to do so since wires left floating can act as large antennas, which
Twisted wires effectively increasing noise immunity. The successive twists eliminate
contribute to EMI.
noise transients along the length of the cable. Both signal cables and power cables
should be of the twisted and shielded type. Differential signal wires should be Power Supply Connection
twisted as a pair. The combination of twisted pair wires and a differential signal
NEVER connect power and ground in the wrong direction, because it will damage
significantly adds to noise immunity. Power wires should be twisted as a group
the DCS303 driver. The distance between the DC power supply of the drive and the
along with the ground (or chassis) wire, if available.
drive itself should be as short as possible since the cable between the two is a source
Cable Shielding of noise. When the power supply lines are longer than 50 cm, a 1000µF/36V
electrolytic capacitor should be connected between the terminal “GND” and the
All signal wires should be bundled and shielded separately from driver power and
terminal “+VDC”. This capacitor stabilizes the voltage supplied to the drive as well
motor power wires. Power wires should also be bundled and shielded. When
as filters noise on the power supply line. Please note that the polarity can not be
grounding a shield, the rule-of-thumb is to do so at the ‘source’ of power while
leaving the other shield end open. For example, in the case of motor power wires,
this would be the drive side. Ideally, twisted pairs should be individually shielded It is recommended to have multiple drivers to share one power supply to reduce cost
and isolated from the outer shield, which encompasses all wires within the cable. if the supply has enough capacity. To avoid cross interference, DO NOT daisy-chain
However, since this type of stringent shielding practice is often not required, typical the power supply input pins of the drivers. Instead, please connect them to power
cables do not provide isolation between inner and outer shields. supply separately.
System Grounding
5. Tuning the servo
Good grounding practices help reduce the majority of noise present in a system. All
common grounds within an isolated system should be tied to PE (protective earth) Testing the servo
through a ‘SINGLE’ low resistance point. Avoiding repetitive links to PE creating
You may wish to secure the motor so it can’t jump off the bench. Turn on the power
DCS303 Digita l DC Servo Dr iver Ma nua l Re v1.0 DCS303 Digita l DC Servo Dr iver Ma nua l Re v1.0
supply, the green (Power) LED will light. The DCS303 has default parameters
stored in the driver. If the system has no hardware and wirings problem, the motor
should be locked and the driver should be ready.
If the motor jumps slightly and the red LED immediately turns on (flickers), then
either the motor or the encoder is wired in reversal. Open the tuning software
ProTuner and check driver status by clicking Err_check. If it’s Phase Error, then
reversal motor wires or exchange encoder inputs and try again. If it’s Encoder
Error, please check encoder and its wirings, and then try again. If it still doesn’t
work after you followed all of the previous steps, please contact us at
Figure 8: Step and impulse responses
If the red LED is off and the motor is normal, then you can start to tune the servo
As mentioned in previous contents, the DCS303 is a digital servo driver and its input
with selected tool. ProTuner, EZ-Tuner and STU are available for the DCS303.
command is PUL/DIR signal. In other words, step response just exists in each step
Tuning the Servo command signal. For each step command signal is a very small movement, so
OVER SHOOT and SETTLING TIME between each step are very small, causing
A servo system is error-driven. The “Gain” of the system determines how hard the
you hardly can see a step response such as Figure 8, even if the SET POINT is a
servo tries to reduce the error. A high-gain system can produce large correcting
very large quantity and the acceleration is very high.
torques when the error is very small. A high gain is required if the output is required
to follow the input faithfully with minimal error. However, if you try to evaluate performances of the digital servo by investigating its
position tracking-error or position following error, you may find it’s much easier
A servo motor and its load both have inertia, which the servo amplifier must
than investigating its step response. The easiest way to get a tracking-error or
accelerate and decelerate while attempting to follow a change at the input. The
position following error response is to induce an impulse load on the motor. See
presence of the inertia will tend to result in over-correction, with the system
Figure 8 at “time 20”.
oscillating beyond either side of its target. It’s called UNDER DAMPED status. See
Figure 13. This oscillation must be damped, but too much damping will cause the Leadshine offer a Windows based setup software ProTuner and a special text
response to be sluggish, namely cause the system to get into an OVER DAMPED monitor EZ-Tuner (optional) to its customers for evaluating servo performances.
state. When we tune a servo, we are trying to achieve the fastest response with little Small servo tuning unit STU (optional) is available too, and it’s for field tuning
or no overshoot, namely get a CRITICALLY DAMPED response. without PC or power supply for the EZ-Tuner.
In order to avoid some fault operations and deviations, PUL, DIR and EN should Over-current Protection
abide by some rules, shown as the following figure:
Protection will be activated when continuous current exceeds 20A, and RED LED
will turn on once within each periodic time (5 s).
Over-voltage Protection
When power supply voltage exceeds 36.5±1.5 VDC, protection will be activated
and RED LED will turn on twice within each periodic time (5 s).
Motor power lines wrong & not connected and encoder feedback signals A/B phases
wrong connected will activate this protection. RED LED will turn on four times
Figure14: Sequence chart of control signals
within each periodic time (5 s).
DCS303 Digita l DC Servo Dr iver Ma nua l Re v1.0 DCS303 Digita l DC Servo Dr iver Ma nua l Re v1.0
Encoder Error Protection 2) Reverse the encoder “Channel A” and “Channel B” leads.
No encoder feedback signals or wrong encoder feedback signals will activate this Maximum Pulse Input Frequency
protection. RED LED will turn on five times within each periodic time (5 s). Maximum Pulse Input Frequency is the highest frequency that the driver can accept.
Position Following Error Protection To convert this frequency to RPM, use the following formula:
When position following error reaches Position Following Error Limit parameter ( Max Pulse Input Frequence) ´ 60 CAM _ numerator
RPM (max) = ´
CAM _ deno min ator
setting in the driver, this protection will be activated. RED LED will turn on seven ( Encoder Line Count ) ´ 4
times within each periodic time (5 s).
Protection Indications
The above warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from: improper or
inadequate handling by customer; improper or inadequate customer wiring;
unauthorized modification or misuse; or operation beyond the electrical
specifications of the product and/or operation beyond environmental specifications
for the product.